Don't know what else to do with

2004-05-31 Thread Don
I have a slight problem with my shiny new copy of
FreeBSDI can't seem to get connected to my
ISPI have read everything I could fid in the FAQs
and manual but haven't managed to find a solution to
my dilema

When I went to install everything worked just fine...I
even installed over FTP...I chose my NIC and did
automatic DHCP configuration. It worked like a
charm... however my extacsy was to be shortlived..

when booting there is a long pause when the dhclient
startsmy guess is it is querying the server for
the dhcp info. however once it comes back up it shows
me as having BROADCAST of and nothing
I have done has enabled me to fix it.

I am running FreeBSD 5.2.1 but have also tried this on
4.10 both with no avail. I don't know what to do. I am
somewhat new to freebsd (I can manage to get myself
aroundcvsup, ports, kernel and the likejust
don't expect me to code...yet ;) )and what I don't how
to do I can generally look around till I find
something that shows me how to accomplish it but I am
at a loss here.

Thanks for any help in advance

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Re: Don't know what else to do with

2004-05-31 Thread Don

--- Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the last entry in /var/db/dhclient.leases ?
> If there's something, does that make sense ?
> Anything dhclient related in /var/log/messages ?
> And how about running dhclient manually in the
> foreground ?
> As root, kill the running dhclient pid first, and
> then start:
> # dhclient -d rl0
> where you should replace "rl0" by your own network
> card.
> Does that tell you something useful?
> Rob.

There was nothing in the /var/db/dhclient.leases and
the only relevant thing I found in the
/var/log/messages was this

May 31 05:02:10  kernel: skc0: <3Com 3C940 Gigabit
Ethernet> port 0xd800-0xd8ff mem 0xe580-0xe5803fff
irq 18 at device 9.0 on pci0
May 31 05:02:10  kernel: skc0: 3Com Gigabit LOM
May 31 05:02:10  kernel: sk0:  on skc0
May 31 05:02:10  kernel: sk0: Ethernet address:
May 31 05:02:10  kernel: e1000phy0:  on miibus0
May 31 05:02:10  kernel: e1000phy0:  10baseT,
10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseTX-FDX,


May 31 05:02:34  dhclient: Can't bind to dhcp address:
Address already in use
May 31 05:02:34  dhclient: Please make sure there is
no other dhcp server
May 31 05:02:34  dhclient: running and that there's no
entry for dhcp or
May 31 05:02:34  dhclient: bootp in /etc/inetd.conf.  
Also make sure you
May 31 05:02:34  dhclient: are not running HP JetAdmin
software, which
May 31 05:02:34  dhclient: includes a bootp server.

so it looks like the kernel is definitely identifying
my NIC correctly (I guessed this seeing how I was able
to install over FTP) but for whatever reason the
dchlient is no longer working

I killed the dhclient pid and reran it...both as just
"dhclient" and "dhclinet -d sk0" both times the
computer would just sit there with nothing messages no nothing (I let them sit
there for 10-15 minutes before I killed it)


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Re: Don't know what else to do with

2004-05-31 Thread Don
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Aloha
> This sounds a whole lot like my DHCP problem. It was
> being 
> discussed on this list earlier last week. I have
> attached my thread for your perusal.
> I have the same ethernet card as you. There is a 
> workaround in the attachment that I am using (I also
> created a script to do it) but if someone comes up 
> with a real fix it would be muck better.
> Read through my attachment and see if you think we 
> have the same problem.
> Robert
Thanks for the helpI killed any open dhclients and
then did the netstartit still wasn't working until
I took a peek at my rc.conf and deleted the hostname
line and made sure ifconfig_sk0="DHCP" and the appends
were deleted...I then rebooted and viola!!! it

HOWEVER lol I now can't seem to get into XIt
worked before I got my NIC working correctly and now
when I startx it gets to the dark grey sceen where the
pointer looks like an "X" and sits there. I'll play
around with it some when I get back from my folks
house but did you have that problem after you got your
NIC working? 

Thanks again for ppinting me to your earlier
conversation. It was a tremendous help


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Re: Don't know what else to do with

2004-05-31 Thread Don
Yes...what I did was completely delete the hostname
line from my /etc/rc.conf and had my

though this does seem somewhat problematic...every now
and then I will boot up and it won't work...then I
just reboot and all of a sudden it works *shrug*

I fogured out what was wrong with starting X and you
will probably have the same problem when you delete
your hostname line from your rc.conf

I googled it and found that a way to fix this problem
isto simply delete the old .Xauthority fileI did
that and now have my network and X back = D there
may be (and probably is) a better way to accomplish
this but this was just one way I found to get it to
work...if someone has a better suggestion on how to do
this I would be more than happy to hear about it = )

Thanks for all your help and good luck with getting
your network to work at boot = )

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Aloha Don
> I am very happy I was able to help. 
> One question for you before I answer yours. I still 
> have to kill dhclient and netstart after a reboot.
> Did you imply that after wiping out the hostname in 
> rc.conf you can reboot and your dhcp is up?
> Now for your question. I have not had any problems
> starting x before or after. I was always redoing the
> /stand/sysinstall to get the dhcp up and then startx
> so that I had a network. Have you checked your
> /etc/hosts for the correct hostname? When I did not 
> have that set properly, I had x complaining, but not
> just
> a grey screen.
> Good Luck
> Robert

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kernel MAKE failed

2002-10-09 Thread Don

can anyone give me some pointers on a failed kernel config
I used the following method on 4.6.0
Run config to generate the kernel source code.

# /usr/sbin/config WEBKERNEL
Change into the build directory.

# cd ../../compile/WEBKERNEL
Compile the kernel.

# make depend
# make

resulted in --snipped the last few lines on screen
umass.o(.text+0x14e7): undefined reference to `xpt_free_path'
umass.o: In function `umass_cam_action':
umass.o(.text+0x1805): undefined reference to `xpt_done'
umass.o(.text+0x1815): undefined reference to `xpt_done'
umass.o: In function `umass_cam_cb':
umass.o(.text+0x1911): undefined reference to `xpt_done'
umass.o: In function `umass_cam_sense_cb':
umass.o(.text+0x1988): undefined reference to `xpt_done'
umass.o(.text+0x1999): undefined reference to `xpt_done'
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/sys/compile/WEBKERNEL

any ideas

WEIRD, i just did the same on an entirely diff box, resulting in the same
error, only diff in 2 systems is processors, 1 is single processor 1ghz, the
other is dual 500mhz, otherwise they are basically the same.

Don Weber

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RE: kernel MAKE faile

2002-10-09 Thread Don

GREAT, thanks for the numerous replies, fast too, my bad, i had failed to
commend out the umass thingy under the usb support, commented that out and
the make and make install went flawlessly. i think i'll wait til morrow to
do the rest tho, its end of day, and i dont care for the reboot not to work
and be stuck here for too much longer, altho on the first system, it is at
home, i will be completing that one this evening. thanks again for the
speedy replies

Don Weber

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a diff kernel MAKE failed

2002-10-11 Thread Don

make install has now failed, claiming permission denied, i found the
solution to that to be setting the kern_secure_level=n being currently
higher than 1 i reset the kerne secure level to ="0" in the rc.conf file,
and upon reboot, noticed that the very last line upon reboot, it had a line
that told me kern_secure_level 0 reset to kern_secure_level='1' and as a
result the make install still would not work, what in the world reset the
kern level to 1 again when it is in the .conf file as 0?


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install.cfg disklabel failure when PXE booting

2004-03-28 Thread Don
I am attempting to set up network installs of FreeBSD 5.2.1 for a project
I am working on.

I can boot kern.flp and mfsroot.flp over the network with no problems and
do a manual install.

I can configure install.cfg to automatically set the distribution, network
card, install method and so on.

What I can not get working right is automatic disk partitioning.

No matter what I have set up, the installer just will not set up
partitions for me.

install.cfg looks like:
# Now set the parameters for the partition editor on ad0

# All sizes are expressed in 512 byte blocks!
ad0s1-1=ufs 199 /
ad0s1-2=swap 6485760 none
ad0s1-3=ufs 2097152 /var
ad0s1-4=ufs 0 /usr
# Let's do it!

Can anyone tell me where I am screwing up? I have tried several variations
on the above config file all without success. There is also the somewhat
related problem of sysinstall refusing to accept the BIOS definition of
the drive geometry but I believe I was able to get beyond that problem.

Thanks in advance,
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Custom kernel for PXE / cdrom installation

2004-03-30 Thread Don
Related to a problem I had earlier:

I am trying to set up a network installation of FreeBSD. I have a couple
of other problems with this process but one of the most stubborn is
getting a custom kernel to boot.

If I take kernel.gz and mfsroot.gz from the boot floppies and put those in
the NFS share for the PXE boot then the isntallation proceeds correctly
through the normal boot floppy sequence.

I want to avoid being prompted for a driver disk and things like that so I
want to be able to boot my own kernel. I have taken a kernel from an
identical system, copied it to the NFS share, and then copied my modules
to the mfsroot image. Even though I do not use the modules I figured I
would stick them in the mfsroot just to be sure.

When I attempt to boot the new kernel I get errors about being unable to
load each module, and the kernel ends up hanging.

I have tried using my own kernel with the stock modules directory and I
have made sure to compile in everything I can think of in the kernel.

Can anyone shed some light on the kernel options required for a PXE boot
image or why I am getting module loading errors?

Thanks in advance,
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5.2.1 sysinstall disk geometry problem

2004-03-30 Thread Don
Ok last problem I am having:

When scripting sysinstall, it still halts with an error about my disk
geometry. The problem is, even if I specify the geometry that FreeBSD
wants to use by setting the geometry= variable, I still get the error.

Everything else in sysinstall is being scripted correctly. The only
problems I am having are disk related. Can anyone shed any light on this


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sysinstall "Unable to find device node..."

2004-03-30 Thread Don
Using an install.cfg with sysinstall off the boot floppies I am getting
the following error:

"Unable to find device node for /dev/ad0s1b in /dev!"
"The creation of filesystems will be aborted"

This only happens if I specify the file systems and sizes I want in
install.cfg and tell it to do an installCommit or a diskLabelCommit.

If I go into the disklabel editor after the install fails, I see the root
partition and the swap partition but not my /usr or /var partitions.

The debug screen says:
"Scanning disk ad0 for swap partitions"
"Found swapdev at ad0s1b!"

It would appear that the swap device is there, and being found, but for
some reason sysinstall is erroring out and I do not know why.

This is only a problem when running it from install.cfg

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5.2.1-R sysinstall NFS install failure

2004-03-30 Thread Don
Ok this is the last question I promise...

I am attempting to install FreeBSD via NFS. I keep getting an error from
sysinstall saying:
"Error mounting on /dist: No such
file or directory"

I can mount on other systems within
the network. The pxeboot loader is also pulling /kernel from an NFS mount
on this server.

Does anyone know why this might not be working?

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Re: compiling kernel :(

2004-03-30 Thread Don
> whenever i try to run it i get an error and a question wheter i have added
> USER_LDT option to my kernel
> which brings me to my current problem
> whenever i attempt to compile my kernel i get this after a while :
The answer to your question is in the file you sent:

> umass.o:/usr/src/sys/dev/usb/umass.c:2683: more undefined references to
> `xpt_done' follow

> deviceumass   # Disks/Mass storage - Requires scbus and da

You have defined umass but the driver specifically says it requires scbus
and da which you have not defined.

The same is true of your network cards. You have defined ethernet cards
whcih require the miibus and yet you have not defined the miibus device in
your config file.

The answers are there but you need to sit down and actually read the
kernel config file. If you randomly delete or include options without
reading them then the kernel is not going to compile.

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Re: Bootup stalls on "Initial i386 initialization"

2004-03-31 Thread Don
>   I have a server that stalls during bootup for about 5 minutes. It shows
> Starting sshd
> and then stalls, If I press Ctrl C to cancel whatever it is that is stalling,
> it shows
Stalls during boot are often the result of DNS timeouts. Do you have a DNS
server defined in /etc/resolve.conf and if so is it accessible?

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Re: kernel configuration

2004-03-31 Thread Don
> o According to LINT the CONF_FLAGS "inhibit use of non-optimal function"
> does this mean that my kernel will be "optimized"?
If you don't know what a kernel variable or flag does, then don't use it.
FreeBSD performs really well without configuring every last option.

> o I increased the process limits to MAXDSIZ="(1024 * 1024 * 1024)" and
> DFLDSIZ="(1024 * 1024 * 1024)". For an old PC like mine, is this a good
> idea? I mostly use my computer for programming. However, I'd also like
> it to be quite responsive at times. Any ideas?
> o PQ_CACHESIZE, what is it? what difference does it make if i set it to 512 and not 
> 256?
Don't bother setting either of these options. The defaults that the kernel
uses are based on your available memory and are good starting points.

> applicable to my CPU?

> o USER_LDT, what is this? is it good or bad?
This allows user level control of the LDT (Local descriptor table or some
such). This is needed by some programs.

> for kernel debugging, am I right? I also read in LINT that it will make
> my kernel size larger. Does large kernels means worse performance? Do I
> really need to debug my kernel?
It will make a slightly larger kernel and it will be slightly slower.
Disable these options unless you intend on doing debugging.

> o PERFMON, do I need it? does it improve performance?
Up to you. Not directly.

> running X, and according to handbook, UCONSOLE is good for something.
> What about the rest? Why do they have comments like "XXX - don't belong
> here" in LINT. Are they not suppose to be used?
UCONSOLE allows the user to grab the console. The other two options are

Most of these options are described on the web or in the FreeBSD handbook.

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Re: 5.2.1 sysinstall disk geometry problem

2004-03-31 Thread Don
> the very same happened to me with a maxtor hard drive
> and it happened to be a bad cable
> check jumper settings, cables, controlers etc
It wasn't a jumper problem as it happened with a number of hard disks. I
simply commented out the code in sysinstall that generated the error and
supplied the geometry through the geometry directive in install.cfg.

I was also calling diskPartitionEditor and diskPartitionWrite.

If I just called diskPartitionEditor and left the rest for install commit
most of the other problems I was having went away.

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Re: 5.2.1-R sysinstall NFS install failure

2004-03-31 Thread Don
> "Error mounting on /dist: No such
> file or directory"
> I can mount on other systems within
> the network. The pxeboot loader is also pulling /kernel from an NFS mount
> on this server.
As usual this was my own stupidity. NFS is a kernel module on the boot
floppies and the module is on the drivers floppy and not the mfsroot
floppy. rsync'd the NFS modules over and the NFS install worked

I think the above error is just _slightly_ misleading for a missing kernel
module but perhaps that is just me :)

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Re: 5.2.1 sysinstall disk geometry problem

2004-03-31 Thread Don
> > When scripting sysinstall, it still halts with an
> > error about my disk
> > geometry. The problem is, even if I specify the
> > geometry that FreeBSD
> > wants to use by setting the geometry= variable, I
> > still get the error.
> Even when you use the exact values your BIOS thinks it is?
I am pretty sure it was still happening even then. Unfortunately, I had
several other minor problems and it was easy enough to hack sysinstall so
I did not bother to really check. If I have some time I will go back and
look into it again.

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Re: Mail command

2004-03-31 Thread Don
> Just lately ive noticed my mail command via putty no longer works an ls shows
> tape# ls -l /usr/bin/mail
> -r-xr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  0 Mar 20 15:34 /usr/bin/mail
> Which to me looks ok ive no idea how to fix the file as im quite new to
> freebsd
A zero size mail command looks ok to you?

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Re: Mail command

2004-03-31 Thread Don
> > Just lately ive noticed my mail command via putty no longer works an ls shows
> > tape# ls -l /usr/bin/mail
> > -r-xr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  0 Mar 20 15:34 /usr/bin/mail
> > Which to me looks ok ive no idea how to fix the file as im quite new to
> > freebsd
> A zero size mail command looks ok to you?
I suppose it would help if I mentioned how to fix it.

If you want to fix this, you will want to either copy the command from an
identical working system, or go into /usr/src/usr.bin/mail and type "make
&& make install"

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Re: help with /cdrom

2004-03-31 Thread Don
> When i go in the xterm shell i type in /cdrom so it mounts the freebsd
> disk so i can  continue on installing my ports, but instead it says
> permission denied.
Typing /cdrom will not mount the cdrom, nor should it.

You may want to try:
mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/acd0 /cdrom

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Re: File system error

2004-03-31 Thread Don
> # df -h
> FilesystemSize   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/da0s1a   288M72M   193M27%/
> /dev/da0s1f15G13G   535M96%/usr
> /dev/da0s1e   288M97M   168M37%/var
> procfs4.0K   4.0K 0B   100%/proc
> # du -h /usr
> ...
> 6.4G/usr
> I have deleted some files but it does not restore the used disk.
> Does anybody have an idea?
Type "sync"

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PXE Boot kernel problems

2004-03-31 Thread Don
A heads up in case this happens to anyone else:

Several custom kernels that I compiled to use with PXE network installs
kept causing kernel panics.

Removing "options SOFTUPDATES" from the kernel config allowed the kernel
to boot correctly without any problems.

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sysinstall install.cfg disk unmount failure

2004-03-31 Thread Don
I've scripted sysinstall to do a complete system installation, compiled a
custom PXE kernel and mfsroot image, and gotten almost all of my disk
issues straightened out.

My last issue is this:
After the system installation completes and the system reboots, I get
errors about the file systems not being unmounted cleanly.

If I remove "shutdown" from the end of my install.cfg script and replace
it with "command=/sbin/reboot \ system" then I get an error in sysinstall
about system command failing but the system reboots and the file systems
are clean.

Does anyone have any ideas where I might be screwing up this time?

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Re: Problem with mod_php4-4.3.5_7,1 (Signal 11)

2004-04-02 Thread Don
> I'm hoping someone can help me, I've just upgraded a server to
> mod_php4-4.3.5_7,1, running with abcache-0.14 and over
> apache+mod_ssl-1.3.29+2.8.16_1.
> The problem is that it crashes with signal 11, I found this on the server's
> dmesg output:
> pid 1263 (httpd), uid 80: exited on signal 11
> pid 17611 (httpd), uid 80: exited on signal 11
> On the error log I found this:
> [Thu Apr  1 16:52:35 2004] [notice] child pid 17611 exit signal Segmentation
> fault (11)
> This is after running for 24 hours. Has anybody else experienced something
> similar?
I had the same problem. The current version of PHP in the ports tree was
crashing the current version of Apache with a sig 11. The slightly older
packages were not affected and the problem seemed to exist whether I used
Apache-13+mod_ssl or just plain Apache.

I ended up using the packages because the problem wasn't critical. What
needs to be done is to look at the core dump and figure out what is going

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Re: 5.2 Help

2004-04-02 Thread Don
> Gee, I have made a lot of bootable floppies - we used to distribute
> our system on floppy+DAT tape - and had to format all of the floppies
> in order to write boot images to them.   Sometimes we even had to reformat
> floppies that were preformatted from the vendor.
If you choose to waste your time formatting the disks that is your
perogative :)

> And double Gee, I just read through the piece on preparing the media
> from the handbook section you just posted and golly if it doesn't say
> to format the floppies yourself.   So, what sup with your post?
> 2.  Prepare the Floppy Disks
>You must prepare one floppy disk per image file you had to download. It is
>imperative that these disks are free from defects. The easiest way to test
>this is to format the disks for yourself. Do not trust pre-formatted
>floppies. The format utility in Windows will not tell about the presence
>of bad blocks, it simply marks them as ``bad'' and ignores them. It is
>advised that you use brand new floppies if choosing this installation route.
>  ...etc...
Gee golly whiz Wally! If you had bothered to read the section you quoted
you would see that the _ONLY_ reason you are told to format the floppy is
to test it to make sure it is free of defects. rawrite dumps a raw disk
image to the floppy and could care less what format is on the disk when
you run it.

The original poster seemed to be under the impression that you formatted
the disk and them copied kern.flp onto the disk. This is obviously a

Moreover, a floppy disk has a _raw_ capacity of 1.44 MB. Even if you don't
copy the system files to the floppy disk you will lose space on the disk
simply by formatting it because the file system itself uses up disk space.

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Re: signal 6 meaning?

2004-04-05 Thread Don
> What's signal 6?

> Where can i rtfm on signals?
man signal

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Re: Freebsd as a web server

2004-04-06 Thread Don
> install freebsd
> install the ports
> install the webserver from the ports
You may find it easier to simply install the Apache package (by selecting
Configure -> Packages during the isntall).

Although the ports tree is more flexible and current, sometimes the
overhead of compiling a package from source code is not worth the trouble.
This depends entirely on what you want to use it for.

Even if you decide to use packages for now, you must learn to use
the ports tree eventually. Some somftware is only available through ports
and custom configurations are only available by using the ports tree.

> install the ftp server from the ports
FreeBSD ships with an FTP server in the base system.

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Re: 5.2 to 5.greater

2004-04-06 Thread Don
> using cvsup you can download the latest cvs branches from freebsd
> and then update it from time to time or when security demands it ( a
> must do ! :-) )
> you can find it in /usr/ports/net/csvsup(-without-gui)
If there is one program I would recommend you _NOT_ install from the
ports tree then cvsup(without-gui) is it.

Install the cvsup package (binary) and update your system. If you install
it from the ports tree then you will spend quite some time installing
dependencies. When you get done you will end up having installed cvsup
as well as modula-3 and a ton of other packages you probably do not want.

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DHClient with Multiple ip's

2003-08-22 Thread Don
I am attempting to have dhclient grab two ip's from comcast.  I already 
have them allowing me two ip's for my account and dhclient is working so 
far grabbing the one ip.  I know I have to set up the dhclient.conf with 
the pseudo section, but I am lost as what to do with the 
dhclient-script.  It has to be different as to not drop the main interface 
ip configuration, but everything I do seems to just assign the same ip to 
the iface twice.   Does it have to alias the second ip?  Are there any 
suggestions you can give me?

 FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE-p13 #22
Thank you for any help you can give,


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User IDs

2013-01-07 Thread Don Dugger
Hi All,

Looking for advice.

I have had between 3 - 9 boxes on a small home business network. This
network has been in place for 12+ years. On occasions there's a Linux box
however I am trying to use PC-BSD instead. The non-FreeBSD boxes are used
for office and
general work the FreeBSD boxes are for development.

The question is about dealing with adding users. I been using NIS for a
while now it works ok however I've had to keep good notes on how to do
thing mainly because I don't add user or boxes very often. I'm a software
engineer not a system admin so I not clean on what the best way to deal
with things like this. The problem is when I added a PC-BSD box and added a
user with the GUI admin stuff provided it did not let me specify the user
id so now the users file that are on the nfs mounted drives user id's don't
match. I can login as root and use chpass and change the user ids but then
I must go through add they files on the new box change uids and gids.

Question is there an easier way??

Thx in advance...

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Re: User IDs

2013-01-07 Thread Don Dugger
>On Mon, 7 Jan 2013 11:49:48 -0800, Don Dugger wrote:
>> The question is about dealing with adding users. I been using NIS for a
>> while now it works ok however I've had to keep good notes on how to do
>> thing mainly because I don't add user or boxes very often. I'm a software
>> engineer not a system admin so I not clean on what the best way to deal
>> with things like this. The problem is when I added a PC-BSD box and
added a
>> user with the GUI admin stuff provided it did not let me specify the user
>> id so now the users file that are on the nfs mounted drives user id's
>> match. I can login as root and use chpass and change the user ids but
>> I must go through add they files on the new box change uids and gids.
>> Question is there an easier way??

>If the GUI tool of PC-BSD doesn't cover the specific need you
>have, use the CLI equivalent. If you need an interactive way
>of adding users, use "adduser", and if you have some time,
>read "man pw" and use "pw useradd" (and maybe "pw usermod")
>which will cover nearly all imaginable cases.

>The advantage of pw is that you can easily script and automate
>things. If urgently needed, you could create a GUI wrapper
>with Tcl/Tk, but you'll probably find that the CLI tool is
>much easier to use.

Ya I tried that the problem is adduser doesn't set the users home directory
up for the for PC-BSD system. (KDE)

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zfs configuration

2013-01-21 Thread Don Dugger
Hi All,

So I use zfs for the root file system. Works well. However now I want to
move /tmp to ram-disk (memory disk or what ever). When I try to unmount
/tmp with the zfs command of course it won't because its busy. With ufs I
would just edit fstab and reboot what do I don with zfs??

Thx in advance...

Don 8(
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Problems with IPFW causing failed DNS and FTP sessions

2013-03-31 Thread Don O'Neil
Hi everyone. recently my server started having issues with DNS and FTP
sessions either not resolving or timing out. I've tracked the issue down to
IPFW. if I issue a 'sysctl net.inet.ip.fw.enable=0' then my issues go away.


I have the basic rules like this for dns;


01160 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53 in keep-state

01161 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53 in keep-state

01162 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53 out keep-state

01163 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53 out keep-state


When I try an nslookup sometimes they fail, sometimes they get through, even
if I change my DNS server to google, my ISP, or even OpenDNS. the firewall
seems to be causing the issue.


I have about 65 rules in all.


Any ideas what could be causing this? My server load is low, usually
hovering around .2 


How can I look at the actual amount of traffic that the IPFW module is
processing and track down potential performance issues? My server isn't
pushing much data, only around 4-5 Mbps sustained.





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Problems with IPFW causing failed DNS and FTP sessions

2013-03-31 Thread Don O'Neil
Hi everyone. recently my server started having issues with DNS and FTP
sessions either not resolving or timing out. I've tracked the issue down to
IPFW. if I issue a 'sysctl net.inet.ip.fw.enable=0' then my issues go away.


I have the basic rules like this for dns;


01160 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53 in keep-state

01161 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53 in keep-state

01162 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53 out keep-state

01163 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53 out keep-state


When I try an nslookup sometimes they fail, sometimes they get through, even
if I change my DNS server to google, my ISP, or even OpenDNS. the firewall
seems to be causing the issue.


I have about 65 rules in all.


Any ideas what could be causing this? My server load is low, usually
hovering around .2 


How can I look at the actual amount of traffic that the IPFW module is
processing and track down potential performance issues? My server isn't
pushing much data, only around 4-5 Mbps sustained.





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RE: Problems with IPFW causing failed DNS and FTP sessions

2013-03-31 Thread Don O'Neil
Thanks for the response... here's my full rullset:

# ipfw list
00100 check-state
00101 allow tcp from any to any established
00102 allow ip from any to any out keep-state
00103 allow icmp from any to any
00201 allow ip from any to any via lo0
00202 allow ip from any to
00203 allow ip from to any
00204 deny tcp from any to any frag
00301 deny log logamount 50 ip from any to any ipoptions rr
00302 deny log logamount 50 ip from any to any ipoptions ts
00303 deny log logamount 50 ip from any to any ipoptions lsrr
00304 deny log logamount 50 ip from any to any ipoptions ssrr
00305 deny log logamount 50 tcp from any to any tcpflags syn,fin
00306 deny log logamount 50 tcp from any to any tcpflags syn,rst
01110 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 20 in
0 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 20 out
01112 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 21 in
01113 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 21 out
01114 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 990 in
01115 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 990 out
01116 allow udp from any to any dst-port 990 in
01117 allow udp from any to any dst-port 990 out
01118 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 989 in
01119 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 989 out
01120 allow udp from any to any dst-port 989 in
01121 allow udp from any to any dst-port 989 out
01122 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 1024-65000 keep-state
01125 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 22 in
01126 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 22 out
01130 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 25 in
01131 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 25 out
01132 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 587 in
01133 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 587 out
01134 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 2525 in
01135 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 2525 out
01140 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 110 in
01141 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 110 out
01142 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 995 in
01143 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 995 out
01144 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 2110 in
01145 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 2110 out
01150 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 143 in
01151 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 143 out
01152 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 993 in
01153 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 993 out
01160 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53 in keep-state
01161 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53 in keep-state
01162 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53 out keep-state
01163 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53 out keep-state
01170 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 80 in
01171 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 80 out
01172 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 443 in
01172 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 443 out
01180 allow tcp from any to any dst-port  in
01181 allow tcp from any to any dst-port  out
65535 deny ip from any to any

I've tried these rules;

01160 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53 in 
01161 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53 in 
01162 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53 out
01163 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53 out

Without the keep-state option, and the problem is still persisting...

The weird thing is that I've run these rules for a number of years without
any issues until just recently. I've checked my interface stats to make sure
there aren't a bunch of fragmented packets or errors, and there aren't. I'm
not running NAT, it's a publically accessible IP address.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Sierchio [] 
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2013 8:58 PM
To: Don O'Neil
Subject: Re: Problems with IPFW causing failed DNS and FTP sessions

It would be really helpful if you'd post the ruleset.

At first glance, your stateful rules seem rather wrong, unless there's a
check-state above.  Also, in and out aren't discriminating enough - every
packet is seen by the ruleset more than once.  You should think in terms of
interfaces, direction, etc.

Are you doing NAT?  Stateful rules with NAT are indeed possible, but subtle.

Your problem has nothing to do with server load, and probably everything to
do with not-terribly-well-conceived ruleset.  Please post yours here.

- M

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 8:34 PM, Don O'Neil  wrote:
> Hi everyone. recently my server started having issues with DNS and FTP 
> sessions either not resolving or timing out. I've tracked the issue 
> down to IPFW. if I issue a 'sysctl net.inet.ip.fw.enable=0' then my issues
go away.
> I have the basic rules like this for dns;
> 01160 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53 in keep-state
> 01161 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53 in keep-state
> 01162 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53 out keep-state
> 01163 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53 out keep-state
> When I try an nslookup sometimes they fail, sometimes they get 
> through, even if I change my DNS serv

RE: Problems with IPFW causing failed DNS and FTP sessions

2013-04-01 Thread Don O'Neil
Well I tried changing them to various numbers up to 180 from 1 and 5
respectively and that didn't help.

Anyone else get around all this DNS mess with timeouts? It's causing my mail
server to throw errors; host lookup did not complete and not deliver mail.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Michael Sierchio
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2013 10:04 PM
To: Don O'Neil
Subject: Re: Problems with IPFW causing failed DNS and FTP sessions

net.inet.ip.fw.dyn_short_lifetime ?
net.inet.ip.fw.dyn_udp_lifetime ?

You might want to increase these, given the current state of things...
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RE: Problems with IPFW causing failed DNS and FTP sessions

2013-04-01 Thread Don O'Neil
My DNS config is pretty generic. I did try putting in the options to stop
recursive lookups, but all that did was cause even more failures (permission
denied lookups, etc...), so I removed that.

Here's my basic config;

options {
directory   "/etc/namedb";
dump-file   "/var/dump/named_dump.db";
statistics-file "/var/stats/named.stats";


zone "." {
type hint;
file "named.root";

I'm not sure the problem is specific to named, but something more systemic
with IPFW like I said, FTP sessions are timing out as well, and when I
turn off IPFW that fixes that problem too.

Is there any way to monitor what IPFW is dropping, by some sort of counters
rather than logging everything, and see what's going on internally to IPFW?


-Original Message-
From: Michael Sierchio [] 
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 7:23 AM
To: Don O'Neil
Subject: Re: Problems with IPFW causing failed DNS and FTP sessions

Okay, what's your DNS setup?  Are you running a recursive cache that
contacts the root servers directly?  Using your ISP's servers?  Etc.

As a mitigation step, I tried pointing my caches to and - but it turns out that Google is intentionally blocking
(returning NX responses to) many netblocks right now because they
contain hosts known to be part of the botnet in the DDOS DNS
amplification attack.

I'm mirroring the root zone everywhere I have a cache, and it's helping.

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Problem making software distros

2013-04-07 Thread Don O'Neil
I've got an older FreeBSD 6.1 install that will no longer allow me to build
any software distributions. Any time I try to do a 'configure', the
configure seems to run fine, then I get a "config.status: error: cannot find
input file:". This has happened on several packages from several different


Any ideas as to what could be causing this? Is one of my binaries make
corrupted possibly?



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Amazon VPC instances

2013-04-09 Thread Don O'Neil
Has anyone used Colin Percival's FreeBSD builds for Amazon EC2 to build an
Amazon VPC instance? If so, does it support multiple network interfaces or
aliases with multiple IP's so that I can run multiple SSL certs on the same



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RE: Amazon VPC instances

2013-04-10 Thread Don O'Neil
Thanks for the info... it looks like Apache supports, does anyone out there
have first hand experience of using it? What issues, if any does this pose
with email services like Dovecot or Exim and providing SSL authentication?

What about anonymous FTP? Don't I need multiple IP's for multiple anonymous
FTP sites?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sean DuBois
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 8:35 PM
To: Don O'Neil
Subject: Re: Amazon VPC instances

I don't know about FreeBSD + EC2, but you may be interested to know that you
can use multiple SSL certificates with one IP address! So you can have
multiple vhosts/server blocks with different certificates on one host.

On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 06:20:29PM -0700, Don O'Neil wrote:
> Has anyone used Colin Percival's FreeBSD builds for Amazon EC2 to 
> build an Amazon VPC instance? If so, does it support multiple network 
> interfaces or aliases with multiple IP's so that I can run multiple 
> SSL certs on the same instance?
> Thanks!
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RE: EC2 Instances Future

2013-04-10 Thread Don O'Neil
Have you made any AMI's based on this method? I would love to deploy a
medium or large instance that isn't subject to the 'tax', but don't really
know where to start to build one like this. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Michael Sierchio
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 1:05 PM
To: jflowers
Subject: Re: EC2 Instances Future

I still follow Colin's original pattern of using a minimal "Linux"
grub boot EBS device (1GB), ext2fs, with the root partition being on another
(ufs2) EBS device.  This works very well, with a couple of caveats -

- Install e2fsprogs (pkg or port) - you will need it, on occasion when
modifying the boot device (after mounting rw).

- Kernel upgrades are tricky, so be careful

- Edit /etc/freebsd-update.conf intelligently to prevent unintended

Apart from that, I have been running i386 and amd64 instances this way, both
8.3 and 9.1, without difficulty (apart from some Xen clock weirdness in

No Windoze Tax. ;-)

- M

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 10:05 AM, jflowers  wrote:
> Is there anything likely to be available in the future (3 months to a 
> year) to avoid the Windows tax on FreeBSD instances for the smaller 
> (t1.micro, m1.small, m1.medium) types?  I understand the problem but 
> don't find anything much online about a possible solution.  Probably 
> because I don't understand as much as I think.
> Thanks.
> --
> Jim Flowers 
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RE: EC2 Instances Future

2013-04-11 Thread Don O'Neil
I personally need medium and large instances, but I would think others might
need the tiny and small as well. Colin has published his for the cluster
compute models, so I don't think there is need for that.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Michael Sierchio
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 7:44 AM
To: Don O'Neil
Subject: Re: EC2 Instances Future

I have constructed several AMIs.  If I get a sense for which flavor of
instance/OS combos are of interest, I can roll a few and make them

- M

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 8:25 PM, Don O'Neil  wrote:
> Have you made any AMI's based on this method? I would love to deploy a 
> medium or large instance that isn't subject to the 'tax', but don't 
> really know where to start to build one like this.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Michael 
> Sierchio
> Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 1:05 PM
> To: jflowers
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: EC2 Instances Future
> I still follow Colin's original pattern of using a minimal "Linux"
> grub boot EBS device (1GB), ext2fs, with the root partition being on 
> another
> (ufs2) EBS device.  This works very well, with a couple of caveats -
> - Install e2fsprogs (pkg or port) - you will need it, on occasion when 
> modifying the boot device (after mounting rw).
> - Kernel upgrades are tricky, so be careful
> - Edit /etc/freebsd-update.conf intelligently to prevent unintended 
> consequences
> Apart from that, I have been running i386 and amd64 instances this 
> way, both
> 8.3 and 9.1, without difficulty (apart from some Xen clock weirdness 
> in 8.3).
> No Windoze Tax. ;-)
> - M
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 10:05 AM, jflowers  wrote:
>> Is there anything likely to be available in the future (3 months to a
>> year) to avoid the Windows tax on FreeBSD instances for the smaller 
>> (t1.micro, m1.small, m1.medium) types?  I understand the problem but 
>> don't find anything much online about a possible solution.  Probably 
>> because I don't understand as much as I think.
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Jim Flowers 
>> ___
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> ""
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Re: no flames, please.

2005-03-11 Thread Don Tyson
I am running XandrOS Linux on an old Digital PC box. It is almost
scarily Windows-like, but installs in a snap and, if you buy the 
full edition, comes with Crossover Office for all the Windows
applications you can't wait to run. On another test box (a Dell), MS Office
ran just fine under XandrOS Linux and Crossover Office.

It updates just like Windows Update (which is good or bad, depending
on your point of view).


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Re: no flames, please.

2005-03-11 Thread Don Tyson
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2005 at 05:49:24PM -0500, Don Tyson wrote:
> > I am running XandrOS Linux on an old Digital PC box. It is almost
> > scarily Windows-like, but installs in a snap and, if you buy the 
> > full edition, comes with Crossover Office for all the Windows
> > applications you can't wait to run. On another test box (a Dell), MS Office
> > ran just fine under XandrOS Linux and Crossover Office.
> > 
> > It updates just like Windows Update (which is good or bad, depending
> > on your point of view).
> > 
>   Or maybe you mean: All the Windows apps you can't wait to
>   have crash and burn!!  Can you run this flavor of Linux
>   and dual-boot FBSD?  About the *only* thing I want to use
>   Win for is the billions and billions of CD apps.  Like 
>   French, and "make your own greeting cards" and maybe a 
>   few classic card/board games.  
>   gary
>   PS:  When did DEC ever have a PeeCee?  I remember their 
>   11/* machines fondly; the next thing I knew they got
>   bought out by a PC firm.  

It's a Digital 5000 with a PII. As for Windows apps, I understand that
the simpler they are the better they run; I've tried Quicken and
Windows Media Player with no problems; MS Office
won't load on this box, although it ran on the Dell.

I understand Crossover Office is simply a
tweaked version of Wine. XandrOS has a list of Windows stuff they've
tested.  Their X desktop is a slimmed-down version of KDE. 

I haven't dual-booted this particular Linux, but I don't know why you
couldn't. You don't need a Windows OS to use Crossover Office; it will
create its own fake C: drive when installed. It comes with Lilo and
maybe Grub, I think, but you can always use the FreeBSD boot manager as well.

For what it's worth, Digital 5000s are available, or were last year,
on eBay for around $30; without hard drives. Shipping was about double

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Re: no flames, please.

2005-03-12 Thread Don Tyson
> Don Tyson wrote:
> >I am running XandrOS Linux on an old Digital PC box. It is almost
> >scarily Windows-like, but installs in a snap and, if you buy the 
> >full edition, comes with Crossover Office for all the Windows
> >applications you can't wait to run. On another test box (a Dell), MS Office
> >ran just fine under XandrOS Linux and Crossover Office.
> >  
> >
> That's cool, but isn't it an, um, offense or, um, whatever to that 
> lon^H^Hittle
> * Umm, woops!  "End User License Agreement", I see now it sez

Yes, you must have a licensed copy of MS Office to install it. You do
not need a copy of the Windows OS itself.

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Re: Stop in subversion-perl

2005-11-05 Thread Don Hinton
Hi Gerard:

On Saturday 05 November 2005 13:57, Gerard Seibert wrote:
> I am sure that someone else has all ready asked this question, but I have
> not come across it.
> When trying to build 'subversion-perl', I receive this error message:
> //Start error message Snippet//
> /usr/local/bin/swig -noproxy -nopm -perl
> -I../../../../../subversion/bindings/sw
> ig -I../../../../../subversion/bindings/swig/perl/libsvn_swig_perl
> -I../../../..
> /../subversion/include -I/usr/local/include/apr-1  -o core.c
> ../../../../../subv
> ersion/bindings/swig/core.i
> /usr/local/include/apr-1/apr.h:389: Error: no decision has been made on
> _MAX for your platform
> *** Error code 1

Since the swig preprocessor doesn't load all the system headers, unless you 
pass -includeall, it has not way to know that they system defined PATH_MAX, 
i.e., it doesn't load limits.h, et al. 

I'm not sure what the right fix would be, but you can edit apr.i and add 
#define PATH_MAX 1024, or whatever it's supposed to be on your system, just 
before %include apr.h.  

apr.i can be found here:


As for the correct value, this is what I get:

$ cpp -dM /usr/local/include/apr-1/apr.h |grep PATH_MAX
#define _XOPEN_PATH_MAX 1024
#define _POSIX_PATH_MAX 256
#define PATH_MAX 1024

So 1024 looks right...


btw, I don't like the new logo either...

> Stop in
> /usr/ports/devel/subversion-perl/work/subversion-1.2.3/subversion/bindin
> gs/swig/perl/native.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/devel/subversion-perl/work/subversion-1.2.3.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/devel/subversion-perl.
> //end error message snippet//
> What can I do to alleviate this situation?

Don Hinton 615.480.5667
ISIS, Vanderbilt University

Description: PGP signature

install freebsd with usb keyboard

2005-12-02 Thread Don LoCrasto

I'm trying to install 5.4 with a usb keyboard.  I saw the suggestion below on, however the keyboard doesn't work to allow me to select option 7.
Any suggestions?


***During the boot process* before you ever get to sysinstall, when the 
daemon shows up on the screen and you're given a menu with several options, 
if you look closely, option seven (7) must be chosen to use a usb keyboard 
**during the install**.

If you're waiting until the sysinstall appears, that's way too late.  You 
need to chose option 7 before the kernel even loads, almost immediately 
after the system boots.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.362 / Virus Database: 267.13.11/191 - Release Date: 12/2/2005

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Re: httpd_flags="-DSSL"?

2005-12-18 Thread Don Hinton
Hi Jeff:

On Sunday 18 December 2005 21:03, Jeff D. Hamann wrote:
> I've searched plenty looking for the proper method to get apache2 to start
> up at boot time with little success. I've tried the various combinations of
> httpd_flags/apache2_flags/apache_flags= to my rc.conf file to no avail:
> bobby# cat rc.conf
> blah, blah, blah...
> apache_enable="YES"
> httpd_flags="-DSSL"
> blah, blah, blah...
> bobby#
> What's the trick? I've fixed the cert file to not require the dialog on
> startup and have been able to start apache2 using the command:
> /usr/local/sbin/apachectl startssl
> and then it starts without the dialog.
> Ideas?

Make sure your file exists and is executable, you probably need to 
rename if from (or something like that), e.g.:


Also, it will contain the flags you need to set in rc.conf.


> Jeff.
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Re: what's an equivalent for the following Perl one-liner?

2005-12-22 Thread Don Hinton
On Thursday 22 December 2005 13:52, Mikhail Teterin wrote:
> > Try col(1) or tr(1) to remove the carriage return and then sed to remove
> > the spaces.
> Well, yes, but that's a two-stage process. A shame to go through the whole
> file twice just because our tools aren't good enough.

How about this:

sed 's/ *[[:cntrl:]]$//' 

>   -mi
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Re: BSD Question's.

2005-12-24 Thread Don Hinton
Hi Danial:

On Saturday 24 December 2005 10:44, Danial Thom wrote:
> --- Miguel Saturnino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, 2005-12-24 at 07:34 -0800, Danial Thom
> >
> > wrote:
> > > --- "Michael C. Shultz"
> >
> >
> > > wrote:
> > > > On Saturday 24 December 2005 06:54, Daniel
> >
> > A.
> >
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > Hi Andy,
> > > > >
> > > > > I am sorry for the trouble you have had
> >
> > with
> >
> > > > Windows XP.
> > > >
> > > > > I suggest that you use Linux, as FreeBSD
> > > >
> > > > really is not targeted at
> > > >
> > > > > people who want to use graphical user
> > > >
> > > > interfaces.
> > > >
> > > > In a few key areas FreeBSD is a better
> >
> > desktop
> >
> > > > OS than Linux:  Easier to keep
> > > > the kernel/world and installed ports up to
> >
> > date
> >
> > > > for example without having
> > > > to resort to the microsoft/Linux fixall
> >
> > method
> >
> > > > of removing and reinstalling
> > > > everything every now and again.  Your
> >
> > opinion
> >
> > > > is correct IMO that FreeBSD
> > > > managers put most emphasis on FreeBSD as a
> > > > server and little as a desktop.
> > > > My guess is because donations(cash) and
> > > > hardware support for developers
> > > > come from people who want servers while
> >
> > people
> >
> > > > who want a desktop OS tend to
> > > > donate squat
> > > >
> > > > > The linux developers really have been
> >
> > trying
> >
> > > > to make a valuable
> > > >
> > > > > replacement for Windows, as they somehow
> >
> > have
> >
> > > > experienced the same
> > > >
> > > > > issues with Windows (And Microsoft
> >
> > products
> >
> > > > in general) that you have.
> > > >
> > > > > One Linux distribution in particular that
> >
> > I
> >
> > > > think you might like, is
> > > >
> > > > > Ubuntu. You can download it at
> > > >
> > > >, or order a
> > > >
> > > > > CD (Free shipping, free CD, you pay
> >
> > nothing).
> >
> > > > Advertising Linux in a FreeBSD mailing
> >
> > list?
> >
> > > > Sounds like you may have more of
> > > > axe to grind against the FreeBSD management
> > > > folk than a desire to offer sound
> > > > advice
> > > >
> > > > -Mike
> > >
> > > Why not just tell the truth, which is that
> > > Windows XP is the best that you can do for
> >
> > the
> >
> > > desktop
> >
> > Well, that's your opinion. For me, FreeBSD is a
> > much better desktop than
> > Windows -- it runs solid and fast and enables
> > me to be more productive
> > in my work. Of course, what is good for me
> > might not be so good for
> > someone else, I guess it depends on your needs.
> "more productive" in what way?
> Without considering all of the programs I use
> that only run in windows (such as my investment
> analysis tools, camera interface and photo
> editing programs), outline the "productivity"
> advantages of FreeBSD in terms of:
> 1) Time from unwrapping the computer to having a
> functional and usable system.

For me, FreeBSD is about twice as fast/easy to install/configure, and 
infinitely cheaper. 

> 2) General productivity advantages in a typical
> day. ie: what can you do with FreeBSD that you
> can't do in WinXP, and what is faster or more
> productive in FreeBSD

Depends on what you use it for.  I'm a C++ developer, and have a need to 
examine/search/manipulate text files quite often, Windows, out of the box, is 
inappropriate for this type of work.  I'd have to install all sorts of 
applications, e.g., cygwin, et al, to get the applications/capabilities that 
come "out of the box" on a typical *nix system, FreeBSD, Linux, etc...

If, on the other hand, you are wedded to an application that only runs on 
windows, then the question is moot.  Unfortunately, there is one windows 
program I'm forced to use, so I have a cheap laptop that sits on my desk for 
that purpose.  Though I never use it directly, except to reboot it when it 
hangs, say once a week, I access it via rdesktop in a window from one of my 
FreeBSD systems, typically my new HP laptop.

But no one can convince you of which OS you should use.  If you want to try 
one, try it.  If not, don't.  I couldn't care less which OS other people use, 
just as I couldn't care less which car you drive.

happy holidays--I'm off to finish my shopping...

> And please don't take this as an adversarial
> post: I haven't looked at the desktop in a while
> so I'd really like to know the answers, if in
> fact your opinion is objective.
> DT
> __
> Yahoo! for Good - Make a difference this year.
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Don Hinton 615.480.5667
ISIS, Vanderbilt University

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FreeBSD 6.1

2006-03-15 Thread Don O'Neil
Does anyone know if FreeBSD 6.1 is on track to be released on Monday as per
the release schedule?

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Raidtest/3Ware 6000 Throughput

2006-03-15 Thread Don O'Neil
Hi all
   I'm doing some stress testing (trying to force pre-mature failures of
disks if they're going to happen and check system stability) of a 3-Ware
6000 series RAID card w/ some EIDE drives attached to it in RAID 5 mode
I am getting the following results from raidtest:

Read 50 requests from
Number of READ requests: 249361.
Number of WRITE requests: 250639.
Number of bytes to transmit: 32888206336.
Number of processes: 1000.
Bytes per second: 4737569
Requests per second: 72 

Does this seem accurate? Should I only be seeing 4.7 MB/second throughput or
is raidtest just not a good way to measure peak throughput?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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RE: Raidtest/3Ware 6000 Throughput

2006-03-16 Thread Don O'Neil
  Thanks... That is the intention of the filesystem, it is going in a web

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chuck Swiger
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 5:43 AM
To: Don O'Neil
Subject: Re: Raidtest/3Ware 6000 Throughput

Don O'Neil wrote:
[ ... ]
> Does this seem accurate? Should I only be seeing 4.7 MB/second 
> throughput or is raidtest just not a good way to measure peak throughput?
> Any thoughts would be appreciated.

It does not astonish me that you get 5 MB/s on a RAID-5 config, although if
you used SCSI and/or a real HW RAID-5 controller with significant cache (ie,
64+ MB) that would help the performance by quite a bit.

Use RAID-5 for read-only or read-mostly situations and you'll be better off;
use RAID-10 for write-heavy filesystems instead.

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Sendmail Enable in 6.0

2006-03-16 Thread Don O'Neil
I've got the following in my /etc/rc.conf file:


And yet sendmail still starts on boot... Any clues as to why it's still
starting? Is this a bug, or am I just forgetting something.

This is FreeBSD 6.0-release.

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RE: Raidtest/3Ware 6000 Throughput

2006-03-16 Thread Don O'Neil
I would have thought I would at least see the raw single drive throughput,
plus maybe a bit more. I've benched these drives independantly at 20+
MB/second... Is the 3ware card really slowing things down that much with the
RAID-5 overhead?

What "real HW RAID-5" controller would you suggest? I'd like to stick with
IDE/ATA since I have a bunch of drives already.

Am I maybe CPU bound, or have another issue? 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chuck Swiger
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 5:43 AM
To: Don O'Neil
Subject: Re: Raidtest/3Ware 6000 Throughput

Don O'Neil wrote:
[ ... ]
> Does this seem accurate? Should I only be seeing 4.7 MB/second 
> throughput or is raidtest just not a good way to measure peak throughput?
> Any thoughts would be appreciated.

It does not astonish me that you get 5 MB/s on a RAID-5 config, although if
you used SCSI and/or a real HW RAID-5 controller with significant cache (ie,
64+ MB) that would help the performance by quite a bit.

Use RAID-5 for read-only or read-mostly situations and you'll be better off;
use RAID-10 for write-heavy filesystems instead.

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Sendmail Enable in 6.0

2006-03-16 Thread Don O'Neil
I've got the following in my /etc/rc.conf file:


And yet sendmail still starts on boot... Any clues as to why it's still
starting? Is this a bug, or am I just forgetting something.

This is FreeBSD 6.0-release.

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RE: Sendmail Enable in 6.0

2006-03-16 Thread Don O'Neil
DOH! I totally forgot about internal delivery, lol. 

-Original Message-
From: Ken Stevenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 11:02 AM
To: Don O'Neil
Subject: Re: Sendmail Enable in 6.0

Don O'Neil wrote:
> I've got the following in my /etc/rc.conf file:
> sendmail_enable="NO"
> And yet sendmail still starts on boot... Any clues as to why it's 
> still starting? Is this a bug, or am I just forgetting something.
> This is FreeBSD 6.0-release.
> ___
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Ken Stevenson
Allen-Myland Inc.

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6.0 APCI Config & PMAP

2006-03-31 Thread Don O'Neil
I am 'burning in' some hardware and drives before putting them into
production using various tools (raidtest, etc...) and have a couple of

Occasionally under high load when doing the raid test, I see:

collecting pv entries -- suggest increasing PMAP_SHPGPERPROC

What does this mean, and what should I change it to to correct the problem?
I also get the occasional error that it couldn't write to the device (twed)
... Everything seems to work ok though.

Also, my motherboards APCI is horribly broken, I can boot ok without APCI if
I select option 2 from the boot menu (it's a 'stock' 6.0 install). How do I
configure the system to boot without APCI automatically?


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RE: 6.0 APCI Config & PMAP

2006-04-04 Thread Don O'Neil
How do I upgrade to 6-Stable... I ran sysinstall and did an upgrade, but
that left me back with 6.0-release. Do I need to do a 'make world', or is
there another upgrade method? Any references online? I've never done an
upgrade any other way than through sysinstall. 

-Original Message-
From: Donald J. O'Neill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 7:38 PM
Cc: Don O'Neil
Subject: Re: 6.0 APCI Config & PMAP

On Friday 31 March 2006 18:55, Don O'Neil wrote:
> I am 'burning in' some hardware and drives before putting them into 
> production using various tools (raidtest, etc...) and have a couple of 
> questions..
> Occasionally under high load when doing the raid test, I see:
> collecting pv entries -- suggest increasing PMAP_SHPGPERPROC
> What does this mean, and what should I change it to to correct the 
> problem? I also get the occasional error that it couldn't write to the 
> device (twed) ... Everything seems to work ok though.
> Also, my motherboards APCI is horribly broken, I can boot ok without 
> APCI if I select option 2 from the boot menu (it's a 'stock' 6.0 
> install). How do I configure the system to boot without APCI 
> automatically?
> Thanks!
> _______
Moving to 6-STABLE should fix APCI. It's about the first thing I do. 
After that, no problems with APCI.


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Copying a file system w/ tar - symbolic links not copied right.

2006-05-10 Thread Don O'Neil
Hi all...

 I'm trying to move a file system from one disk to another, and when I do

tar cf - /source/* | ( cd /destination && tar xfv - )

It copies all the files, but the symbolic links are copied as files of 0
length, rather than re-established as links.

What am I doing wrong here, or is my tar broken?

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RE: Copying a file system w/ tar - symbolic links not copied right.

2006-05-10 Thread Don O'Neil
My man says:

 -L number
 --tape-length numberChange tapes after writing number * 1024 bytes. 

Nothing about symbolic links Now there is an option --unlink-first and
--dereference... Both of which don't copy the links, but unlink or copy the
actual source file.


-Original Message-
From: Andy Greenwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 6:24 PM
To: Don O'Neil
Subject: Re: Copying a file system w/ tar - symbolic links not copied right.

# man tar

specifically, the -L option

On 5/10/06, Don O'Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all...
>  I'm trying to move a file system from one disk to another, and when I 
> do
> this:
> tar cf - /source/* | ( cd /destination && tar xfv - )
> It copies all the files, but the symbolic links are copied as files of 
> 0 length, rather than re-established as links.
> What am I doing wrong here, or is my tar broken?
> ___
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Copying a file system w/ tar - symbolic links not copied right - More info

2006-05-11 Thread Don O'Neil
Hi all...

Ok... More info for the puzzle.

 I'm trying to move a file system from one disk to another, and when I do

tar cf - /source/* | ( cd /destination && tar xfv - )

It copies all the files, but the symbolic links are copied as files of 0
length, rather than re-established as links.


When I just:

tar -cf file.tar /source/*

And then:

tar -xf file.tar

Then the symbolic links are made correctly Any reason why this should
work and not the piped version for 'all in one' copying?

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RE: Copying a file system w/ tar - symbolic links not copied right - More info

2006-05-11 Thread Don O'Neil
Well... I'm moving it from one file system to another of different sizes,
that's the main reason. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Philip Hallstrom
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:35 AM
To: Don O'Neil
Subject: Re: Copying a file system w/ tar - symbolic links not copied right
- More info

> Hi all...
> Ok... More info for the puzzle.
> I'm trying to move a file system from one disk to another, and when I 
> do
> this:
> tar cf - /source/* | ( cd /destination && tar xfv - )
> It copies all the files, but the symbolic links are copied as files of 
> 0 length, rather than re-established as links.
> When I just:
> tar -cf file.tar /source/*
> And then:
> tar -xf file.tar
> Then the symbolic links are made correctly Any reason why this 
> should work and not the piped version for 'all in one' copying?

If it's an actual filesystem why not use dump/restore?

Otherwise I'm not sure, but you might also want to add in -pS to handle
permissions and sparse files as well...

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RE: Copying a file system w/ tar - symbolic links not copied right.

2006-05-11 Thread Don O'Neil
I've tried both the BSD and GNU tars, I get the same results on both. It's
very strange. 

When I add the B option, no different I used:

tar cf - /array01/* | ( cd /mnt/disk01 && tar xfvBp - )

Maybe this is something specific to 4.11? 

Here's what happens:

Source file: 

lrwxrwxrwx1 root  wheel21 Feb 19 03:05 apache.log ->

Destination file created on the tar backup: 

--   1 root  wheel 0 May 11 11:02 apache.log 

Some have suggested using dump/restore. The problem with dump/restore is
that I can't do it across the network and the file systems need to match.
The whole point is to move these files/directories from one server to
another to a volume with a LOT more space on a RAID array.

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Kinsey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:54 AM
To: Olivier Nicole
Subject: Re: Copying a file system w/ tar - symbolic links not copied right.

Olivier Nicole wrote:
>>  I'm trying to move a file system from one disk to another, and when 
>> I do
>> this:
> I think that the way to go is:
> tar cf - /source/* | ( cd /destination && tar xfvBp - )
> Note the Bp at the end of the extract tar.
> olivier

Is that for BSD tar, or gtar (GNU)?  We still haven't decided which is
offering the problem, and I don't find "-B"
described in bsdtar(1), although I can see why you'd want it in gtar,

Nonetheless, the tests I made with both tars didn't seem to have this
problem.  Can Don confirm whether this only occurs if /source/ is a
filesystem mount point?  (Also, which tar are you using?

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RE: Copying a file system w/ tar - symbolic links not copied right - More info

2006-05-11 Thread Don O'Neil
I will... Thanks to all for helping... Still weird what's happening though!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Philip Hallstrom
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 12:29 PM
To: Don O'Neil
Subject: RE: Copying a file system w/ tar - symbolic links not copied right
- More info

> Well... I'm moving it from one file system to another of different 
> sizes, that's the main reason.

Dump won't care about that...

dd would, but dd isn't right for this anyway...

I'd give dump a try.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Philip 
> Hallstrom
> Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:35 AM
> To: Don O'Neil
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Copying a file system w/ tar - symbolic links not copied 
> right
> - More info
>> Hi all...
>> Ok... More info for the puzzle.
>> I'm trying to move a file system from one disk to another, and when I 
>> do
>> this:
>> tar cf - /source/* | ( cd /destination && tar xfv - )
>> It copies all the files, but the symbolic links are copied as files 
>> of 0 length, rather than re-established as links.
>> BUT
>> When I just:
>> tar -cf file.tar /source/*
>> And then:
>> tar -xf file.tar
>> Then the symbolic links are made correctly Any reason why this 
>> should work and not the piped version for 'all in one' copying?
> If it's an actual filesystem why not use dump/restore?
> Otherwise I'm not sure, but you might also want to add in -pS to 
> handle permissions and sparse files as well...
> -philip
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Possible hack?

2006-05-18 Thread Don O'Neil
This morning I had a process listed as [htttpd32] (perl), yes 3 t's... And
it was eating up TONS of CPU. I could not find such a file named htttpd32,
or where it could be running from, but as soon as I killed the process
everything seemed to go back to normal. 

Anyone heard of such a hack, or know what the problem might be? A google
search turned up nothing.

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Hacked Web Site

2006-05-18 Thread Don O'Neil
A customer of mine recently had their web site hacked and the index file
defaced by Milli-Harekat...

Does anyone know the exploit used for this and where to find out about
fixing it? I have a feeling it's a brute force attack of some sort, but I
can't find anything.

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Re: FreeBSD weakness.

2004-06-20 Thread Don Tyson

> > Since I really can't from looking at my bookshelf, can anyone recommend
> > a book with a few good chapters on general unix concepts to get a
> > completely green user familiar and comfortable with "the way things are
> > done"?  Comming from $OTHER_OS to unix can be daunting but once you get

General UNIX stuff:  Visual Quickstart Guide [to] UNIX by Deborah &
Eric Ray

FreeBSD-specific stuff:  Greg Lehey's "Complete FreeBSD"

Best all-around mini-nutshell introduction: Anneliese
Anderson's "For People New to Both FreeBSD and UNIX, found in the doc
section of the FreeBSD website.

Don Tyson
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Re: I quit

2005-01-09 Thread Don Tyson
> I have spent at least two weeks of my free time downloading 5.3 and trying to
>  get it to work.  After figuring out 

There are a couple of other possibilities, too. One is to try 4.10,
which still has the old X11 configuration tools, and does not load Xorg.

The other is xandros linux --- Smooth install,
elegant desktop (OK, it's still KDE, but slimmed down).

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Re: Mounting SD card of Treo600 via USB

2006-01-02 Thread Don Hinton
Hi Tim:

On Monday 02 January 2006 21:20, Timothy J. Luoma wrote:
> I've been trying to find out if there is a way to mount my Treo 600's
> SD card using a USB cable.

I stick mine inside a laxar usb converter (not sure what it's called or the 
model number).

> Most of what I seem to find from Google, etc seems to relate to
> *syncing* which I have no need/desire to do, just to mount the card,
> which I believe is formatted as FAT32.

It should show up as a scsi drive, so I just do this:

# mount -t msdos /dev/da0s1 /mnt/usb

> I'm using FreeBSD 5.4
> Thanks!
> ___
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Don Hinton 615.480.5667
ISIS, Vanderbilt University

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Setquota on FreeBSD 4.11

2006-01-14 Thread Don O'Neil
I'm having problems getting the port 'setquota' to work on my FBSD 4.11

When I type:

setquota -g -f /array01 -bh51200K root

I get

setquota : /array01 does not have quotas enabled.  

Or when I type:

setquota -u -f /array01 -bh51200K root

I get 

setquota : GETQUOTA(root) - Invalid argument   

Even though I have built the kernel w/ the option, enabled quotas in rc,

quota -v shows:

Disk quotas for user root (uid 0):
 Filesystem   usage   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit
   /array01   0   0   0   0   0   0 

I can edit quotas using edquota no problems.

I had to build setquota from sources, as the port package for 4.11 isn't
available anymore.

Any ideas what might be going on here?


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Re: Pooomooocyyyy ;(

2006-01-15 Thread Don Hinton
Hi Greg:

On Sunday 15 January 2006 16:28, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
> On Saturday, 14 January 2006 at 20:02:02 +0100, Karol Kwiatkowski wrote:
> > vocativus wrote:
> >> Witam!
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > Cze¶æ vocativus,
> >
> > Nie wiem w czym tkwi problem, ale spróbuj zapytaæ na polskim forum
> > systemów BSD:
> >
> As I said a couple of days ago, this is an English language list.  In
> a case like this, it would be appropriate to *not* copy the list on
> the reply, despite the policy to the contrary.

Where exactly does it say that this is an "english only" list?


> Greg
> --
> When replying to this message, please copy the original recipients.
> If you don't, I may ignore the reply or reply to the original recipients.
> For more information, see
> See complete headers for address and phone numbers.

Don Hinton 615.480.5667
ISIS, Vanderbilt University

Description: PGP signature

Re: awk question

2006-01-20 Thread Don Hinton
Hi Alexandre:

On Friday 20 January 2006 16:59, Alexandre Vieira wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I'm making a script to generate some statistics for a batch job and I'm
> stuck with awk.
> For example:
> %echo 1 2 3 4 5 6 | awk {'print $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6'}
> it will output:
> 1 2 3 4 5 6
> I want to tokenize a string with another separating char (the : char):
> %echo 1:2:3:4:5:6
> and with awk to output:
> 1 2 3 4 5 6
> Is there any way of doing this?

Sure.  Here's a link to the online awk documentation section on field 


> Real example:
> I have a log file with the following output:
> 2006-01-20 - 20:01:07 - Some text
> 2006-01-20 - 20:01:15 - Some text
> 2006-01-20 - 20:01:38 - Some text
> (...)
> and since I'm generating hourly stats I need to match the "20" which is in
> a string "20:01:07" that is separated by the char ":".
> I hope I've been clear.
> Thanks for your help.
> _______
> mailing list
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Don Hinton   tel: 615.480.5667
ISIS, Vanderbilt University  skype: donhinton

Description: PGP signature

Re: trouble with KDE 3.4->3.5 and xorg -> 6.9.0

2006-01-22 Thread Don Hinton
Hi Peter:

On Sunday 22 January 2006 10:43, Per olof Ljungmark wrote:
> On 6.0-STABLE, after doing a portupgrade of KDE and xorg according to
> UPDATING, I cannot start X as non-root. I've cleared /tmp, removed old
> files in home directory created by to KDE and xorg but problem persists.
> I'm currently out of ideas and would really appriciate a hint, thanks.

I ran into this the other day.  I can't remember all the steps I took, most 
were probably unneccesary anyway, but I think the key was forcefully 
rebuilding/reinstalling kdebase.  Try portupgrade -fN kdebase and see if that 
works for you.  I ended up rebuilding practically everything, but that 
shouldn't be necessary.


> X hangs forever here:
> kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: Undefined symbol "init_kdnssd"

Don Hinton   tel: 615.480.5667
ISIS, Vanderbilt University  skype: donhinton

Description: PGP signature

Re: best approach to clone a disk?

2006-02-14 Thread Don Hinton
Hi Joe:

On Tuesday 14 February 2006 10:49, Joe Auty wrote:
> Okay,
> In taking the advice of an earlier poster in suggesting that the
> instructions located here:
> Are rather old, allow me to make my question a little broader in scope:
> What is the best way to clone a disk in FreeBSD? Do you have any step-
> by-step instructions? The instructions I used above (even replacing
> the restore -r flag with a -x) produced a core dump.
> Can I use DD on two disks of different size? Do you recommend Ghost
> for Unix? Any other suggestions or recommendations should the dump
> command just not work for me?

One of our grad students recently posted a how to on using Frisbee here at 
ISIS.  The only difference is that you'll need another server somewhere with 
imagezip install instead of ours.  You can find the how to here:

Please let us know if it contains any omissions or errors and we'll fix the 
page.  Btw, I've been told that this will only image a partition, not the 
master boot record, so you'll need that on the destination as well.

This is what emulab uses to image drives, and works for several OS's, 
including FreeBSD, Linux, and Windows.


> Thanks in advance!
> ---
> Joe Auty
> NetMusician: web publishing software for musicians
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Don Hinton   tel: 615.480.5667
ISIS, Vanderbilt University  skype: donhinton
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3Ware Escalade Issues

2006-02-19 Thread Don O'Neil
Hi all,
  I've been experiencing some problems with my 3ware Escalade 6000 array
lately that has been causing spontaneous reboots of the system.

There appears to be a bad sector on one of the drives according to smartctl,
but nothing serious. 

However, every time the system tried to write to that sector in the array,
the system would freeze, and then reboot, and of course it would say the
file system isn't clean, etc...

Since the file system is 1 TB in size, it would take 8+ hours to FSCK it.
The array is only striped, and not mirrored or built with redunancy. I'm
basically using the card/driver to make one large volume for a web server.

I have a few questions:

1) Is this a known bug? I'm running FreeBSD 4.11 (for software compatibility
issues at the moment, I will upgrade at some point in the future)

2) How can I trap the errors and eliminate the re-boot issue?

3) Is there some way I can do a faster FSCK, or perhaps 'fool' the system
into thinking the file system is clean?

4) Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Thanks all!!!

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RE: freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 124, Issue 26

2006-02-20 Thread Don O'Neil
  Thanks for the response, this helps me a lot... My answers are inline:

>Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2006 09:47:08 -0500
>From: Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: 3Ware Escalade Issues
>To: "Don O'Neil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

>Don O'Neil wrote:
>> There appears to be a bad sector on one of the drives according to
>> but nothing serious. 

>What that may mean is that there have been many bad sectors, which have
>corrected using the spares, until no more spare sectors are left for

>That drive may well fail catastrophically, soon.

I figured as much, which is why I'm going to re-build the whole array with a
new drive, etc... Fortunatly I got all my data off ok without any issues.

>> However, every time the system tried to write to that sector in the
>> the system would freeze, and then reboot, and of course it would say the
>> file system isn't clean, etc...
>> Since the file system is 1 TB in size, it would take 8+ hours to FSCK it.
>> The array is only striped, and not mirrored or built with redunancy. I'm
>> basically using the card/driver to make one large volume for a web

>OK.  Well, if this data is important to you, you should give consideration
>using a RAID-1, RAID-10, or RAID-5 configuration to gain redundancy.

Yes, and when I re-build it with will be RAID-5 rather than just RAID-0

>> I have a few questions:
>> 1) Is this a known bug? I'm running FreeBSD 4.11 (for software
.> issues at the moment, I will upgrade at some point in the future)

>Normally, the OS will only kill the affected processes using that sector,
>without knowing where it is, perhaps it's affecting some important file
like the
>kernel itself, /bin/sh...?

Actually the only thing that was on the array was a DB, so I think the
failure may have been causing MySQL to go nuts, and cascading up. 

>> 2) How can I trap the errors and eliminate the re-boot issue?

>Shut down the system.  Replace the failing hard drive.  Use dd to make an
>copy onto the new drive on some other system. and put the new drive back
>the array.  Note that the replacement drive must be an exact match for this
>work, otherwise you will have to backup your data and rebuild the array.

>Speaking of which, do you have known-good backups available?

Of course I have backups!! Never work without them. I'm going to re-build
with RAID-5 this time.

>> 3) Is there some way I can do a faster FSCK, or perhaps 'fool' the system
>> into thinking the file system is clean?

>If you update to 5.x or later, you can use background FSCK rather than
having to
>wait for the FSCK to complete the way it does under 4.x.

I wasn't aware 5.x could do this. My next question is how are my existing
apps going to be affected by upgrading to 5.x? I have some builds of
packages that were done by a company that is no longer in operation. I
haven't fully figured out how they built the software yet so I can't
re-build under 5.X yet. If I try to put the elf binaries and the other
builds from 4.X on 5.X are they going to run ok or do I just need to give it
a try? Would you suggest going all the way to 6.x or sticking with the 5.x

>> 4) Any suggestions on how to fix this?

>Also, if you update to 5.x, you can run the smartmon tools, which will let
>do a drive self-test using SMART, this will give much better information
>what is going on with the drive, and also give an estimate of its remaining

Yes, this would help a lot!!!

>How old are the drives, if you know?

They're less than 2 years old, and still under warranty. This is the second
drive to fail and it's driving me nuts.

They're Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 6Y250P0 250 GB PATA drives... Never had a
problem with that particular drive until this batch. 

Can anyone suggest some good 250GB PATA drives for me to use? I might as
well swap them all out since I'm starting over. The 6000 series Escalade
card I'm using doesn't support anything more than 250 GB.

Thanks all again!!!

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Re: 3Ware Escalade Issues

2006-02-22 Thread Don O'Neil
  Thanks for the response, this helps me a lot... My answers are inline:

>Don O'Neil wrote:
>> There appears to be a bad sector on one of the drives according to
>> but nothing serious. 

>What that may mean is that there have been many bad sectors, which have
>corrected using the spares, until no more spare sectors are left for

>That drive may well fail catastrophically, soon.

I figured as much, which is why I'm going to re-build the whole array with a
new drive, etc... Fortunatly I got all my data off ok without any issues.

>> However, every time the system tried to write to that sector in the
>> the system would freeze, and then reboot, and of course it would say the
>> file system isn't clean, etc...
>> Since the file system is 1 TB in size, it would take 8+ hours to FSCK it.
>> The array is only striped, and not mirrored or built with redunancy. I'm
>> basically using the card/driver to make one large volume for a web

>OK.  Well, if this data is important to you, you should give consideration
>using a RAID-1, RAID-10, or RAID-5 configuration to gain redundancy.

Yes, and when I re-build it with will be RAID-5 rather than just RAID-0

>> I have a few questions:
>> 1) Is this a known bug? I'm running FreeBSD 4.11 (for software
.> issues at the moment, I will upgrade at some point in the future)

>Normally, the OS will only kill the affected processes using that sector,
>without knowing where it is, perhaps it's affecting some important file
like the
>kernel itself, /bin/sh...?

Actually the only thing that was on the array was a DB, so I think the
failure may have been causing MySQL to go nuts, and cascading up. 

>> 2) How can I trap the errors and eliminate the re-boot issue?

>Shut down the system.  Replace the failing hard drive.  Use dd to make an
>copy onto the new drive on some other system. and put the new drive back
>the array.  Note that the replacement drive must be an exact match for this
>work, otherwise you will have to backup your data and rebuild the array.

>Speaking of which, do you have known-good backups available?

Of course I have backups!! Never work without them. I'm going to re-build
with RAID-5 this time.

>> 3) Is there some way I can do a faster FSCK, or perhaps 'fool' the system
>> into thinking the file system is clean?

>If you update to 5.x or later, you can use background FSCK rather than
having to
>wait for the FSCK to complete the way it does under 4.x.

I wasn't aware 5.x could do this. My next question is how are my existing
apps going to be affected by upgrading to 5.x? I have some builds of
packages that were done by a company that is no longer in operation. I
haven't fully figured out how they built the software yet so I can't
re-build under 5.X yet. If I try to put the elf binaries and the other
builds from 4.X on 5.X are they going to run ok or do I just need to give it
a try? Would you suggest going all the way to 6.x or sticking with the 5.x

>> 4) Any suggestions on how to fix this?

>Also, if you update to 5.x, you can run the smartmon tools, which will let
>do a drive self-test using SMART, this will give much better information
>what is going on with the drive, and also give an estimate of its remaining

Yes, this would help a lot!!!

>How old are the drives, if you know?

They're less than 2 years old, and still under warranty. This is the second
drive to fail and it's driving me nuts.

They're Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 6Y250P0 250 GB PATA drives... Never had a
problem with that particular drive until this batch. 

Can anyone suggest some good 250GB PATA drives for me to use? I might as
well swap them all out since I'm starting over. The 6000 series Escalade
card I'm using doesn't support anything more than 250 GB.

Thanks all again!!!

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Build Backwards Compatible MySQL Client Libs

2006-02-23 Thread Don O'Neil
Hi all...

  I have some OLD programs I don't have the source for that were built with
the MySQL 3.23.55 client libraries. They still work great, even when using
those libraries to connect to 4.1.18 Mysql (I have a copy of the old lib in
the new lib dir)

However, is there some way I can build a 3.X compatible library (the old one
is with the latest source so I can get all the bug fixes
and still be backwards compatible?

I tried creating a link to the new lib with the old name, but there is a
function call that is missing the old programs complain about when they run.


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Mod_Auth_Mysql v2.20

2006-02-23 Thread Don O'Neil
Does anyone have instructions on how to build v2.2 of Mod_Auth_Mysql with
the latest Apache HTTP release? I have old apps that I cannot rebuild that
require some of the directives & syntax that are only supported in v2.2

Alternatively, if someone has a pre-built module for the 1x line of HTTPD,
built for FreeBSD 4.11 that would be WONDERFULL!!

Or, again, maybe there is a slightly later version than 2.2 that has all the
same support that is easier to build? V 3.0 doesn't have the function calls
I need, although I can build it in a snap.


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4.X Binaries on 5.X or 6.X?

2006-02-27 Thread Don O'Neil
Are there any reasons why I couldn't run any userland apps that were built
on 4.X (some on 4.6, some one 4.11) on the 5.X or 6.X versions of FreeBSD?

I'd like to take advantage of some of the newer core system changes, like
better SMP, etc... But I'm afraid I'd break everything that I'm running, and
some of it I can't re-build for 5.X or 6.X because I don't have the sources,
and the company I bought it from is no longer in existance.


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RE: 4.X Binaries on 5.X or 6.X?

2006-02-27 Thread Don O'Neil
I haven't tried running them yet, I'm just asking since I'm planning on
building a new server and would prefer to use 5.x or 6.x rather than 4.11
which my old server is running. 

I guess the best way to find out is to try... I was just asking if there
_could_ be any issues.

If you were in my position, would you install 5.4 or 6.0? I noticed there
are quite a lot of changes in 6.0 and it requires at least 5.3 for upgrade
purposes... So my question is, is it really ready for 'prime time'? 

-Original Message-
From: Björn König [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 12:07 PM
To: Don O'Neil
Subject: Re: 4.X Binaries on 5.X or 6.X?

Don O'Neil schrieb:
> Are there any reasons why I couldn't run any userland apps that were 
> built on 4.X (some on 4.6, some one 4.11) on the 5.X or 6.X versions of

Most likely there are reasons. What's the error message? Did you installed


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RE: 4.X Binaries on 5.X or 6.X?

2006-02-27 Thread Don O'Neil
So, if you were me you _would_ install 6.0? Any issues I could expect
running my 4.X binaries? 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kris Kennaway
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 12:47 PM
To: Don O'Neil
Cc:; 'Bj?rn K?nig'
Subject: Re: 4.X Binaries on 5.X or 6.X?

On Mon, Feb 27, 2006 at 12:35:24PM -0800, Don O'Neil wrote:
> I haven't tried running them yet, I'm just asking since I'm planning 
> on building a new server and would prefer to use 5.x or 6.x rather 
> than 4.11 which my old server is running.
> I guess the best way to find out is to try... I was just asking if 
> there _could_ be any issues.
> If you were in my position, would you install 5.4 or 6.0? I noticed 
> there are quite a lot of changes in 6.0 and it requires at least 5.3 
> for upgrade purposes... So my question is, is it really ready for 'prime

Absolutely yes.


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regarding new logo...

2006-02-28 Thread Don Poynter
I'm wondering when the new logo will officially be used for FreeBSD  
and I'm also wondering if you have the contact info for Anton Gural,  
the designer who created the new logo.


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System Burn In

2006-02-28 Thread Don O'Neil
What is the best way to 'burn in' or 'stress test' a new system w/ FreeBSD?
I'd like to stress test the CPU, Memory, Disk, etc.. To make sure the
hardware is 100% good before putting it in production.


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Re: Weird NFS problems

2005-05-27 Thread Don Lewis
On 26 May, Skylar Thompson wrote:
> I'm having some problems with NFS serving on a FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE 
> machine. The FreeBSD machine is the NFS/NIS server for a group of four 
> Linux clusters. The network archictecture looks like this:
> 234/24   234/24
> Cluster 1 ---|--- Cluster 3
>| ---
> em0|  File server | fxp0
>|  --
> Cluster 2 ---|--- Cluster 4
> 234/24230/24
> em0 and fxp0 are bridged, and em0 has a 234/24 IP address while fxp0 is 
> just in promiscuous mode. 234/24 is an 802.1q VLAN on the fxp0 side of 
> the server, so packets are untagged at the switch just before fxp0, and 
> are forwarded to em0 through the bridge.
> The problem manifests itself in large UDP NFS requests from Clusters 3 
> and 4. The export can be mounted fine from both those clusters, and 
> small transfers such as with ls work fine, but the moment any serious 
> data transfer starts, the entire mount just hangs. Running ethereal on 
> the file server shows a a lot of fragmented packets, and RPC 
> retransmissions on just a single request. Reducing the read and write 
> NFS buffers on the Linux clients to 1kB from the default of 4kB solves 
> the issue, but kills the transfer rate. The moment I go to 2kB, the 
> problem reappearss. Clusters 1 and 2 use the default of 4kB buffers, and 
> have no problems communicating to em0.
> Poking through the list archives, I ran across this message 
> ( 
> that reveals a bug in the fxp(4) driver in 4-RELEASE that incorrectly 
> detects the capabilities of the NIC. Is this still an issue in 
> 5-RELEASE, or am I looking at a different problem? Any ideas on how I 
> can get the NFS buffers up to a reasonable level?

That problem was fixed quite some time ago.

Which transfer direction fails?
Client writing to server
Client reading from server

Do you see all the fragments in the retransmitted request?

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Re: dangerous situation with shutdown process

2005-07-20 Thread Don Lewis
On 14 Jul, Matthias Buelow wrote:
> Kevin Oberman wrote:
>>> How can I fix it on my system?
>>SCSI or ATA? If it's ATA, turn off write cache with (atacontrol(8) or
>>the sysctl.
> You do NOT want to do that. Not only will performance drop brutally
> (example: drop to 1/5th of normal write speed for sequential writes,
> probably worse for random writes) but it will also significantly
> reduce the lifetime of your disk. Modern disks are designed to be
> used with the write-back cache enabled, so don't turn it off.

There's not much performance difference with SCSI if write caching is
disabled.  Typical SCSI drives can handle ~63 outstanding read and write
transactions and can sort them into a somewhat optimal order if tagged
command queuing is in use.

>>The problem is that disks lie about whether they have actually written
>>data. If the power goes off before the data is in cache, it's lost.
> No, the problem is that FreeBSD doesn't implement request barriers
> and that softupdates is flawed by design and seemingly could not
> make use of them, even if they were available (because, as I
> understand it, it relies on a total ordering of all writes, unlike
> the partial ordering necessary for a journalled fs).

Softupdates only needs to be partial ordering.  It just needs to be
notified when the data hits the platter so that it can send any
dependent writes to the disk.

Wouldn't the use of barriers have the potential to force a lot of
unrelated cached write data to be written much earlier than necessary?
If so, there would seem to be a performance penalty under certain
workloads, though performance would still be better than with
write-caching disabled.

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Re: dangerous situation with shutdown process

2005-07-20 Thread Don Lewis
On 14 Jul, Kevin Oberman wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 20:38:15 +0200
>> From: Anatoliy Dmytriyev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Hello, everybody!
>> I have found unusual and dangerous situation with shutdown process:
>> I did a copy of 200 GB data on the 870 GB partition (softupdates is 
>> enabled) by cp command.
>> It took a lot of time when I did umount for this partition exactly after 
>> cp, but procedure finished correctly.

When you unmounted the file system, that should have flushed all the
dirty files to the disk.

>> In case, if I did “shutdown –h(r)”, also exactly after cp, the 
>> shutdown 
>> procedure waited for “sync” (umounting of the file system) but sync 
>> process was terminated by  timeout, and fsck checked and did correction 
>> of the file system after boot.

Did the timeout occur during the syncer shutdown, or at the "syncing
disks ..." step.

Did you have any ext2 file systems mounted?  These should be manually
unmounted before shutdown because they confuse the final sync code.

>> System 5.4-stable, RAM 4GB, processor P-IV 3GHz.
>> How can I fix it on my system?
> SCSI or ATA? If it's ATA, turn off write cache with (atacontrol(8) or
> the sysctl.
> The problem is that disks lie about whether they have actually written
> data. If the power goes off before the data is in cache, it's lost.

That should only make a difference in a power-fail situation, and it
only makes a difference if the only unwritten data is in the drive's
write cache.

> I am not sure if write-cache can be turned off on SCSI, but SCSI drives
> seem less likely to lie about when the data is actually flushed to the
> drive. 

Yes it can, and I recommend it.  Use the camcontrol modepage command to
set the WCE bit to 0.

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Re: AsRock 760GX

2005-07-22 Thread Don Brearley

I've run FreeBSD 4.x and 5.x on my ASRock boards and it works
fine.  I havent run X on them though.. console only.

I hope that helps.

- Don Brearley

>>> Graham North <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/21/05 08:20PM >>>
Hello all:

Has anyone installed FreeBSD on an ASRock or ECS 760GX motherboard?
Any compatibility problems? fixes?

Thanks for any feedback.

Kindness can be infectious - try it.

Graham North
Vancouver, BC 

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losing the war

2005-03-25 Thread Don Lawrence

Hello fellow newbies and hacks.  I am 2/3 up with my first freebsd system 
(v5.3) but it has been a tough 3 weeks.  
I am ready to call it quits.

I need help, and I am willing to pay a modest consultant fee to
the hack that can help me get over my problems with: 

apsfilter or cups
packages (without an internet connection)



ps disregard previous flame/anger outburst

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2005-04-06 Thread Don Kuzenko

I have a number of machines running FreeBSD and I would like to create
a local mirror of the documentation available on the FreeBSD website. 
My problem is that I currently have a dial up connection (rural living

Is there a simple way to obtain a tarball of a mirror of the docs so
that I can access the docs via a browser on my machine.  I will have
access to high speed for a couple of days next week so I would like to
grab the info then.  Better yet would be if the info is available via
something like offline explorer so that I could set it to only grab
updates on a regular basis.

Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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OpenLDAP 2.2.25 and FreeBSD 5.3 - group names and gid's

2005-04-25 Thread Don Brearley


I am having some problems with OpenLDAP 2.2.25 and FreeBSD 5.3. 

I can currently authenticate against my ldap db, and utilities like id and chown
work with no problem. 

The problem is gid to group name mapping.  In my ldif files, I can have a
"uid" entry and a "uidNumber" entry.  It would look something like this:

uid:  testuser
uidNumber: 2001

and that works.   I cannot have a group entry of the same.

gid: testgroup
gidNumber: 2001

OpenLDAP would complain that it couldnt read this file properly.. not until
the "gid:testgroup" entry was removed.  

When I attempt to use an app like "chown" I have to specify the actual
gid number, eg:

chown -R testuser:2001 /home/testuser

I was wondering if anyone had found a way to have it so that you could
just enter it by name, and not by number.  eg:

chown -R testuser:testgroup /home/testuser

Obviously I would have to add a gid entry in my schema file, but I am left
wondering why this isnt already in there..  I dont want to spend a few hours
trying to re-invent the wheel when there is already a reason for it to
not be in there.

Any help or light on this situation is deeply appreciated.  If you need more
information, please let me know and I shall provide it.


- Don Brearley

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Re: OpenLDAP 2.2.25 and FreeBSD 5.3 - group names and gid's

2005-04-25 Thread Don Brearley


Yeah..   I just discovered my problem was that I wasnt putting
appropriate groups into my groups ou when adding users.

My mistake.  (Doh!)

Thanks for your email!

- Don

>>> Joerg Pulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/25/05 12:15PM >>>
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 25 Apr 2005, Don Brearley wrote:

> Hello,
> I am having some problems with OpenLDAP 2.2.25 and FreeBSD 5.3.
> I can currently authenticate against my ldap db, and utilities like id and 
> chown
> work with no problem.
> The problem is gid to group name mapping.  In my ldif files, I can have a
> "uid" entry and a "uidNumber" entry.  It would look something like this:
> uid:  testuser
> uidNumber: 2001
> and that works.   I cannot have a group entry of the same.
> gid: testgroup
> gidNumber: 2001
> OpenLDAP would complain that it couldn't read this file properly.. not until
> the "gid:testgroup" entry was removed.
> When I attempt to use an app like "chown" I have to specify the actual
> gid number, eg:
> chown -R testuser:2001 /home/testuser
> I was wondering if anyone had found a way to have it so that you could
> just enter it by name, and not by number.  eg:
> chown -R testuser:testgroup /home/testuser
> Obviously I would have to add a gid entry in my schema file, but I am left
> wondering why this isn't already in there..  I dont want to spend a few hours
> trying to re-invent the wheel when there is already a reason for it to
> not be in there.
> Any help or light on this situation is deeply appreciated.  If you need more
> information, please let me know and I shall provide it.


i have authentication against OpenLDAP running a long time now and did not 
experience such a thing.
I have splittet the user and group informations in two separate tree's.
An example user and the group entry look like this:

- --- the user
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixAccount
uidNumber: 2001
gecos: Test User
loginShell: /bin/tcsh
uid: testuser
cn: Test User
gidNumber: 2001
homeDirectory: /home/testuser
userPassword: some_password

- --- the group
dn: cn=testgroup,ou=Group,dc=domain,dc=tld
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
cn: testgroup
userPassword: *
gidNumber: 2001
description: Local Unix group

if you configure nss_ldap to the following you will be able to chown(8) 
with names instead of numbers and id(1) should give you names for the 
groups too.

- --- nss_ldap.conf
nss_base_passwd ou=People,dc=domain,dc=tld?one
nss_base_group  ou=Group,dc=domain,dc=tld?one

if i understand your comments right, you have tried to add an "gid" 
attribute to the user account with objectClass posixAccount, but this will 
not work. only the numeric gidNumber is allowed for this objectClass. it 
behaves like flat unix passwd(5) and group(5) files where the numeric 
gidNumber is stored in passwd(5) and this number is resolved using the 
group(5) file.

please think about it ;-) and try the things above

- -- 
The beginning is the most important part of the work.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (FreeBSD)


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Re: Does FreeBSD work with "SB Live" and "GeForce"?

2005-04-29 Thread Don Tyson
>   Also, if anybody knows of a good online store, please let me
>   know.  I found a website called "".  Am I
>   tossing the dice? anybody dealt with this place?

CDW for hardware; Crucial for memory --- very mainstream and not
particularly inexpensive, but very reliable.


>   thankee,
>   gary
> -- 
>Gary Kline [EMAIL PROTECTED] Public service Unix
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Re: Does FreeBSD work with "SB Live" and "GeForce"?

2005-04-29 Thread Don Tyson
>   Do you knpw if CDW has a build-to-order page?  --These guys 
>   have been around since before the Flood; I've never heard 
>   anything about them until your email.  So thanks.
>   gary

Sorry, I don't know that. But it shouldn't be hard to find out on their
Web page,


> > 
> > Don
> > 
> > >   thankee,
> > > 
> > >   gary
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > >Gary Kline [EMAIL PROTECTED] Public service 
> > > Unix
> > > 
> > > ___
> > > mailing list
> > >
> > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > > 
> -- 
>Gary Kline [EMAIL PROTECTED] Public service Unix
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df -k vs. du -s

2009-08-13 Thread Don O'Neil
My /var partition is showing a different value for a df -k on the file
system vs a du -s on the file system:

df -k
Filesystem1K-blocks  Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a 202603088954497440448%/
devfs 1 1 0   100%/dev
/dev/ad0s1e 2026030   964   1862984 0%/tmp
/dev/ad0s1d 8122126   1997988   547436827%/usr
/dev/ad0s1f 8122126   5301938   217041871%/var

du -s /var
993261  /var

Any ideas why I would see this? Where is the other 4+G? Do I have a bunch of
bad sectors in the file system or is it majorly fragmented? If so, how do I
find out what the problem is?

The other partitions match between the df and du... I'm running 6.1 if that
makes a difference.

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Re: Wake up time

2009-09-21 Thread Don Brearley
>>> Roland Smith  09/21/09 4:06 PM >>>
On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:06:28PM +0200, Anselm Strauss wrote:
> Hi,
> anybody knows if it's possible to set BIOS wake up time in FreeBSD. I  
> have a machine I would like to regularly shutdown and wake up at  
> different times depending the on the day of week.

Could you enable "Wake-On-LAN" in the BIOS and then configure another box
to wake it up via the LAN at your specified time?

- Don
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Requesting Service

2009-09-28 Thread don carlos
Hello and Good day,

We are looking for a company that provides on-site services on installing
FreeBSD mailserver. We currently have a FreeBSD based mailserver running and
we need to upgrade it.  We need all emails and addressbooks to be
transferred into the new server.

We will provide the hardware.  Can you please advise if you do such services
or if you could refer us.

Many Thanks,
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2009-10-05 Thread Don Wilde
Hello, folks -

I am setting up the sendmail on my 7.2-STABLE system, and I cannot get
it to listen to my live server address besides the localhost.

I've added
Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl

directly above the DAEMON_OPTIONS lines (after the FEATUREs),
recompiled with make -C, and copied the domain-specific cf to

I've reviewed the old docs on /usr/share/sendmail/cf and the newer
ones on /usr/src/contrib/sendmail/cf that were referenced in the

Sendmail starts correctly, so the m4 compilation was successful, but
it is still only listening on according to netstat -atn.

This seems to be more of a newbie issue than a STABLE issue, but
please correct me if I'm wrong. I just updated to fix the null issue,
but I don't see anything in either UPDATING file. If you need more
configs, please forgive me for not including them. No other changes
have been made to the mc file.

Thanks in advance! :D

-- Don Wilde
   " Engineering the Future "
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