Re: LTmodem port

2003-06-20 Thread Dr. Richard E. Hawkins
On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 01:27:13PM -0700, anonymous wrote:
 I recently installed FreeBSD 4.8 and I have a Lucent

 Are there any detailed instructions on installing the
 LTModem port for FreeBSD?

They aren't needed; it should just work.

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vmware networking with vmware3 and Freebsd 5

2003-06-18 Thread Dr. Richard E. Hawkins
Vmware 3 installed quite easily, and it was easy to install the guest
operating systems.  I can't get the networking going, however.

What are the correct answers to the netgraph bridging questions?  I
assume it is yes to use it, but what about the device?  vmnet? vmnet0?
/dev/vmnet0? /dev/xl0 (my actual device?)

And what kernel options, if any, do I  now need?  I've been trying to
work with syctln and its _cfg, but nothing I've
tried has worked.

I do have a separate ip that the guest can use.

hawk, baffled

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making avatars from digital camera images? (scripting shrinking)

2003-01-14 Thread Dr. Richard E. Hawkins
I need to use a digital camera to take pictures of 65 students
to turn in to avatars for discussion boards.  They need to be limited to
80x80, and 6144 bytes.  I'm sure *something* in the graphics ports must
be scriptable to do this, but I'm not finding it.

Could someone spot me a hint?


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Re: load over 14 from make -j4

2003-01-13 Thread Dr. Richard E. Hawkins
On Sat, Jan 11, 2003 at 10:33:02PM -0600, Kirk Strauser wrote:
 At 2003-01-11T19:28:57Z, Dr. Richard E. Hawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ...a portupgrade -arF was running... probably your answer.

I've never seen that go above two on it's own; I don't un it with -j as
two many ports (typically those relieng on gmake) faile to build.


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load over 14 from make -j4

2003-01-11 Thread Dr. Richard E. Hawkins
Hmm, this is odd.  I noticed the load go through the roof on the laptop
sitting next to me; not surprising during buildworld.

But then I looked closer, starred, and called up top.  The load was
reported at 14.97.  X is running, a portupgrade -arF was running, and
there's an idle lyx.

How in the rold did that many processes get launched from -j4?  It's
still there, above 12 or so for the right-hand 40% or so of my xload

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tweaking the wheel on a cordless logitech mouse

2003-01-09 Thread Dr. Richard E. Hawkins
We finally have the silly mouse talking to freebsd.  After a lot of
searching, one of our techs found that there's a button under the mouse
that must be pushed simultaneously with the button on the receive.


Anyway, following through the handbook and a couple of messages here,
I'm trying to get the wheel working.  So far, once I roll down, future
rolling up scrolls down in some programs (but it did that to start

I have two buttons, a wheeel, and the wheel button.

I've added 

moused_flags=-z 5

to /etc/rc.conf (for just wheel it said 4)

And edited the mouse section of /etc/X11/XF86Config to

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse0
Driver  mouse
Option  Protocol auto
Option  Device /dev/sysmouse
Option  Buttons 6
#Option Emulate3Buttons 
#Option Emulate3Timeout 50
Option  ZAxisMapping5 6


I've also installed imwheel, which is running.  But still no wheel.

Whatever I'm missing has to be simple.  ANy hints?



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Re: tweaking the wheel on a cordless logitech mouse

2003-01-09 Thread Dr. Richard E. Hawkins
On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 12:52:42PM -0500, John Bleichert wrote:
 On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Dr. Richard E. Hawkins wrote:

 For what it's worth, I was never able to get my wheel working with 
 /dev/sysmouse. I use:

  /dev/ums0 (USB mouse), or
  /dev/psm0 (PS/2 mouse)

 and it works fine with protocoal 'auto'. Note that I don't use moused or 
 imwheel at all.

Hmm, that did it.  I'll keep it; thanks.

Oh, and it's only 5 buttons, on 45, for X in XF86Config.  That might
account for some of the other weirdness I suffered.



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tuning fvwm2rc (alt-tab and title-buttons)

2003-01-04 Thread Dr. Richard E. Hawkins

I'm finally getting annoyed enough to try to mess with fvwm2rc.

I had it working just the way I wanted, and then during a time I was
forced over to debian the package maintainer caused the config files to
be replaced wihtout asking.  And bit by bit, other things have stopped

By poking and reding the partial documentation, I've gotten almost all
of it working.  What I *can't* get working is the alt-tab to rotatate
between windows.  As I'm reading the file, these lines (which have been
around forever) *should* be doing that:

# tough to live wihtout alt-tab and friends

Key Tab A   M   Next [CurrentPage !iconic]
Key Tab A   MS  Prev [CurrentPage !iconic]

Key F5  A   M   CirculateUp
Key F6  A   M   CirculateDown

but they don't.

Also, I was able to add the right-hand button for close by chaning to:

#   for the title bar buttons:
Mouse 0 1   A   Menu Window-Ops2 Close
Mouse 0 2   A   Close
Mouse 0 4   A   Maximize-Func
Mouse 0 6   A   Iconify

But that doesn't give it a destroy Icon.  

I tried using the old debian lines 

DestroyDecor default-decor
AddToDecor default-decor

+ HilightColor white steelblue
+ WindowFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*
+ ButtonStyle Reset
+ ButtonStyle 2 Vector 16 20x20@1 30x20@1 50x40@1 70x20@1 80x20@1
80x30@0 60x50@0 80x80@0 70x80@0 50x60@0 30x80@0 20x80@0 20x70@0 40x50@1
20x30@0 20x20@1
+ ButtonStyle 4 Vector 5 25x25@1 25x75@1 75x75@0 75x25@0 25x25@1
+ ButtonStyle 6 Vector 2 80x76@0 20x76@1

But it chokes on the HilightColor line, and if I comment it out, I still
don't get the button labels.   I'm perfectly happy keeping th defaults,
but right now the maximize button destroys . . .

Finally, left and right buttons with alt aren't raising/lowering the
windows.  Shouldn't this section (part of system.fvwmrc) do that?

#   for other parts of the window/borders/icons: 
Mouse 1 F   A   Resize-or-Raise
Mouse 1 TS  A   Move-or-Raise
Mouse 1 I   A   Move-or-Iconify
Mouse 2 I   A   Iconify
Mouse 2 FST A   Menu Window-Ops2 Nop
Mouse 3 TSIFA   RaiseLower



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Re: Bystander shot by a spam filter.

2003-01-04 Thread Dr. Richard E. Hawkins
On Sat, Jan 04, 2003 at 01:58:59PM -0500, Mike Jeays wrote:
 Brett Glass wrote:

 GCC is a great gift to the world, and has made a huge difference to
 the development of open-source software.  It can't be all that mediocre
 if it has destroyed the market for higher-quality compilers!

Windows is of great benefit to the world.  It can't be all that
mediocere if it has destroyed the market for higher-quality operating


That said, this is an arguement that regualrly appears in this list, has
been beaten to death, and, most importantly, doesn't belong here.  Take
it to email or a talk, advocacy, or discussion list.

(and please take the trolls who have latched on with you!).

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Simple bulletin board software for class use?

2002-12-28 Thread Dr. Richard E. Hawkins
After using the custom software provided here at Penn State, and, uhm,
finding it lacking (Please restore from backup. You'll have to tell
us when it failed ?!?!?!), I need to find some simple, presumably
apache-based, web software to run on my workstation.

There will not be more than 70 students per class; I will have well
under 200 users.

I need to be able to feed it a list of names and ID's to set it up--they
all already have psu id's, and one more thing to remember is annoying.
I'd like to be able to script this so that I can email them their
initial password, but that's just frosting.

I do want a login required for access, and I want it to thread the
messages in each section (slashdots nested view is what I'm after).

I'd also like to be able to flag/moderate messages, with the flagging
turning into class points when I do it.  Possibly students could have a
limited number of points to moderate one another as well.

Of course, there's always the slashdot code itself, but that seems a bit
extreme for my modest needs.

Oh, and it should be trivial for me to automate backups!  Students get
*very* unhappy when their work disappears . . . 

Does anyone have any experience with such a thing?  I'm sure that there
are a few things in ports that would do it, but having just been bitten,
experience of others weighs more heavily at the moment . . .


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