Re: suspending login

2005-04-07 Thread Eric McCoy
Ean Kingston wrote:
If you change the password entry then, when you want
to enable the user again, the user has to enter a new password. This way,
the user keeps his/her old password. Note, the question asked for suspend,
not remove. I read suspend as implying that the account may be used again.
No, you don't replace the password, you just insert an invalid character 
- one which can never be the result of crypt().  That invalid character 
is typically an asterisk.  To unlock the account, you remove the 
asterisk.  It's how pw usermod -L and -U work.

For the OP, it's important to use all three approaches if your victim is 
untrustworthy.  If you change the password but nothing else he can still 
get in via SSH; if you change the shell but nothing else he can still 
get in via FTP (possibly); if you change the home directory but nothing 
else he can still get in via SSH (and mess with /tmp or /var/tmp).  So 
if you are locking out the user to preserve evidence of some misdeed, be 
sure to do all three.

If this is just a real-life buddy who's welching on some money he owes 
you, though, doing only one will probably be sufficient.  (Well, doing 
one and saying things to him like "I bought a .45 last week" and "It 
turns out that if you do enough cocaine most juries won't convict you of 

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Re: multiprocessors

2005-04-07 Thread Eric McCoy
Bill wrote:
On Wed, 2005-04-06 at 21:16, FreeBSD Deamon wrote:
Bill wrote:

Is there a comand to use so as to see if freebsd is using both
sysctl hw.ncpu, I think.
You can also look at /var/run/dmesg.boot and look for:
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
 cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID:  1
 cpu1 (AP): APIC ID:  0
BSP stands for bootstrap processor and AP for application processor. 
The BSP is the one used to load the system until this message comes up:

SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
which will happen right before the kernel launches init.
try top(1)
the output of top should contain a "C" column. if this column contains 
"0"s and "1"s both your CPUs are used

There is a line for cpu put it only shows one. Im used to linux and when
I do a top in Linux I see two lines for my cpus.
You are looking in the wrong place.  A C *column*, not a CPU *row*. 
FreeBSD will only ever show the total CPU time on the CPU row.  This is 
something like what you will see on an SMP system:

89704 emccoy960  2484K  1660K CPU1   0   0:00  0.51%  0.05% top
97005 root  960  3092K  1248K select 1  29:28  0.00%  0.00% ntpd
First, note the state for top: it's CPU1.  Second, the "C" column is 0 
for top, 1 for ntpd.  The "C" column is the last CPU the process ran on.

The WCPU and CPU columns, by the way, are both *per-CPU*, as you can see 

CPU states:  2.7% user,  0.0% nice, 47.5% system,  0.8% interrupt, 49.0% 
89739 emccoy   1100  1324K   684K CPU0   0   0:43 99.00% 87.50% cat

So another way to tell if SMP is working is if the summary row says 50% 
idle but you've got a process which shows 100% active.

Is the stock kernel that gets installed when doing a new install smp
Do i need to rebuild my kernel for smp?
Yes.  The good news is that it's very easy.  The Handbook has 
information on how to do it.  Basically all you need to do is add 
"options SMP" and make sure "device apic" is enabled (it is by default I 
believe, even for the GENERIC kernel).

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Re: DNS Names resolution in ipfw+nat ?

2005-04-07 Thread Eric McCoy
faisal gillani wrote:
Well i read couple of  how,to artical on the internet
regarding setting up a ipfw firewall with nat to allow
your private network client to setup internet access ,
but their isnt one thing clear to me , which was not
present in any of the articals , which is how there
internal clients gona resolve internet hosts names ? 
Generally speaking, a program looking to resolve a hostname to an IP 
will first consult /etc/hosts, which is a simple text file you can 
examine or edit as you wish.  If the hostname which needs to be resolved 
isn't present in that file, the program will consult DNS via the 
network.  DNS uses port 53 and it can use either TCP or UDP, though in 
practice a client will never use TCP.  (TCP is used mainly for zone 
transfers and the like, which are server-to-server.)

The rule of thumb for Unix is not to use hostnames in startup scripts, 
because it's possible that DNS will not be available when they are run. 
  It can take over a minute for a DNS query to time out.  Besides, it 
also makes you vulnerable to DNS hijacking.  Instead, use IPs or put an 
entry in /etc/hosts if you must.

Incidentally, the firewall rules to allow DNS would be
ipfw add allow tcp from me to any 53 setup keep-state
ipfw add allow udp from me to any 53 keep-state
As a technical aside, the name resolution path I described above is not 
the way it has to work, just the way it is configured by default.

will this be autoconfigured ?
No, though the above rules should be in the sample ipfw script which 
comes with FreeBSD.

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Re: quick timestamp question (ctime/mtime)

2005-03-25 Thread Eric McCoy
Emanuel Strobl wrote:
is it possible that mtime of a file can be changed without also changing 
No.  See stat(2), it shows what operations do what.
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Re: sFTP nologin

2005-03-25 Thread Eric McCoy
Grant Peel wrote:
Is there a quick - secure way to allow the sshd sFTP subsystem to allows 
sftp connections without allowing shell accounts?
Create the account and set its shell to /sbin/nologin.  You can safely 
add that to /etc/shells: it does its name and just prints a terse 
message before booting the user if he tries to connect via vanilla SSH.

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Re: ipfw and nmap

2005-03-15 Thread Eric McCoy
daniel quinn wrote:
i've been experimenting with ipfw since moving some of my machines from linux 
to freebsd and i've run across an oddity wrt nmap and freebsd firewalls.  it 
doesn't seem to work and the activity isn't logged either.

the firewall is working though.  ssh goes through, while other ports are being 
blocked (and logged).  i've confirmed this with telnet.  but nmap still comes 
up empty.  i'd like to be able to do a proper portscan, but is this a feature 
with ipfw or a lack of feature in nmap?
I am not entirely sure what problems you are seeing.  It sounds like you 
are saying that the firewall works properly, and nmap correctly 
identifies open/closed/filtered ports, but you are getting nothing in 
your ipfw log indicating that a scan is happening.  Is that correct?

If so, the "problem" is that nmap has a variety of scans which are 
designed not to be caught by firewall logs.  If you try a TCP connect() 
port scan (-sT I think) it will show up in the firewall's logs.

If you want to catch all manner of port scans, you will have to use 
something like Snort.

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Re: var/tmp

2005-03-13 Thread Eric McCoy
dick hoogendijk wrote:
I'd like some info on:
man 7 hier:
"/var/tmp tempory files that are kept between system reboots"
Can I safely delete this directory. Probabl not 'cause it's kept in
between, but how can I weed some files then in a safe manner? What can
and what cannot be deleted and why? some info poiters would be welcome
The hierarchy rules apply to the system, not to you.  You can ignore or 
honor them at your discretion.  The promise that nothing in /var/tmp 
will be deleted between reboots only means that the system itself won't 
do it.  It's a temporary directory; if there's a file in there that 
hasn't been touched in four weeks, by all means delete it.

What I typically do with temp files of uncertain origin is move them 
into a subdirectory (and then reboot to make sure no processes are 
holding them open).  If nothing bitches that Some Important File is 
missing, trash them.  But if some program refuses to start or gives 
errors, then you have the originals to move back into place.

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Re: chmod equivalent to find commands

2005-03-12 Thread Eric McCoy
Fafa Diliha Romanova wrote:
i know there's an equivalent to these two find commands that
can be summed up in one chmod command:
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
it fixes my permissions ...
i haven't tested this yet but i think it's wrong: chmod -R u+rwX,a+rX
what would be the best solution here?
I would do it the same way you do, but with xargs instead:
find . -type X -print0 | xargs -0 chmod XXX
If you were feeling crazy and use sh:
find . | while read path; do \
  if [ -d "$path" ]; then chmod 755;
  else chmod 644; fi; \
The latter is overkill, but the approach can be useful for nontrivial 
operations on systems that don't support -print0.  It also has the 
benefit that you can do it over ssh without having to copy over a 
script, e.g.

ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] sh -s 
(No nightmares from having to double- or triple-escape special 
characters, either.)

Sorry, I don't know how to do it all with chmod.  I assume you've 
consulted the excellent FreeBSD man pages?

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Re: apache exits on signal 4

2005-03-07 Thread Eric McCoy
dave wrote:
Fbsd 5.3-RELEASE, apache 2.53, php4 installed. Everything was working
than i got a report of site's being down. I investigated and learned that
apache was not starting. I tried a restart, which did not produce an error,
however checking for an http process ID didn't show anything. I then checked
/var/log/messages and /var/log/httpd-access.log and found that the apache
startup was dying on a signal 4. Googling on this did not tell me what it
was or more importantly how to fix it.
Signal 4 is SIGILL, illegal instruction.  (man 3 signal)  If you've been 
able to run the same httpd+modules successfully this is probably 
indicative of a hardware failure.  Usually memory, but it could be your 
CPU or motherboard or a variety of other things.

If this is your hardware and you can afford the downtime, put memtest86 
on a boot disk or CD and run it overnight to see if it spots anything. 
You could also try running Apache through truss and seeing if it gets 
the error in the same place every time.  You could recompile Apache with 
debugging code, but that will probably make this error go away (by 
changing the code just enough to obscure the underlying problem).  If 
you are running in a jail, get your hosting company to look at the host 
system's dmesg/logs since they may see warnings about memory parity 
errors which might otherwise not be passed to your jail.

Linux folks also say that compiling the kernel is a good "stress test." 
 Usually if there's a memory or other hardware problem it will cause 
gcc to die.  I expect that doing a make world would have similar 
effects.  You could try that if all else fails.

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Re: Disk Error

2005-03-07 Thread Eric McCoy
Doug Hardie wrote:
I doubt that its dying.  There is only one bad sector.  The drive is in 
constant use.  Its ran at 100% for almost 12 hours while copying the 
files and no errors were detected.  Its always the same sector with the 
Just as a note, hard drives now come with a number of "spare sectors" 
which they map automatically to replace dead sectors.  This is done 
because all drives ship with a few bad sectors.  Usually when errors 
like this show up, it is because the drive is out of spares.  Since 
problems like these tend to accelerate, it is a good idea at least to 
consider replacing the disk before you start losing data more than a 
sector at a time.

You might consider getting smartmontools and seeing what the drive's 
diagnostics have to say.  Usually that will tell you if this is a fluke 
or a symptom of a failing drive.

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Re: Swapping hard drives

2005-03-06 Thread Eric McCoy
Ralph wrote:
Hello folks
  I'm looking to do a quick swap on a hard disk I currently have in my FreeBSD file-server.  It's an old 30Gb disk, and I've bought a nice, new big one to replace it.  The problem is, I'm not sure what the best way to do this is.  I have Samba shares on there, and other things, and as far as I'm concerned it's better if the system doesn't know [or care] that the disk is being swapped out, does that make sense?
  I guess what I'm asking is this, what's the best way to do a swap like this?
Put the new disk in your server, partition it "similarly" to the old 
disk, format, and copy over your data.  Then remove the old disk and 
reuse its connectors for your new disk (or just update /etc/fstab).  The 
idea is that your old filesystem is, say, /dev/ad2s1e.  That's what you 
want your new one to be.  All you need to do, really, is juggle IDE 
cables or SCSI IDs to make that happen.

You can also do an over-the-network copy, but that will obviously be 
much slower and requires two FreeBSD computers besides.

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Potential dangers with big arrays

2005-03-05 Thread Eric McCoy
I'm planning to build a fairly large - somewhere from 1TB to 1.75TB in 
size - array behind a hardware RAID controller and put FreeBSD on it. 
But after being a good boy and Googling for information before laying 
out a couple grand, I discovered that FreeBSD might not have such great 
support for large filesystems.  The last bit of useful information I 
found was from July 2004, so the situation might have changed since then 
and I figured I'd ask.

What sort of problems can I expect to see?  Aesthetic problems, like 
negative numbers in df, are not a worry.  The vast majority of files 
will be 1GB or smaller, so that's not a concern either.  But the guy who 
did those tests in July got "no space left on device" after using up 
only 800GB or so, and that obviously would be a problem.  Naturally I 
can, and will, test this myself when I get the hardware, but I'm 
concerned that there may be creeping invisible problems which might 
result in frequent panics or loss of data - problems which might not 
become apparent until after I've reached the point where I no longer 
have enough room to play musical chairs with my data (which will be 
about 400GB in).

Any information anyone has, even if it's just a pointer to who or where 
I should be asking instead, will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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