via vt1616 ac97 onboard sound

2004-05-03 Thread Frederick Thomas
I haven't found any docs to tell me how to get this up and running yet. I have a 
Abit VA-10 mobo with via graphics and sound onboard. I found that had 
updated to 4.4.0 and was able to install binaries without too much trouble, so I have 
X/Kde up. So
does anyone know how I can do this? I found this viacombo/rpm package on the viaarena
website. It has support for multiple linux's... it that an option? Just point me in 
the right 
direction. thanks

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hello again, devfs, hello

2004-01-17 Thread Frederick Thomas
 I just wondering if anyone is still out there who cn actually help me with the 
problem I'm having with devfs and my sound card. devfs did'nt automatically create any 
node I would normally expect to find , [/dev/snd/;/dev/dsp(although it did create 
dsp0.0 and 0.1);
/dev/audio(for the sparc);and /dev/mixer]. now I know that people are busy, getting 
their own sh*t together, however I have been looking for any documetation other than 
the manpage for the last 3 hours on the web and haven't found a thing. I have an old 
optiplex gx1 with onboard sound that worked fine under freebsd 4.8. I see pcm0 in 
dmegboot, and catting sndstat gives me my card.I just want to know what to do to 
create the necessary nodes step by step... thanks

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regarding devfs ...

2004-01-16 Thread Frederick Thomas
 is there anyone who has documentation other than the manpage for freebsd's
implementation of devfs? I have researched all the websites that I know of and have 
been unable to find any comprehensive doc on the subject. I've been trying to set a
pnp onboard soundcard cs4236 crystal and other than getting the pcm0 message
in the dmesg.boot I've haven't got a clue. Any salient help would be appreciated.

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freebsd 5.1 and devfs

2004-01-13 Thread Frederick Thomas
  I read the manpage on devfs and can't make heads or tails of it. I've a cs4236
onboard pnp sound card that took 2 months to finally get running and I'm gonna wait 
long this time. My box is a dell optiplex gx1 and using old school rules catted 
dmesg.boot and found pcm0my card but when I tried to run sh MAKEDEV snd0
I find that makedev is now deprecated. please assist in my using devfs to make device
nodes please reply to address above. Thanks

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once again rpm-4.0.4.tar.gz

2004-01-02 Thread Frederick Thomas
I'm trying to get some help installing the tarball in the subject line because I do 
not have an internet connection at home, and every time I have tried to build a binary 
from source
I've have been unable to because of some missing dependencies. I'm new to asking for
help but I would like some guidance simply to be able to start developing my own apps
and to be able to help some other poor slub who doesn't have a clue. So, I have freebsd
4.8 with linux compat enabled and I can't get the package to configure because it needs
 autoconf. So if anyone has an answer for me it would be a blessing. Happy New Year!

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trouble installing rpm-4.0.4.tar.gz

2003-12-29 Thread Frederick Thomas
  I have a question which I hope that you can help me with. I just tried to 
rpm-4.0.4.tar.gz on my system[freebsd 4.8] and have not been able to get it to 
./configure let alone make. Is there a special dir, ( /usr/compat/linux?), or 
that are required to compile the tarball? My main reason for trying top install a 
manager is that I've had problems with gmetadom[lastest] and various other tarballs 
limited success. I am attempting to teach myself about unix and could just use a 
in the right direction. Thank you for your time...

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cs4236b crystal onboard sound help

2003-12-15 Thread Frederick Thomas
   I have been trying to avoid contacting you since I know that your engaged, 
I have come to the end of my resources. I have a dual boot with win98 and freebsd 4.8
on a Dell Optiplex GX1(tower). I have attempted to configure the sound [crystalcs4236b
onboard audio controller] for the past two months and have had no success. I even 
tried installing the open sound system, [which found the card, but couldn't get the 
audio test to work]. I've ran pnpinfo and it finds it as well, but I still can't get 
the bloody thing to work... So now all I can do is ask for HEELLP
  sincerely yours,

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