Problem: Recent Wine won't load Win32 binaries

2004-02-22 Thread G.E. Rafe
Took a look this weekend at compiling the most recent
Wine snapshot (20040213) on our Toshiba Satellite Pro 6100
running 4.9-RELEASE.
Kernel compiled with USER_LDT, SYSVSHM, SYSVSEM,  SYSVMSG.

Previous snapshots ran OK here, but were buggy.

After getting the binaries  libaries all installed,
attempting to run a native Win32 (Win2k) application
returned the message:

err:virtual:map_image FATAL: Need to relocate module from addr 100, but there are 
no relocation records
wine: could not load LC:\\WINNT\\system32\notepad.exe as Win32 binary

While attempting to run a Setup.exe from a mounted CDROM,
this different message:

err:virtual:map_image Standard load address for a Win32 program (0x0040) not 
available - security-patched kernel ?
wine: could not load LD:\\Setup.exe as Win32 binary

The bundled Wine notepad starts  runs OK (mostly).

Is it me, or is something up with Wine recently ?
In either case, is there a fix for this cannot load problem ?
Gary E. RAFE, Ph.D.
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Palm m130 ucom/uvisor with 4.7-R ?

2002-12-27 Thread G.E. Rafe
After upgrading to 4.7-R on our Toshiba Satellite Pro 4600 recently,
we gave a closer look at the ucom(4)  uvisor(4) USB devices
to connect with our Palm m130 USB cradle.

A quick inspection of the kernel sources suggested the following additions:

 product PALM M125  0x0040  Palm m125
+product PALM M130  0x0050  Palm m130


And the relevant USB entries included in the kernel configuration:
device usb
device uhci
device ucom
device uvisor

A new kernel was compiled, installed,  the system restarted.
Following that, an entry in /dev/ was made:

# cd /dev; ./MAKEDEV ucom0; ls -l /dev/ucom0
crw---  1 xyz xyz138, 128 Dec 27 00:44 /dev/ucom0

USB Cradle HotSync Button Pressed
ucom0: Palm, Inc. Palm Handheld, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 5
ucom0: Palm, Inc. Palm Handheld, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 5

The kernel appears to find the Palm  its USB cradle, as noted above.
$ usbdevs -v

Controller /dev/usb0:
addr 1: self powered, config 1, UHCI root hub(0x), Intel(0x), rev 1.00
 port 2 addr 3: power 64 mA, config 1, Standard USB Hub(0x3301), Atmel(0x03eb), rev 
  port 4 addr 5: self powered, config 1, Palm Handheld(0x0050), Palm, Inc.(0x0830), 
rev 1.00

Then, with a freshly-compiled pilot-link (0.11.6),
running pilot-xfer(1) to list the device contents, however, fails:
$ pilot-xfer -p /dev/ucom0 -l
ucom0: ucomreadcb: IOERROR
ucom0: at uhub1 port 4 (addr 5) disconnected
ucom0: still open, focing close
ucom0: detached

Running pilot-xfer(1) with the serial cradle works fine at 115,200bps,
so we assume pilot-link is not the problem here.

I don't mind using the serial cradle at home
(we still need it on the Sun Blade in the office),
but it would be nice to get the USB cradle to work.

Any suggestions on what we might look at next ?
Gary E. RAFE, Ph.D.

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Help! WordPerfect can't find /compat/linux/lib/ !

2002-10-27 Thread G.E. Rafe
We upgraded our Toshiba Satellite Pro 4600 from 4.6-R to 4.7-R yesterday
to try to take advantage of some work on USB devices
(specifically, ucom  uvisor for our Palm m130).
That bit still isn't working, but another, more troubling problem
has arisen.

Our WordPerfect 8 for Linux installation
(which worked perfectly under 4.6-R w/linux_base-6.1)
now complains when asked to start: 

ELF interpreter /compat/linux/lib/ not found

Of course, linux_base-7.1_1 doesn't reference,
so what's up with that ?!

And the 4.7-R distribution come with linux_base-6,
so going back isn't an immediate option.

I find the same behavior with the Acrobat 3 reader.

I won't mind terribly ditching Acrobat 3 for its successors,
but we use WordPerfect often enough for this to be a problem.

Suggestions, pointers will be appreciated !
Gary E. RAFE, PhD

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Re: Help! WordPerfect can't find /compat/linux/lib/ !

2002-10-27 Thread G.E. Rafe
!I was able to get older linux binaries to work by install the following
!rpms from the Red Hat 6.1 distribution:
!I did this by:
!# /usr/compat/linux/bin/bash
!# rpm -ivh
!# rpm -ivh libc-5.3.12-31.i386.rpm
!Then you will need to add the library to the
!/usr/compat/linux/etc/ file here are the directories listed in
!my file:

Following your suggestion, I pulled the following files off our
other Toshiba still running 4.6-R (and linux_base-6):


Both Acrobat 3  WordPerfect 8 for Linux are working
How can we get this information back into linux_base-7 ?

Gary E. RAFE, PhD

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coldsync-2.2.5 w/Palm m130 via USB ?

2002-09-26 Thread G.E. Rafe

I'm trying to get my Toshiba Satellite Pro 4600 running 4.6-R
to talk to a Palm m130 via its USB cradle.

I've managed to get coldsync-2.2.5 to compile without complaint
and find that the kernel seems to recognize the device when the
HotSync button is pressed:

ugen0: Palm, Inc. Palm Handheld, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 5

Running coldsync -t usb -p /dev/ugen0 -d io:5 returns the following:

Please press the HotSync button.
/dev/ugen0: Device not configured
Device information: /dev/ugen0 vendor 0830 (Palm, Inc.) product 0050 (Palm Handheld) 
rev 1.00 addr 5
ConnectionInfo: entry 0 function Hotsync on port 1
first setup 0x1 returns 2 bytes:  0x01 0x00
Hotsync endpoint name: /dev/ugen0.1
pconn_usb_open: Can't open /dev/ugen0.1.
open: Device not configured
Error: Can't open connection.

So, what extra bit of magic is needed to configure /dev/ugen0.1
as well ?
Shouldn't this be done automatically when /dev/ugen0 is established ?

I've given pilot-link a try on the system, too,
and was just as unsuccessful.

Gary E. RAFE, PhD

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