Re: make doesn't know how to make KERNCONF

2008-11-16 Thread Gerardo Paredes
> From: Polytropon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: make doesn't know how to make KERNCONF
> To:
> Date: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 8:46 AM
> On Sat, 15 Nov 2008 10:23:50 -0500, Lowell Gilbert
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > No, the shell isn't interpreting anything in that
> command line (the
> > variable assignment is interpreted by make itself), so
> the command is
> > fine.  Maybe the sources aren't completely
> installed?  If I were trying
> > to exercise my psychic technical support powers, I
> might guess that the
> > system makefiles weren't installed.
> Check /usr/src/Makefile, /usr/src/Makefile.inc1 and
> /usr/src/release/Makefile. These files should be up to
> date when doing a correct update (or at least they should
> get installed by installing the "src"
> distribution).

i am using csh and the files you mention are there.
I checked them because i were trying to figure out what is happening.

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make doesn't know how to make KERNCONF

2008-11-14 Thread Gerardo Paredes
Hello, i have a problem compiling a custom kernel on a AMD 850 MHZ Processor, 
however on the last stage  it fails with the following message:

make doesn't know how to make KERNCONF

the command i run is:

cd /usr/src
make buildkernel KERNCONF=MIO

where MIO is my kernel configuration file, living at /usr/src/sys/i386/conf

why it is failing with that error??

Gerardo Paredes

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Re: High Performance Computing Mini-Cluster

2008-10-21 Thread Gerardo Paredes
--- On Tue, 10/21/08, David Robillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: David Robillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: High Performance Computing Mini-Cluster
> Cc: "Maxim Khitrov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "FreeBSD Questions" 
> Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 9:18 AM
> You might want to talk to the author of this:
> "Reflections on Building a High-performance Computing
> Cluster Using
> FreeBSD" by Brooks Davis.

>From what i have read, Matt Olander and Brooks Davis are the foremost experts 
>at cluster building on FreeBSD. However i believe a document needs to be 
>written explaining in detailed steps how to do it, so the common user can do 
>it. Obviously not every "common" man needs a cluster. 

In my case i am pitching the project of a big cluster to our University here in 
Honduras to run some kinds of apps we have, like a Trade Exchange Market 
Simulation written in Python we have about two years developing which we plan 
to run distributed across the cluster.

Since I cannot attend that seminar, i will be expecting for at least the 
presentation to be posted.

Gerardo Paredes
> Regards,
> David
> -- 
> David Robillard
> UNIX systems administrator & Oracle DBA
> CISSP, RHCE & Sun Certified Security Administrator
> Montreal: +1 514 966 0122
> If you receive something that says "Send this to
> everyone you know",
> then please pretend you don't know me.

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RE: High Performance Computing Mini-Cluster

2008-10-20 Thread Gerardo Paredes

--- On Mon, 10/20/08, Sean Cavanaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Sean Cavanaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: High Performance Computing Mini-Cluster
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "FreeBSD Questions" 
> Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 9:52 AM
> > Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 08:19:28 -0700
> > To:
> > Subject: High Performance Computing Mini-Cluster
> > 
> > Hello, i am interested in setting up a small cluster,
> of about 5 machines to show how this can work on a
> university environment. Its kind of a pitch to university
> authorities to show them how this work so they can think on
> investing top dollars on it.  We have a bunch of
> workstations running FreeBSD, However as i been reading
> through the documentation, the canonical situacion would be
> a environment where the machines netboot over the server,
> get most of their partitions over NFS and have NIS installed
> so users can authenticate at the server and share resources
> available at the cluster. 
> > 
> not an answer to your question, but you might be interested
> by this
> might give you some insight into what you are looking for
> -Sean

Sean, the link you provided does a good job of helping someone understand the 
process involved in setting up a cluster, even if it doesn't provide detailed 
information in a "HOW-TO"  like fashion. Then i guess is up to me to get going 
and ask questions where i get stuck.  Maybe do the How-to documentation of my 
own in the process.

Gerardo Paredes

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High Performance Computing Mini-Cluster

2008-10-20 Thread Gerardo Paredes
Hello, i am interested in setting up a small cluster, of about 5 machines to 
show how this can work on a university environment. Its kind of a pitch to 
university authorities to show them how this work so they can think on 
investing top dollars on it.  We have a bunch of workstations running FreeBSD, 
However as i been reading through the documentation, the canonical situacion 
would be a environment where the machines netboot over the server, get most of 
their partitions over NFS and have NIS installed so users can authenticate at 
the server and share resources available at the cluster. 

My question is, it is possible to just install SGE, grid Mathematica (or maybe 
MPI, open-MPI, a custom application), share the home directory over NFS, copy 
some ssh keys to the other nodes and run them like a cluster?. Please someone 
with more experience on this kind of install help me with a series of steps 
designed on how to get this running.

Gerardo Paredes

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