Re: Operation: ipfw on a gateway box

2005-02-16 Thread Hiram Abiff
Quoting Lowell Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hiram Abiff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I followed your advice and rewrote my firewall rules.
  Although, even now, there are some major difficulties.

 Please remember that you sent this message to a mailing list with a
 very large number of people.  I, for one, do not remember the earlier
 messages, and may not have read them.

I appologize for the inconvenience. I will try to be clearer.

  I still, can't acces the net from my 2 other computers
  via my FreeBSD firewalled gateway.
  Although I set up on it to allow traffic on
  ports 21, 22, 53, 8080 I can only telent to port
  21, all the others report a connection refused error.

 Where did you do this from?

I tried accesing the FreeBSD box from the 2 other computers
I have. Also I tried telneting from the FreeBSD box to itself.

  I can ping the FreeBSD box, but i cannot ping any outside
  IP addresseses from the FreeBSD box or the other boxes on my
  home LAN.

 In other words, not only can't you access the net from the other
 computers, but you can't from the FreeBSD box either?

Unfortunately, yes. I tried pinging outside computers by
IP address but I can#263;t anymore.

 Does anything work *without* the firewall?

Yes, before I started messing with the firewall I had squid
set up, I set up FreeBSD as a gateway and also as a DNS
server. I could acces the WWW, ftp, telnet and all the
other services at will, inside and outside my home LAN.

  Also when FreeBSD is booting I caught some error messages that
  said unknow command setup for some of my firewall rules.

 Kind of need more details here.  I can't see what that could be...

I was thinking maybe I misplaces the setup keyword in my
firewall rule file. Did u happen to see it, I posted it in my
last mail. I don#269;t understand how ftp works and my
proxy serevr doesn't if I used the very same and exact
syntax to define the rules.

It was as though a veil had been rent. I saw on that ivory face
the expression of sombre pride, of ruthless power,
of craven terror -- of an intense and hopeless despair.
Did he live his life again in every detail of desire,
temptation, and surrender during that supreme moment
of complete knowledge?
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Operation: ipfw on a gateway box

2005-02-15 Thread Hiram Abiff

I followed your advice and rewrote my firewall rules.
Although, even now, there are some major difficulties.

I still, can't acces the net from my 2 other computers
via my FreeBSD firewalled gateway.
Although I set up on it to allow traffic on
ports 21, 22, 53, 8080 I can only telent to port
21, all the others report a connection refused error.

I can ping the FreeBSD box, but i cannot ping any outside
IP addresseses from the FreeBSD box or the other boxes on my
home LAN.

Also when FreeBSD is booting I caught some error messages that
said unknow command setup for some of my firewall rules.

I'm getting desperate please assist me in any way possible.

Here's my fwrules file:


 #Outside interface

 #Inside interface

 # Force a flushing of the current rules before reload
 $fwcmd -f flush

 #Check the state of all packets
 $fwcmd add check-state

 #Divert all packets through the tunnel interface.
 $fwcmd add divert natd ip from any to any via $oif

 # Allow all data from my network card and localhost
 $fwcmd add allow all from any to any via lo0
 $fwcmd add allow ip from any to any via $iif

 # Allow all connections that I initiate
 $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any out xmit $oif setup

 # Once connections are made, allow them to stay open
 $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any via $oif established

 # Everyone on the internet is allowed to connect
 $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 22 setup
 $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 21 setup
 $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 8080 setup
 $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 53 setup
 $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 4662 setup
 $fwcmd add allow udp from any to any 4672 setup

 # This sends a RESET to all ident packets
 $fwcmd add reset log tcp from any to any 113 in recv $oif

 # Allow outgoing DNS queries ONLY to the specified servers

 $fwcmd add allow udp from any to 53 out xmit tun0
 $fwcmd add allow udp from any to 53 out xmit tun0

 # Allow them back in with the answers

 $fwcmd add allow udp from 53 to any in recv $oif
 $fwcmd add allow udp from 53 to any in recv $oif

 # Allow ICMP
 $fwcmd add 65435 allow icmp from any to any

 # Deny all the rest.
 #$fwcmd add 65435 deny log ip from any to any

It was as though a veil had been rent. I saw on that ivory face
the expression of sombre pride, of ruthless power,
of craven terror -- of an intense and hopeless despair.
Did he live his life again in every detail of desire,
temptation, and surrender during that supreme moment
of complete knowledge?
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ppp_mode and ipfw

2005-02-14 Thread Hiram Abiff

I've been trying to set up ipfw on my FreeBSD box
which I use as a gateway to the Internet on my LAN.

I compiled the kernel with options IPFIREWALL and IPDIVERT,
edited rc.conf and some other files.

Now I have 2 problems:

1.) Each time FreeBSD boots ppp automatically establishes
a connection via ISDN. I do not want it to do that, I want
the connection to be established when some of the other
2 boxes I have on my LAN run software that demands an
internet connection.

For Example, if I run firefox on my linux box, i want
the FreeBSD box to receive the linux boxes request
for a connection and dial my ISP via ISDN.

In rc.conf I set ppp_mode=auto because in ppp's man
page it says that this is the correct mode for
on-demand connection.

2.) Although I set up my firewall rules I cannot acces
anything on the outside net anymore, and my other
2 boxes can't acces the Internet after setting aup the
firewall. Also I cannot acces the squid proxy I set up
on my FreeBSD box anymore. All of this was working
before I set up the firewall. What am I doing wrong?
Why can't I access the net outside my home LAN and
why doesn't squid work anymore?

Here's my firewall rule file:


#Outside interface

#Inside interface

# Force a flushing of the current rules before reload
$fwcmd -f flush

#Check the state of all packets
$fwcmd add check-state

#Divert all packets through the tunnel interface.
$fwcmd add divert natd all from any to any via oif

# Allow all data from my network card and localhost
$fwcmd add allow all from any to any via lo0
$fwcmd add allow ip from any to any via $ii0

# Allow all connections that I initiate
$fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any out xmit oif setup

# Once connections are made, allow them to stay open
$fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any via oif established

# Everyone on the internet is allowed to connect
$fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 22 setup
$fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 21 setup
$fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 8080 setup
$fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 53 setup
$fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 4662 setup
$fwcmd add allow udp from any to any 4672 setup

# This sends a RESET to all ident packets
$fwcmd add reset log tcp from any to any 113 in recv oif

# Allow outgoing DNS queries ONLY to the specified servers

$fwcmd add allow udp from any to 53 out xmit tun0
$fwcmd add allow udp from any to 53 out xmit tun0

# Allow them back in with the answers

$fwcmd add allow udp from 53 to any in recv oif
$fwcmd add allow udp from 53 to any in recv oif

# Allow ICMP
$fwcmd add 65435 allow icmp from any to any

# Deny all the rest.
#$fwcmd add 65435 deny log ip from any to any

It was as though a veil had been rent. I saw on that ivory face
the expression of sombre pride, of ruthless power,
of craven terror -- of an intense and hopeless despair.
Did he live his life again in every detail of desire,
temptation, and surrender during that supreme moment
of complete knowledge?
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ISDN and userland PPP

2004-10-16 Thread Hiram Abiff

Greeting and salutations,

 my everyday idyll has recently been interrupted while I
was trying to set up my FreeBSD box as a gateway.
It has an ISDN card for connecting to the Internet and
an ethernet card for connection to the rest of my network.

First, I had to recompile the kernel to enable support for my
ISDN card(W9662 chip) as iwic0.
Then came the tweaking of several configuration files. Finally,
I tried establishing the connection as follows:

wier# ppp
Working in interactive mode
Using interface: tun0
ppp ON wier dial papchap
ppp ON wier

after the dial papchap command I just get hte ppp prompt back.
Shouldn't it be informing me about the status of the dialing?
the command ifconfig tun0 says:

Opened by PID 54

What am I doing wrong, am I using the correct procedure to establish
a connection? I want to establish only one 64k link.

I am using FreeBSD Release 4.7. Here are my configuration files:


/dev/cuaa0 115200


 set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command
 ident user-ppp VERSION (built COMPILATIONDATE)
 set device /dev/i4brbch0
 set speed sync
 set timeout 180# 3 minute idle timer (the default)
 enable dns # request DNS info (for resolv.conf)

 set phone ISP_NUMBER
 set authname MY_USERNAME
 set authkey MY_PASSWORD

 enable lqr
 set reconnect 3 5
 set redial 3 10
 set lqrperiod 45
 disable pred1 deflate mppe
 deny pred1 deflate mppe

 set dial
 set login
 set logout
 set hangup

 set ifaddr 0 0
 add default HISADDR



acctall = on
acctfile= /var/log/isdnd.acct
useacctfile = yes
isdntime = on
monitor-allowed = off

name= WBDU0
usrdevicename   = rbch
usrdeviceunit   = 0
isdncontroller  = 0
isdnchannel = -1
local-phone-incoming= MY_NUMBER
remote-phone-incoming   = *
local-phone-dialout = MY_NUMBER
remote-phone-dialout= ISP_NUMBER
remdial-handling= first
dialin-reaction = ignore
dialout-type= normal
b1protocol  = hdlc
idletime-incoming   = 900
idletime-outgoing   = 900
unitlength  = 0
unitlengthsrc   = conf
dialretries = 1
dialrandincr= off
recoverytime= 1
direction   = out




network interfaces=lo tun0

I spent 7 hours trying to configure this box as a gateway with an
ISDN connection. Could someone provide me with some clue or hints
as to where I am erring.

I get high on a buzz
Then a rush when I'm plugged in you
I connect when I'm flush
You get love when told what to do
Wonderful electric
Cover me in you
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