I want to setup, in the easiest and quickest possible way, a server for apache-ssl, php, mysql, and postfix/courier-imap.

I've installed FreeBSD 6.0. A minimal install. I don't care about anything else but those applications and services ( well, ssh so I can attach to the machine, but I have that working already )

I don't feel the need to work from sources, binaries would probably be fine. I connect via ssh and don't want X. I'd rather not even install the development tools ( they are not on there yet)

I'd like to be able to keep the system up to date as patches etc come out

There are tons of references on how to do this on the net but I've tried a bunch of them and either they are not complete or they require hours of cvsup'ing and building from source etc.

I just want to get this up and working and not have to spend tons of time doing that or maintaining it

So,  how do you recommend I do this?


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