Re: CPAN hanging on ExtUtils::MakeMaker even if installed

2012-02-24 Thread Jaime Kikpole
I want to thank everyone who helped me out.  I can confirm that the
original issue (infinite delay and 100% CPU use while installing
ExtUtils::MakeMaker from CPAN) is gone after upgrading to Perl 5.12.
For some reason, the upgrade to 5.14 didn't work.  Using "portupgrade
-o lang/perl-5.14 perl-5.8.9" (or something similar, but I can't
remember it now) just reinstalled Perl 5.8.  Using "portupgrade -o
lang/perl-5.12 perl-5.8.9" (or something similar) did work, though.

I ended up using the www/rt40 port.  Its nice to know that someone is
putting in the effort on a port.  Thanks to Matthew for that.

And now I'm back to upgrading security/amavisd-new and
mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin and other Perl based ports.  :)  I'm really
glad that portupgrade exists on FreeBSD.

Thanks all!


Network Administrator
Cairo-Durham Central School District
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Re: CPAN hanging on ExtUtils::MakeMaker even if installed

2012-02-22 Thread Jaime Kikpole
On Feb 22, 2012, at 11:40 AM, Matthew Seaman  
> The remaining port (lang/perl5.8) hasn't been modified in 7 months, and
> I believe it may well be deprecated and removed fairly soon.

Good to know.  What version comes with FreeBSD if you don't install a port of 
Perl?  Is there some way to just "yank" the installed port and revert to the 
default installed version?

I'm only running 5.8.9 because once upon a time I wanted to use a port 
(possibly RT) that required it.  So I installed it from the ports as a way to 
run the latest version available at that time.

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Re: CPAN hanging on ExtUtils::MakeMaker even if installed

2012-02-22 Thread Jaime Kikpole
On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 4:26 AM, Matthew Seaman  wrote:
> Speaking as the rt40 port maintainer, I feel you may be making your life
> unnecessarily difficult here.  The port won't touch your data: it does
> precisely nothing to the database.  It does let you set default values
> for DB connection parameters at install time, but that's  not required
> and you can just use the normal configuration files to the same effect.

I had no idea.  I assumed that it could only attempt to setup a new
DB.  Thank you.  That will be a big help.

Does the rt40 port make a new MySQL database by the name of rt4?  My
current data is in a MySQL database named rt3, which is why I ask.
How would you recommend getting the migrated data over to the new

As a side note, it seems that I've put off the Apache 1.3.x to 2.x
upgrade for far too long.  The rt40 port requires p5-Log-Dispatch
which requires some Apache port.  Since apache13 was deprecated in
November, I'll have to upgrade Apache itself first.  I'm thinking that
I'll do that today and go with the apache22 port.  I'm open to advise
on the Apache upgrade if anyone has any.

> Hmmm... well, the port doesn't use 'make fixdeps' because it's the ports
> job to ensure that all the required dependencies are fulfilled.

That is very good news.  Thank you.

> However, if I try it manually, everything works just fine.  This is on a
> system with only the version of E::MM that comes bundled with perl-5.12
> (which is version 6.56).  The make fixdeps output looks completely
> different though -- what version of RT are you trying to use?

RT 4.0.5.  Perl 5.8.9.

Thanks so much for the help.  Its one of the great things about the
open source community that I'm not at the mercy of a "help desk" that
say things like "OK, why don't you go ahead and reinstall it, then?"


Network Administrator
Cairo-Durham Central School District
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CPAN hanging on ExtUtils::MakeMaker even if installed

2012-02-21 Thread Jaime Kikpole
I'm attempting to upgrade Request Tracker manually.  (I know that
there is a port, but I'd like to preserve my data, thus I'm doing this
"the old fashioned way."  :) )

When I run the "make fixdeps" step described in the directions, it
attempts to load ExtUtil::MakeMaker from CPAN -- even though its
already installed.  This wouldn't be so bad, but it actually hangs and
uses 100% of CPU time (according to "top") like its in an infinite
loop.  This is the output just before it hangs:

Manifying blib/man3/File::Temp.3
Manifying blib/man3/ExtUtils::MM_Any.3
  /usr/bin/make -- OK
CPAN: YAML loaded ok (v0.68)
Running make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-Iblib/arch" "-Iblib/lib"
"-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib',
'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/00compile.t . ok
t/arch_check.t  ok
t/backwards.t . ok
t/basic.t . ok
t/build_man.t . ok
t/cd.t  ok
t/config.t  ok
t/dir_target.t  ok
t/fix_libs.t .. ok
t/fixin.t . ok
t/hints.t . ok
t/INST.t .. ok
t/INST_PREFIX.t ... ok
t/INSTALL_BASE.t .. 3/20

I've found references to this on the web.  They seem to indicate that
its something with the FreeBSD port and that its fixed in version
6.63.  Unfortunately, only version 6.62 is in the ports collection.

Anyone know what to do to get past this?

Thanks in advance,

Network Administrator
Cairo-Durham Central School District
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Upgrading very old installation

2011-07-15 Thread Jaime Kikpole
I'm running a FreeBSD 6.x server that hasn't been updated in about 1.5 years.

atlas:~>uname -mprs
FreeBSD 6.4-RELEASE-p8 i386 i386

What is the recommended way to upgrade it to something current?
Should I upgrade it to the most recent 6.x and then to 7.x and then to
8.x?  Or should I use a more direct route, upgrading it straight to
the 8-RELEASE branch?

I've been using the cvsup/make method of upgrades for years and only
used freebsd-upgrade once.  I'm not sure if either method can handle a
6.x to 8.x upgrade.

I also have a bunch of ports in this server (e.g. apache, postfix,
etc.)  Once the OS is updated, should I just portupgrade them all?

Thanks in advance,

Network Administrator
Cairo-Durham Central School District
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Re: Dell R210 "no disks found"

2011-06-03 Thread Jaime Kikpole
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Steve Polyack  wrote:
> I'm assuming these have the PERC H200 cards in them.  If so, you will need
> the mps(4) driver which is only available in FreeBSD 8-STABLE built sometime
> after the 8.2 release.  You can find ISO snapshots of 8-STABLE builds here
>  Search the list archives for
> "PERC H200" for more information.

I made a DVD from the ISO and then it booted.  I had to destroy the
RAID array, unfortunately.  It looks 8-STABLE can see the disks as
/dev/da0 and /dev/da1, but it can't see the array.

My next issue is this:  I can use the DVD to install 8.2-RELEASE, but
not 8-STABLE.  However, 8.2-RELEASE can't boot, sinc eit doesn't have
the driver for the HDs.  Am I missing something?

Jaime Kikpole

Network Administrator
Cairo-Durham Central School District
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Re: RAM needed for DHCP + router?

2011-05-27 Thread Jaime Kikpole
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 7:46 PM, Chris Hill  wrote:
> I'm looking to build a NAT / DHCP box for a lab network for my company. My
> question is, how do I estimate the amount of RAM the machine will need?

FWIW, I can tell you some experiences that I've had.

Example #1:
At one time, I had as many as 600-800 desktops and laptops receiving
DHCP leases and DNS resolution from a single FreeBSD (5.x?) server.
It was an old Dell desktop that a college had discarded/donated.  I
think it was something like 800MHz and 1GB of RAM.  From what I
remember seeing in "top", "uptime", et. al. it was like the server was
bored.  It was barely doing anything.

Example #2:
I'm currently running a school district with about 800 computers, some
iPads and Nooks, a few dozen network printers, streaming video off of
at least 3 DVRs, and whatever people bring in (unauthorized... we'll
be fixing that shortly).  So let's call it around 1000 - 1300 nodes.
The entire thing is running through a FreeBSD system with two 100Mbps
cards.  I use IPFW to "hijack" certain TCP ports and redirect them
into DansGuardian.  This makes a transparent proxy.  DG and Squid and
BIND and ClamAV and snmpd, the Xymon client all run on this box.  It
acts as a secondary DNS resolver, secondary DNS server for internal
addresses, web proxy, web content analysis and filtering, and more.
Its 8GB of RAM and a 2.0GHz dual core CPU.  Its doing the job just
fine.  No complaints.

Every employee uses web-based services every day.  We even use a fair
amount of streaming video.  Again, this works well.  I've even heard
of people managing to use NetFlix on occasion.  It will saturate our
Internet bandwidth before this server goes down.  I have the graphs to
prove it.

Since you are talking about the box doing NAT, you may find yourself
wanting a web proxy service and/or internal DNS resolver at some
point.  The NAT and DHCP services are, in my experience, not going to
be a big deal.  Configuring BIND to offer internal DNS resolution
would add very little to your load.  I would be really surprised if
any desktop PC that you found for $500-$1000 wasn't up to the task.

That said, here is the important part:

This is going to be a single-point-of-failure for your institution.
If it goes down for any reason, your entire business is off-line.
That includes everything from bad hardware to a routine software
upgrade (FreeBSD or a port).  Do yourself a HUGE favor and build a
redundancy system of some kind.  For example, I'm currently trying to
replace the DansGuardian/Squid/DNS server I listed above with a pair
of servers using CARP .
 That way, I can upgrade the OS whenever I want and the district's 800
authorized computers (and 50-200 unauthorized computers, phones,
tablets, etc.) keep working.

Seriously.  Make it redundant.  Its the most important lesson a
systems administrator must learn.  Well, that and scripting.  OK, and
documentation.  :)

Hope that helps,

Network Administrator
Cairo-Durham Central School District
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Dell R210 "no disks found"

2011-05-26 Thread Jaime Kikpole
I am attempting to install FreeBSD 8.2 amd64 from a CD onto a Dell
R210 server.  When I boot and run fdisk from sysinstall (under
"Custom"), it tells me "No disks found!" and then points me to the
hardware guide.  Nothing in the hardware guide really seems to apply.

Any one else get FreeBSD installed on an R210?  Is there a BIOS
setting that I need to check or something?  I've spent about a week on
this and will need to return both R210s soon if I can't get them

Jaime Kikpole

Network Administrator
Cairo-Durham Central School District
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Re: Hardware suggestions

2011-04-27 Thread Jaime Kikpole
My thanks to everyone for their replies.  I guess that I wasn't
specific enough about my needs, though.  I don't need a tiny chassis.
In fact, I need a proxy for around 750-900 computers, so an Atom
system or the like wouldn't work for me.  I just have no rack space
left.  Fortunately, I might have found a way around this.

So if you have any pre-built servers to recommend, I'd greatly
appreciate it.  For example, I'm currently reviewing the Dell
PowerEdge T310's specs.


Thanks.  I read the handbook's entry on CARP last night.  It looks
easier than I had previously thought.  I've started setting up a
VMware environment of 2 FreeBSD systems and a unix desktop to try it
out as a way to build a fail-over proxy.

Looks like I'd have to stop using my current "in-line" design, though.
 Currently, I have a FreeBSD box between my network as a whole and the
Internet connection.  It acts as a router, a firewall, and a
transparent proxy.  CARP would require the system to not be "in-line,"
because a failed system would mean no router.  Did I understand that

Thanks to all,

Network Administrator
Cairo-Durham Central School District
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Re: Hardware suggestions

2011-04-26 Thread Jaime Kikpole
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 12:34 PM, Chris Brennan  wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, why not rack-mounted boxed?

Space issues.  They'll have to either fit on a shelf in one of two
rooms, depending on the outcome of some other things.

Any thoughts on brand or model?


Network Administrator
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Hardware suggestions

2011-04-26 Thread Jaime Kikpole
I'm looking for new hardware for my web filter (FreeBSD + dansguardian + squid).

Can anyone suggest good (or warn about bad) models of hardware for
this?  I'm looking for a small tower or compact chassis (not rack
mount) with two ethernet interfaces.  I'd like RAID-1 as well, if
possible.  I can spend anywhere from $1,000 to $3,500.

My current system works well (2.0GHz, dual core, 8GB RAM, RAID-1, two
160GB disks, 3 100Mbps NICs), but I want to replace it with two
identical boxes.  Right now, its a single point of failure.  So I'm
hoping to rsync configs between two systems that are on line at all
times.  Then, if I need up upgrade software or the hardware breaks, I
can just swap the box.

Any pointers on this project are appreciated, especially what models
of computers would work well with FreeBSD.

Thanks in advance,

Network Administrator
Cairo-Durham Central School District
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apache13-modperl & mod_php4?

2005-01-27 Thread Jaime Kikpole
	Is it possible to use the mod_php4 port (which seems to use DSO 
installation) and its add on parts (e.g. php4-mysql, php4-imap, etc.) 
with the apache13-modperl port?

	It seems that one of my webapps (RequestTracker, needs to have mod_perl installed 
statically, not as a DSO.  I'd rather avoid manual compiles if I can 
help it.  (I can do them.  Its the future uninstalls/upgrades that 
worry me.)  Other webapps that I use are based on PHP, so I need the 
mod_php4 module installed, too.

Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
P.S. - It seems that the RequestTracker ports in FreeBSD install the 
mod_perl DSO even though the documentation on RT explicitly advises 
against this.  If anyone else out there got RT to work smoothly with 
the mod_perl port installed, please contact me.  I'd love to know how 
you did it.  Mine appears to have a memory leak.

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FTP prob in PHP 4.2.3/install older version?

2002-10-16 Thread Jaime Kikpole

I've found that PHP 4.2.3 seems to have a problem with ftp_*
functions.  I have a web-app called SquirrelMail with a plugin that uses
FTP to manage your .procmailrc and SpamAssassin settings.  The plugin
works about 5-10% of the time.

This web-app on an older box running PHP 4.2.1 seems to not have
the problems that it does in PHP 4.2.3.  So I was wondering if there was a
way to install an older version of this port.

If I install mod_php4 via the packages, it doesn't come with FTP
support.  I've already CVSup-ed my /usr/ports directory and my backup of
the old version is over a year old.  (My last "make world" went from
FreeBSD 4.4 to 4.7.)  Does anyone have any ideas?  I need to make sure
that at least IMAP, FTP, and MySQL support are compiled into mod_php4.

Thanks in advance,

Network Administrator
Cairo-Durham Central School District

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FTP prob in PHP 4.2.3/install older version?

2002-10-16 Thread Jaime Kikpole

I've found that PHP 4.2.3 seems to have a problem with ftp_*
functions.  I have a web-app called SquirrelMail with a plugin that uses
FTP to manage your .procmailrc and SpamAssassin settings.  The plugin
works about 5-10% of the time.

This web-app on an older box running PHP 4.2.1 seems to not have
the problems that it does in PHP 4.2.3.  So I was wondering if there was a
way to install an older version of this port.

If I install mod_php4 via the packages, it doesn't come with FTP
support.  I've already CVSup-ed my /usr/ports directory and my backup of
the old version is over a year old.  (My last "make world" went from
FreeBSD 4.4 to 4.7.)  Does anyone have any ideas?  I need to make sure
that at least IMAP, FTP, and MySQL support are compiled into mod_php4.

Thanks in advance,

Network Administrator
Cairo-Durham Central School District

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