FreeBSD Upgrade from 5.2 to 5.4

2005-09-27 Thread Jay Moore
I started an upgrade from 5.2.1 to 5.4 earlier, but postponed it until I can 
understand why the upgrade requires input re the hard drive configuration.

I don't understand what this screen is asking for - or why. I have a HD config 
I am happy with, and don't wish to change it, but this screen insists I 
provide input.

What's the deal? I've read the upgrade documentation, but it's just not clear 
to me what's going on - can someone point me to a better/more detailed source 
of documentation on the upgrade process (in particular wrt HD config)?

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Re: FreeBSD Upgrade from 5.2 to 5.4

2005-09-27 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 27 September 2005 09:36 pm, Kris Kennaway wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 07:41:57PM -0500, Jay Moore wrote:
  I started an upgrade from 5.2.1 to 5.4 earlier, but postponed it until I
  can understand why the upgrade requires input re the hard drive

 What are you talking about? :-) Please describe your problem in more
 detail, e.g. exactly what you are doing and exactly what is going

I boot from the cd. sysinstall starts. shortly thereafter I get to the 
disklabel editor. the partitions are identified (and sized), but mount column 
is blank.

Why is the mount column blank? 

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Re: FreeBSD Upgrade from 5.2 to 5.4

2005-09-27 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 27 September 2005 08:43 pm, Peter Clutton wrote:
  What's the deal? I've read the upgrade documentation, but it's just not
  to me what's going on - can someone point me to a better/more detailed
  of documentation on the upgrade process (in particular wrt HD config)?

  This might help:
  No hard drive messing required. You will also need to read up on csv in

This is pretty old hardware - 200 MHz Pentium; I tried the makeworld route 
once before, and it took too long. I just wanted a nice, simple, binary 
upgrade... maybe that's not possible; maybe I will have to do a fresh 
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Re: what is /entrophy ?

2005-02-06 Thread Jay Moore
On Wednesday 02 February 2005 05:52 am, Gert Cuykens wrote:

 what is /entrophy ? can i delete it ?

I believe it is a mis-spelled version of /entropy

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2005-02-06 Thread Jay Moore
On Wednesday 02 February 2005 12:00 pm, Andy Firman wrote:
 The author of the FreeBSD handboodk prefers IPF (ipfilter) because
 its stateful rules are much less complicated
 The author of The Complete BSD talks about IPFW (ipfirewall)
 only.  People on this list talk of PF (packetfilter) quite a bit.

 What is the most commonly used firewall for a web/email host
 server with a static IP address connected directly to the Internet?
 (protecting itself)

 What is the most commonly used firewall for a gateway/router/
 network firewall server in front of several other boxes?
 (protecting others and itself)


I like pf; I think it's a mature product that is well-maintained by some folks 
who seem to know what they're doing. It was ported to FreeBSD about a year 
ago IIRC. There is a good user's guide available at

A little history: OpenBSD used to use ipf as its firewall. Major, major 
friction between the ipf author and OpenBSD proj leader motivated development 
of pf. Following post provides some background on this: 

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Re: running interactive program from shell script

2005-02-03 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 01 February 2005 06:22 am, Loren M. Lang wrote:

  I need a shell script that initiates a telnet session to another host. I
  have come up with the following, but unfortunately it terminates when the
  script is finished. What I wanted was for the telnet session to remain
  alive and interactive until manually terminated.
  Is there a way to accomplish this in a shell script?
  I've been told that I'll have to use expect or similar to accomplish
  this, but it seems to me that I should be able to do this using just
  Bourne shell commands.
  #! /bin/sh
  (sleep 3;
  echo password;
  sleep 3;
  echo ls -la;
  sleep 3;
  ) | telnet -l user

 When any command is run by default, it's standard input comes from the
 same place as it's parent process.  When you run this shell script from
 your prompt, it inherits a standard input coming from your keyboard and
 any command it runs inherit the same input as the shell.  The same goes
 for a processes standard output which it to your screen.  Now when you
 run a pipe (|), thing are a little different, the standard input and
 output get redirected a little bit.  The following command sets up a
 pipe between two programs:

   leftProgram | rightProgram

 leftProgram's standard input is still from the keyboard, but it's output
 gets redirected to the standard input of rightProgram and rightPrograms
 standard output goes to the screen as usual.  Everything rightProgram
 reads on standard input comes only from leftProgram's standard output,
 it's no longer reading from the keyboard.  When leftProgram's done
 sending output and exits, rightProgram sees and End Of File (EOF) and,
 in general, will exit since there's nothing more to read.  In your
 example, you set up a sub-shell which runs 5 command, 3 sleeps and 2
 echos, once the sub-shell exits, telnet just sees and EOF and exits.
 The control charater ^D means EOF, on a blank terminal that you don't
 mind logging out of, try hitting Control-D and see what happens.  It
 will logout usually, that's what happened to telnet.

I believe you are correct - thanks. Understanding why this is happening has 
lifted a huge, uncomfortable burden :)

But it still seems that there should be a way to do this using a shell 
script... I will have to think about this some more.

Best Rgds,

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Re: Unix equivalent of a variant??

2005-02-03 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 01 February 2005 10:43 am, Jonathon McKitrick wrote:
 Hey everyone,

 I'm finally doing something very exciting here at work: porting software to

 I need the equivalent of a variant, however.  A hold-everything variable
 that can be any type in C/C++.  Is there something already out there I can
 use or should I just roll my own?

I think you should read and understand MS' documentation on the variant data 
type before you spend much time trying to code this for *nix.  IIRC, the 
Variant data type is limited to development environments like Visual Basic.  
I'm thinking there must be an awful lot of overhead associated with handling 
a Variant data type, as every use of it must figure out what the real 
datat type is. I don't know what your objective is, and certainly don't 
pretend to tell you this shouldn't be done, but - just because MS has done 
it, does not mean it is a good thing to do in general.

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running interactive program from shell script

2005-01-30 Thread Jay Moore
I need a shell script that initiates a telnet session to another host. I have 
come up with the following, but unfortunately it terminates when the script 
is finished. What I wanted was for the telnet session to remain alive and 
interactive until manually terminated.

Is there a way to accomplish this in a shell script? 

I've been told that I'll have to use expect or similar to accomplish this, 
but it seems to me that I should be able to do this using just Bourne shell 

#! /bin/sh

(sleep 3;
echo password;
sleep 3;
echo ls -la;
sleep 3;
) | telnet -l user

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Re: running interactive program from shell script

2005-01-30 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 30 January 2005 05:11 pm, Timothy Luoma wrote:

  I need a shell script that initiates a telnet session to another host.
  I have come up with the following, but unfortunately it terminates
  when the script
  is finished. What I wanted was for the telnet session to remain
  alive and
  interactive until manually terminated.
  Is there a way to accomplish this in a shell script?

 Well, you'll have to give a little more information about what you're
 trying to do, because initiating a telnet session to me means
 starting telnet but it looks (if I am correctly interpreting/guessing
 what you are trying to do below) like you are trying to create a shell
 script which will start a telnet session AND automatically log you in.


  I've been told that I'll have to use expect or similar to accomplish
  but it seems to me that I should be able to do this using just Bourne

 Yes, if you want to automatically log yourself in via telnet, then you
 will need expect.  There's no way to do this via /bin/sh

A-a-a-r-r-r-g-h-h.  You are correct! But what I still don't understand is why 
I can start and maintain a telnet session from a shell script, but if I add a 
couple of lines to send the password the damn thing terminates. In other 

#! /bin/sh
telnet -l user

will start an interactive telnet session which will run until I enter 

BUT - if I embellish it just a bit (as in the script below) to echo the 
password and ls -la the remote directory it exits as soon as the script 

As the bank robber in 'Dirty Harry' said, I gots to know.

As for what I'm trying to do:
I have a requirement to administer a number of remotely located embedded 
devices; these devices do not support ssh - only telnet. To avoid the obvious 
security issues, I am going to co-locate a real computer at each remote 
location. I will ssh into the real computer, and then telnet over a local 
network to the embedded device(s). I realize there are many ways of 
accomplishing this, but I'm kind of hung up on doing it my way  :)

  #! /bin/sh
  (sleep 3;
  echo password;
  sleep 3;
  echo ls -la;
  sleep 3;
  ) | telnet -l user

 Ok, so this says: Wait 3 seconds, echo 'password' to stdout, wait 3
 seconds, then show the output of 'ls -la' then wait 3 seconds and then
 send the output to telnet [which will, as far as I know, completely
 ignore everything you send to it] and then telnet to as
 user 'user'

No - not exactly. You have the sequence correct, but the results are that the 
password is sent to the remote telnet host, it does log me in, it performs 
the ls -la (displaying the result on my local console), and then exits! 

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Re: Serial communication, terminal

2005-01-13 Thread Jay Moore
On Wednesday 12 January 2005 03:22 am, Florian Hengstberger wrote:

 I have a microcontroller with an uart interface.
 I want to communicate with my computer through the serial port
 of my FreeBSD box.
 Is it somehow possible to connect the serial io to a xterm?
 Case it is not: I don't want to write a program myself -
 is there an existing program handling the io?

open a terminal window  type in minicom -s

set the parameters as required to match your target

quit/exit minicom

now type in minicom  start your target

you may also need to chmod or chown your serial tty device to access the 
serial port as a regular user.  


PS - thought I'd try this before sending the mail, but appears my 5.2.1 BSD 
doesn't have minicom  :(  So - you may need to install it from the ports 
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Re: Blacklisting IPs

2005-01-11 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 11 January 2005 12:46 am, artware wrote:
 Thanks for the input, everyone! Port-knocking is overkill at this
 point, but I did do the following things to sshd_config:

 Set port to non-default
 PermitRootLogin no
 LoginGraceTime 45s
 AllowUsers lists only one user -- me. :)

 I also did route -nq add -host -blackhole...

 I think telnet was disabled by default in the base 5.3 install...

 I know this attack was probably random, but the whole reason I took
 over as sysadmin and switched to FreeBSD is that our RHE box was being
 broken into almost nightly -- so I'm sensitive to security concerns.
 Is there anything else I should consider doing to the stock FreeBSD to
 fortify it? It already feels about 100 times more secure than RH...

You might consider using pf as a stateful packet filter. You could for example 
limit SSH connections to certain ip addresses, redirect connections at port 
25 to spamd, etc, etc. There's a very good user's guide  overview of pf at:

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Re: Recommended Mail Transfer Agent

2005-01-06 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 02 January 2005 02:59 pm, Sergei Gnezdov wrote:

  Configuration is pretty easy with the m4 macros, and sendmail still
  amounts to something of a de-facto standard.

 I am not saying senmail is bad.  In fact, I have no plans to get rid of
 it.  I just want to know where to find the information about sendmail
 when I need it.

 Where do I go to learn about sendmail configuration?
 Any HOWTO do something standard instructions?
 Where do I send newbie questions to?

In addition to the excellent advice already offered, I'll add the following:

The sendmail Cookbook is a valuable addition to the sendmail book.

Re questions: there is a sendmail newsgroup... I haven't used it on a while, 
but it was very active and responsive last time I checked.

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Re: Howto check the hard disk bad sectors in FreeBSD?

2005-01-06 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 04 January 2005 11:13 pm, Unreal HSHH wrote:

 I have one harddisk installed in FreeBSD.
 And I want to check if any bad sectors on it.
 How can I do ? It seems the fsck can't do this.

I'm not sure this can be done, but if you're looking for something to monitor 
the health of your drives there are a number of utilities available that use 
the S.M.A.R.T. feature built into most current hard drives. In general, 
these utilities will help you predict failure of your HDD.

Here's one such tool:

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Re: i386 iso images for 5.3

2004-12-29 Thread Jay Moore
On Wednesday 29 December 2004 11:24 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i am having problems installing 5.3 on my laptop. 

i heard a rumor that you are located in bolder colorado and since i am
in colorado springs i can drive up if nessasary to get my macine

Ah, no need for that yitzchak - just send us your address, and we'll drive 
down   :)

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Re: The FreeBSD Foundation

2004-12-27 Thread Jay Moore
On Saturday 25 December 2004 06:26 pm, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

If I say you are right and wonderful will you drop this?

Then consider it done, Ted. I'm sure you've impressed us all.

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Re: The FreeBSD Foundation

2004-12-24 Thread Jay Moore
On Friday 24 December 2004 01:07 am, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

 Now, as for the Foundation's status as a charity:
   I'll start with asking you a simple question:  Setting aside the
   legal definitions, what in your mind IS a charity, exactly?
  Hey look - I don't need a lecture about charity, and I'm not
  disputing that
  the foundation is legally classified as a charity.

 I never said that you were disputing the legal definition.  But
 clearly you are disputing the idea that it is a charity. 

Yes, I am disputing that. It is not a charity except in the tax avoidance 
sense of the word. You are attempting to twist the words and their meaning to 
support your agenda. Under your selective interpretation of the definition, 
one could claim virtually anything as a gift for public benevolent 
purposes. It's bullshit, Ted, and you may deny it here in this forum, but 
you know it is. 

  In my mind, I would
  consider it more like a not-for-profit organization; charities are
  organizations that help the needy - people who can't help themselves.

 Well, that is why I made the Robin Hood remark.  I will point out
 that the FreeBSD Foundation in fact uses the actual term public charity
 on their website.  And certainly the
 Foundation doesen't attempt to pass itself off as using the money
 to help the poor.  I am aware that many people don't view a
 charity as anything more than a needy-person-helping apparatus.
 However I urge you to examine your view of the idea of 'need'  There
 are many people out there also who feel that much of the 'need'
 served by charities isn't really need it is choice.  Many people
 are incensed that some charities feed alcoholic bums that spend
 their nights sleeping in the streets.  Many would weigh the 'need'
 of FreeBSD to have a good Java implementation against the 'need'
 of an alcoholic to continue to be fed day after day without quitting
 drinking, and feel that the FreeBSD need was greater.

alcoholic bums?!  Is this another example of your interpretation of charity?  
Are you really asking anyone to accept you as an authority on what charity 
means when you refer to alcoholics as bums? 

In case you forgot to read the _entire_ definition of charity, Ted, try # 4:
4 : lenient judgment of others. Frankly, I find your arrogance annoying.

I'll say it again: I support FreeBSD through CD purchases, and would consider 
an outright cash donation. I think the project is a good thing, and I also 
think it serves the public good. But it's not a charity, and neither is the 
Foundation that supports the project. I don't think you're a good spokesman 
for the project or the Foundation, and I wish you'd drop this thread now.


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Re: The FreeBSD Foundation

2004-12-23 Thread Jay Moore
On Thursday 23 December 2004 04:34 am, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

  On Wednesday 22 December 2004 11:02 am, Troy Mills wrote:
   As some of you may or may not know the FreeBSD Foundation supports the
   FreeBSD developers financially via funds mainly from donations from
   the public. Anyway there is a IRS 1/3rd test for public support
   and the current foundation ratio that is a little out of whack due to
   a few generous people donating large sums of money. I have no idea
   what will happen if they cannot remain a public charity but I'm sure
   the affects wont be positive as they clearly stated that it is in
   there interest to remain a public charity.

  QUESTION: Do sales of the FreeBSD CDs support the project? And if so,
  I thought I _was_ supporting the project through my CD
  subscription... I was
  not aware of the FreeBSD Foundation (thanks for the enlightenment), but
  financial support for software developers of any kind seems a bit of a
  stretch for a charity. Perhaps I'm just not in tune with the legal
  definition of a charity.

 Hi Jay,

   The short answer to your question is it depends on who you buy
 your CD's from

   If you are buying them from then yes,
 they have provided significant support in the past and still do - in
 February 2004 they contributed $5K to The FreeBSD Foundation - and in
 the past, years ago when they were Walnut Creek CDROM they contributed
 far more support to the Project. 

Yes - I buy from FreeBSD mall which I thought was run by Walnut Creek. I've 
had this subscription since 3.0 or 3.1... the cd's keep coming. I'd say if 
the new owners aren't giving the project the same cut as the previous owners, 
then maybe consider doing something else???

   Now, as for the Foundation's status as a charity:

 I'll start with asking you a simple question:  Setting aside the
 legal definitions, what in your mind IS a charity, exactly? 

Hey look - I don't need a lecture about charity, and I'm not disputing that 
the foundation is legally classified as a charity. In my mind, I would 
consider it more like a not-for-profit organization; charities are 
organizations that help the needy - people who can't help themselves. 

And by the way - that IS the dictionary definition of a charity. I'm not sure 
what dictionary you're reading from.

 Well, to a lot of people, a charity is simply a kind of accepted
 Robin Hood - it takes from the (willing) rich and gives to the
 poor and needy.

 But, this narrow definition isn't the dictionary definition of
 a charity, and it really isn't the general definition of a charity
 either.  For example, take the Catholic Church.  This is legally
 and in many people's eyes morally, a charity.  Yet, while Catholic
 churches run ministries that help the poor, the Catholic Church
 is by no means giving everything it has to the poor - it's accounted
 the wealthiest organization on the face of the Earth, for starters,
 and there are many thousands of projects that Catholics do that
 aren't ministering to the poor and needy, but rather projects
 that are for the public good that benefit the general public. 

Oh my goodness - now that's an interesting comparison: FreeBSD Foundation and 
the Catholic church. My Dad was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland - so this 
analogy has convinced me to give  :)

 My definition of a charity, and the dictionary definition of a
 charity, is that a charity is an organization that administers a
 pot of money and talent that they dole out to not just needy people, but
 to people and groups that do what you call Good Works - that is,
 benevolent projects that have as sole purpose the benefit of
 the general public - ie: us.

 So on to your question about why are we paying software developers?

 Well it's like this.  There are things that are part of FreeBSD that
 need to be done and have as a benefit, the entire FreeBSD project,
 and in fact, anyone who uses FreeBSD.  And, as FreeBSD moves more
 and more away from a pure hobbiest operating system and becomes
 a player in the commercial sector, increasingly these things are
 issues with commercial software.

 For example, every time that one of the Ziff-Davis ragazines does
 yet another tired 'bake-off' contest between Windows and FreeBSD,
 somebody from the FreeBSD camp must spend a lot of time hand-holding
 the moron writers that write the bake-off articles.  Who is that
 person going to be?  Will it be some young, but inexperienced
 FreeBSD advocate who is very eager to do it and will do it for free?
 Or will it be some experienced FreeBSD person who's time is
 expensive, and in order to do it will have to tell paying clients
 to wait an extra week?  Which one of these people do you think
 is going to help FreeBSD score higher?

 Software companies that are contemplating porting their commercial
 projects to UNIX versions, they read these tired bake-off contests.
 And they aren't going to spend money on an operating system that 

Re: just a couple quick pf/nat questions

2004-12-13 Thread Jay Moore
On Monday 13 December 2004 02:35 pm, Louis LeBlanc wrote:

 Still, I'm planning to migrate to pf, since it's supposed to be
 better.  It seems (from my murky understanding) like it would make
 tricky NAT stuff easier, so there would be some benefits (,
 here I come :).

 Problem is, it seems like there's a whole new logical approach with pf,
 and I can't figure out if pf does the NAT itself or if you still need
 the nat_enable etc.

No - the NAT config is incl in pf.conf
 Also, with ipfw, I just ran a script that grabbed the current dynamic IP
 and used it when the script was run.  How does pf handle dynamic IPs?
 If I'm understanding the pf manual at, it will simply take
 the network interface and apply any IP assigned to a given rule.  Am I

You are correct.
 Has anyone else gotten pf running to their satisfaction on 5.3?

Haven't tried that yet, but I will soon. I've been using it for quite a while 
on OpenBSD boxes  it is pretty much wonderful (except it won't pass a Cisco 
VPN connection through the firewall)
 And are there any pf config generation pages out there yet?

You may want to read the pf User's Guide at:

It's got loads of info, and isn't a difficult read. Also, there is a sample 
config file for a SOHO included. If you Google for pf.conf, you'll turn up 
butt-loads of others. 
 I also noticed that all the sample scripts I've looked at seem to
 specify ports with either an explicit port number or a macro defined
 right in the config.  I take it pf doesn't use the service tags from

Correct-isimo - you're catching on  :)

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Re: 5.3: cant install openoffice 1.1 from ports

2004-12-11 Thread Jay Moore
On Monday 06 December 2004 04:23 pm, Simon Burke wrote:
 I've recently done a fresh install of 5.3, i updated ports using cvsup
 to install gnome2.8, which im using know, great.

 Problem is that it wont allow me to compile openoffice properly, i
 cant give an error message as  its about 7hrs in i  get the message
 and i've since made clean.

 Does anyone know if it is broken? or how i can get an openoffice
 release installed, as 1.0 is apparentlyu broken according to ports and
 1.1 wont compile sucessfully.

I've tried to compile OO on a couple of FreeBSD boxes. It actually came to a 
successful conclusion on one, but crapped itself after I used it a few times. 
I really disliked being redirected to Sun's website to click through their 
Java license agreements, too.

I finally solved the problem by installing Fedora Core 2 on an old laptop that 
I use as a desktop Windoze replacement - OO was part of the standard setup, 
and it works quite well so far.

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Re: FreeBSD or OpenBSD

2004-12-11 Thread Jay Moore
On Saturday 11 December 2004 07:24 pm, Matthias Buelow wrote:

  Here's how you should decide: Go to the OpenBSD mailing list archives,
  select 25 or so threads at random, and read them. Do the same for the
  FreeBSD mailling list archives. Then, make your decision. And remember,
  it's not like getting married - you can change your mind anytime you

 A better idea might be to look at the hardware support of the individual
 systems first.  Not much use to chose one, only to find out that it
 doesn't run on the hardware in question (for example, FreeBSD has
 problems on my notebook where NetBSD runs more or less ok'ish, but
 NetBSD won't even boot on another machine on which FreeBSD runs very
 well.  I guess issues like that hold for OpenBSD aswell.) 

Good point.
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Re: open source video card hardware!

2004-12-11 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 05 December 2004 12:05 am, jason wrote:

 Has anyone else heard of these great idea?  If you are intrested sign
 the petition so the company backing it, Tech Source, will fund it.
 Please check this link with plenty of info about.

It does sound like a good idea, but I wonder if it's realistic over the long 

Why? Well, once upon a time all of the chip vendors published specifications 
for their parts, and made them available to the public. Now, it seems that 
there are many components that are available only to selected parties, and 
then only if you'll sign an NDA.

This is not a conspiracy (unless capitalism is a conspiracy), it simply 
reflects the desire to protect the I.P. developed through investments. 

We've already seen this in the wifi marketplace... there are open-source 
drivers for the older technology, but there are none for the latest 
technology hardware. Thus, you're forced to choose: latest technology or open 

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Re: FreeBSD or OpenBSD

2004-12-11 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 05 December 2004 03:47 pm, Damien Hull wrote:
 I've been a FreeBSD user for a while now and I love it. I'm running 4.10
 and plan on upgrading soon. I'm also an OpenBSD user but I tend to use
 it for firewalls and routers. I setup Apache and Subversion on OpenBSD
 3.6 last week. This is the first time I have ever done anything other
 then a firewall on OpenBSD.

 I'm thinking about using OpenBSD on more servers. Before I do that I
 would like to know what people on the list think.

Asking such a question makes you sound a little limp-wristed, frankly.

Here's how you should decide: Go to the OpenBSD mailing list archives, select 
25 or so threads at random, and read them. Do the same for the FreeBSD 
mailling list archives. Then, make your decision. And remember, it's not like 
getting married - you can change your mind anytime you like.

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Re: FreeBSD 5.3 Does Not Install on Toshiba Satellite Laptop

2004-11-23 Thread Jay Moore
On Monday 22 November 2004 05:05 pm, Laszlo Antal wrote:

 I am tryin to install FreeBSD 5.3 on my Toshiba Satellite Laptop.
 Every time I boot up from the cd it stops loading at
 pci0ACPI PCI bus on pcib0

 I tryed everything in my bios.I even disable the wirwles card and the
 mouse, unpluged evry extra and still stops.
 I tryed boot with ACPI, ACPI disable, Safe Mode.

 Same problem.

 The same cd does boot correctly on my desktop.

 Does anyone could give me Idea what am I doing wrong?
 Or if this laptop is not supported.

This is not really an answer to your question, but I thought you might be 
interested in my experience with my Toshiba laptop (an old Tecra 8100, 500 

I tried installing FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and the Debian Linux distro... all had 
what seemed to be pretty big problems that were going to require lots of my 
time to fix. I then tried the Fedora Core 2 Linux distro, and it worked so 
well I could hardly believe it. It worked so well, I decided to invest in a 
new battery, and larger hard drive. Now I've got a really functional, 
lightweight laptop I can use for all sorts of things... it was like finding 
$$$ on the street  :)

On a possibly more relevant note, Toshiba does run a website  mail list to 
support folks that are installing open source OS's on their laptops. Try 
googling Toshiba laptop Linux FreedBSD.

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Re: Copyright Issues

2004-11-23 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 23 November 2004 10:57 am, Dan Strick wrote:

 (I suggest this thread be moved to the chat mailing list.)

 It is not clear that copyright law applies here.  I doubt that the concept
 of a cute demon is copyrightable.  In order to be a copyright violation,
 it might have to be obvious that the *only* way the vending machine daemon
 could have been composed was to intentionally copy a daemon image whose
 copyright is held by Kirk McKusick.  (This one does look an awful lot like
 some versions of the BSD daemon.)

 Trademark law might be more relevant.  Even though though the vending
 machine belongs to a marketplace not obviously connected to one in which
 Kirk McKusick uses his daemons as a trademark, the vending machine machine
 image does include a URL and I suppose one could at least argue that the
 vending machine usage damages the value McKusick's trademark by
 associating it with a product that protects a bunch of ... :-)

 A further complication is that Naughty International Limited is a European
 company and the alleged property rights violation occurred in Europe.

 These issues are a bit subtle.  If you really care about them, you should
 ask a lawyer who works with intellectual property rights law.

 Dan Strick

Poppycock, Dan... don't be a stick in the mud.  The issues aren't subtle at 
all. And why should the OP consult an attorney about it? It's not his 
TM/copyrighted work/IP... I think he did the right thing by posting it 
here; perhaps the owner will learn about it, and can make his own decision 
about if/how to pursue it.

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Ship date for 5.3 CD's ?

2004-11-23 Thread Jay Moore
Excuse me if this has been posted already, but I couldn't find an answer after 
a brief search...

Has a ship date for the 5.3 CD been set?

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Unable to move windows in KDE, FreeBSD 5.2.1

2004-11-11 Thread Jay Moore
I'm not sure exactly when this happened, but I can no longer move or re-size 
any windows. Open windows behave normally otherwise - I can minimize, 
maximize, close, move to another desktop, etc, etc. They just can't be moved 
or re-sized.

Is this a known problem, or just some weird anomaly requiring a re-startx?

Oh - I'm using XFree86; this is a 5.2.1 installation.

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Re: Please take this somewhere else (was RE: difference

2004-11-11 Thread Jay Moore
On Thursday 11 November 2004 05:49 pm, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:

  Well, the person did address his complaint to the moderator of the
  list and, tho sent to the wrong place, did not address it to the
  list per se.

 There's a good reason for this: this list is (currently) unmoderated.
 Some of us pay attention, though.  We have been discussing some recent
 abusive mail messages, and though we condemn them, we're discussing
 how to deal with it.  By far our favourite choice would be for the
 people in question to come into line with existing list policy.

Suggestion: a forced subscription to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a few weeks should 
be an adequate deterrent to further abuse.

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Re: ipfilter loading on 5.3

2004-11-08 Thread Jay Moore
On Monday 08 November 2004 11:01 am, dave wrote:
 I believe i am having a configuration error. I've got a new 5.3 box to
 which i'm atempting to get ipfilter going. I read the updated handbook and
 have added:


 to my rc.conf file. When i try to manually load up my rules file with:
 ipf -FA -f /etc/ipf.rules
  i am getting an error can not open no such device

The error is a grammatical one... this message has a double negative!!


Seriously, though - I'd dump ipfilter and go for pf.

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Re: ACX100 Firmware Licensing

2004-10-31 Thread Jay Moore
On Wednesday 27 October 2004 11:16 am, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
 Compared to other types of hardware, the support for wireless cards
 is lacking on *BSD because many vendors don't provide documentation
 or the cards require the upload of a binary firmware image that,
 absurdly as it sounds, may not be redistributed.  Well, some people
 are working on improving this situation step by step and you can
 help by writing to the hardware vendors.

 Specifically, there already is a FreeBSD 5.x driver for the Texas
 Instruments ACX100 802.11b chipset (DLink DWL-520+, DWL-650+, and
 others), which is currently maintained externally:

 However, a firmware binary blob must be uploaded to the card, and
 since TI doesn't allow redistribution it can't be included with the
 driver, rendering it useless.

 mucho snippo 

A few comments/questions:

1) The only driver I've tried is:
It worked pretty well for me. As I recall there is a script to download the 
firmware - I don't recall from where it was d/l, but I don't remember having 
to check off any license agreement forms during the process. Pretty 
painless... I never realized it was an issue 'til I saw your post.

2) Wouldn't voting with your pocketbook be more persuasive than whining? I 
recently bought two WiFI cards that use the Prism chipset 
( 'cause they've got better support in the systems I use. 
This purchase represents a loss for TI  the mfrs who buy their ACX100 chips, 
and a gain for Intersil and their customers. The free market is pretty 
effective at sorting these things out.

3) As far as 'activism' goes, I think you and the other merry men would be 
heard much more clearly if you each bought a single share of TI stock (it's 
real cheap right now :) and used your status as shareholders to submit 
motions or resolutions to TI's Board of Directors. Better yet, attend the 
annual shareholder's meeting, and let your voices be heard! 

Good Luck,
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Re: Soekris engineering routers

2004-10-31 Thread Jay Moore
On Saturday 30 October 2004 07:45 pm, LiQuiD wrote:

 I've noticed a few people mention this company,
 in the list now.  Their website claims they can be used with a compact
 flash card.  I'm curious regarding their usage with a flash card as a
 hard drive.  Has anyone successfully been able to install FreeBSD on one
 of those boxes using a compact flash card?

Not FreeBSD, but I have installed and used OpenBSD successfully. There are a 
few tricks involved in using the CF card. Here's my fstab listing - it may 
help get you started: 

$ cat /etc/fstab
/dev/wd0a / ffs rw,noaccesstime 1 1
# /dev/wd0d /tmp ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0b /tmp mfs rw,nodev,nosuid,-s=128000 0 0
/dev/wd0b /var mfs rw,nodev,nosuid,union,-s=128000 0 0
/dev/wd0g /usr ffs rw,nodev,noaccesstime 1 2

Check the soekris  OpenBSD mailing list archives for more goodies.

 If this were possible, I could replace my router with that, and a couple
 clients' machines with something far smaller and with much less power

Yep - that's the idea.

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Re: ACX100 Firmware Licensing

2004-10-31 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 31 October 2004 07:41 am, Michael Nottebrock wrote:

  2) Wouldn't voting with your pocketbook be more persuasive than whining?
  I recently bought two WiFI cards that use the Prism chipset
  ( 'cause they've got better support in the systems I
  use. This purchase represents a loss for TI  the mfrs who buy their
  ACX100 chips, and a gain for Intersil and their customers. The free
  market is pretty effective at sorting these things out.

 It's obviously not, because (as a !Windows user) your pocketbook isn't even
 registered for voting.

Oh yes it is... my vote may go for Ralph Nader, but it's still a vote! 

And I think you may under-estimate just how many people and organizations are 
using open source and/or free software. 

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Re: ACX100 Firmware Licensing

2004-10-31 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 31 October 2004 11:36 am, Michael Nottebrock wrote:

  And I think you may under-estimate just how many people and organizations
  are using open source and/or free software.

 No, it doesn't work that way. You as a *BSD/Linux user were never meant to
 purchase a $40 wireless NIC with a TI chipset that says software
 requirements: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP on the box or a $1399 OEM notebook
 with a builtin TI chipset that comes with Windows XP Home Edition.

 If you do, it's your problem, and if you don't, your purchase won't be
 missed by anyone.

Well join the whiners then, Michael.

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Re: VoIP World Leaders

2004-10-02 Thread Jay Moore
On Monday 27 September 2004 05:44 am, Spidey Knepscheld wrote:
 Hi Guys

 Can anyone perhaps inform me on the world leader in VoIP Solutions.We
 were granted a license to supply VoIP in South Africa and we would like
 to get in contact with the big guys in this field.

 Thank you


This might be the lamest question ever asked on any mailing list or usenet 
group in the history of the Internet... where's that Guinness Records book?

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Re: pf for FreeBSD

2004-10-02 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 28 September 2004 07:33 am, shane mullins wrote:

 reformatted to correct top-posting 

  - Original Message -
 hello folks,
 i want to install the packet filter for FreeBSD so i recompile the
  kernel with the options :

 Why not just run OpenBSD if you want to use pf?  I use both Free and
 OpenBSD.  But, pf is much easier to set up on OpenBSD.  Just install
 OpenBSD, enable routing, enable pf in rc.conf and you are done.


Why not...? One reason might be that he is not a masochist.

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Re: Bandwidth Limiting

2004-08-04 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 03 August 2004 05:34 pm, Jonathan wrote:
 Hello, I run FreeBSD 5-2.1 on a serv4er box used for my company
 (StreamForce Hosting Solutions). I was wondering if there is an
 application i can install or method of limiting per user bandwidth by
 like a certain group or class. If not is there a way to limit bandwidth
 for all non super user accounts.

Check out pf (packet filter)


pf includes ALTQ for bandwidth control.

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Re: receiving your address on my TV

2004-08-02 Thread Jay Moore
Sylvia bowman wrote:

 I am receiving your email address on my television screen.  It happens
 late on Saturday evenings.  Can you address this situation, please. 

 Sylvia Bowman

Come on now, Sylvia - I think you know how this situation should be addressed.

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Re: How to send attached files on sendmail with mail tool?

2004-07-24 Thread Jay Moore
On Friday 23 July 2004 01:07 am, Murray Taylor wrote:
 man uuencode

 uuencode [-m] [-o output_file] [file] name

 he uuencode utility reads file (or by default the standard input) and
 writes an encoded version to the standard output, or output_file if one
 has been specified.  The encoding uses only printing ASCII characters
 and includes the mode of the file and the operand name for use by

 This works with winblows  - I use it in production here

If it works, use it :-)  It's straightforward, and easy enough to test.

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Re: SSH Client - (newbie need help)

2004-07-24 Thread Jay Moore
On Friday 23 July 2004 07:58 am, Ralph Hempel wrote:
  Im a newbie to FreeBSD and I need to run an SSH client
  to connect to the Solaris server at my University. I
  was previously using Putty on WinXP, however there
  appears to be a bug in the current putty port which
  causes it to crash before exchanging keys if the
  servers key is not cached.

 Is there a bug, or just a warning message that says the
 new key is not cached? I'm using PuTTY 0.54 right
 now and it works great.

Ditto - PuTTY has been rock-solid for me. I use it currently on Win2K  WinXP. 
If you're having problems using PuTTY the problem is likely elsewhere.

But as this is the FreeBSD mailing list, you can most certainly use the ssh 
client here as well: ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

One diff I've noticed: In the case of a changed key, PuTTY's default is to 
issue a warning, and allow the user to decide whether or not to continue the 
connection; the OpenSSH client's default is to abort the connection.

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Re: How to send attached files on sendmail with mail tool?

2004-07-22 Thread Jay Moore
On Wednesday 21 July 2004 02:10 am, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
   cat file | uuencode tgt_filname | mail -s subject [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 uuencode tgt_filname | mail -s subject [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 instead of cat. less one unneeded piping.

   subject can be derived from shell script variables if necessary.
  Do you have to do a uudecode on the receiving end to recover the file?
  I tried this - sending a pdf file from this FreeBSD system to a Windoze
  user that gets mail via POP - it didn't work. The filename came through,
  and it was listed as an attachment, but there was nothing useful in the

 i think windoze just can't decode uuencoded attachments right.

 it only supports base64 right.

 metamail will be useful, possibly

 /usr/local/bin/encode-base64 was installed by package p5-MIME-Base64-2.21

I'm sure you are correct about Windows... I guess the point I was trying to 
make is that I think Base64 encoding and appropriate MIME headers are 
required to be placed in the message to make it a compliant message. So 
while this script may work in certain limited situations, it's probably not a 
good general purpose solution.

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Re: How to send attached files on sendmail with mail tool?

2004-07-20 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 18 July 2004 07:38 pm, Murray Taylor wrote:

 cat file | uuencode tgt_filname | mail -s subject [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You can send .tgz, .tar.gz, .xls, .csv, ... files using this method..

 Ie any file at all as the uuencode does all the necessaries to make the
 file into 7bit ascii.

 subject can be derived from shell script variables if necessary.

Do you have to do a uudecode on the receiving end to recover the file?

I tried this - sending a pdf file from this FreeBSD system to a Windoze user 
that gets mail via POP - it didn't work. The filename came through, and it 
was listed as an attachment, but there was nothing useful in the file.

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Re: clamd keeps exiting

2004-07-20 Thread Jay Moore
On Monday 19 July 2004 10:19 am, Mipam wrote:

  Do you have a file /etc/clamav.conf ?
  There is a line in the default clamav.conf: # Example
  This line must be un-commented (remove the #).

 You mean this part:

 # Comment or remove the line below.

 This is commented as you can see, so you suggest to uncomment this line?
 What is the function of this Example in the clamav.conf?

Ach - no... sorry - I made a mistake - the line _should_ be commented just as 
you've shown it. Uncommenting it prevents clamd from parsing the file.

Do you have a /var/clamav directory that the _clamav user can write its pid  
sock files to? What user is listed as owner of the /var/vlamav directory? Did 
you read the INSTALL file?

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Re: How to send attached files on sendmail with mail tool?

2004-07-18 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 18 July 2004 10:35 am, Shantanoo wrote:

 | I'm doing some scripts to automaticly deliver to some email accounts
 | Unix system printouts. I'm using sendmail on Freebsd 4.9 and the mail
 | tool to send my emails. What I would like to know is: is it possible
 | to send emails with files attached using the sendmail and the mail
 | tool? Which syntax should I aply to send an attached file in the
 | message?
 | I would appreciate your help.
 | P.S: I' using this syntax so far for sending emails
 | mail -s Automatic Message [EMAIL PROTECTED] E_O_M
 | The contents of the message goes here.
 | E_O_M
 | or to pipe stuff directly into sendmail:
 | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -oi -oem E_O_M
 | Subject: Automatic Message
 | The contents of the message goes here.
 | As much as you like, really.
 | E_O_M

 I don't think you can do it. I would have used mutt in such case.

 echo contents of the bodt | mutt -a attach_file -s subject

I don't see anything in 'man mail' that suggests mail could do this. I don't 
know about sendmail - it has a configuration option for everything :) , but 
may be more trouble than it's worth.

You could do as Shantanoo suggested w/ mutt; there are probably similar 
incantations for pine, elm, etc. Doing it from a shell script is probably 
possible if you're willing to do all of the mime stuff. However, I think I'd 
look at Perl... I think if you found the right package this would be fairly 

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Re: clamd keeps exiting

2004-07-17 Thread Jay Moore
On Thursday 15 July 2004 08:34 am, Mipam wrote:

 ls /var/log/clamav/clamd.log yields:

 +++ Started at Wed Jul 14 10:30:57 2004
 clamd daemon 0.74 (OS: freebsd5.2.1, ARCH: i386, CPU: i386)
 Log file size limited to 2097152 bytes.
 Verbose logging activated.
 Running as user clamav (UID 1006, GID 1007)
 Reading databases from /usr/local/share/clamav
 Protecting against 22678 viruses.
 Unix socket file /var/run/clamav/clamd
 Setting connection queue length to 15
 Listening daemon: PID: 859
 Archive: Archived file size limit set to 10485760 bytes.
 Archive: Recursion level limit set to 5.
 Archive: Files limit set to 1000.
 Archive: Compression ratio limit set to 200.
 Archive support enabled.
 RAR support disabled.
 Mail files support enabled.
 OLE2 support enabled.
 Self checking every 3600 seconds.

 and in var/log/messages

 Jul 14 10:33:10 rbns01 kernel: pid 859 (clamd), uid 1006: exited on signal

 For the rest i couldnt find anything just this.
 I have no clue why it keeps exiting.
 The deps:

 /usr/local/sbin/clamd: = /usr/local/lib/ (0x28086000) = /lib/ (0x280ae000) = /usr/lib/ (0x280bc000) = /usr/local/lib/ (0x280cb000) = /usr/lib/ (0x280f9000) = /lib/ (0x2810a000)

 kern.version: FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p9 #3: Thu Jul  8 16:43:50 CEST 2004
 Any clues?
 I cant seem to get any more debug info about what happend even not with
 the --debug option enabled.
 Any hints?

Do you have a file /etc/clamav.conf ?

There is a line in the default clamav.conf: # Example
This line must be un-commented (remove the #).

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Re: Rack-Mount Server cases

2004-07-14 Thread Jay Moore
On Wednesday 14 July 2004 12:54 pm, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

  I'm just asking opinions here, but:
  What do you prefer for a 2U rack mount server case?  

  I would recommend you avoid the Antec 2U unit ( probably all Antec
  rack-mounts if the 2U is any indication).

 That may well be good advise for the current ones, I don't know.  But I
 have some 5U with redundant PS Antec cases that are rock solid
 (literally), with shock mounted drive cage, everything.  Really nice
 (except the height).  I am still using them after 5 years of constant

That's good to hear... I'll keep that in mind if I ever need a 9 tall 
server :-). I owned two Antec tower cases before I bought their 2U rackmount. 
I thought the tower cases were good quality. The 2U is just poor layout  
design. And it's not inexpensive.

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Re: clamd keeps exiting

2004-07-14 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 13 July 2004 10:30 am, Mipam wrote:

 I am using clamav to check on virusses.
 This works well. However, when i try to use clamd, it never runs long.
 Mostly within a minute or a couple, it exists with signal 6.
 I am using this libmap.conf

snip, snip 

 Maybe i should adjust some things to make it work fine?
 Did anyone else encouter these problems?

This is a non-answer, but I use clamav (0.73  0.74) on 2 OpenBSD (3.4  3.5) 
systems for the past week or so, and I've not had this problem. In fact other 
than being kind of tedious to install  configure it seems to be working 
well. OpenBSD has no libmap.conf - I'm just curious as to what makes you 
think library mappings are at fault?

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Re: Rack-Mount Server cases

2004-07-12 Thread Jay Moore
On Friday 09 July 2004 07:19 am, Eric Crist wrote:

 I'm just asking opinions here, but:

 What do you prefer for a 2U rack mount server case?  I want to keep the
 cost down, but I want something that looks nice and is functional.  I've
 got 5 servers I'm looking at replacing existing cases on to make them
 match, as well as to free up some rack space, as some cases I currently
 own are 4U, and some are 2U.

I would recommend you avoid the Antec 2U unit ( probably all Antec 
rack-mounts if the 2U is any indication).

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Re: Sendmail installation

2004-07-09 Thread Jay Moore
On Friday 09 July 2004 02:45 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I thought Sendmail was a very insecure mailing system, nevertheless, it's
 fully integrated to the FreeBSD system in the basic installation ...

I think sendmail developed a reputation for insecure code some time ago, but 
they have resolved all known (major) issues. I also think sendmail was (one 
of) the first MTAs - written during simpler times before most of the world's 
idle assholes were equipped with PCs and cheap Internet access.

I like sendmail, and I trust it - mostly because it has endured. But I am not 
an evangelist... I'd encourage you to try any other MTA's you see fit 
(available in ports), and draw your own conclusions.


 Why ?
 Why not Postfix, Qmail, Exim ???

 Isn't it possible to let us choose during the installation process ???

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status of porting pf and spamd from OpenBSD to FreeBSD

2004-06-28 Thread Jay Moore
I heard some time ago that work was going on to port pf (and spamd, I think) 
from OpenBSD to FreeBSD. I also recently saw an announcement on the FreeBSD 
home page that Daniel Hartmeier had joined the FreeBSD team as a committer - 
a further indication that this work is underway.

I'm just curious to know the status of this effort, and any specifics on how 
or when this will be done.

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Re: status of porting pf and spamd from OpenBSD to FreeBSD

2004-06-28 Thread Jay Moore
On Monday 28 June 2004 09:10 am, Andrew L. Gould wrote:

  I heard some time ago that work was going on to port pf (and spamd, I
  I'm just curious to know the status of this effort, and any specifics
  on how or when this will be done.

 You can lookup ports here:

 I searched for 'pf' and found this among the results:

 Is this what you're looking for?

Yes! Thanks, Andrew. I did try searching, but didn't dig far enough... and 
didn't think to look in ports as it's not a port in OpenBSD.

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Re: Sendmail for Large Sites

2004-06-19 Thread Jay Moore
On Friday 18 June 2004, Martin McCormick wrote:

How well does the administration of Sendmail scale up to sites
 serving as many as 25,000 users?
   My thanks to everybody who answered my questions.  If we end
 up doing major revisions to our present mail system, I will have this
 information to contribute to the discussion.  My experience with
 sendmail is very positive, but very limited.  I am well aware that one
 person receiving a couple of hundred messages a day on one work
 station is no indicator of how the same MTA might work when hundreds of
 thousands of messages and bounces are roaring around the mail server
 every day.  Again, thank you all.

Don't forget that the folks also offer a commercial version of 
sendmail that includes (iirc) some enhanced administration tools, and 
technical support.

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Re: Disabling DHCP

2004-06-19 Thread Jay Moore
On Saturday 19 June 2004 05:11 pm, Geert Hendrickx wrote:

  I want to turn DHCP on my router off.
  How can I use FreeBSD to get an IP addresss from it?  When the system
  boots, it runs dhclient, which hangs for awhile before getting anything.
  What is the better way?

 Using a fixed IP, by adding

   ifconfig_ed1=inet  netmask

 to your /etc/rc.conf (be sure to substitute your device and the correct
 ip's), and listing the nameserver(s) in /etc/resolv.conf

 That way you won't need your DHCP-server anymore.

I think this advice is correct if the router is set up just so. It could break 
your network connection if not. 

What sort of service do you have? e.g. DSL, cable modem, T1, ...?

Did your ISP assign you a fixed IP address (or block of addresses)?

More information might help you get a better quality answer. If nothing else, 
type 'ifconfig -a'  post that result here.

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Re: freebsd- Newby question

2004-06-08 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 08 June 2004 04:27 pm, LW Ellis wrote:

 I am trying to learn unix. I need a recommendation for a good beginers book
 (eg: Unix for dummies)

I like Sobell's book, A Practical Guide to the Unix System

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Re: ISPs blocking SMTP connections from dynamic IP address space

2004-06-07 Thread Jay Moore
On Monday 07 June 2004 10:29 am, Bill Moran wrote:

  Just make sure they are truly dynamic ips.  Many people block ips
  identified as DSL connections.  Those are not necessarily dynamic ip

The easiest way I've found to learn if your IP address is listed, and who is 
listing it is:

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Re: starting Konqueror from the command line

2004-06-06 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 06 June 2004 01:29 am, Malcolm Kay wrote:

This oughta' be easy, but I've been unable to find any documentation
on it...
I'm using bluefish as an html editor. I don't have mozilla installed
(don't really want it), and would like to preview my html in
What is the correct command line incantation for this?
   I believe the command is #konqueror, only 50% sure though.
  I'm 100% sure you've got 50% of the answer, Bruce  :)
  What I need is the part that comes after konqueror... i.e. which file
  to open. And that's assuming Konqueror knows to start in html mode
  since the file it's opening is html. I thought there might even be a way
  to specify a profile file (??) to set window size  other options.

 # konqueror file:'absolute-file-path'

Thank you both - that is helpful, but not the answer I was seeking. Perhaps 
I'm asking the wrong question... I need to get Konqueror to display the file 
I am currently editing in Bluefish. With the Konqueror command line synatax I 
now have I suppose this has now become a Bluefish question. I'll do some 
research there.

BTW - are command line parameters for Konqueror documented anywhere?

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Re: starting Konqueror from the command line

2004-06-06 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 06 June 2004 02:17 am, Jay Moore wrote:

   What I need is the part that comes after konqueror... i.e. which file
   to open. And that's assuming Konqueror knows to start in html mode
   since the file it's opening is html. I thought there might even be a
   way to specify a profile file (??) to set window size  other
  # konqueror file:'absolute-file-path'

 Thank you both - that is helpful, but not the answer I was seeking. Perhaps
 I'm asking the wrong question... I need to get Konqueror to display the
 file I am currently editing in Bluefish. With the Konqueror command line
 synatax I now have I suppose this has now become a Bluefish question.
 I'll do some research there.

It's not documented in Bluefish either, but this seems to work :
konqueror %s

 BTW - are command line parameters for Konqueror documented anywhere?

I'd still like to learn if there's such a resource.

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Re: Recommended answering machine software?

2004-06-05 Thread Jay Moore
On Friday 04 June 2004 10:02 pm, Bill Moran wrote:

  I'd like to run something under FreeBSD 4.9 which can make my
  FreeBSD box act as an answering machine:  answer calls, play an
  outgoing message (presumably a .wav or similar file), and take
  messages.  It would be nice if it also could understand DTMF codes and
  I skimmed through ports but didn't find a clear winner for this type
  of application.  I'm also not sure what specific hardware I'd need (I
  assume not just any modem will do :-), and I suspect this will be
  dependent on what software I use.

 While it may be overkill, Asterisk is really the software you're looking
 for:  It'll do everything you need and more.

 Unfortunately, asterisk's ability to function on FreeBSD is currently
 limited by a lack of drivers for phone cards.  You'd think you could just
 use standard modems, but not really.  There is a lot of work going in to
 making asterisk work better on FreeBSD, so it's not going to be like this

I'd like to get involved in this... is there a mailing list, or someone I 
should contact?

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starting Konqueror from the command line

2004-06-05 Thread Jay Moore
This oughta' be easy, but I've been unable to find any documentation on it...

I'm using bluefish as an html editor. I don't have mozilla installed (don't 
really want it), and would like to preview my html in Konqueror.

What is the correct command line incantation for this?

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Re: starting Konqueror from the command line

2004-06-05 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 06 June 2004 12:46 am, Bruce Hunter wrote:

  This oughta' be easy, but I've been unable to find any documentation on
  I'm using bluefish as an html editor. I don't have mozilla installed
  (don't really want it), and would like to preview my html in Konqueror.
  What is the correct command line incantation for this?

 I believe the command is #konqueror, only 50% sure though.

I'm 100% sure you've got 50% of the answer, Bruce  :)

What I need is the part that comes after konqueror... i.e. which file to 
open. And that's assuming Konqueror knows to start in html mode since the 
file it's opening is html. I thought there might even be a way to specify a 
profile file (??) to set window size  other options.

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DNS usage question

2004-06-01 Thread Jay Moore
I'm running sendmail on my 5.2.1 system, and have a number of DNSBLs set up in 
my sendmail configuration.  I am not currently running BIND (or any other 
nameserver), and therefore have configured my system to use one of my ISP's 
DNS servers.

I've noticed that each attempted connection to my mail server now generates a 
flurry of DNS requests from my mail server to my ISP's DNS server.

I'd like to streamline this process, but I don't really want to take on DNS 
administration. I've heard about caching DNS servers, and tiny DNS, and I 
wondered if they might suit my needs.

Comments, or recommendations??

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Re: how-to tell sendmail to mail thru my ISP

2004-05-19 Thread Jay Moore
On Wednesday 19 May 2004 11:02 am, fbsd_user wrote:
 I have dynamic IP address and ISP blocks inbound port 25 so any
 recipients email server that checks back before accepting says I an
 invalid sender. Going through my ISP email server should fix this.

 How do I tell sendmail to send, relay my outgoing email through
 my ISP email server?

see the SMART_HOST feature in sendmail.

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Re: blacklist(s)

2004-05-15 Thread Jay Moore
On Friday 14 May 2004 07:55 pm, Gary Kline wrote:

   Can anyone point me to the website that told how to set up
   sendmail's FEATURE to use blacklists?  There were at least
   fourr blacklist sites.  I've grep'd thru my ~/Mail directory,
   can't find it?

Most DNSBLs have a how-to page with sendmail configuration examples. The 
sendmail site itself is pretty clear on how to do this (

   Any thoughts on

I use it, and I feed my spam to it. I think their approach to blacklisting is 
pretty unique... it's not the central authority model, it's more like a 
popular vote model. Anyone can vote by feeding their spam to spamcop.


1) Their servers apparently get overloaded sometimes, and don't respond. This 
can lead to two things - both of which are bad:
  spam gets through if you don't defer
  good mail gets delayed if you do defer
2) There was some flack a few months ago about spamcop being bought by a 
commercial outfit. You can Google for the news on this

Finally -, the Spam database lookup is a great source of 
comparison between all or most of the available blacklists.


   tia, people,

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Re: Disk Usage

2004-05-04 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 04 May 2004 05:49 pm, Michael Conlen wrote:

 Any ideas what would cause the df -k and du -k discrepancy?

maybe fu-k ?  :)
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Re: ports hosed

2004-05-03 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 04 April 2004 05:24 pm, you wrote:

  But I guess I'm not completely convinced that it'll take far less
  time. I started the K3b port install Friday evening... I'm on about
  the third iteration of portupgrade, and each iteration is an
  _extremely_ long process on this old 350 MHz system with 211+ ports.
  Several of the port installs require input from the console to
  continue, so I've been friggin' chained to this desk all weekend
  long. Too much work, too much time!

 I understand that problem. I have a P-II 400 that I don't build anything
 on because it takes so long. I did the portupgrade -rf expat2 on an AMD
 2400+ XP and complained because it ran for 13 hours. If you use ratios,
 which don't always apply, your 350 is close to 16x slower. It is 8x by
 the clock and 2x for hardware speed ups.

Whew! It took almost a  month, but I think I made it - well, almost... I've 
had an unbelievable string of mishaps (UPS died, travel, etc, etc). I 
re-started 'portupgrade -rf textpproc/expat2' Thursday, and early this 
morning was able to startx  see KDE 3.2 for the first time - about a 3 day 
process to build on this  350 MHz machine.

I say almost because two ports are still hosed: samba and openoffice. I'm 
thinking the best strategy from here is to remove these ports  re-install as 
pre-built packages... any analysis or comments on this approach?

Best Rgds,
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portupgrade for KDE [ part of 5.2 portupgrade hairball ]

2004-04-17 Thread Jay Moore
Entering the third week of my portupgrade... some progress has been made (I 
think), but several items remain. Last week I was on travel, but started the 
following before leaving:

portupgrade -rf textproc/expat2

This completed with the result shown below. As you can see, KDE stuff was 
involved in the majority of my issues. I read the 'UPDATING' file from my 
last CVSup, but it doesn't seem to address this.

What must I do to resolve the KDE install error(s)?


[Updating the pkgdb format:bdb1_btree in /var/db/pkg ... - 232 packages 
found (-0 +1) . done]
** Listing the failed packages (*:skipped / !:failed)
! net/samba (samba-2.2.8a_2)(uninstall error)
! x11/kdelibs3 (kdelibs-3.1.4_1)(install error)
* x11/kdebase3 (kdebase-3.1.4)
* x11-wm/kdeartwork3 (kdeartwork-3.1.4_1)
* games/kdegames3 (kdegames-3.1.4)
* net/kdenetwork3 (kdenetwork-3.1.4)
* devel/kdesdk3 (kdesdk-3.1.4)
* misc/kdeutils3 (kdeutils-3.1.4)
* deskutils/kdepim3 (kdepim-3.1.4)
* devel/kdevelop (kdevelop-2.1.5)
* x11-clocks/kdetoys3 (kdetoys-3.1.4)
* editors/koffice-kde3 (koffice-1.2.1_1,1)
* graphics/kdegraphics3 (kdegraphics-3.1.4)
* www/quanta (quanta-3.1.4,2)
* multimedia/kdemultimedia3 (kdemultimedia-3.1.4)
* sysutils/kdeadmin3 (kdeadmin-3.1.4_1)
* misc/kdeaddons3 (kdeaddons-3.1.4)
! editors/openoffice-1.1 (openoffice-1.1.0_1)   (unknown build error)
---  Packages processed: 113 done, 0 ignored, 15 skipped and 3 failed
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Re: portupgrade for KDE [ part of 5.2 portupgrade hairball ]

2004-04-17 Thread Jay Moore
On Saturday 17 April 2004 09:24 am, Kent Stewart wrote:

  What must I do to resolve the KDE install error(s)?

 You have to pkg_delete kdebase-3.1.4 before you can update kde to 3.2.1.
 The Makefile for kdelibs has CONFLICTS=  kdebase-3.1.* and it
 won't build until you have deleted kdebase.

After pkg_delete (or make deinstall??) on kdebase-3.1.4, should I re-start my 
portupgrade on expat2, (# portupgrade -rf textproc/expat2), or is there a 
better/quicker way to reach the objective state?

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direction needed [ part of 5.2 portupgrade hairball ]

2004-04-10 Thread Jay Moore
I'm still trying to bring the portupgrade process to successful conclusion on 
my 5.2 system. I'm trying to avoid any more well, let's try this and see 
what happens experiments as they simply take so long - so I'm asking for 
some directions to help me reach the end from here.

I've completed 'portupgrade -fr gettext'.  At the tail end of that process I 
received a list of ports that were skipped or failed (see below). I'm 
guessing that these exceptions are a result of unsatisfied dependencies, but 
I don't know how to resolve them without (potentially) creating still more 

Any advice would be appreciated - if there's something I should be reading to 
help sort this out for myself I'd appreciate a pointer... so far I've been 
unable to find any specific advice in the handbook.


# portupgrade -fr gettext

... finished at approx 10:50 PM CDST, April 8, 2004
the final result was:

[Updating the pkgdb format:bdb1_btree in /var/db/pkg ... - 224 packages 
found (-0 +1) . done]
---  Skipping 'x11-toolkits/eel2' (eel2-2.4.1) because 'x11-toolkits/
libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'www/libgtkhtml' (libgtkhtml-2.4.1_1) because 'accessibility/
gail' (gail-1.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'www/epiphany' (epiphany-1.0.6) because 'x11-toolkits/
libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'x11/gnomepanel' (gnomepanel-2.4.1) because 'x11/
gnomedesktop' (gnomedesktop- failed
---  Skipping 'sysutils/gnomesystemmonitor' (gnomesystemmonitor-2.4.0) 
because 'x11-toolkits/libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'deskutils/gnomeutils2' (gnomeutils2-2.4.1,1) because 'x11/
gnomepanel' (gnomepanel-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'x11-fm/nautilus2' (nautilus2-2.4.1) because 'x11-toolkits/
eel2' (eel2-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner' (nautilus-cd-burner-0.5.3_3) 
because 'x11-toolkits/eel2' (eel2-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'deskutils/gucharmap' (gucharmap-gnome-1.2.0) because 
'x11-toolkits/libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'graphics/eog2' (eog2-2.4.1) because 'x11-toolkits/
eel2' (eel2-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'graphics/gpdf' (gpdf-0.111) because 'x11-toolkits/
libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'print/ggv2' (ggv2- because 'x11-toolkits/
libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'archivers/fileroller' (fileroller-2.4.2_1,1) because 
'x11-toolkits/libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'sysutils/gnomecontrolcenter2' (gnomecontrolcenter2-2.4.0) 
because 'x11-toolkits/eel2' (eel2-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'x11-toolkits/gtksourceview' (gtksourceview-0.7.0) because 
'graphics/libgnomecanvas' (libgnomecanvas-2.4.0) failed
---  Skipping 'editors/gedit2' (gedit2-2.4.1) because 'x11-toolkits/
gtksourceview' (gtksourceview-0.7.0) failed
** Listing the failed packages (*:skipped / !:failed)
! mail/mutt (mutt-  (uninstall error)
! devel/libglade2 (libglade2-2.0.1_1)   (configure error)
* graphics/libgnomecanvas (libgnomecanvas-2.4.0)
! x11-toolkits/libwnck (libwnck- error)
! editors/openoffice-1.1 (openoffice-1.1.0_1)   (unknown build error)
! x11/kdelibs3 (kdelibs-3.1.4_1)(install error)
* graphics/kdegraphics3 (kdegraphics-3.1.4)
* editors/koffice-kde3 (koffice-1.2.1_1,1)
* x11/kdebase3 (kdebase-3.1.4)
* misc/kdeutils3 (kdeutils-3.1.4)
* games/kdegames3 (kdegames-3.1.4)
* x11-clocks/kdetoys3 (kdetoys-3.1.4)
* devel/kdesdk3 (kdesdk-3.1.4)
* devel/kdevelop (kdevelop-2.1.5)
! x11-toolkits/gtk-engines2 (gtk-engines2-2.2.0)(configure 
! net/samba (samba-2.2.8a_2)(uninstall error)
! www/mozilla (mozilla-gtk2-1.5_1)  (configure error)
* x11-wm/metacity (metacity-2.6.3)
* net/kdenetwork3 (kdenetwork-3.1.4)
* www/quanta (quanta-3.1.4,2)
* x11-wm/kdeartwork3 (kdeartwork-3.1.4_1)
! sysutils/gconf-editor (gconf-editor-2.4.0,1)  (configure error)
* deskutils/kdepim3 (kdepim-3.1.4)
* x11-toolkits/libgnomeprintui (libgnomeprintui-2.4.1)
* accessibility/gail (gail-1.4.1)
* graphics/librsvg2 (librsvg2-2.4.0_1)
* sysutils/kdeadmin3 (kdeadmin-3.1.4_1)
* multimedia/kdemultimedia3 (kdemultimedia-3.1.4)
* misc/kdeaddons3 (kdeaddons-3.1.4)
* x11-toolkits/libbonoboui (libbonoboui-2.4.1)
* x11-toolkits/libgnomeui (libgnomeui-
* x11/gnomedesktop (gnomedesktop-
* x11-toolkits/eel2 (eel2-2.4.1)
* www/libgtkhtml (libgtkhtml-2.4.1_1)
* www/epiphany (epiphany-1.0.6)
* x11/gnomepanel (gnomepanel-2.4.1)
* sysutils/gnomesystemmonitor (gnomesystemmonitor-2.4.0)
* deskutils/gnomeutils2 (gnomeutils2-2.4.1,1)
* x11-fm/nautilus2 (nautilus2-2.4.1)
* sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner (nautilus-cd-burner-0.5.3_3)

Re: direction needed [ part of 5.2 portupgrade hairball ]

2004-04-10 Thread Jay Moore
On Saturday 10 April 2004 04:57 am, Matthew Seaman wrote:

 Well, start with the output from trying to compile the
 x11-toolkits/libbonoboui port.

I did this:

# cd x11-toolkits/libbonoboui
# make

and got the output shown below at the end of the process.

If I read this correctly (and I probably don't) it says libbonoboui failed 
because gtk2 is unavailable. ?!? Wait - I ran portupgrade -fr gettext on 
April 7 to fix the gtk2 problem, then it failed due to libbonoboui, and 
libbonoboui failed because of gtk2... a Catch-22?

I'm still awfully confused :)

--- result of make on x11-toolkits/libbonoboui --
gnome-config: not found
Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gtk+-2.0.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
Package 'gtk+-2.0', required by 'libgnomecanvas-2.0', not found

configure: error: Library requirements (libgnomecanvas-2.0 = 1.116.0 
libbonobo-2.0 = 2.3.3  libgnome-2.0 = 1.116.0 
bonobo-activation-2.0 = 1.0.0  libxml-2.0 = 2.4.20
gconf-2.0 = 1.1.9  gtk+-2.0 = 2.2.0) not met; consider 
adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a 
nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.
===  Script configure failed unexpectedly.
Please report the problem to [EMAIL PROTECTED] [maintainer] and attach the
including the output of the failure of your make command. Also, it might be
a good idea to provide an overview of all packages installed on your system
(e.g. an `ls /var/db/pkg`).
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/libbonoboui.
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Re: unintelligible questions from pkgdb -F [ part of 5.2 portupgrade hairball ]

2004-04-08 Thread Jay Moore
On Wednesday 07 April 2004 05:47 pm, Matthew Seaman wrote:

  Shared object not found

 This is a FAQ.

 The gettext port was updated, and the ABI version number on it's shlib was incremented to, but you've still got
 installed programs that are linked against the now removed

 And the ritually intoned response is -- all together now --

 # portupgrade -fr gettext

 which will cause a large number of your ports to be recompiled, but
 restore your system to full operation.

Well - it appears I did make some forward progress, but there is still much to 
be done. The final result was (please excuse the long post, but I didn't want 
to leave out something that might be important.

Again - I have a strong sense of deja-vu here, but I am now trying to keep a 
record of the steps I am taking. Anyway - I'd appreciate a hint re my next 
move from here.

---  Skipping 'x11-toolkits/eel2' (eel2-2.4.1) because 'x11-toolkits/
libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'www/libgtkhtml' (libgtkhtml-2.4.1_1) because 'accessibility/
gail' (gail-1.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'www/epiphany' (epiphany-1.0.6) because 'x11-toolkits/
libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'x11/gnomepanel' (gnomepanel-2.4.1) because 'x11/
gnomedesktop' (gnomedesktop- failed
---  Skipping 'sysutils/gnomesystemmonitor' (gnomesystemmonitor-2.4.0) 
because 'x11-toolkits/libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'deskutils/gnomeutils2' (gnomeutils2-2.4.1,1) because 'x11/
gnomepanel' (gnomepanel-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'x11-fm/nautilus2' (nautilus2-2.4.1) because 'x11-toolkits/
eel2' (eel2-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner' (nautilus-cd-burner-0.5.3_3) 
because 'x11-toolkits/eel2' (eel2-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'deskutils/gucharmap' (gucharmap-gnome-1.2.0) because 
'x11-toolkits/libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'graphics/eog2' (eog2-2.4.1) because 'x11-toolkits/
eel2' (eel2-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'graphics/gpdf' (gpdf-0.111) because 'x11-toolkits/
libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'print/ggv2' (ggv2- because 'x11-toolkits/
libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'archivers/fileroller' (fileroller-2.4.2_1,1) because 
'x11-toolkits/libbonoboui' (libbonoboui-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'sysutils/gnomecontrolcenter2' (gnomecontrolcenter2-2.4.0) 
because 'x11-toolkits/eel2' (eel2-2.4.1) failed
---  Skipping 'x11-toolkits/gtksourceview' (gtksourceview-0.7.0) because 
'graphics/libgnomecanvas' (libgnomecanvas-2.4.0) failed
---  Skipping 'editors/gedit2' (gedit2-2.4.1) because 'x11-toolkits/
gtksourceview' (gtksourceview-0.7.0) failed
** Listing the failed packages (*:skipped / !:failed)
! mail/mutt (mutt-  (uninstall error)
! devel/libglade2 (libglade2-2.0.1_1)   (configure error)
* graphics/libgnomecanvas (libgnomecanvas-2.4.0)
! x11-toolkits/libwnck (libwnck- error)
! editors/openoffice-1.1 (openoffice-1.1.0_1)   (unknown build error)
! x11/kdelibs3 (kdelibs-3.1.4_1)(install error)
* graphics/kdegraphics3 (kdegraphics-3.1.4)
* editors/koffice-kde3 (koffice-1.2.1_1,1)
* x11/kdebase3 (kdebase-3.1.4)
* misc/kdeutils3 (kdeutils-3.1.4)
* games/kdegames3 (kdegames-3.1.4)
* x11-clocks/kdetoys3 (kdetoys-3.1.4)
* devel/kdesdk3 (kdesdk-3.1.4)
* devel/kdevelop (kdevelop-2.1.5)
! x11-toolkits/gtk-engines2 (gtk-engines2-2.2.0) (configure error)
! net/samba (samba-2.2.8a_2)(uninstall error)
! www/mozilla (mozilla-gtk2-1.5_1)  (configure error)
* x11-wm/metacity (metacity-2.6.3)
* net/kdenetwork3 (kdenetwork-3.1.4)
* www/quanta (quanta-3.1.4,2)
* x11-wm/kdeartwork3 (kdeartwork-3.1.4_1)
! sysutils/gconf-editor (gconf-editor-2.4.0,1)  (configure error)
* deskutils/kdepim3 (kdepim-3.1.4)
* x11-toolkits/libgnomeprintui (libgnomeprintui-2.4.1)
* accessibility/gail (gail-1.4.1)
* graphics/librsvg2 (librsvg2-2.4.0_1)
* sysutils/kdeadmin3 (kdeadmin-3.1.4_1)
* multimedia/kdemultimedia3 (kdemultimedia-3.1.4)
* misc/kdeaddons3 (kdeaddons-3.1.4)
* x11-toolkits/libbonoboui (libbonoboui-2.4.1)
* x11-toolkits/libgnomeui (libgnomeui-
* x11/gnomedesktop (gnomedesktop-
* x11-toolkits/eel2 (eel2-2.4.1)
* www/libgtkhtml (libgtkhtml-2.4.1_1)
* www/epiphany (epiphany-1.0.6)
* x11/gnomepanel (gnomepanel-2.4.1)
* sysutils/gnomesystemmonitor (gnomesystemmonitor-2.4.0)
* deskutils/gnomeutils2 (gnomeutils2-2.4.1,1)
* x11-fm/nautilus2 (nautilus2-2.4.1)
* sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner (nautilus-cd-burner-0.5.3_3)
* deskutils/gucharmap (gucharmap-gnome-1.2.0)
* graphics/eog2 (eog2-2.4.1)

Re: unintelligible questions from pkgdb -F [ part of 5.2 portupgrade hairball ]

2004-04-07 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 06 April 2004 04:39 am, Matthew Seaman wrote:

 What this means is that the eel2-2.4.1 port claims to have a
 dependency on the gtk-2.2.4_1 port, but no such port is installed --
 it's listed in the file:


 pkgdb(1) attempts to find an alternative port that will fulfill the
 dependency, which it can edit into the +CONTENTS file.  Unfortunately,
 pkgdb is not any sort of AI program, so it prompts you with the
 closest matching name out of all the ports you have installed.  The
 percentage figure it gives is a measure of how closely the port name
 matches the desired name.  Usually this works well, because it picks
 up a slightly different version of the same port.

Amazing! That makes sense... why, oh why isn't it in the man page for pkgdb?

The rest of your response is most helpful also. I think rather than adding a 
bunch of clutter here I'll follow up on each of them separately.


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Re: unintelligible questions from pkgdb -F [ part of 5.2 portupgrade hairball ]

2004-04-07 Thread Jay Moore
On Tuesday 06 April 2004 04:39 am, Matthew Seaman wrote:

 Now, in order to solve the pkgdb problem you have, you can either:

  snip option 1 

 - or -

 * Quit out of pkgdb(1) without changing anything, and force an
   install of gtk20 without using any of the pkgtools stuff:

 # cd /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20
 # make install

Here's the result of that:

# cd /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20
# make install

snip note re experimental patch

===  Vulnerability check disabled
===  Extracting for gtk-2.2.4_2
 Checksum OK for gnome2/gtk+-2.2.4.tar.bz2.

... blah, blah, blah... snipped

-- but it ended badly:

/bin/sh ../../mkinstalldirs /usr/X11R6/etc/gtk-2.0
../../gtk/gtk-query-immodules-2.0  /usr/X11R6/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules
Cannot load module /usr/X11R6/lib/gtk-2.0/2.2.0/immodules/ 
Shared object not found
/usr/X11R6/lib/gtk-2.0/2.2.0/immodules/ does not export GTK+ IM 
module API: Shared object not found
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20/work/gtk+-2.2.4/modules/input.
*** Error code 1

snip redundant error msgs

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20.

   Then re-run pkgdb(1), and it will be able to resolve that gtk
   dependency automatically.

I know you feel like you're trying to tell a blind man how to drive, but did I 
miss something?

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Re: unintelligible questions from pkgdb -F [ part of 5.2 portupgrade hairball ]

2004-04-07 Thread Jay Moore
On Wednesday 07 April 2004 05:47 pm, Matthew Seaman wrote:

  Shared object not found

 This is a FAQ.

 The gettext port was updated, and the ABI version number on it's shlib was incremented to, but you've still got
 installed programs that are linked against the now removed

 And the ritually intoned response is -- all together now --

 # portupgrade -fr gettext

 which will cause a large number of your ports to be recompiled, but
 restore your system to full operation.

I did this a couple of days ago... perhaps it was undone.

At any rate, thank you again for your help; I'll post the results to this 
thread when it's completed (the process began at 10:25 PM CDST).

Best Rgds,
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gtk20 failure [ part of 5.2 portupgrade hairball ]

2004-04-05 Thread Jay Moore
In the continuing saga of the portupgrade...

portupgrade -a finally halted with 2 errors, and 54 skipped packages

The first error was a fetch error. I fixed it with a portupgrade pkgname

The second was with gtk20. I first tried portupgrade gtk20, but was informed 
to try make deinstall  make reinstall. The make deinstall seemed to work 
OK, but make reinstall crapped out as shown below. Looks like the file wasn't found...

How should I repair this?


/bin/sh ../../mkinstalldirs /usr/X11R6/etc/gtk-2.0
../../gtk/gtk-query-immodules-2.0  /usr/X11R6/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules
Cannot load module /usr/X11R6/lib/gtk-2.0/2.2.0/immodules/ 
Shared object not found
/usr/X11R6/lib/gtk-2.0/2.2.0/immodules/ does not export GTK+ IM 
module API: Shared object not found
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20/work/gtk+-2.2.4/modules/input.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20/work/gtk+-2.2.4/modules/input.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20/work/gtk+-2.2.4/modules.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20/work/gtk+-2.2.4.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20.
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Re: gtk20 failure [ part of 5.2 portupgrade hairball ]

2004-04-05 Thread Jay Moore
On Monday 05 April 2004 01:15 am, Kent Stewart wrote:

 You have an out of date port that depends on gettext. The current
 library is When you updated it, it didn't update all of
 the dependancies. It almost looks like you have a partial install of
 gtk-2. Try make clean and then make the updated one and follow the
 instruction to over write the old version..

make clean on what?... gtk20, or gettext, or expat?

And then to update, I do what exactly?

 Gettext depends on expat and when you -rf update it, you should have
 updated all of the dependancies. When I list the ports that depend on
 gettext, it is at least 2 screen high.

Is there a proper sequence for this?... should I go ahead and do the -rf 
update on expat _before_ I do anything else?

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unintelligible questions from pkgdb -F [ part of 5.2 portupgrade hairball ]

2004-04-05 Thread Jay Moore
So portupgrade prompted me to run 'pkgdb -F'... to fix a stale dependency. I 
complied, typed the requisite command at the prompt, and received the 
following in return:

---  Checking the package registry database
Stale dependency: eel2-2.4.1 - gtk-2.2.4_1 (x11-toolkits/gtk20):
gtk-1.2.10_11 (score:61%) ? ([y]es/[n]o/[a]ll) [no]
New dependency? (? to help): ?
 [Enter] to skip, [Ctrl]+[D] to delete,  [.][Enter] to abort, [Tab] to 
New dependency? (? to help): .

What is this score business?  61% of what, exactly?

And what are you telling the program to do exactly when you answer Yes, No or 

And New dependency?... what does that mean?

If there are any docs on this, please supply a pointer. I read the pkgdb man 
page, but it shed little light on these questions.

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Re: ports hosed

2004-04-04 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 04 April 2004 03:26 am, Kris Kennaway wrote:
 Looks like you need to follow some of the steps in
 /usr/ports/UPDATING (specifically, related to ruby).

OK, read UPDATING  here's the drill:

Steps 1)  2) went OK, but then:

# portupgrade -f lang/ruby18
Stale dependency: ruby-1.8.1_2 -- openssl-0.9.7d -- manually run 'pkgdb -F' 
to fix, or specify -O to force.
# pkgdb -F
---  Checking the package registry database
Stale dependency: openldap-client-2.1.29 - openssl-0.9.7d (security/openssl):
openoffice-1.1.0_1 (score:23%) ? ([y]es/[n]o/[a]ll) [no]
New dependency? (? to help): ?
 [Enter] to skip, [Ctrl]+[D] to delete,  [.][Enter] to abort, [Tab] to 
New dependency? (? to help):

What is this? I don't understand the question... Is this documented anywhere?

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Re: ports hosed

2004-04-04 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 04 April 2004 08:07 am, Kent Stewart wrote:

  # portupgrade -f lang/ruby18
  Stale dependency: ruby-1.8.1_2 -- openssl-0.9.7d -- manually run
  'pkgdb -F' to fix, or specify -O to force.
  # pkgdb -F
  ---  Checking the package registry database
  Stale dependency: openldap-client-2.1.29 - openssl-0.9.7d
  (security/openssl): openoffice-1.1.0_1 (score:23%) ?


  What is this? I don't understand the question... Is this documented

 You didn't do a portupgrade -rRa. The easy way is to upgrade or install

Thanks, Kent. I was following the procedure in /usr/ports/UPDATING, and the 
question seemed so out of context... I mean openoffice-1.1.0_1(score:23%) - 
what's with that? 

Anyway, as I read ports-using.html from the Handbook, portupgrade -a is a 
superset of portupgrade -rRa... is that correct?

Bottom line here (in my case) is this: I'm afraid my ports tree may be BFU; 
this all started when I tried to install the K3b port which apparently has 
a bazillion dependencies. At least one of the tar.gz files couldn't be 
located, and things have kind of gone downhill from there :(For me, I'm 
afraid that salvation may require wiping the entire ports tree, and 
re-installing it from the 5.2 cd.   Is there a safe  clean way  to do that?


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Re: ports hosed

2004-04-04 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 04 April 2004 02:27 pm, Kent Stewart wrote:

  Bottom line here (in my case) is this: I'm afraid my ports tree may
  be BFU; this all started when I tried to install the K3b port which
  apparently has a bazillion dependencies. At least one of the tar.gz
  files couldn't be located, and things have kind of gone downhill from
  there :(For me, I'm afraid that salvation may require wiping
  the entire ports tree, and re-installing it from the 5.2 cd.   Is
  there a safe  clean way  to do that?

 It was the closest thing to openssl. There is what I think is a problem
 with ports such as openssl. It is in the makefile to portupgrade but if
 you do a make search, it doesn't show up. When you see an obvious link
 problem like you saw, check if you have it installed. If you do/don't
 just upgrade/install what is missing.

Well, done is done... no way I can back up, and re-visit questions that I've 
already answered incorrectly. And meanwhile my machine is still crunching 
forward with the last portupgrade -a that I did - this will likely continue 
for quite some time as it reports 211 ports (and this # keeps growing!) I 
believe I've lost control of the f**g thing...

So - is there a way to go back to ground zero?... to just remove everything 
from the ports tree, and re-install from the 5.2 cd?


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Re: ports hosed

2004-04-04 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 04 April 2004 03:29 pm, Kent Stewart wrote:

  Well, done is done... no way I can back up, and re-visit questions
  that I've already answered incorrectly. And meanwhile my machine is
  still crunching forward with the last portupgrade -a that I did -
  this will likely continue for quite some time as it reports 211 ports
  (and this # keeps growing!) I believe I've lost control of the f**g
  So - is there a way to go back to ground zero?... to just remove
  everything from the ports tree, and re-install from the 5.2 cd?

 I got to thinking about this more. I think you should have taken care of
 all of the problems in /usr/ports/UPDATING before you fire off
 portupgrade -a. You would have probably still bumped into the openssl
 problem but it is a good idea for a start.

Agreed... _if_ I had known to read /usr/ports/UPDATING I might have avoided 
the chaos I've created. For that matter if I'd known that the K3b port was 
going to suck down a bazillion dependencies, I would have foregone this whole 
quagmire :)  

But I didn't. I've learned a little bit, but I am where I am, and I have no 
confidence that this thing is going to conclude in a stable situation anytime 
soon - at least not without a lot more time and effort. 

So - again, is there any way to cleanly remove and re-install the entire ports 
tree from the 5.2 cd?


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Re: ports hosed

2004-04-04 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 04 April 2004 04:08 pm, John Duffey wrote:

  So - again, is there any way to cleanly remove and re-install
  the entire ports tree from the 5.2 cd?

 rm -r /usr/ports


  snipped for brevity  ---

 I'd recommend you try and fix whatever it is that's gone wrong
 with k3b though.

 It'll take far less time.

Thanks for the detailed procedure!

I think I get the point that you and Kent are trying to make. Some patches/
upgrades to the base 5.2 system will be required after I get there. 

But I guess I'm not completely convinced that it'll take far less time. I 
started the K3b port install Friday evening... I'm on about the third 
iteration of portupgrade, and each iteration is an _extremely_ long process 
on this old 350 MHz system with 211+ ports. Several of the port installs 
require input from the console to continue, so I've been friggin' chained to 
this desk all weekend long. Too much work, too much time!

Reading /usr/ports/UPGRADING still worries me when I get to the part about 
KDE... at some point during the current portupgrade I expect my Konqueror 
windows will start dying off. And I still don't know what I did to (e.g.) my  
OpenOffice install when I responded to the prompts from pkgdb -F with 

On the + side, I have learned some things about FreeBSD which is why I'm here 
in the first place. I think I'm going to take your (and Kent's) advice, and 
let this thing run its course. I've got new info re SSL and the instructions 
in the UPDATING file - and of course the bulldozer procedure if that fails. 
But best of all, I've got this list :)  

I'll close this thread for now with my thanks to all. Future issues will be 
posted to the list with the words [5.2 portupgrade hairball] in the subject 
(forewarned is forearmed :)

Thanks Again,
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Re: I need help with Xfree86

2004-04-04 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 04 April 2004 02:12 pm, Steven Soria wrote:
 I installed FreeBSD and everything works fine but now I need to install
 Xfree86. Is that the only thing I need to install to be able to get into
 FreeBSD? Please help me out by telling me how to get Xfree86 and where to
 install it to so I can get it when Im trying to install it. I have FreeBSD
 on another partition but now when I go into My Computer, it doesnt show the
 partition with FreeBSD on it. How will I do it then? I have the I386
 platform. PLEASE HELP ME OUT!

This is a recommendation only, but here's what I think you should do:

Get on eBay, and buy yourself a used PC, 500 MHz - 1 GHz, 128 MB RAM, a 40 GB 
HDD, an Ethernet card and a cd-rom drive. Spend maybe $150.

While you're online, order a copy of the FreeBSD 5.2 (or 4.9) CD set. Spend 
another $40.

Once you get your PC and CD set, install FreeBSD - it's pretty simple, even if 
you don't know shit from butterbeans.

This may cost a bit more, but avoids the risk of breaking your trusty Windows 
box, while giving you an opportunity to experiment  make mistakes while you 
learn FreeBSD/Unix. And you will learn...

-- Jay
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k3b on 5.2

2004-04-03 Thread Jay Moore
Has anyone here tried k3b? If so, what are your impressions?

Port vs package?

My question is a little after the fact, but I decided last night to try it. 
I decided to install from the ports tree (make install), and this thing has 
been going on like forever. Some of the stuff I've seen scroll by makes me 
nervous - warnings that constants exceed size limits for long integers, other 
packages being overwritten, etc.

Am I building a hairball?

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Re: k3b on 5.2

2004-04-03 Thread Jay Moore
On Saturday 03 April 2004 02:44 pm, Eric F Crist wrote:

  Has anyone here tried k3b? If so, what are your impressions?
  My question is a little after the fact, but I decided last night to try
  it. I decided to install from the ports tree (make install), and this
  thing has been going on like forever. Some of the stuff I've seen scroll
  by makes me nervous - warnings that constants exceed size limits for long
  integers, other packages being overwritten, etc.
  Am I building a hairball?

 Just let it run.  It's upgrading some of your outdated ports.  Ignore those
 warnings.  If it's something serious, it will stop the installation.

Ouch! It finally did stop - there were error messages with details  
suggestions to mail files developers/maintainers, etc - all of which I 
ignored :(

I decided I could clean this up by doing an update (via CVSup), followed by 
an upgrade (via portupgrade). So here's what I did:

# cvsup -g -L 2 /root/ports-supfile

 -- which completely successfully, followed by:

# portupgrade -a

 -- which ended badly... a long list of packages (approx 140) that did not 
install due to * (skipped) or ! (failed). Some of them look pretty important:
! sysutils/cdrtools (cdrtools-2.0.3)(unknown build error)
* devel/ORBit2 (ORBit2-2.8.2)
etc, etc.

Looking at the terminal log, it appears that the wheels came off because this 
port couldn't be fetched:


What should my next move be?


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ports hosed

2004-04-03 Thread Jay Moore
FreeBSD 5.2 installed from the cd a couple of weeks ago:

I guess I've stepped into it, somehow... the sequence was:

# cvsup -g -L 2 /root/ports-supfile  completed OK
# pkgdb -F OK
# portupgrade -afailed...

The failure appeared to be the result of inability to find a distfile:

So I manually d/l this file from sourceforge, copied it into /usr/ports/
distfiles, and ran 'portupgrade -a' again. Got following error:

/usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:35:in `require': No such file to load -- pkgtools 
from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:35

How do I get back to Kansas (there's no place like home)?

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CVSup vs. portupgrade

2004-04-02 Thread Jay Moore
Reading from the FreeBSD handbook on Using the Ports Collection leaves me a 
bit confused wrt CVSup and portupgrade... do these utilities accomplish the 
same thing?

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Re: CVSup vs. portupgrade

2004-04-02 Thread Jay Moore
On Friday 02 April 2004 07:32 pm, Kris Kennaway wrote:

  Reading from the FreeBSD handbook on Using the Ports Collection leaves
  me a bit confused wrt CVSup and portupgrade... do these utilities
  accomplish the same thing?

 No, cvsup updates the files that make up the ports collection,
 portupgrade takes them and uses them to rebuild the ports you have

That makes sense - at the risk of sounding like I know what I'm doing, what 
would be the best way for me to submit a change to the handbook that says 

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Re: automounting cd-rom cd-rw devices

2004-03-28 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 28 March 2004 12:44 am, Malcolm Kay wrote:
 On Sunday 28 March 2004 11:43, Jay Moore wrote:
  I have a FreeBSD 4.9 system; I am also running KDE...
  I'm building this system for my son (college student)  snip ...
  /snip ...  how to make the cd-rw  cd-rom devices
  usable without requiring him to start a root shell and mount/umount these

  1) Should I automount cd's?

 Depends what you mean by auto-mount

Good point... I guess what I'd really meant is automount in the Windoze sense 
of the word; i.e. if I put a music cd in I can play music, if I put a data cd 
in I can read the files. I (regular joe user) don't have to su, or sudo to 
mount the device, and if I put a music cd in I don't cause a panic by trying 
to mount the device as a file system. In short, I want an automount that can 
figure out whether I've got a music cd or a file system, and do the right 

  2) What is the best way to allow ordinary users to mount cd's?

 The best way is inevitably a matter of opinion.
 But it can be done without installing any additional ports.

I found a fairly complete (although slightly dated) recipe for using the amd 
and sysctl functions to handle automounting for regular users at this URL:

But there are two things that concern me:
1) once the file system cd is mounted, a fixed amount of no activity time 
must pass before it is umount'd
2) security implications ?!!

Item 1) is a concern mostly 'cause it's just kind of kludge (oh yeah, I have 
to wait for 60 seconds before I can eject my data cd). Item 2) is a concern 
'cause college campuses are the most hostile network environments I've ever 

I don't mean to sound critical (really)... maybe there's just no good way to 
do this in FreeBSD. If that's the case, maybe WinXP is the best route for the 
average user.


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Re: slightly OT; DNS and mail config...

2004-03-28 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 28 March 2004 02:29 pm, Gary Kline wrote:

   For the past N days, mail sent to private individuals
   seems to be bounced.  Mail fom this list, however,
   and spam (of course :-|) gets through.

   I just updated my registrar data and cut a secondary that
   may have been causing problems.  The only hint is from
   a networking student who said that typing reply got a
   bounce while sending mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note: no 't')

   Any ideas on this?

either your DNS records are/were hosed, or your MTA is mis-config'd.

Try to scope out your DNS records, and remember that 
changes take some time to propogate.

Is your MTA sendmail, exim, or what? Are you set up to use a smart host to 
relay outgoing mail, or are you sending from your host? Are you receiving on 
your host, or POP'ing/IMAP'ing another host?

Jay Moore
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Re: OT - OpenOffice Mail list

2004-03-28 Thread Jay Moore
On Saturday 27 March 2004 10:17 pm, Chris wrote:

 Sorry all - I just wanted to see if anyone else on this list subscribes to
 the OOo lists. If so - have you noticed what's going on? Is it me or did
 the list just go nutzoid and it hasn't been fixed yet?

I think they're whacked... the website returns an error on all the links, and 
messages haven't been getting through (or maybe they just ignored me :)

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Re: slightly OT; DNS and mail config...

2004-03-28 Thread Jay Moore
On Sunday 28 March 2004 02:29 pm, Gary Kline wrote:

   For the past N days, mail sent to private individuals
   seems to be bounced.  Mail fom this list, however,
   and spam (of course :-|) gets through.

   I just updated my registrar data and cut a secondary that
   may have been causing problems.  The only hint is from
   a networking student who said that typing reply got a
   bounce while sending mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note: no 't')

   Any ideas on this?

Some more info: here's what I got from my earlier response to your posting:

Returned mail: see transcript for details  (Mail Delivery Subsystem,  Sun Mar 
28 15:07:23 2004)

The original message was received at Sun, 28 Mar 2004 15:07:20 -0600 (CST)
from []

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
    (reason: 550 5.7.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Relaying denied)

   - Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to
 550 5.7.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Relaying denied
550 5.1.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown
 503 5.0.0 Need RCPT (recipient)

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automounting cd-rom cd-rw devices

2004-03-27 Thread Jay Moore
I have a FreeBSD 4.9 system; I am also running KDE...

I'm building this system for my son (college student) who has been (until now) 
a Windoze user :(   I'm trying to set this sytem up so that he'll be able to 
use it with a minimum of calls to tech support (me). One of the issues I am 
struggling with is how to make the cd-rw  cd-rom devices usable without 
requiring him to start a root shell and mount/umount these devices.

There appear to be some KDE applications that support this, but they must be 
started with root permissions. I figured automounting cd's must be a FAQ, 
so I researched the FreeBSD website, and Greg Lehey's book to find the 
answer. Unfortuantely, I found very little info. The only good source of 
how-to on this subject was a rather dated article that described 
configuring amd to do this:

The dearth of sources of info on this lead me to wonder if automounting the cd 
drives is something that should be done at all. So - my questions are:

1) Should I automount cd's?

2) What is the best way to allow ordinary users to mount cd's?

Jay Moore

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OpenOffice ports packages fail on 5.2 system

2004-03-23 Thread Jay Moore
Apologies in advance if I've posted to the wrong list, but I didn't see one 
that looked like a perfect fit. So here goes:

I tried installing openoffice-1.1 first... as a port
# cd /usr/ports/editors/openoffice-1.1
# make install
After a _long_ time  jumping through Sun's crappy little licensing hoops 
multiple times the build failed. Sorry, but I didn't save the output - and I 
don't really care - I mention it here only to give some background for the 
openoffice-1.0 failure.

I figured that maybe 1.1 is not ready for prime time, so I tried 1.0:
# cd /usr/ports/editors/openoffice-1.0
# make install

It fails as follows:

 Checksum mismatch for openoffice1.0/OOo_1.0.3_source.tar.bz2.
 Checksum OK for openoffice1.0/gpc231.tar.Z.
 Checksum OK for openoffice1.0/patch-openoffice-mozilla101-2002-10-14.
 Checksum OK for openoffice1.0/mozilla-vendor-1.0.2a.tgz.
===  Giving up on fetching files: openoffice1.0/OOo_1.0.3_source.tar.bz2
Make sure the Makefile and distinfo file (/usr/ports/editors/openoffice-1.0/
are up to date.  If you are absolutely sure you want to override this
check, type make NO_CHECKSUM=yes [other args].
*** Error code 1

I'm a little nervous about overriding the checksum... have I screwed up 
somehow, or is the checksum really incorrect for the port?

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