Re: nss_ldap and OpenLDAP client version

2006-06-13 Thread Joe Shevland

Ansar Mohammed wrote:

One of the more undocumented things here is to make sure that in your
/usr/local/etc/nss_ldap.conf to make sure that your bind_polcy is soft. 

If not, you will have no end of problems if you ldap server goes down. 

Basically if you have in your nsswitch.conf:

Passwd: files ldap
Group: files ldap

If your ldap server is down; nss_ldap keeps trying to reconnect and allot of
apps just hang; (like top, ls -la etc)

Luckily I haven't had the problem of OpenLDAP going down much so I 
haven't tweaked this option yet (all clients are currently on the same 
machine). The [fail=continue] switches (can't recall the exact terms) 
might alleviate that for NSS stuff? When I first read about the 
parameter my initial reaction was that 'soft' and 'hard' weren't all 
that intuitive, but maybe thats just me (fail_immediately/retry_on_fail 
or similar make more sense to me).

One area I wasn't too sure of at first is the permissions on 
/usr/local/etc/ldap.conf (and nss_ldap.conf)... because of the issues I 
was having, I figured I needed to configure the 'binddn' and 'bindpw' 
settings to get a proxy user account to bind to LDAP (I was thinking of 
Solaris' proxy account and Directory Server). But those params require 
an unhashed password in the file, so I tried to set it only to be 
readable by root, which doesn't work - it needs to be world-readable.

From what I've gleaned you can do away with these settings, if the 
directory is setup to allow anonymous binds and reading of the required 
information via an anonymous bind, or otherwise you need to setup an 
account with very limited read-only privileges on the required entries. 
One thing I'm still not clear on with the pam_ldap interaction (not so 
much the name service switch stuff) - a limited user to read 
username/group name/hostname information etc is fine for NSS, but what 
about authentication attempts? I'm guessing pam_ldap doesn't use the 
'binddn' proxy to compare the hashed passwords, or otherwise you'd be 
stuck in a situation where you have to have a world readable 
account/password, and that account can read all password information. 
I'll up the debugging on slapd and try it for myself, but I think when I 
last checked it wasn't using the 'rootbinddn' account I'd supplied for 
authentication attempts (might've been trying to bind anonymously and 
then as the user's DN directly with the supplied credentials, can't 
recall, though the latter would make sense to me).


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nss_ldap and OpenLDAP client version

2006-05-25 Thread Joe Shevland


I'm about to setup my jails so they authenticate against the 'host' 
server using OpenLDAP and nss_ldap, pam_ldap and so on. I've done this 
before but wanted to repeat the process because last time it ended up 
being so much fiddling that when I finished I just left it alone - this 
time I'm documenting it :) I packaged up versions of the port for 
OpenLDAP 2.3 (well, actually 2.4 but that looks to just use 2.3 in any 
case) and then went to package up the nss_ldap port but its after 
OpenLDAP 2.2 stuff... I guess my question is whether this is intentional 
(i.e. security related), or just a port maintenance issue? I would've 
thought between 2.2-2.3 there's been a few security advisories... I 
only did a lazy lightning google and came across a few 
( is perhaps one.

Anyway, just thought I'd check. As punishment, if this is a stupid 
question or has been answered before, happy to write up a tutorial as I 
go as penance.


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