GEOM issue -- making changes to slices/partitions on used disk

2006-06-20 Thread John Fox
This happened on a FreeBSD 6.0 machine.

Installed a SCSI drive on the machine -- drive had been used
for testing previously and had an ext2 FS on it.  I was able
to use the sysinstall fdisk utility to remove the ext2fs
partition and create a FreeBSD slice that utilized the entire

Then I loaded up the sysinstall disklabel utility, setup
my partitions and when I went to write my changes, recieved
an error about being unable to mount these new partitions --
said mount point did not exist.

I decided I'd just try it again, so I exited sysinstall and
restarted it.  In the disklabel tool, I added only a swap
partition.  Swap partition was created without a problem.

Exited sysinstall, restarted it to add the other new
partitions.  I could not write anything, however, as
whenever I attempted to do so, I got the error message
ERROR: Unable to write data to disk da1.

I decided I'd remove the slice and start fresh, however
when I attempted to write this change, I again got an
error message stating that data could not be written.

At this point I did some research, and it seems that the
issue is related to GEOM not allowing alteration of 
MBR/slices/partitions on used devices, and that the solution
is to set sysctl knob kern.geom.debugflags=16 
(Found it on this thread:

Also on this thread is a word of caution, stating that use
of this sysctl knob has been known to result in dev entries
getting confused and blowing away the wrong partition -- which
would obviously be quite undesirable.

This seems like a rather clunky solution, and the posts in the
cited thread are two years old, so I am wondering if there's
another way to go now, or if the bugs are now worked out and
it's safe to use this sysctl knob.

One more thing to note: the posts in the thread mention 5.x
specifically, but the behavior certainly seems to match that
encountered on my 6.0 box.

Any thoughts or input are quite appreciated!

Thank you,

John Fox,  Systems Administrator
InfoStructure -
Vox: (541)773-5000 / Fax: (541)488-7599
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Status of 6.0 for production systems

2005-11-09 Thread John Fox
I remember back a while when 5.x had been recently released
as STABLE and the conventional wisdom said not to use it in
production until the 5.3 release.

Is there any such conventional wisdom as regards 6.x?


John Fox, Senior Systems Administrator
InfoStructure -
Vox: (541)773-5000 / Fax: (541)488-7599
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DNSBL - including descriptive text in sendmail error message

2004-03-02 Thread John Fox
I am configuring a mail server to make use of the DNS-based black lists
supplied by, and have run into a bit of a snag.

I'm running sendmail 8.12.11, and have successfully configured the
'dnsbl' feature to reject mail from hosts in the black lists, but has requested that MTA error messages contain the
descriptive text corresponding to the blacklisted host (e.g.;).

I've checked sendmail docs for information on how to do this, and
come up with nothing.  I've also looked for the information on the
spamhaus site itself, but to no avail.  Likewise for Google searches.

The black lists themselves are quite helpful, and so I would like to
be in compliance with spamhaus' request.  Any clues would be much

BTW, I hope it's not inappropriate to have posted this to both
-isp and -questions.  Please let me know if I should not have
done so.

Thank you much,

| John Fox jjf @|   System Administrator   | InfoStructure   |
| I used to trust the media to tell me the truth, tell us the truth |
| But now I've seen the payoffs everywhere I look   |
| Who can you trust when everyone's a crook?|
| -- Queensryche, Revolution Calling  |
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dumps freeze when invoked by amanda's 'sendbackup'

2004-02-26 Thread John Fox

I've found some strange behavior on one of our FreeBSD 2.2.2 machines,
and am hoping that someone here may be able to shed some light on it
for us.

As mentioned, the machine is running FreeBSD 2.2.2 and AMANDA 2.4.0.

A while back, we noticed that dumps of the machines '/usr' partition
seemed to freeze as soon as they were started; the 'dump' processes
appeared in 'ps' output, but they stayed there all day long (our backups
typically finish by around 10:00 AM at the latest).  At the same time,
dmesg showed us hard errors reading from /dev/sd0s1g (the partion
holding /usr). We eventually killed the dumps.

As a test, we then tried a manual dump.  I was able to successfully
dump that same file system over the network to a drive on another

It seemed wierd that a manual dump went fine, but that the dumps
spawned by 'sendbackup' did not go at all.  However, as I mentioned,
we'd seen that drive error, so we removed all of that machine's sd0
partitions from amanda's disklist (system has two other drives, and
backups went fine for them)  until we could get the drive replaced,
which we did last night.

Replacement of drive went just fine, and once we'd verified everything
was up and running properly, I edited the disklist file and re-enabled
backups of the machine's '/usr'.

I got in this morning and found that again, the dumps are frozen.  

'dmesg' shows nothing except the boot-up messages.

I'm rather frustrated at this point, trying to understand how this could
be happening.

I have checked permissions on the device files, and 'bin', the user
amanda runs as on that machine, is a member of the operator group,
which has read access to the device files, so it doesn't seem a permissions

I doubt it's a drive problem, because the same behavior on two different
drives by two different manufacturers?  I suppose it's possible, but it
seems unlikely.

I should mention as well that all drives on system are SCSI 2 50 pin format,
under the control of an Adaptec 2940 controller card.

So if it's not permissions, and not the drive (although I realize that I 
haven't really ruled either of these entirely out) then might it be the 
controller?  But if it's the controller, why no problems with other drives
in system?

Any thoughts would be most welcome.

| John Fox jjf @   |System Administrator   | InfoStructure   |
| I used to trust the media to tell me the truth, tell us the truth |
| But now I've seen the payoffs everywhere I look   |
| Who can you trust when everyone's a crook?|
| -- Queensryche, Revolution Calling  |
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Viability of 5.X line for production use

2004-01-05 Thread John Fox

We're planning some new mail servers, and until now I've been assuming
that they would run under FreeBSD 4.X.  But it occurred to me this 
morning that the 4.X line is going to go away relatively soon, and that
perhaps I'd be better off going with 5.X for these new boxen, as it
would probably simplify the upgrade (keeping up with releases and bug
fixes) process.

So I'm wondering -- do the experts here judge 5.X as ready for use
in a production environment, or would that be asking for trouble?

Any thoughts appreciated,

| John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   System Administrator   | InfoStructure   |
|Gideon: I thought you said don't hold a grudge.|
| Galen: I don't. I have no surviving all. |
| -- Crusdade, _Racing the Night_ |
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kernel option to increase max open files

2003-10-16 Thread John Fox
Hi, folks.

I've got a 2.2.2 machine which I can't currently upgrade, due to funding
issues.  This machine handles a lot of mail, and I am lately finding 
dmesg output to be full of file: table is full messages, and entries
like these in the sendmail log:

   SYSERR(UID0): readqf: cannot open dfAAA29006: Too many open files in \

   SYSERR(UID0): Cannot open hash database /etc/aliases: Too many open \
   files in system

So I figure I need to increase the max number of open files available.

I've looked around, and it appears I have two different options:

1) Kernel option options OPEN_MAX=### which sets the max number
of open files per user (which would be 'root' in this case, as that's who
sendmail runs as).

2) a login.conf class setting assigned to root.  The 'openfiles' setting seems
somewhat equivalent to the OPEN_MAX option.  However, I am not certain
that limits set in login.conf apply to a process being run by a user that
didn't log in (sendmail being started by init at boot, rather than from
root's login session).

I welcome any thoughts/advice on this matter, as I don't want to try either
of these changes without having done due diligence.  

Thank you,

| John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  System Administrator   | InfoStructure   |
|Gideon: I thought you said don't hold a grudge.|
| Galen: I don't. I have no surviving all. |
| -- Crusdade, _Racing the Night_ |
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max IDE drive capacity supported in 2.2.2 release

2003-10-14 Thread John Fox
Hello to all,

I am trying to determine the maximum (IDE) drive capacity supported
by FreeBSD 2.2.2.  I have carefully read the release notes for 2.0 
and 2.2.2 and seen no mention of this datum.  

At this point, I'm theorizing that there the only such limit has to
do with the limitations of what the BIOS will support.

Any thoughts appreciated,

| John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] |System Administrator   | InfoStructure   |
|Gideon: I thought you said don't hold a grudge.|
| Galen: I don't. I have no surviving all. |
| -- Crusdade, _Racing the Night_ |
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difficulties replacing bad with newly build

2003-10-08 Thread John Fox
Hello, all.

I've got a machine running FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE, and I need to upgrade it
to fix the SSL, procfs issues that have come up lately.  The machine's
root partition lacks the space to accomodate world source and object
files, so I have two symlinks for /usr/src and /usr/obj:

/usr/src -- /usr/local/world_src
/usr/obj -- /usr/local/world_obj

I cvsupped RELENG_4_8 and it was all placed under /usr/local/world_src
as I'd expected, and cd'ing into '/usr/src' I can see the same stuff
as if I'd cd'd into /usr/local/world_src.  No surprises there.
(In the supfile, I have *default prefix=/usr.  Dunno if that applies
to this discussion.)

I cd'd to /usr/src and issued the buildworld command.  The build ran
for a while and then finished.  I took a look at the contents of
'/usr/obj' (aka /usr/local/world_obj) and saw a directory hierarchy
that matched my '/usr/local/world_src' path:

   [vmail:/usr/local/etc]$ ls -lR /usr/obj/|head -n 14
   total 4
   drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  512 Oct  8 13:38 usr/
   total 4
   drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  512 Oct  8 13:38 local/
   total 4
   drwxr-xr-x  16 root  wheel  512 Oct  8 13:42 world_src/
   total 64
   drwxr-xr-x   32 root  wheel   512 Oct  8 13:41 bin/

This struck me as wierd, but I figure it's the way it ought to be,
so I moved on.

One of my aims was to replace with a fixed version, so (after
making a backup copy of the current /usr/lib/ I placed
/usr/obj/usr/local/world_src/secure/lib/libssl/ into /usr/lib
and then attempted an https connection to the server. (Apache's mod_ssl
was dynamically linked against  I found that my connection
did not really work properly, creating errors such as these in the httpd
error log:

  [Wed Oct  8 16:01:04 2003] [error] [client W.X.Y.Z] Invalid method in request 
  [Wed Oct  8 16:02:48 2003] [error] [client W.X.Y.Z] Invalid method in request 
  [Wed Oct  8 16:02:48 2003] [error] [client W.X.Y.Z] Invalid method in request 

Clearly, I did something wrong, for when I replaced the prior, my errors 
away.  I'm trying to understand now if the root problem is:

1) My '/usr/src' and '/usr/obj' symlinks.  I can't see them being the problem, but I 
leave no stone unturned.

2) Incorrect technique used to replace the library.  (I am leery of running
'installworld' on this machine, as it is a production system, and I've never built
the world on a production machine.)

3) Something else entirely.

Any clues or pointers as to the cause of the problem would be greatly appreciated.

With thanks,

| John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] |System Administrator   | InfoStructure   |
|Gideon: I thought you said don't hold a grudge.|
| Galen: I don't. I have no surviving all. |
| -- Crusdade, _Racing the Night_ |
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vinum crashed disk error

2003-09-23 Thread John Fox

Three IDE drives multiplexed together to make one large partition
(for mounting as /usr/local).

We were messing with hardware in the box and when we rebooted
vinum spat out errors about defective objects and the boot
came to a halt.  We figured we had left something loose or
unplugged on the motherboard, so we shut it down and took
a look.  Sure enough, the plug in the mobo's secondary IDE
channel was loose, so we reseated it and powered the machine
up again.

We saw that the kernel found all the IDE drives and figured
the problem was over.  But vinum had the same problem.  It
said (loose quotation): /dev/ mounted read-only.  vinum config
not being rebuilt.  And then spit out the same errors it had
the first time.

Unfortunately, the domain is having problems of some
sort, and the vinum help pages on are redirected to
the site, so I am deprived of a great trouble-shooting

System is 4.8-STABLE.

Below you will see the output of 'vinum start'.  

Any suggestions as to fixing this problem would be
greatly appreciated, as we do make production use
of this box.

Thank you in advance for any words you may be
able to offer.


output of 'vinum start':

Warning: defective objects

V bigdisk   State: down Plexes:   1 Size: 23 GB
P big_plexC State: faulty   Subdisks: 3 Size: 23 GB
S drive0State: down PO:0  B Size:   8063 MB
S drive2State: crashed  PO: 8063 MB Size:   8063 MB
S drive3State: crashed  PO:   15 GB Size:   8063 MB

| John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] |System Administrator   | InfoStructure   |
|Gideon: I thought you said don't hold a grudge.|
| Galen: I don't. I have no surviving all. |
| -- Crusdade, _Racing the Night_ |
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vinum crashed disk error -- addendum

2003-09-23 Thread John Fox
Maybe it'll help if I give some more comprehensive information:

vinum - l
3 drives:
D ide0e State: up   Device /dev/ad0s1e  Avail: 0/8063 MB (0%)
D ide2e State: up   Device /dev/ad2s1e  Avail: 0/4031 MB (0%)
D ide3e State: up   Device /dev/ad3s1e  Avail: 0/8063 MB (0%)

1 volumes:
V bigdisk   State: down Plexes:   1 Size: 23 GB

1 plexes:
P big_plexC State: faulty   Subdisks: 3 Size: 23 GB

3 subdisks:
S drive0State: down PO:0  B Size:   8063 MB
S drive2State: crashed  PO: 8063 MB Size:   8063 MB
S drive3State: crashed  PO:   15 GB Size:   8063 MB


| John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] |System Administrator   | InfoStructure   |
|Gideon: I thought you said don't hold a grudge.|
| Galen: I don't. I have no surviving all. |
| -- Crusdade, _Racing the Night_ |
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Huge load average on mail server

2003-07-23 Thread John Fox
I recently became responsible for our mail server, and lately, the load
average on the thing has been running consistently high, in mid-20's to
mid-30's.  And at the same time, sendmail has become extremely sluggish
in terms of responding to connections on port 25.

There's got to be a bottleneck somewhere, but my experience leaves me
ill-equipped to seek it out.

What procedures would folks recommend for me to follow in order to try and
determine the problem?

Thank you,

| John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] |System Administrator   | InfoStructure   |
|  The people and friends that we have lost, the dreams that have faded... |
|  never forget them.  -- Yuna, Final Fantasy X|
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Free Block Count Not Updating Until After Reboot

2003-07-08 Thread John Fox
Hello, all.

I am running FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE #27 and have run into some strange
behavior with the SCSI drive.  The adaptor is an Adaptec 29160 
Ultra160 adaptater, and the drive is a Seagate ST336607LW
SCSI-3 device.

Problem is that I can rm a 4GB file and afterwards, the
free block count won't reflect the erasure.  Instead, it
displays the same count it showed prior to the 'rm'.  The
free block count won't be updated until I reboot the system.

I checked LINT, and found that the 29160 isn't supported.
Only 154x, 274x/284x/294x, and 152x are mentioned there.

It's probably a no-brainer at this point, but I want to 
be sure: could this be the cause of the OS not seeing/showing
the updated free block count until after the reboot?

Thank you,

| John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] |System Administrator   | InfoStructure   |
|  The people and friends that we have lost, the dreams that have faded... |
|  never forget them.  -- Yuna, Final Fantasy X|
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finding FreeBSD 3.2-RELASE

2003-06-18 Thread John Fox

I need to create a FreeBSD 3.2 system in order to facilitate the upgrade
of one of our important systems, but doesn't have 
3.2-RELEASE anymore.

Does anybody know of an FTP server that does still have it?  Or of a site
that has the distribution ISOs?

Any such information would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,

| John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] |System Administrator   | InfoStructure   |
|  The people and friends that we have lost, the dreams that have faded... |
|  never forget them.  -- Yuna, Final Fantasy X|
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Question about vinum and contents of /dev/vinum

2003-04-01 Thread John Fox
I am copying files over the network -- from a failing drive in production
box to a new drive in my workstation, with the intent of swapping these

I have been testing transfers with tar, and ran into some problems when
it (tar) hit the '/dev/vinum' hierarchy:

  tar: dev/vinum/plex/virtdisk_plex: minor number too large; not dumped
  tar: dev/vinum/sd/drive0: minor number too large; not dumped
  tar: dev/vinum/sd/drive1: minor number too large; not dumped
  tar: dev/vinum/vol/virtdisk.plex/virtdisk_plex: minor number too large; not dumped
  tar: dev/vinum/Control: minor number too large; not dumped
  tar: dev/vinum/control: minor number too large; not dumped
  tar: dev/vinum/controld: minor number too large; not dumped
  tar: dev/sa0.ctl: minor number too large; not dumped

My question is this: When vinum starts up and can't find some of these
device files, will it crash and burn, or will it simply create them?

Thanks in advance for any help,

| I can't believe I'm back on Mars. Three times before this place almost   |
|  killed me. I swore I would never give it another chance to complete  |
|  the job. Humans got no business being here. No business at all. |
|  -- Michael Garibaldi, _Babylon 5_, The Exercise of Vital Powers |
| John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] | System Administrator | Internet Ventures Oregon |

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'origin not recorded' error upon attempt to use pkg_add

2003-03-28 Thread John Fox

Upon attempts to use 'pkg_add' utility, I get a string of error messages
such as the following:

   pkg_add: package wmtime-1.0b2 has no origin recorded
   pkg_add: package wterm-6.2.7a1 has no origin recorded

It would be only a curiosity were it not for the fact that pkg_add *fails*
to add the requested package -- it returns a '1'.

So I am very curious about two things:

1) The methodology by which I can correct this error condition.
   (Most important)

2) Theories about what causes this condition.
   (Least important)

Thank you in advance for any advice,

| I can't believe I'm back on Mars. Three times before this place almost   |
|  killed me. I swore I would never give it another chance to complete  |
|  the job. Humans got no business being here. No business at all. |
|  -- Michael Garibaldi, _Babylon 5_, The Exercise of Vital Powers |
| John Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] | System Administrator | Internet Ventures Oregon |

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