Forcefully change a program's volume

2011-04-21 Thread John W

I'm aware that in FreeBSD 8+ there is the VPC (Volume Per Channel)
feature which allows separate programs to have separate sound volumes.

But suppose there is a (bad) program that does not let me control its
volume from within its interface.
Is there a way for me to control it at the OS level?

In other words, I'm trying to perform these steps:

Given the program X:
1) Find out what channel(s) X is using
2) Forcibly modify the VPC settings for those channels

Is it possible?
I realize there are probably issues where if X opens/closes new
channels on the fly it might be hard to keep track of, but is the
underlying support even there?

I imagine if I can open the appropriate device, I can use the
SNDCTL_DSP_SETPLAYVOL ioctl. But how do I open the appropriate device?

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fixing up port dependencies

2010-02-01 Thread John W
Hello all,

I'm going through a round of port upgrades and came upon a dependency issue.
I could probably muscle through and make it work, but I'd like to know
what people see as a correct solution to this problem. I'm still in
the process of grokking the nitty-gritty bits of ports.

Here's the issue:
I updated my ports tree with csup, and tried to run 'portmaster -na'.
It gave me this:

=== The mail/p5-Email-Simple-Creator port has been deleted:
Folded into p5-Email-Simple package

Ok, that makes sense. But what do I do to fix it?
It seems I need to replace dependencies on p5-Email-Simple-Creator
with dependencies on p5-Email-Simple.

But if I manually do that, won't my changes be blown away the next
time I update ports?

Perhaps I should use the '-o' (origin) option of portmaster? I'm not
100% sure how that works, incidentally.
I assume something like:

portmaster -o p5-Email-Simple p5-Email-Simple-Creator

Will those changes get blown away by the next update of ports?

Is the most correct solution just to wait until all maintainers of
ports which depend on p5-Email-Simple-Creator each update their
makefiles to depend on p5-Email-Simple, instead? (Though that doesn't
help in the short term :)

I'm curious of people's thoughts on this.

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csup a single file?

2009-11-08 Thread John W
I'm trying to use csup to get a single file at a certain date.

In particular, I'm trying to get /usr/ports/UPDATING.

I made a copy of /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile and made the
following changes:

  # pick a server

  # Date to sync to
  # (jw) I use this so I can gradually update ports, instead of
  # getting too many things changing at once causing upgrade pain

I then run the command:

  csup -L2 -i 'UPDATING' path/to/my/supfile

I have also tried 'UPDATING*', '*UPDATING*', and '/UPDATING*' since
i'm not sure from the docs exactly what the -i pattern should look

However, none of those work.

What I want is to get the single file /usr/ports/UPDATING as of the
date given in the supfile.

What am I missing?
Am I going about it entirely wrong?

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Re: csup a single file?

2009-11-08 Thread John W
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 5:42 PM, John W wrote:


Oh, ignore that the date given is not-happened-yet. I have tried it
with various real dates too, I assure you (:
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Re: csup a single file?

2009-11-08 Thread John W
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 5:42 PM, John W wrote:

 In particular, I'm trying to get /usr/ports/UPDATING.


I needed to specify 'ports/UPDATING'

*slaps forehead*

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xorg-server package update on 7.2-STABLE

2009-10-09 Thread Obrien, John W
Good morning,

The problem I'm having is that startx gives a garbage-filled screen and locks 
up the console. When I run it through ssh from another computer I can see that 
it complains:

/libexec/ /usr/local/bin/X: Undefined symbol shmctl

before dying and leaving the main display buggered up. Rebooting the computer 
is the only way I've found to un-bugger it.


Recently installed fresh i386 7.2-RELEASE, and subsequently had X working with 
the intel driver. I ran portupgrade -aPP two days ago using 
packages-7-stable and immediately thereafter experienced the symptoms described 
above. I see nothing related in /usr/ports/UPDATING since the release date of 
7.2. The closest things that turned up Googling variations of the error message 
has turned up were and

which strike me as close but no cigar.

This is close to the hairy edge of my competence, but I tried comparing the 
dynamic symbol tables of the relevant files with the following results

# objdump -T /usr/local/bin/Xorg | grep shmctl
0DF*UND*   0FBSD_1.1 shmctl
# objdump -T /lib/
00045f64   W DF.text  0FBSD_1.0 
# pkg_info -W /usr/loca/bin/Xorg
/usr/local/bin/Xorg was installed by package xorg-server-1.6.1,1

I interpret this to suggest that the updated Xorg was linked to a different 
version of the C library and is looking for a version of the symbol that 
doesn't exist, though perhaps I'm misreading

My specific questions are:

- Am I on the right track with my diagnostic steps or is this the wrong rabbit 
- Is this more likely a bug (xorg-server from 7-STABLE shouldn't break ABI with 
7.2-RELEASE) or operator error (missing or incorrect update step)?
- I would prefer to maintain my system using pre-compiled packages only. Is 
that feasible, and if so does it come with restrictions that I may have already 

Any pointers would be appreciated and a solution would be greatly appreciated. 
Please let me know if there are potentially-relevant details I've omitted.


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ports: how to handle 'alternate' dependencies

2009-09-12 Thread John W
I'm just learning the guts of how ports work, and wonder:

How do ports specify that any one of X, Y, Z  would satisfy a dependency.

For instance, when I build graphics/jalbum, it says it requires jdk16.
I would rather use diablo-jdk16, since I find it faster and it is
easier to install.

But how would I alter graphics/jalbum to say, essentially, either
jdk16 or diablo-jdk16 is required

Generally, how to handle the case when a port requires X, but there
are multiple implementations of X that can perform the job, and any
will suffice?
I feel like this issue must come up from time to time, what is the
right way to deal with it?
I didn't see any mention of this in the porters handbook...

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Re: ports: how to handle 'alternate' dependencies

2009-09-12 Thread John W
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 11:06 PM, John W wrote:
 I'm just learning the guts of how ports work, and wonder:

 How do ports specify that any one of X, Y, Z  would satisfy a dependency.

 For instance, when I build graphics/jalbum, it says it requires jdk16.
 I would rather use diablo-jdk16, since I find it faster and it is
 easier to install.

Whoops - in particular graphics/jalbum has the line:
JAVA_VENDOR = bsdjava
So it seems that special JAVA_XXX variables are used to solve the
problem in this particular case.

However, I would still like to know what (if any) general support
there is for this kind of problem.

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Re: Can anyone reproduce this Samba problem?

2009-09-12 Thread John W
On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 6:12 PM, Karl Vogel wrote:
   has some suggestions that might help.

It is a good link - In fact it's what I based my setup on.
However, it relies on both 'inherit owner' and 'directory mode' /
'force directory mode' working simultaneously.

And on my install, for some reason, that does not work. I can only get
one or the other to work.
Still not sure if it's a general Samba issue or FreeBSD-specific (or
me being dumb somehow).

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Re: Can anyone reproduce this Samba problem?

2009-08-27 Thread John W
On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 2:30 AM, Reko wrote:
 Interestingly, if I turn off 'inherit permissions', then 'inherit
 owner' DOES take effect correctly. However, that means the sticky bit
 does not get inherited, which will not work for me. I need both to be
 inherited, and for some reason they are behaving mutually-exclusive
 (with 'inherit permissions' taking precedence).

 If I understood your problem correctly, you don't actually want to set
 sticky bit on the root directory, but suid - so the chmod would be like

 chmod 4xxx mydir

 In FreeBSD suid-bitted directory will make all the subdirs to inherit the

 Sticky bit causes bit different behaviour - see sticky (8) and chmod(1)

I want both the owner AND the sticky bit to be inherited. That is my dilemma.

The sticky bit is necessary in my case because I do not want anyone
but the owner to modify a file once created.
And further, I am setting the owner to 'nobody' so this means *no*
user can modify a file once created, not even files they themselves
created. That is exactly the point of this share I'm trying to create.
This directory will be open to many users, via a public share, with no
I want everyone to be able to create new files/dirs in this share, but
I do not want anyone to be able to rename/delete/modify/overwrite/etc.
*any* files once created.

I am trying to avoid using SUIDDIR (see my email), though I realize
that is an option. If I cannot make Samba's 'inherit owner' option
work on FreeBSD, that may be my only choice. Regardless of that, I
would like to determine if this is a Samba bug or not, and which
versions are affected, if so.

However, even if I were to use SUIDDIR, I would still need the sticky
bit to prevent modifications to files.
Unless I am missing something, of course (:

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Can anyone reproduce this Samba problem?

2009-08-26 Thread John W
I have been trying to set up a 'dropbox' Samba share on FreeBSD, but
am not having luck.
I went back and forth on the Samba ML for a bit, and now I'm trying to
determine if I am seeing FreeBSD-specific bad behavior.

Could anyone out there see if they can reproduce my issue on FreeBSD?

I have a simple reproduction case (repeatable for me, at least), and
I'm curious if people see the same behavior on:
  - Samba 3.2 (broken for me)
  - Samba 3.3 (broken for me)
  - Samba 3.4 (It's not in ports, I haven't installed it manually yet,
but someone with Ubuntu has confirmed it works for them with this

Here is tail of the old thread with gory details, if anyone's interested:

So here is what I am trying to do, and how to reproduce my issue:

I want a dropbox share, with the sticky bit set, and with the file
owner to be inherited from the share directory, for new files/dirs.
Note: I do not want to use SUIDDIR if possible. I realize it is an
option, but am trying to avoid it for now.

So I have a directory like this:

drwxrwxr-t  20 nobody   myuser   512 Aug 19 20:07 myshare

And it is shared in smb.conf like this:

 comment = my share
 path = /path/to/myshare
 read only = no
 inherit permissions = yes
 inherit owner = yes

Now I want to create a directory in this share (from a Windows
machine, or smbclient).
What I would *expect* is this:

drwxrwxr-t   2 nobody   myuser   512 Aug 19 14:07 some_new_dir

Notice that the sticky bit is set, and the user is set to 'nobody'
which will ensure that no users, including the original creator, can
alter this directory once created.
And in fact, this is what happens when Jeremy Allison tried it on
Ubuntu 8.10 with Samba 3.4 (see thread mentioned earlier).

HOWEVER, on both my FreeBSD boxes with either Samba 3.2 or 3.3, I
instead get this:

drwxrwxr-t   2 myuser  myuser512 Aug 19 14:07 some_new_dir

Notice the owner is 'myuser' instead of 'nobody'.
Thus, the user 'myuser' can now rename the directory (for instance),
which is not acceptable.
It seems as though 'inherit owner' is just being ignored. I don't know why.

Interestingly, if I turn off 'inherit permissions', then 'inherit
owner' DOES take effect correctly. However, that means the sticky bit
does not get inherited, which will not work for me. I need both to be
inherited, and for some reason they are behaving mutually-exclusive
(with 'inherit permissions' taking precedence).

I have tried this on Samba3.3 and 3.2, both on FreeBSD-7.2_RELEASE
(amd64) machines, and neither works.

So to sum up:
I'd very much appreciate it if some FreeBSD people could try
reproducing this with any/all of Samba 3.2,3.3,3.4.
I'd also be curious of the results with Samba3.2 or 3.3 on a non-FreeBSD Unix.

I'm just trying to determine if I'm crazy or not (:

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error in burning v5.3 disc 2.iso

2005-01-05 Thread John W Ward II
I can burn the other downloads but disc2.iso freezes up the system and won't
respond. I have a PIII 1ghz w/512 ram, XPPro and Nero v5 software. I have
never had a problem burning an iso before and even downloaded the file three
times and twice from different ftp sites. Can you help?
John Ward
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