Re: Where is packages-6.2-release?

2008-03-15 Thread Jonathan Wallace

I think lack of disk space is a poor excuse for an organization
distributing an OS.  This isn't the 90's.  500GB drives are $99.00 at
newegg and that's enough to hold the OS, ports, and packages for 50
releases (at least).  Surely the decision not to keep older releases
where pkg_add() can find them by default, could not have been made
based upon lack of disk space.

There's no documentation about ftp-archive here, here,
or even if I go to and try to use the search tool to
find any reference to ftp archive.  That's great that you (as a
FreeBSD contributor) know where to find the old release packages, and
great that I do now as well.  But it really sucks that I had to spend
this much time finding that information when it could be documented in
the handbook or some other obvious location.  Certainly, it would seem,
one of the reasons Jordan wrote pkg_add() was for ease of use in regards
to finding and installing packages.  That work is just as certainly
trivialized when people at FreeBSD make bad decisions that cause the
command not to work out of the box and further causes a user to jump
through hoops to discover how to use the command for releases that are
hardly more than a few years old.
There should be a packages link at the same level of the ports directory.
Keep the ports directory structure as you want, but it doesn't hurt to
add a link and make the distinction more obvious in the ftp location.
The documentation makes the distinction and the ftp tree should as well.

-Original Message-
From: Kris Kennaway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2008 6:42 PM
To: Incoming Mail List
Subject: Re: Where is packages-6.2-release?

Incoming Mail List wrote:
 I have only ONE question.
 Where is packages-6.2-release? I have FreeBSD 6.2, and tuning it.
 Where I can download packages for my freebsd version?
 Thats a great question, and it appears that the 6.2-release packages
 repository has been removed.  Looking in I see 5-stable,
 6-stable, 6.3-release, 7-stable, 7.0-release, and 8-current.  There is
 no 6.2-release directory so pkg_add -r returns an error for any package
 that you try to load.  Very aggravating.
 Apparently the release team is only providing packages for the most
 recent streams.  I'd like to know why that is, and also why they insist
 on listing packages under ports.  The documentation makes it very
 clear there is a difference between the two.  Why anyone on the release
 team thinks it's intuitive to look for a ready-to-go package under
 a ports directory which has been defined by documentation as something
 that needs to be compiled, is a mystery to simpletons like myself.

Disk space is not infinite.  ftp-archive has old releases.  packages are 
built from ports and are part of the ports collection.

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Smbfs hang when connection broken

2006-02-25 Thread Jonathan Wallace

Processes that access a share from a remote machine hang if the connection
goes away.  I'm using FBSD V5.4 and mount_smbfs.  This can be replicated
by the following sequence:

1) Share a file system from a remote Windows machine.
2) Mount the share using mount_smbfs
3) Start a tar() command to copy the data from the windows share.
4) Unplug the network cable from the windows box

The ps() command shows that smbiod has a stat of SL (sleeping and waiting to
acquire a lock) and the tar() process stat is D (uniterruptable wait).  If
you kill smbiod, the FBSD system hangs and has to be rebooted.

Is there any workaround to this issue?

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Re: mkisofs on 5.4

2005-12-03 Thread Jonathan Wallace
Thanks for responding.

Do you see the problem if you only use mkisofs?

Yes.  I just tried it and got the same problem with an iso image using
mkisofs.  This is starting to look like a timezone issue.  The date/time
difference between the date displayed via ISO and the date displayed via
FFS (same file), is five hours which is my timezone from GMT.  I'm on the
US Eastern seaboard.

The date/time is being displayed correctly by date() and by UFS2.  It
appears that cd9660 is having a problem with the time zone.  As another
reference point, when I mount the DVD I created, under MSwin, the dates
are displayed correctly.

You don't expect mkisofs to change the date for you, right?

No.  I expect the date/time of the files under UFS2 to be preserved when
they are written to the DVD (or an iso image).  I can confirm now that
mkisofs is not the problem since the dates are accurate under MSwin.

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growisofs problem

2005-01-14 Thread Jonathan Wallace


I've got a curious problem using growisofs on FBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE #0.
I'm using the following hardware (from dmesg):

acd0: DVDR HP DVD Writer 530 at ata1-slave PIO4
cd0: HP DVD Writer 530r VPS8 Removable CD-ROM SCSI-0 device 

Using the cd0 device (through atapicam) I can write to /dev/cd0 without
any errors, but I cannot mount the device to read it.  There is nothing
wrong with the DVD media (DVD+RW) because I can put it in another 5.2.1
system with a SONY DRU model DVD drive, mount it, and read it.  So the
bits are being written correctly by growisofs.

Here is the output when I try to mount the media in the HP 530r DVD drive:
# mount_cd9660 /dev/cd0 /mnt
mount_cd9660: /dev/cd0: Invalid argument

# mount_cd9660 /dev/acd0 /mnt
mount_cd9660: /dev/acd0: Invalid argument

Both devices are valid.  I can mount and read a commercial CDROM.  I have
not tried a commercial DVD yet.

Any thoughts?
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headless indicator light

2004-12-20 Thread Jonathan Wallace

I'm looking for a way to build an indicator light that shows when
the OS is booted and ready on a headless system.  Is there a way
to do this and do you know of any documentation that explains how
to do something like this?

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