Re: portmaster problems upgrading to php 5.3.4

2010-12-28 Thread Kelly Martin
I should also mention that I have an almost-identical server running
FreeBSD 7.3-release-p2 in backup production and did not experience
these problems when upgrading from php 5.3.3_2 to php 5.3.4. Something
in my 8.1-release development server is causing the problems with
upgrading PHP, so I'm reluctant to upgrade my production servers as
they are absolutely identical until I find a fix.

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portmaster problems upgrading to php 5.3.4

2010-12-28 Thread Kelly Martin
Hi there, I'm having problems upgrading my php installation using the
ports tree. I use the latest version of portmaster on FreeBSD
8.1-release inside a jail, with all patches. I'm trying to upgrade
from php 5.3.3_2 to the new php 5.3.4 to fix a security vulnerability.

Here is the problem. When upgrading my PHP, some of the dependencies
fail because they are already installed. If I manually remove those
port-installed packages it continues to build past this point but then
the script breaks again with a later dependency. So the error below is
just one example of several I've encountered during the attempted
upgrade of a port. In the past this was never an issue because
portmaster is smart and would recursively install/reinstall all
required packages for me automatically. Something has changed now
because this functionality is no longer working for me.

I issue the command:
dev:/#portmaster -t -d php5

[...large amount of compilation data for php and various supporting
packages removed...]

===  Installing for libltdl-2.2.10
===   Generating temporary packing list
===  Checking if devel/libltdl already installed
===   libltdl-2.2.10 is already installed
  You may wish to ``make deinstall'' and install this port again
  by ``make reinstall'' to upgrade it properly.
  If you really wish to overwrite the old port of devel/libltdl
  without deleting it first, set the variable FORCE_PKG_REGISTER
  in your environment or the make install command line.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/libltdl.

=== Installation of libltdl-2.2.10 (devel/libltdl) failed
=== Aborting update

=== Update for devel/libltdl failed
=== Aborting update

=== Update for php5-mcrypt-5.3.3_2 failed
=== Aborting update


At this point I am half-way upgraded only. Here is what pkg_version
-v shows now for php:

dev:/#pkg_version -v
php5-5.3.4  =   up-to-date with port
php5-ctype-5.3.4=   up-to-date with port
php5-curl-5.3.4 =   up-to-date with port
php5-dom-5.3.4  =   up-to-date with port
php5-extensions-1.4 =   up-to-date with port
php5-filter-5.3.4   =   up-to-date with port
php5-hash-5.3.4 =   up-to-date with port
php5-iconv-5.3.4=   up-to-date with port
php5-json-5.3.4 =   up-to-date with port
php5-mcrypt-5.3.3_2needs updating (port has 5.3.4)
php5-mysql-5.3.3_2 needs updating (port has 5.3.4)
php5-openssl-5.3.3_2   needs updating (port has 5.3.4)
php5-pdo-5.3.3_2   needs updating (port has 5.3.4)
php5-pdo_sqlite-5.3.3_2needs updating (port has 5.3.4)
php5-posix-5.3.3_2 needs updating (port has 5.3.4)
php5-session-5.3.3_2   needs updating (port has 5.3.4)
php5-simplexml-5.3.3_2 needs updating (port has 5.3.4)
php5-sqlite-5.3.3_2needs updating (port has 5.3.4)
php5-tokenizer-5.3.3_2 needs updating (port has 5.3.4)
php5-xml-5.3.3_2   needs updating (port has 5.3.4)
php5-xmlreader-5.3.3_2 needs updating (port has 5.3.4)
php5-xmlwriter-5.3.3_2 needs updating (port has 5.3.4)
php5-zlib-5.3.3_2  needs updating (port has 5.3.4)

Fortunately the security vulnerability appears to be gone now, at least:

dev:/#portaudit -Fa
auditfile.tbz 100% of   64 kB   64 kBps
New database installed.
0 problem(s) in your installed packages found.

So I'm probably fine but I'd like to get everything upgraded to the
same version one day soon.

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Re: portmaster problems upgrading to php 5.3.4

2010-12-28 Thread Kelly Martin
2010/12/28 Maciej Milewski
 Have you read /usr/ports/UPDATING?
 There is a note:
  AFFECTS: autotools

  Another stage in the autotools cleanup that reduces tree churn whilst
  updating components, a number of ports have now moved to non-versioned
  locations since there is now only the concept of legacy and current

  # portmaster -o devel/autoconf devel/autoconf268
  # portmaster -o devel/automake devel/automake111
  # portmaster -o devel/libtool devel/libtool22
  # portmaster -o devel/libltdl devel/libltdl22

Awesome, that fixed my problem. Thanks very much! I hadn't seen that
note in /usr/ports/UPDATING so I appreciate you pointing it out. And I
just ran this on all my servers and everything is now up to date,

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Re: changing cron's From: address in emails

2009-10-27 Thread Kelly Martin
On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 11:19 AM, krad wrote:

 On Sat, 24 Oct 2009 01:08:21 -0600
 Kelly Martin wrote:

  Greetings, here's a simple question for the FreeBSD gurus out there. I
  have several servers running cron scripts daily for me, and they all
  send me e-mail with their output. Regardless of which server it is,
  each of these e-mails have the From: address looking exactly the same.
  They all say they are from the Cron Daemon. Fine, but I'd like to
  know more clearly which server the cron output is from.
  How can I change the From: address of these emails to Myserver Cron
  Daemon instead? I know cron runs as the user, so it's not immediately
  obvious to me how to change the From: field. Already the subject line
  says something like Cron r...@myserver ... but this doesn't stand
  out enough for my tired eyes.

 The simplist way to do it is get you scripts to print out a to, from and
 subject line at the top of their output containing the information you want.

 Subject: scriptname, hostname

 other script output

 Then in the cron pipe the output into sendmail with the t flag


 1 1 * * * somescript 21 | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t

 you will then get the loverly named emails

That is very cool, thank-you! It works beautifully.

And as a bonus I've learned something new about how to e-mail the
output from my scripts, which can be useful for all sorts of things.

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changing cron's From: address in emails

2009-10-24 Thread Kelly Martin
Greetings, here's a simple question for the FreeBSD gurus out there. I
have several servers running cron scripts daily for me, and they all
send me e-mail with their output. Regardless of which server it is,
each of these e-mails have the From: address looking exactly the same.
They all say they are from the Cron Daemon. Fine, but I'd like to
know more clearly which server the cron output is from.

How can I change the From: address of these emails to Myserver Cron
Daemon instead? I know cron runs as the user, so it's not immediately
obvious to me how to change the From: field. Already the subject line
says something like Cron r...@myserver ... but this doesn't stand
out enough for my tired eyes.

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Re: installation

2009-10-24 Thread Kelly Martin
On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 4:10 PM, levent basar wrote:
 freebsd is one of the good ones but its hard to install why dont you make the 
 installation user friendly like pc bsd and
 also there are so many ati graphic card users can you add some new ati drives 
 to new freebsd ?

It's really not that hard to install. Of all the BSDs (including
NetBSD and OpenBSD), I find it the easiest. I try various Linux
installs every so often and always seem to have weird problems. I like
FreeBSD because it's simple once you get the hang of it, and it's very
well documented.

The FreeBSD Handbook has detailed documentation on how to install the
system, and it's head and shoulders above anything else out there for
other systems. Once you've done an install it will get easier the
second time and you can do it in a few minutes. Hang in there, it's
worth the effort.
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Re: hard disk failure - now what?

2009-08-25 Thread Kelly Martin
First, thanks to everyone for the really great replies. Many
suggestions were quite helpful and have kept me on track. I'll quote a
couple of people and then add some comments below.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Roland wrote:
 It _could_ just be a bad or improperly connected SATA cable. Try changing or
 re-seating the cable.

I thought of that too, but no luck.

 Read errors cannot damage your data, but write errors can! Immediately stop
 all writing to the disk. Re-mount the partitions on that disk as read-only, or
 unmount them.

That was a consensus among everyone who replied, so I made that step
#1. I mounted the partitions read-only and crossed my fingers. Trying
to check the integrity of the data, or even get directory listings was
another matter, as I got various strange errors... which told me I
quite likely had some data loss.

 To see if a disk really is broken, install sysutils/smartmontools, and run
 'smartctl -a' on the disk. If you see errors in its report (e.g. reallocated
 sectors), the disk is dying and should be unplugged to prevent it from getting

That's a good idea and I'll try to use it in the future. After
plugging the drive in and accessing it, I heard those tell-tale signs
of hard drive failure: clicks and pops and other unusual noises, so I
know that it has some damage. I hate those sounds, having heard them
on failing drives too many times before.

 My question: what kind of checks and/or repair tools should I run on
 the damaged drive after it's mounted?

 As others have mentioned, first make a copy (with the disk unmounted) of the
 partitions on that disk with dd, saving them to another drive. That way you
 can experiment with the data without further deterioration of the

I ran dd and it took over 20 hours to complete. In fact it just
finished this evening, after running all day. Lots of FAILURE errors
were reported along the way, enough to fill two console screens or
more. And of course to complicate things I didn't have a spare drive
as an output device that was the *same size*, so I used a smaller
drive thinking that it wouldn't matter since the source drive wasn't
full anyway. I have no idea if data is scattered around on the FFS
filesystem such that cloning a mostly empty, larger drive onto
something smaller might lose data... I searched Google and couldn't
find the answer, so I proceeded anyway. It doesn't matter now though,
as I have a new drive now and another plan.

You can use this disk image e.g. as a vnode-backed memory disk, see
 mdconfig(8). If you cannot get a good copy of the disk partitions it might be
 a good idea to get a quote from a professional hard drive data recovery
 company to do that for you. I've never had occasion to try this (hooray for
 backups) but I've heard it can be quite expensive. :-/

I'm going to try dd a second time, but this time I'll use ddrescue as
some people suggested and I'll make the target drive an
identical-sized 500 Gbyte drive, which I purchased today. I imagine it
will take a long time to create this cloned disk... hopefully with
fewer errors than dd gave me, though we'll see.

 Try using fsck_ffs on (copies of) the disk image to see if that can restore
 the damage. If the damage is beyond repair for fsck_ffs, you have a real
 problem. Of course is you have a good disk image, your data is still
 there, but you might have to use a forensics program like sysutils/sleuthkit
 or hexdump to try and piece files together. And even then you cannot be sure
 that there is no corrupted data in the files themselves. Good luck with that. 

Indeed some of the partitions seem to be beyond repair. In particular
my /var partition is totally fubar'ed. When using fsck_ffs I got all
sorts of errors when trying to repair the partition, things like:

So I used the -b option suggested in the man page, fsck_ffs -y -b 160
/dev/ad0s1d and it ran and fixed a few things, but then stopped with
the following error:

fsck_ufs: cannot alloc 4294967292 bytes for inoinfo

The worst part of all is that the /var partition would normally be
okay to lose if it didn't have my MySQL database on it - the most
important data on the server. I just about choked down a golf ball
when I discovered my /var partition was in such rough shape and I
might be forced to use real recovery tools, or hire a professional for
$$$, or be out-of-luck.

MySQL databases are normally stored in /var/db/mysql. But then I
remembered my MySQL server was actually running in a Jail environment,
and therefore it was located at /usr/jails/myjail/var/db/mysql instead
of /var/db/mysql, and therefore the jailed MySQL database was on a
totally different partition. Lucky! And I was also very lucky that I
could mount the large /usr partition in read-only mode and copy off
the most critical files I needed, starting with the database. No
errors on that part of the disk so 

hard disk failure - now what?

2009-08-24 Thread Kelly Martin
I just experienced a hard drive failure on one of my FreeBSD 7.2
production servers with no backup! I am so mad at myself for not
backing up!! Now it's a salvage operation. Here are the type of errors
I was getting on the console, over-and-over:

ad4: TIMEOUT - WRITE_DMA48 retrying (0 retries left) LBA=441633503
ad4: WARNING - SETFEATURES ENABLE RCACHE taskqueue timeout -
completing request directly
ad4: WARNING - SETFEATURES ENABLE WCACHE taskqueue timeout -
completing request directly
ad4: WARNING - SET_MULTI taskqueue timeout - completing request directly
ad4: FAILURE - WRITE_DMA48 timed out LBA=441633375
g_vgs_done():ad4s1f[WRITE(offset=216338284544, length=16384)]error = 5

I could still login to the machine (after an eternity) but got lots of
read/write errors along the way.  The offset shown in the errors kept
changing, so I thought it was a hardware eSATA controller issue
instead of a bad sector on the drive -  I replaced the motherboard,
but the problem persisted. So I bought a new hard drive and have
re-installed FreeBSD 7.2 on it. I'd like to plug in the old hard drive
today, mount it and salvage as much as I can... especially the
database files, config files, etc.

My question: what kind of checks and/or repair tools should I run on
the damaged drive after it's mounted? Or should I mount it as
read-only and start backing it up? I am hoping most of my data is
still there, but also don't want to damage it further. I desperately
need to salvage the data, what do the kind people on this list

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Re: FreeBSD on a Mac Mini Intel?

2008-11-25 Thread Kelly Martin
On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 6:08 AM, Andrew Gould [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 9:08 AM, John Almberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 21, 2008, at 11:42 PM, Ian Jefferson wrote:

  Is anyone running FreeBSD on a Mac Mini Intel?

 You could always test it using VMWare Fusionand then let us know

 With a vm, you wouldn't have to worry about Apple's hardware booting

I have several FreeBSD 6.x servers in production running as VMs in
VMWare Fusion, they work great. Portable, too. You can set Fusion to
open your FreeBSD server upon starting, then you just put Fusion in
your Login Items (under your Account settings in the System
Preferences) so that it starts when the Mac Mini boots up. Give almost
all the resources to FreeBSD and you'll have a fast machine.

The other way to do it would be with Boot Camp, to enable booting to
FreeBSD using the Mac's EFI architecture (there is no BIOS, only an
emulated BIOS). You'll need that to be able to boot other operating
systems like Windows, I have never done it with FreeBSD but do a
search on the web for mac mini freebsd boot camp, others have gotten
it to work. Start by telling the mac you want to put Windows on... The
only caveat, it used to be that when booting the Mini you'd have to
select the FreeBSD partition manually to start it up..a. maybe Apple
already fixed Boot Camp though so it remembers what you want as
default so that it's no longer a problem. Please let us know if you
try it.

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Re: preparing for an upgrade

2008-11-25 Thread Kelly Martin
On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Kelly Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This weekend I finally got around to trying freebsd-update on 6.2. It
 is there and works, but it would only update me to 6.2-RELEASE-p11. It
 told me 6.2 was past its end-of-life date (which I already knew).
 There was no obvious way to upgrade to 6.3 binaries. I checked the man
 page and the configuration file too. Maybe the newer version of
 freebsd-update allows upgrades between point versions? (ie., 6.3 -
 6.4 ?)

Well, I found the answer myself by comparing freebsd-update on FreeBSD
6.2 and 6.3. The version on 6.3 adds the -r newrelease option, which
doesn't exist on 6.2... so it looks like moving up a point release
using this tool is first possible with FreeBDD 6.3 - 6.4. I know 6.2
isn't supported anymore, but it works fine for me.

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Re: preparing for an upgrade

2008-11-24 Thread Kelly Martin
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 9:07 PM, andrew clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue 2008-11-18 16:47:20 UTC-0700, Kelly Martin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 With the release of FreeBSD 6.4 imminent, I'd like to prepare for an
 upgrade from FreeBSD 6.2 - 6.4.

 Have you considered using freebsd-update?  From memory, it supports 6.2.

This weekend I finally got around to trying freebsd-update on 6.2. It
is there and works, but it would only update me to 6.2-RELEASE-p11. It
told me 6.2 was past its end-of-life date (which I already knew).
There was no obvious way to upgrade to 6.3 binaries. I checked the man
page and the configuration file too. Maybe the newer version of
freebsd-update allows upgrades between point versions? (ie., 6.3 -
6.4 ?)

 I'm a little confused about different versions of the ports tree. What
 I mean is, I keep updating my FreeBSD 6.2 ports tree and have never
 had any problems... it just works. I'm assuming the 6.4 ports tree is
 a little different and specific to 6.4?

 No, there is only one ports tree shared between all FreeBSD versions.
 If you already have an updated ports tree with a 6.2 installation, you
 can keep using that with 6.4 (or even 7.x).

Thanks very much to you and others for putting me on track about how
the ports tree works!

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preparing for an upgrade

2008-11-18 Thread Kelly Martin
With the release of FreeBSD 6.4 imminent, I'd like to prepare for an
upgrade from FreeBSD 6.2 - 6.4. Please excuse my ignorance but in my
mind here's what I plan to do when it's available:

1. install / run the upgrade script using CD-ROM media to a 6.4
GENERIC kernel, reboot
2. customize the kernel to my hardware (like I did in 6.2), reboot
3. portsnap fetch update (to get the latest ports tree for 6.4)
4. portupgrade -ai (to upgrade any outdated ports)

Will this work?

I'm a little confused about different versions of the ports tree. What
I mean is, I keep updating my FreeBSD 6.2 ports tree and have never
had any problems... it just works. I'm assuming the 6.4 ports tree is
a little different and specific to 6.4? The port system is **so much
better** than using ports on my OpenBSD systems!

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Re: recurring kernel panic

2007-11-14 Thread Kelly Martin
On Nov 9, 2007 12:46 PM, Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kelly Martin wrote:
  I'm getting daily kernel panics. The server was running fine for about
  a month, the only changes I've made recently have been to update all
  my ports. It's running on older i386 hardware, no special devices

 Like the others said -- I'd seriously suspect hardware problems.  Memory is a 
 good place to start.  Try MemTest:

Thanks to everyone for the help. It was indeed a hardware failure, a
power supply issue. With so many people using, looking at or working
on the FreeBSD kernel, I knew it had to be something other than just
my applications causing a kernel panic.

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recurring kernel panic

2007-11-09 Thread Kelly Martin
I'm getting daily kernel panics. The server was running fine for about
a month, the only changes I've made recently have been to update all
my ports. It's running on older i386 hardware, no special devices
attached. Here's the console message I'm getting (copied by hand):

Fatal trap 30: reserved (unknown) fault while in kernel mode
cupid = 0; apic id = 00
instruction pointer  = 0x20:0xc0b41129
stack pointer = 0x28:0xd0225cd8
frame pointer= 0x28:0xd0225cd8
code segment   = base 0x0, limit 0xf, type 0x1b
= DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags   = interrupt enabled, IOPL = 0
current process = 10 (idle: cpu0)
trap number  = 30
panic: reserved (unknown) fault
cupid = 0
Uptime 19h28m38s
Cannot dump. No dump device defined.
Automatic reboot in 15 seconds – press a key on the console to abort
Keyboard reset did not work, attempting CPU shutdown

A few questions to help diagnose:
(1) how do I use my hard disk as a dump device for these kernel panics?
(2) why does the keyboard reset not work, leaving the panic'ed
machine hanging indefinitely? (I've tried two different PS/2
keyboards... no luck)
(3) any other information I can provide, such as ports I have installed?

I am running FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE #0:
Fri Jan 12 11:05:30 UTC 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SMP  i386
(with all security patches except FreeBSD-SA-07:03.ipv6)
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Re: recurring kernel panic

2007-11-09 Thread Kelly Martin
On Nov 9, 2007 10:41 AM, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This looks pretty suspicious to me, I'd guess your hardware has failed.

This same hardware has run OpenBSD for years. Not sure how to track
down a hardware failure, unfortunately.

Thanks, I've setup a dump directory now for the next kernel panic...
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