following 9-STABLE but getting 9.1-PRERELEASE

2012-12-31 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I'm following the 9-STABLE branch with svn and just updated my system. But 
after booting I noticed that my system is still at 9.1-PRERELEASE, and not 

Does someone know what happened?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Firefox 14 build broken due to wrong libpng

2012-07-31 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Mon, 30 Jul 2012, the wise david coder wrote:

same problem.  so i rebuilt png w/

OPTIONS= APNG Animated PNG support On

firefox build still fails because of complaints about APNG.  what am i 
missing here?

i'm running 8.3, btw, less than a month old.

david coder

My guess is that you need to portupgrade -rf png to upgrade png and all 
ports that depend on it (that means a lot).


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link_elf: symbol ata_controlcmd undefined

2012-04-13 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I noticed some messages when booting:
link_elf: symbol ata_controlcmd undefined
KLD file atapicam.ko - could not finalize loading

My /boot/loader.conf includes:

Entering kldload atapicam gives:
kldload: can't load atapicam: No such file or directory

Has anyone an idea how to load atapicam.ko?

I'm running FreeBSD-9.0-STABLE.


Several years ago, some smart businessmen had an idea: Why not build a
big store where a do-it-yourselfer could get everything he needed at
reasonable prices?  Then they decided, nah, the hell with that, let's
build a home center.  And before long home centers were springing up
like crabgrass all over the United States.
-- Dave Barry, The Taming of the Screw
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Re: link_elf: symbol ata_controlcmd undefined

2012-04-13 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Fri, 13 Apr 2012, the wise Polytropon wrote:

In FreeBSD 9, loading atapicam should not be neccessary,
as it is now part of the GENERIC kernel and has merged
the ATA and SCSI functionality for disks and optical
devices. Try removing it from loader.conf and try again.
(Note possible device name changing ad - ada unless
you're using labels.)

I just removed the lines from loader.conf and the messages are gone. 
Everything seems to work fine too. I already changed the device name to 
ada in fstab, but never removed the obsolete lines in loader.conf.

Thanks for the info.


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UFS+SU+J and still background fs check?

2012-01-30 Thread Marco Beishuizen


When booting my computer today I noticed the message at the end: starting 
background filesystem check in 60 seconds. This seems strange to me since 
SU+J is enabled on all filesystems. How is this possible? NB running 

In most instances, all an argument
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em0 legacy driver 1.0.3?

2012-01-29 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I noticed that my Intel 82541GI gigabit ethernet controller uses a legacy 
driver 1.0.3, instead of the in 9.0 standard em0 driver 7.3.2.

Why is this and is the legacy driver as good as the standard driver?


The road to Hades is easy to travel.
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Re: ipv6 in FreeBSD 9

2012-01-15 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sun, 15 Jan 2012, the wise Erik Nørgaard wrote:

Don't use ipv6, but reading above: Did you replace ipv6_enable with 
ipv6_activate_all_interfaces? because the error seems to tell you that you 
must keep ipv6_enable

I replaced it with the new lines because according to the manpage 
ipv6_enable is deprecated. But why shouldn't I use ipv6?

Or, maybe there was an error with mergemaster? old scripts, new kernel 

I ran mergemaster, but didn't get any error messages. Afaik all scripts in 
/etc are new.


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Re: ipv6 in FreeBSD 9

2012-01-15 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sun, 15 Jan 2012, the wise Erik Nørgaard wrote:

Don't use ipv6, but reading above: Did you replace ipv6_enable with
ipv6_activate_all_interfaces? because the error seems to tell you that
you must keep ipv6_enable

I replaced it with the new lines because according to the manpage
ipv6_enable is deprecated. But why shouldn't I use ipv6?

Sorry, meant to say, I don't use ipv6 so I can't do much debugging.

Aaah, :-), perhaps I should have read better.

Or, maybe there was an error with mergemaster? old scripts, new kernel

I ran mergemaster, but didn't get any error messages. Afaik all scripts
in /etc are new.

OK, in the error messages you posted it seems that some script checks or use 
these variables. Maybe try to run the different networking scripts manually 
and see where it fails.

Thanks for the tip. I'll do some trial and error and dig deeper.

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Re: no hyperthreading in FreeBSD 9?

2012-01-14 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Fri, 13 Jan 2012, the wise Mark Blackman wrote:

On 13 Jan 2012, at 16:30, Marco Beishuizen wrote:


I just upgraded from 8-STABLE to 9-STABLE on my dual Xeon (nocona). Now I have 
in my boot messages:
root: /etc/rc.d/sysctl: WARNING: sysctl machdep.hlt_logical_cpus does not exist.
root: /etc/rc.d/sysctl: WARNING: sysctl machdep.hyperthreading_allowed does not 

So isn't hyperthreading not available anymore in FreeBSD 9?;

Seems to imply HT is enabled by default and new sysctls are used to take
logical CPUs offline.

How many CPUs does your boot message suggest FreeBSD 9 is reporting?

Yeah, I just deleted the lines from sysctl.conf and it doesn't seem to 
make a difference at all (2 cpu's x 2 threads).

Who on earth would eat a charred caterpillar!?
No, no, you SINGE 'em!  You SINGE 'em and eat 'em!
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ipv6 in FreeBSD 9

2012-01-14 Thread Marco Beishuizen


In 8.2 ipv6 was enabled by adding ipv6_enable=YES in rc.conf, and all 
worked fine. In FreeBSD 9 that changed to 
ipv6_activate_all_interfaces=YES. But now there are still some error 
messages at boot time, and ipv6 doesn't seem to work correctly:

root: /etc/rc: WARNING: $ipv6_firewall_enable is not set properly - see 
root: /etc/rc: WARNING: $ipv6_enable is not set 
properly - see rc.conf(5).


I do not use a static IP adress, but DHCP. Wat do I need to do more 
to enable ipv6?



Socrates:   I DRANK WHAT!?!?
Tarzan: Who greased the grape veee
Al Capone:  There's a violin in my violin case!
Pilot, TWA Fl. #343:What's a mountain goat doing 'way up here?
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Re: ipv6 in FreeBSD 9

2012-01-14 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sat, 14 Jan 2012, the wise Yuri Pankov wrote:

In 8.2 ipv6 was enabled by adding ipv6_enable=YES in rc.conf, and all
worked fine. In FreeBSD 9 that changed to
ipv6_activate_all_interfaces=YES. But now there are still some error
messages at boot time, and ipv6 doesn't seem to work correctly:

root: /etc/rc: WARNING: $ipv6_firewall_enable is not set properly - see
root: /etc/rc: WARNING: $ipv6_enable is not set
properly - see rc.conf(5).

I do not use a static IP adress, but DHCP. Wat do I need to do more
to enable ipv6?

This works for me:

ifconfig_em0_ipv6=inet6 accept_rtadv

No other IPv6-related settings done anywhere else.

No didn't work. Still the same error messages.


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no hyperthreading in FreeBSD 9?

2012-01-13 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I just upgraded from 8-STABLE to 9-STABLE on my dual Xeon (nocona). Now I 
have in my boot messages:

root: /etc/rc.d/sysctl: WARNING: sysctl machdep.hlt_logical_cpus does not 
root: /etc/rc.d/sysctl: WARNING: sysctl machdep.hyperthreading_allowed 
does not exist.


So isn't hyperthreading not available anymore in FreeBSD 9?


If you want me to be a good little bunny
just dangle some carats in front of my nose.
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Re: creating a bootable iso for raid BIOS flash

2012-01-10 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sun, 8 Jan 2012, the wise Polytropon wrote:

Does this image boot successfully?

Unfortunately this is also a no go. I think Intel has done something 
special to their iso's, considering that I'm missing 7MB of data.


Men have as exaggerated an idea of their
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Re: creating a bootable iso for raid BIOS flash

2012-01-07 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sun, 8 Jan 2012, the wise Polytropon wrote:

If this is depending on the name [BOOT], there are
two ways to deal with special characters in file names,
if you need to specify them on the command line:

a) use escape sequences:
-b \[BOOT\]/Bootable_HardDisk.img

b) use quoting:
-b [BOOT]/Bootable_HardDisk.img

I used escape sequences and that works. The no match error is gone.

Also read man mkisofs about the boot-related
options, especially -b, where

If  the  boot image is not an image of a floppy, you need to add
one of the options: -hard-disk-boot or  -no-emul-boot.   If  the
system should not boot off the emulated disk, use -no-boot.

is mentioned. Maybe consider using -G instead of -b?

I tried the -G option and removed the -hard-disk-boot option and now it 
created an iso without errors. The size is still 9MB though. I looked 
inside the original iso and the one generated by me but I really can't see 
any differences.

The future is a race between education and catastrophe.
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Re: creating a bootable iso for raid BIOS flash

2012-01-07 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sun, 8 Jan 2012, the wise Polytropon wrote:

Does this image boot successfully?

I don't know yet because I've used all my cd-r's :-(.
Within a few days I'm expecting some new cd-rw's and I'll let you know how 
things went.

If you compare your ISO with the original one, file sizes
should be the same for all files; are they? A reason could
be that the original one contains some metadata that the
creating program (which will very probably _not_ be mkisofs
as you're using) may have stored there. Things like for
example an application ID, copyright information, media
name. Maybe the original program did use a different
mechanism to create the ISO?

You can easily add the file sizes inside the original
ISO and compare them to your sources (which should be
equal) and see where the difference comes from. I think
it will be some file system metadata (remember that the
ISO-9660 file system occupies invisible space within
the ISO file).

I compared the original iso from Intel with the one generated by me and I 
really can't see any differences. My generated one is 9MB, and 8 MB of 
metadata seems a lot to me, or isn't it?. Don't know how Intel makes his 


From the moment I picked your book up until I put it down I was

convulsed with laughter.  Some day I intend reading it.
-- Groucho Marx, from The Book of Insults
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creating a bootable iso for raid BIOS flash

2012-01-06 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I have an Intel SRCU42X raid controller that currently has firmware 
version 414D. The bios flash was done by a system update package, from 
Intel which is an iso file that you can burn to a cd. The upgrade to 414D 
went fine.

But the newest firmware version is 414I and is not available as a bootable 
iso, only as a 414I.rom file (windows only etc.). So I thought: lets alter 
the 414D iso to the newest 414I iso, and make a new bootable iso. But this 
was harder than I thought.

I extracted the original iso file with file-roller and replaced the 
414D.rom file with 414I.rom, and modified the .bat-files references from 
414D to 414I. The files and directories in the original iso are:

-rwxr-xr-x  1 marco  wheel  7828 Feb  9  2006 LICENSE.TXT
drwxr-xr-x  2 marco  wheel   512 Jan  6 11:19 SRCS16
drwxr-xr-x  2 marco  wheel   512 Jan  6 11:19 SRCS28X
drwxr-xr-x  2 marco  wheel   512 Jan  6 11:19 SRCU41L
drwxr-xr-x  2 marco  wheel   512 Jan  6 11:19 SRCU42E
drwxr-xr-x  2 marco  wheel   512 Jan  6 11:19 SRCU42L
drwxr-xr-x  2 marco  wheel   512 Jan  6 11:24 SRCU42X
drwxr-xr-x  2 marco  wheel   512 Jan  6 11:19 SRCZCRX
drwxr-xr-x  2 marco  wheel   512 Jan  6 11:19 SROMB42E
-rwxr-xr-x  1 marco  wheel  1207 Aug 23  2004 SUP.BAT
-rwxr-xr-x  1 marco  wheel  3732 Feb 11  2006 SUP.TXT
-rwxr-xr-x  1 marco  wheel  4350 Mar 10  2006 SUP_Release_note.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 marco  wheel  5479 Feb 10  2006 UPDATE.BAT
-rwxr-xr-x  1 marco  wheel   244 Jan  6 11:25 VER_LOAD.BAT
drwxr-xr-x  2 marco  wheel   512 Jan  6 11:19 [BOOT]

The SRCU42X directory contains the 414I.rom file, an irflash.exe update 
utility and a run.bat batch file (running irflash.exe with reference to 
the .rom file). The [BOOT] directory contains one file: 

After that I tried to create the iso with:
root@yokozuna:/data2/tmp# mkisofs -r -J -b [BOOT]/Bootable_HardDisk.img 
-hard-disk-boot -o raid.iso /data2/tmp

which gives an error: mkisofs: No match

First I thought the directory name [BOOT] was weird so I changed this to 
BOOT. Running mkisofs -r -J -b BOOT/Bootable_HardDisk.img -hard-disk-boot 
-o raid.iso /data2/tmp creates an iso, but when I burn this to a cd it 
doesn't boot.

Strange thing also is the fact that the original iso has the size of 
~17MB, but the created iso by me is ~10MB. So it seems I'm missing some 

So what am I doing wrong and what is the correct commandline to create a 
bootable iso for flashing a raid controller bios?


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gthumb: IRQ's not enabled, falling back to busy waits

2011-10-26 Thread Marco Beishuizen


Gthumb core dumps with:

IRQ's not enabled, falling back to busy waits: 2 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Does anyone know what this means?

Thanks in advance,

Fortune's Real-Life Courtroom Quote #41:

Q:  Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated?
A:  By death.
Q:  And by whose death was it terminated?
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Re[6]: vpn using pptpclient in FreeBSD

2011-09-05 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Mon, 5 Sep 2011, the wise Коньков Евгений wrote:

may be you have a problem with firewall.
#traceroute IP or name

Traceroute gives:
traceroute: Warning: has multiple addresses; using
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 40 byte 

 1  * * *
 2  * * *
 3  * * *
 4  * * *
 5  * * *

May I also add that I also have a laptop behind the ADSL router 
running windows that has no problems at all with the vpn connection. That 
is why I think the problem is with FreeBSD or the vpn software.


If there really was a Jewish conspiracy to run the world, my rabbi would
have let me in on it by now.  I contribute enough to the shule.
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Re: Evolution problems...

2011-09-05 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Mon, 5 Sep 2011, the wise Scott Ballantyne wrote:

Stop in /usr/ports/graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache.
*** Error code 1

Try deinstalling and reinstalling gtk-update-icon-cache first.


My father was a God-fearing man, but he never
missed a copy of the New York Times, either.
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Re[5]: vpn using pptpclient in FreeBSD

2011-09-04 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Mon, 5 Sep 2011, the wise Коньков Евгений wrote:

As I have so, you
1. Successfully connect to university
MB mtu 1456
MB  inet -- netmask 0x
MB  inet6 fe80::20e:cff:fe3d:e16d%ng0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x8

2. You also have route to it
MB   UGS 00ng0

so you are done, are not?

Unfortunately not, because it looks like I have a connection, but in fact 
I cannot log in to the university through the tunnel. With the above 
settings and running mpd, the university site is not pingable and 
unreachable by a browser.

Volcanoes have a grandeur that is grim
And earthquakes only terrify the dolts,
And to him who's scientific
There is nothing that's terrific
In the pattern of a flight of thunderbolts!
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Re[4]: vpn using pptpclient in FreeBSD

2011-09-03 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sat, 3 Sep 2011, the wise Коньков Евгений wrote:

Please describe your networks fully

also I ask to send output of:
netstat -nr

My computer has IP, and sits behind a ADSL router which has 
IP, the router is the gateway to the internet. IP adresses are 
assigned by DHCP. The vpn network of the university I would like to 
connect to has the adress The IP range of the 
university is 130.115.x.x.

My ifconfig and netstat when mpd5 is not running:

em0: flags=8843UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST metric 0 mtu 1500

ether 00:0e:0c:3d:e1:6d
inet6 fe80::20e:cff:fe3d:e16d%em0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT full-duplex)
status: active
fwe0: flags=8802BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST metric 0 mtu 1500
ether 02:02:3c:06:08:57
ch 1 dma -1
fwip0: flags=8802BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST metric 0 mtu 1500
lladdr 0.2.3c.
lo0: flags=8049UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST metric 0 mtu 16384
inet netmask 0xff00
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x7

DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif Expire
default192.168.1.1UGS 059590em0  link#7 UH  0  354lo0 link#4 U   0   92em0   link#4 UHS 00lo0

My ifconfig and netstat when mpd5 is running:

em0: flags=8843UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST metric 0 mtu 1500

ether 00:0e:0c:3d:e1:6d
inet6 fe80::20e:cff:fe3d:e16d%em0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT full-duplex)
status: active
fwe0: flags=8802BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST metric 0 mtu 1500
ether 02:02:3c:06:08:57
ch 1 dma -1
fwip0: flags=8802BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST metric 0 mtu 1500
lladdr 0.2.3c.
lo0: flags=8049UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST metric 0 mtu 16384
inet netmask 0xff00
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x7
mtu 1456

inet -- netmask 0x
inet6 fe80::20e:cff:fe3d:e16d%ng0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x8

DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif Expire
default192.168.1.1UGS 059807em0  link#7 UH  0  354lo0   UGS 00ng0   link#8 UH  04ng0  link#8 UHS 00lo0 link#4 U   0   92em0   link#4 UHS 00lo0

Hope this clears things up.


If you keep your mind sufficiently open, people will throw a lot of
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Re[3]: vpn using pptpclient in FreeBSD

2011-09-02 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Fri, 2 Sep 2011, the wise Коньков Евгений wrote:

set iface route

you say that behind tunnele thereis subnet, but
MB [B1] -
you have address from subnet addres on local machine
so you get this message:
MB Loop detected on ng0

add routes only for subnets that on the other end of tunnel and not

set iface route

also you may remove  'iface route' from config. and setup tunnel.
after that try to ping the other end: ping
add route by hand:
# route add /X
# route add /Y

My local machine has ip 192.168.x.x. IP 130.115.x.x is the university 
network I want to connect to. When setting the iface route to, the connection doesn't work either:

[B1] IPCP: state change Ack-Sent -- Opened
[B1] IPCP: LayerUp
[B1] -
[B1] IFACE: Add route failed: File exists
[B1] IFACE: Up event

With the iface route removed, the other end is not 
pingable, so there is no connection in this case.

Don't try to have the last word -- you might get it.
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Re[2]: vpn using pptpclient in FreeBSD

2011-09-01 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Thu, 1 Sep 2011, the wise Коньков Евгений wrote:

Notice: [B1] IFACE: Add route failed: File exists
You already have default route in your system
why you set up the default again?
Notice in conf:
 set iface route default

With help from Mike Tancsa I've changed the config a bit and getting less 
errors now, but still not a working vpn connection. My mpd.conf is now:

# Default configuration is pptp_client

load pptp_client

# PPTP client: only outgoing calls, auto reconnect,
# ipcp-negotiated address, one-sided authentication,
# default route points on ISP's end

create bundle static B1
set iface route
set ipcp ranges

set bundle enable compression
set ccp yes mppc
set mppc yes e40
set mppc yes e128
set bundle enable crypt-reqd
set mppc yes stateless

create link static L1 pptp
set link action bundle B1
set auth authname xx
set auth password x
set link max-redial 0
set link mtu 1460
set link keep-alive 20 75
set pptp peer
set pptp disable windowing

It looks like it's setting up a correct connection, but the site of the 
library I would like to access isn't accessible when mpd5 is running:

process 2965 started, version 5.5 (r...@yokozuna.lan 17:08 30-Jul-2011)
CONSOLE: listening on 5005
web: listening on 5006
[B1] Bundle: Interface ng0 created
[L1] [L1] Link: OPEN event
[L1] LCP: Open event
[L1] LCP: state change Initial -- Starting
[L1] LCP: LayerStart
[L1] PPTP call successful
[L1] Link: UP event
[L1] LCP: Up event
[L1] LCP: state change Starting -- Req-Sent
[L1] LCP: SendConfigReq #1
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1]   MRU 1500
[L1]   MAGICNUM 0a9219e0
[L1] LCP: SendConfigReq #2
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1]   MRU 1500
[L1]   MAGICNUM 0a9219e0
[L1] LCP: rec'd Configure Reject #2 (Req-Sent)
[L1] LCP: SendConfigReq #3
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1]   MRU 1500
[L1]   MAGICNUM 0a9219e0
[L1] LCP: rec'd Configure Reject #3 (Req-Sent)
[L1] LCP: SendConfigReq #4
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1]   MRU 1500
[L1]   MAGICNUM 0a9219e0
[L1] LCP: rec'd Configure Nak #4 (Req-Sent)
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1] LCP: SendConfigReq #5
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1]   MRU 1500
[L1]   MAGICNUM 0a9219e0
[L1] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #5 (Req-Sent)
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1]   MRU 1500
[L1]   MAGICNUM 0a9219e0
[L1] LCP: state change Req-Sent -- Ack-Rcvd
[L1] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #1 (Ack-Rcvd)
[L1] LCP: SendConfigAck #1
[L1] LCP: state change Ack-Rcvd -- Opened
[L1] LCP: auth: peer wants CHAP, I want nothing
[L1] LCP: LayerUp
[L1] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #1 len: 21
[L1]   Name: 
[L1] CHAP: Using authname x
[L1] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #1 len: 69
[L1] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #2 len: 21
[L1]   Name: 
[L1] CHAP: Using authname xx
[L1] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #2 len: 69
[L1] rec'd proto IPCP during authenticate phase
[L1] rec'd proto CCP during authenticate phase
[L1] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #2 len: 69
[L1] CHAP: rec'd SUCCESS #2 len: 46
[L1]   MESG: S=F1619D8A3373D2F43E6652E992CA564D66B1C1A4
[L1] LCP: authorization successful
[L1] Link: Matched action 'bundle B1 '
[L1] Link: Join bundle B1
[B1] Bundle: Status update: up 1 link, total bandwidth 64000 bps
[B1] IPCP: Open event
[B1] IPCP: state change Initial -- Starting
[B1] IPCP: LayerStart
[B1] CCP: Open event
[B1] CCP: state change Initial -- Starting
[B1] CCP: LayerStart
[B1] IPCP: Up event
[B1] IPCP: state change Starting -- Req-Sent
[B1] IPCP: SendConfigReq #1
[B1]   COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
[B1] CCP: Up event
[B1] CCP: state change Starting -- Req-Sent
[B1] CCP: SendConfigReq #1
[B1]   MPPC
[B1] 0x0160:MPPE(40, 128 bits), stateless
[B1] CCP: rec'd Configure Nak #1 (Req-Sent)
[B1]   MPPC
[B1] 0x0140:MPPE(128 bits), stateless
[B1] CCP: SendConfigReq #2
[B1]   MPPC
[B1] 0x0140:MPPE(128 bits), stateless
[B1] CCP: rec'd Configure Ack #2 (Req-Sent)
[B1]   MPPC
[B1] 0x0140:MPPE(128 bits), stateless
[B1] CCP: state change Req-Sent -- Ack-Rcvd
[B1] IPCP: rec'd Configure Request #1 (Req-Sent)
[B1] is OK
[B1] IPCP: SendConfigAck #1
[B1] IPCP: state change Req-Sent -- Ack-Sent
[B1] CCP: rec'd Configure Request #1 (Ack-Rcvd)
[B1]   MPPC
[B1] 0x0160:MPPE(40, 128 bits), stateless
[B1] CCP: SendConfigNak #1
[B1]   MPPC
[B1] 0x0140:MPPE(128 bits), stateless
[B1] CCP: rec'd Configure Request #2 (Ack-Rcvd)
[B1]   MPPC
[B1] 0x0140:MPPE(128 bits), stateless
[B1] CCP: SendConfigAck #2
[B1]   MPPC

Re: vpn using pptpclient in FreeBSD

2011-08-31 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Wed, 31 Aug 2011, the wise krad wrote:

have you tried mpd? I always found pptpclient a bit prone to issues

Yes I did some time ago, but I found it so complicated that I never got it 
working. Pptpclient seems a lot simpler so I wanted to try this one first.


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Re: vpn using pptpclient in FreeBSD

2011-08-31 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Wed, 31 Aug 2011, the wise Mike Tancsa wrote:

use mpd5 from the ports. It is well supported and works very well both
as a client and server.

There is a sample config in the mpd.conf.example where all you need to
do is change the userid and passwd and server IP...

# PPTP client: only outgoing calls, auto reconnect,
# ipcp-negotiated address, one-sided authentication,
# default route points on ISP's end

   create bundle static B1
   set iface route default
   set ipcp ranges

   create link static L1 pptp
   set link action bundle B1
   set auth authname MyLogin
   set auth password MyPass
   set link max-redial 0
   set link mtu 1460
   set link keep-alive 20 75
   set pptp peer
   set pptp disable windowing

I used the mpd.conf above but mpd5 doesn't work either. It looks like it 
makes a connection but I don't have a vpn connection and it didn't log in.

I do get a lot of output though:

process 9290 started, version 5.5 (r...@yokozuna.lan 17:08 30-Jul-2011)
CONSOLE: listening on 5005
web: listening on 5006
[B1] Bundle: Interface ng0 created
[L1] [L1] Link: OPEN event
[L1] LCP: Open event
[L1] LCP: state change Initial -- Starting
[L1] LCP: LayerStart
[L1] PPTP call successful
[L1] Link: UP event
[L1] LCP: Up event
[L1] LCP: state change Starting -- Req-Sent
[L1] LCP: SendConfigReq #1
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1]   MRU 1500
[L1]   MAGICNUM 1b3bd364
[L1] LCP: SendConfigReq #2
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1]   MRU 1500
[L1]   MAGICNUM 1b3bd364
[L1] LCP: rec'd Configure Reject #2 (Req-Sent)
[L1] LCP: SendConfigReq #3
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1]   MRU 1500
[L1]   MAGICNUM 1b3bd364
[L1] LCP: rec'd Configure Nak #3 (Req-Sent)
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1] LCP: SendConfigReq #4
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1]   MRU 1500
[L1]   MAGICNUM 1b3bd364
[L1] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #4 (Req-Sent)
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1]   MRU 1500
[L1]   MAGICNUM 1b3bd364
[L1] LCP: state change Req-Sent -- Ack-Rcvd
[L1] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #1 (Ack-Rcvd)
[L1] LCP: SendConfigAck #1
[L1] LCP: state change Ack-Rcvd -- Opened
[L1] LCP: auth: peer wants CHAP, I want nothing
[L1] LCP: LayerUp
[L1] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #1 len: 21
[L1]   Name: 
[L1] CHAP: Using authname 
[L1] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #1 len: 69
[L1] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #2 len: 21
[L1]   Name: 
[L1] CHAP: Using authname xx
[L1] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #2 len: 69
[L1] CHAP: rec'd SUCCESS #2 len: 46
[L1]   MESG: S=6FF41EBC586F72996FE28623516DEB70E57D6B5D
[L1] LCP: authorization successful
[L1] Link: Matched action 'bundle B1 '
[L1] Link: Join bundle B1
[B1] Bundle: Status update: up 1 link, total bandwidth 64000 bps
[B1] IPCP: Open event
[B1] IPCP: state change Initial -- Starting
[B1] IPCP: LayerStart
[B1] IPCP: Up event
[B1] IPCP: state change Starting -- Req-Sent
[B1] IPCP: SendConfigReq #1
[B1]   COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
[B1] IPCP: rec'd Configure Request #0 (Req-Sent)
[B1] is OK
[B1] IPCP: SendConfigAck #0
[B1] IPCP: state change Req-Sent -- Ack-Sent
[L1] rec'd unexpected protocol CCP, rejecting
[B1] IPCP: SendConfigReq #2
[B1]   COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
[B1] IPCP: rec'd Configure Reject #2 (Ack-Sent)
[B1]   COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
[B1] IPCP: SendConfigReq #3
[B1] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #3 (Ack-Sent)
[B1] is OK
[B1] IPCP: SendConfigReq #4
[B1] IPCP: rec'd Configure Ack #4 (Ack-Sent)
[B1] IPCP: state change Ack-Sent -- Opened
[B1] IPCP: LayerUp
[B1] -
[B1] IFACE: Add route failed: File exists
[B1] IFACE: Up event
[L1] LCP: no reply to 1 echo request(s)
[L1] PPTP call terminated
[L1] Link: DOWN event
[L1] LCP: Down event
[L1] LCP: state change Opened -- Starting
[L1] Link: Leave bundle B1
[B1] Bundle: Status update: up 0 links, total bandwidth 9600 bps
[B1] IPCP: Close event
[B1] IPCP: state change Opened -- Closing
[B1] IPCP: SendTerminateReq #5
[B1] IPCP: LayerDown
[B1] IFACE: Down event
[B1] IPCP: Down event
[B1] IPCP: LayerFinish
[B1] Bundle: No NCPs left. Closing links...
[B1] IPCP: state change Closing -- Initial
[L1] LCP: LayerDown
[L1] Link: reconnection attempt 1 in 4 seconds
[L1] Link: reconnection attempt 1
[L1] PPTP call successful
[L1] Link: UP event
[L1] LCP: Up event
[L1] LCP: state change Starting -- Req-Sent
[L1] LCP: SendConfigReq #5
[L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
[L1]   MRU 1500
[L1]   MAGICNUM e39245f6
[L1] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #0 

vpn using pptpclient in FreeBSD

2011-08-30 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I'm trying to set up a vpn connection to the university library by using 
pptpclient. In other OS's this takes around 10 seconds, but in FreeBSD 
this seems very difficult to do, and I've no idea why. It looks like 
there is a connection made, but after a minute or two it just disconnects 
and still unable to access the vpn.

My ppp.conf is:
 set authname x...@.xx
 set authkey xxx
 set timeout 0
 set ifaddr 0 0
 disable ipv6cp

The messages log says:
Jun  2 22:12:16 yokozuna pptp[40950]: anon log[main:pptp.c:314]: The 
synchronous pptp option is NOT activated
Jun  2 22:12:16 yokozuna pptp[40955]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: 
Sent control packet type is 1 'Start-Control-Connection-Request'
Jun  2 22:12:16 yokozuna pptp[40955]: anon 
log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:739]: Received Start Control Connection Reply
Jun  2 22:12:16 yokozuna pptp[40955]: anon 
log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:773]: Client connection established.
Jun  2 22:12:17 yokozuna pptp[40955]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: 
Sent control packet type is 7 'Outgoing-Call-Request'
Jun  2 22:12:17 yokozuna pptp[40955]: anon 
log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:858]: Received Outgoing Call Reply.
Jun  2 22:12:17 yokozuna pptp[40955]: anon 
log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:897]: Outgoing call established (call ID 0, 
peer's call ID 58282).

Jun  2 22:12:17 yokozuna kernel: tun0: link state changed to UP
Jun  2 22:13:17 yokozuna pptp[40955]: anon log[logecho:pptp_ctrl.c:677]: 
Echo Request received.
Jun  2 22:13:17 yokozuna pptp[40955]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: 
Sent control packet type is 6 'Echo-Reply'
Jun  2 22:15:17 yokozuna pptp[40955]: anon 
log[pptp_handle_timer:pptp_ctrl.c:1050]: closing control connection due to 
missing echo reply
Jun  2 22:15:17 yokozuna pptp[40955]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: 
Sent control packet type is 12 'Call-Clear-Request'
Jun  2 22:15:17 yokozuna pptp[40955]: anon 
log[pptp_conn_close:pptp_ctrl.c:430]: Closing PPTP connection
Jun  2 22:15:17 yokozuna pptp[40955]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: 
Sent control packet type is 3 'Stop-Control-Connection-Request'
Jun  2 22:15:17 yokozuna pptp[40955]: anon 
log[call_callback:pptp_callmgr.c:79]: Closing connection (call state)
Jun  2 22:15:47 yokozuna pptp[40956]: anon 
warn[decaps_hdlc:pptp_gre.c:204]: short read (0): No buffer space 

Jun  2 22:15:47 yokozuna kernel: tun0: link state changed to DOWN

After a lot of searching and googling I never found the answer. Has anyone 
here succeeded in setting up a working pptp vpn connection?

Thanks in advance,

Kiss me twice.  I'm schizophrenic.
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locale settings and core dump LyX

2011-01-04 Thread Marco Beishuizen


When I start LyX I'm getting an error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid
Abort (core dumped)

This seems to have something to do with my locale settings:


When I change the locale setting to C, lyx runs fine, but I want to keep 
my locale at UTF-8.

So how can I keep UTF-8 and keep using LyX?

Thanks in advance,

The only easy way to tell a hamster from a gerbil is that the
gerbil has more dark meat.
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Re: avahi-app port build fails on one system, not other

2010-12-18 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sun, 19 Dec 2010, Jud wrote:

Apologies for top-post.

Because many other ports depend on icu, it might be preferable to update 
everything at the same time rather than piecemeal:

# portupgrade -rf icu-\*

Caution: This'll take a while.


This is what I did, but then several ports don't install because of the 
missing I eventually made a symlink so.38 to so.46 and 
after this all upgrades went well.


The Advertising Agency Song:

When your client's hopping mad,
Put his picture in the ad.
If he still should prove refractory,
Add a picture of his factory.
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Re: avahi-app port build fails on one system, not other

2010-12-17 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Fri, 17 Dec 2010, Steven Friedrich wrote:

I even tried portupgrade -fR avahi-app.

Here's the last of the log:

/libexec/ Shared object not found, required by

I'm having this too. I think this happens because the portupgrade of 
devel/icu installs a new version of libicui18n ( and 
deletes the old one (so.38). Lots of ports still need the old version like 

I'll try to make a symlink so.38 to so.46 and see what happens.


That's no answer, Job said, And for someone who's supposed to be
omnipotent, let me tell you `tabernacle' has only one l.
-- Woody Allen, Without Feathers
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Re: pwlib broken again

2010-11-26 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Thu, 25 Nov 2010, Da Rock wrote:

Perhaps try using WITH_OPENSSL_BASE=YES in make.conf? You would probably have 
to rebuild other ports as well, but I'm sure someone else here could confirm 


Ekiga seems to be the problem here. Ekiga wants to install opal, and opal 
wants to install pwlib/ptlib. As I don't use ekiga I deinstalled all three 
and now my ports seem ok again.

I've put WITH_OPENSSL_BASE=yes in make.conf though, just in case other 
ports try to install ptlib.


The USA is so enormous, and so numerous are its schools, colleges and
religious seminaries, many devoted to special religious beliefs ranging
from the unorthodox to the dotty, that we can hardly wonder at its
yielding a more bounteous harvest of gobbledygook than the rest of the
world put together.
-- Sir Peter Medawar
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pwlib broken again

2010-11-25 Thread Marco Beishuizen

After trying to upgrade my ports, pwlib seems broken again:

../../ptclib/pssl.cxx: In constructor 'PSSLContext::PSSLContext(const 
void*, PINDEX)':
../../ptclib/pssl.cxx:917: error: invalid conversion from 'const 
gmake[3]: *** [/usr/ports/devel/pwlib/work/ptlib_v1_12_0/lib/obj_d/pssl.o] 
Error 1
gmake[3]: Leaving directory 

gmake[2]: *** [debug] Error 2
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/devel/pwlib/work/ptlib_v1_12_0'
gmake[1]: *** [libs] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/devel/pwlib/work/ptlib_v1_12_0'
gmake: *** [debuglibs] Error 2

I've had this problem before and is caused when OpenSSL from ports is 
installed. Problem is that the openssl version from ports is needed by a 
lot of ports and cannot be deinstalled without breaking other ports.

Hope there is some other solution for this.


I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the republic for which it stands,
one nation,
with liberty
and justice for all.
-- Francis Bellamy, 1892
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evolution-data-server build problem

2010-11-24 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I have a problem building evolution-data-server, and because of this a 
number of other ports don't build/upgrade either.

gmake[4]: Entering directory 

  CC libcamel_provider_1_2_la-camel-sasl-gssapi.lo
camel-sasl-gssapi.c: In function 'gssapi_set_exception':
camel-sasl-gssapi.c:157: error: implicit declaration of function 
camel-sasl-gssapi.c:157: warning: nested extern declaration of 
camel-sasl-gssapi.c:157: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer 
without a cast

gmake[4]: *** [libcamel_provider_1_2_la-camel-sasl-gssapi.lo] Error 1
gmake[4]: Leaving directory 

gmake[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[3]: Leaving directory 

gmake[2]: *** [all] Error 2
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 

gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory 

gmake: *** [all] Error 2

Hope that someone knows how to solve this.
Thanks in advance.


C++ is the best example of second-system effect since OS/360.
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Re: chromium crashes

2010-10-17 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sat, 16 Oct 2010, Marco Beishuizen wrote:


I tried to run chromium as browser today but it crashes immediately:

[1016/211130:WARNING:base/] Don't know how to do this
The program 'chrome' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)'.
 (Details: serial 741 error_code 10 request_code 139 minor_code 1)
 (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
  that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
  To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
  option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
  backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)

Has anyone else has this too?
Thanks in advance.

It seems that I had to reboot first in order to run Chromium. Strange that 
rebooting is required.

Thanks for the answers though.


A bureaucrat's idea of cleaning up his files
is to make a copy of everything before he destroys it.
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chromium crashes

2010-10-16 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I tried to run chromium as browser today but it crashes immediately:

[1016/211130:WARNING:base/] Don't know how to do 

The program 'chrome' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)'.
  (Details: serial 741 error_code 10 request_code 139 minor_code 1)
  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() 

ma...@yokozuna:~% opera
opera [crash logging]: Can't read kernel memory: : /dev/mem: Permission 

opera [crash logging]: CRASH!!
no name got signal SIGSEGV at address 298C9B5D

Has anyone else has this too?
Thanks in advance.

He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet.
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Re: fetchmail certificate verification messages

2010-07-07 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Tue, 6 Jul 2010, Dan Nelson wrote:

CA Roots are also self-signed, btw :)  Addtrust is a valid CA Root, and is
the root for some certificates signed by Network Solutions and Comodo (and
probably others).  Marco, the fetchmail manpage mentions a --sslcertfile
option; try adding --sslcertfile /etc/ssl/cert.pem to force fetchmail to
use the ca_root_nss file you installed previously.  IMHO openssl should
automatically consult that file, but apparently it doesn't.

Where do I add the --sslcertfile option? I do have a /etc/ssl/cert.pem 
file and fetchmail is started at boot-time (in rc.conf). The starting 
script of fetchmail in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ isn't something to be changed 
I think. Or do I add the option in the .fetchmailrc file?


A lady is one who never shows her underwear unintentionally.
-- Lillian Day
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Re: fetchmail certificate verification messages

2010-07-04 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sun, 4 Jul 2010, Dan Nelson wrote:

Probably harmless, unless someone has forged a certificate chain using a
fake AddTrust External CA Root cert at the top.  Installing the
security/ca_root_nss port (make sure you enable the ETCSYMLINK option) will
probably silence it.

I installed ca_root_nss again (was already installed but without the 
ETCSYMLINK option), but these messages still appear in the logs. But when 
it's harmless I'll just leave it this way.



Basic Definitions of Science:
If it's green or wiggles, it's biology.
If it stinks, it's chemistry.
If it doesn't work, it's physics.
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fetchmail certificate verification messages

2010-07-03 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I'm seeing in my logfiles a lot of messages like these from fetchmail:

Jul  3 22:02:54 yokozuna fetchmail[1437]: Server certificate verification 
error: self signed certificate in certificate chain
Jul  3 22:02:54 yokozuna fetchmail[1437]: This means that the root signing 
certificate (issued for /C=SE/O=AddTrust AB/OU=AddTrust External TTP 
Network/CN=AddTrust External CA Root) is not in the trusted CA certificate 
locations, or that c_rehash needs to be run on the certificate directory. 
For details, please see the documentation of sslcertpath and 
sslcertfile in the manual page.

Does anyone know what these messages mean and if they are harmless or not?

Thanks in advance
Writing is easy; all you do is sit staring at the blank sheet of
paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.
-- Gene Fowler
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downloading e-mail is blocking network

2010-05-19 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I'm having a strange network problem. Every day, when I turn on my 
computer, fetchmail is started and procmail is putting all my mail in the 
correct mailboxes. This takes some time because I receive a few hundred 
e-mails a day (mostly mailing lists).

The strange thing is that when the e-mail is being downloaded, all other 
network traffic seems blocked. So browsing the internet is not possible 
when fetchmail/procmail is busy. At first I thought I had a problem with 
DNS and/or DHCP and/or my ADSL modem because after a reset of the modem, 
the problem mostly went away, and there were some hostname not found 
errors in my logfiles. But today I just waited for a while and discovered 
that when fetchmail/procmail is finished, the internet suddenly was 
reachable again.

So has anyone has seen fetchmail/procmail blocking network traffic before?


You may my glories and my state dispose,
But not my griefs; still am I king of those.
-- William Shakespeare, Richard II
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Re: downloading e-mail is blocking network

2010-05-19 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Wed, 19 May 2010, Chuck Swiger wrote:

Are you using NAT?

Not that I know of.

It sounds like something has a limited number of NAT state slots 
available, and is dropping connections past that limit.  It probably 
will help to try to serialize the activity of fetchmail / procmail so 
that they aren't opening new connections for every email being 
processed, if that is what is going on.

Seems worth trying to increase this number but how do I do that? Is this 
changable in FreeBSD or do I change this in the modem (couldn't find 
anything about this in the modem though)?

Women who want to be equal to men lack imagination.
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Re: compile error kdelibs4

2010-05-05 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Wed, 5 May 2010, Lowell Gilbert wrote:

You seem to have a bunch of unique problems.  Have you customized your
compiler usage?  Do you have any  settings in make.conf or other
relevant /etc files?

I've never done anything to compiler settings afaik. My /etc/make.conf 
looks like this:

# added by use.perl 2010-02-13 13:24:46

I know if you been talkin' you done said
just how surprised you wuz by the living dead.
You wuz surprised that they could understand you words
and never respond once to all the truth they heard.
But don't you get square!
There ain't no rule that says they got to care.
They can always swear they're deaf, dumb and blind.
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Re: compile error kdelibs4

2010-05-05 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Wed, 5 May 2010, Lowell Gilbert wrote:

Has anyone an idea what's the problem here?

You seem to have a bunch of unique problems.  Have you customized your
compiler usage?  Do you have any  settings in make.conf or other
relevant /etc files?

This one seems solved. It seems that libkde4 doesn't compile when qt33 is 
installed. After deinstalling qt33, libkde4 compiled ok.

What is truth?  We must adopt a pragmatic definition: it is what is believed
to be the truth.  A lie that is put across therefore becomes the truth and
may, therefore, be justified.  The difficulty is to keep up lying... it is
simpler to tell the truth and if a sufficient emergency arises, to tell one,
big thumping lie that will then be believed.
-- Ministry of Information, memo on the maintenance of
   British civilian morale, 1939
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Re: kdelibs3 fails to compile

2010-05-05 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Tue, 4 May 2010, Marco Beishuizen wrote:

./kopenssl.h:532: error: 'STACK' has not been declared
./kopenssl.h:538: error: 'STACK' has not been declared
./kopenssl.h:544: error: expected ';' before '(' token
./kopenssl.h:550: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'STACK' with no type
./kopenssl.h:550: error: expected ';' before '*' token
./kopenssl.h:556: error: 'STACK' has not been declared
./kopenssl.h:562: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'STACK' with no type
./kopenssl.h:562: error: expected ';' before '*' token
./kopenssl.h:828: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'STACK' with no type

This one is solved too. It appears that FreeBSD uses two versions of 
OpenSSL and these two don't mix to well. I had a problem with another port 
some time ago which insisted on installing openssl with MD2 support on 
(wasn't on by default). Now kdelibs3 insists on using the openssl in the 
base system and doesn't like openssl from ports. So I had to deinstall 
openssl from ports first. I don't understand why there isn't just one 
openssl version used.

The Three Major Kind of Tools

* Tools for hitting things to make them loose or to tighten them up or
  jar their many complex, sophisticated electrical parts in such a
  manner that they function perfectly.  (These are your hammers, maces,
  bludgeons, and truncheons.)

* Tools that, if dropped properly, can penetrate your foot.  (Awls)

* Tools that nobody should ever use because the potential danger is far
  greater than the value of any project that could possibly result.
  (Power saws, power drills, power staplers, any kind of tool that uses
  any kind of power more advanced than flashlight batteries.)
-- Dave Barry, The Taming of the Screw
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xfs portupgrade problem

2010-05-04 Thread Marco Beishuizen


After the upgrade to 7.5, xfs fails to upgrade:

===  Building for xfs-1.1.0,1
make  all-am
/usr/local/bin/xmlto -m ./doc/xfs-design.xsl -o doc pdf 

Making portrait pages on letter paper (215.9mmx279.4mm)
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
entering extended mode
! Missing $ inserted.
inserted text
to be read again
l.71 ...e./fo:block/fo:blockfo:block id=per_


! Emergency stop.
inserted text
to be read again
l.71 ...e./fo:block/fo:blockfo:block id=per_


No pages of output.
Transcript written on tmp.log.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-fonts/xfs/work/xfs-1.1.0.
*** Error code 1

I've never seen one of these before.
Has anyone an idea?


Sacred cows make great hamburgers.
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kdelibs3 fails to compile

2010-05-04 Thread Marco Beishuizen


Compiling kdelibs3 exits with:

In file included from
./kopenssl.h:453: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'ASN1_METHOD' with 
no type

./kopenssl.h:453: error: expected ';' before '*' token
./kopenssl.h:526: error: expected ';' before '(' token
./kopenssl.h:532: error: 'STACK' has not been declared
./kopenssl.h:538: error: 'STACK' has not been declared
./kopenssl.h:544: error: expected ';' before '(' token
./kopenssl.h:550: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'STACK' with no 

./kopenssl.h:550: error: expected ';' before '*' token
./kopenssl.h:556: error: 'STACK' has not been declared
./kopenssl.h:562: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'STACK' with no 

./kopenssl.h:562: error: expected ';' before '*' token
./kopenssl.h:828: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'STACK' with no 

./kopenssl.h:828: error: expected ';' before '*' token
./kopenssl.h:829: error: 'STACK' has not been declared In member function 'void KSSL::setPeerInfo()': error: 'class KOpenSSLProxy' has no member named 'sk_dup'
gmake[5]: *** [kssl.lo] Error 1
gmake[5]: Leaving directory 

gmake[4]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[4]: Leaving directory 

gmake[3]: *** [all] Error 2
gmake[3]: Leaving directory 

gmake[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 

gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/x11/kdelibs3/work/kdelibs-3.5.10'
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
*** Error code 1

Is anyone else having this?

Thanks in advance.

You have not converted a man because you have silenced him.
-- John Viscount Morley
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compile error kdelibs4

2010-05-04 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I'm getting an error compiling kdelibs4:

/usr/local/include/qptrlist.h: In copy constructor 
'QPtrListtype::QPtrList(const QPtrListtype) [with type = 
/usr/local/include/qt4/QtCore/qmetatype.h:138:   instantiated from 'void* 
qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const T*) [with T = QPtrListQDBusSignature]'
/usr/local/include/qt4/QtCore/qmetatype.h:163:   instantiated from 'int 
qRegisterMetaType(const char*, T*) [with T = QPtrListQDBusSignature]'
/usr/local/include/qt4/QtDBus/qdbusextratypes.h:186:   instantiated from 
/usr/local/include/qptrlist.h:69: error: type 'QGList' is not a direct 
base of 'QPtrListQDBusSignature'

*** Error code 1
3 errors
*** Error code 2
1 error
*** Error code 2
1 error
*** Error code 1

Has anyone an idea what's the problem here?


I'm defending her honor, which is more than she ever did.
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Re: Using a scanner (USB) as user and not as root

2010-04-30 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Fri, 30 Apr 2010, Warren Block wrote:

On Thu, 29 Apr 2010, Marco Beishuizen wrote:

On Thu, 29 Apr 2010, Warren Block wrote:

One more problem: there should be a quote at the end of the last line.

attach 100 {
device-name ugen[0-9].[0-9];
match vendor 0x04b8;
match product 0x010a;
action usb_devaddr=`echo $device-name | sed 's#^ugen##'`  \
chown root:saned /dev/usb/${usb_devaddr}.*  \
chmod 0660 /dev/usb/${usb_devaddr}.*

Shouldn't there be a ; at the end of the action line also? Because every 
line above ends with it too. I also ended the total attach 100 statement 
with }; because that seems the case in the rest of devd.conf.

Yes, sorry about that.  Next time I'm going to post the whole section instead 
of trying to edit it down.

To see if these changes work I'll have to reboot later because I'm updating 
my ports, and this can take a while...

There's '/etc/rc.d/devd restart', but it's probably not something to 
experiment with during updates.

After the changes in devd.conf the scanner now works as user! It has the 
user as owner and saned as group.

Thanks for the help.

The Poems, all three hundred of them,
may be summed up in one of their phrases:
Let our thoughts be correct.
-- Confucius
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Re: Using a scanner (USB) as user and not as root

2010-04-29 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Wed, 28 Apr 2010, Warren Block wrote:

You can use devd.conf for this:

attach 100 {
   device-name ugen[0-9].[0-9];
   match vendor 0x04b8;
   match product 0x010a;
   action usb_devaddr=`echo $device-name | sed 's#^ugen##'`  \
   chown root:saned /dev/usb/${usb_devaddr}.*  \
   chmod 0660 /dev/usb/${usb_devaddr}.*

Copied from a post on -current or similar; apologies to the author, who I've 
forgotten.  I thought this was in the default devd.conf as an example, but it 
appears not.

devfs.rules don't apply to devices that are created dynamically after 
boot-up.  Or I guess they might be if you reload the ruleset with applyset 
after the device is created, but devd is a lot more capable.

Unfortunately this didn't help either (I replaced the vendor and product 
with the correct digits for my scanner, and the chown with the user name). 
The usb devices are still owned by root and not accessible as user.

You have the capacity to learn from mistakes.
You'll learn a lot today.
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Re: Using a scanner (USB) as user and not as root

2010-04-29 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Thu, 29 Apr 2010, Warren Block wrote:

For the sake of completeness: devd has to be restarted after changes to 
devd.conf, and the code above is only executed when the scanner is detected 
(USB cable plugged in or scanner powered on).

I rebooted and plugged in the scanner but no changes.


I have more hit points that you can possible imagine.
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Re: Using a scanner (USB) as user and not as root

2010-04-29 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Thu, 29 Apr 2010, Warren Block wrote:

One more problem: there should be a quote at the end of the last line.

attach 100 {
device-name ugen[0-9].[0-9];
match vendor 0x04b8;
match product 0x010a;
action usb_devaddr=`echo $device-name | sed 's#^ugen##'`  \
chown root:saned /dev/usb/${usb_devaddr}.*  \
chmod 0660 /dev/usb/${usb_devaddr}.*

Shouldn't there be a ; at the end of the action line also? Because every 
line above ends with it too. I also ended the total attach 100 statement 
with }; because that seems the case in the rest of devd.conf.

To see if these changes work I'll have to reboot later because I'm 
updating my ports, and this can take a while...


I was in this prematurely air conditioned supermarket and there were all
these aisles and there were these bathing caps you could buy that had these
kind of Fourth of July plumes on them that were red and yellow and blue and
I wasn't tempted to buy one but I was reminded of the fact that I had been
avoiding the beach.
-- Lucinda Childs Einstein On The Beach
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Using a scanner (USB) as user and not as root

2010-04-28 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I have a flatbed scanner (a HP ScanJet 4400c) that works with SANE (and 
Xsane), but only as root and I want to access it as user. After some 
googling and reading the handbook I copied the default file 
/etc/defaults/devfs.rules to /etc/ and added the lines:

add path 'ugen*' mode 0664 group usb
add path 'usb/*' mode 0666 group usb

and also made the group usb with root and the user in /etc/group.
I also added devfs_system_ruleset=system to /etc/rc.conf.

After a reboot, USB and the scanner are still only accessible as root and 
not as user. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Alan Turing thought about criteria to settle the question of whether
machines can think, a question of which we now know that it is about
as relevant as the question of whether submarines can swim.
-- Edsger W. Dijkstra
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Re: Using a scanner (USB) as user and not as root

2010-04-28 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Wed, 28 Apr 2010, Roland Smith wrote:

Are the permissions correct? Check with 'ls -l /dev/usb/ /dev/ugen*'.
Is your user-id in the usb group? Check by running 'id' as the normal user.

If all that is in order, remove all lines except the three above from
/etc/devfs.rules, and try again.

Running id as user looks ok:

uid=1001(marco) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel),5(operator),1001(usb)

But the permissions are not:

ls -l /dev/usb/ /dev/ugen*
lrw-rw-r--  1 root  usb  9 Apr 28 19:05 /dev/ugen0.1 - usb/0.1.0
lrw-rw-r--  1 root  usb  9 Apr 28 19:05 /dev/ugen1.1 - usb/1.1.0
lrw-rw-r--  1 root  usb  9 Apr 28 21:05 /dev/ugen1.2 - usb/1.2.0
lrw-rw-r--  1 root  usb  9 Apr 28 21:05 /dev/ugen1.3 - usb/1.3.0
lrw-rw-r--  1 root  usb  9 Apr 28 19:05 /dev/ugen2.1 - usb/2.1.0

total 0
crw---  1 root  operator0,  87 Apr 28 19:05 0.1.0
crw---  1 root  operator0,  93 Apr 28 19:05 0.1.1
crw---  1 root  operator0,  89 Apr 28 19:05 1.1.0
crw---  1 root  operator0,  94 Apr 28 19:05 1.1.1
crw---  1 root  operator0, 104 Apr 28 21:05 1.2.0
crw---  1 root  operator0, 105 Apr 28 21:05 1.2.1
crw---  1 root  operator0, 117 Apr 28 21:05 1.3.0
crw---  1 root  operator0, 119 Apr 28 21:05 1.3.1
crw---  1 root  operator0,  91 Apr 28 19:05 2.1.0
crw---  1 root  operator0,  95 Apr 28 19:05 2.1.1

Be braver -- you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.
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python core dump during portupgrade firefox

2010-04-18 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I tried to portupgrade firefox from 3.6.2 to 3.6.3 (on FBSD 8.0-ST). It 
fails with:

../../../../other-licenses/ply/ply/ DeprecationWarning: the md5 
module is deprecated; use hashlib instead

  import re, types, sys, cStringIO, md5, os.path
gmake[4]: *** [dom_quickstubs.cpp] Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
gmake[4]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
xpccomponents.cpp: In function 'nsresult xpc_EvalInSandbox(JSContext*, 
JSObject*, const nsAString_internal, const char*, PRInt32, JSVersion, 
PRBool, jsval*)':
xpccomponents.cpp:3602: warning: 
'sus.AutoJSSuspendRequestWithNoCallContext::mDepth' may be used 
uninitialized in this function
xpccomponents.cpp:3614: warning: 
'sus.AutoJSSuspendRequestWithNoCallContext::mDepth' may be used 
uninitialized in this function
gmake[4]: Leaving directory 

gmake[3]: *** [libs] Error 2
gmake[3]: Leaving directory 

gmake[2]: *** [libs_tier_gecko] Error 2
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-1.9.2'
gmake[1]: *** [tier_gecko] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-1.9.2'
gmake: *** [default] Error 2

I got a coredump from python2.6 so I guess something is wrong with firefox 
or python or the combination of the two. Has this something to do with the 
portstree being a mess at this moment?



Finding out what goes on in the C.I.A. is like performing acupuncture
on a rock.
-- New York Times, Jan. 20, 1981
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Re: python core dump during portupgrade firefox

2010-04-18 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sun, 18 Apr 2010, Marco Beishuizen wrote:


I tried to portupgrade firefox from 3.6.2 to 3.6.3 (on FBSD 8.0-ST). It 
fails with: ... ../../../../other-licenses/ply/ply/ 
DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
 import re, types, sys, cStringIO, md5, os.path gmake[4]: *** 
[dom_quickstubs.cpp] Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped) gmake[4]: *** 
Waiting for unfinished jobs xpccomponents.cpp: In function 'nsresult 
xpc_EvalInSandbox(JSContext*, JSObject*, const nsAString_internal, 
const char*, PRInt32, JSVersion, PRBool, jsval*)': 
xpccomponents.cpp:3602: warning: 
'sus.AutoJSSuspendRequestWithNoCallContext::mDepth' may be used 
uninitialized in this function xpccomponents.cpp:3614: warning: 
'sus.AutoJSSuspendRequestWithNoCallContext::mDepth' may be used 
uninitialized in this function gmake[4]: Leaving directory 
gmake[3]: *** [libs] Error 2 gmake[3]: Leaving directory 
`/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-1.9.2/js/src/xpconnect' gmake[2]: 
*** [libs_tier_gecko] Error 2 gmake[2]: Leaving directory 
`/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-1.9.2' gmake[1]: *** [tier_gecko] 
Error 2 gmake[1]: Leaving directory 
`/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-1.9.2' gmake: *** [default] Error 2 

I got a coredump from python2.6 so I guess something is wrong with 
firefox or python or the combination of the two. Has this something to 
do with the portstree being a mess at this moment?

It seems that something else did something to my python installation. I 
reinstalled python26 and the portupgrade succeeded.

I got my driver's license photo taken out of focus on purpose.  Now
when I get pulled over the cop looks at it (moving it nearer and
farther, trying to see it clearly)...  and says, Here, you can go.
-- Steven Wright
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Re: error upgrading kdeedu4

2010-04-01 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Thu, 1 Apr 2010, Dino Vliet wrote:

Error: Files /usr/local/lib/ocaml/facile/facile.cmxa
  and /usr/local/lib/ocaml/stdlib.cmxa
  make inconsistent assumptions over interface Buffer
*** Error code 2

You have to reinstall facile first, and then upgrade kdeedu. I had the 
same problem yesterday.


Fortune's Real-Life Courtroom Quote #41:

Q:  Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated?
A:  By death.
Q:  And by whose death was it terminated?
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Non-maskable interrupt trap

2010-03-06 Thread Marco Beishuizen


Fot the first time in years I had a kernel panic in FreeBSD (8.0-ST). 
While playing a flash movie in Firefox (3.6), everything just locked up 
and only resetting helped. After the reboot it wrote a corefile in 
/var/crash/ which is unfortunately too big to read by any text editor. The 
trap number is 19 and the current process was 11.

Hope that someone has an idea what has caused this. I just can't imagine 
that a flash plugin is able to crash FreeBSD.


Most people have a furious itch to talk about themselves and are restrained
only by the disinclination of others to listen.  Reserve is an artificial
quality that is developed in most of us as the result of innumerable rebuffs.
-- W. S. Maugham
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[Solved] Re: SpamAssassin 3.3.0/sa-update problem

2010-02-15 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sat, 13 Feb 2010, Marco Beishuizen wrote:


Since the update of SpamAssassin to 3.3.0, spamd doesn't start anymore and 
exits with an error:

child process [x] exited or timed out without signaling production of a 
PID file: exit 25 at /usr/local/bin/spamd line 2544.

It seems that after the upgrade, sa-update has to be run first. But in my 
case this results in an error also:

sa-update -D
Feb 13 15:32:07.852 [31554] dbg: dns: query failed: = NOERROR
Feb 13 15:32:07.855 [31554] dbg: dns: query failed: = NOERROR

channel: no '' record found, channel failed
Feb 13 15:32:07.855 [31554] dbg: diag: updates complete, exiting with code 4

I've tried to reinstall SpamAssassin by portupgrade -Rrf 
p5-Mail-SpamAssassin, but this doesn't make any difference. Hope that anyone 
has an idea how to solve this.

I've upgraded the firmware of my DSL modem and the problem has 


You can only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
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SpamAssassin 3.3.0/sa-update problem

2010-02-13 Thread Marco Beishuizen


Since the update of SpamAssassin to 3.3.0, spamd doesn't start anymore 
and exits with an error:

child process [x] exited or timed out without signaling production of 
a PID file: exit 25 at /usr/local/bin/spamd line 2544.

It seems that after the upgrade, sa-update has to be run first. But in my 
case this results in an error also:

sa-update -D
Feb 13 15:32:07.485 [31554] dbg: logger: adding facilities: all
Feb 13 15:32:07.486 [31554] dbg: logger: logging level is DBG
Feb 13 15:32:07.486 [31554] dbg: generic: SpamAssassin version 3.3.0
Feb 13 15:32:07.486 [31554] dbg: generic: Perl 5.010001, 
PREFIX=/usr/local, DEF_RULES_DIR=/usr/local/share/spamassassin, 

Feb 13 15:32:07.486 [31554] dbg: config: timing enabled
Feb 13 15:32:07.487 [31554] dbg: config: score set 0 chosen.
Feb 13 15:32:07.534 [31554] dbg: dns: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes
Feb 13 15:32:07.534 [31554] dbg: dns: Net::DNS version: 0.66
Feb 13 15:32:07.535 [31554] dbg: generic: sa-update version svn897929
Feb 13 15:32:07.535 [31554] dbg: generic: using update directory: 

Feb 13 15:32:07.839 [31554] dbg: diag: perl platform: 5.010001 freebsd
Feb 13 15:32:07.839 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
Digest::SHA1, version 2.12
Feb 13 15:32:07.839 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
HTML::Parser, version 3.64
Feb 13 15:32:07.839 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: Net::DNS, 
version 0.66
Feb 13 15:32:07.839 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
NetAddr::IP, version 4.027
Feb 13 15:32:07.839 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
Time::HiRes, version 1.9719
Feb 13 15:32:07.839 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
Archive::Tar, version 1.56
Feb 13 15:32:07.839 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: IO::Zlib, 
version 1.10
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
Digest::SHA1, version 2.12
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
MIME::Base64, version 3.09
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: DB_File, 
version 1.82
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: Net::SMTP, 
version 2.31
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: Mail::SPF, 
version v2.007
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
IP::Country::Fast, version 604.001
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
Razor2::Client::Agent, version 2.84
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: Net::Ident, 
version 1.20
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
IO::Socket::INET6, version 2.56
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
IO::Socket::SSL, version 1.31
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
Compress::Zlib, version 2.015
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: Mail::DKIM, 
version 0.37
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: DBI, 
version 1.609
Feb 13 15:32:07.840 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
Getopt::Long, version 2.38
Feb 13 15:32:07.841 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
LWP::UserAgent, version 5.834
Feb 13 15:32:07.841 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: HTTP::Date, 
version 5.831
Feb 13 15:32:07.841 [31554] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: 
Encode::Detect, version 1.01

Feb 13 15:32:07.842 [31554] dbg: gpg: Searching for 'gpg'
Feb 13 15:32:07.842 [31554] dbg: util: current PATH is: 
Feb 13 15:32:07.842 [31554] dbg: util: executable for gpg was found at 

Feb 13 15:32:07.842 [31554] dbg: gpg: found /usr/local/bin/gpg
Feb 13 15:32:07.843 [31554] dbg: gpg: release trusted key id list: 
Feb 13 15:32:07.848 [31554] dbg: channel: attempting channel
Feb 13 15:32:07.848 [31554] dbg: channel: update directory 
Feb 13 15:32:07.848 [31554] dbg: channel: channel cf file 
Feb 13 15:32:07.848 [31554] dbg: channel: channel pre file 
Feb 13 15:32:07.852 [31554] dbg: dns: query failed: = NOERROR
Feb 13 15:32:07.855 [31554] dbg: dns: query failed: = NOERROR
channel: no '' record found, channel 
Feb 13 15:32:07.855 [31554] dbg: diag: updates complete, exiting with code 

I've tried to reinstall SpamAssassin by portupgrade -Rrf 
p5-Mail-SpamAssassin, but this doesn't make any difference. Hope that 
anyone has an idea how to solve this.


Use an accordion.  Go to jail.

Re: library problems with sound-juicer

2010-01-18 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Fri, 15 Jan 2010, Marco Beishuizen wrote:


When trying to portupgrade sound-juicer I get:

/usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/local/lib/, may 
conflict with

/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_certs_init'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cert_get_serialnumber'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to 

/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_certs_find'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_verify_attach_anchors'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_query_alloc'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_get_error_string'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cms_unenvelope'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_lock_add_password'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_revoke_init'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_verify_hostname'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cms_unwrap_ContentInfo'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_prompt_hidden'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_name_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cert_check_eku'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_name_binary'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_certs_append'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_verify_destroy_ctx'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_name_to_Name'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cms_wrap_ContentInfo'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cert_get_issuer'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_free_octet_string_list'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_certs_iter'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_revoke_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cert_get_subject'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cert_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_verify_attach_revoke'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_get_one_cert'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_verify_init_ctx'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_revoke_add_crl'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_context_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cms_create_signed_1'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_name_is_null_p'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cms_verify_signed'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_lock_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to 

/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_query_match_option'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_query_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_lock_init'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to 

/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_certs_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_context_init'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_lock_set_prompter'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_crypto_available'
gmake[2]: *** [sound-juicer] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 


After doing a portupgrade -Rrf sound-juicer, this problem seems to have 


Flattery will get you everywhere.
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changing place of .core files

2010-01-16 Thread Marco Beishuizen
Normally when a program crashes, it places a .core file in the 
homefilesystem. Is there a way of changing the filesystem where FreeBSD 
places it's core dumps?

Thanks in advance,

Rule #7: Silence is not acquiescence.
Contrary to what you may have heard, silence of those present is
not necessarily consent, even the reluctant variety.  They simply may
sit in stunned silence and figure ways of sabotaging the plan after they
regain their composure.
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Re: changing place of .core files

2010-01-16 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sun, 17 Jan 2010, RW wrote:

On Sat, 16 Jan 2010 23:23:52 +0100 (CET)
Marco Beishuizen wrote:

Normally when a program crashes, it places a .core file in the
homefilesystem. Is there a way of changing the filesystem where
FreeBSD places it's core dumps?

cd to another directory before starting the program.

This won't work most of the time because a lot of programs are not started 
by me as user. For example npviewer.bin core dumps a lot because of bad 
flash. But npviewer.bin is started by Firefox, not by me.

Horngren's Observation:
Among economists, the real world is often a special case.
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Re: changing place of .core files

2010-01-16 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sun, 17 Jan 2010, Yuri Pankov wrote:

Check core(5).


Thanks, this is what I was looking for.


Never argue with a woman when she's tired -- or rested.
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library problems with sound-juicer

2010-01-15 Thread Marco Beishuizen


When trying to portupgrade sound-juicer I get:

/usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/local/lib/, 
may conflict with

/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_certs_init'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cert_get_serialnumber'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to 

/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_certs_find'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_verify_attach_anchors'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_query_alloc'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_get_error_string'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cms_unenvelope'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_lock_add_password'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_revoke_init'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_verify_hostname'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cms_unwrap_ContentInfo'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_prompt_hidden'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_name_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cert_check_eku'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_name_binary'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_certs_append'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_verify_destroy_ctx'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_name_to_Name'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cms_wrap_ContentInfo'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cert_get_issuer'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_free_octet_string_list'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_certs_iter'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_revoke_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cert_get_subject'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cert_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_verify_attach_revoke'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_get_one_cert'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_verify_init_ctx'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_revoke_add_crl'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_context_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cms_create_signed_1'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_name_is_null_p'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_cms_verify_signed'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_lock_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to 

/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_query_match_option'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_query_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_lock_init'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to 

/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_certs_free'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_context_init'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_lock_set_prompter'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `hx509_crypto_available'
gmake[2]: *** [sound-juicer] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 


There seems to be a problem with, but why isn't libssl 
just being upgraded to seems broken too.

Has anyone else had this problem?


I want a home, a family, an occasional spanking ...
-- Kathy Ireland
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linker error gnupg

2010-01-15 Thread Marco Beishuizen

Gnupg exits with the following error when portupgrading it:

gpg2keys_ldap-gpgkeys_ldap.o(.text+0xd09): In function `send_key':
: undefined reference to `ascii_isspace'
gmake[2]: *** [gpg2keys_ldap] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 

gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/security/gnupg/work/gnupg-2.0.14'
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/security/gnupg.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/security/gnupg.
** Command failed [exit code 1]: /usr/bin/script -qa 
/tmp/portupgrade20100115-54677-16vn430-0 env UPGRADE_TOOL=portupgrade 
UPGRADE_PORT=gnupg-2.0.13 UPGRADE_PORT_VER=2.0.13 make

** Fix the problem and try again.
** Listing the failed packages (-:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
! security/gnupg (gnupg-2.0.13) (linker error)

Anyone an idea how to solve this?


A major, with wonderful force,
Called out in Hyde Park for a horse.
All the flowers looked round,
But no horse could be found;
So he just rhododendron, of course.
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radeonhd 1.3.0 slow window moving

2009-12-07 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I upgraded the radeonhd driver from 1.2.5 to 1.3.0. It seems to work fine, 
except when moving a window. As far as I can see all other actions like 
scrolling or resizing is quick, but moving windows goes really slow.

In my xorg.conf the modules extmod, record, dbe, glx, dbi and 
dbi2 are loaded. In the device section I have two options enabled:

- AccelMethod EXA
- DRI on
In my logfile are no errors.

Does anyone else has experienced this?
My Radeon is a HD4870 and I'm running FreeBSD 8.0-ST.

Thanks in advance.

The more you complain, the longer God lets you live.
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Re: radeonhd 1.3.0 slow window moving

2009-12-07 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Mon, 7 Dec 2009, George Liaskos wrote:

Give x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati a try

What are the differences between the ati and the radeonhd driver? Is the 
ati-driver for all Ati cards and the radeonhd specifically for RadeonHD 
cards, or are there more differences?


It takes a smart husband to have the last word and not use it.
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Re: radeonhd 1.3.0 slow window moving

2009-12-07 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Mon, 7 Dec 2009, Marco Beishuizen wrote:


I upgraded the radeonhd driver from 1.2.5 to 1.3.0. It seems to work fine, 
except when moving a window. As far as I can see all other actions like 
scrolling or resizing is quick, but moving windows goes really slow.

In my xorg.conf the modules extmod, record, dbe, glx, dbi and 
dbi2 are loaded. In the device section I have two options enabled:

- AccelMethod EXA
- DRI on
In my logfile are no errors.

Does anyone else has experienced this?
My Radeon is a HD4870 and I'm running FreeBSD 8.0-ST.

Thanks in advance.

I installed the ati-driver and this one doesn't seem to have the slow 
window moving problem. So I guess I'm staying with the ati-driver for now.


Women who want to be equal to men lack imagination.
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GDM users list

2009-05-10 Thread Marco Beishuizen


When I use GDM for logging in, the only possible users I can choose from 
are the logcheck system account and other, but not my regular user 
account. Why is that?


Only way to open lips of pigeon, sledgehammer.
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Re: GDM users list

2009-05-10 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Mon, 11 May 2009, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:

FWIW, the gdm user list applet seems to be having a few problems in
8.0-CURRENT too.

It is auto-enabled when procfs(5) is mounted at `/proc' but it only
shows `other' a few dozen times on my laptop, and clicking on them
sometimes crashes gdm.  I'm still trying to find out why, but you may
find it easier to get help by posting to the freebsd-gnome list.

Procfs is mounted at /proc on my system, but I'm not experiencing crashes. 
I'll send my question to the freebsd-gnome mailing list. Thanks.


Mustgo, n.:
Any item of food that has been sitting in the refrigerator so
long it has become a science project.
-- Rich Hall  Friends, Sniglets
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Logcheck errors after cvsup

2009-03-14 Thread Marco Beishuizen

I cvsupped my portstree yesterday and updated my system with portupgrade -a. 
All went well except for logcheck. Since the cvsup I don't receive the normal 
hourly mail with the results of the checking in my mailbox but the following 
(the subject of the mail is: Cron logch...@yokozuna if 
[ -x /usr/local/sbin/logcheck ]; then nice -n10 /usr/local/sbin/logcheck; 

/usr/local/sbin/logcheck: command substitution: line 49: syntax error near 
unexpected token `)'
/usr/local/sbin/logcheck: command substitution: line 49: `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:
/usr/local/sbin/logcheck: command substitution: line 530: syntax error near 
unexpected token `)'
/usr/local/sbin/logcheck: command substitution: line 530: `hostname -f)'
/usr/local/sbin/logcheck: command substitution: line 621: syntax error near 
unexpected token `)'
/usr/local/sbin/logcheck: command substitution: line 621: 
`mktemp -d /tmp/logcheck.XX)'
mkdir: /cracking: Permission denied
/usr/local/sbin/logcheck: command substitution: line 145: syntax error near 
unexpected token `)'
/usr/local/sbin/logcheck: command substitution: line 145: `export)'
Null message body; hope that's ok
usage: rm [-f | -i] [-dIPRrvW] file ...
       unlink file

Has someon perhaps an idea what happened here? I couldn't find anything that 
suggested that the logcheck files had changed or something.

Thanks in advance for the help.


You will soon meet a person who will play an important role in your life.
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Re: Logcheck errors after cvsup

2009-03-14 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Saturday 14 March 2009 14:35:36 Patrick Lamaizière wrote:
 Le Sat, 14 Mar 2009 10:48:58 +0100,

 Marco Beishuizen
  I cvsupped my portstree yesterday and updated my system with
  portupgrade -a. All went well except for logcheck. Since the cvsup I
  don't receive the normal hourly mail with the results of the checking
  in my mailbox but the following (the subject of the mail is: Cron
  logch...@yokozuna if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/logcheck ]; then nice
  -n10 /usr/local/sbin/logcheck; fi):
  /usr/local/sbin/logcheck: command substitution: line 49: syntax error
  near unexpected token `)'

 I guess it is related to the recent bash upgrade.

 Check the ports@ mailing list, there are some topics about bash4. Looks
 like it is broken.


Yes, bash seems to be the problem. I deinstalled bash 4 and reinstalled 3. 
Logcheck now works again.

I guess I will follow the bash developments.

Thanks for the help.

Where the men are men and so are the women!
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Re: openoffice-3.0.1 broken on FreeBSD

2009-02-08 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Sat, 07 Feb 2009 19:35:43 -0500
Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

 Did you recompile OO after installing xorg-7.4?

Yes, xorg was updated some days ago. I upgraded OO yesterday.

The only thing better than love is milk.
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openoffice-3.0.1 broken on FreeBSD

2009-02-07 Thread Marco Beishuizen

Trying to run OO-3.0.1 crashes OO with the following error messages and
ends into and enless loop trying to restart and crashing again:
(soffice:2726): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment
with non-zero page size is deprecated Xlib:  extension Generic Event
Extension missing on display :0.0. Xlib:  extension Generic Event
Extension missing on display :0.0. Xlib:  extension Generic Event
Extension missing on display :0.0. Xlib:  extension Generic Event
Extension missing on display :0.0. Xlib:  extension Generic Event
Extension missing on display :0.0. Xlib:  extension Generic Event
Extension missing on display :0.0. Xlib:  extension Generic Event
Extension missing on display :0.0. Xlib:  extension Generic Event
Extension missing on display :0.0. Xlib:  extension Generic Event
Extension missing on display :0.0. Xlib:  extension Generic Event
Extension missing on display :0.0.

I'm running FreeBSD-7.1-stable with 7.4 with Gnome 2.24.
anyone an idea?

Thanks in advance

Put a pot of chili on the stove to simmer.
Let it simmer.  Meanwhile, broil a good steak.
Eat the steak.  Let the chili simmer.  Ignore it.
-- Recipe for chili from Allan Shrivers, former governor
   of Texas.
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Re: Having issues with the nvidia driver on my box

2008-12-28 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 18:14:38 + wrote:

 For several reasons, one of which was to use the nvidia driver for
 my board, I switched from amd64 to i386. So, I installed the driver
 and although things are working I'm getting this on console 0:
 NVRM: AGP cannot be enabled on this combination of the amd CPU and OS
 kernel NVRM: kernel upgrade recommended
 So, when I installed the nvidia driver I said to enable AGP.
 (Figuring only that this is an AGP board, why not?) My graphical
 environment works but I'd like to resolve this. Also, I think that
 some little quirks in my display can be attributed to this, but I'm
 not sure. Is there some sort of kernel option I must include and
 build my own kernel?
 ps in case it matters, my board is rather old. I purchased it 4
 years ago and as I'm not a gamer, it suffices quite nicely. Here's
 the driver I had to install for support of this chip:

Did you install the latest Nvidia driver? Perhaps your card isn't
supported anymore. Nvidia dropped some older chipsets in their latest
driver. You can try nvidia-driver-96xx or nvidia-driver-71xx in the
ports. I hope this helps.


Economies of scale:
The notion that bigger is better.  In particular, that if you
want a certain amount of computer power, it is much better to buy one
biggie than a bunch of smallies.  Accepted as an article of
faith by people who love big machines and all that complexity.  Rejected
as an article of faith by those who love small machines and all
those limitations.
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Re: Problems with portupgrade or db

2008-10-14 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Tue, 14 Oct 2008 09:35:55 -0700
Jeremy Chadwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Range Not Satisfiable errors are because your db-4.2.52.tar.gz
 is of an incorrect size (probably larger than what's on the source
 site). The last error (talking about modification time) could
 indicate that you have a clock which is severely skewed or incorrect
 in some way.
 Otherwise, if you're *absolutely 100% positive* all is well, then the
 issue could be one of the following:
 1) The db-4.2.52.tar.gz tarball on the distribution sites has changed,
 2) There is a proxy server between you and the distribution site which
is caching data and returning bad stuff,
 3) You're experiencing underlying corruption going on (network or
 disk), 4) Your ports tree is outdated or broken (some pieces are out
 of date while others are correct).
 Here's some evidence that things are indeed working (on my systems)
 how you'd expect -- everything matches up perfectly:
 $ wget -q
 $ md5 db-4.2.52.tar.gz
 MD5 (db-4.2.52.tar.gz) = 8b5cff6eb83972afdd8e0b821703c33c
 $ grep db-4.2.52.tar.gz /usr/ports/databases/db42/distinfo
 MD5 (bdb/db-4.2.52.tar.gz) = 8b5cff6eb83972afdd8e0b821703c33c
 SHA256 (bdb/db-4.2.52.tar.gz) =
 f4bddd8d1b4cde0daf5e13e3493ed62a25b736b0bf258e1d929e47bc6a82a28c SIZE
 (bdb/db-4.2.52.tar.gz) = 3919271

I got the tarball you mentioned and this one installed fine so it was
probably changed. I had one of a different size. My clock seems fine
too, it gets updated by a ntp daemon.

But all seems to be working again so thanks for the help.


I think the sky is blue because it's a shift from black through purple
to blue, and it has to do with where the light is.  You know, the
farther we get into darkness, and there's a shifting of color of light
into the blueness, and I think as you go farther and farther away from
the reflected light we have from the sun or the light that's bouncing
off this earth, uh, the darker it gets ... I think if you look at the
color scale, you start at black, move it through purple, move it on
out, it's the shifting of color.  We mentioned before about the stars
singing, and that's one of the effects of the shifting of colors.
-- Pat Robertson, The 700 Club
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Problems with portupgrade or db

2008-10-14 Thread Marco Beishuizen

In an attempt to upgrade db42 to db47 I seem to have broken some
things. If I try to portupgrade anything I get:

#portupgrade -a
** Makefile possibly broken: www/gnome-user-share:
/libexec/ Shared object not found,
required by [: -le: argument expected
: Your apache does not support DSO modules

/usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:1468:in `get_pkgname': Makefile broken
(MakefileBrokenError) from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:622:in `main'
from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:613:in `each'
from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:613:in `main'
from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:588:in `catch'
from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:588:in `main'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/optparse.rb:1303:in `call'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/optparse.rb:1303:in
`parse_in_order' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/optparse.rb:1299:in
`catch' ... 6 levels...
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/optparse.rb:785:in `initialize'
from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:229:in `new'
from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:229:in `main'
from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:2208

If I try to reinstall db42 (or anything else) I get the same error
What can I do to make things work again?

Thanks in advance,


Remember, if it's being done correctly, here or abroad, it's
*not* the U.S. Army doing it!
-- Good Morning, Vietnam
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Re: Problems with portupgrade or db

2008-10-14 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Tue, 14 Oct 2008 08:06:46 -0700 (PDT)
mdh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Have you tried installing db42 from ports manually?  ie:
 (cd /usr/ports/databases/db42  make deinstall  make clean  make
 install  make clean)
 If that doesn't work, perhaps try installing the db42 pkg from the
 FreeBSD ftp servers?  Personally, I try to stay away from portupgrade
 or anything else that comes around claiming to make something easier
 that's already easy enough.  ;)
 - mdh

Yes, I did try to install it manually but that results in:
===  Extracting for db42-4.2.52_5
= MD5 Checksum mismatch for bdb/db-4.2.52.tar.gz.
= SHA256 Checksum mismatch for bdb/db-4.2.52.tar.gz.
= MD5 Checksum OK for bdb/patch.
= SHA256 Checksum OK for bdb/patch.
= MD5 Checksum OK for bdb/patch.
= SHA256 Checksum OK for bdb/patch.
= MD5 Checksum OK for bdb/patch.
= SHA256 Checksum OK for bdb/patch.
= MD5 Checksum OK for bdb/patch.
= SHA256 Checksum OK for bdb/patch.
= MD5 Checksum OK for bdb/patch.
= SHA256 Checksum OK for bdb/patch.
===  Refetch for 1 more times files: bdb/db-4.2.52.tar.gz
bdb/db-4.2.52.tar.gz = db-4.2.52.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist
in /usr/ports/distfiles/bdb. = Attempting to fetch from fetch: Requested
Range Not Satisfiable = Attempting to fetch from fetch: Requested
Range Not Satisfiable = Attempting to fetch from fetch: Requested
Range Not Satisfiable = Attempting to fetch from fetch:
db-4.2.52.tar.gz: local modification time does not match remote =
Couldn't fetch it - please try to retrieve this = port manually
into /usr/ports/distfiles/bdb and try again. *** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/databases/db42.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/databases/db42.

The package is already present in /usr/ports/distfiles/bdb and when I
download it manually I get the error above.


Beauty and harmony are as necessary to you as the very breath of life.
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Re: logcheck doesn't work anymore

2008-09-14 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 13:00:47 -0400
Greg Larkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Finally, I'll add the members of the wheel group to the logcheck group
 so anyone in that group can still read the file as they could before:
 fbsd70# grep ^wheel: /etc/group
 fbsd70# grep ^wheel: /etc/group | awk -F : '{ print $4 }' | xargs
 \ -n1 pw groupmod logcheck -m
 fbsd70# grep ^logcheck: /etc/group

When trying to add root and marco to the logcheck group I get:

#grep ^wheel: /etc/group | awk -F : '{ print $4 }' | xargs \ -n1 pw
groupmod logcheck -m
#xargs:  -n1: No such file or directory

Should I add them manually to /etc/group? Or is this not enough to make
it work.


Around computers it is difficult to find the correct unit of time to
measure progress.  Some cathedrals took a century to complete.  Can you
imagine the grandeur and scope of a program that would take as long?
-- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
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Re: logcheck doesn't work anymore

2008-09-14 Thread Marco Beishuizen Consultancy BV
On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 21:34:48 +0200
Marco Beishuizen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When trying to add root and marco to the logcheck group I get:
 #grep ^wheel: /etc/group | awk -F : '{ print $4 }' | xargs \ -n1 pw
 groupmod logcheck -m
 #xargs:  -n1: No such file or directory
 Should I add them manually to /etc/group? Or is this not enough to
 make it work.

Sorry, my fault, I removed the backslash and it worked.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Marco Beishuizen

Marco Beishuizen Consultancy BV
Koekoeklaan 8
2566JS Den Haag
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Re: logcheck doesn't work anymore

2008-09-14 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 13:00:47 -0400
Greg Larkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now the logcheck, root, and glarkin user can all
 read /var/log/auth.log, and the logcheck script should work fine.  I
 hope that clears everything up.  If you have any further questions or
 problems, please post back here.

Yes, all is working fine now. Thanks for the help!


Life is like a bowl of soup with hairs floating on it.  You have to
eat it nevertheless.
-- Flaubert
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Re: logcheck doesn't work anymore

2008-09-12 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 18:02:37 -0400
Greg Larkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Marco,
 Right you are!  In fact, after my initial logcheck commit, someone
 opened a PR stating something very similar to what you noted:
 The submitter's point is that the logcheck user should not be part of
 the wheel group, since that also confers the ability to su to root and
 read many files that should be private.
 A patch has been committed very recently to remove the logcheck user
 from the wheel group and change the verbiage in pkg-message:;r2=1.2;r2=1.2
 Any file that needs to be analyzed by logcheck will now have to be
 readable by the logcheck group instead of the wheel group.
 Best regards,
 - --
 Greg Larkin

I upgraded to the latest version today and now there is a separate
logcheck group. But logcheck still only works when the logfiles have
permission 644. Most of them had permissions set to 600 but then I get
the same error messages as before.

Or should I change the owner of all logfiles from root to logcheck and
then the permissions back to 600?

I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
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logcheck doesn't work anymore

2008-09-08 Thread Marco Beishuizen

After upgrading logcheck from 1.1.1 to 1.2.54 I suddenly get errors of
logcheck not working correctly:

Warning: If you are seeing this message, your log files may not have
been checked!

Could not run logtail or save output

Check temporary directory: /tmp/logcheck.6IZZmq

Also verify that the logcheck user can read all files referenced in

declare -x HOME=/var/lib/logcheck
declare -x LOGNAME=logcheck
declare -x MAILTO=root
declare -x OLDPWD
declare -x
declare -x PWD=/var/lib/logcheck declare -x SHELL=/bin/sh
declare -x SHLVL=1
declare -x USER=logcheck

In version 1.1.1 there was a script in cron that ran every
hour but that doesn't seem to exist anymore. Trying to run logcheck
manually results in:

logcheck should not be run as root. Use su to invoke logcheck:
su logcheck -c /usr/local/bin/bash /usr/local/sbin/logcheck
Or use sudo: sudo -u logcheck logcheck.

But this doesn't seem to do anything.

How can I use logcheck again?



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problems with hald

2008-05-14 Thread Marco Beishuizen

My hald is crashing constantly. It's started when booting by rc.conf and
then it crashes immediately with no further error messages. It crashes
also when I start it manually. The problem is quite severe because it
even caused two kernel panics.

I'm running 7.0-Stable and the hal version is 0.5.11rc2.

Thanks in advance,

Classical music is the kind we keep thinking will turn into a tune.
-- Kin Hubbard, Abe Martin's Sayings
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Re: problems with hald, keyring manager and power management

2008-05-14 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Wed, 14 May 2008 22:36:49 +0200
Marco Beishuizen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My hald is crashing constantly. It's started when booting by rc.conf
 and then it crashes immediately with no further error messages. It
 crashes also when I start it manually. The problem is quite severe
 because it even caused two kernel panics.
 I'm running 7.0-Stable and the hal version is 0.5.11rc2.

In the Gnome control center the keyring manager is also crashing and
the power management isn't starting up (but doesn't seem to crash).

I'm not sure if this is related with the hald issue but it all happened
at the same time.

Halley's Comet: It came, we saw, we drank.
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OpenOffice and Environment error: JAVA_HOME should not be defined

2008-04-29 Thread Marco Beishuizen

When I try to install OO from the ports I get the message Environment
error: JAVA_HOME should not be defined.

Does anyone know how to get rid of this?



Alas, I am dying beyond my means.
-- Oscar Wilde [as he sipped champagne on his deathbed]
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Re: OpenOffice and Environment error: JAVA_HOME should not be defined

2008-04-29 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Tue, 29 Apr 2008 20:27:47 -0300
Mario Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 unset JAVA_HOME
 make install

Yes, this seems to work. Thanks.


If the weather is extremely bad, church attendance will be down.
If the weather is extremely good, church attendance will be down.
If the bulletin covers are in short supply, however,
church attendance will exceed all expectations.
-- Reverend Chichester
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Re: FreeBSD 7.0 not reading rc.conf at startup

2008-04-19 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 11:24:34 +0200

 Anything useful come up when you put rc_debug=YES in there?
 Gutshot guess, the polkitd_enable is missing.

I've attached the messages at startup with rc_debug=YES in my
rc.conf. I've also enabled the polkitd, but it says nothing about the
stuff it should startup.


The system was down for backups from 5am to 10am last Saturday.
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna syslogd: kernel boot file is /boot/kernel/kernel
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: Copyright (c) 1992-2008 The FreeBSD Project.
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 
1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: The Regents of the University of California. 
All rights reserved.
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The 
FreeBSD Foundation.
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #10: Sat Apr 12 22:54:51 
CEST 2008
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/YOKOZUNA
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: Timecounter i8254 frequency 1193182 Hz 
quality 0
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz 
(2793.02-MHz 686-class CPU)
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: Origin = GenuineIntel  Id = 0xf34  Stepping 
= 4
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: 
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: 
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: AMD Features=0x2000LM
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: Logical CPUs per core: 2
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: real memory  = 2147278848 (2047 MB)
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: avail memory = 2087542784 (1990 MB)
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: ACPI APIC Table: A M I  OEMAPIC 
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 4 
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID:  0
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: cpu1 (AP): APIC ID:  1
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: cpu2 (AP): APIC ID:  6
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: cpu3 (AP): APIC ID:  7
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: ioapic0 Version 2.0 irqs 0-23 on motherboard
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: ioapic1 Version 2.0 irqs 24-47 on motherboard
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: kbd1 at kbdmux0
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: acpi0: A M I OEMRSDT on motherboard
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: acpi0: [ITHREAD]
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: acpi0: reservation of 0, a (3) failed
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: acpi0: reservation of 10, 7ff0 (3) 
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: Timecounter ACPI-fast frequency 3579545 Hz 
quality 1000
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: acpi_timer0: 24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz 
port 0x808-0x80b on acpi0
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: cpu0: ACPI CPU on acpi0
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: p4tcc0: CPU Frequency Thermal Control on cpu0
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: cpu1: ACPI CPU on acpi0
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: p4tcc1: CPU Frequency Thermal Control on cpu1
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: cpu2: ACPI CPU on acpi0
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: p4tcc2: CPU Frequency Thermal Control on cpu2
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: cpu3: ACPI CPU on acpi0
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: p4tcc3: CPU Frequency Thermal Control on cpu3
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: pcib0: ACPI Host-PCI bridge port 0xcf8-0xcff 
on acpi0
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: pci0: ACPI PCI bus on pcib0
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: pci0: unknown at device 0.1 (no driver 
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: pcib1: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 2.0 on 
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: pci1: ACPI PCI bus on pcib1
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: pcib2: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 3.0 on 
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: pci2: ACPI PCI bus on pcib2
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: pcib3: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 4.0 on 
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: pci3: ACPI PCI bus on pcib3
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: nvidia0: Unknown mem 
0xfd00-0xfdff,0xd000-0xdfff,0xfc00-0xfcff at device 0.0 
on pci3
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: nvidia0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: nvidia0: [ITHREAD]
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: pcib4: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 28.0 on 
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: pci4: ACPI PCI bus on pcib4
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: pcib5: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 2.0 on 
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: pci5: ACPI PCI bus on pcib5
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: amr0: LSILogic MegaRAID 1.53 mem 
0xfaff-0xfaff,0xfea8-0xfeaf irq 24 at device 0.0 on pci5
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: amr0: [ITHREAD]
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: amr0: delete logical drives supported by 
Apr 19 11:43:36 yokozuna kernel: amr0: LSILogic 

Re: FreeBSD 7.0 not executing /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ at startup

2008-04-19 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 02:07:09 +0200
Marco Beishuizen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Since I upgraded to 7.0, it seams that my /etc/rc.conf isn't read
 anymore at startup. At least partly. Things that do not start anymore
 - oss
 - dbus
 - hald
 - avahi
 They are all gnome related. I have in my rc.conf: oss_enable=YES,
 hald_enable=YES, avahi_daemon_enable=YES and dbus_enable=YES. The
 gnome FAQ mentiones to put gnome_enable=YES in the rc.conf but that
 doesn't work at all.

After some searching it seems that none of the scripts
in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ are being executed at startup. All scripts have
the extension .sh, have permission 755 and in rc.conf I have

I have no clue why they are not being executed.

The hand that feeds the chicken every day finally wrings its neck
instead, thus proving that more sophisticated views about the
uniformity of nature would have been useful to the chicken.

-- Bertrand Russell, On Induction
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Re: FreeBSD 7.0 not executing /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ at startup

2008-04-19 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 07:44:59 -0600

 are you changing the kernel security level in your rc.conf file? if
 so, comment it out and reboot. that was an issue i had on a 6.x box
 recently and commenting out the security level change fixed it

No, I didn't change that.
I've attached my rc.conf. If I start all scripts by hand there are no
errors and they run fine. But it would be a lot easier if they run on


CCI Power 6/40: one board, a megabyte of cache, and an attitude...

Description: Binary data
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Re: FreeBSD 7.0 not executing /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ at startup

2008-04-19 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 07:44:59 -0600

 are you changing the kernel security level in your rc.conf file? if
 so, comment it out and reboot. that was an issue i had on a 6.x box
 recently and commenting out the security level change fixed it

When I do a sysctl -a | grep kern.securelevel I get:
kern.securelevel: -1. Shouldn't this be 0 or 1?

Hale Mail Rule, The:
When you are ready to reply to a letter, you will lack at least
one of the following:
(a) A pen or pencil or typewriter.
(b) Stationery.
(c) Postage stamp.
(d) The letter you are answering.
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Re: FreeBSD 7.0 not executing /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ at startup

2008-04-19 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 17:20:36 +0300
Manolis Kiagias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 securelevel -1 is fine. This is the default:
 quote from init(8):
  -1Permanently insecure mode - always run the system in level 0
 mode. This is the default initial value.
 Your problem lies elsewhere. I've looked at your rc.conf, and I can't 
 really say I can see anything except this:
 which should be in /boot/loader.conf (?)
 You have a lot of stuff, I would suggest you comment out most of them 
 and put them back in one by one.

There wasn't this much stuff before, but after upgrading to 7.0 I got a
lot of boot messages saying that _enable is not set properly. So
then I had to insert all those statements _enable=NO. After that
all those messages went away.

It is much harder to find a job than to keep one.
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Re: [solved] FreeBSD 7.0 not executing /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ at startup

2008-04-19 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 17:40:13 +0300
Manolis Kiagias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ah!!! It just clicked! You got a lot of _enable=NO
 This is rather unusual - you usually override something from 
 /etc/defaults/rc.conf with a YES
 Your /etc/defaults/rc.conf has missing entries. It probably was not 
 upgraded properly (during the mergemaster phase?)
 For example, /etc/defaults/rc.conf normally has this:
 zfs_enable=NO # Set to YES to automatically mount ZFS file
 but yours doesn't, that's why you had to put it in /etc/rc.conf by
 I suggest you try with an /etc/defaults/rc.conf from the installation 
 media (I can send you mine if you wish)

Yes, this was it! I ran mergemaster again and it seems
that no new /etc/defaults/rc.conf was installed. After installing
the new one (and deleting the =NO-ones in /etc/rc.conf) everything
started like before.

Thanks a lot for all the help.


I suppose some of the variation between Boston drivers and the rest of
the country is due to the progressive Massachusetts Driver Education
Manual which I happen to have in my top desk drawer.  Some of the Tips
for Better Driving are worth considering, to wit:

Directional signals are generally not used except during
vehicle inspection; however, a left-turn signal is appropriate when
making a U-turn on a divided highway.

When paying tolls, remember that it is necessary to release the
quarter a full 3 seconds before passing the basket if you are
traveling more than 60 MPH.

When traveling on a one-way street, stay to the right, so as
not to interfere with oncoming traffic.
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FreeBSD 7.0 not reading rc.conf at startup

2008-04-18 Thread Marco Beishuizen

Since I upgraded to 7.0, it seams that my /etc/rc.conf isn't read
anymore at startup. At least partly. Things that do not start anymore
- oss
- dbus
- hald
- avahi

They are all gnome related. I have in my rc.conf: oss_enable=YES,
hald_enable=YES, avahi_daemon_enable=YES and dbus_enable=YES. The
gnome FAQ mentiones to put gnome_enable=YES in the rc.conf but that
doesn't work at all.

Does anyone know how to make FreeBSD start these things automatically?

Thanks in advance.


Error in operator: add beer
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Printing in Gnome

2008-02-27 Thread Marco Beishuizen

I'm having trouble getting things printed in Gnome. CUPS is installed and 
printing a test from localhost:631 is working fine. In the gnome-cups-
manager the printer is showing.

But when I try to print a test from the gnome-cups-manager I get a message 
that it's printed and the led on the printer flickers, but nothing is 
coming out. Even when the cups logfile is saying the print has succeeded. 
Also It's impossible to print from any application (Gnome or not), the 
printer is not showing, or when trying to print to /usr/local/bin/lpr 
nothing happens.

Has someone an idea what to do next?

Thanks in advance,



A:  To be or not to be.
Q:  What is the square root of 4b^2?

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Re: Printing in Gnome

2008-02-27 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On 27-Feb-2008 20:29:43, Predrag Punosevac wrote:

 You have to adjust the preferences. By  default most applications will 
 print to Post Script  file.
 You have to put something like lpr or to change default printer.
 Try to print a PostScript file from the shell with
 $lpr -Pprintername

Yes, this works for most applications. Thanks!
Except for OpenOffice, but that's another problem I guess.

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compile error LyX 1.5.1

2007-10-09 Thread Marco Beishuizen


Installing LyX 1.5.1 from ports gives the following error during 
compiling (on 6.2-Stable):

filetools.cpp:416: error: `fs::filesystem_error' has not been declared
filetools.cpp:416: error: invalid catch parameter
filetools.cpp:416: error: expected `)' before const
filetools.cpp:416: error: expected `{' before const
filetools.cpp:416: error: expected initializer before ')' token
gmake[5]: *** [filetools.lo] Error 1
gmake[5]: Leaving directory 
gmake[4]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[4]: Leaving directory 
gmake[3]: *** [all] Error 2
gmake[3]: Leaving directory 
gmake[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/print/lyx15/work/lyx-1.5.1/src'
gmake[1]: *** [all] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/print/lyx15/work/lyx-1.5.1/src'
gmake: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
*** Error code 2

Does anyone have a clue what the problem is here?

Thanks in advance,


The wages of sin are high but you get your money's worth.
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Re: OpenOffice problems

2007-09-24 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Mon, 24 Sep 2007, Mel wrote:

 Q: Do you have linux-jdk installed rather then diablo-jdk?

No, the FreeBSD jdk15 is installed.

What George Washington did for us was to throw out the British, so
that we wouldn't have a fat, insensitive government running our
country. Nice try anyway, George.
-- D.J. on KSFO/KYA
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Re: OpenOffice problems

2007-09-24 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Mon, 24 Sep 2007, Mel wrote:

 On Monday 24 September 2007 18:20:44 Marco Beishuizen wrote:
  On Mon, 24 Sep 2007, Mel wrote:
   Q: Do you have linux-jdk installed rather then diablo-jdk?
  No, the FreeBSD jdk15 is installed.
 Ah, it uses GCC 4.2, which has libstdc++ v6. -stable has v5. Did gcc 4.2 get 
 uninstalled after build? if it's still there, find 
 under /usr/local and run /sbin/ldconfig -m with that directory as argument.

But isn't under /usr/local, it's under 

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Re: OpenOffice problems

2007-09-24 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Mon, 24 Sep 2007, Mel wrote:

  But isn't under /usr/local, it's under
 what's the output of:
 ls /var/db/pkg|grep gcc


 find /usr/local -name 'libstdc++*'

find: /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-update-keys: Permission denied
find: /usr/local/etc/cups/ssl: Permission denied
find: /usr/local/sql-ledger/spool: Permission denied
find: /usr/local/sql-ledger/css: Permission denied
find: /usr/local/sql-ledger/users: Permission denied
find: /usr/local/sql-ledger/templates: Permission denied
find: /usr/local/pgsql/data: Permission denied

Strange, there seem to be more instances of than when I 
search for the file with locate.

 Btw, I assume you're running -stable, since on -current your 
 should be in /usr/lib.

Yes, it's 6.2-stable.

New York's got the ways and means;
Just won't let you be.
-- The Grateful Dead
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Re: OpenOffice problems

2007-09-24 Thread Marco Beishuizen
On Mon, 24 Sep 2007, Mel wrote:

 On Monday 24 September 2007 18:20:44 Marco Beishuizen wrote:
  On Mon, 24 Sep 2007, Mel wrote:
   Q: Do you have linux-jdk installed rather then diablo-jdk?
  No, the FreeBSD jdk15 is installed.
 Ah, it uses GCC 4.2, which has libstdc++ v6. -stable has v5. Did gcc 4.2 get 
 uninstalled after build? if it's still there, find 
 under /usr/local and run /sbin/ldconfig -m with that directory as argument.


Now I've found in /usr/local/lib/gcc-4.2.2, I made a 
symlink to /usr/lib. After that it complained about a missing When I symlinked this file also in /usr/lib OO starts up.

Now it only complaines about not having a en_US locale but that is a minor 

Thanks a lot for the help!


If a listener nods his head when you're
explaining your program, wake him up.
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OpenOffice problems

2007-09-23 Thread Marco Beishuizen

After a portupgrade from OO 2.2.1 to 2.3.0, OO doesn't run anymore with 
this messages:

/libexec/ Shared object not found, required 
by javaldx
/libexec/ Shared object not found, required 
by pagein
/libexec/ Shared object not found, required 
by soffice.bin

Compiling and installation went fine. Also, is on my 
system, in /usr/compat/linux/usr/lib. I'm trying to run it on FreeBSD 6.2.

Anyone an idea how to solve this?

Thanks in advance,


Before Xerox, five carbons were the maximum extension of anybody's ego.
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