Setting Variables in expect Scripts From Shell Output

2008-02-25 Thread Martin McCormick
While running an expect script, is it possible to set an
expect script variable to the string kept in a shell variable?

I can generate the shell variable just fine but when I
try to export it to the expect script for later use with something like:

set LOGFILENAME [exec echo \$TMPFILE]

something happens without error, but a later attempt to see the
contents of it such as

send_user $LOGFILENAME\n

proves that it never got set. It just echoes the literal string

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FreeBSD6.2 What is the easiest Way to Capture RS-232 Serial Data?

2008-02-14 Thread Martin McCormick
I wrote a C program several years ago that works and
logs output from a telephone switch to a file and runs in

I just opened /dev/ttyd0 for reading and it has run for
up to 1,000 days at a time, but it also 
has issues as one might expect.

It can be killed if one of the incoming characters
happens to be an EOF (4) which is quite possible if somebody
umplugs or plugs in the cable and creates garbage on the line.

The data from the switch is ASCII with carriage
return/linefeed sequences so nothing really harsh goes on, but I
need to make it as bullet-proof as possible.

In addition, the actual data are 7-bit, odd parity with
1 stop. I basically ignored that fact last time and masked off
the MSB of each character and that's how it has been for 5

Now, I am writing a similar program to log different
data from that same telephone switch and I want to do better
this time, but not reen vent any wheels I don't have to.

What is the best way to use as much of the existing UNIX
environment as possible to listen to /dev/ttyd[x] with no
interpretation of incoming data?

The data will be dumped at the end of each line, stored
in a file, and other action may be taken but normally, the
program will just be in a receive-blocked mode, waiting to hear
something new.

About the only thing I am doing differently this time is
trying to set the tty such that it doesn't look for any EOF or
other control codes in the data. The data will be treated as raw
and what ever comes across is okay. The program will clean it up
to make it good for the file.

As I stated, the standard /dev/ttyd device has done
amazingly well in FreeBSD4.7, but some of that has been dumb
luck. We shouldn't have to warn people in the area that they
could kill the logger by unplugging the cable since they
wouldn't be aware that they stopped it until we found out later
when there was nothing in the file.

Searching archives dealing with serial communications
produced good information about dialup lines and terminals, but
this is actually less complex.

Many thanks for any good advice about stty or anything
else that will allow one to use standard devices for this

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Re: FreeBSD6.2 What is the easiest Way to Capture RS-232 Serial Data?

2008-02-14 Thread Martin McCormick
Warren Block writes:
 Depending on the switch, you may find that the /usr/ports/comms utilities
 atslog or cdr_read will do the work for you.

Derek Ragona writes:
You still need to handle when the cord is unplugged, or put the server in a 
secure location away from other people.

If you want the program to be more capable of staying running you can have 
the program fork a child and if the child dies, fork a new child.  This is 
the method used for many running services.  Just be sure if the child dies 
the log file is closed and that same file is opened by the new child.

Excellent ideas from both! Thank you.

Martin McCormick
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Bind 9.3.4P1 Wouldn't run in Sandbox in FreeBSD6.2p9.

2007-12-03 Thread Martin McCormick
I don't know if this is a bind question or a FreeBSD question
since  it could be either.

We've run bind in a sandbox for some years. After the
latest security upgrades to FreeBSD6.2.9, bind refused to start.
If I change ownership of /var/named to root:wheel and run named
as root, it works fine again.

This was kind of a shock and I needed to get bind going
in a hurry so I am asking if there is a way to make bind run
with the less important user ID when it is not in a jail.

I am so glad I tried this on a caching DNS first.

Thanks for answers or pointers as to where to read about
this change.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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/bin/sh Can one Easily Strip Path Name from $0?

2007-11-14 Thread Martin McCormick
I am ashamed to admit that I have been writing shell
scripts for about 15 years but this problem has me stumped. $0
is the shell variable which contains the script name or at least
what name is linked to the script. The string in $0 may or may
not contain a path, depending upon how the script was called. It
is easy to strip off the path if it is always there

#! /bin/sh
PROGNAME=`echo $0 |awk 'BEGIN{FS=/}{print $NF}'`

That beautifully isolates the script name but if you happen to
call the script without prepending a path name such as when the
script is in the execution path, you get an error because there
are no slashes in the string so awk gets confused.

Is there a better way to always end up with only the script name and
nothing else no matter whether the path was prepended or not?

Thank you.

Martin McCormick
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Re: /bin/sh Can one Easily Strip Path Name from $0?

2007-11-14 Thread Martin McCormick
The basename utility does the trick. Thanks to all of you
who answered.

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Re: Modifying the FreeBSD6.2 ISO Image

2007-11-07 Thread Martin McCormick
Brian A Seklecki (Mobile) writes:
The exact mksiofs(8)/mkhyrbid(8)/cdrtools flags are in a shell script
burried in src/release/* somewhere.  Its probably a matter of
not-following-symlinks or crossing filesystem mount-points, etc.

Most definitely. It obviously can be done as the image
is living proof. This is proving to be quite a learning
experience. Sincere thanks to all. A shell script is like the
proverbial picture that is worth a thousand words.
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Modifying the FreeBSD6.2 ISO Image

2007-11-07 Thread Martin McCormick
I think I have boiled this problem down to one point of
failure. I need to modify a file in the 6.2-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso
CD. The image is 601229312 bytes in size.

Following instructions from a list member, I did the

mdconfig -a -f /usr/local/src/6.2-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso
mount -t cd9660 /dev/md0  /mnt

This all worked perfectly as one now sees the entire
file system under /mnt.

At this point, one should be able to reverse the process
by using mkisofs at the top of the tree which should produce
another iso image. It does but the image is 1072242688 bytes
large. this is pretty close to twice the correct size. Also, tar
produces an identically-bloated file.

Any ideas on how to put tar and mkisofs on a diet?

In order to make the modification, I must tar  cf
somefile.tar . I bet when things are right, that tar file will
be about the size of the image.

Originally, I had posted several messages about tar
complaining about an out-of-order file. I think this is probably
related to whatever mechanism is used to fit the FreeBSD image
on the disk. This last time, I created the memory disk and
mounted it with no error so the problem appears to be something
I am not setting in both tar and mkisofs. I am thoroughly stuck.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Re: tar Ignoring out-of-order file What Does that Mean?

2007-11-05 Thread Martin McCormick
Jonathan McKeown writes:
 [that was me - I'm glad I was of some help]

Most definitely. You've been a tremendous help but I am still
stuck and I believe all issues are known except this one.

I should know when the unpacking/packing part is working
by unpacking the FreeBSD iso image and then repacking it without
doing anything at all. This should give me an iso image that is
the same size as the good one and probably a byte-for-byte copy
of the original.

I did as you suggested and here is what happened.

First, I created a directory called image and cd'd

$ ls 

It's empty as it should be.

$ ln -s usr/src/sys sys
$ ls -l 
total 0 
lrwxr-xr-x  1 martin  martin  11 Nov  5 07:44 sys - usr/src/sys 

Now, it is time to unpack the iso image.

$ tar xf ~/6.2-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso
tar: Ignoring out-of-order file 

Darn!  Well, Let's see how big an ISO image file it makes anyway.

$ mkisofs -l -R -q . ~/tmp/testfile.iso
$ ls -l ~/6.2-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso ../tmp/testfile.iso 
-rw-r--r--  1 martin  martin  598476800 Nov  5 07:48 ../tmp/testfile.iso 
-rw-r--r--  1 martin  martin  601229312 Sep 21 08:57 

The original iso image is 2,752512 bytes larger. I bet it's the
files that tar doesn't seem to be happy about.

Once this hurdle is finally jumped, the rest should be
quite normal.

If you mount the image on a Linux system and use tar or mkisofs,
you get a file that is almost twice the proper size so I think
there may be some links that end up as multiple versions of the
same files when they should have been symlinks or something
else. The image made with FreeBSD's mkisofs and tar utilities is
the archive that is 2.5 megs short.
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tar Ignoring out-of-order file What Does that Mean?

2007-10-30 Thread Martin McCormick
I need to modify the first installation image for a
headless installation of Freebsd6.2. The file in question is:


Thanks to a helpful member of the list, I found out that
tar works on unpacking these images and it mostly does on this
one, but there is a  complaint I get from tar that I haven't
found on other images. If I do a

tar tvf 6.2-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso

Here is what happens while looking at the contents list:

0   44232 Jan 12  2007 RELNOTES.HTM lr-xr-xr-x  1 0  0
0 Jan 12  2007 stand - /rescue lr-xr-xr-x  1 0  0   0
Jan 12  2007 sys - usr/src/systar: Ignoring out-of-order file

-r--r--r--  1 0  0   22916 Jan 12  2007 RELNOTES.TXT

It appears that the entire image unpacks except for the
ignored file. If one tries the extraction with

tar xf 6.2-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso

The complaint about the out-of-order file is the only indication
that anything is wrong.

In looking at the man page for tar, nothing jumps out at
me  as to how to end up with the proper file structure that
mkisofs can put back in to an image to put on a CDROM.

My thanks for any suggestions as I may be needing to do
one of these installs in a day or so and it would be nice to
know that all the image is there.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Re: 6.2 Headless Installs Don't Seem to Work.

2007-09-26 Thread Martin McCormick
Jonathan McKeown writes:
 (tar now does this, I believe), add the line
 to boot/loader.conf in the directory which is the root of the CD, and then
 make a new ISO and burn a new serial install CD.

When I do

tar vxf 6.2-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso

It mostly works as expected except for the following strange
error message observed while extracting:

x stand
x sys
tar: Ignoring out-of-order file
x .cshrc
x root/.cshrc

There is only that one error and I wonder,
A.  What did I miss?
B. Is there a way to work around this?

As always, thanks.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Re: Dell Servers and FreeBSD

2007-09-26 Thread Martin McCormick
Tim Kellers writes:
 Does anyone have any recommendations or experience with any of the newer
 Dell servers (2900, 2950 for example) and FreeBSD 6.2 in a production

We recently installed Dell 2950's for DNS and DHCP
server applications. They work great but some of their
horsepower never gets used. one of the boot messages we see is
that all memory above 4 gigs is ignored or something to that

Here is part of a dmesg capture.

FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p2 #0: Tue Mar 13 15:09:34 CDT 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/-
Timecounter i8254 frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU5160  @ 3.00GHz (2992.51-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = GenuineIntel  Id = 0x6f6  Stepping = 6
  AMD Features=0x2010NX,LM
  AMD Features2=0x1LAHF
  Cores per package: 2
real memory  = 3489300480 (3327 MB)
avail memory = 3414794240 (3256 MB)
ioapic0: Changing APIC ID to 2
ioapic1: Changing APIC ID to 3
ioapic1: WARNING: intbase 64 != expected base 24
ioapic0 Version 2.0 irqs 0-23 on motherboard
ioapic1 Version 2.0 irqs 64-87 on motherboard
kbd1 at kbdmux0
ath_hal: (AR5210, AR5211, AR5212, RF5111, RF5112, RF2413, RF5413)
acpi0: DELL PE_SC3 on motherboard
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
Timecounter ACPI-fast frequency 3579545 Hz quality 1000
acpi_timer0: 24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz port 0x808-0x80b on acpi0
cpu0: ACPI CPU on acpi0
pcib0: ACPI Host-PCI bridge port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0: ACPI PCI bus on pcib0
pcib1: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 2.0 on pci0
pci6: ACPI PCI bus on pcib1
pcib2: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 0.0 on pci6
pci7: ACPI PCI bus on pcib2
pcib3: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 0.0 on pci7
pci8: ACPI PCI bus on pcib3
pcib4: PCI-PCI bridge at device 0.0 on pci8
pci9: PCI bus on pcib4
bce0: Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5708 1000Base-T (B1), v0.9.6 mem 
0xf400-0xf5ff irq 16 at device 0.0 on pci9
bce0: ASIC ID 0x57081010; Revision (B1); PCI-X 64-bit 133MHz
miibus0: MII bus on bce0
brgphy0: BCM5708C 10/100/1000baseTX PHY on miibus0
brgphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseTX, 
1000baseTX-FDX, auto
bce0: Ethernet address: 00:19:b9:af:94:b4
pcib5: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 1.0 on pci7
pci10: ACPI PCI bus on pcib5
pcib6: PCI-PCI bridge at device 0.3 on pci6
pci11: PCI bus on pcib6
pcib7: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 3.0 on pci0
pci1: ACPI PCI bus on pcib7
pcib8: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 0.0 on pci1
pci2: ACPI PCI bus on pcib8
mfi0: Dell PERC 5/i mem 0xd80f-0xd80f,0xfc4e-0xfc4f irq 78 at 
device 14.0 on pci2
mfi0: 1513 (242761804s/0x0020/0) - Shutdown command received from host
mfi0: 1514 (4278190080s/0x0020/0) - PCI 0x041028 0x0415 0x041028 0x041f03: 
Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0015/1028/1f03/1028)
mfi0: 1515 (4278190080s/0x0020/0) - Type 18: Firmware version 1.00.02-0157
mfi0: 1516 (4278190097s/0x0008/0) - Battery Present
mfi0: 1517 (4278190115s/0x0004/0) - PD 08(e1/s255) event: Enclosure (SES) 
discovered on PD 08(e1/s255)
mfi0: 1518 (4278190115s/0x0002/0) - PD 08(e1/s255) event: Inserted: PD 
mfi0: 1519 (4278190115s/0x0002/0) - Type 29: Inserted: PD 08(e1/s255) Info: 
enclPd=08, scsiType=d, portMap=00, sasAddr=500180b052f14500,
mfi0: 1520 (4278190115s/0x0002/0) - PD 00(e1/s0) event: Inserted: PD 00(e1/s0)
mfi0: 1521 (4278190115s/0x0002/0) - Type 29: Inserted: PD 00(e1/s0) Info: 
enclPd=08, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=1221,
mfi0: 1522 (4278190115s/0x0002/0) - PD 01(e1/s1) event: Inserted: PD 01(e1/s1)
mfi0: 1523 (4278190115s/0x0002/0) - Type 29: Inserted: PD 01(e1/s1) Info: 
enclPd=08, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=12210100,
mfi0: 1524 (242772342s/0x0020/0) - Adapter ticks 242772342 elapsed 36s: Time 
established as 09/10/07 20:45:42; (36 seconds since power on)
pcib9: PCI-PCI bridge at device 0.2 on pci1
pci3: PCI bus on pcib9
pcib10: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 4.0 on pci0
pci12: ACPI PCI bus on pcib10
pcib11: PCI-PCI bridge at device 5.0 on pci0
pci13: PCI bus on pcib11
pcib12: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 6.0 on pci0
pci14: ACPI PCI bus on pcib12
pcib13: PCI-PCI bridge at device 7.0 on pci0
pci15: PCI bus on pcib13
pcib14: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 28.0 on pci0
pci4: ACPI PCI bus on pcib14
pcib15: PCI-PCI bridge at device 0.0 on pci4
pci5: PCI bus on pcib15
bce1: Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5708 1000Base-T (B1), v0.9.6 mem 
0xf800-0xf9ff irq 16 at device 0.0 on pci5
bce1: ASIC ID 0x57081010; Revision (B1); PCI-X 64-bit 133MHz
miibus1: MII bus on bce1
brgphy1: BCM5708C 10/100/1000baseTX PHY on miibus1
brgphy1:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseTX, 
1000baseTX-FDX, auto
bce1: Ethernet address: 

Re: 6.2 Headless Installs Don't Seem to Work.

2007-09-20 Thread Martin McCormick
Watanabe Kazuhiro writes:
 instead of boot -h.

First, thanks for an excellent suggestion. I tried it
and have not been successful so far. During the pause, I hit 6
and got control of the boot process. I typed
console=comconsole,vidconsole, hit Enter and then the word
boot  at which time the booting process resumed. It came up in
video console mode, completely ignoring the directive.

The FreeBSD Handbook has a chapter on Setting up the
Serial Console (24.6), which explains the -h and -D flags, the
-D flag allowing for a Duel video and serial console. It also
has a very interesting passage, quoted here:

Toggles single and dual console configurations. In the
single configuration the console will be either the
internal console (video display) or the serial port,
depending on the state of the -h option above. In the
dual console configuration, both the video display and
the serial port will become the console at the same time,
regardless of the state of the -h option. However, note
that the dual console configuration takes effect only
during the boot block is running. Once the boot loader
gets control, the console specified by the -h option
becomes the only console.

End of quote.

That hard lockup I described in an earlier message is
not what I thought it was. It isn't a lockup for the whole
booting process, but a lockout of the serial console. It is as
if the -h flag gets turned off after the boot block runs. Either
the -h or the -D flags produce exactly the same results. You do
get the serial console during the kernel boot as expected and
then it reverts back to the local video console just after the
message I quoted in an earlier message that says, Trying to
mount /root on /dev/md0.

This makes a certain amount of sense even if it is the
wrong behavior. The documentation says that only the duel mode
should behave this way and then the kernel goes to whatever mode
-h told it to use. That is apparently what is not happening.

If I do just the 


I get nothing serial at all. When I install a 6.2 kernel and put
that command in /boot/loader.conf, it works on the serial port

All versions of FreeBSD up to 6 did continue to work via
the serial port so that one could do the whole installation via
that method so whatever broke was introduced in FreeBSD6 if that
helps narrow things down any.

Thanks for any further suggestions.

I did go ahead and enlist the aid of a coworker on this
system so the immediate problem is solved, but I have been
experimenting with the CD this afternoon to see if the
suggestion solved the problem. It should have so this is a bit

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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6.2 Headless Installs Don't Seem to Work.

2007-09-18 Thread Martin McCormick
As a computer user who happens to be blind, I have
always wanted to use the headless installation method to build
FreeBSD systems. After FreeBSD version 5, things seemed to go a
bit wrong and I am trying to figure out whether it is me not
doing something right or if there is a bug.

The sequence as I understand it from previous
documentation is to boot the CD, wait for the lull in activity
and then hit the number 6. After that, you type 

boot -h

and the serial port usually comes up.

On some systems, it comes up at the wrong speed which
turns out to be 115,200 baud, but it does come up.

What then happens after that is what I am writing this
message about.

The kernel on the CD boots but then it can't seem to
find the hard drives and the whole process is dead on arrival
with a spew of errors about not finding any media followed by a

If I have a cowworker help me and run the install off
the new system's video display, all is well and we get a good
FreeBSD installation.

Can anybody think of a way to get the headless install
to work in FreeBSD 6.2?

Many thanks.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Re: 6.2 Headless Installs Don't Seem to Work.

2007-09-18 Thread Martin McCormick
I posted the original message about the 6.2 headless
installs. I tried again on an IBM Netfinity server with SCSI
drives today and here is the last screen of boot messages from
the CDROM burned from the 6.2 ISO image:

sio1: configured irq 3 not in bitmap of probed irqs 0
sio1: port may not be enabled
vga0: Generic ISA VGA at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa-0xb on isa0
Timecounter TSC frequency 996849208 Hz quality 800
Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
md0: Preloaded image /boot/mfsroot 4423680 bytes at 0xc0af6544
acd0: CDROM CRN-8241B/1.25 b at ata0-master PIO4
Waiting 5 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
ses0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 8 lun 0
ses0: IBM FTlV1 S2 0 Fixed Processor SCSI-2 device
ses0: 3.300MB/s transfers
ses0: SAF-TE Compliant Device
da0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: IBM-PSG DDYS-T09170M  M S9HA Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
da0: 160.000MB/s transfers (80.000MHz, offset 63, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enable
da0: 8678MB (17774160 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 1106C)
da1 at ahc0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0
da1: IBM-ESXS DTN036C1UCDY10F S23J Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
da1: 160.000MB/s transfers (80.000MHz, offset 127, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabl
da1: 34715MB (71096640 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 4425C)
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/md0

This is always the last message before a hard lockup at
which time the party is over. If we reboot and do not do the
headless install, the installation works properly.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Re: Remote Execution of sudo Command Hangs.

2007-07-28 Thread Martin McCormick
Christian Walther writes:
 Try using pseudo tty allocation with your ssh command, it's the -t 
 So, use ssh -t remote.system.domain sudo dhcpreset as the command.

That worked perfectly.

 If this doesn't work directly, you can even try several ts. I had
 best results with -ttt.

This is great to know. The only difference besides the
fact it now works is that one sees a closed-connection message
like what you see when you ssh to another system and spawn a
shell because that seizes tty's also.

It just hadn't occurred to me before that you don't
seize a tty on the remote system when you remotely run an ssh

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Please Help with Confusion about ipfw rules. Solved.

2007-07-27 Thread Martin McCormick
fbsd2 writes:
 I use the sample ipfw rules with keep state as shown in the handbook

they do work fine. They just aren't meant for the kind of load
they were under. I needed to know how to get the same
functionality by other means.

If you use the keep-state directive, high traffic can
basically kill ipfw by running it out of dynamic rule space.

 People on this list don't have ESP so they can't read your mind about what
 rules you have coded.

But they can read down to where it says:

 ${fwcmd} add pass all from any to ${ip} 53
 ${fwcmd} add pass all from ${ip} to any 53

It turns out that I didn't catch on to the need for supporting
the reply traffic that each of those two rules generate. This
stateless set of rules solved the problem and does not use up
dynamic rule space.

${fwcmd} add  allow ip from any to ${ip} dst-port 53
${fwcmd} add  allow ip from ${ip} 53 to any // allow reply traffic
${fwcmd} add  allow ip from ${ip} to any dst-port 53
${fwcmd} add  allow ip from any 53 to ${ip} // allow reply traffic
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Re: awk question

2007-07-27 Thread Martin McCormick
n j writes:
 Or awk only i.e. no sed:
 awk '!(/^$/) { print $(NF-1) }' user.csv

That's right. I originally suggested the sed and then was
thinking about it as I walked home yesterday and knew that awk
could test for the blank line condition before committing

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Remote Execution of sudo Command Hangs.

2007-07-27 Thread Martin McCormick
We have 3 FreeBSD systems. One is trying to use ssh and sudo to
run commands on two other systems. The remote command being
executed is:

ssh remote.system.domain sudo dhcpreset

dhcpreset is an expect script most of which is shown

spawn $env(SHELL)
expect -exact \#
send -- date\r
expect -exact \#
#body start
send -- cd /usr/local/etc\r
expect -exact \#
send -- /usr/local/etc/zap dhcpd\r
expect -exact \#
send_user Stopped [exec hostname] dhcpd at [exec date +%y%m%d%H%M%S ].\n\r
send -- /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd -q \r
expect -exact \#
send_user Partially restarted [exec hostname] dhcpd at [exec date 
+%y%m%d%H%M%S ].\n\r
send -- tail -1f /var/log/syslog\r
expect -exact peer moves from communications-interrupted to normal
send -- $CONTROL_C
#body end
expect -exact \#
send_user Fully restarted dhcpd at [exec date +%y%m%d%H%M%S ].\n\r
send -- date;exit\r
expect eof

The script works perfectly if you run it from a login
shell on the system where it actually lives as in:

sudo dhcpreset.

If you run it via ssh from a remote system, however, it
runs, produces the proper status messages and does its job and
then . . . . . .

You have to hit a Control-C to kill off the ssh
connection which doesn't drop on its own.

I think my script must somehow make sudo not see the
exit. Even though you see the dhcpd -q process started as a
background process, dhcpd daemonizes almost immediately and you
even see the completion message in a log of the activity so it
isn't that. Besides, it exits properly when called locally.

Other remote commands using sudo properly exit. Any idea
how I might figure out what is hanging things up?

If you do a ps on the remote system, the expect script
has ended. On the calling system, you still see ssh to the
remote system.

Reading the expect manual shows an exit command but also
says that it is implied when the end of the script is reached. I
have tried it with and without that command at the end with no

Thanks for any other suggestions for making this command
terminate when done.
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Please Help with Confusion about ipfw rules.

2007-07-26 Thread Martin McCormick
This is a situation where I thought I knew more than I
actually do. I set up a new domain name server with a
client-type firewall after having tested it first, but there is
nothing like hundreds of thousands of packets per hour to show
the weak spots.

I made the mistake of setting up keep-state rules both
coming and going and I now see ipfw complaining frequently about
too many dynamic rules. All I am really trying to do is give
crackers a lot of nothing to look at when scanning the ports on
the system. It isn't doing any NAT or routing, etc. I am not
sure if I really need any keep-state rules. The DNS needs to be
accessible to the world and be able to talk to the world on port
53 and that is all as far as bind is concerned.

What I am confused about is when I actually need
keep-state rules and when a simple rule like:

${fwcmd} add pass all from any to ${ip} 53


${fwcmd} add pass all from ${ip} to any 53

That theoretically should leave port 53 wide open to all types
of in-bound and out-bound traffic.

Fortunately, the new system is still working, but I am afraid we
might be dropping some packets so I need to modify the port 53

Thanks for your help.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Re: awk question

2007-07-26 Thread Martin McCormick
Don Hinton writes:
 On Thursday 26 July 2007 15:26:02 Peter Boosten wrote:
  P.U.Kruppa wrote:
awk '{print $(NF-1)}' user.csv

Yup, those blank lines will kill it for sure. A sed filter to
remove blank lines ahead of the awk statement should allow it to
work properly.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Re: The worst error message in history belongs to... BIND9!

2007-07-03 Thread Martin McCormick
Paul Chvostek writes:
 This is actually just the difference between sh and bash.  You'll see
 the latter error if you type `a = 5` in bash in any OS.  It just so
 happens that most Linux distributions don't have a real sh:

I kind of thought that was the real issue. While
something like this is maybe slightly annoying at times, the
differences in, say, arithmetic handling and loops can sometimes
mean rewriting parts of shell scripts depending on whether it is
going to run in BSD or Linux.

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Re: The worst error message in history belongs to... BIND9!

2007-07-02 Thread Martin McCormick
Jeffrey Goldberg writes:
 I still remember as a newcomer to  Unix a long long time ago getting
   Bad magic number
 In retrospect, I suspect that I'd typed ld where I'd meant to type ls.

I have been doing things on Unix systems since about
1990 and the thing I run across that makes me ready to split a
brick with my bare hands to this very day is the not found
message one can get in a badly written shell script such as the

#! /bin/sh
a = 5

that's enough to make it happen. Run that, and you get:

a: not found

Interestingly enough, if you run that same script in a
Debian Linux environment, you get:

./testfile: line 2: a: command not found

Most of you will probably instantly see what I did wrong in that
there shouldn't be any spaces between the variable name, the =
sign and the 5 which could be anything else. I just picked a 5
for the heck of it. If you are in a big messy shell script, just

a: not found

Doesn't tell me much except I know it's not working. The problem
could be either that there is a typo or it could be that $a is

I usually find that I snuck a space in and didn't even
think about it at the time.

I don't know if error messages from other OS's are off
limits, but some of the ones from the most widely-used OS on
Earth are treasures. How about running a gigantic piece of
commercial software that does God knows what on your computer,
and getting an error like:

The software has performed an illegal operation.

I bet there is a second line that they had to print in
text using the same forground and background color so as to keep
from getting fired that reads:

Now, try and find it. Ha ha ha ha!

Then, there is the ultimate, the Check engine. light on the
modern car. It would be so nice if it said some indication as to
the seriousness of the problem so that one knows whether to get
it fixed now and maybe save $5,000 worth of repair costs or let
it slide a few days until a better time.

I like the quotation I read once that said that Unix is
a user-friendly operating system. It is just particular about
who it makes friends with.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Can a Cisco Device use RSA authentication for SSH

2007-06-05 Thread Martin McCormick
A person in our group is trying to scp files from a Cisco IOS
device to a FreeBSD work station. The Cisco box uses an RSA key
and sshd on the FreeBSD system won't recognize the algorithm.
The error message on the Cisco side of things looks like:

   39: Jun  5 14:13:59.623 CDT: SSH2 0: hostkey algo not supported:
   client ssh-rsa, server ssh-dss

Is there a safe way to make this work?

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Can't Figure out What I Did to Our Environment FreeBSD6.2.

2007-05-23 Thread Martin McCormick
I discovered that the file utility works for some
accounts on a new FreeBSD system but not others.  When it
doesn't work, the response is:

file: could not find any magic files!

If I am su'd to root, me, or any of several other
accounts on the system, I get that same error.  Still other user
ID's in the same class can use file just fine.

The /etc/profile file is used to develop the users'
paths so most of them are the same plus added local paths if
someone has $HOME/bin or $HOME/etc.

Any other suggestions at what I should look at?  This is
one of those dumb things that is driving me crazy today.:-)  All
I know is I probably caused this but I am at a loss as to how.

The man page for file says that MAGIC can be set to the
location of one of the .mgc files.  None of the accounts that do
correctly use file have this variable set.  At least you don't
see it in the output of env.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Re: Can't Figure out What I Did to Our Environment FreeBSD6.2. fixed

2007-05-23 Thread Martin McCormick
Roland Smith writes:
 Maybe the ownership and/or permissions of /usr/share/misc are wrong?

I checked against another system that isn't having any
trouble and found the permissions to be exactly the same.  I
then ran strace -e trace=file to see what all it opens when
being run.


It opens a file in one's home directory called .magic.
I had created a file called .magic in all our home directories
for a totally unrelated purpose, never dreaming that somebody
else was looking for that name.  It doesn't even need to exist
because file only uses it if it is there.  Since our .magic has
nothing that the file utility recognizes, it breaks.

I named our .magic file to something else and everything
began to work perfectly.  The reason why some accounts worked
before and others didn't is that not every single account had
this rogue .magic file I had made for another purpose.

Thanks for your help and my apologies for wasting your
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FreeBSD with Duel Processors

2007-05-05 Thread Martin McCormick
Is there anything special I need to do to make FreeBSD6.2 make
use of both CPU's on a Dell 2650 mother board?

The boot messages indicate that the OS knows about the 2
CPU's.  Is this correct?

I heard some rumors that one has to give some sort of
kernel directive but I haven't found anything yet.  This system
will be a secondary DHCP server.  Many thanks

ACPI APIC Table: DELL   PE2650  
Timecounter i8254 frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: Intel(R) XEON(TM) CPU 1.80GHz (1794.19-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = GenuineIntel  Id = 0xf24  Stepping = 4
  Logical CPUs per core: 2
real memory  = 1073676288 (1023 MB)
avail memory = 1041784832 (993 MB)

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Any Way to Plug This Hole in Local Sendmail Delivery?

2007-04-04 Thread Martin McCormick
First of all, I think sendmail is great, so this is a
minor issue.  The problem is that the spammers can cause local
delivery of their junk by using the name of an account on the
system.  As an example, I just received some junk that a human
being can instantly tell is bogus.  It's from 
line is the usual sort of bogus hotmail, or AOL or MSN, forgery
but then there is this line which is, I am sure, how it got in.

From: Weekly News [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Milter-sender used to catch these constantly, but that
filter is no longer available.  Is there anything else that is
useful, but not too disruptive that can either refuse delivery
or send it to spam to die?

I already run bogofilter which I trained with about
12,000 or more spam messages and which does a good to excellent
job of catching most of this, but messages that claim to be
local but aren't should be mechanically testable.


Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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php5 and SQL Scripts

2007-04-02 Thread Martin McCormick
About 4 years ago, we installed php from the FreeBSD
ports collection on a system in order to query a MS-SQL data
base on another server.  It worked fine until we upgraded to
FreeBSD6.2 and php5.  I had moved the old binary across and also pulled several
libraries in to /usr/local/lib and the old binary seemed to be
happy until we actually tried to use it at which time it hung
until manually killed.

After installing /usr/ports/lang/php5 and even trying
/usr/ports/lang/php4, our new php gives the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_connect()

Has anybody in the FreeBSD world seen this before and
better yet, how do you fix it?  We do a little piece of a
back-end operation which gathers information from a web
application and uses it to create or remove rules in a firewall.
The folks who own the rest of the pieces of the operation are
asking frequently if it is fixed yet.  I am out of things to
try.  Obviously, something changed between our older system and
the present because the object is either here but in a wrong
directory or I didn't pick the right configuration options in setting
up the port.

The sql script has worked fine until now for all these

Any ideas are much appreciated.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Re: php5 and SQL Scripts

2007-04-02 Thread Martin McCormick
Bill Moran writes:
 Don't know what you're doing with all that moving binaries around, but
 make sure you didn't overwrite something.  If you did, you may need to
 completely reinstall PHP.

First of all, thanks to all who replied.  I missed the 
php5-mssql port, thinking that php5 was all I needed.  The
moving binaries phase was after we moved to a new platform and I
rebuilt all our directories.  I had carefully used tar xfk to
recover /usr/local/bin from our previous system.  For the 2 or 3
libraries I brought over to make the php binary work, I checked
before copying to make sure there was nothing of the same name.
When I discovered it didn't work, I looked at /usr/ports and
discovered the php4 and php5 ports and did, in fact, properly
build php.

Now, php is hanging again which makes me think there is
a problem between this system and the SQL server we communicate
with.  Our campus had Spring Break week before last and lots of
systems were upgraded and or modified.  It's like trying to find
that one dead Christmas tree lamp in a series string of 100
which is killing the whole string.

Martin McCormick
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Can cvs-sup Safely Upgrade a 5.3 System to 6.2?

2007-03-28 Thread Martin McCormick
The system is on, but not in production so I would like to
upgrade it before we use it.

Many thanks.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Can cvs-sup Upgrade a 5.3 system to 6.2?

2007-03-28 Thread Martin McCormick
The system is up and running, but presently not in production.
Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Re: Sendmail on a new Freebsd6.2 Won't Send or Receive. Solved!

2007-03-15 Thread Martin McCormick
Ted Mittelstaedt writes:
 sendmail_enable=YES in /etc/rc.conf?

Many thanks.  That's exactly what I had, but after
looking at it again, I also had something much worse in the
startup line.  This new system is a replacement for the one I am
on now and the name is similar.  The rc.conf.local file was
copied from the old system and this part looks like:

sendmail_enable=YES   # Run the sendmail inbound daemon (YES/NO/NONE).
#   # If NONE, don't start any sendmail processes.
sendmail_flags=-L sm-mta -bd -q15m -C/etc/mail/ # Flags 
to sendmail (as a server)

That was the problem.  The file name referenced there
doesn't exist on the new system.  When I used the right
configuration file name, all is well.

Again, thanks for your help because it made me look
everything over once again and find the problem.
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Trying to Upgrade Version of Tar on a 5.3 System.

2007-03-15 Thread Martin McCormick
I am transfering all our working group files from a
FreeBSD5.3 platform to a bigger, faster and FreeBSD6.2 system.
I discovered that bsdtar on the 5.3 system doesn't appear to
have the --newer-than feature in which you only archive files
newer than either a given date or a reference file such as the
last monster tar ball from, say, /usr/home.

The plan was to copy the monster tar ball over which has
happened without problems, and then do a second pass just before
we shut the older system down and pick up everybody's files
which have changed in a hopefully much smaller tar ball which
can then be overlayed to bring everything up to date as to what
it was on the old system.

The ports collection has gtar and freetar and the older
system is  using the bsdtar that unpacked from the iso image so
it would not be productive to try to install what I already have
as there is nothing wrong.

Will either freetar or gtar give me the capability to
use a reference file to only get the new files that have either
appeared or changed since yesterday?

Is there another way to use the existing tar that I
might have missed that does the same thing?


Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Sendmail on a new Freebsd6.2 Won't Send or Receive.

2007-03-14 Thread Martin McCormick
I have just set up a new freeBSD6.2 system which should
be fully capable of sending and receiving mail via sendmail.
The processes are all running.  It acts like inetd.conf has the
ports closed, but there aren't any specifically for smtp.
/etc/services has smtp ports listed and all open like they
should be.

If you telnet to port 25 either from another system or
from the localhost, the connection refused message is
immediate and no log entries in maillog are generated.

The only entries being generated at all are routine
messages when the queue starts and messages that say that a
given message is deferred due to not being able to be delivered
so it appears to be stuck both directions.

Any suggestions on what else to look at?

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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DHCP Server V3.0.5 No BPF under chroot. Works normally otherwise.

2007-03-06 Thread Martin McCormick
I found some cook-book instructions for running dhcpd in
a chroot environment.  The article is 4 years old and appears to
be set up for FreeBSD5x, but it isn't far off for FreeBSD6.2
which is what I need dhcpd to run on.

Dhcpd runs fine when started normally as in
/usr/local/sbin/dhcpd.  I haven't yet gotten it to launch as the
chroot'ed version.  When one starts it, here is what happens:

   chroot /usr/local/chroot/dhcpd /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd

Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server V3.0.5
Copyright 2004-2006 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit
WARNING: Host declarations are global.  They are not limited to the scope you 
declared them in.
Wrote 0 deleted host decls to leases file.
Wrote 0 new dynamic host decls to leases file.
Wrote 0 leases to leases file.
No bpf devices.   Please read the README section for your operating system.

If I do a ls, everything looks identical:

cd /usr/local/chroot/dhcpd/dev
ls -l bpf*
crw---  1 root  wheel0,  96 Mar  6 11:44 bpf0
crw---  1 root  wheel1,  97 Mar  6 11:44 bpf1

cd /dev
ls -l bpf*
crw---  1 root  wheel0,  96 Mar  5 21:00 bpf0
crw---  1 root  wheel0,  97 Mar  5 21:00 bpf1

The part of the script that makes those devices is as follows:

BPF=`ls -l /dev/bpf0 | awk '{ print $6; }' | sed -e 's/,//g'`
export BPF
BPF1=`ls -l /dev/bpf1 | awk '{ print $6; }' | sed -e 's/,//g'`
export BPF1
cd /usr/local/chroot/dhcpd/dev
mknod bpf0 c 0 $BPF
mknod bpf1 c 1 $BPF1
chmod 0600 bpf*

I will post the script when it works since it appears to
be about 90% good.  It needs a little touch-up to make it work
for FreeBSD6.

My guess is that there is something else I need in the
chroot environment since the bpf appears to work normally when
dhcpd is run from root in the traditional way.

My thanks and a lot of credit to the person who
originally wrote this script which can be found at

   Linkname: Screaming Electron Forums - How to chroot your existing
  isc-dhcpd server on freebsd

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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What cvs-supfile Directive did I Leave Out?

2007-03-03 Thread Martin McCormick
I originally wanted to bring the ISO image of FreeBSD6.2
up to date using cvsup.  Everything worked perfectly including
the make buildworld, make installworld, make buildkernel and make
installkernel.  Then was when I realized that I was now running
FreeBSD7.0 after having unwittingly upgraded.

This particular system will be a very busy dhcpd server,
however, so I probably don't want the bleeding edge.  It is a
Dell 2650 and FreeBSD6.2 was the only ISO image of FreeBSD that
found all the right drivers.  I probably need to go back to what
I initially meant to do for safety sake.

Since this was my first successful attempt at using
cvsup, my questions now are:

Can I safely downgrade back to the most stable version of 6.2
using cvsup?

What did I do wrong in the cvs-supfile I used?  upgrades are
great if you want them, but this is going to be a production
system so I would rather try the latest and greatest on a
less-important box.
All I wanted was sources, no ports or X; basically what you would
have after using an ISO image.  Thanks.
The cvs-sup file follows:

*default tag=.
*default prefix=/usr
*default base=/var/db
*default release=cvs delete use-rel-suffix

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Re: What cvs-supfile Directive did I Leave Out?

2007-03-03 Thread Martin McCormick
Erik Trulsson writes:
 Maybe, but I wouldn't count on it.  I would recommend reinstalling 6.2
 from scratch and starting over again.

Thank you and thanks to Fred Condo who also responded.

I guess the only thing I can salvage from the last day's
work is knowing that cvsup is a good resource when used
carefully.  I was kind of afraid that I would need to start from
scratch because there may be hidden gotchas due to libraries that
shouldn't be there, etc.

I guess since the system did come up working, I could
experiment with the shell script I am building to update 6.2 and
then save it to another system before starting over on Monday.

Also, thanks for the correction on the cvs-supfile.  We
have 3 boxes scheduled to go in service that are all the same
type of server which means that they will all be getting the
CDROM initial install and then hopefully the security patches and
bug fixes via cvsup.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Best anoncvs Site to Update 6.2 Sources

2007-03-01 Thread Martin McCormick
After installing FreeBSD6.2 from the ISO image, I figured
that cvsup would be the best way to update the new system and
apply the patches which have come out since the image was
created.  I think I have cvsup ready to go, but I can't tell for
sure since the mirror site I picked was the first one in the list
for the United states.  It is and is obviously
quite popular.  cvsup tried all night long to connect and never
got in .  The next mirror site for the US is and it appears to be down.  Since all I need
is to update all the sources for FreeBSD6.2, is there a better
choice of sites?  I got these 2 site names from the FreeBSD
handbook.  We have been using FreeBSD here since 2001, but I have
never seriously tried cvsup until now since we are installing
several new servers, all using FreeBSD6.2.  

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Re: Best anoncvs Site to Update 6.2 Sources

2007-03-01 Thread Martin McCormick
Kevin Kinsey writes:
 The mirrors are in the form I use cvsup12, cvsup13,
 cvsup6 from SW Missouri (and my upstream links go through NE Oklahoma,
 dunno if they are close to you or not).

Probably close enough.  It will probably work when I connect to
the right site.

 It might be worth the time to install /usr/ports/sysutils/fastest_cvsup to
 help find the fastest/nearest servers for your installation area.

Great idea!  Thanks.
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Re: vmware Questions

2007-02-22 Thread Martin McCormick
John Nielsen, referring to running multiple DHCPD's,  writes:
 For what you're talking about, jails make a lot more sense than
 virtualization or emulation.

Thank you!  That is exactly the kind of input I was
looking for.  As soon as I read yours and Frank Staals' mention
of jails, it clicked.  A true jail will have a little version of
as much of the FreeBSD world as dhcpd needs to run.  This should
be much easier on resources and more predictable as to results.
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vmware Questions

2007-02-21 Thread Martin McCormick
If one has a FreeBSD system that has 1 gigabyte of RAM
and a 1-GHZ processor, would it be possible to run a couple of
vmware instances of FreeBSD?  I want to set up a DHCP server on
each virtual machine and configure one to be optimized for DHCP
failover and dynamic leases while the other is dedicated to
static bootp service.  It would be much easier for the 2
instances of dhcpd to run in separate machines, so to speak,
since they normally use the same named files for logging and

What sort of a performance hit does one usually see on a
virtual machine?

When we run dhcpd on a normal FreeBSD system of the type
described above, the system is normally loaded around 0.05 or so
so it isn't having to work too hard.

Thanks for any help as to what vmware port is best.  The
platform is FreeBSD and the 2 virtual machines will also be
FreeBSD if that makes any difference.

There will be no X windows involved, just hopefully 2
DHCP servers running as if they were on two separate boxes.

Any information to point me in the right direction or
reasons why this is not a good idea are appreciated.

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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mysql5.1-server Refuses to Start.

2007-02-01 Thread Martin McCormick
If one does a Google search on the following error
message from the mysql server, there is a long and painful
discussion ona mysql mailing list in which lots of people have
had the same exact problem.  The solutions, however, were for Sun
Work Stations and a similar solution I tried here, had no effect
at all.

I am trying to start mysqld in safe mode on a FreeBSD5.4
system in such a way that only local users can access it.  The
suggested command for this is

/usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --skip-networking --user=mysql

The mysql server is defaulted to use /var/db/mysql and
that is where  it appears to initially be happy.  The mysql
directory is chowned to be owned by the user mysql and it does
start creating new table files:

070201 10:30:55  mysqld started
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Table 'mysql.general_log' doesn't exist
InnoDB: The first specified data file ./ibdata1 did not exist:
InnoDB: a new database to be created!
070201 10:30:55  InnoDB: Setting file ./ibdata1 size to 10 MB
InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...

mysql creates a couple more files and then disaster strikes!

070201 10:30:59 [ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege 
tables: Table '' doesn't exist
070201 10:30:59  mysqld ended

I do have a my.cnf file in /usr/local but it only
contains one line which doesn't change anything.


It seemed to already default to this directory.  The datadir
variable which some of the posters mentioned is no longer needed.

Has anybody gotten sqld_safe to work in FreeBSD?

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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What Happens When /proc is not Mounted in FreeBSD5.4?

2007-02-01 Thread Martin McCormick
I made a startling discovery when using strace to
trouble-shoot a different problem on a freeBSD5.4 system that has
been running since last October.  Both it and another new 5.4
system had a /proc mount point but no process files.  The mount
point had the May 5 date from 2005 as do most files from that

I mounted /proc the way it is done in fstab for 4.x systems

proc/proc   procfs  rw  0   0

and there were all the process directories.  The only reason I
had done this was because strace won't work without /proc.
Nothing else had seemed wrong and there hadn't been any
compelling reason to look at /proc until now.

Would an unmounted /proc make the system run slower since
proc files allow for examination of the operation of the running
processes?  So basically, I have fixed the problem if it really
was one in the first place.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Re: What Happens When /proc is not Mounted in FreeBSD5.4?

2007-02-01 Thread Martin McCormick
Kris Kennaway writes:
 As you have found, proc is almost entirely unused in FreeBSD apart
 from one or two debugging facilities, and in fact not recommended on
 multi-user systems because the long history of security

Thanks to you and Fabian Keil for your succinct answers.
I took it back off and commented out the line I added to
/etc/fstab so it can be brought back temporarily when needed but
isn't just sitting there waiting for lightning to strike.

Martin McCormick
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Re: Spam and Viruses, Vandalism-l, the Mailing List from Hell.

2007-01-27 Thread Martin McCormick
Paul Schmehl writes:
 Uvscan is McAfee's antivirus product. Did you install it? There's a conf
 file in the files directory of that port. It defines AVSCANNER as /usr/
 local/bin/uvscan. That would require that you have McAfee Antivirus for
 FreeBSD installed. If this machine handles lots of mail, I wouldn't 
 you use that. Uvscan launches a shell for each time it's called, and it
 will suck a lot of cpu and memory (based on our extensive comparison

Thank you very much.  I was a little fuzzy about how the
mcAfee product with its data base got there or what it looked
like, etc.

It is probably not worth the extra load to have
antivirus-milter on there although I see now that had mcAfee
been there, it would have probably done its job.

I am the only major inbound Email account on that system,
but it is a rather busy workhorse for our group and is already
busy enough that one notices slowdowns at times and, when we
check, it is all legitimate.  In this business, paranoia is a virtue.

Again, thanks for your help.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Spam and Viruses, Vandalism-l, the Mailing List from Hell.

2007-01-26 Thread Martin McCormick
Has anyone gotten the port
/usr/ports/mail/antivirus-milter to work?

The system in question runs FreeBSD5.4 with sendmail and
bogofilter.  Bogofilter is excellent at helping sort messages in
to spam or other folders if you generate a large wordlist.

One category of junkmail, however, is not true spam.  It
is more a form of hacking in that it tries to implant viruses
like Johny Appleseed only this guy is Johny weedseed.

I got antivirus-milter to make and install but it
immediately failed when started:

antivirus[53446]: externalcommand() 
failed to execve() /system/av/decullotage/uvscan

I basically said, huh?  After that, it hung and began
telling all remote hosts to try again later.

The url

is no good any more and there was very little documentation in
the package so I reset everything back to before the

This would have been a good counterpart to bogofilter
since the virus bombs usually get past bogofilter.  The ripmime
utility extracts the payload and antivirus-milter is supposed to
reject the message before delivery.

The other milter I found is milter-bogom.  It is probably
fine, but it duplicates bogofilter's function on a system-wide

Any ideas are much appreciated.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Trouble-shooting Cron Problems FreeBSD5.4

2006-10-31 Thread Martin McCormick
After building a new FreeBSD5.4 system, I have done
something bad to it.

When cron runs jobs in /etc/crontab as operator, it seems
as if that 6TH field in /etc/crontab is being interpreted as a
command rather than the user ID it is supposed to run under.  I
keep getting messages like:

From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] root  newsyslog

root: not found

Comparing this system with another properly-functioning
5.4 system has, as of yet, shown nothing unusual.  If I become
root and manually run the job in question, it runs without a

The crontab file on the problem system is an exact copy
of the crontab file on the working system.  Both crons appear to
be running with the same flags as in

  465  ??  Ss 3:24.39 /usr/sbin/cron -s

Any suggestions as to what I should look at next?  Both
systems' crons are showing the same environments if I make them
run the env command.  Many thanks.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Re: Trouble-shooting Cron Problems FreeBSD5.4

2006-10-31 Thread Martin McCormick
Dan Nelson writes:
 The operator user has no access to /etc/crontab.  You have probably
 copied entries from the system crontab (i.e. /etc/crontab) into a
 user's crontab.  The system crontab has the extra user column, where
 user crontabs don't (since they always run as the user).

Thank you.  That is exactly what happened.  I checked the
working system by doing

crontab -e -u operator

and there was no crontab there at all.  I then went to the ailing
system and, voila, there was the copy of /etc/crontab complete
with all its comment lines.  I remember being confused at one
stage about /etc/crontab because of the line

\# /etc/crontab - root's crontab for FreeBSD

After all, the root user also has a crontab file with the
normal user fields (minus the special 6TH field).

Somewhere along the way, I probably typed either

crontab -u operator crontab

from /etc or did a crontab -e -u operator and joined /etc/crontab
in to the new table.

Remember the saying that goes, Nothing can be made
foolproof because fools are so ingenious?  That pretty well says
it all.  I am not sure how I figured it might need to go in the
operator account, but that's where it wound up.  I am sure that
solves the problem.  I'll know in 15 minutes when the next
newsyslog command fires and I don't get the squawk.:-)

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Leapseconds and zoneinfo

2006-10-26 Thread Martin McCormick
Several months ago, I rebuild the zoneinfo data bases on
the freeBSD systems we have to be ready for the new Daylight
Saving Time or Summer time rules.  I got the leapseconds file and
the North American data base and used zic to build a new version.

The first time I did this, I included the leapseconds
data base in to the command as in

zic -L leapseconds northamerica

What I got was a file slightly larger than the current
version of localtime which, in the Central Time Zone is a copy of

I didn't think much of the difference since it is a
replacement for what was there and installed it.  The local time
was 23 seconds behind what it should be.  There have been 23
leapseconds added since 1972, I think, so I figured we didn't
need  to have them in there.  After recompiling the data base
without the leapseconds, each system's UTC seconds perfectly
matched the local time's seconds which is what is supposed to

Then, we come to today.  I was experimenting with a
FreeBSD system and noticed that the date;date -u commands yielded
time stamps that were off by 23 seconds, but in the other
direction.  This time, I ran the command in the form you see
above, with the leapseconds, and now that system's seconds
perfectly match between UTC and Central time (CDT in Summer and
CST) in Winter.

Why would this one system which is an old 266 MHZ Pentium
running FreeBSD 4.10 be different?  Another old Pentium running
FreeBSD4.7 needed the leapseconds removed before it gave the
correct seconds for both UTC and Central time.

I did verify that Chicago was the same file on the odd
system as it was on all the normal ones, normal being that the
seconds are correct for both UtC and local.

So, for some reason, about 5 FreeBSD systems work
properly without the leapseconds data base and one needed it.  Why?

It would stand to reason that all the systems need the
leapseconds since that agrees with the rules for calculating
correct time.

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Why csh on Root?

2006-10-19 Thread Martin McCormick
Is there any particular reason why FreeBSD has csh as the
default root shell?  Nothing really wrong with it except that I
quit using csh about twelve years ago and so am a little rusty
about the finer details when I come across a csh shell.  On a
number of FreeBSD4.x systems, I used chsh to change root's shell
after installing bash and the only thing I noticed was that one
should be careful of the $PATH variable and make sure it at least
hits all the same directories in the same order.  Other than
that, it worked.

On a recent upgrade to 5.4, I noticed the C shell is
still default so I figured I would ask before changing it so as
not to introduce hidden problems later.  Basically, I like bash
better and also add a couple more paths such as /usr/local/etc
for home-grown applications.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Re: Why csh on Root?

2006-10-19 Thread Martin McCormick
RW writes:
 There is an alternative uid 0 user called toor which you can use if you 
 to use bash as root. OTOH hand there is a school of thought that you
 shouldn't be too comfortable as root.

My thanks to all.  On all the systems in question, bash
ends up on the same partition as root, but the points are

One thing I was trying to accomplish is to have a bell in
the  root prompt.  In the .cshrc file is a string 

set prompt=\007\!# 

I have also tried replacing the \007 with the actual
Control-G and even a \a.  All produce an attempt to render a bell
but what is sent to the remote terminal is ^G1#
as in the actual ASCII characters ^ and G.

I am not sure what to do to correct this problem as I do not get
it in bash.  A \a or \007 is sent literally.

The env output for root on this system shows no environmental
variables that should inhibit the beep so I am kind of stumped.

Martin McCormick
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Re: Why csh on Root?

2006-10-19 Thread Martin McCormick
Alex Zbyslaw writes:
 set prompt=hello%{^G%}there 
 where ^G is a single control char, not two chars.

Thanks.  It works perfectly.  I am reading the man for
tcsh again to attempt to figure out what I missed the first time.
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A Question of How to Handle Numerical Notation

2006-10-06 Thread Martin McCormick
I am writing a program on a UNIX system to munch the text
output of a Cisco VOIP call manager and turn those data in to
something that looks like the output of our hard-wired PBX.
Fortunately, the data we need are a subset of all the data available
so the main problem is simply that of reformatting most of the
information.  There is, however, one nasty little problem I have

Both the UNIX and Cisco platforms handle time and date
functions using unsigned 32-bit integers.  No problem there.  The
times are based upon the number of seconds since the epoch of January
1, 1970 in GMT or UTC.  That's great.  I discovered soon, however,
that there is an extra wrinkle that really messes things up quite a

The Cisco call manager outputs the hexadecimal form of 3
values in something that initially looks like good old hex but is good
old hex being used to convey some form of notation, probably like
scientific notation, that one must decode in order to get the actual
hex values needed to recover the data.

All we know for sure is that this has something to do with SQL
and Microsoft.  After all, everybody uses Microsoft and UNIX doesn't
even exist, right?

Does anybody know what this notation is called?  Does an
explanation of the algorithm exist in public so one can convert the
strings that are part of the call manager output in to the unsigned
ints that actually carry the right values?

An example of the string in question looks like:


I appreciate any constructive suggestions, anything from what
this notation is called to a description of how to process the 5
values.  That would make writing C code possible to convert them in to
the actual binary string that contains the data we need.  Are
there any FreeBSD libraries we can use to help the process along?

I am sure this notation has a name, but not knowing it,
makes searching for information about it rather difficult.

Many thanks.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Re: A Question of How to Handle Numerical Notation

2006-10-06 Thread Martin McCormick
Chuck Swiger writes:
 On Oct 6, 2006, at 4:26 AM, Martin McCormick wrote:
 Does anybody know what this notation is called?  Does an
 explanation of the algorithm exist in public so one can convert the
 strings that are part of the call manager output in to the unsigned
 ints that actually carry the right values?

 That sure looks like a UUID, which may or may not encode valid time

My thanks to you and to one other individual who have
written responses to my questions.  Both have suggested the same
possibility that this is a UUID and not the data I am actually
looking for.

I will talk to the people who extracted the file and see
if there is a possibility we got the wrong data in that field.
One would hope that the time stamp data are normal 32-bit values
that can be sucked in by a %lx in sscanf.

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Re: A Question of How to Handle Numerical Notation Solved

2006-10-06 Thread Martin McCormick
Those of you who recognised the example string I sent as
a UUID really helped solve this problem.  What happened was that
the algorithm I wrote to parse the CSV values in each record is
broken when it encounters a blank field as in ,, so it fails to
increase the index counter and place a null string at that point.
This meant that what I was reading as field W was actually more
like field Z.  I was actually looking at a field labeled pkid
or Packet ID which is the UUID you saw.  The algorithm I wrote to
parse worked perfectly on the first line of the file because
every field was populated but it silently failed on lines of real
data because of blank fields.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/libexec/save-entropy

2006-09-22 Thread Martin McCormick
I must have dome something wrong setting up a FreeBSD5.4
system, but I haven't a clue as to what.

The script is called save-entropy, a great idea, but it
acts as if lots of the configuration it needs is missing.  I do
have ipfw running and it got all the rules I put in to it via a
rule-setting script called in rc.conf.local but the message that
cron generates every eleven minutes shows that something is very

For now, I simply commented out the save-entropy run for
a bit of peace and quiet, but the entropy is now not being
updated which is not a good thing.

What do I need to look at to fix this properly?

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group

--- Forwarded Message

Date:Fri, 22 Sep 2006 08:55:00 CDT

From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/libexec/save-entropy

ipfw: not found

That repeats 15 more times.

--- End of Forwarded Message

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Re: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/libexec/save-entropy

2006-09-22 Thread Martin McCormick
Martin McCormick writes:
 I must have dome something wrong setting up a FreeBSD5.4
 system, but I haven't a clue as to what.

This is still Martin McCormick.  I haven't found exactly
what I did yet, but I remembered that I do have a second 5.4 box
and it appears to be fine so I can probably solve this after some
digging.  Sorry to waste anybody's time.
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Has Anyone Else Tried mha-mhedit?

2006-08-25 Thread Martin McCormick
I use nmh and recently wanted to not have to manually
clean up all the garbage that gets in to the quoted text if you
quote a HTML message or one that has a lot of 8-bit junk like
Microsoft OUtlook messages do.

It looked like I needed  mhonarc so I installed the port with
no problem.  Each time I try to use mha-mhedit to reply to a
message full of mime and 8-bit characters, I get the following

open2: exec of w3m -dump -cols 76 -T text/html failed at 
/usr/local/etc/mha-mhedit line 104

mha-mhedit is a perl script.  The results form a
blankrepl form that looks like:

Subject: Re: FW: Budget Cuts

/home/martin/Mail/draft: unmodified: line 1

I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or there is
some sort of bug at work here.  I launch it using the example
from the mha-mhedit man page:

  repl -editor mha-mhedit

Any constructive suggestions are much appreciated.

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Re: Has Anyone Else Tried mha-mhedit?

2006-08-25 Thread Martin McCormick
Giorgos Keramidas writes:
It looks like mha-mhedit tries to run the www/w3m browser to dump a
text-only version of the HTML document, and then quote this as the
original.  Do you have the w3m port installed?  If not, there is probably
an option to tell mha-mhedit to use another browser with similar

Thank you very much.  That was the problem but the text
of the error message threw me off.  I did not have w3m installed
but it all worked as soon as I did that.  I have lynx installed
and maybe some experimentation is in order to see if lynx would
work, but it appears to work properly with w3m.

Again, many thanks.  That will certainly save some
typing energy in the future.

Martin McCormick
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How to Change the Time Zone Rules?

2006-07-28 Thread Martin McCormick
The rules for determining the yearly start and end of
daylight saving time in the United States have changed beginning
in March of 2007.  All the FreeBSD systems I am in charge of need
new rules and I read an article that mentions FreeBSD and Linux
and the /usr/share/zoneinfo data base which I found.  In that
directory are subdirectories for the continents and many binaries
describing the rules for major cities or islands.  /etc/localtime
is a copy of whichever locality file in /usr/share/zoneinfo
correctly mirrors one's local time.

The problem, as I see it, is that we need a new America
file.  I ran across an article that referenced

Which turns out to be the source file for making all the
location files.

My question is, How do I get there from here?  That file
is obviously #included or otherwise used in something you make to
generate the objects.  Has this already been done somewhere for
FreeBSD and will it work on systems ranging from FreeBSD4.7 up to

I use FreeBSD on our domain name and dhcp servers and
want to get them ready well before this mini Y2K-like situation

Many thanks.

For those who may be wondering, DST ends as it has for
many years, on the last Sunday in October so the new rules don't
take effect until March 11 of 2007.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Re: How to Change the Time Zone Rules?

2006-07-28 Thread Martin McCormick
Carlos A. Carnero Delgado writes:
See zic(8). It's very easy.

DAve writes:
This was sent to me earlier on this list when I had to adjust for 
Indiana changing to DST. Worked like a champ.

Thank you both.  This is what I needed.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Trimming Whitespace From Beginning and end of Text Lines

2006-05-12 Thread Martin McCormick
This looks like something sed should be able to do, but I
haven't had any luck at all.  I wanted to remove any whitespace
that has accidentally gotten added to the beginning or end of
some lines of text.  I made a test file that looks like:

left justified.
   lots of spaces.
and the best I have done so far is to get rid of about 3 spaces.

Attempt 1.

#! /usr/bin/sed -f
s/ \+//g
s/^ //g
s/ $//g

This looks like it should do the job, but the leading and
trailing spaces are still mostly there.

I wrote another script.  Attempt 2.

#! /bin/sh

sed 's/^[[:space:]]//g' \
|sed 's/[[:space:]]$//g' 

If I cat the test file through this script, it also
removes one or two spaces, but not all the leading and trailing
whitespace I put there.  I can write a program in C to do this,
but is there a sed script or other native application in FreeBSD that
can do this?

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Re: Trimming Whitespace From Beginning and end of Text Lines

2006-05-12 Thread Martin McCormick
Chuck Swiger quotes and writes:
Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
 This fails to remove multiple occurences of the [[:space:]] class.

 There are at least the following ways:

  sed -i -e 's/^[[:space:]]*' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' file ...

That did it!  As soon as I saw the *, I knew what I was
not doing.

  perl -pi -e 's/^\s*(\S.*\S)[ \t]*$/$1/' file ...

 The first one seems more straightforward to me most of the time,
 but there are times I find Perl's `-pi -e ...' idiom very convenient.
It is, and I wish to acknowledge the above are entirely valid solutions 
to the problem, but...

   python -c 'import sys; print'  file...

...has the advantage of being human readable.  My old 300-baud accoustic 
modem used to generate output which in hindsight looks astonishingly 
close to regex character classes.  :-)

Wow!  I'd almost forgotten some of that by-gone era.  I
had a 1200-baud modem that, in conjunction with the clock slips
between our local telephone company and our PBX, used to march []
and various other garbage characters that did look just like
regex.  You just had to keep re-dialing until you finally got a
connection that worked.

Thanks to everyone for the help.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Bourn Shell -n Flag Questions

2006-04-28 Thread Martin McCormick
I read about the noexecute flag or -n flag which is supposed
to check the syntax of a Bourn Shell script to see what it would do if
run, but not actually do anything.  This sounds like a wonderful
thing, especially when one is going to run a dangerous script and you
only get one chance to get it right.

I tried sh -n scriptname and it always silently succeeds even
if I type sh -x -n somescript.  I even deliberately created a script
with a syntax error in it and tried sh -x -n again.  It still did
nothing but exit.  Does this just not work or am I misunderstanding
the purpose of the flag?

Thanks for your help.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Re: ISO Image for FreeBSD5.4 that is Current

2006-04-03 Thread Martin McCormick
Lowell Gilbert writes:

Thank you.  That's what I needed to know.
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ISO Image for FreeBSD5.4 that is Current

2006-04-02 Thread Martin McCormick
The FreeBSD site has an installation ISO image for FreeBSD5.4
but it is dated last May.  There have been several core security
updates since then.  should I be looking in a different place to find
a stable 5.x ISO image that is current?

Thank you very much.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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1,000 Days Up Time Freebsd4.7

2006-03-14 Thread Martin McCormick
We recently had a FreeBSD4.7 system almost make it to 1,000
days uptime.  It may have actually done it but it also appears to have
rebooted itself just as it reached 1,000 days.

Is anybody aware of any kind of counter overflow or anything
along those lines that might have caused the reboot?

Obviously a system that has been up for that long without a
break isn't too sick, but I can't imagine what happened.  There are no
signs of anything being wrong.  After it rebooted itself, it just kept
on ticking like it has for the last 2-and-a-quarter years.

I looked in /var/log/messages and found no tracks.  The last
message was a routine message about the dhcp lease it had and then a
few minutes later, the next message was the copyright notice on the
kernel as the reboot started.

That FreeBSD is just wonderful, though.  I know of some other
popular OS's that can't even dream of that much uptime.

Thanks for any useful information.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Re: Using dd to Make a Clone of a Drive

2006-02-10 Thread Martin McCormick
Paul Schmehl quotes and then writes:
 Copying with dd(1) is not as fast :)

Have you tried dcfldd?  sysutils/dcfldd

Thank you.  I hadn't thought of that.  This is what I
appreciate about groups like this.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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Using dd to Make a Clone of a Drive

2006-02-09 Thread Martin McCormick
After installing FreeBSD5.4, the ISC dhcp server and ISC bind
on a hard drive, I wanted to clone that drive to a second drive so as
to generate a second server, using what I had already installed as a
template.  I used the following command:

dd if=/dev/da0 of=/dev/da1 bs=512

It turns out that dd defaults to 512-byte blocks so I didn't
really need the bs=512, but I am not sure I haven't made some other
type of mistake.  The dd command has been running for about 4 hours on
a very fast system, with a 1-gig processor, 1 gig of RAM and two 31-GB
drives.  One would think it should have finished by now, but it is
still running.  Is this a valid method of copying the entire contents
of one drive to another?  Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Re: Using dd to Make a Clone of a Drive

2006-02-09 Thread Martin McCormick
I thought I was limited to only the block size of the disks.
I am now trying a much larger block size as suggested and will see
what happens.  Many thanks.

Martin McCormick
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Rescuing the Ethernet Interface after SCB Timeout

2006-01-16 Thread Martin McCormick
One of our FreeBSD systems has begun randomly shutting down
its Ethernet interface.  After doing so, the box continues to try to
run but prints the following errors in syslog:

Jan 16 03:01:23 xx /kernel: fxp0: SCB timeout: 0x70 0x0 0x50 0x400
Jan 16 03:01:24 xx /kernel: fxp0: SCB timeout: 0xf0 0x0 0x50 0x400
Jan 16 03:01:35 xx last message repeated 9 times
Jan 16 03:01:40 xx /kernel: fxp0: device timeout
Jan 16 03:01:40 xx /kernel: fxp0: DMA timeout
Jan 16 03:01:40 xx /kernel: fxp0: DMA timeout

If we reboot, the system may be okay for 4 months or 2 hours,
who knows?  I can write a shell script to look for any new messages
like those shown above so determining that the failure has occurred is
not difficult especially since the system is still running all be it
without a network connection.

Will bringing fxp0 down with ifconfig and then back up as in

ifconfig fxp0 down
sleep 5
ifconfig fxp0 up

restore it to operation again?

I am asking because the system is unreachable when fxp0 is
down.  If one was logged in to that system, is there anything we could
do to rescue it besides a full reboot?

I want to make it rescue itself if it can since these things
always happen on holidays or weekends or at 03:00 in the morning.

This system doesn't die that often, but it is often enough to
take measures to prevent it from needing our laying on of hands at odd

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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Strange Failure Mode in FreeBSD 4.11

2006-01-12 Thread Martin McCormick
I built a FreeBSD 4.11 system recently which is to be remotely
installed in another town.  The system worked on our network while I
tested it and installed several ports, etc.  We then moved it to the
town where it is supposed to live and now, there's big trouble.

The Ethernet interface, known as em0 on this system, comes up
According to all the messages.  If, however, you try to use it, it is
as dead as a stone.  If I try to ping the local host from root, I get this:

ping: sendto: Permission denied
ping: sendto: Permission denied
ping: sendto: Permission denied

I get the same response when trying to ping real hosts over
the network.

Pinging that system from a known good system is like pinging a
disconnected Ethernet jack in that absolutely nothing happens.

I am lucky in that I can get in to this system via a serial
cable from the known good system so I can see the world from the bad
box, but I have frankly never seen this mode of failure before and am
at a loss as to what to look at.  It had worked perfectly here and all
our folks in the other town did was plug it in and hook up the
Ethernet.  I am glad I sort of have 60-mile-long arms right now, but
this is not good.

If I do an ifconfig em0, the settings return as they were set
in rc.conf.  The router address is correct and the fact that one can't
ping either tells me that something really nasty happened
somewhere along the way.

Any ideas as to what I can test next?

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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Re: Strange Failure Mode in FreeBSD 4.11

2006-01-12 Thread Martin McCormick
Greg Barniskis writes:
If I'm right, you'll see that something happens, in at least the 
target IP address is ARPed for and you should see the target's MAC 
in the arp table on the known good system, even if the pings never 
return. That should at least give you confidence that the NIC in 
question is functioning insofar as it responds to an ARP request.

Thanks for your response.  I just went in to single-user mode
and got em0 to configure (same as before), but now, I can ping another
host on the same subnet.  I will try all your suggestions and also
temporarily turn off ipfw.  I did look at the rules and I did remember
to change them to fit the new address when the system left here.  If
that's it, I should have a working system all be it a totally open

I will let you know what happens.
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Re: Strange Failure Mode in FreeBSD 4.11

2006-01-12 Thread Martin McCormick
I found the problem though I haven't found the cause.  It
turns out that  the tcp/ip stack was working all along but ipfw is
having trouble.  When I list all the rules, I get all the rules I put
in, but none of the rules that rc.firewall is supposed to install
which are needed for open operation.  

That does completely disable even local icmp plus just about
everything else.  My thanks to Greg Barniskis who mentioned ipfw which
turned out to be the culprit.  Now, I will try to figure out why
rc.firewall which is certainly right where it should be is being

Thanks to all.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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Re: Strange Failure Mode in FreeBSD 4.11

2006-01-12 Thread Martin McCormick
I now realize that what actually happened here is an incorrect
setup on my part of ipfw.  I actually had a similar problem on another
system last Summer, thought I had figured it all out, and have a time
bomb waiting if that system happens to reboot since it is set up the
same way.:-)

In the rc.conf.local, I have:

firewall_enable=YES   # Set to YES to enable firewall functionality
firewall_type=OPEN# Firewall type (see /etc/rc.firewall)
firewall_quiet=NO # Set to YES to suppress rule display
firewall_logging=YES   # Set to YES to enable events logging
firewall_flags=   # Flags passed to ipfw when type is a file

That makes ipfw load the rules in rc.firewall just fine.  In
rc.firewall, there is a place where one can include a table of local
rules and that's where I am doing something wrong.  The place in
rc.firewall reads:

#   filename - will load the rules in the given filename (full path required)

So, I have tried various forms of

filename /etc/firewall_rules.ns

and even 

filename - /etc/firewall_rules.ns

ipfw nicely loads the rules in rc.firewall and then complains
about  filename not found.

I even just stuck the path and file name in a line under
#   filename - will load the rules in the given filename (full path required)

I wasn't surprised when it didn't like that either.

If I replace rc.firewall with firewall_rules.ns, then only
those rules get added which is why the tcp/ip stack appeared dead.

What do I need to put in /etc/rc.firewall so it just includes
/etc/firewall_rules.ns like the #include directive usually does?

Many thanks.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Re: Strange Failure Mode in FreeBSD 4.11

2006-01-12 Thread Martin McCormick
Greg Barniskis writes:
This section of rc.firewall refers to valid values you can place in 
rc.conf for firewall_type. In rc.conf you can name any of the types 
defined in rc.firewall /or/ you can specify a file of your own 
(instead of rc.firewall). I don't think you can invoke rc.firewall 
/and/ another file you name.

That clears things up greatly!  Thank you.  I'll just make a
new file that combines rc.firewall and the extra rules I had and
reference that from rc.conf.local.  Again, many thanks.
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Re: Expect-5.32.1 and Hangups when Spawning a Shell

2005-12-15 Thread Martin McCormick
Rob writes:
Ports has now a more recent expect (5.43.0), which I

That definitely is the better route.  This particular system
is in use 24/7 by our group and once was a version or two ahead of the
FreeBSD that our DNS's and dhcp servers were using.

Time and a complete failure of a hard drive on our master DNS last
Summer means that it has version 4.11 and the rest need to catch up or
go to version 5.x or 6.x.

Many thanks.

Martin McCormick
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Expect-5.32.1 and Hangups when Spawning a Shell

2005-12-14 Thread Martin McCormick
Has anyone seen a condition in FreeBSD4.7 in which
expect-5.32.1 randomly hangs when spawning a shell?

I got this idea from running autoexpect:

spawn $env(SHELL)

Then, I would look for the prompt and begin executing

About every 20 or 30 times, no shell spawns and the script
just hangs there with 1 virtual terminal seized until someone kills
the process.  Since the particular expect script is run automaticly,
one can run out of tty's in a few weeks if this happens often enough
or one doesn't clean house regularly.

What I recently tried is to set conservative mode to 1 so it
will output data more slowly although I can't imagine how this really

Strangely enough, it has been several days since I made the
change and I haven't had to zap one single expect script.

Is that just coincidence or could the timing of the spawn
command actually matter?  Remember, this is before the shell ever

Here is what the beginning of the script now looks like:

#!/usr/local/bin/expect -f

if {$force_conservative} {
set send_slow {1 .1}
proc send {ignore arg} {
sleep .1
exp_send -s -- $arg

spawn $env(SHELL)
match_max 10
expect -exact bash-2.05b# 

When it fails, the prompt never appears.

Any ideas as to why this occasionally happens or whether my
slow-down of the typed output should help is much appreciated.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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Re: Regular Expression Trouble

2005-12-12 Thread Martin McCormick
Parv writes:
For even finer results, use word boundaries ...

  egrep '\bIN[^[:alnum:]]+A\b' file
  egrep '\IN[[:space:]]+A\'  file

I sincerely thank all for your examples which I have saved for
future reference.  The word boundary test appears to work perfectly,
but after looking at all the other examples, they should work also
giving living proof that in UNIX, there are many perfectly valid ways
to solve the same problem.  Again, many thanks.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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Regular Expression Trouble

2005-12-09 Thread Martin McCormick
After reading  a bit about extended regular expressions and
having a few actually work correctly in sed scripts, I tried one in
egrep and it isn't working although there are no errors.

I was hoping to get only the A records from a dns zone file so
the expression I used is:

egrep [[:space:]IN[:space:]A[:space:]] zone_file h0

Had it worked, all that would have appeared in the h0 file was
all the A or Address records.  Instead, I get those plus almost
everything else in the file.  It is obviously not filtering correctly.
Plain grep produces a 0-length output file so that is not too useful
either.  Putting double quotes around the RE didn't help either.

It seems to match almost everything.

Thanks for any good ideas.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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UNIX System Certification Programs

2005-10-21 Thread Martin McCormick
As part of the formalization process for our carreer paths,
our organization is wanting us to be certified in our areas of expertise as part
of any on-going carreer path.  Since I do all my work in Linux and
FreeBSD, what sorts of programs are there that would be similar to the
Microsoft certifications which are extremely common in the Windows world?

I would want to try to keep it as close to what I really do,
both for honesty's sake and since the knowledge gained would be
valuable, to say the least and the closer it fit me, the better.

The best way to describe what I do would be to say that I use
UNIX systems to solve technical problems.  While DNS is my primary
responsibility, I notice that I have spent a good portion of my
carreer, here, coming up with UNIX-based automation solutions to
problems that individuals in my group or groups we are close to are
trying to solve.  Such situations as mining system logs for patterns
that mean trouble and either alerting others of the pending trouble or
actually rectifying it, are a daily part of my job.  Using UNIX tools
such as awk, grep and C to shave time off of mine and other people's
work also describe what I do.

Please tell me any thoughts you might have.  Stating that I've
been messing around with UNIX systems for about 14 years probably
won't get me very far.:-)

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
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I've Created a Permission Problem which Baffles Me.

2005-09-13 Thread Martin McCormick
On this particular system, the /var and /var/tmp directories certainly
look like they do on other FreeBSD systems that don't have this

Script started on Tue Sep 13 15:36:59 2005
bash-2.05b$ cd /
bash-2.05b$ ls -ld var
drwxr-xr-x  20 root  wheel  512 Aug 31 14:44 var
bash-2.05b$ ls -ld /var/tmp
drwxrwxrwT  3 root  wheel  512 Nov 11  2004 /var/tmp
bash-2.05b$ cd /var
bash-2.05b$ cd /var/tmp
bash: cd: /var/tmp: Permission denied
bash-2.05b$ exit

Script done on Tue Sep 13 15:37:38 2005

For the life of me, everything looks like it should and like it
does on other similar systems.  I can even log in as me and cd to
/var/tmp with no problem.  If I su to the user ID whose shell the
script was created in, however, /var/tmp is off limits which breaks
vi.  The userid in question is a normal UID and should have access to
all the resources that any non-root user gets.

Thank you for any help.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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Re: I've Created a Permission Problem which Baffles Me.

2005-09-13 Thread Martin McCormick
Alex Zbyslaw writes:
Looks to me like you've taken away x bit for other (otherwise the t 
would be lower case).  x permission on directories allows you to search 
that directory.

Try chmod o+x /var/tmp (as root).

Thank you!  I did and the T changed to t, fixing the
permission problems.

If I was teaching a UNIX class, that would be a good brain
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5.4 Headless Installation from FreeBSD Disk 1?

2005-08-04 Thread Martin McCormick
I am attempting to install FreeBSD5.4 on a Dell Poweredge 1850
via the serial console.  I went through the documentation again and
found the following  on the FreeBSD 5.4 documentation in installation-i386.txt

FreeBSD/i386 5.4-RELEASE Installation Instructions

-- snip  --

1.5.6 Tips for Serial Console Users

   If you'd like to install FreeBSD on a machine using just a serial port
   (e.g. you don't have or wish to use a VGA card), please follow these
1. Connect some sort of ANSI (vt100) compatible terminal or terminal
   emulation program to the COM1 port of the PC you are installing
   FreeBSD onto.
2. Unplug the keyboard (yes, that's correct!) and then try to boot
   from floppy or the installation CDROM, depending on the type of
   installation media you have, with the keyboard unplugged.
3. If you don't get any output on your serial console, plug the
   keyboard in again. If you are booting from the CDROM, proceed to
   step 5 as soon as you hear the beep.
4. If booting from floppies, when access to the disk stops, insert
   the first of the kernX.flp disks and press Enter. When access to
   this disk finishes, insert the next kernX.flp disk and press
   Enter, and repeat until all kernX.flp disks have been inserted.
   When disk activity finishes, reinsert the boot.flp floppy disk and
   press Enter.
5. Once a beep is heard, hit the number 6, then enter
boot -h
   and you should now definitely be seeing everything on the serial
   port. If that still doesn't work, check your serial cabling as

-- snip ---

According to that, the CDROM still has the headless option.
On this particular server as well as all the other FreeBSD boxes we
presently run, removing the keyboard causes the BIOS to indicate a
non-functional keyboard but the FreeBSD boot engine doesn't get the
message so we always had to have a keyboard in the past in order to type

boot -h

and that did get the serial console going, often-times at 115,200
baud, but nonetheless going.

On 5.4, I made several attempts both with and without the
keyboard and never got a beep.  I got a monitor and a coworker who can
see said monitor to watch the video output and we tried again both
with and without a keyboard.  Both times, it goes right to a GUI
without any opportunity to do anything except watch it boot.

I see that the 5.4-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso
and the 5.4-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso images are both bootable.  I figure
I need disk1 to install with.

I am sorry for the length of this message but I wanted to
demonstrate that we have made every effort to make sure this wasn't
just operator error on my part.

Any ideas as to how to get this headless installation going
with the CDROM are much appreciated.  I am replacing one of our DNS's
that fried a few weeks ago and we are running on the backup, only
until I can get something working again.  Many thanks.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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Re: installing kernel fails, make is ok

2005-08-04 Thread Martin McCormick
You might first try making a generic kernel with no
customization and see if that works.  If it does, you might be
accidentally leaving out support for something vital like disk drives
or something else equally vital causing the kernel to not get along
far enough to produce error messages.

If the generic configuration produces a working kernel, then
start pulling things off and re-making it until you kill it.  You will
then know what actually caused the problem.  If it doesn't tell you
anything at all, it must be rather early in the boot process because a
kernel can usually spit out an error or to to the screen before it

If you get a working kernel that is not quite what you wanted,
you can at least save the dmesg output and study it to see what
devices are in your computer and make sure that your custom
configuration includes all of them.

BBB writes:
Im having trouble installing my coustom kernel, config and make doesnt say any
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Re: Dell PowerEdge1850 Won't Take a Freebsd4.11 Installation.

2005-08-04 Thread Martin McCormick
A Dell PowerEdge1850 will, in fact take a FreeBSD4.11
installation.  This problem has been solved.

It turns out that Dell Computers only supports a particular
version of Redhat at this time.  They put a special partition on the
drives shipped with PowerEdge 1850's that is about 50 MB which is some
sort of diagnostic tool they use.  It has the side effect of
absolutely trashing many other Linux distributions and FreeBSD4.11,
possibly FreeBSD5.4, also although we didn't try it.

For some reason, the fdisk utility on a Windows98 boot disk is
Draconian enough to blow away the special partition and then
everything works like normal.

Thanks to those who had helpful suggestions.  It turned out
not to be FreeBSD's fault at all.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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Re: Dell PowerEdge1850 Won't Take a Freebsd4.11 Installation.

2005-08-03 Thread Martin McCormick
Lowell Gilbert writes:
Well, I'd certainly expect 5.4 or later, with the ATA and RAID
improvements, to work better, but you're right that it kind of 
sounds more like the CD is giving you the problems.

Check the emergency shell (alt-F4, I think?) for any messages...

Thank you very much.  I have downloaded the iso images for 5.4
that I need to get started:


and discovered another surprise.  There appears to be no headless
option as in boot -h although I may have missed it.  A google search
turned up a pretty good article on how to make a headless boot.flp
floppy for 5.4.

Is there any way to make the standard boot CD come up on a
serial port?

The instructions for making the boot.flp image assume you
already have FreeBSD5.4 installed somewhere which I don't yet have.

I did see a bootsio file on the bootonly CD so that looks like
a possibility.

As a computer user who happens to be blind, the ability to do
a cold start from a serial port, preferably from the boot/installation
cd saves lots of time and tinkering.  Most of us are in this business
because we love to tinker, but sometimes there is a job to be done and
the faster it gets done, the better.

Thanks again.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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Dell PowerEdge1850 Won't Take a Freebsd4.11 Installation.

2005-08-02 Thread Martin McCormick
I just powered up a shiny new Dell Poweredge 1850 with the
idea of installing FreeBSD4.11 on it.  Everything started out okay
until I got to the part in the Standard Installation where it was
going to extract the distributions just after formatting the disk,
actually the hardware raid disks.

At that point, every single distribution prompted the message
that roughly goes:

User Information.  Unable to extract blablabla from acd0.

So far, game over.

A 750 server which also has a RAID controller is, so far,
taking the installation perfectly.

The CDROM drive works well enough to boot and the boot process
looks right until I try to extract the distributions such as /bin,

Are there any other things to investigate before saying that
4.11 and Dell 1850's don't get along?

Thanks for any ideas.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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Virtual Interfaces and Subnet Masks

2005-06-23 Thread Martin McCormick
We needed to bring up a second interface on a FreeBSD system
in order to cause it to substitute for another FreeBSD box that
bravely stayed up for 471 days and then appears to have had a
hardware failure of some kind.

The substitute system already had fxp0 on the network in
question and when I brought up fxp1 on that same network, the
nightmare started.  You can't seem to have two interfaces with the
same subnet mask on the same VLAN.  After much frustration, I simply
changed the primary interface to be that of the dead host and we are
doing without the original address for now.

The network mask is  Is there any way to have
more than one interface on the same subnet with that same subnet mask?

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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Re: Bourn Shell Scripts that Produce Multiple Files

2005-04-06 Thread Martin McCormick
Mario Hoerich writes:
This sounds a bit like a truncation issue.

If you do something like

command1  bar
# some code
command2  bar

then the second redirect will truncate the file to 0 bytes
before redirecting the output from command2 into it.


My code was very similar to what you describe only more like:

command1  bar
#some code
command2  bar2
#should leave bar alone and open bar2
#Instead, bar and bar2 both end up empty of anything.

Try using  instead of , as it appends to the file.

What's sad is, I think I tried that but forgot to remove some
older versions of the same files created by a less elegant method so
it looked like the new files had too many lines in them and I figured
that appending didn't work either.  I should have cleaned house first
and things would have been fine.

Appending did solve the problem.

If this doesn't help, please post the script (or a simplified
version thereof).  We're not clairvoyant, you know... :)

Here is the simplified origin of the problem:

#! /bin/sh
searchfor ()  {
#line of awk that produces standard output
return 0
while read currentnumber; do
#This line does work according to your suggestion.
searchfor  $currentnumber.txt
#This line was what I had which opens new files but never fills them:
#searchfor  $currentnumber.txt
done ~/numbers

The value held in $currentnumber.txt changes with each loop
iteration so we should be writing to bar2, bar3, etc and leaving bar1
alone.  It apparently does not work that way.  It reminds me of what
happens in C if a program ends without closing an open file for
whatever reason.  The buffer never gets emptied so the file is left
either empty or partially filled depending upon luck and how much data
got written to the disk before the abnormal end.

My short-term problem is solved so thanks again, but it
appears that even opening new files without appending them confuses
the shell on previously-opened files such that you do not receive any
data in any of the files.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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Bourn Shell Scripts that Produce Multiple Files

2005-04-05 Thread Martin McCormick
I wrote a Bourn Shell script which has a while loop in it that
reads a file line by line.  The output of the script is supposed to go
to a file with a different name for each iteration of the loop.  This
scheme is obviously a rotten idea because all the new files end up
created, but quite empty.  If I take out the  $newfilename.txt
directive, I get the proper output at stdout so the only problem is
with changing the file name in the middle of the game several times.

I think that either the output gets lost in buffers or I am
killing the association between the file descriptor that was first
opened and all the new files that get created each time the loop runs.
bash doesn't have anything like a fflush(); function,
does it?

I even tried piping the output through cat as in |cat
$newfilename.txt and even |tee $newfilename.txt which sends the
output to stdout and to any files you give to tee as arguments.

The results are always the same.  When I used tee, I could
read proper output being sent through stdout, but those files were
still as blank as ever.

The man page for bash doesn't even contain the word flush nor
does it discuss output buffering regarding redirection or closing
open files.

I actually made the script work by splitting it in to two
shell scripts which caused the part producing the output to exit each
time.  That certainly caused output to go to the proper files, but I
think there should be a way to make it all happen from one script.

Thank you for any suggestions.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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Best Practice for Allowing non-root Users Access to Serial Port?

2005-04-01 Thread Martin McCormick
What is the safest way to let non-root users access
/dev/ttyd0?  I notice that in FreeBSD, /dev/ttydx is owned by
root:wheel.  In linux, the ttySx's are in a special group so the trick
there is to add users to that group and make sure the ttyS's are group

Here, I want the users to be able to use C-kermit to talk to a
remote device without them having to be root.

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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Re: Best Practice for Allowing non-root Users Access to Serial Port?

2005-04-01 Thread Martin McCormick
My thanks to all who have responded with this and similar

Roland Smith writes:
Making kermit users members of a group, and have that group own
/dev/cuaa* with read/write privileges seems like a good idea.

For instance, create a group kermit with 'pw groupadd kermit'. Then
you can use devfs(8) to change the ownership and permissions of the
relevant device: devfs rule add path 'cuaa*' mode 0660 group
kermit. This setting will not survive a reboot, so you'll have to add the
following to /etc/devfs.rules: add path 'cuaa*' mode 0660 group kermit.

Now add the relevant users to the group kermit:
'pw groupmod kermit -m foo,bar,baz'

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Re: Best Practice for Allowing non-root Users Access to Serial Port?

2005-04-01 Thread Martin McCormick
Roland Smith writes:
Since you want to dial out, I think you'll need to use /dev/cuaa*.

This turns out to be a much better choice than /dev/ttyd0.  I
forgot about those serial devices completely because I was focused on
the ttyd* devices.  The cuaa devices at least in FreeBSD4.11 are owned
by uucp but are in a group called dialer and have a mode of 660
already set meaning I don't have to do anything but put those who
would use them in the dialer group.  Problem solved!

Again, thanks to everyone who responded.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
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/dev/ttyd0 as an Input Device Works on some Systems but not others.

2005-02-03 Thread Martin McCormick
I wrote a C program that opens /dev/ttyd0 for reading data
from an external device.  I had beginner's luck because it worked in
Linux (actually that device is called /dev/ttyS0) and on the first
FreeBSD box I tried it as /dev/ttyd0.  The /etc/ttys file had
/dev/ttyd0 set to off so there was no login banner and that system has
been reading telephone switch logging data 24/7 for over 600 days.

I then tried two different FreeBSD servers, each one with 2
serial ports and that's where I ran in to trouble.  Here is what I

On systems like the one that is working, a test command like

echo hello /dev/ttyd0 

works fine even if nothing is connected to the serial port.  The port
can be opened with /dev/ttyd0 as a file descripter and read
indefinitely as long as an EOF char isn't received.

On the two-port systems I have had trouble with, echoing
anything to /dev/ttyd0 causes a total hang of that command that one
can't break with anything short of a reboot.

I have actually tried two single-port FreeBSD systems and both could 
from ttyd0 and echoing output to ttyd0 worked as described.  One of
the systems is the one that has been up for 600 odd days.

The BIOS settings on the two-port systems that won't work this
way indicate that the port is on.  The other choices are Auto and Off.

Any ideas as to the reason for the differences and how I can
make /dev/ttyd0 work the same way every time?

The dmesg output describing the serial ports from one of the
2-port systems reads as follows:

sio0 at port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on isa0
sio0: type 16550A
sio1 at port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa0
sio1: type 16550A

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
OSU Information Technology Division Network Operations Group
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/dev/ttyd0 as an Input Device Works on some Systems but not others.

2005-02-03 Thread Martin McCormick
I posted a question a few hours ago about the strange problems
I had been having with some FreeBSD systems and the use of /dev/ttyd0
as an input device for logging data.

After searching the FreeBSD handbook, I found the discussion
of the callout ports cuaaN which do not use hardware RTS/CTS type
hand shakes.  I remember reading this one other time and thinking it
was for modems exclusively but it appears to be what I should have
been using all along.  What seems to happen is that older systems with
one serial port respond to both ttydN and cuaaN work properly.  The
newer platforms with at least two serial ports need cuaaN if there is
to be no hardware flow-control.  ttydN calls just hang forever and may
or may not unblock if they see DSR from the other system.

Martin McCormick
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UNIX-Based VPN Applications

2005-01-12 Thread Martin McCormick
I have been asked as to whether there are any VPN applications
that can run on UNIX clients using Linux, FreeBSD, and MacOS.  I think
the general idea is that they could tunnel in from outside of our
campus and receive an IP number on our network.

There would probably be a UNIX server on the campus end of the network
to accept these connections.

Those of us who work here or are students can set up a UNIX
box on campus and use ssh in to it from anywhere.  What I am asking
about is whether there is a VPN application that UNIX-users in general
can register with to have a presence on our network.

Thank you very much.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
OSU Information Technology Division Network Operations Group
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How to Send a Bell Character as Part of the Prompt in CSH

2004-11-08 Thread Martin McCormick
I set a prompt string in the root .cshrc file of a system and
wanted it to ring the terminal bell on each new shell prompt.
Instead, I get the representation of the \a expression as a control
character as in ^g appearing on the screen instead of the VT100
emulation receiving the ASCII 7 character to beep the terminal.  If I
type a Control-G, I do hear a bell, but if I include it in the prompt
string, it always gets translated in to ^g.  What do I need to look at
to change this behavior?

The prompt string in question is:

set prompt=\a\!# 

I did try

set prompt=`echo `\!# 

with exactly the same results.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
OSU Information Technology Division Network Operations Group
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Defining Make Variables from the Command Line

2004-08-18 Thread Martin McCormick
What is the correct command line syntax for defining a
variable to the Makefile?

The expect port will make either with or without X11 support.
I want it without X11 and there is an ifdefine WITHOUT_X11 test in the
Makefile.  My only problem is I remember that it can be done, but I
don't remember the exact syntax.  Sometimes, if you get those wrong,
make still works but you get the build you didn't want.   Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
OSU Information Technology Division Network Operations Group
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