Re: Google Earth... Anyone?

2006-06-22 Thread Martin Tournoy
On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 21:41:16 -, Jeff Molofee [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

does anyone know how to resolve the following error in googleearth  

=== Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
=== Extracting for google-earth-4
= MD5 Checksum OK for GoogleEarthLinux.bin.
= SHA256 Checksum OK for GoogleEarthLinux.bin.
=== Patching for google-earth-4
=== google-earth-4 depends on executable: unmakeself - found
=== Configuring for google-earth-4
=== Building for google-earth-4
=== Installing for google-earth-4
=== google-earth-4 depends on executable: update-mime-database - found
=== google-earth-4 depends on file:  
/compat/linux/usr/X11R6/lib/ - found
=== google-earth-4 depends on file: /compat/linux/etc/fedora-release -  

=== Generating temporary packing list
=== Checking if astro/google-earth already installed
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/share/google-earth
install -o root -g wheel -m 444  
No such file or directory

*** Error code 71

Create an empty file with the same name, program will probably still work.  
(not pretty solution though)

Try doing manual install, just extract and follow whatever instructions  
google provides you.

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Re: Mounting an old drive/filesystem?

2006-06-22 Thread Martin Tournoy
On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 17:03:09 -, Reuben A. Popp  

Hello all,

We have an old dusty DECstation (last bootup circa 1993) that is finally  
removed from our server room after we do one final dump of the data.  If  

were to remove its drives to attatch to a modern scsi card, could I still
mount them under FreeBSD?  I'm pretty sure Ultrix was UFS, but I'm not  

positive.  Anyone have any suggestions or ideas?

Thanks in advance
Reuben A. Popp

Ultrix is based on 4.2BSD and uses UFS.

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Re: HELP! Filesystem EMPTY after upgrade from 4.11 to 6.1

2006-06-22 Thread Martin Tournoy
On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 20:06:38 -, Sven Hazejager  

Hi all!

I have quite a big problem here

I've upgraded my FreeBSD 4.11 to 6.1. Basically, I did a newfs of / and  

and reinstalled from scratch. That worked.

Rebooted in 6.1 single user mode, mounted /, /usr and /usr/home. The  

I did not touch and I need to save that partition. /usr/home had all the
files it needed to have. PROBLEM: mount said soft-updates were not set on
/usr/home. So I did umount /usr/home, tunefs -n enable /usr/home, mount
/usr/home again... EMPTY

What has gone wrong? I did fsck (in read-only), no problems, rebooted the
system, did tunefs -n disable, still no luck. I really need those files

Please help urgently.

Many thanks,

Sven Hazejager

4.11 uses UFS1, 6.1 UFS2, there might be some conflict there...

Try using stellar phoenix BSD, it can recover data, before you start  
messing around and destroy stuff...

It's not free, but there's a free trial...
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Re: Filesystem using tags, not folders?

2006-06-09 Thread Martin Tournoy
On Fri, 09 Jun 2006 14:40:06 -, Kyrre Nygard [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


Just a wild thought here ...

After noticing how much simpler it is using tags, for instance
with my bookmarks at -- compared to hours of
frustration trying find the right combination of folders and
sub folders in my Firefox' bookmarks.html, I was wondering
if the same approach could be used to arrange the UNIX filesystem
hierarchy, from the root and up. This is just a radical thought,
not yet an idea even -- but if somebody would be willing to think
with me -- maybe we could make a big change.

All the best,

I suppose it could work, then again, folders also work, and having tags  
would basicly be the same as having folders.

I don't really see any advantage...

I believe microsoft is planning something like this for their new  
filesystem, winfs

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Re: release 6.1

2006-06-02 Thread Martin Tournoy
On Wed, 31 May 2006 12:49:42 -, mehmet gogebakan  

i would like to install 6.1-RELEASE to my computer , configuration is:
LG cdrom 52x
8 MB Grafic card
40 gb hd
p3 800 mhz processor
azza motherboard
could you please tell me whether this configuration is suitable,  if not  
tell me the minimum configuration it should be..

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I prepared the following computer for my brother a while ago:

AMD K-7-2 300 MHz (super socket 7, i586 with some i686 features)
128 MB RAM
32 MB Graphic card

The system runs on FreeBSD 6.0 (system demands for 6.1 didn't change alot,  
if they changed at all) with Fluxbox as the window manager and XFCE4-panel  
to provide a windows-like panel.

I see alot of computers, and this one actually runs faster then most  
pentium 4 computers with windows xp.

And not to forget, jus as easy, if not easyer...
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Re: Reducing the size of /

2006-05-12 Thread Martin Tournoy
the /usr/ports/distfiles dir are the source files you downloaded while  
installing ports.

You can safly empty the whole directory

You can delete /boot/kernel.old if the new kernel is working

/usr/local/etc/cvsup/sup/src-all/checkouts.cvs can be safly deleted

/usr/ports/INDEX-5 can be deleted, it is used for searching ports (make  
search name=) and some portmanagers, yopu might want to keep it...

You can delete /usr/obj

You might want to delete /usr/src, if your not planning to update often  
that is...

If you don't install/upgrade alot of ports, you can delete the ports tree

On Fri, 12 May 2006 16:28:45 -, bsd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi again,

Most of the files that are large seems to be located in /usr/ports/ 

What will be the effect of deleting some of these files ?

root:abcdef 18:14 ~ # find -x / -size +1 -print

Thks again.

Le 12 mai 06 à 18:20, Bill Moran a écrit :

bsd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have three partitions on my server and would like to reduce the
size of / because I am getting quite full !

Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
devfs  1.0K1.0K  0B   100%/dev
/dev/ar0s1d 60G1.9G 53G 3%/home

What are the places I could start looking in to delete not so usefull
files, knowing that I am syncing using portsnat (and previously cvsup).

Try installing pkg_cutleaves port and see if it can help you clean up
unneeded ports.  Also, consider trimming down your log files in / 

You can also use the du -hd1 / trick to narrow down where all the
space is being used.  Depending on what's installed on the server,  

I doubt you'll be able to free up much of that space.

--Bill Moran

MAL: Hell, this job I would pull for free.
ZOE: Can I have your share?
MAL: No.
ZOE: If you die, can I have your share?
MAL: Yes.


Gregober --- PGP ID -- 0x1BA3C2FD
bsd @at@


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Re: Problem installing FreeBSD 6.0

2006-04-26 Thread Martin Tournoy
On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 10:34:44 -, User Gandalf  


I'm trying to install FreeBSD 6.0 on a regular x86 PC. I'm using the  
official install disk. It tells me that there are no CD/DVD drives are  
detected. I have a Pioneer DVD writer (DVR-110D). That has ATAPI  
interface and I booted the installer from it... I also tried to install  
the system using a passive ftp connection. It start downloading the base  
distribution, and I get messages like:

pid 125 (cpio), uid 0 inumber 514 on /: out of inodes

Unfortunately, I cannot run any commands on the emergency terminal  
because there are no commands to execute at all.

Can you help me please?

Did you do a custom newfs?
What's you partition layout?
What did you install (only the bare base? or also additional  

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Re: freebsd install on an i386

2006-04-22 Thread Martin Tournoy

I have downloaded the 6.1rc1 iso. I dont mind downloading the release
candidate compared to the mainstream because i have been using linux
for about 4 months and know my way around.
  I have to do the following,
  1) install freebsd(on a UFS file system) and dual  boot it with
windows XP(on fat32 not ntfs). Can freebsd bootmanager do  this by
  2) I use an adsl modem though ethernet card, i used to set it up
as eth0 in linux.
  It requires no password or user name.
  How do i do this in freebsd.
  Also is there a journalized filesystem and locate command in

The FreeBSD boot manager works great, it will automagicly detect your  
partitions and allow you to boot them.

Does you ADSL modem act as router?

Locate works the same as in Linux:
Update you database, type:
periodic weekly
to update it
them just type locate foobar
Also take a look at /etc/locate.rc
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Re: Opinion please on quick and dirty

2006-04-21 Thread Martin Tournoy
On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 03:53:23 -, Low Kian Seong [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Dear all,

Not really a question, rather a plea of opinion. I looked around for a  
howto on FreeBSD but found none, so i wrote my own, and I want to  
the docs back, but before that can anyone interested please have a look  
it and tell me what you think ? The guide is a quick and dirty on how to  

zope installed and running on your FreeBSD box.

Thanks in advance.

It would help you could show me the howto

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Re: booting problems

2006-04-20 Thread Martin Tournoy
On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 21:46:24 -, boy red [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

i have so far installed freeBSD OS and set up the
accounts but im having some problems. it just takes me
2 a black DOS type screen and i dont know how 2 get
in. by getting in i mean that it doesnt take me to the
place where i actually start using the computer.
please help.

If your looking for a quick gui setup, try this:
first go to root, do this by typing:
enter your root password.
then type:
pkg_add -r gnome2
exec csh

This will install ad start the gnome graphical user interface, to  
automaticly start it when FreeBSD starts, type(as root)

ee /etc/ttys
Scroll down a few lines and you'll see this line:

ttyv9   /usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon  xterm   off secur

replace xdm with gdm and replace off with on.
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Re: Window Manager Opinions

2006-04-20 Thread Martin Tournoy
On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 14:48:10 -, Huy Ton That [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Just a general question; not sure if it belongs in questions but let me  

otherwise.  I'm currently using gnome2 as my desktop environment on RC
6.1but it is a little dry;  What are you all using out there and any
reasons as
to behind the decision and such.

Does exactly what I want it to do: manage windows
It runs fast and stable...
use x11-wm/fluxbox-devel and not x11-wm/fluxbox
The development version is more stable, the only reason it's still a  
development version is the lack of documentation...

I used gnome when I starting out with FreeBSD a few years back, and it  
worked pretty well to, bit easyer...

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2006-04-14 Thread Martin Tournoy
On Thu, 13 Apr 2006 21:57:58 -, Wil Hatfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Did you use a 80- or 40-ATA cable?
If  you've configured your drives to do UATA-66 or faster then
FreeBSD (or
any other OS for that matter) will crash if you connect a second  

It's an 80 wire. I have two drives on nearly all of my machines and never
had an issue with crashing until just recently. Started in 5.4, gone in
6.1-PRE, back in 6.1-RC.  It doesn't happen alot though under 6.1-RC. But
under 5.4 it was about every 8 hours on average. So in one sense 6.1 is
still saving my arsh.

Wil Hatfield

I suspect some kind of hardware problem, and not a software problem...
If you can, boot into another OS, preferbly windows, since it will crash  
on just about anything, you can use your swap partition to install it...

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2006-04-13 Thread Martin Tournoy

On Thu, 13 Apr 2006 15:53:57 -, Anish Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thursday 13 April 2006 07:47, Wil Hatfield wrote:

 I had a similar situation under 6.0. My secondary drive would
 throw DMA read
 errors at bootup, adding several minutes to the boot process, so
 I ran it in
 PIO mode. The upgrade to 6.1 solved it, both drives work fine as
 DMA now.

Looks like the DMA errors are back in 6.1-RC with ATA or at least
similar DMA errors. The new one froze my machine with an error like
Error while performing DMA_WRITE command. A new twist to the
WRITE_DMA Timeouts of 5.4. I am starting to think that they aren't
going to get the ATA issues all worked out anytime soon so they are
changing the errors. ;-)

And of course no automatic reboot on panic.

Do you have a backtrace?

Did you use a 80- or 40-ATA cable?
If  you've configured your drives to do UATA-66 or faster then FreeBSD (or  
any other OS for that matter) will crash if you connect a second drive...

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Re: Slow floppy operation

2006-03-16 Thread Martin Tournoy

On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 09:50:51 -, Maxim Vetrov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I've not used floppy in my notebook for a while, then when I did, I  
found that it worked very slowly :-)

Here is the stats:

  dd if=boot.flp of=/dev/fd0
2880+0 records in
2880+0 records out
1474560 bytes transferred in 607.571848 secs (2427 bytes/sec)

Notebook is a Sharp Mebius PC-MJ730P, system is 6.0-RELEASE, compiled  
from sources. I don't know where to dig.

Any suggestions are welcome.


Floppy's  FreeBSD don't go well together, it's slow and kernel panics  
aren't rare...

The emulators/mtools seems to be a nice wrapper for floppy writing...

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Network bridge with IPFW, can't get it working

2006-03-08 Thread Martin Tournoy

Here's the situation:
I work at a computer repair shop, as we all know viruses, ad-ware and  
other mal-ware is a huge problem in the windows world, and a lot of people  
come to us to have their pc's cleaned up.

Some of those programs spread themselves actively, or are used as zombie  
computers, which is somewhat of a problem for us because it can infect  
other PCs on the net, also our ISP (temporarily) shut us down some time  
ago for security reasons.

We have a firewall on our router, but it only blocks incoming traffic from  
the net, which makes life a bit easyer because we don't have to open up  
ports for all kind of programs all the time.

Since we more or less need internet on infected PC's (to download  
virus-scanners, updates, etc.),  I'm trying to setup a bridge with a  
firewall (IPFW), which should separate filter any bad traffic before it  
goes to the internet.

Problem is, it doesn't work(which is secure, but not quite what I  

The bridge works fine, if I shut down IPFW (or tell IPFW to allow  
everything) I have network access, so no problems there...

If I scan for DHCP servers, It finds the server and DNS, but doesn't get  
an IP-adress (?!) for some reason, no matter what I do...

My rc.firewall is attached, I made it as simple as possible, complexity  
and spiffy features can always be added later, let's get the thing working  
I would really appreciate it if someone looked over it, there are probably  
errors in there.

What the REAL problem is, is that I'm a real novice at firewalls, and some  
things really confuse me, more specifically:

- The 'bridged' keyword, does it HAVE to be added to every rule? or is it  
just recommended? or just specific rules?

- Which ports do I need to open? I think I have all I need now (DHCP, DNS,  
http, https, ping), maybe there's some hidden port I forgot?

- Should I use PF? (Is it easyer for a novice?)

- Should I just setup a separate LAN? Bridging seems simpler, but doesn't  
seem to be very common/well documented...

I don't think it matters, but just in case:
I'm using two 3Com 3C905B-TX NIC's (xl)

My uname -a is:
#0: Wed Feb 22 12:47:58 UTC 2006  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/FILTERSHIT  i387

Description: Binary data
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Re: Accesing BSD disk under windows

2006-03-07 Thread Martin Tournoy

On Mon, 06 Mar 2006 13:01:21 -, Michael Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 12:14:43 +0100 (CET), you wrote:


I found an old disk (24 Mo!) and I know I installed BSD on it... years  

How can I read this disk under windows XP pro?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,


FFS File System Driver for Windows
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FFS Drive crashes all the time, causing BSOD's and reboots, and doesn't  
properly read disks (sometimes files are marked as corrupt while they  
are not).

I can't find any other program

maybe cygwin has ffs/ufs read support?
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Re: FreeBSD handbook.

2006-03-03 Thread Martin Tournoy

It's /usr/share/examples/cvsup/doc-supfile
cvsup /usr/share/examples/cvsup/doc-supfile
should work, although you'll need to set a server in the supfile first...

The source will be put in /usr/doc/

On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 18:21:27 -, Iantcho Vassilev [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Use one of the supplied cvs-up files(/usr/local/share/example/cvsup - i



How can I get the sgml #sources# of the FreeBSD handbook?

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Re: Wake-on-LAN won't work if FreeBSD/Linux shuts down the system...?

2006-01-25 Thread Martin Tournoy
 You ask such a question without saying anything about what NIC
 you are using?

Forgot to mention that I tried about 5 diffrent NIC's, and 3 or 4
diffrent pc's to...
Sorry about that...

I've thought about shutting the machine down with acpiconf to, but
since I'm using older systems, which don't have ACPI, I can't use
that, I can try experimenting with a newer system though...
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Re: forum software / hosting

2006-01-25 Thread Martin Tournoy
 1)  Which forum software runs on FreeBSD?

The Operating system doesn't matter, for most forums the webserver
(apache, caudium etc.) needs to have certain modules loaded (php, asp,
etc.) and/or a database server(mysql, bdb, etc.).
Check the program's site to see what is needed, php and mysql are the
most popular at the moment...

 3)  Is anyone familiar with web forum software?  Can you point me to
 any of:

I personly like phpBB, it's been in development for quite some time
and has quite a bit of features and good
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Wake-on-LAN won't work if FreeBSD/Linux shuts down the system...?

2006-01-20 Thread Martin Tournoy
I'm trying to get WoL working, and actually works quite well as long
as windows shuts down the system.
However, when FreeBSD or Linux shuts down my system, it won't work,
and if I manually turn on the system and shut it down again (even
before POST is done) WoL will work again(!?!?)

I've tried shutting down my system in every way I could think of, but
it doesn't seem to matter...

I've been googling for hours on this and didn't get alot wiser, does
anyone have any experience or solution for this?

Thank you
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Re: FreeBSD vs Linux

2006-01-18 Thread Martin Tournoy
 Windows almost runs everything

Quite the opposite, try running some application from a few years back
on windows 200 or XP, big chance it won't work.

 Unix has not matured yet to compete with Microsoft.

Yeah, let's just forget that UNIX had stuff like network support
before windows even existed...
Windows has a few edged on Unix, DirectX for example, but on many
points UNIX is really in the lead, the fact that you can't get a
driver for some specific card doesn't have anything do to with
maturing, but with commerce, Microsoft pays hardware manufacturers to
make drivers for their OS, FreeBSD is non-profit and can't afford such
Windows has crap driver management, where you can simply use the ICH
driver for just about all Intel integrated sound chips, while you have
to get(download) a different driver for all the different chips on
Who has matured?

 Unix community simply did not get their act together and try to build an OS
 for the masses. The main argument for Unix is it is Free, but
 compatibility and upgrade paths are different issues.

Upgrading is a pain on windows, upgrading from 98 to 2000 more or less
needs a format and clean install, while on FreeBSD you have much more
flexibility, so you can upgrade much easy er.
Let's not talk about the windows update site, and 15 reboots required..

Unix is for the masses, the only problem it has is a proper user friendly GUI.
With Windows on the other hand, you *HAVE* to do things as the
Microsoft programmers envisioned and liked things, and lacks a lot of
flexibility that FreeBSD does have, which makes FreeBSD for the
masses, it doesn't matter if your an average end-luser, or a nerd, or
whatever, everyone can do what they want the way they want to do it,
you really don't have that kind of flexibility with windows.

Everyone should use whatever they prefer to use, but there a couple of
very good arguments in favor of FreeBSD, and while there are also
arguments in favor of windows they are fewer...

Say whatever you want, but the Unix permission system is better than
Window's, it much more simple and elegant, which means less
headache's, less mistakes and more security.

The same goes for window's configuration, the registry, it's not a bad
idea, but horribly failed, now you have a huge file with a lot of
data, half of it redundant, and the worst is that it's undocumented.
FreeBSD simply has a set of configuration files, mostly in /etc and
/usr/local/etc most of them have a man page, and an example file in
This again is simpler, which, again, means less headaches, less
mistakes and better security, performance etc.

There are tons of examples like this, the fact that windows XP is 1.3
GB in size (Minimal!) is enough to know that windows is loaded with
complicated shit, while the much simpler and elegant approach in
FreeBSD works better.

It's same as physics or biology really, I came across this quote recently:
If you encounter a formula more that a quarter of a page long, then
forget it, nature doesn't make things that complicated.

Nature has been In development for billions of years, and learned
that simplicity is the key, why do anything different with computers?
Windows does...
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Re: FreeBSD vs Linux

2006-01-18 Thread Martin Tournoy
Dick Davies = Sorry for sending you this mail twice, accidently
pressed enter...(shoudn't eat and write e-mails at the same time...)

 So what? That's exactly the same for FreeBSD, even it's core apps.
 And vendors rush to support MS' new OSes.

There's a very big dump of unmaintained software, whenever I want to
play an old classic game like cc, x-com or even system shock
2(which is from '99) I have serious problems, and have to resort to
emulation software (which is quite different from compat4x for
example, which is compatibility and not emulation)

I've never had a problem with old software on FreeBSD, there are
probably many but much less.

 Have you ever brought 4.x up to 6.x? It doesn't sound like it.

Nope, but I've been reading this mailing list long enough to know it's
a real pain, but I'm quite sure it is possible.
Note that I used much easy er and not easy

 There are tools to solve this for windows, and there has been
 for a long time.

Yet another third-party hack?

 Try updating 200 FreeBSD boxes, then try the same with a decent
 imaging system for windows.

Shell script...?

  Unix is for the masses, the only problem it has is a proper user friendly 

 Then it isn't for the masses. Deal with it.

This really wasn't my point, what I tried to say was that UNIX isn't
the big user-unfriendly beast some people like you to believe, and
that it can serve as user-friendly desktop just as well as Windows can
(MacOS is a good example of this)

 It's also very outdated and has been reinvented several times.
 RBAC, SeLinux and MAC would indicate it's not flexible enough for
 most people.

Not flexible enough for some people that is, not most, every system
has it's ups and downs, and the standard permissions work for just
about all desktop PCs and most hobby-servers

 That's not in itself a good thing. As I understand it, the registry is a  
 central place for storing configuration details.

More or less, however, it sucks, open regedit and browse through it
and you'll know what I mean, names are cryptic and non-descriptive,
the hierarchy doesn't make sense, and worst, it's undocumented..
Which means that hacking the registry is something similair to hacking

Editing ten diffrent files to change one thing is easyer, quicker and
leads to less heacache then changing something in the registry...

 Have a look at things like Solaris SMF and you realise that rcNG isn't  as 
 good as it could be either.

Never used Solaris so I can't say anything about their SMF, a (very)
quick glance reminded me of linux...
Anyway, rc isn't perfect, but it works for me, it atleast makes sense...
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Re: Slow 2d performance in X / opera / nvidia drivers

2006-01-13 Thread Martin Tournoy
Don't see any XOrg log file, you forgot to attatch it?

And what is Xinerama, i thought it was a window manager like KDE or gnome...?

Try loading from the open-source driver, or generic vga or vesa, will
that improve preformance?

You said problems started to occur with Opera 8 and later, did you try
using opera 7.x or 6.x? it those work alright I think opera support
would be the best place to be

On 12/01/06, Josh Paetzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thursday 12 January 2006 04:25 am, Joseph Kerian wrote:
  On 1/11/06, Martin Tournoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On 10/01/06, Josh Paetzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  *many helpful attachments snipped*
I've been having terrible 2d performance with opera
(linux-opera and native 8.51 and 9.0) using the nvidia drivers.
 When I windowshade it and then restore it there is a sizeable
delay while it redraws the window.  If I rapidly shade and
restore the window my idle CPU time goes to 0% and mp3 playback
will occassionally skip.
The problem first started when Opera 8 was released, I hoped
that further releases would address it but so far that has not
been the case.  Any suggestions for a fix welcome.
(Yes, I have been seeking support on but this feels
like a FreeBSD mis-configuration of some sort on my end. :)
   You might try turning the twinview of, it takes up heaps of
   resources on my machine, then again, your machine has 300% more
   RAM and clockspeed, so it should be able to handle it fine
   Try using freebsd AGP, the nvidia should work better but you
   might want to try it anyway...
  The other useful file for this might be your Xorg log.
   Which window manager do you use, I noted that KDE can be really,
   really slow even on newer machines (Krap Desktop Enviorment)
  *bites the troll*
   Is this problem ONLY with opera? or with other applications to?
   if you have another QT application you might want try how that
   runs. Also check you QT version, maybe it's ancient?
   Did you try using both the static/shared QT versions? If not, it
   might make a diffrence.
  I haven't had this problem at all with Opera on the ports KDE,
  using a far inferior nvidia card.
  I have had a bit of shared library wierdness, but Opera simply
  refused to run until I fixed that.
  If this is a PCI-Express card, note the discussion of 3d
  performance here:

 Well, I think I may have found the problem but can't seem to find a
 fix to test my theory.  Xorg is loading Xinerama and I've found some
 noise via google that there is a 'nvidia-xinerama' that is faster
 than the native 'xorg-xinerama'.  I've tried disabling xinerama in my
 Xorg conf file but it loads anyways.

 Attached is my xorg.log


 Josh Paetzel

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Re: Slow 2d performance in X / opera / nvidia drivers

2006-01-11 Thread Martin Tournoy
On 10/01/06, Josh Paetzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 gimpy# uname -a
 FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p8 FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p8 #9: Fri
 Jan  6 20:26:44 CST 2006
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GIMPY  i386

 dmesg attached

 Xorg config attached

 Kernel config attached

 I've been having terrible 2d performance with opera (linux-opera and
 native 8.51 and 9.0) using the nvidia drivers.  When I windowshade it
 and then restore it there is a sizeable delay while it redraws the
 window.  If I rapidly shade and restore the window my idle CPU time
 goes to 0% and mp3 playback will occassionally skip.

 The problem first started when Opera 8 was released, I hoped that
 further releases would address it but so far that has not been the
 case.  Any suggestions for a fix welcome.

 (Yes, I have been seeking support on but this feels like a
 FreeBSD mis-configuration of some sort on my end. :)


 Josh Paetzel

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You might try turning the twinview of, it takes up heaps of resources
on my machine, then again, your machine has 300% more RAM and
clockspeed, so it should be able to handle it fine

Try using freebsd AGP, the nvidia should work better but you might
want to try it anyway...

Which window manager do you use, I noted that KDE can be really,
really slow even on newer machines (Krap Desktop Enviorment)

Is this problem ONLY with opera? or with other applications to? if you
have another QT application you might want try how that runs.
Also check you QT version, maybe it's ancient?

Did you try using both the static/shared QT versions? If not, it might
make a diffrence.

Don't post your dmesg again please, it makes me drool which makes my
keyboard dirty..
95 gig SCSI HDD *drool*
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Re: Laughing-out-loud

2005-12-06 Thread Martin Tournoy
Wrong mailinglist, perhaps, but glad you send it anyway...
Might actually go in my mail signature

On 06/12/05, Pietro Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2005/12/6, Uncle Deejy-Pooh [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Windows: Where do you want to go today?
   Linux: Where do you want to go tomorrow?
   FreeBSD: Are you guys coming or what?
  Oughtn't to post this here, I know, but this is very funny !
  Congratulations upon making me laugh on a wet, damp, Tuesday in
  Seasons Greetings to all...

 I shouldn't get any credits for this, it's not mine, I just found it
 on the net...
 Sometimes Internet still offers interesting stuff, doesn't it? ;-)

 Pietro Cerutti

 Beansidhe - SwiSS Death / Thrash Metal

 Windows: Where do you want to go today?
 Linux: Where do you want to go tomorrow?
 FreeBSD: Are you guys coming or what?
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Re: spontaneous reboots/ what causes these in general?

2005-12-06 Thread Martin Tournoy
You might want to check if your power cables are all firmly and
properly connected, both those on the outside and inside.

You can also try running from a live-cd, or another harddisk with
another installation and see if the problem still occurs, if it does,
you know it's a hardware problem and not software...

Replace the power supply, maybe it's broken..

My experience is that checking for hardware problems before software
problems is the fastest way to fix something like this (example: a few
weeks back I spent a hour getting my floppy drive to work only to
discover the power cable wasn't connected, DUH!)

On 05/12/05, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 11:04:05AM -0800, Rob wrote:

  The idea of running Mozilla or Firefox from a terminal was a very good one. 
   I am getting an error message:  (Gecko:40685) Gdk-WARNING **: 
  gdk_property_get(): length value has wrapped in calculation (did you pass 
  I will run that by one of the mozilla.or  lists.

 That's harmless.

  But I am very curious what causes FreeBSD to reboot immediately?

 Hardware problems, generally.  Search the archives for extensive


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Re: kernel panic because I pulled a floppy?

2005-12-06 Thread Martin Tournoy
It happens, I've experienced quite some problems with floppy's and
FreeBSD 5.4 and 6.0

anyway, if you mount a floppy, pull it out and unmount it the kernel
might panic, if the floppy if reading writing and you pull it out the
kernel might panic, if you mount a floppy which is damaged or has a
damaged filesystem the kernel might panic

I think i've only seen FreeBSD crach about six times in the year I'm
using it, all of those were with floppy problems...

My advice:
Save all your work before you do anything with a floppy
Don't do anything with a floppy on critical machines
Think before you act when working with a floppy

It sucks, I know, I always use a windows machine when I need to write
or read something on a floppy.
Using windows instead of freebsd because it's better at something. . .
. . . . scary. . .

On 05/12/05, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 08:37:23AM -0500, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
  On 12/4/05, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is this true? If so, it would be the very first Unix that I've seen
crash from this kind of user-mistake.
   Turns out it's pretty hard to fix.
  Well, all I know is that it does happen on Linux, Solaris... I don't
  recall seeing it on HP-UX...
  I've popped floppies on those OSs before without incident when I went
  back to the directory. Luckily it's avoidable, just a little
  disappointing given FreeBSD's rock-solid reputation.



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Re: Can't reboot

2005-12-06 Thread Martin Tournoy
does the halt command work?
and the shutdown command?

On 05/12/05, Benjamin Sobotta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The messages seem fine to me. However, I have no clue why it doesn't
 reboot. :)


 On Monday 05 December 2005 03:59, Jose Borquez wrote:
  I attempted to reboot my pc using FreeBSD 5.4 and it appears to begin
  the process of rebooting and then I get the following message.  After
  this message it just hangs and I can't do anything to reboot it.
  Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop...done
  Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `bufdaemon' to stop...done
  Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop...done
  Syncing disks, vnodes remaining...1 0 0 0 done
  No buffers busy after final sync
  Does anyone have any suggestions on what I need to check or what the
  problem is?
  Thank you in advance,
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Re: DualBoot

2005-12-06 Thread Martin Tournoy
Dual-boot is always a bit of a risk to install, backup your important
data first...

I have good experiences with the GAG bootmanager, which can be
installed as a port sysutils/gag, and the website is

You can just create a boot floppy, and either save the config on the
floppy or the MBR, it simple and easy, unlike lilo or grub

On 04/12/05, martinko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mr. Albritton wrote:
  How viable is it to install FreeBSD along side WinXP?  (Dual Boot)  Also, 
  can the BSD MBR be removed once it's installed?  I've tried FIXMBR with the 
  WinXP CD and it didn't work  sigh  Any suggestions?
  Mike Albritton
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 you don't have to install fbsd's mbr at all. you could use win nt/xp
 boot manager. but fot that to work you would need to create a boot
 sector image to boot fbsd. i've achieved it with software called
 bootpart. or you can use grub.

 btw, my winxp stopped working after i tried to install 2nd installation
 of fbsd -- i had 5.4 and i installed 6.0. most unfortunately, fdisk
 shuffled partitions and my grub stopped working properly. i managed to
 fix it by hand (good old norton disk editor) and everything works fine
 but winxp -- i got a message saying something like it cannot load hal
 file or something. :-((


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Re: kernel panic because I pulled a floppy?

2005-12-06 Thread Martin Tournoy
mtools, hmm, might want to check that one out

Ok, stupid question perhaps, but what is top-posting, I'm new to the
whole mailling list stuff, so if you can explain a bit I won't do it

On 06 Dec 2005 10:12:40 -0500, Lowell Gilbert
 Don't top-post, please.

 Martin Tournoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  My advice:
  Save all your work before you do anything with a floppy
  Don't do anything with a floppy on critical machines
  Think before you act when working with a floppy

 Using the mtools port is a lot easier.  It uses the Windows model of
 separate devices instead of mounting the floppy into a unified
 filesystem tree, so it avoids the kernel interaction with the mount

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Re: DualBoot

2005-12-06 Thread Martin Tournoy
On 06/12/05, spen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 check this out for multi-boot OS:
  9.10. How can I use the Windows NT loader to boot FreeBSD?

  so if you choose to edit the boot.ini of windows XP system file you will
 just have to copy from freebsd /boot/boot1

  to some file and then just add it to your boot.ini. It works just fine to
 my laptop.

Whatever works for you, the downside of this is that the config file
is saved on the filesystem, not the MBR, so if you do the right thing
and remove windows from your PC then you'll have to get another
bootmanager anyway
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Re: DualBoot

2005-12-06 Thread Martin Tournoy
-- Forwarded message --
Date: 06-Dec-2005 16:16
Subject: Re: DualBoot
To: Martin Tournoy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Whatever works for you, the downside of this is that the config file
 is saved on the filesystem, not the MBR, so if you do the right thing
 and remove windows from your PC then you'll have to get another
 bootmanager anyway

 hadn't thought of that, that's a drawback.. but only in case you
remove windows and install some other os, am I right?
 I had trouble with the dual boot OS before editing the windows boot.ini
 I have 2 partitions on my laptop --on the first i've installed fbsd
WITH the bootMNG (grub) and on the second partition i post-installed
winXP. winXP overwrote the mbr and grub did not work.  So when the
machine booted only winXP started and I had no option to log to my
fbsd..that's why i edited the boot.ini
 To use grub now should I edit the conf file of grub?
 thank you for the suggestion


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Re: DualBoot

2005-12-06 Thread Martin Tournoy

Well, not entirly, If windows craches, and you to reinstall you'll
also need to reinstall the boot manager, not much work, but still...
Also, there's a small change of the windows filesystem going bad on
the wrong location (where your boot manager is located) and you won't
be able to boot into anything...

I have no idea how grub actually works, you probably need to run an
installer program or boot from a floppy/cd to install it, check the
grub documentation

On a sidenote, windows(all versions) always overwrite your MBR,
without asking or even mentioning it, that, among others, is a good
reason to install windows first, and whatever other OS next...
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Re: spontaneous reboots/ what causes these in general?

2005-12-06 Thread Martin Tournoy
On 06/12/05, Rob Lytle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 6 Dec 2005 14:19:44 +
 Martin Tournoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You might want to check if your power cables are all firmly and
  properly connected, both those on the outside and inside.
  You can also try running from a live-cd, or another harddisk with
  another installation and see if the problem still occurs, if it does,
  you know it's a hardware problem and not software...
  Replace the power supply, maybe it's broken..
  My experience is that checking for hardware problems before software
  problems is the fastest way to fix something like this (example: a few
  weeks back I spent a hour getting my floppy drive to work only to
  discover the power cable wasn't connected, DUH!)
  On 05/12/05, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 11:04:05AM -0800, Rob wrote:
The idea of running Mozilla or Firefox from a terminal was a very good 
one.  I am getting an error message:  (Gecko:40685) Gdk-WARNING **: 
gdk_property_get(): length value has wrapped in calculation (did you 
pass G_MAXLONG?)
I will run that by one of the mozilla.or  lists.
   That's harmless.
But I am very curious what causes FreeBSD to reboot immediately?
   Hardware problems, generally.  Search the archives for extensive
 Hi Martin,

 This machine is an HP zd8000 laptop, so I am kind of stuck with the
 hardware.   I went to and found that people are
 even having lots of problems on Windows with this laptop.  I don't
 think it has anything to do with FreeBSD.  I upgraded the BIOS to the
 latest so I will see if that stops it.  Actually, my problems are not
 big when compared to other people.


 Rob Lytle

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It's probably some sort of mechanical failure, bad components, wiring,
connectors, whatever, maybe the HP site or helpdesk will shed some
light on it, although componies often tend to ignore problems like

You can open your laptop, it's basicly just a folded computer, even
though laptop's are small, thew number of screws that keep 'em
together is huge and it can be a problem to put things back together
again properly, which screw goes where and you probably will end up
with some leftover screws to(which shoudn't be a problem)
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