pkgdb problem after portupgrade - operation not permitted

2006-06-19 Thread Max Belushkin
I just portupgrade'd portupgrade on a FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE to portupgrade 
2.0.1 (2006/06/18), and right after this pkgdb fails on all operations, 

pkgdb -fu
[Rebuilding the pkgdb format:bdb1_btree in /var/db/pkg ... - 63 
packages found (-0 +63)

Operation not permitted: skipping...
Operation not permitted: skipping...
... etc.
Operation not permitted: Cannot update the pkgdb!]

Naturally, portupgrade itself now fails to do anything. I've googled for 
 the Operation not permitted error in pkgdb, but I could not find any 
useful pointers to the source of the problem. Any help is much appreciated.

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[SOLVED] Re: pkgdb problem after portupgrade - operation not permitted

2006-06-19 Thread Max Belushkin

Andrey Slusar wrote:

 Now portupgarde is back to stable 2.1.1 version. Update you ports

Thank you, this solved the problem.
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PHP 4.4.0-4.4.1 apache module include() problem

2005-11-04 Thread Max Belushkin
Dear all,

  I've just updated from PHP 4.4.0 to PHP 4.4.1 (on FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE, 
Apache 2.0.55). And now for a lot of scripts (the only common thing between 
them is that they connect to mysql) I have the following strange behaviour:
after apache startup (prefork mode), everything works fine for 3-4 requests. 
After that, the following error starts appearing at random, more and more 
often as time goes by:
Cannot redeclare mmquery() (previously declared in /home/test/func_base.php:9) 
in /home/test/func_base.php on line 9

  At this point, mysql sockets start stacking as well, they do not get closed 
(netstat -ta shows more and more with each above error message).

  Now, func_base.php is included with include_once. I tried even changing it 
to if (!$inc_done) include_once(func_base.php); and setting $inc_done=1 
in func_base.php - the exact same behaviour persists.

  This was not the case with PHP 4.4.0 just 2 hours ago.

  I've searched google, have seen similar questions but related to older PHP 
versions, but no reasonable solutions.

  I would be most grateful for any pointers...
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