Systrace port status?

2006-08-02 Thread Michael Dexter


Does anyone know the status of the port of systrace to FreeBSD?

The project page does not appear to be updated and the author has not 
replied to my e-mail.


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kern.maxdsiz big memory/tuning questions

2005-12-13 Thread Michael Dexter

Hello, I'm trying to RTFM but the M does not appear to exist.

I am dealing with processes over 512MB in size on 6.0 on x86 and am 
using these loader.conf tunables as suggested by MySQL and other 

kern.maxdsiz=1073741824 # 1GB
kern.dfldsiz=1073741824 # 1GB
kern.maxssiz=134217728 # 128MB

I can glean so far that:

1. You don't want to exceed physical memory with these
2. These are listed in /boot/defaults/loader.conf
3. This is not controlled by sysctls :)
4. 'limits' will show what they are currently set to

However, I am not clear if:

1. It is permitted to use M and G notation (kern.maxsiz=1G)? - 
some say yes, some say no and I would prefer not risk the system not 

2. Which tunables actually matter beyond kern.maxdsiz? Some say only 
kern.maxdsiz and some suggest all three. 'man tuning' and the 
handbook (~/handbook/configtuning-kernel-limits.html) only goes into 
maxfiles and maxusers. Searches of this list and Google have yeilded 
what you see above.

Could someone please share some wisdom or docs on this matter?

Much appreciated,

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Boot manager behavior questions

2005-08-06 Thread Michael Dexter

Hello all,

I am practicing x86 5.4-REL disaster recovery and perhaps someone 
intimate with the boot manager (perhaps boot2) could kindly explain 
a few things.

Yes, I have attempted to answer these by reading: 

(BTW, why does only the recent list traffic search option seem to 
give results as apposed to all? I'm sure these have been asked in 
one form or another but only recent results were given from the 
search page. ( 
recent would be in all, right?))

I have also read boot(8) recent discussion on editing the boot menu 
and notably Boot manager question that appears to have gone 
unanswered. I will rephrase it for the sake for the original author:

1. Is there any equivalent to nextboot(8) for the boot manager such 
that a boot selection can be made prior to the boot sequence so that 
the choice can be made remotely instead of only at the console?

2. Can anyone confirm that the Default behavior is simply F1 (first 
slice) the first time it is invoked and then any other choices become 
the next default?

That assumption comes from the fact that if / is placed on its own 
second or higher bios slice/primary partition, the boot manager 
fails to find it Invalid partition but will work if the appropriate 
F* is typed, such as F4 (if on the forth slice).

No problem. I know for a fact that I want to boot from ad0s4a, my 
valid / slice and partition and I trust that F4 is choosing that 
which allows it to boot.

However, I should be able to manually choose that at the boot: 
prompt. The Invalid partition error kindly gives me the suggestion:

Default: 0:ad(0,a)/kernel

...and the boot(8) page gives this notation:

bios_drive:interface(unit,[slice,]part) filename [-aCcDdghmnPprsv]

In theory, this should work and be the equivalent of choosing F4, right?:

boot: 0:ad(0,4,a)/kernel

BIOS drive 0, ata drive 0, slice 4, partition a, 5.x default boot of /kernel

Alas, it only bells at me and gives me the same suggested syntax.

3. Any idea what I'm doing wrong there? (install grub is not the 
answer I have in mind. :) And actually, I was using GRUB and booted 
to a live cd that seems to have had a valid grub.conf which GRUB 
automagically copied to the MBR, rendering the system unbootable.)

4. Related, I see that boot(8) mentions a -C boot from CDROM 
option, suggesting that say, if your bios isn't configured to boot to 
CD rom first, you could choose to do so from the boot manager. My 
wild guess is:

1:ad(0,a)/kernel -C (CD as second BIOS drive? I don't believe 
acd(0... is a valid option.

Does anyone know the syntax to perform the boot-to-cd from the boot 
manager feat?

Lastly, are is there a command to pop directly into the boot prompt 
the way the space bar will get to the loader prompt so that the 
system doesn't automatically boot on you? Are F1-F* plus enter the 
only valid commands at the very beginning?

Many thanks,

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Re: 5.x separate /boot slice?

2005-08-06 Thread Michael Dexter

Perhaps problem solved.

Best regards,

Michael Dexter
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Can file-backed memory disks act like slices?

2005-08-06 Thread Michael Dexter

Hello all,

I trust this is a Seldom Asked Question...

I am using file-backed memory disks (as in mdconfig -f) to prototype 

root.img gets mounted first and usr.img, var.img and tmp.img get 
mounted below it and as such they are behaving as partitions.

Is there any way to get a single memory disk to behave like a slice 
and itself be partitioned? That would give essentially:

or even

This would allow the four partition images to be combined into a 
single partitioned image.

Yes, I have a legitimate use for this. :)


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5.x separate /boot slice?

2005-08-04 Thread Michael Dexter


I would like to try a separate /boot slice as permitted by FreeBSD 5.x...


But alas it does not appear to be as simple as simply specifying a 
/boot during setup. This causes the bootloader to complain about not 
finding a kernel given that /boot on the root partition is empty. 
Presumably this is too early in the boot process to link root/boot 
to the /boot slice given that the fstab has not been read yet.

Any pointers on how to get this to work?

Perhaps the boot loader needs to be pointed at the /boot slice rather 
than root and a rootdev variable fed into a specific loader stage? 
I'm not sure!


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5.x separate /boot slice?

2005-08-04 Thread Michael Dexter

 I would like to try a separate /boot slice as permitted by FreeBSD 5.x...

Search the list.  This comes up about once a month, and I've yet to see anyone

Aside from it's the way Linux does it, do you have any good reason for
wanting this?

All of my questions seem to generate that response. :) Trust me, they 
are informed questions. In short:

I, like many bad administrators perform updates via ssh rather than 
at the console in single user mode and like many I hold my breath 
while seeing if the machine will reboot.

I was thinking that previous and updated kernels could both coexist 
in /boot and a second root slice (plus usr ... as appropriate) could 
be mounted under /mnt and recive a fresh installation of the updated 
OS, rather than a overlay that requires mergemastering. Yes, I know 
you would need to keep track of the kernel picking the right root, 
yes you would need to keep track of your fstab and of course you 
would need to worry about settings and additional software. That's 
all a pain but if it increases the likelihood that a box will reboot 
after updating, I'm willing to explore it.

In some respects this is a question of dual-booting FreeBSD and 
FreeBSD and I was hoping to share some partitions that are not 
affected by the update process, likely including var and tmp.

Sorry if this was a FAQ. I did search did turn it up.

Did I answer you question?


Unix newbie: Ultrix and SunOS in 1991
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Remove GRUB?

2005-07-19 Thread Michael Dexter


I was experimenting with the GRUB bootloader and would now like to 
remove it. Something went wrong and I must now use a bootable CD that 
gives me an option to boot to the first partition and the system 
boots fine.

man bsdlabel gives:

Installing Bootstraps
 If the -B argument is specified, bootstrap code will be read from the
 file /boot/boot and written to the disk.

Assuming that this affects the mbr of the who drive, I tried:

localhost# bsdlabel -B /dev/ad0
localhost# bsdlabel: /dev/ad0: no valid label found

No problem, let's try the root partition:

bsdlabel -B /dev/da0s1a

No error, it blinked the hard drive activity light and appears to 
have done something but alas, it still reports a GRUB error 21 rather 
than given any sign of the FreeBSD loader.

Any pointers to the rescue/install procedures applicable to this?

Best regards,

Michael Dexter
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Re: Remove GRUB?

2005-07-19 Thread Michael Dexter

I was experimenting with the GRUB bootloader and would now like to 
remove it. Something went wrong and I must now use a bootable CD 
that gives me an option to boot to the first partition and the 
system boots fine.

man bsdlabel gives:

Installing Bootstraps
 If the -B argument is specified, bootstrap code will be read from the
 file /boot/boot and written to the disk.

Assuming that this affects the mbr of the who drive, I tried:

localhost# bsdlabel -B /dev/ad0
localhost# bsdlabel: /dev/ad0: no valid label found

No problem, let's try the root partition:

bsdlabel -B /dev/da0s1a

No error, it blinked the hard drive activity light and appears to 
have done something but alas, it still reports a GRUB error 21 
rather than given any sign of the FreeBSD loader.

Any pointers to the rescue/install procedures applicable to this?

Did you use fdisk to check and see if the first slice is marked as 
active? Here's a sample from one of my systems:

Media sector size is 512
Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
Information from DOS bootblock is:
The data for partition 1 is:
sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
start 63, size 10474317 (5114 Meg), flag 80 (active)
beg: cyl 0/ head 1/ sector 1;
end: cyl 651/ head 254/ sector 63
The data for partition 2 is:
sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
start 10474380, size 10458315 (5106 Meg), flag 0
beg: cyl 652/ head 0/ sector 1;
end: cyl 1023/ head 254/ sector 63
The data for partition 3 is:
The data for partition 4 is:

note the flag 80 in the first entry.

The results appear similar:

localhost# fdisk ad0
*** Working on device /dev/ad0 ***
parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
cylinders=155061 heads=16 sectors/track=63 (1008 blks/cyl)

Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1
parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
cylinders=155061 heads=16 sectors/track=63 (1008 blks/cyl)

Media sector size is 512
Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
Information from DOS bootblock is:
The data for partition 1 is:
sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
start 63, size 81915372 (39997 Meg), flag 80 (active)
beg: cyl 0/ head 1/ sector 1;
end: cyl 1023/ head 254/ sector 63
The data for partition 2 is:
sysid 131 (0x83),(Linux native)
start 81915435, size 61432560 (29996 Meg), flag 0
beg: cyl 1023/ head 255/ sector 63;
end: cyl 1023/ head 254/ sector 63
The data for partition 3 is:
sysid 130 (0x82),(Linux swap or Solaris x86)
start 143347995, size 12948390 (6322 Meg), flag 0
beg: cyl 1023/ head 255/ sector 63;
end: cyl 1023/ head 254/ sector 63
The data for partition 4 is:

On a related note, once working, how does one configure the FreeBSD 
loader to give the Linux partition as an option? It seems to have 
happened automagically in the past.


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Re: Remove GRUB?

2005-07-19 Thread Michael Dexter

Glenn's suggestion of fdisk lead me to bring up the fdisk man page, 
which points to boot0cfg(8). Perhaps this is the utility I am after?


At 03:25 AM 7/19/2005, Michael Dexter wrote:


I was experimenting with the GRUB bootloader and would now like to 
remove it. Something went wrong and I must now use a bootable CD 
that gives me an option to boot to the first partition and the 
system boots fine.

man bsdlabel gives:

Installing Bootstraps
 If the -B argument is specified, bootstrap code will be read from the
 file /boot/boot and written to the disk.

Assuming that this affects the mbr of the who drive, I tried:

localhost# bsdlabel -B /dev/ad0
localhost# bsdlabel: /dev/ad0: no valid label found

No problem, let's try the root partition:

bsdlabel -B /dev/da0s1a

No error, it blinked the hard drive activity light and appears to 
have done something but alas, it still reports a GRUB error 21 
rather than given any sign of the FreeBSD loader.

Any pointers to the rescue/install procedures applicable to this?

Did you use fdisk to check and see if the first slice is marked as 
active? Here's a sample from one of my systems:

Media sector size is 512
Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
Information from DOS bootblock is:
The data for partition 1 is:
sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
start 63, size 10474317 (5114 Meg), flag 80 (active)
beg: cyl 0/ head 1/ sector 1;
end: cyl 651/ head 254/ sector 63
The data for partition 2 is:
sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
start 10474380, size 10458315 (5106 Meg), flag 0
beg: cyl 652/ head 0/ sector 1;
end: cyl 1023/ head 254/ sector 63
The data for partition 3 is:
The data for partition 4 is:

note the flag 80 in the first entry.


Best regards,

Michael Dexter
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Re: Remove GRUB?

2005-07-19 Thread Michael Dexter

Are you sure you are talking about the boot loader, not the boot manager?
I'd say boot0cfg is what you need.


Fabian makes a good point but the goal is to be rid of GRUB.

I ran 'boot0cfg -Bv ad0' (Bootstrap and verbosity)

And on boot I get a more comforting:

F1 FreeBSD
F2 Linux
F3 ??

Looks perfect but unfortunately, F1, F2 and F3 are ingored until the 
keyboard buffer fills up beep beep beep... but fortunately it then 
goes to the boot prompt with beastie after a long timeout.


Thanks to all who helped.

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5.x ipdivert.ko with pf and natd?

2005-07-19 Thread Michael Dexter


I would like to use natd with packet filter under FreeBSD 5.4.

The rc.conf man page states that I want: natd_enable=YES and that 
if the kernel was not built with options IPDIVERT, the ipdivert.ko 
kernel module will be loaded.

Unfortunately, the module ipdivert.ko does not appear to exist in /boot/kernel/

... but I do see it in 6.x filesystem.

I tried building a kernel with:

options IPDIVERT

and that did not appear to produce the module (depends on ipfw though 
I want to use pf?).

I do however see the source in: /usr/src/sys/netinet/ip_divert.c

1. Am I overlooking the prebuilt module in 5.x?
2. Can I simply build the module on its own without a full buildkernel?
3. Given that buildkernel did not produce it, how can I produce it?


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List all make targets?

2005-07-04 Thread Michael Dexter

Hello all,

I am sure I saw this somewhere and even added it to my notes but 
neither I nor Google can find it for the life of us... or I dreamt 

Is there a 'make' flag to list all make targets for any given 
directory containing Makefile* ?


On the same topic, can anyone recommend an IDE or utility that can 
help me navigate the make hierarchy used by 'build/installworld' and 

It's a brilliant mechanism but I get lost chasing variables that may 
span /usr/src/Makefile.inc1 and /usr/share/mk/ and...


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Re: List all make targets?

2005-07-04 Thread Michael Dexter

Michael Dexter wrote:
Is there a 'make' flag to list all make targets for any given 
directory containing Makefile* ?

grep ':' Makefile  ...comes pretty close.

Another reader suggested I cat the file... I take it the answer is 
no. Specifically I am looking for a quick way to see the make 
targets as 'make' would accept them while hunting for 'uninstall' and 
other surprises. I see that it gets complicated as i.e. _legacy is 
a legitimate target along with buildworld. More to investigate!

It's a brilliant mechanism but I get lost chasing variables that 
may span /usr/src/Makefile.inc1 and /usr/share/mk/ and...

What problem are you trying to solve?

My understanding of the system for the purposes of world reduction 
and custom release engineering. My work is 1/2 way to being an 
informal howto on the subject.

Thanks to all who responded.

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Yet Another make release fails on ghostscript-gnu

2002-11-05 Thread Michael Dexter

Greetings from Latvia,

I am very, very excited about FreeBSD's make release ability but 
like many others I have read about on the various list archives, I my 
builds are hanging on trivial failures. In this case, the 
eplaser-3.0.4-651.tgz file is failing its checksum, bringing the 
build to a halt. I have followed the advice of adding 
NO_CHECKSUM=yes to no avail. I have tried it both after make and 
at the end of my string of variables. Which reads:

make release CHROOTDIR=/usr/testrelease BUILDNAME=4.7-RELEASE CVSROOT=/usr/ncvs

(/usr/ncvs is my  choice, NO_CHECKSUMS=yes has again gone either 
after make or at the end)

I have also:

1. Downloaded the same file from other /usr/ports/distfiles 
directories. Though different sizes, they also fail the check.

2. Tried to fetch new versions from /usr/ports/print/ghostscript-gnu/ 
and place them in either /usr/ports/distfiles and 
/usr/ports/ghostscript/ AND /usr/ports/ghostscript-gnu/

3. Not tried DOMINIMALDOCPORTS as this would seem to go through the 
minimum files I am already having trouble with.


1. NO_CHECKSUM does not appear to be in any of the Makefiles in 
/usr/src/release/ or /usr/src/
  Where is this check being called? Is there any other 
way to override it? Does it really exist?

2. The only vague reference to the file I need is in 
/usr/src/release/ and reportedly the ports. 
man ports reveals the elusive NO_CHECKSUMS option! I see 
/usr/src/release/Makefile, doc and scripts but alas my make is not 
fluent enough to understand who is calling what and when. I would 
hope I do not need to feed NO_CHECKSUMS into evey invocation of 

3. NOPORTSATALL=yes seems to be like an unavailable option, given 
that there will always be minimum documentation, which appear to need 

4. Others in need have pointed out that a build-friendly distfiles 
tar ball would ease this process. Does such a thing exist? Could I 
strip/re-create it from the official 4.7 release?

Note that I have brought my sys, ncvs and ports source trees up to 
date. Because things are downloaded, I don't see how a fresh, raw, 
official 4.7 install would help what seems to be the checksum of a 
single downloaded port that I understand is downloaded on demand.

THIS bothers me: make checksum inside of 
/usr/ports/print/ghostscript-gnu PASSES ALL CHECKSUM TESTS, including 

Why would this fail during make release?

Any ideas?

Many thanks,


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Follow-up: Yet Another make release fails on ghostscript-gnu

2002-11-05 Thread Michael Dexter

Greetings again,

Regarding the make release mentioned earlier...

After peppering my /usr/ports/distfiles/ tree with very redundant 
distfiles, i.e. the same files in /usr/ports and 
/usr/ports/ghostscript and /usr/ports/ghostscript-gnu, things finally 
worked. (Ending on a vn present failure but I know where to look on 
that one)

Given the time it takes to test each and every variable, I fear I 
will never be confident that I have an answer, though it was very 

Early on, I tried stepping through make release.1 and all but this 
appeared to ignore the flags I sent it. All of the output was sent to 
the /R directory, rather than my choice of /usr/testrelease/

Can that be changed? Is there indeed a way to step-trough a release build?

Having complete control over the build of my network OS is simply 
revolutionary... but I was hoping this revolution would not be so 


As suggested elsewhere, it would be nice to have an official source 
of buildable release files like the /usr/src on the CD, that would 
spare one the guesswork of trusting the ports fetch to build the 
build files prior to making the release.

Might a pre-make script based upon the real make script perform all 
of the downloads and checksum verifications? This could save hours in 
wasted build time and guesswork, a bit like running cvsup prior to 
building world, knowing exactly what source will be used.

I will look into this but again, my experience with make is only a 
few hours old.

Thanks again,


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