FreeBSD 5.1 and Samba PDC

2003-06-28 Thread Michael Tran
Hi All,

Thanks for the replies to my first post about ipfw. All is great now.

My problem now is that I am implementing a Samba PDC on FreeBSD 5.1 and
am wanting to use the "On-the-Fly" Creation of Machine Trust Accounts
method as detailed in Samba PDC HOWTO document
( for
references). As I am a Linux to FreeBSD user, what would I need to put
inplace in the "add user script" instead of that useradd thingy?

   # <...remainder of parameters...>
   add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g 100 -s /bin/false
-M %u

I can't use adduser as it does not have anything for -M (according to
the man pages..)


Aka freebsd newbie

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NATD and FreeBSD 5.1

2003-06-22 Thread Michael Tran
Hi all,

Thankyou for a great product. I am a red hat to fbsd convert (since 5
came out). I'm fairly new to fbsd.

Just a simple question:

With FreeBSD 5.1, does NATD come precompiled into the kernel?  I ask
this simply because I receive the following error enabling natd for my
dial up connection:

# natd -interface tun0
natd: Unable to create divert socket.: Protocol not supported

I am currently using ppp's nat and it's working fine but would prefer to
use natd.

Thankyou very much!

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