
I bought an external usb hd but i can just get FreeBSD (both 6.2 and 7)
to recognice it if the drive is switched on and plugged in during system
boot up. Case in which i get the drive detected with both partitions i
made in it. (da0 da0s1 da0s2)
If i switch it on in an already running system, only an empty usb device
is created (da0). Anything i could do for FreeBSD to detect both
partitions if i switch the drive on in a already booted up system?

also, a side question. When attaching a geli provider, i get this:

GEOM_ELI: Device ad4s3.eli created.
GEOM_ELI: Encryption: Blowfish-CBC 256
GEOM_ELI:     Crypto: software
WARNING: Expected rawoffset 14548865, found 14548865

i've been getting it since i edited the label of ad4s3.eli
I don't really know if it's a bad thing to get that warning, since both
numbers are the same. just wondering.

Thank you,

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