Re: Convert numbered JPG files to movie

2006-05-14 Thread Miguel Ramos

Well, perhaps what you want is MJPEG, which is a packed file with each
frame being a JPEG image. Check the MJPEG Wikipedia article and if you
google for MJPEG you'll find an MJPEG howto on sourceforge.

Now, if I'm not mistaken, an MJPEG file or stream is just a MIME packed
stream of JPEG images with content type of multipart/x-mixed-replace.
If that is so, you could probably produce an MJPEG file simply by using
mpack, and the howtos you may find are for more complicated cases such
as converting and MJPEG stream to MPEG.

It may not work, but if you succeed in packing/unpacking MJPEG streams
with mpack, I would be interested in knowing it because I will be
decoding one such stream within a couple of monthes.

Miguel Ramos

Dom, 2006-05-14 às 13:07 +0200, Andreas Wideroe Andersen escreveu:
> Hi,
> I have a surveillance camera uploading numbered 
> still JPG images to my FreeBSD (4.7 STABLE) 
> server. The number of still images grow really 
> fast and I'm looking for a tool or a script that 
> I can configure through cron (or similare) to 
> automatically once per day add these files to a 
> movie file (Ie. avi file or mpg file in PAL) and delete the JPG files.
> Does anyone know of a script or a program that I can use for this?
> Thanks!
> Andreas
> ---
> Norsk Smalfilm AS
> Andreas Widerøe Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Filmshooting | Com -
> Tel:(+47) 38 17 99 16
> Fax:(+47) 38 02 33 84 

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Re: OT: Domain Registration

2006-04-26 Thread Miguel Ramos

Qua, 2006-04-26 às 01:59 +0100, martin mccann escreveu:
> I need to do a few more checks to make sure I havn't overlooked anything, but 
> it all looks grand atm - if you are looking for a no nonsence, just give me 
> what I want type of setup, I would highly recommend them. I'm now going to 
> transfer my origional domain over to them and get that setup to my tastes 
> too. I think I may also consider taking a backup of my server setup ... :) 

Yes, and probably the 8 hour lag was your fault... I was also quite
happy at first, they have some problems though - custom dns is a bit
broken, sometimes the zone file misteriously vanishes when you change
it. They lack some features which, without giving them any more trouble,
would make a much better service: like allowing the mix of custom dns
and url and email redirection.

AFAIK, the perfect registrar is yet to be born... It would be easy to
provide better service than them, if you were on that line of

> Thanks again, 
> Martin

Not at all,


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Re: CGI "service".

2006-04-26 Thread Miguel Ramos
Qua, 2006-04-26 às 12:07 -0300, Pgold escreveu:
> Hi, I´m developing a web app in C++. But it loads a huge amount of
> from a Database to memory, and I can´t afford doing this everytime
> someone asks for the page. Is there a way to make the program to keep
> running, and reading requests made via CGI?
> If it helps, i´m running FreeBSD 6.0 with Apache 2.2.
> Greets,
> Pedro.

If the problem is keeping the data in memory, I don't think even
mod_perl or mod_python will help you.

Sugestion #1
- write an apache module; that will be always in memory. I'm not sure if
it will be hard to compile.

Sugestion #2
- forget about C++ and use mod_mysql or whatever is available for your

Sugestion #3
- split your web app in two parts: cgi scripts (or apache module) and a
server app that keeps data in memory and responds to requests made by
cgi scripts. Communication between the two can be made with pipes,
sockets, shared memory or whatever you like.

Sugestion #4
- load less data from the database; only that which you need to generate
output. (For example, for an SQL database, use WITH, HAVING, OFFSET and
LIMIT wisely).

Any more sugestions?


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Re: Bind as a chaching nameserver

2006-04-26 Thread Miguel Ramos

AND make sure that either /etc/resolv.conf doesn't exist or that it
contains a single nameserver line like this:


otherwise your local nameserver isn't queried.

You see, there's really nothing else to do on a standard installation of
1- named_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf
2- either delete /etc/resolv.conf or use nameserver

The default /etc/namedb/named.conf that comes installed does exactly
what you want.


Qua, 2006-04-26 às 08:05 +0100, Martin Hepworth escreveu:
> Richard
> just set the forwarders to another nameserver in the named.conf and that's
> it..
> this will speed up SA massively.
> --
> martin
> On 4/25/06, Richard Collyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've recently been getting a lot of trouble with SpamAssassin performing
> > a lot of rDNS lookups which is causing network issues (timeouts etc to
> > DNS servers).
> >
> > I am trying to install BIND (or djbdns) as a simple caching nameserver.
> > Just to take some of the load off the networks DNS servers (my ISPs).
> >
> > However I am having trouble finding a good tutorial to follow.
> >
> > I've looked at
> >
> > but its mainly going on about being a nameserver which is not what I am
> > after, wanting to keep it more simple than that.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/etc] $ named -v
> > BIND 9.3.1
> >
> > Can anyone suggest me a good tutorial to follow, I've googled but mostly
> > they are for debain/redhat and some of the commands and files are
> > different.
> >
> > Cheers
> > Richard

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Re: Strange visual artifacts in upper left corner of screen which respond to mouse activity.....

2006-04-25 Thread Miguel Ramos

Ter, 2006-04-25 às 11:53 -0500, Eric Schuele escreveu:
> Well, yes.  That is the case.  FirstVT=9 in gdm.conf.  I only have
> ttyv0-ttyv4 set to on.  So I changed FirstVT to 4.  This had the
> undesirable effect of causing GDM to be unresponsive to the keyboard
> (mouse still worked).  Then I changed FirstVT to 5... keyboard now 
> works. And the odd artifacts remained.
> Did I not make the change you were proposing properly?  I don't believe 
> this has any effect.

No, =9 was ok, since you only use ttyv0-ttyv4. It would be wrong if <=4,
as you experienced.
I'm out of clues. Sorry. I have no such problem. I can't imagine what
may be overwriting the framebuffer.


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Re: Strange visual artifacts in upper left corner of screen which respond to mouse activity.....

2006-04-25 Thread Miguel Ramos

Ter, 2006-04-25 às 10:15 -0500, Eric Schuele escreveu:
> Chuck Swiger wrote:
> > Eric Schuele wrote:
> > [ ... ]
> >> OK... I can tell be the number of replies, everyone just rolled their 
> >> eyes at me and figured I'm crazy.  But it really does occur.  :)
> >>
> >> FWIW:
> >> I have found that if I use the GDM provided XDMCP Chooser... that the 
> >> problem immediately dissapears.
> >>
> >> Anyone have any thoughts on this?
> > 
> > It sounds like something is causing data to get scribbled over video 
> > memory when you move your mouse, but who knows?
> That's the assumption I had (but I have no idea how to 'fix' it).  In 
> fact, if you could see it happen... it even "looks like" memory getting 
> allocated.  The blocks fill in left to right top to bottom (for the most 
> part).  First one block... then another.
> > 
> > You should probably not expect replies to a non-trivial message in less 
> > than 24-hours; 
> Sorry... my comment regarding the "number of replies" was a failed 
> attempt at humor.  I realize this is a bit of an odd one.
> My follow up to my own message was intended to introduce the new tidbit 
> of info I had found (XDMCP Chooser).

My hint is very bad (I had a problem once, and assume any problem with
gdm is the same). What is the value of the FirstVT option
in /usr/X11R6/etc/gdm/gdm.conf? Is that tty off in /etc/ttys?

Miguel Ramos
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Re: OT: Domain Registration

2006-04-25 Thread Miguel Ramos
Ter, 2006-04-25 às 14:22 +0100, Miguel Ramos escreveu:
> >  d) Are there any good reasons not to do it this way (remember, this
> > is not a mission critical setup, and its main purpose is to tinker)

Also, if you only meen to tinker, try this, using only free services
(this is what I use for my home computer,
1- get a subdomain at, say
2- configure three records on your subdomain like this: NS NS NS A yourip (may be dynamic)

3- configure your zone file,, with at least the

@ NS
@ NS
@ NS
@ A yourip (may be dynamic)

and perhaps,

@ MX 0
@ MX 10
@ MX 10

4- go to and activate secondary dns (and backup mx) for
your domain.

This is the best I could come up with for me.

Sugestion #2: Peek on other people's setups using a combination of
WHOIS, dns lookups and reverse lookups to find out which services they


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Re: OT: Domain Registration

2006-04-25 Thread Miguel Ramos

Ter, 2006-04-25 às 11:44 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
>   I assume what should happen is
>   - I buy a domain from registrar X
>   - X sets that domain to point to my dns server as the master server
>   - X hosts a secondary dns server

*Some* registrars offer free secondary dns hosting, yes, mine does,

>   - I can then add subdomains to my domain which will directly
> propagate on the internet, set the various MX and ilk to whatever I
> want etc. without having to contact a 3rd party
>   My further assumptions are
>   - The secondary server will either update from my server directly OR
> I will need to contact X to add anything new for me.

Secondaries update from your server, initiating a zone transfer when
they feel like it. Sending them a notify may also trigger the transfer,
but not immediatly.
I have a free secondary dns for on, and
it only updates from my server at most once a day (just about what I
need, but comes close to being useless).

>   My questions are -
>  a) Are my assumptions correct?
>  b) What would be the best way to explain this to a phone drone?

Impossible. If the services you need (secondary dns) are not listed on
their website then they won't offer the service either because they
don't understand its usefulness or because it's against their interest.

>  c) Can anyone recommend a good registrar that will be able to set
> this up with minimum fuss (and cost)?

Check mine, Not cheap on .com, .net, .org domains,
cheap on .info and .name. Anyway, they offer secondary dns and custom
dns (if you come to the conclusion that it's best to leave the zone
files outside your computer).

I'm not entirely satisfied, mainly because they offer email redirection,
secondary dns and custom dns, but each of these mutually excludes the
other ones.

There's also, if you want to put your domain on a
good, redundant server, and perhaps only host third level domains on
your computer (they allow you to define NS records, and they also offer
dynamic dns services). offers besides secondary dns, backup mx for free.

>  d) Are there any good reasons not to do it this way (remember, this
> is not a mission critical setup, and its main purpose is to tinker)

- if you plan to have your main server down for more than a week
(default value in SOA record), then your zone will expire, even on
- if you're on a dynamic IP, then you'll have trouble with most

Perhaps a more flexible option may be having a second level domain on a
freedns service (like and one or more third level
domains hosted at your server.

But buy a domain, try it, and see what suits you.

Miguel Ramos

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