Getting FAM up and running from inetd

2005-02-02 Thread Nils Vogels
Hi there!
I'm looking for a way to get fam [devel/fam] up and running from inetd.
I seem to have followed all the hints in the pkg-message, however it
doesnt work:
imhotep# ps auxwww|grep inetd
root97100  0.0  0.1  1128  836  ??  Is   11:10AM   0:00.02
/usr/sbin/inetd -wW
imhotep# ps auxwww|grep portmap
daemon  97494  0.0  0.1   952  612  ??  Is   11:23AM   0:00.00
imhotep# grep fam /etc/inetd.conf
sgi_fam/1-2 stream  rpc/tcp waitroot   
/usr/local/bin/fam  fam
imhotep# grep fam /etc/rpc
sgi_fam 391002  # file alteration monitor
imhotep# rpcinfo -p
  program vers proto   port
   102   tcp111  portmapper
   102   udp111  portmapper

When I use courier-imap, fam doesnt start up automatically. I can
start fam from commandline perfectly, but it only has a limited
lifespan then.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated :)
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2005-02-05 Thread Nils Vogels
Hash: SHA1
Chris Knipe wrote:
| Hi,
| Does FreeBSD have any support, or does anyone know of any open
| source applications that can be used to get some form of VRRP into
| FreeBSD 4.11 / 5.x?
A quick make search learns:
| cd /usr/ports
| make search key=vrrp
Port:   freevrrpd-0.8.7_1
Path:   /usr/ports/net/freevrrpd
Info:   This a VRRP RFC2338 Compliant implementation under FreeBSD
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Re: Slow boot when not plugged into network

2004-01-06 Thread Nils Vogels
Duane Winner wrote:

Does anybody know of a workaround for this?

When I'm not connected to my ethernet network, it takes an extra 90
seconds to boot my FreeBSD laptop, as it hangs on this boot message
before timing out:
"Doing initial network setup: hostname"

I'm guessing it has something to do with DNS lookup and can't reach the
server(s), but I'm not sure.

My best guess is indeed also a DNS lookup which goes into nothingness ;-)

You should be able to avoid the DNS query if you have the hostname it is 
trying to lookup (such as your FQDN) in your /etc/hosts file.


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Re: help O_o

2004-01-25 Thread Nils Vogels

I was securiting my Box ,,,and then i used to have alex on wheel group so i su to root, but i modify and change su to antother group and then i ,,, chmod o-xr /bin/su and chmod g-xy /bin/su now i cannot login ..from my terminal or from my boz, i dont hace root enabled mark as insecure, soo ...if i try su from alex more, and if i try loging from machine keyboard no permit from root! plz helpme log ing as root? ...i mess up my box and am crying logging  from terminal or from sisical been there ion machine keyboard, can you help

I think everyone securing a box has been running into this kind of 
problem and thought "Hmm, that is a little bit too secure :)"

The only way I see out of this, is rebooting into single user mode, and 
fixing the problems from there.

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Re: nmap install problems

2005-06-03 Thread Nils Vogels
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kalin mintchev wrote:

>hi all...
>i'm trying to install nmap on a 4.10 machine...
>tried from ports. error applying patches. updated ports - same thing.
>downloaded sources for 3.78 and 3.81 and i get:
>/usr/local/src/nmap-3.78/ undefined reference to
>service_scan.o: In function `servicescan_connect_handler(void *, void *,
>void *)':

Be sure to start out with a clean port, so run the following before
trying again:

cd /usr/ports/security/nmap && make clean

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Re: Sendmail (Deferred: Operation timed out...)

2005-06-03 Thread Nils Vogels
Hash: SHA1
Hi Nicholas,

Nicholas Henry wrote:

>When sending messages out they are left in the mqueue directory. Examining
>the contents for files I find this error:
>Deferred: Operation timed out with

This could be caused by a few things.

First of all: I am assuming that "" is not the
mailserver of your ISP that you are using to have sendmail send mail
through. I am assuming that this is a mailserver that needs to be
contacted because there is a subscribed user from that domain in your

Reason 1: The remote mailserver could have been busy or offline at the
moment that your sendmail tried to forward the mail. No biggie, this
happens. Everyone has to reboot every once in a while, every
mailserver gets hammered with spam every once in a while.

Reason 2: The internet was experiencing trouble connecting your
mailserver to To check if this still is
occuring, you could launch a telnet to on port
25 (the default SMTP port).

If everything is OK, the remote mailserver should greet you like this:

220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.13.1/8.13.1; Fri, 3
Jun 2005 14:30:53 -0400

If there still is some error, check your firewall, see if your ISP is
blocking direct SMTP connections (some do..)

If there still is an error after that, something could be wrong in
your setup. Check /var/log/maillog for clues !


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Re: P4B533 vs DDR Ram 400 MHz

2005-06-03 Thread Nils Vogels
Hash: SHA1
Supote Lee wrote:

> Hi,
> Yes, it's so if you refer to Asus official website. But today I've
> just added
> such memory into a P4B533 box at my office. It can bootup and has no
> problem today so I think that I can't totally believe its document on
> Asus's web site - Must give them a try.
> But I want to know that "is there any issue in the LONG
> TERM".

Apart from it not being supported by Asus ?

Considering the fact that DDR-400 will simply run on a lower frequency
and possibly not quite-so-good performance as you would expect from a
DDR-400 stick, I don't expect any problems.

It's backwards compatible.


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Re: Okay, who broke sysutils/eject?

2003-11-02 Thread Nils Vogels
Rob wrote:

Does 'cdcontrol eject' work?

For me it doesn't and I'm stumped as to why :(

kernel config bits:
device  atapicd # ATAPI CDROM drives
device  scbus   # SCSI bus (required)
device  cd  # CD
device  pass# Passthrough device (direct SCSI access)
device  atapicam# emulate ATAPI devices as SCSI ditto 
via CAM
   # needs CAM to be present (scbus & pass)

boot bits:
acd0: CD-RW  at ata1-master PIO3
Waiting 10 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/ad0s1a
cd0 at ata1 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
cd0:  Removable CD-ROM SCSI-0 device
cd0: 11.000MB/s transfers
cd0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not present 
- tray closed

and cdcontrol eject:

imhotep# cdcontrol eject
cdcontrol: no CD device name specified, defaulting to /dev/cd0c
cdcontrol: no disc in drive /dev/cd0c
Now ... why wouldn't it eject if there is no disc in the drive ? I 
really would like to be able to eject an empty drive as well ..


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Re: news/press page

2003-11-19 Thread Nils Vogels
Kris Kennaway wrote:

On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 10:02:14AM +, TEC Meganet wrote:

HI, I send this only to say that this article is a little bit wired because the
author is saying that a T1 link is pushing 20Mbit/s and he controlles it with
dummynet at the end ...

Sorry, what was your point?


It would seem that a T1 link is not able to push 20Mbit/s ... ;-)



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Re: Staying current with 4.9 - which supfile?

2003-11-21 Thread Nils Vogels

But how - if at all - does "CURRENT" come in? Or does "CURRENT" wrt my
installed 4.9 only relate to 5.x?

CURRENT is the development version of FreeBSD, basically for developers 
only, those who want to test the finest and newest options, and do not 
fear a complete systems failure from time to time (CURRENT does not 
always compile, and when it compiles, it may be unstable)

CURRENT is only in 5.x present, since 4.x is a stable branch by now.

Sometimes really nifty features from CURRENT are migrated into STABLE 
(and thus eventually in RELEASE) after careful testing.


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Re: driver for webcam?

2003-11-22 Thread Nils Vogels

1) if I can use the linux driver on freebsd

Not without modification, the kernels are *very* different

2) is there a freebsd driver for it

3) is it possible to port the linux driver to freebsd
and how. 

Use the source, luke ;-)

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Re: PHP failure/SSH down-->Finally completely offline

2003-11-22 Thread Nils Vogels
Antonio Lupher wrote:

Warning:  open(/tmp/sess_4a23ba911863d07812e9cdf99656586f, O_RDWR) 
failed: Device not configured (6) in 

Warning:  open(/tmp/sess_4a23ba911863d07812e9cdf99656586f, O_RDWR) 
failed: Device not configured (6) in Unknown on line 0
 Warning:  Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that 
the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown 
on line 0

I then try to login via ssh... but I get "Connection closed by [my ip]".  
It seems to me there is something wrong with your /tmp filesystem, 
causing both php and apache to be unable to write temp files, and also 
causes problems for several other daemons.

Do your logfiles in /var/log tell you anything ? They should ;)
Is /tmp a disk filesystem, or a ramdisk ?
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Multiple NATd running on one box

2002-07-12 Thread Nils Vogels

Hi all,

Up till now, I've had my home situation with one cable connection to the big
bad internet, and a firewall in between it to handle all the filtering and NAT
etc, running ipfilter.

Now that I'm adding a second uplink to the box (a DSL line) im seeing some
problems with ipfilter, namely:

1) It will not properly redirect traffic to the DSL NIC, it always
chooses the path the kernel routing table says or throws the packets into the
2) When redirecting using ipnat on the new interface, there is an
issue in the state-table, causing returning replies to be blocked (or again,
sent out the wrong way, which makes the reply come from a different IP the
request was fired to .. a hilaric sight :)

Therefore I am thinking of swaying back to ipfw/natd on this box, but I have
a few questions with regard to that:

1) The ipfw fwd command does exactly what I need in regard to selecting
traffic to travel non-default paths, great ! (not actually a question ;)
2) Will running two different natd's on different ports cause any issues ?

My thought was to:

ipfw add 50 divert 8668 ip from any to any via xl0 (cable interface)
ipfw add 55 divert 8669 ip from any to any via xl1 (dsl interface)

and then the natd's:

/sbin/natd -n xl0 -f /etc/natd.cable.conf
/sbin/natd -n xl1 -p 8669 /etc/natd.dsl.conf

The config files have port redirects and the kinds in them.

The firewall will be set to allow specific incoming traffic only, and the rest
is allowed by state-checking.

Will this give me any unforseen issues ?


Nils Vogels PGP:0xC26BD15F Available on keyservers.
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Re: IP Problems

2003-08-21 Thread Nils Vogels
On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 07:00:32PM -0400, Ben Dover (BD) wrote:
BD>   OK, this is difficult to explain and my problem is probably bigger than 
BD> what I have found but here goes.  I have a dedicated 5.1 FreeBSD box and 
BD> when I did a dmesg I received a repeating message as follows:
BD> arplookup 66.246.xx.1 failed: host is not on local network

I've had the same message multiple times when my default route would be equal
to the IP number of an interface of the box on a 4.8-REL box.

For instance:

Interface xl0 has IP address configured on it locally
Interface rl0 has IP address configured on it locally

The default route of the box is set to

This would cause a loop displaying the exact error message on the console, and
the box would become dead slow.

This for me was solved by simply typing:

route delete default


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Re: Postfix problems

2003-09-20 Thread Nils Vogels
On Sat, Sep 20, 2003 at 07:33:48PM +0200, Guy Van Sanden (GVS) wrote:
GVS> I forgot to mention this, I did that first, than ran /bin/sh
GVS> /etc/rc.sendmail stop
GVS> Postfix appears to run, yet does not repsond...

A small list of things to check :)

1) Is the master process running ? 
2) Is the smtpd running ?
3) By default, since FBSD ships with sendmail and a sendmail aliases table is
not compatible with a postfix one, you aliases file will be unreadable by

To solve this, run a 'make replace' in the ports/mail/postfix dir, and after
that run a newaliases.

If at that point it still does not work, scan your /var/log/maillog for clues.
If that does not help, consider posting the relevant parts of the maillog
here, so we can have a look as well :)



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2003-09-20 Thread Nils Vogels
On Sat, Sep 20, 2003 at 10:31:49PM +0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] () wrote:
> Hi!
> I like FreeBSD and I like PASCAL language.
> But I want to compile my pascal programs in FreeBSD. But how I can do it

# cd /usr/ports
# make search key=pascal

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Re: Mail Auth Daemon! how!

2003-09-20 Thread Nils Vogels
On Sat, Sep 20, 2003 at 08:28:52PM +, Dead Line (DL) wrote:
DL>I succeed to install many web clients, such SquirrelMail, sqwebmail, 
DL> nocc
DL>and all it goes fine, when i try to logon to any login interface, it 
DL> always says incorrect user/pass
DL>So, i relized (and someone said) that i should have an Auth daemon, to 
DL> pass this user/pass
DL>to the system.

It's rather hard to be correct, sinc I don't know your exact setup, but if I 
were you, I'd start with the saslauthd, which is in

Biggest chance of success ;)


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Re: running at as a user

2003-09-21 Thread Nils Vogels
On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 01:38:59PM -0400, William O'Higgins wrote:
> How do you run at as a user?  I get the following error:
> at: you do not have permission to use this program
> I thought it might work to change the permissions on the executable to
> 555, but that yields the same result.  Suggestions?

Yeah, read the man-page. It says :

 /var/at/jobsdirectory containing job files
 /var/at/spool   directory containing output spool files
 /var/run/utmp   login records
 /var/at/at.allowallow permission control
 /var/at/at.deny deny permission control
 /var/at/jobs/.lockfile  job-creation lock file


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Re: cvsup src help

2003-09-21 Thread Nils Vogels
On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 02:27:24PM -0400, ALIAS wrote:
> i use used cvsup to update the src after that what do i do? i read that there 
> are things like make world to install the new src files? how do i do that?

This is all explained in the handbook:

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Re: IP-change

2003-02-20 Thread Nils Vogels
On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 09:43:58AM +, Mark wrote:
> I made a DNS change, more than a week ago, changing the IP address of my
> primary domain name. But I still get the FreeBSD list on the old IP. So, who
> do I talk to at FreeBSD to have them update their DNS cache? :)

I'm sure that happens automagically.

Don't forget to update the serial of the zone if you update the zonefile.
Also, don't forget to tell your nameserver (bind?) to reread the zonefile.

For bind, that would be "ndc reload ."



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NIS.wheel group oddity

2002-11-03 Thread Nils Vogels
Hi guys,

I'm setting up a NIS environment, and I'm having trouble adding a NIS account
into the wheel group.

The NIS client, simply won't allow the user, that is in the NIS group map as
being in 'wheel' to use the su command, because 'su' thinks the user is not in
the wheel group:

--[ begin paste ]--
Welcome to FreeBSD!

> id
uid=500(user) gid=500(user) groups=500(user), 0(wheel)
> su
su: you are not in the correct group (wheel) to su root.
> ypcat group

> ypcat passwd

user:*:500:500:The User:/home/user:/bin/tcsh
--[ end paste ]--

I'm drawing a blank, this should all work as far as I can see, especially
since ypbind is running, and the following imports are at the end of the local


It's probably something stupid I'm overlooking .. could you guys give me a
hand ? :)


Nils Vogels PGP:0xC26BD15F Available on keyservers.
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Sometimes you can do everything right, and still lose -JL Picard

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VLAN limit?

2003-07-21 Thread Nils Vogels
Hi list,

Currently I'm researching the maximum amount of possible VLANs for all kinds
of network devices and one of them is a FreeBSD box with an FXP card in it.

While the theorectical maximum is about 4096 VLAN's on one trunk, I've been
seeing that several vendors impose different limits.

Looking through the manpages and mailing lists, I couldn't really find if
FreeBSD imposes any limit on the amount of VLANs (=vlan interfaces) on a 
physical interface and if so, how it does that and what the limit is..



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Cannot change password?

2003-07-26 Thread Nils Vogels
Hi list!

After upgrading a test-box I have from a fine working 4.8-REL to a 5.1-REL, I
seem to be unable to change passwords from the commandline:

severe# passwd nivo
Changing local password for nivo

no password prompt, no nothing. When a user tries to change his own password,
the same thing happens.

Could anyone give me a hint where to start searching, in order to enable this
again ?



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Re: Licencing

2003-05-27 Thread Nils Vogels
On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 03:55:16PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] () wrote:
> Hello
> I work for Department National Defence in Canada.  I am aquiring on using
> your OS to load on 6 or 4 stand alone computers.  The purpose of these
> computers is to teach our naval personnal a basic unix knowledge for some of
> our systems.  How much would it cost to use this software on each computer?
> Is there any licencing agreement or terms I would have to follow?

You can find out all information about the FreeBSD license on:

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Re: NAT clients behind FBSD

2003-05-27 Thread Nils Vogels
On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 09:15:35PM -0700, David Bear (DB) wrote:
DB> Does anyone know how many NAT clients can be effectively served by a
DB> FBSD NAT box?  I know a lot will be determined by RAM, but I'm looking
DB> for guidelines and experience.

The largest numbers I've had working was a P2-450 with 256Mb of RAM doing
about 500 workstations in an office-setting with an E3 connection running to

It worked smoothly, once set up properly.


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Re: Help Please

2006-03-07 Thread Nils Vogels
Marc Ravenor wrote on 07-03-2006 11:58:
> I work for a systems integrator based in the UK. I have a client that is
> currently using FreeBSD version 4.11 and version 6. He currently wants
> to use the software on an HP DL320 G4 server. The problem he is facing
> at the moment is that when the software is loaded he is unable to see
> the drives in the server.
Probably HP is using a device which is not enabled in the stock FreeBSD
6.0 kernel. Does the output of a "dmesg" give you any clues ?
Compare the "dmesg" of the 4.11 boot and the one from the 6.0 boot with
each other, and see which device is causing the disks to be recognized
on 4.11, and recompile the kernel on 6.0 with that device in the kernel

Hints about how to do the recompiling can be found in the Handbook, on
> Is there any bios setting that needs to be changed or is there anything
It's most likely a driver issue, not a BIOS one.
> you can suggest that can overcome this problem? This is extremely urgent
> as I potentially stand to lose on very large projects if this problem
> cannot be overcome.
If this is a big problem, I am sure there are people for hire who can
look into this problem for you right away, to get the response you need
in a timely manner.



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Re: mail backup solution?

2006-03-13 Thread Nils Vogels
Hi Carlos!

Carlos Silva, wrote on 13-03-2006 9:20:
> I have my email stored at a reseller account (via imap) on a server.
> My intention is that my server at home, download all the emails via imap
> to backup automatically everyday.
> But, I dont want that my server download repeated messages (because i
> have thousands of emails...).
Depending on what you *exactly* want, you may want to try imapsync
(/usr/ports/mail/imapsync) or fetchmail (/usr/ports/mail/fetchmail)


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Compressed filesystem

2005-11-26 Thread Nils Vogels

I'm looking for a way to have an on-the-fly compressed filesystem, to
use as an archive under FreeBSD. So far, I've only been able to find
solutions for Linux, are there any for FreeBSD as well ?



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Re: where is libkse?

2006-05-01 Thread Nils Vogels
snnn wrote on 01-05-2006 4:09:
> : undefined reference to `kse_create(kse_mailbox*, int)'
> I cannot find libkse under freebsd6.0.
> which library should I linked for sys/kse.h ?
>From the man page on kse_create(2)

KSE(2)FreeBSD System Calls Manual  

 kse -- kernel support for user threads

 Standard C Library (libc, -lc)
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Re: Hacked? How can I tell what process is sending packets from a particular port (udp/55613)?

2006-05-01 Thread Nils Vogels
Frank Steinborn wrote on 30-04-2006 22:58:
> boink wrote:
>> Dear FreeBSD,
>> I see outbound packets from udp/55613, one every 5 seconds, to a
>> single non-routable (10) IP, with destination port increasing by 1
>> with each packet, with expected ICMP Destination net unreachables from
>> an upstream router.
>> AFAIK, there's no reason for this and I don't like it - how can I tell
>> which process is sending the packets?
>> With thanks in advance,
>> boink
> Try to catch the process with "sockstat -46p 55613"
Should that not give you the results you desire, try installing lsof, it
has a bundle of options for open filehandles.


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Re: Move /var/imap

2006-05-13 Thread Nils Vogels
Martin Schweizer wrote on 13-05-2006 10:26:
> Hello 
> I want move /var/imap to another place because not enough space (I did move 
> /var/spool/imap successfully). When I cp /var/imap cp says: "cp: 
> imap/socket/idle: Operation not supported" and "cp: imap/socket/lmtp: 
> Operation not supported". I now there is a problem with unix sockets from 
> cyrus imap but I did not found a solution until yet. What can I do?
Use tar or cpio to copy over the directory, including special files,
timestamps and permissions:

tar cf - /source/dir ; ( cd /target/dir ; tar xf -)


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Re: Help: Unable to change to SU through SSH

2006-05-13 Thread Nils Vogels
Maan Jee wrote on 13-05-2006 10:31:
> Hi
> I have created a user "admin" and using that to login through SSH from a
> remote machine. But I CANNOT "su", change to the root login? How can I do
> that?
Add the user "admin" to the "wheel" group in /etc/groups.
> To Install a Web Server, which distribution I should install, User or
> other?
I always install "the bare minimum" and then goto ports and install the
apache port.


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Re: Boot from CD (this time in ASCII :) )

2006-11-13 Thread Nils Vogels
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 13-11-2006 16:28:
> Now my question is this: how do the kernel know where to search the fstab
> (considered that the fstab says where to find the /etc)? I mean: I suppose
> I have to put on the CDROM an exact /etc/fstab for that installation?? Or
> this could be avoided? Also because I may need to edit the fstab for the
> machine without having to reburn the CD? so what? Or maybe the kernel can
> actually just be read from the CD and then everything else from the ( SAN |
> local ) drive? Am I missing something?
Have a look at the following manpages:


This explains the FreeBSD startup system.

In short, you tell the loader which kernel to boot, and you tell the
kernel where the root filesystem is. The root fileystem is considered to
contain instructions on how to proceed from there.


Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will not have, 
nor do they deserve, either one.

~Benjamin Franklin (American Statesman, Scientist, Philosopher, Printer, Writer 
and Inventor. 1706-1790)
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Re: Boot from CD (this time in ASCII :) )

2006-11-13 Thread Nils Vogels
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 13-11-2006 16:28:
> Now my question is this: how do the kernel know where to search the fstab
> (considered that the fstab says where to find the /etc)? I mean: I suppose
> I have to put on the CDROM an exact /etc/fstab for that installation?? Or
> this could be avoided? Also because I may need to edit the fstab for the
> machine without having to reburn the CD? so what? Or maybe the kernel can
> actually just be read from the CD and then everything else from the ( SAN |
> local ) drive? Am I missing something?
Have a look at the following manpages:


This explains the FreeBSD startup system.

In short, you tell the loader which kernel to boot, and you tell the
kernel where the root filesystem is. The root fileystem is considered to
contain instructions on how to proceed from there.

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Re: Building Ports w/ Options, Env

2006-11-13 Thread Nils Vogels
Rachel Florentine wrote on 13-11-2006 19:40:
> That would set up the environment, and might actually be correct as written 
> ;) I'm a whole lot less confident of the following:
>   MAKE_ARGS = {
> '/usr/ports/net/openldap23-server'=> [
> '--localstatedir=/var/run/slapd',
> '--enable-spasswd',
> etc, etc
> ],
>   }
What you put between the brackets [], is passed to make ans should be
options that make recognizes.

A small example:

'www/squid' => 'CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-delay-pools
--enable-snmp --enable-ssl --enable-ipf-transparent
'mail/imp' => 'WITH_HTML=yes WITH_COURIER-IMAP=yes',


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Re: Building Ports w/ Options, Env

2006-11-13 Thread Nils Vogels
Rachel Florentine wrote on 13-11-2006 19:40:
> That would set up the environment, and might actually be correct as written 
> ;) I'm a whole lot less confident of the following:
>   MAKE_ARGS = {
> '/usr/ports/net/openldap23-server'=> [
> '--localstatedir=/var/run/slapd',
> '--enable-spasswd',
> etc, etc
> ],
>   }
What you put between the brackets [], is passed to make ans should be
options that make recognizes.

A small example:

'www/squid' => 'CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-delay-pools
--enable-snmp --enable-ssl --enable-ipf-transparent
'mail/imp' => 'WITH_HTML=yes WITH_COURIER-IMAP=yes',



Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will not have, 
nor do they deserve, either one.

~Benjamin Franklin (American Statesman, Scientist, Philosopher, Printer, Writer 
and Inventor. 1706-1790)
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Re: the Installation package Apache Web Server Failure

2005-08-14 Thread Nils Vogels
Hash: SHA1
Mario Jose Canto Barea wrote:

>i had installed FreeBSD 5.4
>from CD's ( ISO i get with ftp from and
>burned with nero 6 on windows)
>but the Installation package Apache Web Server Failure
Install the ports tree collection from /stand/sysinstall and
afterwards type the following command:

cd /usr/ports/www/apache && make install clean

All done.

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How much performance loss?

2005-08-14 Thread Nils Vogels
Hash: SHA1
Hi there !

I am trying to get FreeBSD properly running on my Soekris net4801, and
for that reason I have compiled a custom kernel that doesnt have
support for the hardware that I do not have.

When booting, the kernel gives me the following complaint:

FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p6 #2: Sat Aug  6 11:56:49 CEST 2005
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/NET4801
WARNING: debug.mpsafenet forced to 0 as ipsec requires Giant
WARNING: MPSAFE network stack disabled, expect reduced performance.

So, I expect a little perfomance loss. When, however, I try to use the
device as an access-point (WLAN 802.11g/WEP-128 in bridging mode) I
cannot seem to get more than 10kbit/s performance over the bridged
wlan interface.

Is this the kind of performance-loss I am being warned about? I
seriously hope not :-)

If it is, how can I keep the full wireless speeds, while still using

Thanks a bunch,

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
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Makefile woes

2005-09-07 Thread Nils Vogels
Hi there !

I'm trying to write a Makefile and it's my first time writing a bit more
complex one .. I seem to be stuck and examples currently are not very
helpful, so I thought I'd try here:

What I am trying to do is differ the way of building depending if a
variable has been defined, my current Makefile looks like this:

  @cd /build/dir && make OPTION=set

  @cd /build/dir && make

.if defined(WANT_OPTION)
${MAKE} build_1
${MAKE} build_2 <-- error in this line

Whenever I run "make build" I get:

"Makefile", line xx: Need an operator
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

The error seems to occur in the indicated line ${MAKE} build_2, but I am
at a complete loss what I am doing wrong.. Help! :)

I am running RELENG_5_4 and the make that comes with it ..



Simple guidelines to happiness:
Work like you don't need the money,
love like your heart has never been broken and 
dance like no one can see you.
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