Re: whatkind of 19" LCD display??

2008-07-29 Thread Preston Hagar
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1

> I really like the Dell, both because of their outstanding contrast and
> brightness, no dead pixels in any of my LCDs, and the fact that they come with
> multiple interfaces which are switch selectable from the front panel.  The old
> 20" units had 4 jacks (RCA, S-Video, VGA, and DVI).  Really convenient.  The 
> new
> 24" one, beyond being able to run native 1920X1080 for HiDef Video, it's got
> about 10 different jacks.  Looks it up the web, the Dell pages describe it 
> best,
> and the contrast on that 24" has to be seen to be believed.  I actually turned
> it down!

I would second the Dell's, specifically the UltraSharp line.  I have a
19" Ultrasharp as my primary monitor and a 19" Dell "Standard" as a
secondary monitor.  The Ultrasharp has DVI and VGA, a built in USB hub
and is great to look at.

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Re: DHCP Question

2008-04-04 Thread Preston Hagar
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 9:36 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am in the process of moving my phone system DHCP from my Mitel 3300 to a
>  FreeBSD so I can parse the DHCP file.  In order to make Mitel's option 125
>  work correctly, I have to specify some vendor specific options.  I believe
>  this is option 124 if I understand the Mitel documentation correctly.

We have a Mitel 3300 and use OpenBSD servers with the ISC DHCP server.
 We have 5212 and 5224 IP phones and 5550 IP consoles.  The consoles
are the trickiest  of all to get working with DHCP.  Below are the
sections from our DHCP config that relate to the Mitel. A few things
to note about it. is our name server and dhcp server. is the IP of our Mitel 3300 controller/server.  the
/sysro/e2t8260 is the path of our e2t. The two most key components to
get it to work are the option-128 and option-129.  You need to set
these as the hex representation of the IP address of your Mitel
controller, so in our case, became 0A:01:05:01.  It won't
work otherwise. is our VPN gateway to our other office.
The vendor-class-identifier for mitel phones is always null (at least
for the 5212, 5224, and 5550 consoles).  We use this to separate the
Mitel phones into a separate class so they are in their own IP block.
We originally just used the vendor-class-identifier thing, but then
started to find NICs that had vendor-class-identifier = null, so I
noticed that all of our Mitel device MAC addresses start with
1:08:00:0f., so we use that to separate them as well.  It is a bad
hack, but it works for us.  Anyway, with this config, we have 5212,
5224, and 5550 consoles getting their addresses with DHCP. Feel free
to contact me if you have any questions.

host mitele2t {
   hardware ethernet 08:00:0f:1d:7e:e7;
   filename "/sysro/E2T8260";
# consoles will not work unless these options are EXACTLY
# as below.
option option-128 code 128 = string;
option option-129 code 129 = string;
option option-130 code 130 = text;
option option-66 code 66 = string;
option option-67 code 67 = string;

subnet netmask {

  class "mitel-phone" {
match if option vendor-class-identifier = null
and substring(pick-first-value(option
dhcp-client-identifier,hardware), 0, 4) = 1:08:00:0f;

  pool {
allow members of "mitel-phone";
option routers;
option option-66  "";
option option-67  "/sysro/e2t8260";
option option-128 0A:01:05:01;
option option-129 0A:01:05:01;
#option tftp-server-name "";
option option-130 "MITEL IP PHONE";

  pool {
deny members of "mitel-phone";
option routers;

  option broadcast-address;
  option subnet-mask;

  option netbios-name-servers;
  option netbios-dd-server;
  option netbios-node-type 8;
  option netbios-scope "";


Hope this helps.

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Re: Please help me with my PF config

2008-03-07 Thread Preston Hagar
On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 12:02 PM, Alaor Barroso de Carvalho Neto
> 2008/3/6, Erik Norgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
>  I know my config is far away from a good config but it's the first time I
>  configure an firewall, and I have only basic english knowledge, I'm not
>  totally sure about I can and I can not do, even since I read the tutorials,
>  because my english skills aren't good enough. The "IN" and "OUT" stuff is
>  very confusing for me yet.
>  But thankz a lot, it's working now.
>  Hugs,
>  Alaor Neto

It looks like you already have your problem solved.  One utility you
might want to look at is pftop.  With it, you can see pretty much in
real time what is going through pf and what is being blocked.  This
has helped me a lot to find out which rule in blocking something I
need to let through.  If you run pftop, then hit the right arrow key,
it will have the rule that is being applied for a given connection on
the far right-hand side.  If you hit SHIFT+S it will order the
connections by source ip to help you find what you are looking for.
Once you have the rule number that is blocking the connection you need
to let through, hit the right arrow 4 more times to see the list of
rules and their corresponding numbers.

It may or may not be of much use to you, but I have found pftop to be
indispensable when setting up pf firewalls.

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Re: Using ZFS on FreeBSD 7.0

2008-02-27 Thread Preston Hagar
On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 4:13 PM, Wojciech Puchar
> > will replace all other FS's -ya all others!!!
>  how sure you are?
I would second this.  Just as a "fun" test, setup a test machine with
hotswap drives in a RAID 10 zfspool.  Add a hot spare for good
measure.  While the system is running, pull one of the hot swap drives
and watch ZFS eat up all of the memory trying to talk to the drive
that is not longer there until you get a kernel panic.  We had this on
Solaris (x86 and 64-bit installs).  I know pulling a drive isn't
necessarily exactly the same as a drive dying, but it still shouldn't
bring down the whole system.
(Paid) Sun support had no answer.

We also tested ZFS on a FreeBSD 7.0 beta, run bonnie++ with a test
file size larger then RAM, this too will eat up all available memory
and bring down the system.  Obviously this could be a bonnie issue,
but still due to the overwhelming complexity of ZFS, it makes me
nervous putting anything in production that would use it.  ZFS has a
lot of good features in theory, but like a lot of Sun software (NFS,
JAVA) tends to be a little over-engineered and bloated.

I don't intend to start a flame-war or anything thing like that, but
in my experience there are still too many potential problems to really
rely on it in production.  It could just be my inability to setup ZFS
properly.  I would just recommend extensive testing and attempts to
simulate drive failures before putting it into production.  If ZFS
ever gets to what it aspires to be, and then got combined with
FreeBSD, you would have IMHO the ultimate server OS, but right now,
FreeBSD with gmirror is pretty darn good.
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Re: (postfix) SPAM filter?

2007-12-14 Thread Preston Hagar
> > I have found spam assassin with nightly updates of the helpful (there
> > are other people developing new regexs daily).
> >
> > 48 5 * * * /usr/local/bin/sa-update  --channel
> > && /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sa-spamd restart
> >
> > There are other channels you can subscribe to.
> >
> > Another super helpful bocker is to block all inbound connections from
> > IPs without reverse DNS. Don't forget to virus check your email while
> > you are at it -- there are several packages (clamav is one).  And
> > finally, a couple of RBLs added into the mix are helpful.
> Awesome, i didn't see the subscriptions on their website.
> This is exactly what i need.
> --
> Sten Daniel Soersdal

Something else I would recommend if you end up going the spamassassin
route is to look at rules emporium and rules du jour

Rules Du Jour is a nice bash script that can automatically download
and update the latest rules emporium rules for several different
categories of spam.  You just choose which rule lists you want to use
(there are a lot of categories and then different levels of spam
caught vs false positives within rule sets) and then set rules du jour
as a nightly cron job to update your rule sets automatically.  As some
one else said, this lets you have other people keep your regexs up to
date.  I also added these lines to the top of the Rules Du Jour script
to download a couple of other nice clamAV spam signatures:

#update extra clam spam defs
if [[ -d /var/lib/clamav/ ]]; then
 cd /var/lib/clamav/ && wget --timestamping
 cd /var/lib/clamav/ && wget --timestamping
 gunzip -cdf scam.ndb.gz > scam.ndb
#end update extra clam spam defs

I also use these smtpd restrictions in

smtpd_helo_required = yes
smtpd_helo_restrictions =

smtpd_sender_restrictions =
   check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/client_restrictions,

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
   check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/client_restrictions,

Most of that came from here:

Greylisting is great, and usually doesn't delay mail more than 5
minutes, but in some rare cases it can lead to mail delays of
sometimes up to 4 or 5 hours (which is within RFC specs for resending
after a 302 message).  For my personal server, that is no problem, so
I have implemented postgrey (with the stuff above) and get almost no
spam ever.  For a few businesses I run mail servers for, they expect
email to be instant (I know it doesn't have to be technically, but
that is what a lot of people expect now a days).  For them 20 extra
spam a day by not doing grey listing is an okay trade off so that one
contact from the new client shows up in time, instead of 3 hours too

Anyway, I hope this helps.  I am always trying to find new great spam
solutions (using postfix), so I will continue watching this tread with
great interest.  Most of the companies I setup mail servers for would
rather have 30 spam delivered per user per day than have even 1 false
positive or 1 significantly delayed mail, so it is always a tricky
line to walk (at least for me) to block as much spam as I can, without
ever delaying or blocking a ham message, so I am always looking for
new ideas and solutions.

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Re: Good FreeBSD Supported Gigabit Ethernet Card?

2007-09-17 Thread Preston Hagar
On 9/14/07, Oliver Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm looking to eventually upgrade my home network to all gigabit so I'm
> going to start by purchasing a few NICs for some old servers I just
> received. I know there are quite a few supported by FreeBSD6 which I found
> ( ) but
> I'm wondering if there is any real benefit in buying a $40 or $50 NIC
> like the Netgear GA311 or just get a $20 NIC like the D-Link DFE-530TX+.
> The use will probably be a firewall, proxy, file server, and DVR.
> --
> Oliver Hansen

As others have stated, Intel's are great.  I would highly recommend
them.  Just as a heads up in case you weren't aware, in your research
and purchase watch out for vendors switching chipsets within card
models.  Linksys is very bad about this.  If I remember correctly,
their most common GigE card has one model number, but 3 versions, all
of which have different chipsets.  As I recall, the 1st version works
well, the second so-so and the third not at all.  To add to the fun,
they no longer print the revision on the outside of the box, the only
way to find out is to open up the package and look at the chip on the
card.  Sorry if I sound a little bitter, I just recently had to
purchase a GigE card for a couple of  OpenBSD servers, needed them
right away, and had to go to several brick and mortar stores asking to
open the packages to make sure cards would work when I got them back
to the office.

Anyway, vendors other than Linksys do this as well, so just keep an
eye out for it.  Usually, no matter what the chipset, Intels seem to
be well supported.  I also had good success with the D-Link DGE-560T
PCI Express card and the DGE-530T PCI card under OpenBSD.

Hope this helps.

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RE: Recommended SMP Hardware

2007-04-10 Thread Preston Hagar

I just built the following server and I'm in love with it.  I don't know if
it would be underpowered for you though.  Here are the specs (I purchased
all the hardware from NewEgg with the exception of the chassis which I got
from servers direct)

***3ware 9550SX-8LP 64-bit/133MHz PCI-X SATA II Raid Controller Card -
*1 *TYAN S3950G2NR Socket AM2 ServerWorks
*2 *Kingston 1GB 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 667 (PC2 5300) ECC
*1 *AMD Opteron 1212
1 *Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 ST380815AS
*4 *Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 ST3320620AS (Perpendicular Recording

2U Chassis :  *Chenbro RM21508T2-BH LINK:

PS : SPI FSP650-802UR  Link:
Riser Cage, Rails, and CD Drive part numbers: Chenbro 84-321510-022
Chenbro 84H321210-050  Lite-on SSC-2485K

It is a dual-core Opteron with 2 GB ram.  The 3ware card supports 8 SATA
drives.  I have the 4 320GB seagates in RAID 10 and the 80GB seagate as the
internal OS disk.  Total cost $2104.53 (USD).  Like I said, you may need a
more power than me, but I love the configuration, the chassis, and the 3ware
card.  The SATA disks in RAID 10 get close to the same disk speed as 10K
SCSI (I know that is a bold claim).  In my tests they are getting up to
116Mb/s Read and 100Mb/s write.  Anyway, depending on your application, I
would recommend checking it out (especially the case if you want multiple
SATA drives).


On 4/5/07, pete wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/5/07, Don O'Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm getting ready to obsolete one of my old dual P2-800 servers and
> to get some suggestions from you all... I'm going to be building a new
> server to replace it and need more power, but not a TON more power...
> Something along the lines of dual 2.5 GHz processors with 4 GB RAM
should be
> more than enough.
> Any one have some suggestions for lower priced dual processor
> and CPU combos? Athlon, Xeon, P4, whatever, doesn't really matter. I'd
> to hear from some of you who are actually using certain combos in
> and your experiences (good or bad) with them and FreeBSD 6.2.

I've had good luck with multi core processors esp. the Intel 5130's.
They are a x86_64 capable CPU that will give you a SMP system in one
socket.  This should make the machine draw less power, require less
cooling, and hopefully the motherboard will be less expensive than a
multi-socket board.  Not sure where you are located - but I saw an add
for a Southern Californian Fry's that had the an "Intel Core2Duo"
motherboard/cpu combo for pretty cheap (~$190US).  I assume you can
find similar deals on the 'net as well.

Hope this helps!


Pete Wright
NYC's *BSD User Group
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Re: Release 6.2

2007-02-16 Thread Preston Hagar

On 2/16/07, York Rapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Guys.

I am looking for a DVD Image of Release 6.2 to download, but
unfortunately (stupid as I am ;-)) I cannot find it.

Can you give me an information or a link of a mirror.

Would be very kind.

Thank you for your trouble.

Cordiali saluti, / Best regards, / Mit freundlichen Gruessen,


Make each day count.

Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!*
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I was just wondering the same thing and I found this:

It is how to make the two CD images into one DVD image.  I got a little
tired as well with switching the CDs in and out.
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Re: Low-cost dedicated FreeBSD server or non-jail VPS?

2007-02-12 Thread Preston Hagar

On 2/10/07, Ted Mittelstaedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

- Original Message -
From: "Jay Chandler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ted Mittelstaedt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "FreeBSD Questions" 
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: Low-cost dedicated FreeBSD server or non-jail VPS?
> Maybe that's an option for you, but I'm looking at spending a minimum of
> another $60 every month to my ISP if I want those services.  I haven't
> been sufficiently impressed to feel that they warrant that extra fee.

Maybe they haven't significantly impressed you because you bought the
cheap service?

Hell - $60 compared to a colo feel of $50?  (the cheapest I've seen
someone post here)  In other words, you have a choice between
actually having the physical box right there, vs having it 1000 miles
away, and your in a -learning- situation?  And your going to cut off your
nose to spite your face just because of some issue with your ISP?
What are they currently doing to you to warrant that?

Without knowing your connectivity and how good/reliable/bad it is it's
difficult to make a judgement call.  But, I can say from experience that
there isn't any -TECHNICAL- reason that cheaper DSL or cable
connectivity can't be made as reliable as, say, a T1.

There's not many places in the United
States that you can't find multiple competing broadband providers.  It's
a lot different overseas, but here in the US if you don't like your ISP
usually another one around the corner.


But the problem in the US is that the physical lines are owned by one
company that all other providers are at the mercy of.  There are federal
regulations in place to try to keep the line owners (Verizon, SBC, etc.)
from abusing their powers, but they are pretty weak.  I had this exact
situation bite a customer of mine not too long ago.  They hosted their
server out of their office on DSL with a static IP through Speakeasy (a
reseller).  Speakeasy informed them that the people that owned the lines
(Covad) had sold them to Verizon and that they would have to switch DSL
modems, but that the outage should be minimal.  I told them to plan for a
full day of outage (even though the rep told us 2-3 hours), so they did.
Well, when they switched over, something was wrong and the new modem would
not connect.  After several hours on the phone with Speakeasy, Speakeasy had
determined that it was a problem at the CO and that Verizon would have to
fix it.  We could not call Verizon, they would not speak to us and Speakeasy
only had the ability to submit trouble tickets and escalate them (common to
all third party providers in our area).  Although we screamed and shouted
and threatened lawsuits (the customer was a law firm), there was nothing
Speakeasy could do.  I was then informed that if we had a T1, regulations
would require a 24 hour response time, but since this was "only" Business
DSL without a SLA (service level agreement), that it could be a week or two
before they got someone to check it out at the CO.

Long story short, they were out for a week.  Finally it was fixed.  We
learned then and there that although they may call it Business class DSL and
although the company you write your check to every month may have a stellar
customer service record, if there is a problem in the last mile or at the
CO, then you are at the mercy of whatever major telco owns your lines, and
that if you do not have a T1 or higher, or at least DSL service with a SLA,
then you are treated no better that a residential customer in terms of
returning you back to service (could be 1-2 weeks).

I think the OP just wanted a box to tinker with (I would still recommend as an option), so uptime may not be a huge issue.  I just
thought I would share the lesson I learned that although they call it
Business DSL, give you a static IP and charge you 5x the price for the same
speeds, it doesn't always guarantee the same reliability that a T1 or colo
facility will have.

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Re: Low-cost dedicated FreeBSD server or non-jail VPS?

2007-02-08 Thread Preston Hagar

On 2/7/07, John Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wednesday 07 February 2007 23:10, Peter Clark wrote:
> Is this up your alley?

I use this service and highly recommend it, but it definitely falls under
the "jail" category. They've modified the stock FreeBSD jails pretty
heavily and most of the time it's not obvious you're running in a jail,
if you want to do anything like create virtual interfaces, use your own
mountpoints or (as the OP mentioned) experiment with firewall setups
be out of luck.

JC does also offer dedicated servers on which they're more than happy to
install and support FreeBSD, but I'm not sure that meets the "low-cost"


I would second the John Companies.  Also another good one to look at is  I had a  Ubuntu server there for a while and they were great.
They only have FreeBSD as a dedicated option though, no VPS.  The dedicated
starts at $81 a month, so that may be a little more than you want to spend.

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Re: SCP & Delete

2007-02-06 Thread Preston Hagar

On 2/6/07, Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2007, at 3:12 PM, Don O'Neil wrote:
> > How do I delete a file after I've copied it with SCP? Is there some
> > sort of
> > secure 'rm' command?
> Use "rsync --delete" via SSH.  (Danger!  Slippery when wet!  Use with
> caution.)
> --
> -Chuck

I am not sure the rsync --delete is what the OP intended.  rsync --delete
will delete the file on the remote location if it no longer exists in the
source location.  The OP wanted to, as I understood it, delete the file from
the source location after it was copied to the remote location.  Probably
the best bet would to be to have a script scp the files, do some sort of
verification that they made it intact, and then do an ssh [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]"/path/to/file" as suggested earlier.



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Re: Propose for a PCMCIA wireless card for laptops

2006-11-18 Thread Preston Hagar

I have a Edimax EW-7108PCg that works great under Linux: (
The reason it works great is because Edimax is great at giving documentation
to developers to write drivers for it.  I found this for OpenBSD:  Messages back from 2005 that
the OpenBSD team had received drives for it.  I didn't find anything right
away for FreeBSD, but you might could find some confirmation with a little
searching.  Anyway, it is a great card, I got it at newegg for $25, but they
don't seem to have it anymore.  Zipzoomfly does though (link above) for $30
with a $5 MIR.  Anyway, I know this isn't the absolute confirmation you
probably hoped for, but at least it might give you a card with good
potential to research a little more or try.



On 11/16/06, Frozen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


anyone who can propose for a (quite cheap) PCMCIA wireless card for
easily supported by FreeBSD ?
cause i recently found a pcmcia D-Link 610 wireless card, managed to
her but doesn't function properly as it should..

Thanks in advance,
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