Mounting Sony PSP

2006-08-28 Thread Tim Holmes
I would really like to mount my PSP in FreeBSD so I can on and off load
files on my workstation, instead of having to use another, else where.
Has anybody been able to mount it?  Or have a How-To some place I could
use?  Thus far all my searches have come up with anything but what I'm
looking for.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you!


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Re: Mounting Sony PSP

2006-08-28 Thread Tim Holmes
| Hi,
| First check if with the dmesg command you can see your PSP, you should
| read something like this:
| umass0: USB Solid state disk, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 2
| GEOM: create disk da0 dp=0xc2d74850
| da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
| da0: Generic Traveling Disk 1.11 Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
| da0: 1.000MB/s transfers
| da0: 126MB (258048 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 126C)
| Then, you need to mount your PSP with:
| mount_msdos /dev/da0s1 /mnt/PSP
| There is a chapter in the handbook about USB device
| Regards.
| -- 
| There's this old saying: Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach
| a man to fish, feed him for life.

Thank you!  This did the trick.  As long as I have it mounted Amarok
sees it, and once I handle the permissions, I will be able to send
files back and forth to it.

I was looking at /dev/usb1 and wasn't getting anywhere.  Now I can toy
with this.  Thanks a lot!


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Source Update problems

2006-01-02 Thread Tim Holmes

I've been trying to update source, and ports late and I can't connect.
I keep getting a message saying that connection is refused:

# make update
 Running /usr/local/bin/cvsup
Parsing supfile /usr/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile
Connecting to
Cannot connect to Connection refused

There's nothing to prevent this.  I don't block anything, and the only
thing that changed was that I'm trying to make this same machine my
wireless gateway as well.  I think the only thing I added was:

options BRIDGE

I have the following in my /etc/make.conf:


At one point I had a different CVS server listed, but I got the same
message.  Does anybody have any sort of ideas?  I can't even install
packages.  That BRIDGE option couldn't have done this, could it?  I can
access anything else with no problems.

Thanks for the suggestions.


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Re: Source Update problems

2006-01-02 Thread Tim Holmes
| Can you
| ping
| Can you
| telnet cvsup

O.K.  This is weird.  I can ping and telnet to the host from a machine on 
my network.  This machine uses the FreeBSD server as it's gateway, and there's
no problem:

$ telnet cvsup
Connected to oliver.cse.Buffalo.EDU (
Escape character is '^]'.
OK 17 0 SNAP_16_1h CVSup server ready

However, from the actually server, I can ping it, but not telnet to it:

$ fping -c 2 : [0], 84 bytes, 29.3 ms (29.3 avg, 0% loss) : [1], 84 bytes, 31.3 ms (30.3 avg, 0% loss)

$ telnet cvsup
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

Seems to me I should be able to reach it from the actual gateway machine if
I can reach it from another machine on the network.  Any ideas?

| (I can). Maybe when you tried the server was too busy or down for a few
| minutes. Here's a trick I learned from
| Install the fastest_cvsup port, then in /etc/make.conf, set
| SUPHOST=`/usr/local/bin/fastest_cvsup -Qc uk`

I'll look into this once I can actually install software.  It won't
let me install anything either.


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FreeBSD Wireless Acces Point

2005-11-24 Thread Tim Holmes

I just picked up a LinkSys WMP55AG, and installed it.  I added the 
wlan and ath options to the kernel and rebuilt it with out fail.
I'm running 5.4-STABLE, and this machine is my gateway.  It already
had 2 NICs to handle this.  I know want it to handle any wireless
traffic as well.

I've searched for Wireless Access Point HOW-TOs, and they all seem
to have out dated information.  Suggesting commands that are
depreciated.  None of them show how to set this up in /etc/rc.conf
either, so everything runs at boot.

Does anybody have a recent HOW-TO that will help me set this and 
wireless security up?  Or any sort of notes anybody's used in the past.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Happy Holidays!

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Wireless Card Suggestion

2005-11-10 Thread Tim Holmes

I've finally decided to add wireless to my gateway.  It's already doing
all my gateway and firewall duties, and more and more people are coming
over with wireless devices and I'd like to offer them the option of using
my network.  Instead of buying a wireless router, I plan to just add a 
card to my existing server and go from there.  But I'd like some suggestions
on cards to check out.

I have a friend who's using a Linksys card, but he's uses a Linksys router.
The one he uses is 54Mbps, and I've seen a number of 108Mbps and 125Mbps.
Since I'm using this for a gateway, should I go for a card with higher Mbps?
Or do you really think that will make a difference?

Either way, I'd like you guys' suggestions on a wireless card that will do 
the trick, and let me know what speed you'd recommend as well.

Thanks for the help again!


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NFS help

2005-09-17 Thread Tim Holmes

Trying to move a NFS share to another NFS server and having a bit
of trouble with it.  I moved all the files and and I edited exports.

/home/install/fbsd -network -mask
/home/install/mdk -network -mask

Now the 1st one works just fine.  I can mount /home/install/fbsd 
across my network, but I can't mount the /home/install/mdk.  I've
restarted the nfs server several times, but I still can't get that
second share to become available.  Am I missing something?  Is that
config incorrect?  Any help here would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: network interface card nonresposive

2005-08-22 Thread Tim Holmes
| During the install Of FreeBSD 5.4 you come to the configuration of
| your NICs (I have 2 in my tower). I configured them with the basics
| (Ip, gteway, domain, exe...). I DID NOT install nfs server or client,
| dhcp,routing, or remote access.
| Onec the install was compleate I compiled firefox and the X terminal.
| If I log in as my user or as root, the browser dosn't connect. It
| seems that I have no conectivity at all to the internet or my network.
| Yes I set the cards to active, and yes there are ethernet cables
| attached. I have tested the cards and cables on a Windows os and
| everything works fine.
| What am I missing??? Is it permissions? Mabey further configuration?
| I'm going to try to set IP dynamicly but doubt I going to get results.
| I've been trying for 3 days and the fustration sent me askin
| questions. Please sombody give me some hints.
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 It may just be that they need to be configured.  I like to just
 edit /etc/rc.conf for the second NIC.  Might look something like

 ifconfig_sis0=inet  netmask

 Once I restart, the interface is up, and has the IP I specified.
 You can of course edit /etc/rc.conf and then bring up the second
 interface and assign an IP through ipconfig.

 Just change the inface name, in the example it would be the sis0 
 string, and then provide the IP and netmask.  If you have everything
 else configured correctly, it will know to forward those packets out
 the main NIC.


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IMAP Server suggestions

2005-08-20 Thread Tim Holmes

It's been a while since I've set up an IMAP server, but I would like to
do so again.  Can anybody recommend which IMAP server to install?  Any
suggestions on the matter would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!


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Re: FreeBSD and projects for kids

2005-08-20 Thread Tim Holmes
| I'm building a PC with my 10 year old niece.  Actually we are building
| several PC's out of junk parts that we have laying around the office.
| We are trying various OS's, including FreeBSD, on them. We are trying to
| get various devices to work: printers, scanners, sound cards,
| microphones, video boards, etc.  We're having fun (so far, at least.)
| She's learning a lot.
| I've been looking around for a web site (or two) for young girls
| interested in computers.  I came across (and its defunct
| special interest group BSDchix.)  It has plenty of female role models,
| but, like FreeBSD-questions, it is a little too advanced for my niece.
| Googling a bit hasn't hit any gold mines for her. But see below.
| Thus my questions:  any ideas for very elementary reading on computers
| for a 10 year old?  Any ideas for an appropriate web site for her?
| Anyone tried PicoBSD as an example of a small OS?Can anyone advise
| me as to how much of FreeBSD I need to load before there are interesting
| games for 10 year olds in the games ports?   Other advice/ideas?
| TIA,
| -gayn
| P.s. found:
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There are some decent games in the ports list.  SuperTux isn't bad.
It's a lot like Super Mario 3, can be pretty fun.  I've played it with
a keyboard, but it would be ideal with a controller.  There's a network
Monopoly game that I've played with my sister on rainy days that can be
fun.  There's of course Free Civ, though not so sure a 10 year old
might enjoy.  Frozen-Bubble is a lot of fun.  A SDL game that FreeBSD
should be able to handle.  KDE has some games in their kdegames package
that can be entertaining.  There are a few network tetris or network
tetris like games.

Somebody else mentioned an IRC server or the like.  Would be good for
her and friends.  Could even let other parents know about it, and they
could use it for help on homework and the like.  And I'm sure there's
somebody around here that plays 3D accelerated games in FreeBSD that
might offer up some info as well.

I hope you find something that can capture her interests.  And if you
find something, put something together.  I'm sure there are a number of
parents and aunts and uncles that could benefit from what you find out.
Good luck, I hope it goes well.


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Re: User admin question..

2005-08-20 Thread Tim Holmes
| At 05:51 PM 8/20/2005, Eric Murphy wrote:
| Use vipw and remove the lowercase version from your password file.

Make sure you edit /etc/group as well.  So your group won't be missing
now that you've changed your userID.  There used to be a vigr, but that's
been done away with, so just edit it in whatever editor you like.

| -Glenn
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Package Names: gls import

2005-08-20 Thread Tim Holmes

I'm trying to get the command import and gls installed.  I just recently
installed 5.4, and can't remember which package gave me gls, along with
some other GNU tools.  I know there's gnuls, but the package I found had
a number of basic GNU tools, and gls was amoung them.

The other command is import.  I've done a make search key=search for
both gls and import and have gotten a lot of things that don't seem to be
what I'm looking for.  Can anybody possibley tell me which packages those
commands reside in?

Thanks for the help!


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Re: searching ports doesn work

2005-08-20 Thread Tim Holmes
 I think you did what I did.  and it does take a while.  There's a
 much easier and faster way to do this if you're online.  I wasn't
 at the time, so I had to build it manually.

 When you do the make search keyblah and there isn't a /usr/ports/INDEX5
 it builds one.  I ~think~ it basically looks at all packages finds out info
 about it, and then builds the index.  However if you download it, it's faster.

 make fetchindex

 Do that in /usr/ports and it will download the INDEX5, put it in /usr/ports
 and now when you type make seach key=blah it will have that to search.

 I think it took my PII 400 36 hours to build it's INDEX5.  Poor machine.


| Hi folks,
| well, I have just installed freebsd 4.11 . Then, I read through the
| freebsd handbook.
| the siete above explains how to search for ports. So, I went to
| /usr/ports and did make search lsof
| I get a notcie that says something of generating INDEX, please
| wait.
| And I waited, and well. After 3 cups of coffee I
| had 2 problems. First, I was toxicated with coffee *G* and my little
| bsd still said:...Pleas wait.
| running top showed me that the shell running make was waiting
| ...but waiting for what?
| Well, I then kille the process and tried again, without any luck.
| Can anyone help me with this issue? I would like to know, why this
| does not work or what I maybe did wrong.
| -- 
| Thank you
| Marcel Lautenbach
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Re: Strange problem with DHCPD

2005-08-17 Thread Tim Holmes
| i recently installed
| on my server and when i try to start the service from his script
|  /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start he doesn't start.
|  But if i try /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd he work fine.
|  Why ?
| -- 
| Any help would be greatly appreciated.
| regards,
| Carstea Catalin
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If you do a /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ rcvar it will tell you
that you don't have it enabled in your /etc/rc.conf.  Most of these
start up scripts have these.  Sometimes you'll need more than one edit,
and it will point this out to you.


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FreeBSD Gateway problems

2005-08-15 Thread Tim Holmes

For years I've used a FreeBSD as my gateway.  Well I haven't had a high
speed connection for 3 years now, and I've just gotten it back.  Since
then I've reloaded the machine from 4.3 to 5.3.  I thought I had it all
set up so when I did get connection, I could make a quick edit to my 
rc.conf and I'd be ready to go.  Well turns out I was way off.

The machine has no problems geting an IP from the cable modem, and I can
get anywhere I want from that machine directly.  (I'm currently ssh'd to
the router machine to send email, use w3m to find How-Tos)  But it won't
pass traffic from the rest of the network.

Here are the settings in my rc.conf:

gateway_enable=YES  # Enable as Lan gateway
# firewall_enable=YES
natd_flags=-f /etc/natd.conf

The firewall_enable is disable now because when it's turned on, I can't 
actually get out from directly on the machine.  At this point I just want
it to do the routing and then I can work on building a firewall afterwards.

Before I did the update and rebuilt the kernel yesterday, I had these options
in rc.conf

# ipnat_enable=YES# Start ipnat function
# ipnat_rules=/etc/ipnat.rules# rules definition file for ipnat
# ipfilter_enable=YES # Start ipf firewall
# ipfilter_rules=/etc/ipf.rules   # loads rules definition text file

Well all these other How-Tos I found on told me all I needed
was gateway_enable=YES and firewall_enable=YES.  Also to add these two 
options to the kernel:

options IPFILTER
options IPDIVERT

But that wasn't working.  Another mentioned I needed 
but that's not doing it either.  It wasn't actually running nat, and I'd get 
if I tried to start.  Here's the message I saw at boot after a new kernel.

1: unexpected keyword (any) - from
/sbin/ipf: /etc/ipf.rules: parse error (-1), quitting

After following some other How-Tos I tried running ipfw, but I keep getting an 
message that won't return any helpful searches from Google.

# ipnat -f /etc/ipnat.conf 
ioctl(SIOCGNATS): Operation not permitted
# ipfw -f flush
ipfw: setsockopt(IP_FW_FLUSH): Protocol not available
# ipf -FA -f /etc/ipf.rules 
ioctl(SIOCIPFFL): Operation not permitted
# ipfw add divert natd all from any to any via xl0
ipfw: getsockopt(IP_FW_ADD): Protocol not available

None of those error messages will give me anything to go.  So I'm at a lose 
here.  Can
anybody point me to How-To, or share their rc.conf edits to make this work?

I know this was a little long, but thanks in advance for the help.

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Re: Question

2005-08-14 Thread Tim Holmes
| When I get my new computer and I am going to run
| FreeBSD, also, I want to still run the browser
| Firefox. But if you go to Firefox's website it also
| lists other OS, but not FreeBSD. But I see that a lot
| of my friends that run FreeBSD use firefox. Would I
| install the Linux package because it is also a Unix System?
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Installit from ports.

cd /usr/ports/www/firefox
make install clean

Of course you need to be root to do this.  If there's nothing in 
/usr/ports, then you'll have to install it.  You can usedo this 
in /sbin/sysinstall.


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