Re: FreeBSD 7 and 2 monitors

2009-03-31 Thread User Wblock

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009, M. Vale wrote:

Hi, I have 2 monitors (20 Asus) with a Radeon X1600/X1650 PRO configure
with xrand and everything works ok.

The resolution I'm using right now is 3360x1050.

Now I've a brand new Asus 24 (MK241H), and  I can use this monitor with the
other asus.

My configuration now is 1 monitor 24 Asus and another one 20, but xrand
cant use this to make one desktop :(

Please post specifics.

Do you have any solutions or recomendations in how to put this 2 monitors

Use xorg.conf instead of xrandr?

one monitor max resolution is 1920 x 1200 (24) and the other Asus 1680 x
1050 (20).

I have a 1920x1200 and 1024x768 dual monitors with an X1650 right here. 
Here's the xorg.conf:

Section ServerLayout
Identifier Configured
Screen   0  Screen0 0 0
Option   Blank Time 0
Option   Standby Time 0
Option   Suspend Time 0
Option   Off Time 0

Section Files
ModulePath   /usr/local/lib/xorg/modules
FontPath /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
FontPath /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/
FontPath /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/OTF
FontPath /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/
FontPath /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/
FontPath /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/
FontPath /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/bitstream-vera/

Section DRI
Group 0
Mode  0660

Section Monitor
Identifier   Monitor0
VendorName   HWP
Option   PreferredMode 1920x1200
Option   Position 1024 0
Option   DPMS

Section Monitor
Identifier   Monitor1
VendorName   PHL
ModelNamePhilips 150B3
Option   PreferredMode 1024x768
Option   Position 0 0

Section Device
### Available Driver options are:-
### Values: i: integer, f: float, bool: True/False,
### string: String, freq: f Hz/kHz/MHz
### [arg]: arg optional
#Option NoAccel # [bool]
#Option SWcursor# [bool]
#Option Dac6Bit # [bool]
#Option Dac8Bit # [bool]
#Option BusType # [str]
#Option CPPIOMode   # [bool]
#Option CPusecTimeout   # i
#Option AGPMode # i
#Option AGPFastWrite# [bool]
#Option AGPSize # i
#Option GARTSize# i
#Option RingSize# i
#Option BufferSize  # i
#Option EnableDepthMoves# [bool]
#Option EnablePageFlip  # [bool]
#Option NoBackBuffer# [bool]
#Option DMAForXv# [bool]
#Option FBTexPercent# i
#Option DepthBits   # i
#Option PCIAPERSize # i
#Option AccelDFS# [bool]
#Option DDCMode # [bool]
#Option IgnoreEDID  # [bool]
#Option DisplayPriority # [str]
#Option PanelSize   # [str]
#Option ForceMinDotClock# freq
#Option ColorTiling # [bool]
#Option VideoKey# i
#Option RageTheatreCrystal  # i
#Option RageTheatreTunerPort# i
#Option RageTheatreCompositePort# i
#Option RageTheatreSVideoPort   # i
#Option TunerType   # i
#Option RageTheatreMicrocPath   # str
#Option RageTheatreMicrocType   # str
#Option ScalerWidth # i
#Option RenderAccel # [bool]
#Option SubPixelOrder   # [str]
#Option ShowCache   # [bool]
#Option DynamicClocks   # [bool]
#Option VGAAccess   # [bool]
#Option ReverseDDC  # [bool]
#Option LVDSProbePLL# [bool]
#Option AccelMethod # str
#Option DRI # [bool]
#Option ConnectorTable  # str
#Option DefaultConnectorTable   # [bool]
#Option DefaultTMDSPLL  # [bool]
#Option TVDACLoadDetect # [bool]
#Option ForceTVOut  # [bool]
#Option TVStandard  # str
#Option IgnoreLidStatus # [bool]
#Option DefaultTVDACAdj # [bool]
#Option Int10   # [bool]
Identifier  Card0
Driver  radeon
VendorName  ATI Technologies Inc
BoardName   Radeon X1650 Pro

Re: Software installasion (Was: Re: Wine without X)

2009-03-29 Thread User Wblock

On Sun, 29 Mar 2009, Barnaby Scott wrote:

Thanks for all the ideas about where to download/install custom apps -
the one that appeals most at this stage is a jail, partly because I have
never played with them, and I think I should progress my learning in
that direction. However I find the other answers very useful insights
too. Given that winetricks calls itself a 'quick and dirty script',
along with the fact that the current wine port doesn't work,

Today's updated wine-1.1.18,1 port works now.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
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