Re: Off-topic: Java Reflection/Generics/Collections question

2008-12-26 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
What you try to do is not a valid operation in type-safe language as Java.
You can't convert Coll to Coll,
but you can cast Coll to Coll.

Don't know if this is OK with the problem you're trying to solve

Merry Christmas!

On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 4:20 PM, Frank Staals  wrote:

> Not realy a FreeBSD-specific question but I was not sure where I could find
> what I was looking for elseware (Googling did not manage to dig up much
> info):
> The problem:
> I want to set the type of objects some Collection object holds on runtime.
> In other wors I have an object C with: C extends AbstractCollection, I have
> the Class object T specifying what type of objects C should hold and I have
> a method M which takes a C as an argument. I made a generic version of C
> (without the type) and now I have to set it so it can only carry objects of
> type T. Does anyone know how to do this ?
> Information in programming style:
> C extends AbstractCollection myCollection;
> Class itemType;
> public void myMethod(C myCollectionArgument)
> How do I convert myCollection from being a C to a C  on runtime
> so I can call myMethod(myCollection) ?
> I hope the explanation of my problem makes sense and someone can help me.
> Regards,
> --
> - Frank
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Re: Problems with

2007-10-01 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
The problem is not in the FreeBSD site. "The problem is in yout TV set", I
I've experienced the same problem when I was using PPPoE and haven't
configured the MTU correctly.
If you're using PPPoE, to learn more check this out:
and search the mailing list previous thread, such as: "*PPPoE Link Problems*
Best regards,

On 01/10/2007, Fernando Apesteguía <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having some problems with the FreeBSD site. Basically, when I type
> in the address bar in Firefox I can't access the web.
> I get always a timeout.
> The funny thing is that I can do ping and if I use the IP address I
> can access the main page, but then most of the links are not working
> for me.
> I wrote an email to the contact address that is showed in the page,
> but I haven't gotten any answer so far. This is the reason because I'm
> asking help here. I already deleted all the cookies and data of my
> browser and tried again but it didn't work.
> Any clues?
> Thanks in advance
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Re: About FreeBSD installation

2007-07-04 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov

It depends on what you really want. If you don't want 64-bit version OS, I
don't think you'll have problems at all. Recently, my PC got fucked up, I've
changed the mother board, switched from 32 bit AMD Athlon to a 64 bit AMD
Turion, and successfully booted from the previously installed FreeBSD
4.9Release on the hard drive.
If you want the 64 bit version of the OS, further investigation from you are
Check this out:

Best Regards,

On 04/07/07, Yordan Yordanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I want to install the last stable release of FreeBSD Unix on my desktop
machine with AMD64 processor. Are there any differences in the FreeBSD ports
for these two platform: FreeBSD/i386 and amd64? In the FreeBSD handbook I
saw a workaround which should be applied to set up FreeBSD for  some
chipsets. If I have such a problem can I try to install i386 version
on my machine. There is no reason not to work, but I want to be sure that
this is possible.

Greetings from Bulgaria


С бензин в кръвта!
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Re: Java on the BSD Desktop?

2007-05-30 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov

On 30/05/07, Vladimir Tsvetkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When we talk about portability of User Interface applications with rich
interactivity we must also put into disscusion Adobe Flash and Adobe Flex
Adobe is working on its Apollo platform (huge part of it is open source -, which should
bring RIA into the desktop as a front end technology and leave to us the
choice among the diverse flavours of back end technologies.

To my oppinion Java is more suitable for  back end solutions. The level of
interractivity of Java GUI apps is around the standard for the most wide
spread applications, but it is still way to far from being competitive to
the richness in human-computer interaction, that we can design and use with
Flash/Flex apps.

I would like to see a native FreeBSD Flash player.

This is the main reason I'm getting into this disscussion.

There is a Flash player for the Macs and for the Linuxes, we need also a
native Flash player.

Best Regards,
Vladimir Tsvetkov,

On 30/05/07, n j < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I guess if everyone here on this list gives his/her two cents to this
> > topic we're having a nice java advocacy flame war. ;-)
> The main characteristic of a flame war is to disparage other people's
> arguments while maintaining that your arguments are the best, no?
> That's why I'm not going to try and talk anyone out of their poison
> :-), be it C, Python, Perl or C#/Mono.
> Rather, I would like to continue a constructive discussion by speaking
> from a personal experience. I apologize in advance if this is OT even
> though it is FreeBSD-related and this list does see a lot of
> shell/perl/... questions, so I don't see why a Java question should be
> illegitimate.
> First off, in my company we had a Java app (simple app, working with
> database and e-mails) written for Windows. And then, there came
> company decision to make Linux the default desktop solution. Java app
> worked like a charm with no changes whatsoever.
> Second, I'm running a custom-written Java server app on a FreeBSD
> server for over half a year in production plus many months before that
> in development. It works rock solid on Diablo JDK. Of course, we also
> have a GUI desktop app that connects to this server that works on both
> Windows and Ubuntu.
> I completely agree that Sun's licence is a hassle. Fortunately, in a
> year or two, we're going to have an open source Java platform meaning
> there will be no hassle with manual download while installing JRE/JDK.
> Combined with the great API, object-oriented nature of the language,
> free IDE for serious development (Eclipse and specifically Netbeans
> with a very capable Swing GUI visual editor) - this combination
> strikes me as something only Microsoft can compete with.
> Another .02,
> --
> Nino
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Re: Why are so many people using 4.x?

2006-03-29 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
2006/3/29, Vaaf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> FreeBSD, and UNIX for that matter, is based off 30-year-old concepts.
> Noboy can deny this. That being said, you can compare the development
> of FreeBSD to building a skyscraper on shallow grounds. Naturally, the more
> you build the more building is likely to collapse. This is now the case with
> the old FreeBSD (in which a couple of smart guys decided to savior into
> DragonFly) versus the new FreeBSD. I think the same thing is happening
> with Windows versus Vista. As OS development progresses, this little
> theory of mine will become more and more obvious. If anyone on this list can
> contribute with facts and observations to strenghten this theory, I would
> really appreciate it.

30 years of development and continual introduction of new features
build on top of existing ones is considered a very good design. And
FreeBSD is still extensible and growing, despite of its age.
And FreeBSD is not a skyscraper neigther literally, nor metaphorically
- it's more like a spaceship - a very robust one - gives you the means
and tools to save your life in deep space when a threat to your life
appears and there is noone around.
Before even starting talking about design, we should give proper
definition for this concept.
What is good design?
How do we measure one design against an alternative one?
The widespread notion of good desing is related to the ability to
maintain, extent and comprehend easily some complex system.
30 years... You do the math!
I'm not sure you're ready to present a new and revolutionary design
(you should start a new threat on that). It's more like you're in
search of volunteers to your FreeBSD Critisism Project.
Revolutionary design means starting from scratch  - this would be a
huge, tremendous investment of time and efforts(choose a platform, a
language, write a compiler for it, start building a kernel, write
completely new device drivers - Microsoft have its Singularity
Research Project - an operating system written entirely in C#, but
they don't share the tools - the C# compiler and linker they use to
build that system, neighter the code - you can get just a couple of
PowerPoint presentions, an interview, and a short 50 page long paper,
about the features that this system will introduce - on the other hand
you can get all of the FreeBSD source code, tones and tones of
documentation, and hundreds of ready to help you people - FOR FREE).
And there's no guarantee that this new design would last even 5 years.
At some point in time this will probably happen, but it won't be
FreeBSD. FreeBSD is not a vendor - it's an existing and evolving
operating system and a commited community of FreeBSD users. The
emphasis is on evolving.
If we want to stick to FreeBSD, the new design should be evolutionary
one, which is pretty different in concept - we would start from a
familiar code base and would slowly integrate changes (just like the
DragonFly project) into this base, thus creating a new BSD branch of

Best Regards,
Vladimir Tsvetkov
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Re: Which is the best open source C/C++ IDE out there?

2006-01-08 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
> This is obviously a trick question, because real
> programmers don't use IDEs. Case Closed.

I'm not a real programmer, but UNIX is a great developer environment.
It's a tool based environment.
Small tools, strong cohesion in what they are designed for, easy ways
to combine them to form more complex tasks.
Good documentation too.
Actually you don't need anything else, you don't need a colourfull IDE. But...
Maybe only few, really exceptional people can benefit and grok the
power of this kind of environments.
To me the ideal "IDE" is actually a toolkit:
- Source Editor, preferably with a object browser or other kind of a
source browser. An autocomplete functionallity could increase
productivity too - this could increase quality if we measure quality
of code by the low number of syntax mistakes, but this could also be a
threat to quality letting the programmer write without reading
carefully what is written - code bloating.
- Compiler with a debugger. We must discuss about the pros. and cons.
of a grafic debugger versus a text-mode debugger. The things are
getting really messy when it comes up to debugging multithreading code
and I really don't know what is the ultimate tool for this task.
- A build tool. Ant or make will suffice.
- Source control tools. CVS, SVN etc.
- Documentation tools. POD, Doxygen, Javadoc or something else.
- Unit testing framework. This is not always a tool. This could be a
language extension, or  a testing API.
- Other tools.

You don't need to put everything together in a single swissknife-tool,
but this could be convenient in some cases.

IDE vs. Toolbased Environments ???

Which is more productive and how to measure productiveness?

Best Regards,
Vladimir Tsvetkov
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Re: Swap space

2005-11-01 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
> Hi,
> I just bought 4 servers with 4 gigs of ram, the documentation
> proposes to use 2 to 3 times the amount of ram for swap... I don't
> think 12 gigs of swap would be useful lol, but do I really need to
> put 4 gigs of ram. (It might be useful for kernel dump but...)
> What do you guys do with swap space in this scenario ?

It depends on how big is the address space for your machines.
32-bit machines can address 4GB of memory, so it's reasonable to use 2
or 3 times the amount of RAM space (if you hawe 256MB or 512MB - the
swap should be 768MB or 1GB), but if you have 32bit machines with 4GB
of memory there is no need to use more than 4GB for swap.
64-bit machines can address 2^64 bytes which is a very big address
space, so you should use the guidelines in the documentation (FreeBSD

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Re: Apache::DBI Problems

2005-10-27 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
> I'm having some major issues with perl site I'm trying to get working.
> I'm running FreeBSD 5.4 stable using Apache 2.0.55 and perl 5.8.7.  The
> error I'm getting is:
> Can't locate object method "connect_on_init" via package "Apache::DBI"
> (perhaps you forgot to load "Apache::DBI"?)
> I do have
> LoadModule perl_module libexec/apache2/
> PerlModule Apache::DBI
> in my httpd.conf file.  I'm pretty new to perl and have no idea what
> I've done wrong.  Any help would greatly be appreciated.  If you need
> more info from me, don't hesitate to ask.

Maybe you should inspect the Perl script you're trying to run, and you
should look for the following Perl statement:

use Apache::DBI;

I think it's also good to read the documentation for the Apache::DBI
module in CPAN:
You could also try to add

PerlModule Apache::DBI  # this comes before all other modules using DBI

to You should pay attention to the comment!!!

What can you do next if you had configured everything correctly and
the Perl scripts are OK?
Maybe you just dont't have the Apache::DBI module installed on your
machine, and you should download it and install it then:

% perl -MCPAN -e "shell"

install Apache::DBI

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Re: Problems with Acroread7 port

2005-10-06 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
06 Oct 2005 08:58:34 -0400, Lowell Gilbert
> Vladimir Tsvetkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Now acroread7 runs, but during start it prints in an error-message
> > dialog the following message:
> >
> > There was an error while loading the plug-in 'PPKLite.api.'
> > The plug-in failed to initialize.
> >
> > Oddly, this message is shown only when I start Acroread7 under root.
> > Another problem is the behaviour of Firefox + Acroread Plug-in. When I
> > try to access ot to load from the disk *.PDF documents, Firefox
> > freezes when the initialization window of Acroread7 stops on:
> >
> > Loading EWH.api...
> >
> > Than the firefox window is not responding.
> > What causes this problem?
> It's probably an environment setting; my guess would be PATH.
> But my advice would be not to run X as root anyway.

In order to start an X application as root, you do not need to run X
as root. I simply use su, and start the application from the command
line as root.

When I use Acroread7 as a standalone application (not as a plug-in to
Firefox), it works just file, despite the error message dialog above
informing about the problems with the incorrect loading of those APIs.

I could be a PATH problem, but it also could be a lack of a required
library. First, I should assure that all the reguired ports for
Acroread7 are installed correctly and up-to-date.

Solving the problems with those stale dependencies looks more like a
intuitive work, and I'm still on the stage "Try and Error". Maybe
gaining the experience will formalize that process, but it would be of
great help to me, if you could supply some heuristics for solving this
kind of problems. Unfortunatelly, I couldn't find much on this topic.

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Fwd: Port perl 5.8.7 on FreeBSD 4.10

2005-10-06 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
-- Forwarded message --
From: Vladimir Tsvetkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2005-10-6 13:57
Subject: Re: Port perl 5.8.7 on FreeBSD 4.10
To: Olivier Nicole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

2005/10/6, Olivier Nicole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> fw2: env | grep LIBRA
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib/compat:/usr/local/firebird/lib:/usr/local/lib/mysql:/usr/local/lib/pth:/usr/local/lib/kde3
> OK part of it may be useless :)

Backup the value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH (just copy the string in a text
editor or somewhere else, so after this experiment you could set this
environment variable again) and now unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.
Does this fix the problem?

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Re: Port perl 5.8.7 on FreeBSD 4.10

2005-10-06 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
-- Forwarded message --
From: Vladimir Tsvetkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2005-10-6 14:05
Subject: Re: Port perl 5.8.7 on FreeBSD 4.10
To: Olivier Nicole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Does this fix the problem?
> It does, now I have to figure out what is the problem in the library.
> Both machines have the same LD_LIBRARY_PATH...
> Thanks, I should be able to work it out now.

This happens to be a common problem.
You might want to look at:
There is an explanation for this problem and recommendations what is
the correct way to configure ld(1).

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Re: Port perl 5.8.7 on FreeBSD 4.10

2005-10-06 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
-- Forwarded message --
From: Vladimir Tsvetkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2005-10-6 13:46
Subject: Re: Port perl 5.8.7 on FreeBSD 4.10
To: Olivier Nicole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

2005/10/6, Olivier Nicole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > What kind of script are you trying to execute?
> No script, perl it self is not running.
> > What options did you use for building that port?
> > Are you using  THREADS and ITHREADS ?
> All default, make, make install
> > Could you apply in your nex mail the output of this command:
> >
> > # perl -V
> >
> > or even this leads to the same error-message?
> Same error message.

Let me see the output of:


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Re: Problems with Acroread7 port

2005-10-05 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
Now acroread7 runs, but during start it prints in an error-message
dialog the following message:

There was an error while loading the plug-in 'PPKLite.api.'
The plug-in failed to initialize.

Oddly, this message is shown only when I start Acroread7 under root.
Another problem is the behaviour of Firefox + Acroread Plug-in. When I
try to access ot to load from the disk *.PDF documents, Firefox
freezes when the initialization window of Acroread7 stops on:

Loading EWH.api...

Than the firefox window is not responding.
What causes this problem?

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Re: Problems with Acroread7 port

2005-10-04 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
> > > I meant that you need the X version of libfreetype.
> >
> > I've just installed /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8 port, but happen
> > also to break my acroread5 port, and neither acroread5 nor acroread6
> > works.
> I haven't had acroread6 installed in a long time, but acroread5 still
> works for me (in a very carefully controlled environment, because its
> security bugs are both serious and unlikely to be fixed).

I meant 7 (SEVEN) :).
I reinstalled acroread with
# portinstall acroread
and this fixed the problem with the Acroread5.

> > # acroread
> > /compat/linux/usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread:
> > error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared
> > object file: No such file or directory
> >
> > I looked for
> > # find /usr -name "*"
> > /usr/X11R6/lib/
> >
> > It appears to be right in place, but still acroread doesn't work.
> That's *not* the right place.  The right place would be
> /usr/compat/linux/usr/X11R6/lib/
> The one you found will only help you with FreeBSD binaries, not Linux ones.
Now, I understand. The problem with the Linux version of FreeType is solved.
This time I am getting a different message about another missing
library. But I hope I'm going to fix this too.
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Re: Problems with Acroread7 port

2005-10-03 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
> You need the Linux version (as acroread is a Linux X executable).
> On my -STABLE system, it was installed as part of linux_base-8,
> as a dependency.

I believe I have exactly the linux version:
And it was installed as part of the linuxpluginwrapper port as a dependency.
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Problems with Acroread7 port

2005-10-03 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
I had no problems with the make install clean with this port,
but when I try to start acroread7, I got the following message:

# acroread7
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

I've searched for the shared object on my machine and
I got the following:

# find /usr -name "*"

Maybe I have a newer version of*.
I tried with a symbolic link:

# ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/

And then again:
# acroread7
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

So, this method doesn't work.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,
Vladimir Tsvetkov

p.s. This message was also sended to the port maintainer
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Fwd: FreeBSD + Firefox + Flash Problems

2005-10-03 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
-- Forwarded message --
From: Vladimir Tsvetkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2005-10-3 11:02
Subject: Re: FreeBSD + Firefox + Flash Problems

The Flash problem is solved!!!
The problem was in step 2:

> 2. Install linuxpluginwrapper:
> # cd /usr/ports/www/linuxpluginwrapper
> # make WITHOUT_PLUGINS=yes install clean

I just explored the /usr/ports/www/linuxpluginwrapper/Makefile and I saw this:

.if !defined(WITHOUT_PLUGINS)
RUN_DEPENDS+=   ${X11BASE}/lib/linux-mozilla/plugins/${PORTSDIR}/mult
#RUN_DEPENDS+=  ${LINUXBASE}/usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Browser/intellinux/nppdf

.if ${OSVERSION} < 50


I had defined WITHOUT_PLUGINS=yes, which meant that the nested .if
expession about using Motif on my system was not executed. My system
needs Motif to get the Flash plugin running. So I deinstalled it, and
installed it without defining this configuration variable:

# cd /usr/ports/www/linuxpluginwrapper
# make install clean

Now, Flash works!!!

You can see also that I've commented out the line that will install
Acroread7 as a dependency, because I thought that Acroread5 will work
just fine for me. Obviously I am mistaken, because I still can't open
*.PDF in an embeded browser. And now, I'm just going to try another
install and maybe will use Acroread7.

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FreeBSD + Firefox + Flash Problems

2005-10-02 Thread Vladimir Tsvetkov
I did everything like it was described in the how-to's about
installing plugins for native Firefox on FreeBSD. I use FreeBSD 4.9
Release, which at this moment is unsupported.

1. Install firefox:
# cd /usr/ports/www/firefox ; make install clean

2. Install linuxpluginwrapper:
# cd /usr/ports/www/linuxpluginwrapper
# make WITHOUT_PLUGINS=yes install clean

I use WITHOUT_PLUGINS=yes, because I don't need acroread7 - I have
acroread5 and it perfectly fits my needs.
I got the following message:

Please enable libmap.conf(5) feature for rtld(1).
4-stable user:
You can get a following patch.
   Please apply on /usr/src and make install on /usr/src/libexec/rtld-elf:
   # cd /usr/src ; patch -p0 < /tmp/libmap_4stable.diff
   # cd libexec/rtld-elf ; make clean all install
5.1-RELEASE user:
Please see /usr/src/libexec/rtld-elf/Makefile.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/www/linuxpluginwrapper.

3. Patching:
I've downloaded the patch: and than I tried
to apply it:
# cd /usr/src ; patch -p0 < /tmp/libmap_4stable.diff

I got the following message:
Hmm...  Looks like a unified diff to me...
The text leading up to this was:
|diff -urN libexec/rtld-elf.old/Makefile libexec/rtld-elf/Makefile
|--- libexec/rtld-elf.old/Makefile  Sun Jun 23 06:32:35 2002
|+++ libexec/rtld-elf/Makefile  Wed Oct  8 02:50:10 2003
File to patch:

Obviously, I don't have /usr/src/libexec sources installed.

4. Install the libexec sources:
I put the FreeBSD 4.9 Release installation CD in the CD-ROM.
# /stand/sysinstall

5. Patch again:
# cd /usr/src ; patch -p0 < /tmp/libmap_4stable.diff
# cd libexec/rtld-elf ; make clean all install

This now works.

6. Another try to install linuxpluginwrapper:
# cd /usr/ports/www/linuxpluginwrapper
# make WITHOUT_PLUGINS=yes install clean

No problems at all.

7. Install linux-flashplugin6:
# cd /usr/ports/www/linux-flashplugin6
# make install clean

No problems at all.

8. Editing /etc/libmap.conf:
# /etc/libmap.conf for FreeBSD 4.x

# Flash6 with Mozilla Firefox
[/usr/X11R6/lib/linux-flashplugin6/] pluginwrapper/  pluginwrapper/   pluginwrapper/

# Acrobat5 with Mozilla Firefox
[/usr/X11R6/Acrobat5/Browsers/intellinux/]   pluginwrapper/

# Helix RealPlayer with Mozilla Firefox
[/usr/X11R6/lib/linux-mozilla/plugins/]   pluginwrapper/

I've checked every single Shared Object that is listed in my /etc/libmap.conf.

But there are no indications at all, that Firefox is using the
installed plugins. Still Firefox continues to inform me about missing
I tried also, to configure Konqueror (3.1.4) to use the new plugins:
Settings->Configure Konqueror..->Plugins->Scan for new plugins
And I got the following error message:

"The nspluginscan executable cannot be found. Netscape plugins will
not be scanned."

I searched the web for this problem and I found this on the
freebsd-questions maillist:

>You have to compile /usr/ports/x11/kdebase3 with motif support. Run
>'make config' to change that option, then recompile and install it.

I tried this, but the message above is outdated (Thu Jul 22 02:13:13
PDT 2004). Currently in the configuration of the kdebase3 port there
is only one option:

[X] Suid wrapper for aRts, req'd for realtime prio

I am aware that the version of FreeBSD that I use is no longer
supported, but is there any way to workaround the necessity of moving
to 4Stable, and to get a working plugins for the Firefox browser?

Best Regards,
Vladimir Tsvetkov
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