Re: What's so compelling about FreeBSD?

2006-10-16 Thread William Tracy

Well, thanks for all the replies. I didn't mean to rub anybody the
wrong way, and if I did, I'm sorry. :-P

Up until now, I've basically been running FreeBSD more or less like
just another Linux distro, and was beginning to wonder if I was really
missing out on something by doing that. That, and I thought I'd give
the fanboys a chance to praise their pet OS. :-)

Overall, it sounds like I was on the right track, though. FreeBSD has
its pros and cons, but it's fundamentally just another Unix-like
system. Which is a good thing! ;-)

For the record, I really, really, like Debian (and now Ubuntu). I
understand that there are packages that allow the Debian packaging
system to run on top of the FreeBSD kernel, and I'll definitely have
try that out sometime.

Anyway, FreeBSD is great, and I'll keep playing with it. :-)

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What's so compelling about FreeBSD?

2006-10-15 Thread William Tracy


I've installed FreeBSD on my desktop. I got KDE working, and Amor is
running so I have a little daemon sitting on my window. I can mount my
USB card reader and open the pictures from my digital camera in Gimp.
I can browse the web in Firefox. I even compiled my own kernel so that
I'm all 1337. :-)

Overall, I like FreeBSD--the kernel build process felt a lot smoother
than Linux, the /boot and /sys file heirarchies makes more sense to me
than /boot and /usr/src under Linux, and the /dev heirarchy seems
sane, though it's still pretty alien to me. So far, everything I do
under Linux I can do under FreeBSD.

FreeBSD is nice, but I haven't seen anything really *compelling* about
it. FreeBSD might be more stable as a server, but for my desktop Linux
has proven more than stable enough. (X crashes sometimes, but FreeBSD
can't really fix that.) The extra file flags look intersting, but
otherwise I haven't seen anything that I can do under FreeBSD that I
can't with Linux.

So, basically, I'm asking you guys to wow me. :-) Show me how FreeBSD
can outdo Linux. Make me never want to go back.

William Tracy
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Logitech optical mouse w/ scroll wheel

2006-10-11 Thread William Tracy


I thought I'd document my experiences with my Logitech optical USB
mouse under FreeBSD 6.1 release 1 so that maybe it will help the next
person hunting with Google. :-)

First off, the moused configuration in sysinstall gave me a headache.
Whenever I tried to test a configuration, the cursor would flicker
onscreen then disappear before I could move the mouse. In frustration,
I selected the option that I thought should work, selected Yes, the
mouse moves, then shut the computer off.

When I booted FreeBSD the next day, the mouse worked, and I was off on
my way to configuring Xorg.

Next issue: Once I had X up, the mousewheel didn't work. KDE
recognized all three buttons (the mousewheel being the middle button),
but didn't recognize wheel scroll events.

I dredged deep through Google's search results, and found this:

I followed the directions, rebooted (I always screw up when I try to
manually kill daemons--feisty little buggers) and joy came to me that
I would not have to go back to Ubuntu for my mouse to work right.

(Incidentally, the mouse wheel has worked fine under every Linux
distro I've tried except Slackware. Even Gentoo magically detected it.
Go figure.)

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Re: Logitech optical mouse w/ scroll wheel

2006-10-11 Thread William Tracy

I thought I'd document my experiences with my Logitech optical USB
mouse under FreeBSD 6.1 release 1 so that maybe it will help the next
person hunting with Google. :-)

Actually, I guess that's FreeBSD 6.1 release 0. :-P
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