Reading non-installed man pages, etc.

2003-11-10 Thread andi payn
I'd occassionally like to be able to read manpages from somewhere other
than the MANPATH.

Let me give you two concrete examples of things that I can do on linux,
that I don't know how to do on FreeBSD

$ man /mnt/falco3/usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.bz2
$ man /home/andi/foo/doc/foo.1

In the first case, I'm looking at the manpages exported (over NFS) from
a Mandrake linux box; in the second, I'm looking at the manpages for a
program I'm trying to get installed.

First, FreeBSD's man doesn't seem to accept a full pathname. In the
first case, I can get around this with MANPATH or -M (man
-M/mnt/falco3/usr/share/man ls), but in the second, that won't help.

Second, FreeBSD's man doesn't handle bz2 compression.

I suppose I could do something like this:

$ bzcat /mnt/falco3/usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.bz2 | groff -man -Tascii
-mtty-char | less

And I could write scripts to wrap this up (figure out whether to use
bzcat, zcat, or cat; whether we're talking to a tty-char-capable
terminal or something else; which charset to use; what pager to use;
etc.). Basically, it'd do everything man is doing except for finding the
page in the MANPATH and dealing with catfiles, which sounds like a bit
of a duplication of effort. 

So, if this is already done somewhere, or there's an way that I've
missed to make man or some other tool do what I want, I'd rather not
reinvent the wheel.

Also, I seem to remember installing GNU's *roff stuff onto a Solaris box
and having a program that let me do 90% of what I want to do. The
groff(1) manpage has a reference to groffer that sounds like it might be
what I'm remembering, but I can't find any more information about it (or
the program itself).

Another alternative would be porting the GNU man (with the bzip2
patches), but I'm not sure this is a good idea (I don't know if it would
require other stuff to be ported, for example; also, the name gman is
already taken for a Gtk+ xman-type program).

Any ideas?


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Re: which linux? (not flame bait, thank you)

2003-11-04 Thread andi payn
On Tue, 2003-11-04 at 00:20, DavidB wrote:
 My question is this, I would like to have a little exposure to linux and 
 am wondering which distro to run, I used redhat back at the same time I 
 started with FreeBSD3~ , not sure if I should check them out.

My personal favorite distro is Mandrake--not because it's easy to use,
but because it's easy to use as a development box. My next choice is
Debian, for all the usual reasons. Mandrake and Debian also have by far
the best user/community support networks.

As for what's best for you, it really depends on what your goal is. Are
you looking to get exposure as a user, an admin, or a developer? Is this
to flesh out your resume, or to make you a better open source
contributor, or just for fun?

Without knowing all that, the best I can do is list the pros and cons of
the distros I've ever played with that aren't defunct (I'll start with
the ones you mentioned): Slackware, Debian, Gentoo, Redhat, Mandrake,
SuSE, Crux, Elfstone, Conectiva, TurboLinux, Lindows.

Also, you may want to take a look at before making a decision.
Apparently, there are 146 English-language, i386-platform,
currently-maintained distros, and I've only tried a little over a

Slackware is the most FreeBSD-like in administration. However, for my
taste, it's too barebones. Not barebones as in secure by default, but
as in missing things you need. You have to know exactly what you want
to install, and how to configure it, to get into Slackware. The
advantage is that if you _do_ know all of this, it's easier to get a
slimmed-down system (to run as fast as possible, in as little disk space
as possible). The disadvantage is that you probably don't know all of

Still, some of the problems that linux people have with Slackware
probably won't affect a FreeBSD user as much. For example, last I
checked, they still don't follow the FHS, so nothing's where you expect
it to be--but then that's going to be true on _any_ linux for a
FreeBSDer. Similarly for initscripts, again irrelevant to a newcomer
from the FreeBSD world.

Also, some of the admin tasks that I found difficult and poorly
documented turned out to be pretty close to the FreeBSD way (which _is_
well documented--plus, you already know it). So, if you already know how
to administer a FreeBSD box, you'll probably have less to learn on
Slackware, although there will be less guidance in learning it. 

Overall, I wouldn't recommend Slackware to anyone who hasn't already
been using Slackware.

Debian is the most FreeBSD-like in philosophy. For example, they have a
STABLE branch that always works, period, even if it has to be a bit
behind the times to do so. They have the least-patched kernel, gcc,
glibc, etc. of all the major distros, and they put the most work into
making sure everything integrates properly.

Whenever Redhat seems to be going the wrong way, most of the other
distros try to copy them and then fix what they screwed up--but Debian
instead ignores them and spends the time findind a better solution.
They've come up with some unique innovations, like the menu system and
update-alternatives, which have turned out to be useful even on top of
Redhat-based distros.

The main disadvantage of Debian is that it's less like other distros
than most distros, so if you're looking for general linux experience, it
may not be the way to go. Also, even on UNSTABLE, Debian tends to be
further behind some other distros (old versions of some packages, other
packages not even there yet, etc.).

But, if neither of these issues bothers you, then go with Debian.

There are a number of Debian-based distros that will install a complete
system ready to go as a workstation, server, etc., but that can be
administered from there just like any other Debian system.

For example (this is a while back, so it may be out of date), I used
Libranet in teaching linux, because it installs a complete KDE
workstation out-of-the-box, but whenever you want (or need) to play with
something, it's just like a stock Debian box. 

But don't use Xandros--although it's Debian-based, it's heavily modified
in peculiar ways.

Gentoo is the most FreeBSD-like on the surface. It's based around
portage (emerge), which is essentially ports without a base system. The
fact that everything is a port--even the kernel--seems really nifty at
first, but it also seems to lead to serious problems keeping the whole
distro in sync. (Or maybe it's just that they don't have as large of a
following as FreeBSD?) 

Also, there aren't nearly as many packages for gentoo as for FreeBSD
(much less Redhat or Debian), and portagifying a package given an RPM
specfile (or even a FreeBSD port) is generally non-trivial. Plus, I've
played with gentoo a few times, and each time I have lots of fun until I
run into some dependency problem that takes days to sort out.

And, while it's nice to be 

Re: Evolution without gnome

2003-11-03 Thread andi payn
Notice that everyone praising Evolution or Kmail used their mailer of
choice to compose the message in question, but:

Harald Schmalzbauer:
 User-Agent: KMail/1.5.4
 Well, even this incredible slow thunderbird was better than evolution IMHO.

Scratch one vote for Thunderbird (leaving 0).

Sebastian Smoller:
 X-Mailer: Ximian Evolution 1.4.3 
 so i have to install a lot of gnome stuff to be able to use evolution
 right ? thats bad :(

But not so bad that you haven't done it on your other systems, right?

And then there's Parv, suggestor of mutt, whose mail contains no
agent/mailer header. IIRC, mutt defaults to adding X-Mail-Agent: mutt
but I'm sure it can be configured to put anything else, or nothing at
all--and I doubt many modern mutt users leave the defaults alone. So
I'll assume he's using mutt.

To answer Parv's question, why not use mutt? Well, I can't speak for
anyone else, but for me, it's because, despite the advertising, mutt is
not nearly ELM-like enough--at least not after spending so many years
using ELM, much of that over 300 baud connections, so that any deviation
throws off my finger-memory. It'd be easier for me to switch to dvorak
than mutt. And the fact that more than half the keystrokes are only
documented in the manual, outside the software, doesn't help. I really
did try, because I realized that otherwise I'd have to go to a graphical
MUA or I'd be stuck with elm for life (which means no MIME, no security,
no online IMAP...). Eventually, I decided to go to a graphical MUA. And,
a few years later, Evolution 1.4 came out, and now I have one I can use

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Re: How does FreeBSD calculate disk sizes

2003-11-03 Thread andi payn
I think this is (mostly) a GiB vs. GB confusion.

In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's some background
(if you do, skip the next paragraph):

Giga is the metric prefix meaning billion (or thousand million, if
you're British)--that is, 10^9. Computer people tend to use it to mean
2^30, which is actually 1.073741824 * 10^9. However, hard disk
manufacturers use the metric meaning. So, a hard disk maker's GB is 7%
bigger than the rest of the computer industry's GB. To clear up the
confusion, the standards people decided that from now on you're supposed
to use GiB to mean 2^30 (and MiB for 2^20, KiB for 2^10,
etc.--pronounced gibibyte, mibibyte, kibibyte, etc.). And so far,
just about nobody has listened

So, when fdisk says 69460MB, it means 69460 * 2^20, which is
72,834,088,960 bytes. When your disk manufacturer says 72GB, they mean
72,000,000,000 bytes. (They've given you 834MB for free. How nice.)

Meanwhile, when df says your partition is 64GB, it means 64 * 2^30. And
your 2GB swap is, similarly, 2 * 2^30. Do the math:

64 * 2^30 = 68,719,476,736
 2 * 2^30 =  2,147,483,648

In other words, you're not missing 6GB.

As for the rest of it:

 sucks# disklabel -n da0s1a

da0s1a is a partition, not a slice. You're asking it for the partitions
within a partition; it's bound to get confused. Try this:

# disklabel -n da0s1

(without the a)

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Re: color to files

2003-11-03 Thread andi payn
On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 05:51, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
 andi payn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Was the xterm termcap changed for FreeBSD 5, or have I just done
  something to fix this and forgotten about it?
 It's a little more complicated, because the *classical* xterm does
 *not*, in fact, have color support, but yes, the latest releases
 on both branches should pick this up just fine.

OK, let me restate this to make sure I understand it; please correct me
if I get anything wrong.

The xterm that comes with XFree86 4.x, and most of the 3.x branch, has
ANSI color support. The xterms that come with earlier XFree86 3.x
versions and the X11R6.3 reference servers have old-style color support.
But in the old days, xterm didn't have any color support (it originally
emulated a BW vt100 or something, right?).

So, up to FreeBSD 4.8, the terminfo for xterm didn't indicate color
support, and you had to specify xterm-color (or xterm-xf86-v40 or
whatever). In 4.9 and 5.1, this is no longer an issue; xterm works just
fine (unless someone's trying to connect to your FreeBSD box from some
box running an ancient xterm...).

Should I file a bug report on the ls(1) manpage, then? It says: The
default ``cons25'' console has the proper capabilities, but to display
the colors in an xterm(1), for example, the TERM variable must be set to
``xterm-color''. This isn't true with 4.9/5.1--and also isn't true for
ancient non-color-capable xterms, for that matter.

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Re: color to files

2003-11-02 Thread andi payn
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 20:28, Malcolm Kay wrote:
 If you are in X and using xterm then this also has the capability but by 
 default other programs such as ls are not informed of this because the 
 termcap description for terminal type 'xterm' does not declare it. 

After telling him this same thing, I went and checked, and it appears
that on my FreeBSD 4.8 installation, I have to do this (or various other
ways of getting the same effect), but on my 5.1 installation, with
TERM=xterm, I get color. 

Was the xterm termcap changed for FreeBSD 5, or have I just done
something to fix this and forgotten about it?

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Re: hacking broken ports

2003-11-02 Thread andi payn
The rest of your question has been answered, but:

On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 23:00, William O'Higgins wrote:
 I found that there was only on reference to the filename in the
 Makefile, so I changed it, and then I generated an MD5 on the file that
 I had and put it into distfile.

Instead of manually generating the MD5 and editing the distfile, you can
fix the Makefile, delete the distfile, and do a make makesum and it
will be built for you automatically. (Similarly, if for some reason the
README.html has to be updated, just delete it an make readme.)

Otherwise, you're on the right track.

Also, in addition to checking that nobody's already submitted this,
reading the Porting handbook, and submitting your fix via send-pr, you
should probably email the package maintainer directly. In fact, you
might want to do this first--it's possible the maintainer is about to do
this, or has already tried and run into problems that she can tell you
about before you hit them, etc.--and/or maybe she knows where you can
get the previous version of the tarball.

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Re: Evolution without gnome

2003-11-02 Thread andi payn
On Sun, 2003-11-02 at 15:50, Harald Schmalzbauer wrote:
 Well, even this incredible slow thunderbird was better than evolution IMHO.

I have a pretty complicated setup--multiple identities, even more IMAP
mailboxes, mailing lists that I want to filter into separate folders and
auto-purge, a Palm to sync with, etc. If you don't need all this,
something simpler should work fine. However, if you need something
complicated, I don't think anything can match Evolution 1.4--including
Outlook Express, Outlook, and Eudora, and Thunderbird and kmail (and
especially including Evolution 1.2). 

For example, it's the only one that handles filtering IMAP properly (the
kmail people refuse to accept a patch to add this)--although the
vfolders feature means you might not need to anyway. It's the only one
that handles error conditions like mail servers that occasionally go
down for hours on end, running out of disk space, incomplete Palm
sync'ing, etc. properly. In short, it does everything I need, and it
just works.

Plus, even on the slowest machine I have (PPro 200), it's still (just
barely) usable (at least with a light Gtk 2 theme, running under fvwm2).

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Re: color to files

2003-11-01 Thread andi payn
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 06:16, SWIT wrote:
 Is there a way to make the directories to show in color when doing a ls ?

Did you try a man ls? It should give you two options: use the -G
parameter, or set the CLICOLOR environment variable. If you don't know
how to do this (or how to make it permanent--as a hint, try adding
export CLICOLOR= in ~/.bashrc, if bash is your usual shell), come back
and ask for details.

If this doesn't work for you--or if it works on the text console but not
in X, or if it only works in some X terminal emulators but not in
others--make sure you've read the ls manpage's section on CLICOLOR and
dealt with the termcap issue.

If you don't like the colors, read the LSCOLORS section of the manpage.

You can also install the GNU fileutils port/package
(/usr/ports/sysutils/fileutils), and gls --color=auto should colorize
things in that vibrant Stallman style that linux people are used to.
Then you can alias ls to gls --color=auto in your .bashrc, etc.

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Re: why are theynot updated WAS Re: samba 3.0, FreeBSD 5.1

2003-11-01 Thread andi payn
Meanwhile, on Sat, 2003-11-01 at 12:34, SWIT wrote:
 I am just curious. But for those that continually sing unix over ms praise
 you think that matters like this would be looked after so
 unixes would be easier for the common man/woman to use.

Do you think Microsoft always gives you new code as soon as they develop
it? Of course not. So, imagine how much more complicated it is for a
FreeBSD maintainer to give you new code as soon as some guy he's never
met working halfway around the world develops it!

Plus, being right at the bleeding edge and being easier to use are often
contradictory desires. You want your system to work; you want all of the
ports you install to work together; you want to have proper
documentation, and a list full of people with experience using the same
software on FreeBSD who can help you. 

All of this is often more important than having version 1.50 instead of
1.48b. Especially for the common man/woman, who enjoys using software
more than upgrading it.

In essence, this is similar to (part of) the reason Microsoft doesn't
give you new code right away--they want to have their QA teams go over
it, and their tech support people trained on it, and their marketing
people ready to spin the new bugs into features. (Of course they also
want to find ways to charge you for upgrades, but that's a side issue;
their service packs and hotfixes, and upgrades to IE and OE, and lots of
other things, are available at no cost.)

Of course any system can be improved. For example, when Mandrake wrote a
simple script that scanned Freshmeat every day and emailed package
maintainers with messages like, A new version of foo, foo-1.3.21, was
released today, at;, that
definitely improved the freshness of their contribs repository. I'm sure
there are ideas that could help FreeBSD. But I doubt there will ever be
a day when every port in the tree has the very newest version available.

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Re: http from command line

2003-10-30 Thread andi payn
On Thu, 2003-10-30 at 16:38, Gregory Stearns wrote:
 I hate to be a pest but is there a utility to do http web 
 browsing from the command line, and how would I use it?

As othes have mentioned, there are many choices--but you probably just
want to know which one to use, and how to get started.

You probably want elinks. Install it from /usr/ports/www/elinks. Run it
like this: 'elinks'.

If you want a graphical browser that works without X, and you have
SVGAlib set up, you might want links' graphic mode. Install it from
/usr/ports/www/links, and run it like this: 'links -g'. Or try wb0, or w3m-img. There are a few better
options out there, too, but none have been ported to FreeBSD.

Here's a brief survey of each of the choices:

telnet (or nc, or w3c, wget, or curl): If you can speak http and read
html, you can talk directly to the server, if you really want to.

www: If you're stuck with a console without curses/ANSI support--or it's
1989--this is pretty spiffy; otherwise, stay away.

lynx: The first decent text browser; you want the ssl-patched version.
But you probably want elinks instead.

links: Essentally lynx plus frames, tables, image maps, ssl, cache
management, background downloading, etc. You want 2.1, not 0.98. Or,
better, elinks.

elinks: Links enhanced with even more cool features.

links -g: Adds inline images to links. Works in SVGAlib as well as X.

wb0: A graphical browser for SVGAlib, which sometimes works better than
links -g, although it's not nearly as complete.

netrik: The only real alternative to the links family for text browsing;
not as good (especially since it doesn't quite get cons25 or xterm), but
if elinks won't work with some site, try netrik.

w3m: This is what web browsing would have been like on an Apple ][ or
C=64. It does look nice, but it's low on features and has a weird

w3m-img: This is w3m with inline image support.

emacs-w3m: If you believe that the editor is the operating system, and
never leave emacs, you can run w3m from inside emacs.

w3: If you really love emacs, wouldn't you rather use a web browser
built in emacs-lisp?

retawq: Quite cool in some ways, but not complete, not exactly designed
for novices, and not up-to-date on features. Oh, and dark blue on black
can be a bit hard to read.

surfraw: Not a web browser itself, but very handy for text browsing.
Instead of navigating to the Webster dictionary site and filling in the
forms to look up free, just type webster free and it'll launch your
favorite text browser with the answer.

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Re: Log every access to a file

2003-10-29 Thread andi payn
On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 03:35, Matthew Seaman wrote: 
 On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 11:57:31AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How do you create/add a system log to monitor every access to a specific file (say 
  a database file accessed through samba)? A sample line for syslog.conf would be 
  greatly appreciated ?? :-)
 Samba has extensive logging capabilities itself -- which generally
 bypass syslog entirely, although there are options available to use
 syslog.  It will certainly log who is accessing the server and from
 what machines.  I don't think it has the capability to monitor
 accesses down to the level of a particular file though, but read the
 manuals carefully to be sure.
 If you really need to log all accesses to the file, then probably your
 best bet is to only make the file available via a web interface, which
 can be set to require passwords before it will allow access and will
 supply the logs you require.  Alternatively, databases such as
 postgres or mysql can keep detailed logs of all queries run against
Actually, there are two options that will allow you to monitor accesses
of any particular file.

The first is to periodically stat that file. This is incredibly simple
to do. The disadvantage is that if the file is being accessed very
often, you may miss some accesses (if you're checking every second, and
two people access in the same second, you'll only see one access); if
the file is being accessed very rarely, it's a bit of a waste of cpu and
disk time to keep checking it. But, nonetheless, this is sometimes the
best way to go.

I've attached a script (requires python 2.3) that will do it
for you. It read a list of filenames (one per line) from
/usr/local/etc/statlog.conf, and begins monitoring each one, and outputs
to /var/log/statlog.log any time there's been a change to A/M/C time. By
default, it checks once/second, but you can change this with the -f flag
(./statlog -f 5 means five times/second, ./statlog -f 0.5 means
every two seconds, ./statlog -f 0 means as often as you can--which
you probably only want to use in conjunction with nice or idprio_.

The second is to use fam. I should mention that I've only used fam under
linux, and, after a brief glance, it looks like the FreeBSD port
(/usr/ports/devel/fam) is not as powerful--in particular, FreeBSD
apparently doesn't provide imon support (a way for the filesystem to
make a callback to a usermode app like fam--no dnotify or anything
similar, either, apparently). Which implies that it's probably just a
heavier-weight way of doing the exact same thing--periodically stat'ing
a list of files--and that there is no better solution available.

But I could be wrong, and it's probably worth testing to see if it works
better for you. Also, if the files are stored on nfs-mounted drives (and
this may be true for smb also, but I don't know), and the nfs server is
running fam, the checks are passed off to the server, which makes them
faster (and, if the server is running linux or another imon-capable OS,
gets around the worries mentioned above).

You should have no problem getting fam itself working if you follow the
instructions in the message you get when installing the port/package.

Anyway, the second script,, is a slightly-modified version of
a script that I've used for a similar purpose in linux. It reads the
filenames in /usr/local/etc/famlog.conf, tells fam to monitor all of
those files, and sends its output to /var/log/famlog.log. 

If either of these is useful to me, let me know. If you need help
automating stuff (making an rc.d/ wrapper, and maybe a
logrotater), modifying either script to use syslog instead of its own
log file (should be a one-line change), etc., just ask. 

(NOTE: The attachments are scrubbed from the copy of this message sent
to the list; if anyone besides the original author wants them, let me

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Re: Log every access to a file

2003-10-29 Thread andi payn
On Wed, 2003-10-29 at 02:00, Matthew Seaman wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 01:07:26AM -0800, andi payn wrote:
  The second is to use fam. I should mention that I've only used fam under
  linux, and, after a brief glance, it looks like the FreeBSD port
  (/usr/ports/devel/fam) is not as powerful--in particular, FreeBSD
  apparently doesn't provide imon support (a way for the filesystem to
  make a callback to a usermode app like fam--no dnotify or anything
  similar, either, apparently). Which implies that it's probably just a
  heavier-weight way of doing the exact same thing--periodically stat'ing
  a list of files--and that there is no better solution available.
 Check the kevent(2) man page.  It's a generic mechanism for having the
 kernel message your process when some condition occurs, such as
 modification of a file.

Thanks. This is pretty cool, but it's missing a few things.

First, it works only on UFS filesystems. That's no big deal; fam could
use kevent on UFS and poll other filesystems. However, that does seem to
rule it out for the original poster's purpose (the file he wanted to
monitor was mounted via smb).

More importantly, kevent apparently doesn't notify you when a file is
accessed (or does changing the atime trigger NOTE_ATTRIB? in that case,
it does--but to distinguish between an access and a change you'd have to
stat the file). This seems to make it unusable for fam, as well as for
the original poster's purpose (he wanted to see all accesses to a file).

It also doesn't seem to notify you when a file in a directory you're
watching is changed. This might would make fam much more complicated.
However, I think the same is true of dnotify, so the extra code can
probably be borrowed from the dnotify patch

 Unfortunately other than knowing something
 happened, it doesn't tell you a great deal else, like who it was that
 made the alteration.

Well, fam doesn't tell you anything more either; neither does imon nor
dnotify--or stating a file directly. The OS and filesystem don't keep
track of things like who was the last user or process to touch a file.

If you want that, you could take fstat snapshots and hope to catch
everyone who has the file open (this should work if users tend to access
it for a long period of time, say a second or more). Or you could get a
lease on a file and see who breaks it (although many programs might try
to write the file without breaking your lock first, and just fail and
give up--and besides, I don't know if that would work in FreeBSD the way
it would in linux). Or you could put a fifo/socket/loopback
filesystem/something between the actual file and the pathname people use
to access it, and thereby control/monitor all access to it; etc.

 Even so, fam(1) has apparently not been patched to use kevent(2) under
 FreeBSD, so, yes, it's probably going to operate by polling the file
 status every so often.

Well, it looks like it would be a pretty easy patch to fam (especially
since someone's already generalized the imon code to allow using dnotify
instead), but if it can't provide information on accesses, it'd also be
a useless patch (which might explain why nobody's done it yet?). 

Another issue: In linux, you can open a file O_NOACCESS (== O_ACCMODE,
if you don't #include anything extra), which gets you an fd to pass to
fstat/fcntl/whatever even without read or write access to the file. I
assume the dnotify patch to fam uses this. This doesn't seem to work in
FreeBSD. If you try to open a file O_ACCMODE, you get EACCES. Therefore,
you'd have to open the file O_RDONLY to get an fd for kevent--which
means you can't monitor a file that you can't read, which would be
another limit placed on fam by using kevent.

Plus, kevent doesn't seem to give you information on what's been changed
within a directory, so fam would have to do some dirty work on each
access (or monitor all files within the directory...). I think the same
is true with dnotify; if so the kevent patch could use the same code as
the dnotify patch, which is probably fine.

Still, it's a good idea; I'll look into this a little deeper.

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Re: X11 and Xfree86

2003-10-29 Thread andi payn
M.D. DeWar:

 What is the purpose of them exactly. I have read the sites but being 
 alien to the unix world it confuses me.
 Do they just make unix a windows type enviroment ?
 Is KDE/GNOME the same or they like themes to X windows.

The simple answer is: X plus KDE or GNOME provides Unix with a
Windows-type environment. KDE/GNOME are an integral part of that
environment. KDE and GNOME themselves _have_ themes, and those are like
themes in the Windows world.

You want either KDE or GNOME, with all the default stuff that comes
with it. In fact, install them both, and play with each for a while.

In fact, there's a similar separation in Windows--some of the user
environment is provided by Windows itself, and some by separate programs
(especially the Windows Explorer program), but this separation is much
cleaner under Unix/X. Furthermore, GNOME or KDE themselves separate into
a number of separate layers (this is also true to some extent in
Windows, but even to the application developer most of this is hidden).
This difference has some advantages, and one big disadvantage.

The biggest advantage is flexibility. You can run KDE or GNOME, or a few
other alternatives, or a more bare-bones X setup with no desktop
manager. You can run KDE apps under GNOME, and vice-versa (and so on for
the other alternatives). In fact, you can replace almost any piece of
the puzzle and everything will work smoothly.

The biggest disadvantage is that novices have all these different pieces
thrown at them. Instead of just Windows, they have to contend with, say,
Unix, X, Metacity, Gtk+, GNOME, Nautilus, Panel, GDM, GConf, and ESD
(and that's if you only run GNOME). 

So, let's look at these pieces briefly:

* Unix is the operating system. (Linux people like to further divide
this into the kernel and the rest of the OS.) The Windows equivalent is
the NT kernel, its Win32 executive, the cmd command-line shell, a slew
of command-line tools, a bunch of background services, etc.

* X (aka X/Windows, X11, etc.) is the GUI. It's equivalent to part, but
not all, of the Windows GUI. You can see what X does by just running X
on its own, as Erik Steffl suggested. X also comes with a variety of
tools, like xterm, and libraries for building X applications.

* Metacity (kwm for KDE) is the default window manager. X plus a window
manager is the equivalent to the Windows GUI itself. This is the part of
the system that lets you drag windows around, assign hotkeys like
Alt+Tab or Winkey+F, etc. You have a wide choice of other window
managers, many (but not all) of which are completely compatible with

* Gtk+ (Qt for KDE) is a widget toolkit. It's equivalent to (the GUI
parts of) the Win32 API. As a user, you never worry about this--you run
programs that were built with Gtk+, just as Windows users run programs
that were built with the Win32 SDK, and they just run. But unlike
Windows, Unix/X has a dozen or so toolkits. You can run apps built
against different toolkits together (although they they may not have
exactly the same look and feel--a GNOME/Gtk theme only affects Gtk+
apps, etc.). You may have noticed something similar in Windows XP--most
applications have XP-style buttons and borders, but some (including the
cmd command-line window) have the old-fashioned Win95 style instead.
(Maybe it's better to say that Windows XP has 1-1/2 toolkits?)

* Nautilus (or Konqueror, for KDE) is the default file manager. It's
almost equivalent to Explorer in Windows. Just like Explorer, Nautilus
or Konqueror manage the desktop background window and all of its icons,
and provide the My Computer and Network Neighborhood browsing, and
can even be used as web browsers if you want.

* Panel (or Kicker, for KDE) is the program that handles the taskbar
and menubar and start menu. It's the rest of Windows' Explorer.

* GDM (or KDM, for KDE) is the login manager. This is equivalent to the
Login application in Windows. If you set up your system to boot into
graphical mode, this is the program that asks you for a username and
password (and maybe which desktop environment you want to run, etc.).
Or, if you've set things up for autologin, it runs without you ever
having to see it (just like in Windows).

* GConf (no KDE equivalent) is a preferences warehouse, like the Windows
registry. If you've never run regedit, you can probably ignore this.

* ESD (or ARtS, for KDE) is a sound server. This lets you handle sound
over the network, just as X lets you handle graphics over the network.
It also lets old apps that try to monopolize the soundcard work together
properly. You may have noticed on Windows that some programs take over
the soundcard and nothing else can make any noise, but that this is less
true with modern software. The same situation holds in Unix. Plus, like
Windows XP, FreeBSD has some tricks to make old software cooperate
(sysctl hw.snd.pcm0.vchans). And often, it's not a big deal anyway. So
often a sound server is not necessary for local use (and 

Re: why is it known as unknown

2003-10-29 Thread andi payn
On Wed, 2003-10-29 at 13:33, M.D. DeWar wrote:
 for curiosity and exciting dinner banter, why is it I see
 programs/application etc referring to FreeBSD as
 i386-unknown-freebsd4.8 system
 or when doing a configure it shows as that ?

The short answer is that 'unknown' means that the applications were
compiled to run on (almost) any i386-based platform. If that's not
enough of an answer, read on.

In most cases, you're seeing what your development tools saw as the
target when building the software you're running. So, you're running
software (including FreeBSD itself) that was built to run on an
'i386-unknown-freebsd4.8' system.

This string is in the format 'cpu-platform-os[-kernel]'. So, the
'unknown' is the hardware platform.

There are different i386-based hardware platforms--the 'pc98' platform,
for example. But the vast majority of i386 systems out there follow the
loosely-defined, de facto PC standard. Knowing that you're building
for an 'i386-pc' doesn't tell you much more than 'i386-unknown'.
Basically, whenever software for 'i386-pc98' and 'i386-pc' would have to
be different, 'i386-pc' doesn't tell you enough anyway. 

Fortunately, the target string usually gets matched up against a
wildcard string like 'i386-*-freebsd*' or 'i*86-*-*bsd*'. So,
'i386-unknown-freebsd4.8' will match the same things as
'i386-pc-freebsd4.8' anyway. So, most of the code you run is going to be
for 'i386-unknown', and code that you build locally will probably end up
targetted at that platform as well.

The same isn't true for all platforms. For example, since a DECstation
and an SGI box are quite different (and in consistent, meaningful, and
important ways), even though they both use MIPS processors, it's
reasonably common to distinguish 'mips-dec-*' vs. 'mips-sgi-*'.

Now you're probably wondering where the '[-kernel]' part comes in. After
all, there's only one possible kernel that FreeBSD 4.8 could be running
on--the FreeBSD 4.8 kernel. Same for Ultrix or Irix (you'll see
something like 'mips-dec-ultrix4.1') or any other Unix, right?

But linux isn't an OS, it's just a kernel, so you can't have
'i386-unknown-linux' or 'mips-sgi-linux', or rms will sing at you. The
OS that you get when you buy/download Redhat Linux or Mandrake Linux is
not linux at all, but GNU/Linux--the GNU operating system running on top
of the linux kernel--which is compatible with GNU/Hurd--the GNU
operating system running on top of the HURD thingy. So, in either case,
you should have 'i386-unknown-gnu'.

It's a pity about all that old code that checks for 'i386-*-linux'
because GNU/Hurd didn't actually exist until recently (assuming you'd
call 2006 recent), but what can you do?

Unfortunately, GNU/Linux and GNU/Hurd aren't actually compatible in real
life, so 'i386-*-gnu' doesn't really help--you need to distinguish
between linux and HURD as often as between linux and FreeBSD. For that
reason, you have 'i386-unknown-gnu-linux' or 'i386-unknown-gnu-hurd'.
And you can then check for 'i386-*-gnu-linux' (plus, 'i386-*-linux'
still works).

Actually, some tools say 'i386-unknown-gnu-linux2.4.18', just like
'i386-unknown-freebsd4.8', so you really want to check 'i386-*-linux*',
just like 'i386-*-freebsd*'.

Not that this contradicts the fact that any other Unix only has one
kernel to worry about (GNU's Not Unix), but since most Unix programs are
built for linux as well (and vice-versa, fortunately, considering where
the hype), it affects Unix anyway.

If you want to know more about any of this... well, I'm not sure where
all the information is, although there is a ton of it. Start by skimming
the info pages for autoconf, I'd guess.

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Re: stop the desktops' upgrades

2003-10-29 Thread andi payn
On Wed, 2003-10-29 at 17:01, .VWV. wrote:
 Hello to all.

OK, this is probably a troll (and I notice that it was composed on
Outlook Express--I'm guessing not running under WINE), but I'm going to
answer it anyway

 I'm happy for the new release.
 Otherwise, in my opinion it is necessary to stop this unuseful adoption of
 the endless upgrades of KDE and GNOME monsters.
 They still are much better than WIN.

Sure, I'd agree that they're both better than Windows. But that's a
relatively recent (say, GNOME/Gtk+ 2.0 and KDE/Qt 3.0) development. So,
now that they've caught up to Windows, does that mean they should stop?
Is the goal to make Unix as good as Windows, or to make it as good as it
can be?

 There is no stable standard for applications' developers, under such

GNOME/Gtk+ 2.x is a stable standard. So is KDE/Qt 3.x. I can count on
the fingers of one hand how many apps, tools, etc. out there still
require GNOME 2.0 or 2.2, or KDE 1.x or 2.x, support. The only exception
was the changeover from GNOME/Gtk+ 1.2 to 2.0 (which is why there is
still Gtk+ 1.x stuff lying around).

As an application developer, I can tell you that upgrading from GNOME
2.0 to 2.2 to 2.4 is pretty much equivalent to going from Win2K to
WinXP: Usually, you don't have to do anything. Sometimes, you have to
recompile. Occassionally, you have to rewrite a bit of code. Some new
features require new code to take advantage of them; some don't.

In other words, I don't see the problem you're worried about.

 After the failure of Motif, I always suggest the adoption of the stable
 Tcl/Tk for the most important projects. It is necessary a bit of 'peace'.

The reason people don't use Motif, even though it's now open, is that
it's not very good. The fact is, it's much easier to slap together a GUI
for a Python app in Gtk+ than in Motif, and it's also easier to build a
powerful, polished GUI in Gtk+ than in Motif--and it'll look better and
may even be more functional. 

And the same is true with Tk. Both Motif and Tk are ugly (and
non-themable). Neither provides all the widgets that an application
developer is likely to want, and neither makes it as easy to customize
widgets, or build new ones out of existing ones. Neither has anything as
nice as glade (or MSDev) for rapid GUI development. 

Also, Motif and Tk are only widget toolkits (like Gtk+ and Qt--and even
at that level, they don't proide as much). Neither provides auxiliary
libraries like pango, gconf, libxml, etc. And of course neither provides
any way to interact with the desktop (e.g., putting up a taskbar
notification icon).

In short, unlike GNOME and KDE, neither Motif nor Tk is as good as
Windows--for users or for developers.

As for the upgrades, in addition to the new and improved widgets and
tools for developers, there's also the fact that KDE and GNOME keep
getting closer together (which is very important to application

And don't forget the user applications, sysadmin tools, etc. that are
part of KDE and GNOME. For just one example, I think Evolution is the
best mail client out there, and kmail is a close second--but a year ago,
neither was as good as Outlook Express.

My suggestion is that the developers of any project use whichever
toolkit they like best that provides the features they need. For me,
that's almost always Gtk+ (with or without GNOME), but if you prefer
Motif or Tk, well, go ahead.

 Stop upgrading, keep a working desktop - stop the fashion system!

Well, X11R4 worked for me years ago, but I'm certainly glad I'm not
still using that. I'm also glad I'm not using GNOME 1.x anymore. (And I
can tell you that upgrading from GNOME 1.2 to GNOME 2.0, much less 2.2
to 2.4, was much easier than going from fvwm2 to enlightenment.)

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Re: tar question...

2003-10-29 Thread andi payn
On Wed, 2003-10-29 at 19:56, Xpression wrote:
 Hi list, the question is: can I tar a hole directory without include the
 tree ??? I mean when I tar all files in a /dir1/dir2/dir3 path, the tar file
 includes me the path too and I want to tar only the filenames in dir3: I'm
 using the syntax tar -czf /path/to/store/myfile.tgz
 /the/path/where/are/the/files, any clue  Thanks...

I'm not 100% sure I understand exactly what you want, so I'm going to be
extra careful; I apologize if it sounds like I'm talking down to you.

The short answer is to use relative paths: cd to where you want to
start, and tar from there. If that doesn't immediately answer your
question, read on.

Let's say your directory structure looks like this:


You want a tarball that contains 'dir3', 'dir3/file1', 'dir3/file2',
'dir3/dir4', and 'dir3/dir4/file3', right? If so, do this:

# cd /dir1/dir2
# tar czf /path/to/store/myfile.tgz dir3

If you instead want a tarball that contains 'file1', 'file2', 'dir4',
and 'dir4/file3', instead do this:

# cd /dir1/dir2/dir3
# tar czf /path/to/store/myfile.tgz *

You can do this all in one command with the -C parameter, but it's
easier to remember cd than how -C works (globbing gets more complicated,
-C works differently on different platforms/tars, and there's extra
stuff to worry about if you use it together with -T).

If you only want 'file1' and 'file2', and not 'dir4' or any of its
contents, do this (the 'n' means to not recurse into subdirectories):

# cd /dir1/dir2/dir3
# tar czfn /path/to/store/myfile.tgz *

If you want 'file1' and 'file2' and 'file3' but not 'dir4', there's no
simple way to do this. You'll have to do something like this (the 'h'
means to dereference symlinks and store the original file they point

# pushd `mktemp -dt tar`
# ln -s `find /dir1/dir2/dir3/` ./
# tar czfh /path/to/store/myfile.tgz *
# rm -rf `pwd`
# popd

This isn't perfect (it won't work if there are too many files, and if
any of the original files are symlinks they'll be dereferenced too--and
if you plan to do this more than once you'll be better off writing a
script that wraps this stuff up), but it should give you an idea.

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ATI video questions again

2003-10-29 Thread andi payn
I already asked some of this before, so I apologize. If anyone here
doesn't know the answers, but does know where I should go to ask, that
would be just as helpful.

I have a Mach64 video card (a 3D Rage IIc rev 7a), and I can't get Xv or
DRI to work under FreeBSD. I'm using the XFree86-Server-4.3.0_11 port
under FreeBSD 5.1. With the XFree86 4.3 packages from Mandrake 9.2, Xv
and DRI work fine.

Looking at my XFree86.0.logs, I've seen three different things that
might indicate the problem, but I don't know which it is, or where to go
from here.

First, after loading ati_drv.o, whhen it tries to initialize the driver,
it goes through the R128 and RADEON drivers only--no Rage/Mach64. Maybe
this is the problem? Is FreeBSD's XFree86-Server port missing/disabling
the ati.2 drivers? (And yet I see the message For information on using
the multimedia capabilities of this adapter, please see;, which I think came along with the ati.2 driver?)

Second, when initializing the driver atimisc_drv.o, I get the
following messages in FreeBSD:
 (==) ATI(0): Write-combining range (0xa,0x2) was already clear
 (==) ATI(0): Write-combining range (0xc,0x4) was already clear
 (II) ATI(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000
 (==) ATI(0): Write-combining range (0x0,0x1000) was already clear

I get no such messages under linux. However, when I first upgraded to
2.4.22, I got the following messages (and no Xv or DRI, and X slowed to
a crawl, too)--which went away (along with the problems) when I fixed
the broken ServerWorks code in the kernel:
 (==) ATI(0): Failed to set up write-combining range (0xa,0x2)
 (==) ATI(0): Failed to set up write-combining range (0xc,0x4)

So, maybe there's a similar problem in FreeBSD causing similar issues?

Third, when initializing the vbe sub module, I see this:
 (II) ATI(0): VESA VBE DDC supported
 (II) ATI(0): VESA VBE DDC Level none
 (II) ATI(0): VESA VBE DDC transfer in appr. 2 sec.
 (II) ATI(0): VESA VBE DDC read failed
 (==) ATI(0): Write-combining range (0x0,0x1000) was already clear
 (==) ATI(0): Write-combining range (0xa,0x1) was already clear
 (==) ATI(0): Write-combining range (0xfe101000,0x1000) was already

Something is obviously wrong here. Besides the write-combining stuff
appearing again (and again, in sub module fb), there's that VBE DDC
error (and the fact that all of the results are missing, of course).

The equivalent in linux is:
 (II) ATI(0): VESA VBE DDC supported
 (II) ATI(0): VESA VBE DDC Level 2
 (II) ATI(0): VESA VBE DDC transfer in appr. 2 sec.
 (II) ATI(0): VESA VBE DDC read successfully
 (II) ATI(0): Manufacturer: OQI  Model: 4a32  Serial#: 1097

I have no idea where to go from here (short of tramping through
megabytes of XF86 code...). Can anyone help?


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Re: Linux port.....

2003-10-28 Thread andi payn
On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 05:08, Andrew Humphries wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 13:51, C. Ulrich wrote:
  On Sat, 2003-10-25 at 00:43, andi payn wrote:
   4. While running a similar set of services, FreeBSD may be using less
   background processing time. Or maybe not. I definitely see significantly
   lower CPU usage (idling under X, FreeBSD shows about 2-10% CPU, linux
   about 15-35%). However, this may just be an artifact of linux's
   notoriously bad reporting, or the fact that I'm using the O(1) kernel
   and preemptible kernel patches, or maybe something stupid some GNOME
   applet is doing because I configured it wrong under linux; who knows
  Check with top to see which processes are using the CPU. 

Keep in mind that top is gathering information from the same proc
filesystem as gtop, GNOME's system monitor, etc., so it's no more
accurate than they are. And, as I mentioned, there are well-known issues
with this reporting.

  For me, 9 times
  out of 10, it's the X server itself taking up cycles for doing nothing.

But for me, 9 times out of 10, the X server is grabbing lots of idle
time but won't steal time away from processes that actually need it.
This may prevent a laptop CPU from going into low-power mode, but it
doesn't affect anything else--even nice 20'd processes run.

With a patched kernel, this can get even more extreme (like the
interactive kernel patches, which will throw bonus timeslices at X,
nautilus, and some other processes): I've seen X using supposedly over
90% of my CPU--and then started a compile, and X immediately dropped to
under 10%--and everything remained responsive throughout. Even without
unofficial patches, remember that the linux scheduler has been hacked at
and even continually rewritten a few times in recent years, so what you
see with one version may not be the same with another.

However, you may have a memory leak. When I upgraded a Redhat 6 box to
XFree86 3.3, I had exactly that problem (IIRC, it ultimately had to do
with a bug in the version of gcc that Redhat was distributing)--after a
while, X was using 90% of my CPU for real, and sucking up a few hundred
megs of memory to boot, and the system slowed to a crawl. (Even then, I
just had to kill X; I didn't need to restart.)

This is why I said, FreeBSD may be using less background processing
time. Or maybe not. Linux sometimes doesn't give you enough (or
accurate enough) information to know whether it's wasting your CPU. So,
it certainly appears to be more wasteful than FreeBSD, but it may not
actually _be_ more wasteful.

As a test, rebuilding mozilla takes about the same amount of time under
both systems (FreeBSD 5.1 vs. Mandrake 9.1 with kernel 2.4.21 with the
preemptible patch).

  It won't do it right after a fresh boot, but some program along the way
  usually triggers the siphoning of the CPU usage.

 I have found this an awful lot whilst running X under Linux. After a
 fresh boot, with nothing running, it works nicely. Give it a couple open
 applications, and even when nothing is running except X itself, it will
 take up extra CPU time and physical memory space until freshly booted

If this isn't getting too off-topic, what distro, kernel, and X are you

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Re: How does one record audio?

2003-10-26 Thread andi payn
On Sun, 2003-10-26 at 08:02, RexFelis wrote:
 I am using FreeBSD 5.1-p10, and recently I have
 need to record spoken sounds.

As DavidB said, the fact that it no longer works in linux implies that
you might have a hardware problem--with the sound card, or even with the
mic.  (Is this the same mic you used in linux? Otherwise, it may just be
something simple, like impedance or preamping.)

However, there's one more easy possibility to check: Make sure the mic
isn't muted. From aumix, or your favorite oss mixer app (I think this is
what kmix is, if I remember correctly), and check/play with the level
and mute settings for mic, record, line in, or anything else that looks
like an input. In addition to the level and mute settings, you may also
see a record source setting--with most setups, you can select exactly
one recording source, so try selecting each of them in turn; with
others, each one can be turned on and off separately. You may also have
a master record level and mute setting to play with.

While you're at it, see if you can record from the CD (through the
soundcard, assuming you have an audio connection--generally a little
2-pin cable--between the two; digital CD audio extraction won't tell you
anything useful).

You may also want to look at the sysctl settings to see if anything
looks fishy. Try sysctl -a |grep snd to look at what knobs you have
and what they're set to. I've noticed that when I have
hw.snd.pcm0.vchans set to anything 1, this sometimes interferes with
audio input (but then I'm not sure my ancient fm801 is full-duplex).

If fiddling with the mixer and sysctl produces no effect, you're
probably best testing either in Windows, as DavidB said, or with a clean
copy of linux (maybe even use a different distro).

By the way, if you're not sure which sound card you have, use lspci
(/usr/ports/sysutils/pciutils--or run the binary from your linux distro,
or reboot to linux) and it should tell you something like this:

  00:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: Falcotronic, Inc Komissar 2000
[CHA] (rev b23)

This implies (though it doesn't guarantee) that the driver you need is
snd_cha--and it provides enough information that some helpful soul can
tell you exactly which driver you need. However, most likely this won't
help; if the sound output is working, the correct driver is probably
already being loaded as a module (scan kldstat's output for snd_*.ko).

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Re: Linux port.....

2003-10-24 Thread andi payn
On Fri, 2003-10-24 at 14:44, Alessio Caffi wrote:
 dear FreeBSD team:
 I am a new user to both Linux and FreeBSD. I installed
 both system (4.8 and slackware 9) under VMware for
 windows they are working ok.
 Before parting my HD and do a real installation ,
 without VMware emulator. I am interested to know which
 of one runs faster. What about Linux program under
 FreeBSD, will they run slower or same speed as native
 Linux OS.

The short answer is that most linux programs run at about the same speed
under linux and FreeBSD. Running linux software on FreeBSD is also about
the same speed as recompiling the source for FreeBSD native. This is
what you'd expect, and this is _usually_ what you get. There are a few
exceptions (all of which have nothing to do with the linux emulation,
but which will still affect you).

I should mention that I'm certainly not an expert--until the past few
weeks, I hadn't used a BSD operating system in years. Also, I'm using
FreeBSD 5.1 vs. various Mandrake versions, and (briefly) Redhat 6.2 and
8.1. But I can offer some observations from my (limited) experience.

1. Multimedia may be much slower on FreeBSD, if you have hardware for
which acceleration is either non-existent or harder to get working on
FreeBSD. On my ATI Rage, for example, I can't get DRI, or Xv, or vidix
working on FreeBSD. This means that full-screen games, OpenGL apps,
mplayer, etc. all run very slow on FreeBSD. If you don't have hardware
for which this is an true, or don't plan to do much multimedia/gaming,
this won't affect you; otherwise, it's a huge difference.

2. UFS seems to write significantly faster than ext3 in some cases.
Things like squid proxies, mail servers, web browsers, GNOME programs
that do too much gconf'ing, etc. seem noticeably faster in FreeBSD. This
only matters if you spend a lot of time running apps that don't play
well with ext3 (in which case you should be usin Reiser, XFS, or
whatever's best for your usage in linux anyway).

3. FreeBSD's swapping may also be smarter or faster. Or maybe not. I
know that, e.g., working with gigantic files in gimp seems to be a
little faster than under linux, and the memory-leak bug in SMAC doesn't
make the game slow to a crawl quite as quickly. This may be a
consequence of /tmp, etc. being on UFS, or something completely

4. While running a similar set of services, FreeBSD may be using less
background processing time. Or maybe not. I definitely see significantly
lower CPU usage (idling under X, FreeBSD shows about 2-10% CPU, linux
about 15-35%). However, this may just be an artifact of linux's
notoriously bad reporting, or the fact that I'm using the O(1) kernel
and preemptible kernel patches, or maybe something stupid some GNOME
applet is doing because I configured it wrong under linux; who knows
CPU-bound processes certainly don't seem to run a whole lot faster (as
they should, if this were something real).

Other than these cases, for the most part, I haven't seen much speed
difference with linux apps--or ports to FreeBSD.

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Re: Migrating from Linux: mounting ext2fs

2003-10-23 Thread andi payn
On Wed, 2003-10-22 at 07:03, Miguel Gonalves wrote:
 How stable is the FreeBSD support for ext2fs? 

First, if you're planning to migrate your server permanently, you're
probably better off reformatting in UFS: it's faster, and better for
error recovery. And computers that mount nfs/Samba/whatever shares won't
know the difference.

If you insist on keeping your partitions in ext2fs: I've seen a couple
of problems related to fsck. In particular, when a filesystem is dirty,
fsck.ext2 sometimes finds and fixes the problems but then fails to mark
the disk as clean (meaning that FreeBSD will refuse to mount it, if
you've specified read/write, and it'll be checked again next time you
reboot, and so forth). Personally, I've only seen this with ext3
(journaled) filesystems, but I don't know if that's universal.

So, to be safe, you'll probably want an rc script that mounts -r any of
your ext2 systems that were skipped. (Note that if /mnt/linux fails to
mount because it was dirty, /mnt/linux/usr, etc. will also fail to
mount.) This way, if the server gets hard-reset somehow, your users will
still be able to access their files, even if they aren't able to update
them, until you fix things.

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