Re: Selling FreeBSD

2003-06-07 Thread gagan_grewal
Hi Folks !

Paul Robinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030606 19:09]:
 If they aren't enthusiastic, it's because it's not solving any problems for 
 them. The fact it works great as a high-traffic MX or HTTP server isn't 
 something most businesses need. As for desktop use, well, it does suck 
 compared to something like Mandrake for an average run-of-the-mill office 
 worker. Even Mandrake sucks a little bit compared to Windows XP these days.

Well ... I was tempted to comment !

Have been using Linux for more than 4 years now. Tried almost all of the major

FULL SCORE to Debian ... nothing else comes even close. BUT, Debian is indeed a
little difficult to install. But once you have faced the music ... Debian
steals the show.

And what do I think abt FreeBSD (started using it only 1 week ago) ?

- FreeBSD is much much easier to install than Debian.

- It is easier to add or remove packages in FreeBSD than Debian

- Almost all other commercial Linux distros are sucky !!!

- And in this last week, anything I did was to do websurfing looking out for
  FreeBSD resources ... Believe me ... (atleast) the web surfing speeds are
  VISIBLY FASTER than what I experience in RedHat/Netscape or Debian/Mozilla

- And I stepped on this cute MUA called xfmail ... and am using it with a lot
  of comfort till I figure out how to configure Exim/fetchmail/mutt combo

- Overall ... the FreeBSD experience has been good till now :)

- And ofcourse, the best part ... less than 15 seconds run from boot to login
  ... thats just s nice :)

Date: 07-Jun-2003
Time: 08:58:37

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Configure Exim/Sendmail on FreeBSD

2003-06-06 Thread gagan_grewal
Hi FreeBSD ppl :)

I am new entry into this mailing list ...

Have been a Linux user since '98 and now am trying FreeBSD too.
(Hope I didn't step on any Flames ?)

Well ... I am having trouble configuring Exim/Sendmail on FreeBSD

My Config...
- Exim-3.x
- Mutt 1.4i
- Dial-up internet connectivity

The trouble with sendmail ... 

The output queue is being created in /var/spool/clientmqueue instead
of /var/spool/mqueue.

In Linux I simply disabled sendmail from starting up during init, and
queued up mail using Mutt in /var/spool/mqueue and when was connected
I simply invoked sendmail as 'sendmail -q' ... that did the job.

But things are different in FreeBSD ... plz guide me on how to setup sendmail.

If not sendmail then how to setup Exim ... Exim is a breeze on Debian Potato ... but 
mostly due to 'eximconfig'

I tried the BAD WAY of copying /etc/exim.conf from Debian into
/usr/local/etc/exim/configure on FreeBSD ...

Well it started up fine ... but while using fetchmail ... the incoming
mail instead of getting delivered is getting queued up in
/var/spool/exim/input ... :(

Is 'eximconfig' or equivalent available for FreeBSD ... if not then
what needs to be done ?

I did try googling and found some solutions too, but didn't work !!!

Whew !!! what a newbie this :(

Thanks in advance ...


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