OT: The future of USENET?

2013-03-27 Thread grarpamp
Usenet was great. 'Was' because it really isn't there anymore.
Servers used to be widespread, you could use your ISP, your school,
your work, and failing that plenty of free ones even if for the
asking, even some public/open ones. Now there are very few, if any,
free servers and likely none are public/open for obvious reasons.

Post 2000 Web 2.0 and those eyeballs destroyed usenet. They are the
idiot mass and they demanded to only see the world through their
browser window. And when usenet died off, so did the long running
text only archive servers, taking decades of human knowledge with
them. Vanished. Just the same as web forums do when they vanish.
Google's 'group' archive doesn't count, they're a corporation, they
wrapped it in web 2.0, they don't care, it will die.

The bandwidth cost, piracy and porn was just as damning as web 2.0.
The former caused the formal ISP/school/work support to die.
The latter stole the eyeballs.

Back then you had to have brains to be on the net, now everyone is
web 2.0, and they're satisfied with ridiculous web forums. Any
brains today are all but forced to use them because the population
is so slim anywhere else. Usenet has suffered its generational

Usenet is still viable long term as a free/donation service, as is
irc, if operators do not carry the binary groups. Its new hope lies
with the opensource, hackerspace, anonymous, and related communities
of all sorts.

As a giant distributed mailing list, it's an awesome service that
these communities really should look at more closely.

Its future is up to you... will you run a server and list it as
a communication method (even primary) for your project, or not?
Will you donate a server to the public, or not?

FreeBSD related... it would be really nice if someone would shim
the FreeBSD forum to cause every post to be copied out to a set of
FreeBSD mailing lists. So the efficient/interested among us could
at least read, search and archive them without being forced to waste
time with the web interface.
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Re: Bad gpg signature on 9.1 announcement mail?

2012-12-31 Thread grarpamp
This was a local mailer issue. The sig on the release announcement is fine.
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Bad gpg signature on 9.1 announcement mail?

2012-12-30 Thread grarpamp
Anyone else having trouble verifying the signature on
the announcement mail? If your's works, can you inline
a base64 encoded version of the verified message text
so I can see what's wrong with my verifier? Thanks.
gpg --verify msg.txt.asc msg.txt
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about unattended installation

2012-12-20 Thread grarpamp
Though I do have a need for completely unattended and/or network installs,
I don't have a need to continue with sysinstall.cfg. Whatever is done, be
sure not to hobble any new installer out of some perceived need to be
backwards compatible, or invest much time in being so. Writing and using
a config isn't that hard.

Since drives tend to be shuffled about, keying different configs off MAC
address from shell has been nice. A MAC primitive in the config vs.
old ifconfig could be handy. As might any smbios serial options.
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Re: FreeBSD needs Git to ensure repo integrity [was: 2012 incident]

2012-11-18 Thread grarpamp
On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 1:57 AM, Garrett Wollman woll...@bimajority.org wrote:
 the various good uses for nyms.

 There are no such uses on the FreeBSD mailing-lists; if you wish for
 anyone to pay attention to you, then use a real name.  Otherwise,


It appears you have not reviewed the mailing list archives, otherwise you
would have found many such nym holders engaging in good participation.
However I do thank you for your opinion, and for your delightful and
unwarranted private abuse. A good day to you indeed, Sir.
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Re: FreeBSD needs Git to ensure repo integrity [was: 2012 incident]

2012-11-18 Thread grarpamp
 the various good uses for nyms.

 I hope you realize whom you're trying to lecture here!
 Joerg Wunsch is a highly appreciated long-time FreeBSD contributor

Of course. No one here has any question as to anyone's FreeBSD
participation. That would be silly :) I merely contest the suggestion
that nyms have little to no utility, that people need moderate their
usage alone in public, and that those using them are somehow lessers.
I won't fail to defend general anti-nym opinion or guidance, particularly
when wafted in this general direction.

 Now, back to our regular programming.

Yes, about this lack of a self-authenticating repo, etc. [1]
It is good to see some discussion forming around it :)

[1] Or whatever it may better be called.
Put another way... we can't yet say, in the strong cryptographic
sense, that anyone has a true copy of the repo. Or that the repo
is itself internally tamper free and/or tamper proof. And so on as
applied down the production and distribution chain. The repo
does face certain risks. And Git appears as if it may be one
way to mitigate them.
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Re: FreeBSD needs Git to ensure repo integrity [was: 2012 incident]

2012-11-18 Thread grarpamp
 I won't fail to defend general anti-nym opinion or guidance

d-oh, s/defend/defend against/
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FreeBSD needs Git to ensure repo integrity [was: 2012 incident]

2012-11-17 Thread grarpamp

This is not about this incident, but about why major opensource
projects need to be using a repository that has traceable, verifiable,
built-in cryptographic authentication.

Any of hundreds of committer and admin accounts could be compromised
with the attacker silently editing the repo. The same applies to
any of those accounts going rogue. Backtrack diffing from a breach
to 'see what changed' is not the ideal option. You really need to
be using a strong repo so that any attack on it is null from the
start. Another problem is bit rot wherever it may occur... disk,
hardware, the wire, EMP and other systems.

As it is now, we have no way to verify that what we get on pressed
CD's, ISO's, FTP sites, torrents, etc is strongly linked back to
the original repo. Signing over a hash of the ISO is *not* the same
as including the strong repo hash (commit) that was used to build
the release and then signing over that and the ISO. We can't know
that our local repository updates match the master. ports.tar.gz
has no authentication either. Nor does anything in the entire project
that originates from the current SVN/CVS repo... webpages, docs,
tools, source tarballs, etc. The FTP packages aren't signed, and
there are weak MD5's used in various parts of the install/package
tools, mirrors, etc. We can't trade hashes amongst people. It's all
just a bunch of random bits that someone may or may not have signed
over. And even if signed they still wouldn't be strongly linked
back to the master repo. Having such a disconnect at the root of
everything you do is simply not good practice these days.

And these days, Git is what people and projects are moving to, and
its rate of adoption and prevalence have essentially won out over
all the rest in the new 'revision control 2.0 world'. And knowing
Git is now more or less essential if you want to participate in a
wide variety of community development, ref: github, etc.

The FreeBSD project needs to be providing both itself, and its users
and benefactors with verifiable assurance that its repository, and
any copies and derived products, are authentic and intact.

Don't argue against such a repository feature, or the cost to move,
or bury your head in the sand by saying it could never happen to us...

Take this as a real opportunity to lead amongst the major opensource
projects like Linux, and among the BSD's (like DragonFly has), and
move to Git.

Once the root is fixed, you can push out secure distribution and
update models from there. It all starts at the root and can't be
done without it.

 Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database

 The data model that Git uses ensures the cryptographic integrity
 of every bit of your project. Every file and commit is checksummed
 and retrieved by its checksum when checked back out. It's impossible
 to get anything out of Git other than the exact bits you put in.
 It is also impossible to change any file, date, commit message,
 or any other data in a Git repository without changing the IDs of
 everything after it. This means that if you have a commit ID, you
 can be assured not only that your project is exactly the same as
 when it was committed, but that nothing in its history was changed.

 The Git history is stored in such a way that the id of a particular
 revision (a commit in Git terms) depends upon the complete
 development history leading up to that commit. Once it is published,
 it is not possible to change the old versions without it being
 noticed. The structure is similar to a hash tree, but with additional
 data at the nodes as well as the leaves.

Some references...
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Re: FreeBSD needs Git to ensure repo integrity [was: 2012 incident]

2012-11-17 Thread grarpamp
 You don't even have a name

Your domain indicates Germany, please have a chat with CCC.de about
the various good uses for nyms. And consult your library for some
fine historical use cases. If that's counter to your beliefs, you
are free to show us the way and post all your personal infos to the

 spamming a large number of FreeBSD mailinglists with your advocacy?

This topic would benefit from the review and involvement of users
(questions), committers (hackers), security (security), and
distribution (hubs).

 Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

As well summarized by this (your signature) ... sources you can't
verify to the master are, also, sources you can't trust.

 LOL And how will this help Linux?

How will what help Linux? Please quote a relevant snippet instead
of the entire message.

Seems pretty clear from the above link that having hashes/crypto
as an intrinsic feature of the SCM tool does in fact help Linux.

If you're asking about distribution of things traceable back to the
master repo, at least your security officer can sign the initial
repository commit and then include the various distribution keys
and subsequent updates, signed tags, etc in the repo.

 Yes, but git doesn't work with our workflow.

There's usually a larger than head sized sandbox near everyone's
local neighborhood. Will people elect to visit it, or to learn,
grow, and change for the better? Prioe workflow is often forced by
and derived from the tools being used. Different tools could enable
different, more useful workflows. SVN required workflow change from
CVS, people managed just fine.

 It's been discussed several times

I will look for these. Can you point to a couple main threads?

 [git] ... is GPL btw

FreeBSD does not include this sort-of-BSD licensed SCM tool in its
base either...

# https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/LICENSE
# ls /*bin/svn /usr/*bin/svn
ls: No such file or directory

But it does include this GPL licensed one...

# http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/cvs/ccvs/COPYING?revision=HEAD
# ls /*bin/cvs /usr/*bin/cvs'

And of course we have this in use as well...

# perforce

So it seems license is not an obstacle to inclusion, and certainly
not the use via ports, of any particular SCM with the FreeBSD


 You can look at what goes into the FreeBSD Git clone to get your
 assurance that things aren't being snuck in.

The same could be said for the CVS clone. Again...
Any copy of something that is itself not verifiable provides no
such assurance.

 Those who want to use git can use it, right now. Honest.

Yes, Git does seem to me to be leading the other distributed, hash
based, SCM tools such as Hg. Thus Git is suggested. Yes, Git would
fill the purpose. I only suggest Git, as to some other choices that
use hashes (as usual, please verify with current releases)...

But this is not really about using Git in particular...

These replies are all dodging around the base issue raised...
- That FreeBSD has no verifiable source repo
- Which is not only a problem for the repo itself, but for everything
attempted to be spawned downstream off of that root (no verifiable
distribution system/tools distributing that repo, etc).

Sorry to reply to these sorts of replies this way, but please, this
isn't a troll or a shed. No need to do that around the issue raised.
Hash [ :-) ] it out and solve it. Why wait for a costlier breach?
Why not provide the assurance beforehand? No better time than now.


Yes, another good link outlining the issue.
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Re: Character set conversion, locales, UTF-8, etc

2012-11-05 Thread grarpamp
 As an aside, why does FreeBSD seem to default to the above locale
 instead of say, en_US.UTF-8 ?

 FreeBSD's file system does not default to any locale, as far as I
 know. The system is agnostic to what the characters in the file
 name mean or what symbol they should represent.

Sure the fs is just binary, then viewed and written through
the mask of the selected langauge layer I think.

I think in my case some data was said to be in a particular
encoding when in fact it may have been in another, and then
pushed down to disk by the app through that wrong mask.

 There isn't much you can do on file system level except renaming
 the files: write a program that reads the file names according
 to the preferred interpretation and write new names for them,

I'll read more on language to see if I can reverse that and
recover them or just replace with X's.
I was looking mostly for a tool that would show me what a
filename or data looks like in hex, octal, and different
selected encodings. Doing it by hand is slow. I'll check
ports again.
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Character set conversion, locales, UTF-8, etc

2012-11-04 Thread grarpamp
Hi. I think I'm looking for a character conversion tool.
I have a few thousand files in a hier. I believe an app, possibly a Java one,
created them while in en_US.US-ASCII mode, or perhaps some other
unidentified locale. Whatever it was, I think it took binary filename data,
interpreted it and wrote the interpretation to disk (instead of the
original binary).
So now any other app that looks at the disk under any locale gets the
names wrong.
So I think I need something to take some stdin from /bin/ls -w (in the
broken way
I have it on disk), let me fiddle with feeding it different locales to
until I see the
right binary representation again, and then emit the binary to stdout
so I can rename
the files back to binary on disk so that any future app can read the names under
it's own local locale.
Does that make sense? I'm very new to character sets and things.

As an aside, why does FreeBSD seem to default to the above locale
instead of say, en_US.UTF-8 ?
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Re: `ls -l` shows size of file other than of the folder?

2012-06-14 Thread grarpamp
  The following creates a file with a size of 102402 (a gig)
  fseek(stdout, 100*1024, SEEK_END);

 Nope :) What you have there is not actually called (anything).
 It would maybe be called a MKiB. :-)

I'll buy that, if someone chips in the deuce :)

 In SI units it is called a gigabyte.

No, it's not called anything.

 Everyone knows what he talking about so playing semantic
 games is silly.

Rockets crash due to assumptions and trivializing semantics.

That's why you never can stop learning in IT, and fighting
bad habits in all imaginable areas. :-)

 Can we move on to real questions? :)

Ok :)
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Many open branches = excess FreeBSD project work?

2012-06-13 Thread grarpamp
We talk about release dates and always slippage and effect on
downstream in other thread. But maybe some causes and even just
related efficiency thing is:

FreeBSD officially maintaining right now [1]:
- S RELENG_9_0
- S RELENG_8_3
- S RELENG_8_2
- S RELENG_8_1
- S RELENG_7_4

Seem a lot of [G]eneral dev and [S]ecurity branches open at once.
It seem crazy, and much extra work for whole FreeBSD project.
Maybe some ways out there to reduce number of open trees/work?
And enhance quality of releases or something in result.

Suggest maybe making just two rolling RELENG (features, stable).
Features be good for adopters and fine polishing post dev teams.
Stable be amazing good production quality all downstream want.
Then short live security/bug (only maintain till next from branch)
releases from both (these be the formal releases).
Focus be on quality level and first row left to right movement
(timing) of feature sets. Second row past Xs1 be just closed snaps
in time.

HEAD - Features -- Stable
 +- Fs1 x Fs2 x Fs3   +- Ss1 x Ss2 x Ss3

Similar to: Do a horizontal collapse two below rows into formal
2.2.x, 4.x, 8.x = good (stable)
other branch.x = intermediate, not maintain worthy (features)

Today FreeBSD think it have to maintain nine trains (aka: rly, wtf)?
I say with some focus tuning tomorrow it does not :)

And just document another project ways (not make any imply from it):

[1] http://www.freebsd.org/releng/index.html
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Re: UEFI Secure Boot Specs - And some sanity

2012-06-08 Thread grarpamp
 Isn't there a lot of needless handwaving going on when the spec is
 pretty clear that installing your own complete PKI tree will all
 boil down to what is effectively a jumper on the motherboard?

 Hoping a jumper Might be under an easily unscrewable panel seems unlikely.

I did say effectively. If people would actually read that chapter
in the spec (minimally 27.5) they would find that they can:
- Load a new PK without asking if in default SetupMode
- If not in SetupMode, chainload a new PK provided it is
signed by the current PK.
- Clear the PK in a 'secure platform specific method'.

There's nothing that says PK SetupMode has to be a
jumper. Entering the equivalent of good old pre-boot
BIOS setup mode would work so long as the OS can't
get to it without the request being signed by the current
PK. The point of Secure Boot is firmware checked protection
against software access... not physical access protection.

The spec speaks liberally of 'platform owner' being able
to do whatever they want. More handwaving about EULA's
and branding aside, that means US.

I seriously think that people are blowing this topic way out
of context, and seeing it everywhere is getting really old.

People should instead be working on the facts and
writing the various motherboard manufacturers to
ask them what their expected PK update model will be,
and to educate them if not. And to work at committing
it to their OS.

And yes, that includes Compal and Quanta and those
sorts of OEM laptop/embedded makers.

I'll send $100 to the FreeBSD foundation if those
retail board makers I listed don't give the option to
install/replace the PK. Nuff said.

ps: I don't really care what MS does with their own branded
products in the embedded/small space. Plenty of millionaires
out there now who are in tune with opensource who could startup,
buy the same ARM/ATOM/etc chips, the same support chips, load
Android and sell it to the masses. Lot's of overseas ODM's out there
for them to pick from too. Phones, tablets, notebooks, laptops...
it's all there. FreeBSD on your phone in 10 years.
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UEFI Secure Boot Specs - And some sanity

2012-06-06 Thread grarpamp
Isn't there a lot of needless handwaving going on when the spec is
pretty clear that installing your own complete PKI tree will all
boil down to what is effectively a jumper on the motherboard?

First, some sanity...

Users could fully utilize the UEFI Secure Boot hardware by say:

- Using openssl to generate their keys
- Jumper the board, burn it into the BIOS in UEFI SB SetupMode
- Have all the MBR, slice, partition, installkernel, etc tools
install and manage the signed disk/loader/kernel/module bits
- Have the BIOS check sigs on whatever first comes off the media

I don't see that the user will actually NOT be able to do this on
anything but 'designed for windows only' ARM systems. Seeing how
open Android/Linux is firmly in that space, this will just devalue
the non open windows product.

There have been 25 years of generic mass produced motherboards.
And 25 years of open source OS commits to utilize them.
That is not changing anytime soon. Non generic attempts fail.

Even corporate kings Dell and HP know they would be foolish to sell
motherboards that will not allow their buyers to swap out the PK
keys... because they know their buyers run more than just windows
and that they need various security models.

And if they really were that dumb, there's Gigabyte, Asus, Msi,
Supermicro, Biostar, etc who will not be so dumb and will soak up
all the remaining sales gravy.

The masses have seen and now want openness, open systems, sharing.
The old models are but speed bumps on their own way out the door.

Though it seems a non issue to me, if you want to protest, protest
for 'Setup Mode'. And not here on this list, but to the hardware

We should want to use this PKI in our systems. Not disable it. Not
pay $100 to terminate the PKI chain early. Not pay $100 to lock us
into unmodifiable releases (aka: BSD corporate version).

I look forward to seeing the UEFI SB PK SetupMode AMD and Intel
generic motherboard list :)

On to facts...

 Spec Chapter 27 Secure Boot, SetupMode, PK, Shell, etc

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Re: /usr/bin/find - binary operands howto

2012-06-05 Thread grarpamp
A single find already had the needed selection and execution ops.
So I was trying it first, before writing an external parser, etc.

It's still not clear to me how find is compiling the arguments
internally, but using -vv on the utils helped a lot. After adding
-false after all the -exec's, it now works as desired up against
my array of inodes. I also worked in a pre-change, select, ls.

The arbitrary format of gfind is interesting. It can maybe be
approximated in find with -exec ls someargs {} \+.
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/usr/bin/find - binary operands howto

2012-06-03 Thread grarpamp
Given a fs with millions of inodes, multiple find runs is expensive.
As is performing the ch* on more than the minimum required inodes,
which also needlessly updates the inode ctime. So I want one find,
doing the ch* only if necessary.

I came up with this. But any true line short circuits the rest of
the -o's, which isn't desired. Using -a results similarly.

The man page says -exec returns true if util is true. ch* is usually
true unless the operation isn't permitted (file flags, read-only,
etc) or the node vanishes in a race.

The test[s] would keep -exec[s] from being always executed.

Then there is the problem of the full permutation of the initial
state of the owner and mode, say: 00, 01, 10, 11.

So how should I write this? Do I want to use -true/-false somehow?

# touch 1 ; chown 1:1 1 ; chmod 0666 1 ; ls -l 1

# find 1 \( \
\( \! \( -uid 0 -gid 0 \) -exec chown 0:0   {} \+ \) \
 -o \
\(-perm +0222 -exec chmod ugo-w {} \+ \) \
 -o \
 -o \

# ls -l 1
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Re: Regex Wizards

2011-09-27 Thread grarpamp
I think I'm grokking my mistake with the greedy stuff now.
I'll try implementing a couple of your suggestions.
Thanks guys!
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Regex Wizards

2011-09-26 Thread grarpamp
Under the ERE implementation in RELENG_8, I'm having
trouble figuring out how to group and backreference this.

Given a line, where:
 If AAA is present, CCC will be too, and B may appear in between.
 If AAA is not present, neither CCC or B will be present.
  is always present.
 Junk may be present.
 Match good lines and ouput in chunks.

echo junkBCCCjunk | \

This works as expected:
sed -E -n 's,^.*(AAAB?CCC)().*$,1 \1 2 \2,p'

But making the leading bits optional per spec does not work:
sed -E -n 's,^.*(AAAB?CCC)?().*$,1 \1 2 \2,p'
1  2 

Nor does adding the usual grouping parens:
sed -E -n 's,^.*((AAAB?CCC)?)().*$,1 \1 2 \2,p'
1 2

How do I group off the leading bits?
Or is this a limitation of ERE's?
Or a bug?
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Re: UDF and DVD's

2011-05-20 Thread grarpamp
 Thoughts: please provide commands, full output, etc. that show how
 you're trying to mount the disc, as well as relevant /dev entries
 pertaining to your DVD drive.  dmesg might also be helpful.  And I
 assume you have looked at mount_udf(8)?

Apologies, it is late. However I used only the obvious.
Hopefully obviously, my DVD drive is irrelevant in this case...

mdconfig -f image -o readonly
mount_cd9660 -v -o ro md dev /mnt
ls -alR /mnt
[*not* 2.5GiB of files, but...]
cat /mnt/readme.txt
This disc contains a UDF file system and requires an operating system
that supports the ISO-13346 UDF file system specification.
umount -v /mnt
mount_udf -v -o ro md dev /mnt
mount_udf: /dev/md[n]: Invalid argument
 [md dev is not mounted on /mnt]

I think it's related to the UDF version of the image. As
anyone can verify using my said images found on the
internet, Perhaps it begs for a NetBSD port?

I tested with: RELENG_8 i386.

BTW, mdconfig is also broken in that it should take arguments
regardless of position, but it does not. IE: try transposing
-d and -u, or -o. = failure to execute.
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Re: UDF and DVD's

2011-05-20 Thread grarpamp
 Obviously, the base system UDF support is minimal and needs some work.
  But you may find that ports like sysutils/cdrtools[-devel] or
 sysutils/udfclient will allow you to do much of what you want to do.

Hmm. perhaps I may be able to create and burn [both modes occurring
in userland] with cdrtools. But certainly not to read or write in kernel mode
yet AFAICT. I'll investigate udfclient, that is new to me as a userland tool.
I was hoping for kernel level compatibility. As are, I suspect, we all :)
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UDF and DVD's

2011-05-19 Thread grarpamp
Greetings... :)

The first filesystem DVD... other than a movie DVD (DVD-VIDEO?),
and the FreeBSD make release DVD's (iso9660)... that I've ever tried
to mount, well... don't. It is:
 Windows 7 Ultimate with Service Pack 1 (x64) - DVD (English) 5/12/2011
You can find the SHA-1 hash here:
and a sample image, if needed for reference purposes, via any search

Anyways, after a little reasearch, does FreeBSD not, in fact, support
this UDF version? (I don't yet know how to supply the version of
this image for you?)

Can the FreeBSD team implement it? Perhaps by porting from NetBSD
5.1's seemingly near complete implementation?
As perhaps even a GSOC or Foundation project? Because reading retail
optical filesystem formats would seem to be a rather expected

I'm guessing the current state within FreeBSD means that I can
neither read, nor create, or write, readable (compatible) images
at this, or any given, UDF level?

As I've no other DVD's to test with... what UDF versions are most
DVD data ROM's published in?

Is this a blocker for FreeBSD?

For me, at least, minimally, that seems to be the case... as I now
have no way to rip, mount and add the files to this DVD that I would
like to add. Except to use Windows, which I consider to be unreliable
at best.

Thoughts? Thanks :)
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[FYI] Bittorrent for 8.2 release

2011-02-20 Thread grarpamp
Some observations for those considering using bt this time...

Vuze under OpenJDK7 works fine. You need to grab swt-devel,
log4j, junit, commons-cli. If you're using the ancient Vuze port,
just replace the Vuze jar from that with the current one from
sourceforge. Until swt is updated, you probably want the classic
or console display.

Dtorrent trunk works fine.

QBitTorrent looks interesting.

As do a couple other native FreeBSD clients.

cdrtools works fine. (thanks joerg)

As soon at the 8.2 torrent file is posted to the tracker, a number
of folks I know will be seeding on the FreeBSD tracker and maybe
on into openbittorrent.

If you normally get the iso's via ftp, give bt a try, works great :)
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Upgrading from FreeBSD 4.10 to 8.1?

2011-01-06 Thread grarpamp
I know I'll take heat from everyone else who responded saying to
effectively ship a new box. But maybe this user has significant
costs involved with that. Along with any other reasons...

v4 to v8 can be done. I've done it entirely live over the net.
Nothing crazy about it.

The basic idea is that there are too many changes and tools involved
to fart around with build/install world, mergemaster, CD's, sysinstall,
etc. And they're just not aware of such a jump. And you can't trust
the idiots on the other end to get it right even if they would work.
You are the SA, free your mind. To the initiate, it would be
harrowing. To the seasoned SA, it's logical cake.

So backup your entire 4.x box over the wire, there will be no return.

Go find a box and install v8 however you want it. If you fail, this
one goes to the shipper asap. You can use a vm but that will take
longer to ship. You are very wise to also install a v4 box and
overlay your backup on it first for testing the entire process. If
you failed to heed SA wisdom about separating / /usr /usr/local
/var /home /boot, free space, etc on the original v4 box, your life
will be much harder. But if you have a ton of unpartitioned free
space on it, you can fix that one at a time too ;)

Be very aware of boot sectors, loaders, partitions, slices, fstab,
sizes, /dev, ifconfig, packet filters, kernel config, etc. That
kills most people. Also, since all your apps will be pristine v8
vers, you need to sort out their use of the old data and config.

If you have space, rsync -Haxi upload your v8 mountpoints to separate
staging dirs on the v4 box. It helps narrow your power fail window :)

Get on the v4 box. If you've got console, re boot -s. If not, take
it down till only init, sh and sshd remain. If you have space, rsync
your current v4 mountpoints to some backup dirs.

You're going to need static versions of rsync, openssh, sh, su, and
any other tools. You'll need to kill and run the static sshd... re:
fstat, umount, libs, etc. If you want, truncate /etc/rc to load
only static sshd from /root. This gives you some chance at recovery.
Again, do a local trial run to figure out what, where and when you
want or need all the tricks and in what order.

Mount everything read-write and rsync -Haxi --delete from your v8
staging dirs (whether local or remote) over top of the live but now
library freed v4 mountpoints.

Reboot ;)

Don't forget to lay down new boot sectors etc as and when needed
during or after the above.

It works, don't complain to me or this list if you break it :)
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ghostscript x11

2010-11-02 Thread grarpamp
 Unknown device: x11
 Unrecoverable error: undefined in .uninstallpagedevice
 Operand stack: defaultdevice

 Wrote elhosots:
 After my post, ive been unable to reproduce my own results. The
 only thing that works for me under fbsd 8.1-stable is to use

So are you installing (-f force overwrite?) ghostscript7 after gv
installs 8?

Hmm... given that with my package set on RELENG_8, in today's list
of i386/packages-8-stable we have the following list of conflicts
on 7 and pkgdeps on 8, I'm a bit confused as to how things work.

Were I to install 7 first, it looks like gv/gsview are going to try
installing 8 over top of it? And they will fail as 8 conflicts.

Were I to install 7 last, it may break the apps that dep on the
newer 8 due to binary, feature and clobbering issues.

Yet curiously, gsview does display fine with 8 (no x11 error) yet
I do not have 7 installed (the one claimed to work with gv without
and x11 error, as in your case).

My state is clean as I rm -rf /usr/local, which also contains the
pkg database for that instance, before installing the local package

/usr/local/pkg/ghostscript8-8.71_6/+CONTENTS:@conflicts ghostscript7-[0-9]*
/usr/local/pkg/ghostscript8-8.71_6/+CONTENTS:@conflicts ghostscript7-*-[0-9]*

/usr/local/pkg/epstool-3.08_3/+CONTENTS:@pkgdep ghostscript8-8.71_6
/usr/local/pkg/epstool-3.08_3/+CONTENTS:@comment DEPORIGIN:print/ghostscript8
/usr/local/pkg/gsfonts-8.11_5/+CONTENTS:@dirrm share/ghostscript/fonts
/usr/local/pkg/gsfonts-8.11_5/+CONTENTS:@unexec rmdir
%D/share/ghostscript 2/dev/null || true
/usr/local/pkg/gsview-4.9_3/+CONTENTS:@pkgdep ghostscript8-8.71_6
/usr/local/pkg/gsview-4.9_3/+CONTENTS:@comment DEPORIGIN:print/ghostscript8
/usr/local/pkg/gv-3.7.1/+CONTENTS:@pkgdep ghostscript8-8.71_6
/usr/local/pkg/gv-3.7.1/+CONTENTS:@comment DEPORIGIN:print/ghostscript8
/usr/local/pkg/pstotext-1.9_2/+CONTENTS:@pkgdep ghostscript8-8.71_6
/usr/local/pkg/pstotext-1.9_2/+CONTENTS:@comment DEPORIGIN:print/ghostscript8
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ghostscript x11 [8-stable]

2010-10-26 Thread grarpamp
An FYI regarding:

This problem has existed for me for many months, if not more. Currently:

-rw-r--r--1 110  1002 11407910 Oct 07 11:33 ghostscript8-8.71_6.tbz
4a2328c262b08dc78938c66548117d27dc6a3586 ghostscript8-8.71_6.tbz

running the command: gv t.ps
Unknown device: x11
Unrecoverable error: undefined in .uninstallpagedevice
Operand stack:

For reference, 'gsview' is the only viewer that currently seems to work
out of: ghostview, gsview, gv, [xpdf untested]
[Figured Java AcrobatViewer should be deprecated at over 10 years old!]

Also, though they work, the page set selector buttons right under the
reload button in 'gv' do not render right and appear scrambled and too

Will probably try compiling current source tarballs by hand till then.
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Better processor, SSE3, crypto?

2010-02-12 Thread grarpamp
Hi. I'm stretching a couple machines with spare parts.
I've got a midrange P4 Northwood 2.4G/533 SL6PC and a lowball P4
Prescott 2.4G/533 SL7E8.
They're apparently missing 64bit, HT, NX, VT and friends.
To me, the Prescott only seems better by 512K more L2 cache, SSE3 and
more heat for the winter.

Are either of those two used or help a single focus like crypto...
geli/gbde/ssl [aes]?
I figure the cache will always help userland, maybe buildworld.

Kindof a dumb question, I should probably just test and reply to myself :)
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Re: Adding up kernel mem usage

2009-10-15 Thread grarpamp
Is multiplying out the size and used columns from
vmstat -z completely in addition to the amount used in vmstat -m, or
do some of them overlap?

vmstat -z | sed 's,^.*:,,' | sed -E 's,^ +,,' | sed -E
's/^([0-9]+),[^,]+, +/\1*/;s/,.*$//' | egrep '^[0-9]' | bc | add

Is netstat -m accounted for in one of the two vmstat's?

systat -vm 1
Tot   Share  TotShareFree
Act  191564   39548   46134848380  566632
All  423996   42600  261968053448

I'm not sure what Share means in this context?

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Adding up kernel mem usage

2009-10-15 Thread grarpamp
If I subtract vmstat and kldstat from wired, I'm
missing approx 100M. What am I doing wrong
or what should I be adding up to find the total
mem in use by the kernel and a breakdown of
that usage? Thanks.

top -SH -d 1 1000 | egrep '^Mem:'
Mem: 114M Active, 65M Inact, 258M Wired, 468K Cache, 46M Buf, 551M Free

vmstat -m | sed -E 's,^(.),,' | awk '{print $2}' | sed
's,K,,' | egrep -v MemUse | add

{ printf 'ibase=16\n' ; kldstat | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | egrep
-v SIZE | awk '{print $4}' | tr '\n' '\+' | sed 's,+$,,' ; } | bc

 procs  memory  pagedisks faults cpu
 r b w avmfre   flt  re  pi  pofr  sr ad0 ad4   in   sy
cs us sy id
 1 0 0461M   551M68   0   0   088   0   0   0   26 1189
654  3  1 97
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