New user getting very discouraged with IPv6 problems, cannot get tunnel working completely :(

2005-09-24 Thread resonant evil
Hi all, I'm a brand new poster to the forums, and consider myself a novice
FreeBSD user..

I used to use an IPv6 tunnel broker that worked fine, and even had a great
program in C to do all the configuring of my tunnel automatically, but
sadly, they are sharing my /48 with like 4 other people making it impossible
to log into IRC servers. So somebody on #FreeBSD @
irc.freenode.nethttp://irc.freenode.netreccomended 2 OTHER brokers
for me, one was BTexaCT and another was
Hurricane Electric (,
which he advised me to use.) So I got my tunnel approved at both places, but
am seriously at a dead end here and it has become very discouraging, to the
point where I'm blaming myself because this should be so straight-forward :(

Here are the full tunnel details I was approved for
Server IPV4 Address:
Server IPV6 Address: 2001:470:1F01:::DD2/127
Client IPV4 Address: 70.28.MY.IP
Client IPV6 Address: 2001:470:1F01:::DD3/127

in my /etc/rc.conf, I have


The guide I was following was:

Okay, so, the steps I follow are..

ifconfig gif0 create
ifconfig gif0 tunnel 70.28.MY.IP (my ip
then their ipv4 ip)
ifconfig gif0 inet6 alias 2001:470:1F01:::DD3

That goes off without any errors or anything, and then that guide tells me
to 'ping6 ff02::1%gif0' and it works perfectly, and I get ping replies, so I
get REALLY excited. Then, the guide tells me to finish by

route add -inet6 default -interface gif0

Then, it should be ready according to the manual, but I can only resolve
IPV6 addresses, I can't actually communicate with any.

ping6 'ing ipv6 addresses resolves to the proper address, but no packets are
irc'ing an ipv6 server just resolves the IPV6 address but doesn't actually
get past the CONNECTING stage

As I said, I'm getting really discouraged and downright depressed, and I
don't know what further action to take to pursue this problem, so hopefully
people here can get me up and running.. This really shouldn't be a difficult
thing to do..

Also, as a side note, I also took the exact same steps with the OTHER broker
I was approved for (BTexaCT) but its the same thing, I can only resolve IPV6
IP's, not communicate with them

What should I do!! Thanks in advance, everyone :)

-Ryan, a new FBSD user :)
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Re: New user getting very discouraged with IPv6 problems, cannot get tunnel working completely :(

2005-09-24 Thread resonant evil
Hi, thanks for the response, but alas it's still not working :(

On 9/24/05, aksis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Im using Hurricane Electric as well,
 When you login to HE they have a link for an example config generation,
 is what I used. I had some problems with the handbook as well.

Yeah, I was following their example configs also, I saw it there :(

My rc.conf:
 ... snip ...
 gif_interfaces=gif0 gif1 # IPv6 tunnel
 # IPv4 tunnel for IPv6 tunnel

 ipv6_enable=YES # Set to YES to set up for IPv6.
 ipv6_network_interfaces=rl0 gif0 # List of network interfaces.
 ipv6_defaultrouter=2001:470:1F00:::22E # Set to IPv6 default gateway
 ipv6_ifconfig_rl0=2001:470:1F00:379::1 # assigned from my /64to a nic
 ipv6_ifconfig_gif0=2001:470:1F00:::22F 2001:470:1F00:::22E
 128 --- wrapped, should be on the above line.
 ... snip ...

I was missing alot of that stuff, so I filled it in with the appropriate
values, here's what mine looks like (and upon reboot everything looked good)

gif_interfaces=gif0 gif1

ipv6_network_interfaces=rl0 gif0
ipv6_defaultrouter=2001:470:1F01:::DD2 # default ipv6 gateway
ipv6_ifconfig_gif0=2001:470:1F01:::DD3 2001:470:1F01:::DD2
prefixlen 128

is the ipv6 section of my /etc/rc.conf, on bootup everything seemed to take
effect properly

# ifconfig gif0
 gif0: flags=8051UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST mtu 1280
 tunnel inet --
 inet6 fe80::2c0:f0ff:fe2a:aa7c%gif0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x8
 inet6 2001:470:1f00:::22f -- 2001:470:1f00:::22e prefixlen 128

su-3.00# ifconfig gif0
tunnel inet --
inet6 fe80::240:f4ff:fe2d:a9f7%gif0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4
inet6 2001:470:1f01:::dd3 -- 2001:470:1f01:::dd2 prefixlen 128

which from what I can gather looks absolutely correct, doesn't it :(

Is your firewall blocking ipv6?
 # /etc/rc.firewall6 open

No such file on my system, I'm using 5.3-RELEASE
I don't think the firewall is blocking ipv6 because
www.hexago.com old broker, freenet6) had a
great 'tspc' program (that was compiled from
C) that did all the work for me, and that tunnel still works great, except
its unstable for me and is completely blacklisted from most IRC networks

Don't leave this open after you get the tunnel working.

  That goes off without any errors or anything, and then that guide tells
  to 'ping6 ff02::1%gif0' and it works perfectly, and I get ping replies,
  I get REALLY excited. Then, the guide tells me to finish by

 ping their ipv6 end point of the tunnel:

 # ping6 2001:470:1F01:::DD2 (you sure its /127 and not /128?)

 If you don't get replies then there is a problem with the tunnel.

su-3.00# ping6 2001:470:1F01:::DD2
PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) 2001:470:1f01:::dd3 -- 2001:470:1f01:::dd2
--- 2001:470:1F01:::DD2 ping6 statistics ---
9 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss

I really appreciate the help thus far man :)
Any other suggestions or reccomendations would be greatly appreciated.. I
can also provide output from anything you might find useful, just let me
know :) I really would love to get this working, it would be a good
confidence boost for me if I could just figure this out

Thanks again :)

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