new to os

2011-08-18 Thread scott mcclellan
I'm looking to try something different with my machine (or maybe I'm going 
through a midlife crisis).
Currently run Wimdows (point and click), and would like to gravitate back to 
DOS (this is a thing of the ancient past for me 30 years - on a TRS-80). I know 
remember extremely little of OS vernacular.
Am I biting off more than I can chew, or is there a OS commands for dummies out 
there, or does FreeBSD have such a critter that one can go through.
I'll pour through the FAQ and got hrough the online manuals for now. But it all 
seems greek. Can someone point me in a diresction to degreek this stuff for me.
Scott McClellan
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Thanks for the response...

2003-03-07 Thread scott mcclellan
Not sure how to reply to the threads on the freebsd lists, but will
probably post there with an update to all this soon.

I did do the ole' switch of jumpers (two times as I didn't know which
posts were designated for MASTER - trial and error I guess). So now the
system sees the CD-ROM as the Secondary Master (which is a good thing
I'm supposing)

And I did take another poster's advise in burning the ISO image at a
slower speed (4x is as low as I get), but I'm still at a point where the
system responds with:
Boot from ATAPI CD-ROM:  Failure...
No /boot/loader

I assume that ATAPI is the model of the CD-ROM the system found. But,
the 'Failure... has me stumped. Is it possible that although the system
(and FreeBSD) recognize the type of CD-Rom I have, but FreeBSD just
doesn't support it [Creative Infra1800]. I admit when looking at the
supported hardware, I didn't see Creative on the list - but then what's
up with ATAPI?

I apologize. A lot of my questions are rhetorical in that I just need to
'vent' (if I don't talk to myself, then I type to myself). And as
another poster put it 'Don't throw out the old machine, just have
patience' - as you've stated also. I have patience (and an occasional
temper). Although my hostility factor towards this so far is only at
about 3.

Thanks again, and if you have anything else to add (not to my misery
please), feel free.

Scott McClellan

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A huge THANK YOU!!!!!

2003-03-07 Thread scott mcclellan
Dear Nigel,

Right off the bat, I want to thank you for (humiliating me) solving my
problem. No I'm not humiliated, just ticked off that I hadn't thought of
what I was doing wrong first.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm one of those people who are too used
to having the computer (Windows) do everything for me. Once upon a time
(about 24 years ago) we had a TRS-80 and HAD to deal with DOS - how I
long for those days again, because unfortunately I became Windows

I had no inkling as to what an ISO image was, or what it was for, or how
to use it. So yes, *cringe* I just burned the ISO image 'file' onto the
CD. Amazing what can happen when you know what you're doing.

Everything looks as if it is loading okay now. Oops, no not everything.
It's telling me that it can't get 'compat4X' and 'port distributions'
loaded because it has run out of room. Hmmm. I guess it's time for me to
putter around some more, but I'm huge steps ahead of where I was 2 hours
ago (and 3 days of banging my head). I don't mind puttering, heck I got
my CD-ROM connected properly now (darn computer store techies) after
reading through some of the FAQs and letters here. Yeah, it's
time-consuming, but I can honestly say I feel like I've learned a great
deal already - unfortunately, not about FreeBSD yet :) But hey, it all

Was there anything about ISO imaging anywhere that I just missed or
slipped over without actually reading? I didn't notice anything on the
FreeBSD site or handbook.

Nigel, Staples will not be happy with you - they lost a sale of about 50
floppies :) I was just about to head out when I got your e-mail.

Again thank you, thank you, thank you. Time to use the rest of the
handbook now and start solving the next onslaught of issues.

And thanks to the rest that sent their thoughts, suggestions, and
condolences :) Just knowing someone else out there was in the same boat
at one time sometimes is a help.

Best regards,

Scott McClellan

to whomever suggested burning at a slower speed, I did try that (albeit
by 'burning' the file rather than 'opening' it), so needless to say -
but I'll say it anyway - it didn't work, only slower  :)

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installation question/problem

2003-03-06 Thread scott mcclellan
I wrote an earlier thread with regards to installing via CD-ROM.
Unfortunately I think I have a hardware technical problem that's beyond
my intellect at this point. (Get a FAILURE error when the boot process
starts - the CD hadn't even started humming yet)

I've started the installation process a couple of times with the
floppies. In fact, I must have something on the computer (meaning
FreeBSD of some sort) after having used the 'kern' and 'mfsroot' disks.

My question is, Do you need to load all the distribution files when it
asks you to, or is the OS actually on my system at this point, and I
just don't know what the heck (censored) I'm doing.

My problem with the distribution downloads is I apparently have a couple
of bad disks, and each time the system finds that it can't access one of
the files, it shuts down the loading process.

I've finally gotten smart and have vtty2 on the monitor so I can see
which disk goes awry, but this doesn't make the process go any easier,
since when the loading stops, I have to start the distribution download
all the way from the beginning again. Is there anyway to start the
distribution download process where it last left off? (This is why I was
hoping the CD-ROM route would work - unfortunately NOT!!)

I hate beating myself up over this process, but I'm beginning to feel
like the ULTIMATE NEWBIE with this.

Someone toss me a preserver.

Scott McClellan

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