gateway setup

2006-04-16 Thread steve lasiter
I just moved into a new position and will be
implementing a new network topology and I wanted to
use the opportunity to introduce them to FreeBSD. I'll
be setting up a FreeBSD gatewall/firewall with 3 NICs
behind two networks. Say, fxp0-cable modem to nic1,
fxp1-nic2 to a Microsoft Small Business Server 2003
box, and fxp2-nic3 to webserver and wireless.


The first network will be gateway - SBS
box - switch - LAN with 10 PCs.

The second network will be gateway -
switch - wireless LAN and Windows 2003 box serving as
a webserver. Leaves me room to grow on both.

My questions: 

We currently have DSL but are moving to Cable for more
speed and I'm trying to get two static IP addresses,
one for each network. The reasoning is based on the
way the SBS box takes over port 80 and 443 for
internal purposes and it appears that redirection
would be a mess with the webserver. Is the setup as
simple as configuring each of fxp1 and fxp2 NICs to
the private addresses and then using the same
gateway entries for all?

Are there any out there that have set up successful
topologies with two IPs and three NICs? What are some
of the options and pitfalls?

If I only have one IP available and need to direct to
several websites on the one network and internal
services (using ports 890 and 443) on the other
network how can this be routed?

All input is appreciated as usual.

Steve L 

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upgrade then no ports

2005-12-19 Thread steve lasiter
I have Freebsd 5.4 on all my servers. It had been a
while since the initial load so I decided to upgrade
all source code via cvsup and then ran make
buildworld, make buildkernel, make installkernel.

After all was said and done everything booted fine and
all was working well. When I went to install a new
port I noticed that all my ports were gone. All that
is in my /usr/ports/ directory are the directories
distfiles, and dns and a INDEX-5 file. I ran my
ports-supfile for all-ports and it appeared to be
installing but when it's done the /usr/ports/
directory is unchanged. When I went to install through
sysinstall evey ftp site gives me this:

Warning: Can't find the '5.4-RELEASE-p8' distribution
on this FTP server. 

I still consider myself a Freebsd newbie and feel I've
probably  missed something simple but I have had no
luck searching the net or bsd site. 

Thanks in advance,

Steve L

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Re: sendmail question on gateway install

2005-09-28 Thread steve lasiter

Since I sent this I've found out that the problem lies
with the MX record at the site I registered with. It
was corrupted and they needed to manually reset it.
The other problem of not getting in on port 25 was due
to my lack of knowledge concerning my new setup of my
gateway and my LAN and that I can't get to my public
IP  from withing my LAN. When I telneted in from
another PC outside the LAN I was able to pass through
successfully. I appreciate the input.

Steve L 

--- Lowell Gilbert

 steve lasiter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  This is a follow up to an issue I still have
  concerning my FreeBSD 5.4 gateway. I've done a
  install and have disabled inetd and sendmail. My
  server is behind my gateway. I can send mail out
  the gateway is blocking incoming request on port
 25. I
  have the ipf rules and ipnat rules in place but
  gateway never allows it through. I can telnet to
  192.x.x.1 address behind the gateway fine so I
 know my
  postfix is up and running. I can do a port scan
  the internet and see that 25 is opened but when I
  to telnet into the public ip on 25 I never get in
  get a connection refused. When I check with
  -vnt port 25 and run the web port scan I see it
  catching the packets. But when I run the tcpdump
  try to telnet in on 25 it never reaches it. There
  also output in my maillog even though sendmail is
  disabled via rc.conf. Can anyone give me a heads
 up on
  what configuration files need modifying to open
 It sounds obvious that your firewall rules are *not*
 in place to allow
 SMTP through.  You didn't show them.
 Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software
 engineer, Boston area

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sendmail question on gateway install

2005-09-26 Thread steve lasiter
This is a follow up to an issue I still have
concerning my FreeBSD 5.4 gateway. I've done a basic
install and have disabled inetd and sendmail. My mail
server is behind my gateway. I can send mail out but
the gateway is blocking incoming request on port 25. I
have the ipf rules and ipnat rules in place but the
gateway never allows it through. I can telnet to the
192.x.x.1 address behind the gateway fine so I know my
postfix is up and running. I can do a port scan via
the internet and see that 25 is opened but when I try
to telnet into the public ip on 25 I never get in and
get a connection refused. When I check with tcpdump
-vnt port 25 and run the web port scan I see it
catching the packets. But when I run the tcpdump and
try to telnet in on 25 it never reaches it. There is
also output in my maillog even though sendmail is
disabled via rc.conf. Can anyone give me a heads up on
what configuration files need modifying to open this


Steve L

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gateway and smmsp

2005-09-23 Thread steve lasiter
I have all FreeBSD boxes running 5.4. My gateway
server is set up as and I have four behind
it. My mail server is running postfix and
apache. I have the proper redirect in the ipnat.rules
and the proper ipf.rules to allow in email on port 25.

I can send mail successfully from the mail
server but cannot receive it. When I attempt to telnet
into the gateway on port 25 and watch with a sockstat
-4 command a sendmail smmsp user pops up on port 25. I
never configured the FreeBSD gateway options for any
email handling and have all turned off in the rc.conf
file with sendmail_enable=NO and others.

I've worked this for a couple of days now and the mail
server was working fine before I put it behind the
gateway. I thought it would be as easy as applying the
redirect and the proper ipf rules but it appears as
though my gateway is not allowing the redirect to send
the mail to my mail server. 

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Steve L  

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two questions in one

2005-09-19 Thread steve lasiter
First let me say I've come a long way with the help of
this community. I now have my local network set up
with several servers, workstations, and firewall with
most  using FreeBSD 5.4. Now here's my current issues.
Maybe I can get input even if these are not so very
BSD specific.

My network consist of a FreeBSD gateway (
with two new nic cards, fxp0 to the internet(cable
modem) and fxp1 to my LAN via cisco switch. My
web/mail server is on My static IP is 

My web server is up and running well and I can test
all by going to from any internal
workstation, but if I try to go to
from any internal workstation, which maps to the IP directed to web server port 80 as it
should, my attempt will time out. If I run next door
to my buddies and hit it from his PC I get there just
fine. I can't understand this since I'm using the name instead of an IP address. It
seems the gateway should not be affecting me, right?
How do I get around this or solve it? I don't want to
have to go next door everytime I need to make sure my
site is accessible from the web.

One other quick issue. When FTPing from within my LAN
it is horribly slow. It was fast after initial install
but something happened without my intervention. I've
tried two different servers, proftpd currently and
pureftp previously. If I ftp outside my LAN it's
lightning fast. Any ideas are appreciated.

Thanks to all again for the great work,

Steve Lasiter

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gateway configuration

2005-08-07 Thread steve lasiter
I am researching and accumulating information on
setting up my small office network and using a FreeBSD
Gateway/Firewall as my entry point. I am seeking
general FreeBSD advise, know problems, and input on
this topic. I currently have all the equipment up and
configured and now I'm tying it all together.

The computer I will be setting up as the the Gateway
has FreeBSD 5.4 and is a PII 400MHz with 256MB Ram and
9 Gig HDD. I plan on putting two new ethernet cards in
to ensure quality. Any advice on whether this seems
sufficient if this machine is only serving as a
Gateway. I understand a lot will depend on my rules
and traffic so I may up the ram, or get another pc for
it based on advice received here. Also, should I put a
gigabit Ethernet card in my Gateway?-see below topic.

I recently bought two new Dual Pentium 1.2GHz with
SCSI's and both have gigabit ethernet ports along with
the standard ethernet ports. I have the SMP Kenel
configured and the boxes ready to go as a
mail/web/database server and the other as a streaming
video/ftp server. I have six boxes total and will be
adding more. What is going to be the best way to take
advantage of the gigabit ethernet ports on the big
dual boxes? I read that FreeBSD had some issues with
the gigabit ethernets earlier, are there still
outstanding issues? Should I upgrade the other PC's to
gigabit ethernet cards in order to take advantage of
this or should I buy a switch with both port types and
just mix and match?

I'm sure one of you out there has worked these issue
at some point and I need the usual expert advice I
have consistently received from you guys.

Thanks in advance,

Dean Lasiter

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Segmentation fault (11)

2005-07-27 Thread steve lasiter
This is a questions to the group since I'm not sure if
it's related to my FreeBSD 5.4 OS or something else.
I'm on a Dell Pentium 2.55Ghz with 1 GB Ram. 

Background: In trying to install oscommerce I have
uninstalled my php5 and went to php4. Because of error
I've reinstalled Apache 1.3 and Perl5. My database is
MySQL 5.02.

The problem: when I attempt to open an index.php file
in the oscommerce program I get, in my httpd-error.log
[notice] child pid xxx exit signal Segmentation

All other php related sites are functioning well with
no problems. Do you believe this is being caused by
the code in the oscommerce program or something
FreeBSD is doing?

Thanks for input

Dean Lasiter

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Segmentation fault (11)

2005-07-27 Thread steve lasiter
This is a questions to the group since I'm not sure if
it's related to my FreeBSD 5.4 OS or something else.
I'm on a Dell Pentium 2.55Ghz with 1 GB Ram. 

Background: In trying to install oscommerce I have
uninstalled my php5 and went to php4. Because of error
I've reinstalled Apache 1.3 and Perl5. My database is
MySQL 5.02.

The problem: when I attempt to open an index.php file
in the oscommerce program I get, in my httpd-error.log
[notice] child pid xxx exit signal Segmentation

All other php related sites are functioning well with
no problems. Do you believe this is being caused by
the code in the oscommerce program or something
FreeBSD is doing?

Thanks for input

Dean Lasiter

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oscommerce issue

2005-07-25 Thread steve lasiter
I've fought with this for a couple of day and now it's
time to ask. I'm running FreeBSD 5.4 with Apache 1.3,
MySQL5.0.2, PHP5.0.3_2 and a fresh install of

First Question:
During my first attempt to access the
/oscommerce/catalog/admin directory I got the
register_globals turned off error, modify php.ini. I
modified my VirtualHost entry in my Apache httpd.conf
file and added the line php_value register_globals
on I'm worried about security issues with this. Is
there any more info you can give me on this or a
better fix.

Second Question:
Now when hen attempting to access the
/oscommerce/catalog/admin directroy I'm getting the
1046 - No database selected
Select configuration_key as cfgKey,
configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration
I have configured the configure.php file (many times
now) with the proper database connection info and
successfully tested connectivity to my database. Is
there any info on this problem.

Also, if there is anyone that I might be able to
contact to get more info on OScommerce with FreeBSD
I'd love to get other general questions answered. 

Thanks for the help in advance,

Dean Lasiter

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Still uable to install DarwinStreamingServer

2005-07-11 Thread steve lasiter
I'm still looking for ANY help on getting Darwin
Streaming Server installed, either via ports or
manually. The port is broke and I've contacted the
port maintainer and have got no reply. I'm also aware
that he/she may be busy and I understand this so I'm
not complaining and never would. My group is trying to
offer streaming video on a FreeBSD machine and this is
the biggest stumbling block we've ran into yet. There
are no good examples of alternate installation
processes on the web for FreeBSD and I'm one of those
people that need a guide or something. I've modified
some of the Install scripts out there after compiling
the Darwin Streaming Server and have been unable to
get them to install successfully. If anyone knows of
anyone who has successfully installed this maybe I can
get a quick down and dirty to follow. Any help is
greatly appreciated.

Dean Lasiter

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Re: DarwinStreamingServer problem

2005-07-08 Thread steve lasiter

Maybe I'm missing something but that is where I was
going and the only available code there is the
DarwinStreamingSrvr5.5-Source.tar file and the others
for Linux and OS X. I'm still unable to find any .zip
file on the page. Did you find it?


--- Lowell Gilbert

 steve lasiter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Please get from
  And you must accept the APSL. Then, put in
 Add an s to project.  As in:

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DarwinStreamingServer problem

2005-07-07 Thread steve lasiter
This is my second post and I wanted to say the replies
to my first post were very very helpful, thank you all
for what you are doing. 

I'm on release 5.4 and I'm attempting to install the
DarwinStreaming Server from the ports. I updated my
ports first. I then went to the
/net/DarwinStreamingServer port and upon my make
clean install command I get the following: 

Please get from
And you must accept the APSL. Then, put in

Of course I went to the location and could not find
any reference to this zip file. I've done an exaustive
search on Google, the BSD site, and the Apple site on and got no hits. 

I then thought I might do a manual and downloaded the
recent DarwinStreamingSrvr5.5-Source from the website.
I got it to compile successfuly with the ./Buildit
command but now the Install script will not work and
it appears that if I modified it somewhere I could get
it to work but I'm not that advanced and could not
find any good examples of the modified script on the

I appreciate any help you guys can give me on this

Dean Lasiter


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accidental overwrite

2005-07-04 Thread steve lasiter
First let me say that I've been sucessful in finding
all my answer either online, at the BSD website, or in
my Absolute BSD book until now. I recently installed
FreeBSD version 5.4 along with Apache 1.3, PHP5, and
MySQL 5.02. I had everything working together great
until today when I tried to copy over a .sql file so
MySQL could see it and run it. I accidentally copied
it over to /usr/local/bin/mysql thinking mysql was a
directory. You can see the problem. Now I cannot start
mysql at the command prompt from the /usr/local/bin
since I overwrote the the required mysql file.

My question(s) are: Is there any way to revert back to
the original file if this type of mistake is made? If
not is there anyway to get just that one file without
having to do a complete removal and installation? And
finally, is the only way to NOT do this again is to
use the appropriate flags with cp?

Thanks for you help,

Dean Lasiter

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