(email) server connection problem : Help

2011-06-20 Thread Mark Moellering

I am Running a mail server (postfix / dovecot) on FreeBSD 8.1

I have 6 different domain names configured with 6 different ip addresses.

I cannot log into the server via either ssl for email or ssh on the two 
domains that are .org and .info

The connection is refused.  Here is an example copied from a console;

shell$ ssh -l LoginName mail.anadarkohs60.com
The authenticity of host 'mail.domain_4.com(xx.yy.zzb.174)' can't be 

DSA key fingerprint is {snip}
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? no
Host key verification failed.
shell$ ssh -l LoginName mail.domain_3.org
ssh: connect to host mail.domain_3.org port 22: Connection refused

My guess is that it might be sshguard but I see nothing in the logfiles. 
I can ping to the TLD, mx records, etc check out.  Everything works 
except for my .org and .info domain

Any help is greatly appreciated.  I hope it is one of those simple 
things I missed.

Thanks in advance

Mark Moellering

Here is my hosts file;

 current version
::1 localhost   localhost   mail.main_domain.net
xx.yy.zza.69mail.main_domain.net  mail
xx.yy.zzb.100   mail.domain_1.com
xx.yy.zzb.249   mail.domain_2.com
xx.yy.zzb.174   mail.domain_4.com
xx.yy.zzb.180   mail.domain_5.info
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/hosts,v 2010/06/14 02:09:06 kensmith Exp $
# Host Database

Here is my pf.conf

#PF Firewall Configuration File

table attacks persist file /etc/attackers
table sshguard persist

scrub in all

#lock all traffic out of the server
block in on $interface

#block ssh and other attacks using sshguard
block in quick on $interface from sshguard to any label ssh attack

#allow ping, et al
pass in on $interface proto icmp from any to $interface

#allow in ssh , syslogd , ntp, http and https
pass in on $interface proto tcp from any to $interface port 22
pass in on $interface proto udp from any to $interface port 514
pass in on $interface proto udp from any to $interface port 123
#pass in on $interface proto tcp from any to $interface port 80
#pass in on $interface proto tcp from any to $interface port 443

# allow outgoing connections
pass out on $interface proto { tcp, udp, icmp } all keep state

# allow e-mail / smtp (port 25)
pass in on $interface proto tcp from any to $interface port 25
pass in on $interface proto tcp from any to $interface port 110
pass in on $interface proto tcp from any to $interface port 995
pass in on $interface proto tcp from any to $interface port 587
pass in on $interface proto tcp from any to $interface port 465

#Block addresses trying to break in
block drop in on $interface from attacks to any

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Re: (email) server connection problem : Help

2011-06-20 Thread Chuck Swiger
On Jun 20, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Mark Moellering wrote:
 I cannot log into the server via either ssl for email or ssh on the two 
 domains that are .org and .info
 The connection is refused.  Here is an example copied from a console;
 shell$ ssh -l LoginName mail.anadarkohs60.com
 The authenticity of host 'mail.domain_4.com(xx.yy.zzb.174)' can't be 
 DSA key fingerprint is {snip}
 Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? no
 Host key verification failed.

By telling it no here, you've instructed SSH to treat the host key as invalid; 
the connection will be closed.

 shell$ ssh -l LoginName mail.domain_3.org
 ssh: connect to host mail.domain_3.org port 22: Connection refused

There's no such domain as mail.domain_3.org in the public DNS.

Presumably you've changed this information; all I can conclude is that 
whichever IP address the actual name resolves to isn't running SSH (or it's not 
listening on that particular IP, or a firewall is blocking it, etc).


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Re: (email) server connection problem : Help

2011-06-20 Thread Mark Moellering

On 20-Jun-11 2:00 PM, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Jun 20, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Mark Moellering wrote:

I cannot log into the server via either ssl for email or ssh on the two domains 
that are .org and .info
The connection is refused.  Here is an example copied from a console;

shell$ ssh -l LoginName mail.anadarkohs60.com
The authenticity of host 'mail.domain_4.com(xx.yy.zzb.174)' can't be 
DSA key fingerprint is {snip}
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? no
Host key verification failed.

By telling it no here, you've instructed SSH to treat the host key as invalid; 
the connection will be closed.

shell$ ssh -l LoginName mail.domain_3.org
ssh: connect to host mail.domain_3.org port 22: Connection refused

There's no such domain as mail.domain_3.org in the public DNS.

Presumably you've changed this information; all I can conclude is that 
whichever IP address the actual name resolves to isn't running SSH (or it's not 
listening on that particular IP, or a firewall is blocking it, etc).


I changed it but here are the actual hostnames:

 current version
::1 localhost   localhost   mail.class-creator.net  mail   mail.saline1990.com   mail.pioneer86.com   mail.anadarkohs60.com   mail.porthuronhighschool.info

DNS checks out.
I think I am running ssl.  I am checking postfix and dovecot.  The odd 
thing is the ssh.  I looked at some old troubleshooting tips and ran 
netstat -anf inet and this is what it returned

Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address  Foreign Address   (state)
tcp4   0 52
tcp4   0  0
tcp4   0  0
tcp4   0  0

tcp4   0  0 *.22   *.*LISTEN
tcp4   0  0 *.587  *.*LISTEN
tcp4   0  0 *.25   *.*LISTEN
tcp4   0  0 *.995  *.*LISTEN
tcp4   0  0 *.110  *.*LISTEN
tcp4   0  0 *.3306 *.*LISTEN
udp4   0  0  *.*
udp4   0  0  *.*
udp4   0  0  *.*
udp4   0  0   *.*
udp4   0  0  *.*
udp4   0  0  *.*
udp4   0  0   *.*
udp4   0  0 *.123  *.*
udp4   0  0 *.514  *.*

Thanks for your help


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Re: (email) server connection problem : Help -- SOLVED

2011-06-20 Thread Mark Moellering

I want to thank everyone who helped me with this.
It turned out that due to an administrative error, our hosting company 
had the ip addresses I was having trouble with routed to the wrong 
server.  Everything is working now.

Thanks again,

Mark Moellering
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