DELL PowerVault 122T DLT VS80

2003-01-09 Thread Konrad Heuer

Has anyone a DELL PowerVault 122T DLT VS80 tape autoloader up and running
with FreeBSD 4.7?

I don't even need autoload functionality and will load tapes manually,
but can't write data to the tape (could not test reading so far).

The error message when trying to dump is as follows:

Jan  9 14:44:16 gwdu111 /kernel: (sa0:ahc0:0:6:0): WRITE FILEMARKS. CDB:
10 0 0
0 2 0
Jan  9 14:44:16 gwdu111 /kernel: (sa0:ahc0:0:6:0): DATA PROTECT asc:27,82
Jan  9 14:44:16 gwdu111 /kernel: (sa0:ahc0:0:6:0): Vendor Specific ASCQ
Jan  9 14:44:16 gwdu111 /kernel: (sa0:ahc0:0:6:0): failed to write
terminating f
Jan  9 14:44:16 gwdu111 /kernel: (sa0:ahc0:0:6:0): tape is now frozen- use
an OF
FLINE, REWIND or MTEOM command to clear this state.
Jan  9 14:44:16 gwdu111 /kernel: (sa0:ahc0:0:6:0): tape is now frozen- use
an OF
FLINE, REWIND or MTEOM command to clear this state.

Seems to be a problem with a vendor specific SCSI extension, afaik.
The tape drive is made by Benchmark.

Thanks for any idea that may help!

Best regards

Konrad Heuer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  ___  ___
GWDG   / __/__ ___ / _ )/ __/ _ \
Am Fassberg   / _// __/ -_) -_) _  |\ \/ // /
37077 Goettingen /_/ /_/  \__/\__//___//

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Dell PowerVault 122T

2003-01-08 Thread Mike Hogsett


Has anyone used a Dell PowerVault 122T tape loader with FreeBSD.
Specifically I am interested on how well the tape changing works.

 - Mike

P.S.  I would like to use the 122T with the LTO tapes, and Amanda to do
our backups.  I use two Sony AIT SDX-400C drives now.  I have been looking
at the 122T as a potential upgrade in capacity for our system.

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