A few nights ago, I was installing some packages and trying to get the 
OpenOffice 2.0 package to work.  I installed some packages for a mathematical 
graphing program and something else that I can't recall now.  In any event, I 
was using KDE at the time.  Now, whenever I type startx from the command line 
the X window system starts but then I get a message dialog box saying that 
kdeinit couldn't be started and to check my installation.
I can't see how adding the new packages could have blown up KDE (unless they 
quietly overwrote some shared object that KDE looks to).  Actually, my 
suspicion is that it has something to do with what I was trying to do to get 
OpenOffice working.  Every time I tried to start OpenOffice, I'd get an error 
on two shared objects.  I did a find and found that the objects were in the 
openoffice installation directories.  So, I read up on the ldconfig manual page 
and tried to reconfigure my ld.so.hints file (or ld-elf.so.hints, whatever it 
is).  It seemed to work, but I couldn't load OpenOffice.  So, once again I went 
to the ldconfig manual page and saw that I could specify files.  So, I 
specifically told ldconfig to add the files that OpenOffice was looking for.
However, when I did this ldconfig dumped a whole bunch of stuff to the screen 
and didn't seem to like the shared object file that OpenOffice wanted to have.  
I wished I could remember what the names of the .so 's were but I can recall at 
this time is that once of them had something to do with Java.
What could be the problem?  Beyond /var/log/X.org.log where would KDE log 
errors to?  There seems to be very little to go on, and I haven't located any 
decent documentation on kdeinit to help me with command line options that 
might, perhaps, aide in debugging this.  Any help is appreciated because at 
this point, I can't use my X system.
Oh, by the way, I joined this mailing list using the e-mail address on the 
message, so replying to the list instead of me directly is ok.
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