Hello everybody,

please can anybody help me with ipfw rules?

My machine is acting as firewall/router/www-proxy/ftp-proxy for small LAN.
It does not work as ftp-server.

I set my ipfw2 rules exactly as in section " An Example NAT and
Stateful Ruleset" Ex.2 from handbook.
Everything works well except miserable ftp. I just installed ports/jftpgw to
be an transparent proxy for internal LAN but still without success.

I understand all rules in those example, but I do not know where should
I place fwd rule(s). Ftp depends on two ports 20 and 21. So i assume
there should be two fwd rules semewhere in the ruleset.
Please, where should I place those rules?

Or is it better to use /etc/nad.conf to redirect all incomming connections
on ports 20 and 21 to localhost?

Any help is *very* appreciated :-)

Peter Rosa

P.S. Please consider adding such rules into mentioned example in handbook.
        I think a lot of users will welcome such addition. I spent four days
        on Goooogle before writing here and I did not find anything helpful.

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