Re: Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop v 2.10 (mouse not being detected)

2005-10-19 Thread alejandro valenzuela
Paul, thank you for your reply.

The MS wireless optical desktop is working correctly now that I've connected it 
through the PS/2 port (the mouse is detected now -- it was not defective, when 
I bought it the first thing I did was to test it in a windoze box).

It would be nice if it worked when connected through the USB port, since there 
are computers which don't have anything else (my laptop, for instance) but I 
doubt anyone is interested in taking the time to implement (¿decode?) the 
(possibly) new MS mouse protocol. Especially considering the mouse didn't even 
show up in /dev..

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Re: Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop v 2.10 (mouse not being detected)

2005-10-16 Thread Paul Schmehl
--On October 16, 2005 5:06:37 PM -0500 Alejandro Valenzuela Roca 

Hello, I just purchased a "Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop" this
morning and I'm regretting I did.

Here's my dmesg:

ukbd0: Microsft Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop® 2.10, rev 2.00/0.38,
addr 2, iclass 3/1
kbd1 at ukbd0
uhid0: Microsft Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop® 2.10, rev 2.00/0.38,
addr 2, iclass 3/1

As you can see, I connected the wireless receiver to an usb port. The
keyboard works correctly but the mouse is never discovered...

The computer I've got right now has only USB ports. Tomorrow I'll be
able to test it when connected via PS/2, and I'll write back.

Do you have any suggestions on what I might try to make the wireless
mouse work?

I'm using a USB Natural Keyboard and a Wireless Optical Mouse, and it's 
working fine.

Here's the mouse section of my xorg.conf file:

Section "InputDevice"
   Identifier  "Mouse0"
   Driver  "mouse"
   Option  "Protocol" "auto"
   Option  "Device" "/dev/sysmouse"
   Option  "Emulate3Buttons" "false"
   Option  "Buttons" "8"
   Option  "XAxisMapping" "6 7"
   Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
   Option  "Resolution"  "800"
   Option  "Vendor" "Logitech"

You can use usbdevs (8) to see what devices are connected to your system.

addr 1: UHCI root hub, Intel
addr 2: USB Receiver, Logitech
addr 1: UHCI root hub, Intel
addr 2: product 0xa700, Standard Microsystems
 addr 3: Microsoft Natural Keyboard Elite, Microsoft
addr 1: UHCI root hub, Intel
addr 1: UHCI root hub, Intel

The USB Receiver, Logitech, is my mouse.

You should also be able to see the mouse being detected by opening a 
terminal window, disconnecting the mouse and then reconnecting it.  It 
should show up in the terminal window.

This is the part of dmesg that shows my mouse and keyboard:

ums0: Logitech USB Receiver, rev 1.10/29.01, addr 2, iclass 3/1
ums0: 7 buttons and Z dir.
uhub4: Standard Microsystems product 0xa700, class 9/0, rev 2.00/0.00, addr 

uhub4: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
ukbd0: Microsoft Microsoft Natural Keyboard Elite, rev 2.00/2.07, addr 3, 
iclass 3/1

kbd1 at ukbd0

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Adjunct Information Security Officer
University of Texas at Dallas
AVIEN Founding Member
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Re: Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop v 2.10 (mouse not being detected)

2005-10-16 Thread Mike Hernandez
On 10/16/05, Alejandro Valenzuela Roca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you have any suggestions on what I might try to make the wireless
> mouse work?

Unfortunately I have no solution but I can tell you that on my Dell
system that came with a wireless mouse and keyboard, the keyboard
works, and the mouse doesn't. I had to resort to using an old usb
mouse that I had laying around.

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Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop v 2.10 (mouse not being detected)

2005-10-16 Thread Alejandro Valenzuela Roca
Hello, I just purchased a "Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop" this
morning and I'm regretting I did.

Here's my dmesg:

ukbd0: Microsft Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop® 2.10, rev 2.00/0.38,
addr 2, iclass 3/1
kbd1 at ukbd0
uhid0: Microsft Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop® 2.10, rev 2.00/0.38,
addr 2, iclass 3/1

As you can see, I connected the wireless receiver to an usb port. The
keyboard works correctly but the mouse is never discovered...

The computer I've got right now has only USB ports. Tomorrow I'll be
able to test it when connected via PS/2, and I'll write back.

Do you have any suggestions on what I might try to make the wireless
mouse work?

Thank you very much
"Los ñoños conducen la electricidad"

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