Re: PolicyKit confusion

2011-12-24 Thread Roland Smith
On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 12:23:17PM +1000, Da Rock wrote:
 On 12/24/11 11:34, Roland Smith wrote:
  On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 09:57:38AM +1000, Da Rock wrote:
  FreeBSD be default already does buffering in the VFS layer (unless you 
  that off). I don't think that adding more buffering would help. It might 
  make matters worse. If data is buffered and not immediately written to 
  the USB
  stick, it will show no activity. This might even give the user a false
  impression it is finished...
  That there is exactly the problem. Any way to prevent that though?
  Yes. Using the '-o sync' option with mount. To the best of my understanding
  that means that a write action will be executed immediately and that 
  will not return until it is finished.
 Just discovered something: what about async as an option? The major 
 problem with async is on UFS+SU - the SU's get in the road and can 

I've had problems with filesystems becoming inconsistent with
softupdates. I've disabled them on most filesystems. 

 result in inconsistencies. But vfat is another kettle of fish altogether.

The mount(8) manual warns that async is dangerous because it doesn't guarantee
that the fs structure on disk stays consistent. The other side of the coin is
(as you say) that vfat doesn't have much of a structure. :-)
 I just had a brainwave and looked it up, after a google or two and 
 reading the mount_msdosfs man page it is possible; but is it a solution? 
 The writes are done sequentially (I think), and the app can move on 
 while the system writes the disk. Unless I'm missing something here...

In my script to mount USB drives I use the following options for mount_msdosfs: 
-o noatime -o sync -o noexec -o nosuid

And yes, that will block write calls until they're truely done. But OTOH, if
you use async, an umount will block until all data is written. So it is a
question of waiting now or waiting later. ;-) Personally I like the security
and consistency that -o sync brings. Since I mostly use cp from an xterm to
copy things to/from USB disks, it doesn't bother me when is stays busy a while

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Re: PolicyKit confusion

2011-12-24 Thread Roland Smith
On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 12:03:30PM +1000, Da Rock wrote:
  might render the application performing it unresponsive during that time.
 Bingo! Thats exactly the issue. Taking a look at FUSE I can see there 
 are calls that FUSE_FSYNC which I would say is the closest to what is 
 needed. The question is are they implemented in say fuse_msdosfs (I may 
 have just barfed that, but you get the idea) and maybe some others? 

Use the source, Luke! ;-)

 way the filesystem is treated as normal, the app writes and can return 
 happily, and FUSE takes the responsibility to ensure the data continues 
 to write until finished instead of holding it in buffer for an 
 indeterminate period leaving the user thinking alls well (ergo, the 
 light continues flashing).

I'm not sure how long the defaults waits are. Normally the systems tries to
cluster writes sequenstially for improved throughput. But I'm guessing we're
talking about fractions of seconds at most. Again, browsing the source might
be useful. Also chapter 6 of The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD
operating system might provide insight. 

 Failing that, how does one ensure data is synced manually? Is there a 
 call that could be run periodically at a shorter, more regular intervals?

The sync(1) program flushes the system's write cache.

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Re: PolicyKit confusion

2011-12-24 Thread Roland Smith
On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 10:44:53PM +1000, Da Rock wrote:
  And yes, that will block write calls until they're truely done.
 You said that was slower too.

A bit. But I think it is a good trade-off for filesystems on USB disks. It
certainly circumvents a whole lot of problems with filesystem consistency and

 All valid points. What it boils down to is if you yank the power or the 
 disk during write you're screwed no matter what fancy tricks you play- 
 include hal/dbus/blah! bull crap. 

Yep. :-)

 You have tickled my imaginationings again, and I have an idea to throw 
 at the gurus on the list (including you Roland): Assuming null/void 
 computer literacy, and the use of a DE; what if one had an (can't be a 
 script can it - pointless. Thinking on the fly here...) applet? dock 
 notifier? that indicated the disk was in use and not to remove - 
 primarily for a blinkered user that is missing the flashing led on the 
 drive (or one missing an led)? Stays on top, flashing on the screen. Use 
 mount -d to test disk status, then lets you know that it can be removed. 
 I still have to test this, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Just add a button to that applet that is called eject or remove  (or
something like that) and have that unmount the fs in question. Then put up a
dialog or notification saying The USB device can be removed or something of
that nature. That's basically what windows does, and it works well enough.

 Basically, the situation (that I have found myself in numerous times) is 
 the write stops to the disk because the buffers need to reach a certain 
 level before write occurs, or umount. So one can mistakenly assume that 
 all is kocher and find no file when they reinsert. Files are lost that 
 way, and at the least its annoying. That can still even occur with hal 
 and blah blah blah.

I'd still advocate mounting these discs with '-o sync'. Yes, it is a bit
slower but it prevents a lot of trouble and is a lot easier.

 Is this feasible though? If the user still can't pay attention to _all_ 
 of that then they're not worth worrying about- can't be holding their 
 hand the whole time :) Then, using devd, one can implement the 
 mount/umount scripts with a quick fsck on insertion to be sure ICIE (In 
 Case of Idiot Event).

Unmounting with devd is just triage. Umount cannot do some useful things (like
flushing buffers) if the disk has already been removed! It can only remove the
mount so you won't get trouble when the user sticks the device back in.

And on a 4 GiB thumbdrive, I doubt an fsck is going to be really quick!
Remember that the drive will be basically unusable when the check is in
progress. I could imagine getting all kinds of complaints from users in the
shape of I plugged it in and it doesn't work.

It should not be too difficult to write a script that is called from devd when
a new USB device is detected (I think you should watch for CREATE events from
the CDEV subsystem of the DEVFS system). I think it should check /dev first
for new disk labels (/dev/msdosfs or /dev/ufs) and second for for disk
devices, and try and mount them using appropriate filesystems under
/mnt/$USER/$NUM (the latter because there might be more than one USB device in
use). Optionally it could also launch a new instance or new window of the
user's file manager, depending on how much hand-holding and customization you
want to do.

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Re: PolicyKit confusion - DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending

2011-12-23 Thread Da Rock

On 12/23/11 16:11, Da Rock wrote:

On 12/23/11 15:37, Polytropon wrote:

On Fri, 23 Dec 2011 14:18:19 +1000, Da Rock wrote:
I checked out /media/hal-* and I see that the mount occurs only as 
How do I change that exactly? I need it showing for operator group. 

searched high and low and googled my brains out, but anything remotely
related is for linux and udev.

I had a feeling you'd be replying to this one :)

I think I remember I got it working some time ago
(on a 7.1 system), relying on the Gnome HAL FAQ
which stated something like this:

File: /usr/local/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf

config version=0.1

match user=marcus
return result=N/

match user=marcus
return result=N/


For N, use your user name; I think you can also
use more than one match section if you want to allow
access for other users. However, I doubt all this
HAL / DBUS / PolicyKit magic is really intended for
multi-user purposes. :-)
Followed that and done that, didn't work. Although it does say 
'result=yes' not user. Sorry: that was the freebsd-gnome FAQ.

Do you see any way of using group instead of user?

Incidentally, the disk shows up (in case I wasn't being all too 
clear), as a user I can't access it. And in the hal-tab it shows -u=0 
as I said. I hunted down that scenario and it sent me down a very 
foggy path using hal-fdi's - setting -uid and -u settings.

I then checked out /usr/local/share/hal/fdi/policy/ and found in some 
files (particularly storage) the key options are set to u= or uid=.
Ok, more data: I believe I'm getting closer. If I set Polkit.conf to 
match a user rather than a group I fail immediately with permission 
errors, same as before. However, if I use the group then I get:

DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is 
already pending

dbus-launch gnome-mount --verbose... blah blah (as per instructions for 
debug output at freebsd-gnome hal faq) simply hangs, like this:

dbus-launch gnome-mount --block --no-ui --verbose --hal-udi 

gnome-mount 0.8
** (gnome-mount:8314): DEBUG: Mounting 
** (gnome-mount:8314): DEBUG: read default option 'longnames' from gconf 
strlist key /system/storage/default_options/vfat/mount_options
** (gnome-mount:8314): DEBUG: read default option '-u=' from gconf 
strlist key /system/storage/default_options/vfat/mount_options
** (gnome-mount:8314): DEBUG: Mounting 
/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_1061_EF39 with mount_point='', 
fstype='', num_options=2

** (gnome-mount:8314): DEBUG:   option='longnames'
** (gnome-mount:8314): DEBUG:   option='-u=1001'

Interestingly enough, if I try it with the user instead of group I get 
the last option there saying -u=0. And /media/.hal-mtab shows that too. 
In this case I get just .hal-mtab-lock file.

Something interesting just happened- after 20mins or so nautilus barfs 
up a message about being unable to mount the drive:

DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. 
Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, 
the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout 
expired, or the network connection was broken.
So I'm still attempting to assimilate all that to produce something 
other than a brainfart, and possibly restore balance to the force in 
that way.

Oh, and to preclude any suggestion to this effect, I have set 

Note that HAL also has an option of fixed mount points
to be set at compile time. I think I had set it...

No. At least I don't think I set it.

I'm also unsure if NFS mounts are fixed or removable
in PK terminology.
Nothing is clear on any of this. Which nutcase designed this anyway? 
Any documentation is vague and unclear, and the software config itself 
is about as clear as the weather on venus- and just as toxic too ;)

Regarding your second question, I can't provide any
further information. I just assume it's a means to
turn a safe multi-user system into an insecure
single-user system, which is what users expect. :-)

Dear god! What is this world coming to? And yet they all clamour to 
use the computer at the same time... thats the scene I see in families 
all the time, let alone work operations.

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Re: PolicyKit confusion

2011-12-23 Thread Roland Smith
On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 02:18:19PM +1000, Da Rock wrote:
 This is doing my head in.


 I'm trying to get my head around hal, dbus, 
 and PolicyKit, and I've made some inroads on the basics, but I cannot 
 get a few things happening.
 One: I managed to get network:/// smb shares working in say nautilus 
 (not that I've specifically mounted one- not a windows in sight here 
 thank god!), but I was hoping for NFS shares to show up.

Why not just use mount_nfs from your login shell's rc file?

 I also got the 
 usb disk to show up as a 'place' but when I access it I get permissions 
 issues. This is what I'm hung up on.

I'm not using policykit or hal, but I did make a separate group predictably
called 'usb' to solve permission problems for USB devices. My user-id is a
member of that group. I have to following set in /etc/devfs.rules:

add path 'da*' mode 0660 group usb
add path 'msdosfs/*' mode 0660 group usb
add path 'usb/*' mode 0660 group usb
add path 'ugen*' mode 0660 group usb
add path 'tap*' mode 0660 group wheel
add path 'pass*' mode 0660 group cdrom
add path 'dri/card*' mode 0666

And in /etc/rc.conf I have activated this ruleset:


With this I can access the necessary devices.

 I checked out /media/hal-* and I see that the mount occurs only as root. 
 How do I change that exactly? I need it showing for operator group. 

Is hald running under its own user-id? Try the usb group thing and add the hald
user to that group.

 searched high and low and googled my brains out, but anything remotely 
 related is for linux and udev.

I don't think enough people care to make it really work under FreeBSD. I've
certainly never missed it.

You might take a look at devd(8) as a FreeBSD alternative, but I'm not sure if
it notices new da devices popping up.

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Re: PolicyKit confusion

2011-12-23 Thread Da Rock

On 12/24/11 00:22, Roland Smith wrote:

On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 02:18:19PM +1000, Da Rock wrote:

This is doing my head in.


I'm trying to get my head around hal, dbus,
and PolicyKit, and I've made some inroads on the basics, but I cannot
get a few things happening.

One: I managed to get network:/// smb shares working in say nautilus
(not that I've specifically mounted one- not a windows in sight here
thank god!), but I was hoping for NFS shares to show up.

Why not just use mount_nfs from your login shell's rc file?
I'm dealing with mobile devices (laptops, etc), ergo I need an automount 
solution. I've been using automounter happily for removable devices, but 
users are picky and I then can't use amd for nfs and automounter 
couldn't give a shit about network drives. One scenario is network goes 
down and I get a screenful of error messages- it annoys the shit out of 
me, let alone scaring illiterate users.

I did come across one interesting observation in my search for the 
truth: its easier to mount a winblows share than an nfs one! On any *nix 
no less...

I also got the
usb disk to show up as a 'place' but when I access it I get permissions
issues. This is what I'm hung up on.

I'm not using policykit or hal, but I did make a separate group predictably
called 'usb' to solve permission problems for USB devices. My user-id is a
member of that group. I have to following set in /etc/devfs.rules:

add path 'da*' mode 0660 group usb
add path 'msdosfs/*' mode 0660 group usb
add path 'usb/*' mode 0660 group usb
add path 'ugen*' mode 0660 group usb
add path 'tap*' mode 0660 group wheel
add path 'pass*' mode 0660 group cdrom
add path 'dri/card*' mode 0666

And in /etc/rc.conf I have activated this ruleset:


With this I can access the necessary devices.

Already done, but that doesn't help automounting.

I checked out /media/hal-* and I see that the mount occurs only as root.
How do I change that exactly? I need it showing for operator group.

Is hald running under its own user-id? Try the usb group thing and add the hald
user to that group.

Interesting theory, but it doesn't hold water. More further...

searched high and low and googled my brains out, but anything remotely
related is for linux and udev.

I don't think enough people care to make it really work under FreeBSD. I've
certainly never missed it.
They don't care too much under linux either So many years, yet not a 
single user doc anywhere on any of the f***ing monsters! Goddamn linux 
devs- ever heard of KISS?! How about a user doc for something so bloody 
confusing it takes a brain surgeon to figure it out?

Ok. The final cut... I did finally get hal/polkit/dbus to cooperate in 
the end. But there were more suspects by the end:

exec xhost +localhost 
## test for an existing bus daemon, just to be safe
if test -z $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS ; then
## if not found, launch a new one
eval 'dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session'
echo D-Bus per-session daemon address is: $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS
exec /usr/local/libexec/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 
exec xscreensaver 
exec ck-launch-session icewm-session

So... one needs to start a local dbus session, a polkit-auth session, 
and a ck-launch-session...

And in PolicyKit.conf (I'm not entirely happy with the security here), 
scratch user or group matches and just add the action with result=yes.

Now that will work in a single user situation. There is yet another 
culprit here: gconf. GConf was the shooter on the grassy knoll causing 
issues with the mount options and permissions.

And the crazy part in all this is there is hardly a scratch of info out 
there on such complex software that are supposedly interacting together 
in some way that is not exactly documented and yet is in control of the 
whole bloody system! We should just all revert to winblows at this rate- 
there's more docs there than for this stuff! An absolute embarrassment 
to the FOSS community...

Ahh, one more thing of note here: polkit-gnome-authorization would not 
work under any circumstances (run as root or otherwise) to change 
policies! WTF!

You might take a look at devd(8) as a FreeBSD alternative, but I'm not sure if
it notices new da devices popping up.

Oh, believe me I'd happily jump on it rather than deal with this mess. 
But I can't find anything that will interact happily with the apps, 
mount network shares of all kinds, and be exceedingly user friendly 
(take note lin-devs: user-friendly != sys_admin-hell at least it 
_doesn't have to_).

How forgiving is devd to a user pulling the plug to early? I did look 
into it a bit, but it appeared nearly as difficult as deciphering the 
above scenario- that said, having come through the other side of that 
I'm not so sure my judgment was very accurate :) So now I might check 
that fork out and see...

God! What a mess... this belongs in the X-files: the truth _is_ 

Re: PolicyKit confusion

2011-12-23 Thread Roland Smith
On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 01:27:23AM +1000, Da Rock wrote:
 couldn't give a shit about network drives. One scenario is network goes 
 down and I get a screenful of error messages- it annoys the shit out of 
 me, let alone scaring illiterate users.

If the network goes down, network drives won't work. Your users will be
sad/scared/frustrated with or without error messages, I'm guessing.

  I don't think enough people care to make it really work under FreeBSD. I've
  certainly never missed it.
 They don't care too much under linux either So many years, yet not a 
 single user doc anywhere on any of the f***ing monsters! Goddamn linux 
 devs- ever heard of KISS?! How about a user doc for something so bloody 
 confusing it takes a brain surgeon to figure it out?

That's exactly why I've avoided using this stuff. :-)

 Ahh, one more thing of note here: polkit-gnome-authorization would not 
 work under any circumstances (run as root or otherwise) to change 
 policies! WTF!
  You might take a look at devd(8) as a FreeBSD alternative, but I'm not sure 
  it notices new da devices popping up.
 Oh, believe me I'd happily jump on it rather than deal with this mess. 
 But I can't find anything that will interact happily with the apps, 
 mount network shares of all kinds, and be exceedingly user friendly 
 (take note lin-devs: user-friendly != sys_admin-hell at least it 
 _doesn't have to_).

Another way to go about it is to install e.g. ubuntu on a virtual machine and
peek under the hood how it works there. But as you say it's probably tied into
udev pretty tightly. 

 How forgiving is devd to a user pulling the plug to early? I did look 
 into it a bit, but it appeared nearly as difficult as deciphering the 
 above scenario- that said, having come through the other side of that 
 I'm not so sure my judgment was very accurate :) So now I might check 
 that fork out and see...

Devd just gets some notifications and acts on them. There is a problem with
mounted usb devices, but that is one of architecture, I guess. Devd only gets
notified _after_ a device has been pulled. There is no way you can prevent
data loss in all cases like that. On windows you're supposed to prepare to
eject a USB device before pulling it out as well. The only cure is to mount
a device syncronously, and disable _all_ write caching for those devices. If
you try that you'll find that doing so has significant performance impact and
not in a good way (disks are slw). 
 God! What a mess... this belongs in the X-files: the truth _is_ out 
 there. But you might lose your head and many years of life just finding 
 the fragments!

FreeBSD is on my personal desktop and laptop, but that seems to be the
exception rather than the rule. Maybe you should write your experiences up and
submit it to the freebsd-doc mailing list for inclusion in the official docs?

And talking about mailing lists, maybe you should try your luck on the
freebsd-gnome list?

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Re: PolicyKit confusion

2011-12-23 Thread Roland Smith
On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 08:03:22AM +1000, Da Rock wrote:
  If the network goes down, network drives won't work. Your users will be
  sad/scared/frustrated with or without error messages, I'm guessing.
 Nah. They'd flip out a whole lot more when the screen literally fills 
 with error messages and keeps going. Frustrated they can handle and 
 maybe complain, but that would make them run away... :)

Wouldn't you get some error message or other if a network drive becomes
unreachable no matter what? 

  Another way to go about it is to install e.g. ubuntu on a virtual machine 
  peek under the hood how it works there. But as you say it's probably tied 
  udev pretty tightly.
 Tried that too, but each distro has there own hack to make it work for 
 them. Crazy huh?

I tried ubuntu once in a VM (I was a slackware user before moving to
FreeBSD). Had a quick look with ps and was rather appalled at all the stuff
that was running with no obvious way to turn it off.

  Devd just gets some notifications and acts on them. There is a problem with
  mounted usb devices, but that is one of architecture, I guess. Devd only 
  notified _after_ a device has been pulled. There is no way you can prevent
  data loss in all cases like that. On windows you're supposed to prepare to
  eject a USB device before pulling it out as well. The only cure is to 
  a device syncronously, and disable _all_ write caching for those devices. If
  you try that you'll find that doing so has significant performance impact 
  not in a good way (disks are slw).
 Almost need a journaling system for them. Any thoughts? What about 
 setting up a temp folder (non-volatile buffer?) and a sync? Track 
 devices using the uuid label?

With proper mount settings and synchronous writes you might be able to prevent
most damage, but it'll be slow. The default for mount is to write metadata
syncronously, while data I/O is done async, see mount(8). No matter what you
do, if a user pulls a USB stick during a write, the filesystem on it will be
left in an inconsistent state. Nothing you can do about that.

FreeBSD be default already does buffering in the VFS layer (unless you turn
that off). I don't think that adding more buffering would help. It might even
make matters worse. If data is buffered and not immediately written to the USB
stick, it will show no activity. This might even give the user a false
impression it is finished...

Basically if a USB drive is plugged back in again, you have to accept the
state that it is in at that time. You cannot assume that it's state is still
the same or even related as the last time it was plugged in. But suppose for
the sake of the argument that you have a complete and correct copy of the USB
stick's filesystem at the time it was pulled buffered. Now assume the same
device is plugged in again. You read the complete state of the filesystem and
compare it to your buffer. Suppose there is a difference between the two. What
are you going to do? Without further information there is no way of knowing
which of the changes are OK because they were done e.g. on another computer.

And there is the application that is writing that is to be considered. With
buffering enabled, write system calls return as soon as the metadata is
written and the data is queued, IIRC. So as fas as the app is concerned, it is
done. Of course the next system call to write to the same fs after it is
pulled will get an error. But that still leaves the application's image of the
file's state different from reality.

The only sane way to handle this is for the application to get an error from
the next write reporting that the filesystem has disappeared. Which it should
then report to the user because that's the person that pulled the plug, so to

  submit it to the freebsd-doc mailing list for inclusion in the official 
 I may yet do that, but in the interim I'm going to get around to writing 
 up my findings on a lot of different aspects of the systems in a wiki 
 (I'll put up my findings on those as well...). Maybe my pain can help 
 someone else :)

Please but up a link to that wiki. :-)

 For reference _all_ my systems are FreeBSD: from laptops/desktops, 
 HTPC's and servers. I'd like to be able to show a system better and more 
 robust than the alternatives out there as well as easy on the users, and 
 thats what I'm always working towards.

Nice! I wish I was able to use FreeBSD at work (other than on my own laptop).

  And talking about mailing lists, maybe you should try your luck on the
  freebsd-gnome list?
 I would but I'm not subscribed to that one (must be about the only one 
 I'm not on :) ), and it hadn't come to mind as I wasn't using gnome! I'm 
 using nautilus for testing as it has more features, but I'm intending on 
 using pcmanfm or similar- lightweight, but usable.

All the mayor players in this drama, hal, policykit and dbus 

Re: PolicyKit confusion

2011-12-23 Thread Roland Smith
On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 09:57:38AM +1000, Da Rock wrote:
  FreeBSD be default already does buffering in the VFS layer (unless you turn
  that off). I don't think that adding more buffering would help. It might 
  make matters worse. If data is buffered and not immediately written to the 
  stick, it will show no activity. This might even give the user a false
  impression it is finished...
 That there is exactly the problem. Any way to prevent that though?

Yes. Using the '-o sync' option with mount. To the best of my understanding
that means that a write action will be executed immediately and that write(2)
will not return until it is finished.

 No, I hadn't considered that scenario. Thats why these lists provide a 
 great sounding board :)

It is a heck of a problem. Distributed filesystems like Coda
[] might offer a partial
solution. But it doesn't seem like they're being widely used.

  The only sane way to handle this is for the application to get an error from
  the next write reporting that the filesystem has disappeared. Which it 
  then report to the user because that's the person that pulled the plug, so 
 Man, What a mess! The real solution is to keep the light flashing until 
 all the data written to disk.

The abovementioned -o sync option will do that for you.

The price is that the write syscall will block until it is finished. This
might render the application performing it unresponsive during that time.

  All the mayor players in this drama, hal, policykit and dbus are maintained 
  gnome@. In practice that _might_ mean that no single person cares enough to
  care and feed them.
 Ahh. Now that may explain some things. But by your meaning are you 
 talking about the software development itself or the developers? LOL

What I mean here is that there are no dedicated maintainers for the FreeBSD
ports. When that is the case, that maintainer address of a port is usually
that of a relevant mailing list. That way problems with such a port at least
get the attention of people with relevant interests.

As for the original developers, who knows? IMNSHO their solutions look overly
complex, but I haven't looked at the problem they try to solve because it's
not a problem that bothers me. And I'm kind of allergic to desktop
environments. Over the years I've tried several window managers, but I keep
coming back to good old FVWM. :-)

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Re: PolicyKit confusion

2011-12-23 Thread Da Rock

On 12/24/11 11:34, Roland Smith wrote:

On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 09:57:38AM +1000, Da Rock wrote:

FreeBSD be default already does buffering in the VFS layer (unless you turn
that off). I don't think that adding more buffering would help. It might even
make matters worse. If data is buffered and not immediately written to the USB
stick, it will show no activity. This might even give the user a false
impression it is finished...

That there is exactly the problem. Any way to prevent that though?

Yes. Using the '-o sync' option with mount. To the best of my understanding
that means that a write action will be executed immediately and that write(2)
will not return until it is finished.


It is a heck of a problem. Distributed filesystems like Coda
[] might offer a partial
solution. But it doesn't seem like they're being widely used.

The only sane way to handle this is for the application to get an error from
the next write reporting that the filesystem has disappeared. Which it should
then report to the user because that's the person that pulled the plug, so to

Man, What a mess! The real solution is to keep the light flashing until
all the data written to disk.

The abovementioned -o sync option will do that for you.

The price is that the write syscall will block until it is finished. This
might render the application performing it unresponsive during that time.
Bingo! Thats exactly the issue. Taking a look at FUSE I can see there 
are calls that FUSE_FSYNC which I would say is the closest to what is 
needed. The question is are they implemented in say fuse_msdosfs (I may 
have just barfed that, but you get the idea) and maybe some others? That 
way the filesystem is treated as normal, the app writes and can return 
happily, and FUSE takes the responsibility to ensure the data continues 
to write until finished instead of holding it in buffer for an 
indeterminate period leaving the user thinking alls well (ergo, the 
light continues flashing).

Failing that, how does one ensure data is synced manually? Is there a 
call that could be run periodically at a shorter, more regular intervals?

Either that or something that just tells the disk to keep flashing its 
little led while the buffer is not empty :)

All the mayor players in this drama, hal, policykit and dbus are maintained by
gnome@. In practice that _might_ mean that no single person cares enough to
care and feed them.

Ahh. Now that may explain some things. But by your meaning are you
talking about the software development itself or the developers? LOL

What I mean here is that there are no dedicated maintainers for the FreeBSD
ports. When that is the case, that maintainer address of a port is usually
that of a relevant mailing list. That way problems with such a port at least
get the attention of people with relevant interests.

As for the original developers, who knows? IMNSHO their solutions look overly
Indeed. At least from a BSD perspective, anyway. Linux is whole other 
animal... family, xenotype even :) Too many chiefs and not enough 
indians over there I reckon.

In my mind reading your comments I was imagining some starving, 
malnourished developers trying to build these complex software designs 
surrounded by some Doc Brown-like inventions in the dungeons of Novell 
or something... :) Hell, it could even be the dungeons of Microsoft, 
with Gates uttering Now I'll get you all, and your little dog too.. :D

And I'm kind of allergic to desktop
environments. Over the years I've tried several window managers, but I keep
coming back to good old FVWM. :-)

Me too- can't get away from icewm.
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Re: PolicyKit confusion

2011-12-23 Thread Da Rock

On 12/24/11 11:34, Roland Smith wrote:

On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 09:57:38AM +1000, Da Rock wrote:

FreeBSD be default already does buffering in the VFS layer (unless you turn
that off). I don't think that adding more buffering would help. It might even
make matters worse. If data is buffered and not immediately written to the USB
stick, it will show no activity. This might even give the user a false
impression it is finished...

That there is exactly the problem. Any way to prevent that though?

Yes. Using the '-o sync' option with mount. To the best of my understanding
that means that a write action will be executed immediately and that write(2)
will not return until it is finished.
Just discovered something: what about async as an option? The major 
problem with async is on UFS+SU - the SU's get in the road and can 
result in inconsistencies. But vfat is another kettle of fish altogether.

I just had a brainwave and looked it up, after a google or two and 
reading the mount_msdosfs man page it is possible; but is it a solution? 
The writes are done sequentially (I think), and the app can move on 
while the system writes the disk. Unless I'm missing something here...

I've had some experience with async and gjournal, so it should work as 
I'm dreaming it :)

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PolicyKit confusion

2011-12-22 Thread Da Rock
This is doing my head in. I'm trying to get my head around hal, dbus, 
and PolicyKit, and I've made some inroads on the basics, but I cannot 
get a few things happening.

One: I managed to get network:/// smb shares working in say nautilus 
(not that I've specifically mounted one- not a windows in sight here 
thank god!), but I was hoping for NFS shares to show up. I also got the 
usb disk to show up as a 'place' but when I access it I get permissions 
issues. This is what I'm hung up on.

I checked out /media/hal-* and I see that the mount occurs only as root. 
How do I change that exactly? I need it showing for operator group. I've 
searched high and low and googled my brains out, but anything remotely 
related is for linux and udev.

Two: a big thing I've noticed here on google, lists, whatever is a 
confusion related to the 'define_admin_auth' group. Some are saying it 
is a security risk to have an average user access this area, and others 
are just opening it up. I'm with the former, unless I can be convinced 
otherwise. Can anyone provide some clarity to this issue? What precisely 
is the capabilties of the 'admin_auth' group?

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Re: PolicyKit confusion

2011-12-22 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 23 Dec 2011 14:18:19 +1000, Da Rock wrote:
 I checked out /media/hal-* and I see that the mount occurs only as root. 
 How do I change that exactly? I need it showing for operator group. I've 
 searched high and low and googled my brains out, but anything remotely 
 related is for linux and udev.

I think I remember I got it working some time ago
(on a 7.1 system), relying on the Gnome HAL FAQ
which stated something like this:

File: /usr/local/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf

config version=0.1

  match user=marcus
return result=N/

  match user=marcus
return result=N/


For N, use your user name; I think you can also
use more than one match section if you want to allow
access for other users. However, I doubt all this
HAL / DBUS / PolicyKit magic is really intended for
multi-user purposes. :-)

Note that HAL also has an option of fixed mount points
to be set at compile time. I think I had set it...

I'm also unsure if NFS mounts are fixed or removable
in PK terminology.

Regarding your second question, I can't provide any
further information. I just assume it's a means to
turn a safe multi-user system into an insecure
single-user system, which is what users expect. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: PolicyKit confusion

2011-12-22 Thread Da Rock

On 12/23/11 15:37, Polytropon wrote:

On Fri, 23 Dec 2011 14:18:19 +1000, Da Rock wrote:

I checked out /media/hal-* and I see that the mount occurs only as root.
How do I change that exactly? I need it showing for operator group. I've
searched high and low and googled my brains out, but anything remotely
related is for linux and udev.

I had a feeling you'd be replying to this one :)

I think I remember I got it working some time ago
(on a 7.1 system), relying on the Gnome HAL FAQ
which stated something like this:

File: /usr/local/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf

config version=0.1

   match user=marcus
 return result=N/

   match user=marcus
 return result=N/


For N, use your user name; I think you can also
use more than one match section if you want to allow
access for other users. However, I doubt all this
HAL / DBUS / PolicyKit magic is really intended for
multi-user purposes. :-)
Followed that and done that, didn't work. Although it does say 
'result=yes' not user. Sorry: that was the freebsd-gnome FAQ.

Do you see any way of using group instead of user?

Incidentally, the disk shows up (in case I wasn't being all too clear), 
as a user I can't access it. And in the hal-tab it shows -u=0 as I said. 
I hunted down that scenario and it sent me down a very foggy path using 
hal-fdi's - setting -uid and -u settings.

I then checked out /usr/local/share/hal/fdi/policy/ and found in some 
files (particularly storage) the key options are set to u= or uid=.

So I'm still attempting to assimilate all that to produce something 
other than a brainfart, and possibly restore balance to the force in 
that way.

Oh, and to preclude any suggestion to this effect, I have set 

Note that HAL also has an option of fixed mount points
to be set at compile time. I think I had set it...

No. At least I don't think I set it.

I'm also unsure if NFS mounts are fixed or removable
in PK terminology.
Nothing is clear on any of this. Which nutcase designed this anyway? Any 
documentation is vague and unclear, and the software config itself is 
about as clear as the weather on venus- and just as toxic too ;)

Regarding your second question, I can't provide any
further information. I just assume it's a means to
turn a safe multi-user system into an insecure
single-user system, which is what users expect. :-)

Dear god! What is this world coming to? And yet they all clamour to use 
the computer at the same time... thats the scene I see in families all 
the time, let alone work operations.

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