Re: Bad Blocks... Should I RMA?

2009-11-18 Thread Ronald F. Guilmette

In message, 
Lowell Gilbert wrote:

Ronald F. Guilmette writes:

 Nov 15 15:24:17 coredump kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51READY,DSC
,ERROR error=40UNCORRECTABLE LBA=256230591

This is *not* necessarily a big deal, despite what your other response
told you.  Errors on reads do not mean that your drive's bad-sector
table is full; only errors on write indicate that.  If you can try
manufacturer's drive diagnostics, do that.  If you can't, then it's
harder to fix things up, but not impossible; write back if you
really can't use a low-level diag.

Well, OK, so I ran the long test in Seagate Seatools.

Result:  It noticed exactly and only _one_ bad sector, which I of course
told it to repair/remap.

The kicker:  The specific bad secror was somewhat near to the one that
was indicated in the FreeBSD /var/log/messages errors, _however_ it was
most definitely a different LBA sector #.

So at that point I was kinda worried, cuz now I was looking at two bad

Still, I didn't really want to have to RMA a drive that's less than one
year old, so I used dd and copied /dev/zero to the whole drive.  Then
I used dd again to copy the wole drive to /dev/null.  No errors at all
in either case.

Then I ran the Seatools long diagnostic again.  Result:  Zero errors.

So I decided to keep the drive.  Yes, there's some bad sectors, but I
think they are all locked out now.

I'm hoping this isn't a mistake.  Only time will tell.

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Re: Bad Blocks... Should I RMA?

2009-11-18 Thread Ronald F. Guilmette

In message, 
Roland Smith wrote:

On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 04:06:55PM -0800, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
 In one of my systems, I've got a Seagate SATA 500GB drive (ST3500320AS)
 which is actually not very old... purchased 12/11/2008.
 same single block.  Here's the relevant lines from /var/log/messages:
 Nov 15 15:24:17 coredump kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=3D51READ=
 Nov 15 15:24:43 coredump kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=3D51READ=
 Nov 15 15:24:46 coredump kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=3D51READ=

Install the smartmontools port, and check the drive with
'smartctl -a /dev/ad4'. If you see a non-zero Reallocated_Sector_Ct, RMA it
immediately, as it is about to fail. If see other errors reported, RMA it.

OK, I went to do this, but first (I figured) I had to umount the drive.
So I did that first and... Yikes!  Just umount'ing it caused an error,
allegedly in LBA sector 0!  Yikes!

Nov 18 19:04:06 coredump kernel: ad4: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA retrying (1 retry 
left) LBA=0

Ignoring that for the moment, I went ahead and ran smartctl -a /dev/ad4
as you suggested.  Results are attached below.  I have no idea how to
read this stuff, and would be happy to be tutored a bit on this.

But anyway, because of the *new* error I just got (LBA=0) I have decided
now that I *will* RMA the drive back after all.  (Getting an error reading
logical sector zero is just too scary for me!)

Note that the original problematic sector was 256230591, however the
one that Seatools had found to be bad (and had allegedly re-mapped for me)
was 256230614... a number which also appears several times in the report

I don't really understand what I'm looking at here.  If in fact Seatools
did actually repair (re-map?) a sector for me, then shouldn't
Reallocated_Sector_Ct have some positive non-zero value?

smartctl version 5.38 [amd64-portbld-freebsd7.2] Copyright (C) 2002-8 Bruce 
Home page is

Model Family: Seagate Barracuda 7200.11
Device Model: ST3500320AS
Serial Number:5QM2H3V3
Firmware Version: SD15
User Capacity:500,107,862,016 bytes
Device is:In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is:   8
ATA Standard is:  ATA-8-ACS revision 4
Local Time is:Wed Nov 18 19:12:56 2009 PST
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status:  (0x82) Offline data collection activity
was completed without error.
Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled.
Self-test execution status:  (   0) The previous self-test routine completed
without error or no self-test has ever 
been run.
Total time to complete Offline 
data collection: ( 650) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities:(0x7b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
Auto Offline data collection on/off 
Suspend Offline collection upon new
Offline surface scan supported.
Self-test supported.
Conveyance Self-test supported.
Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities:(0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
power-saving mode.
Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability:(0x01) Error logging supported.
General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine 
recommended polling time:(   1) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time:( 119) minutes.
Conveyance self-test routine
recommended polling time:(   2) minutes.
SCT capabilities:  (0x103b) SCT Status supported.
SCT Feature Control supported.
SCT Data Table supported.

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f   107   100   006Pre-fail  Always 

Re: Bad Blocks... Should I RMA?

2009-11-17 Thread Ian Smith
In freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 285, Issue 3, Message 28
On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 23:16:27 +0100 Roland Smith wrote:
  On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 09:43:31PM +, Bruce Cran wrote:
   On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 19:23:58 +0100
   Roland Smith wrote:
Install the smartmontools port, and check the drive with 
'smartctl -a /dev/ad4'. If you see a non-zero Reallocated_Sector_Ct,
RMA it immediately, as it is about to fail. If see other errors
reported, RMA it.

(S)ATA disk have spare sectors available. If a sector fails, it is
replaced by one of the spares by the firmware. If you see a non-zero
Reallocated_Sector_Ct, it means that the drive has run out of spares.
This is bad news.
   Surely it's the other way around - if you see a value of zero in the
   value column the drive has run out of spare sectors and it's time to
   RMA the drive?
  I was talking about the _RAW_VALUE column. There seems to be some differences
  in interpretation between vendors as to what the VALUE column means. Most of
  the advice I've seen over the years says to look at the RAW_VALUE.
  See as well.

Mmm, but as that article - which really only mentions the 'normalised' 
values smartctl presents in passing - points out, there can be quite a 
lot of variation between different manufacturers as to what RAW_VALUE 
actually represents for various attributes, whereas the usage of VALUE 
WORST THRESH values is much more consistent, and what the vendor is 
actually presenting as the SMART good/fair/fail analysis to the world.

For instance, I've got two Fujitsu 5400rpm 2.5 drives in two laptops, 
one MHV2040AH with near 19,000 hours on it, and a much newer MHV2120AH, 
40 and 120GB respectively.  Nice quiet low-power laptop drives, fwiw.

Both show as (more recently) being in the smartctl database, and both 
show _exactly_ the same values for this one:

  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   024Pre-fail  Always  -  

Now if that were a number of 512-byte sectors, it'd be 4096000 GB! :)
but both drives are 100% ok, as the VALUE / WORST figures show.

   From what I've seen the 'raw' column appears to count
   the number of sectors the drive has remapped using the spares buffer.
   If it gets into the hundreds it's probably time to think about RMA'ing
   the drive
  Yes, the raw value is the number of sectors allocated from the spares. I
  originally thought it was the number of reallocations _beyond_ the
  spares. That's a misunderstanding on my part.

Again, may depend on the drive make/model.  With the same make/model you 
can of course usefully compare raw values, but be careful about drawing 
inferences for different drives, or you may be RMA'ing needlessly ..

  Nevertheless this attribute (along with several) is marked on the Wikipedia
  page for smart as a Potential indicator of imminent electromechanical
  failure. You can find the same attributes marked as critical when perusing
  mailing list archives.
  For me, my data is worth much more than the harddisk it is on. Some of it is
  literally irreplacable. So my policy is to go look for a replacement harddisk
  as soon as the RAW_VALUEs of any of these critical indicators start going up
  from zero. And store any data at least on two harddisks, whether in a mirror
  or in a cron+rsync setup.

That'd be the case for the disks you tend to use.  I was first going to 
reply to Bruce's message when I spotted yours, but you've dropped the 
last bit of his quote, that I was about to wholeheartedly agree with :)

 : If it gets into the hundreds it's probably time to think about RMA'ing
 : the drive - if you trust that the 'raw' column is reporting what you
 : think it is (you should really only base your decision on the value,
 : worst and threshold columns).

cheers, Ian
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Re: Bad Blocks... Should I RMA?

2009-11-17 Thread Chuck Swiger


On Nov 17, 2009, at 7:51 AM, Ian Smith wrote:
[ ... ]

For instance, I've got two Fujitsu 5400rpm 2.5 drives in two laptops,
one MHV2040AH with near 19,000 hours on it, and a much newer  

40 and 120GB respectively.  Nice quiet low-power laptop drives, fwiw.

Both show as (more recently) being in the smartctl database, and both
show _exactly_ the same values for this one:

 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   024Pre-fail   
Always  -  8589934592000

Now if that were a number of 512-byte sectors, it'd be 4096000 GB! :)
but both drives are 100% ok, as the VALUE / WORST figures show.

I wouldn't conclude that the drives were 100% OK from that line,  
although they *might* be; I'd conclude that the drives aren't  
implementing this SMART field correctly in their firmware.  Are you  
using the latest version of smartctl-- updates to that can sometimes  
better interpret vendor-specific odditities.


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Re: Bad Blocks... Should I RMA?

2009-11-17 Thread Ian Smith
On Tue, 17 Nov 2009, Chuck Swiger wrote:
  On Nov 17, 2009, at 7:51 AM, Ian Smith wrote:
  [ ... ]
   For instance, I've got two Fujitsu 5400rpm 2.5 drives in two laptops,
   one MHV2040AH with near 19,000 hours on it, and a much newer MHV2120AH,
   40 and 120GB respectively.  Nice quiet low-power laptop drives, fwiw.
   Both show as (more recently) being in the smartctl database, and both
   show _exactly_ the same values for this one:
   5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   024Pre-fail  Always  -
   Now if that were a number of 512-byte sectors, it'd be 4096000 GB! :)
   but both drives are 100% ok, as the VALUE / WORST figures show.
  I wouldn't conclude that the drives were 100% OK from that line, although
  they *might* be; I'd conclude that the drives aren't implementing this SMART
  field correctly in their firmware.  Are you using the latest version of
  smartctl-- updates to that can sometimes better interpret vendor-specific

Hi Chuck,

Well, _Fujitsu_ reckon they're 100% OK on THAT attribute (100 100 024), 
which is the point I (and Bruce, I think) was trying to make, along with 
perhaps a gentle don't believe everything you read on Wikipedia :)

The smartctl program is not definitive for RAW_VALUE attributes; the 
manufacturer is.  Some raw values are manufacturer-specific, like this 
one, and the smartctl author likely concentrates on the lowest hanging 
fruit; its database is already huge.  This one is larger than 32 bits, 
possibly a mis-byte-ordered 48- or 64-bit value?  If the two drives 
showed different values I'd pursue trying different byte orderings.

And no, this certainly wouldn't be the latest smartctl; to compare the 
120G drive I installed (last night) smartmontools on a 7.0 system that's 
soon to be upgraded to 7-STABLE, so using a 7.0-RELEASE ports tree with 
smartctl 5.37, which shows '009 Power_On_Seconds' as the only odd value 
for this make/model, from smartctl -P show /dev/ad0

cheers, Ian
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Re: Bad Blocks... Should I RMA?

2009-11-16 Thread Roland Smith
On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 04:06:55PM -0800, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
 In one of my systems, I've got a Seagate SATA 500GB drive (ST3500320AS)
 which is actually not very old... purchased 12/11/2008.
 same single block.  Here's the relevant lines from /var/log/messages:
 Nov 15 15:24:17 coredump kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA 
 status=51READY,DSC,ERROR error=40UNCORRECTABLE LBA=256230591
 Nov 15 15:24:43 coredump kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA 
 status=51READY,DSC,ERROR error=40UNCORRECTABLE LBA=256230591
 Nov 15 15:24:46 coredump kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA 
 status=51READY,DSC,ERROR error=40UNCORRECTABLE LBA=256230591
 (Don't be confused... The name of the host system here is coredump... my
 lame attempt at humor.)

Install the smartmontools port, and check the drive with 
'smartctl -a /dev/ad4'. If you see a non-zero Reallocated_Sector_Ct, RMA it
immediately, as it is about to fail. If see other errors reported, RMA it.

(S)ATA disk have spare sectors available. If a sector fails, it is replaced by
one of the spares by the firmware. If you see a non-zero
Reallocated_Sector_Ct, it means that the drive has run out of spares. This is
bad news.

 P.S.  If I _do_ end up RMA'ing the thing back, do I need to worry about
 scrubing the drive squeaky clean first... you know... using one of these
 multiple write-over progs (like `wipe') if I am paranoid... as I am...
 about the possibility of old credit card numbers lying around in unallocated
 sectors on the drive?  (The drive is empty _now_, but earlier it was in
 serious/heavy use.)

No. Just fill it with zeros. There was a paper presented at Usenix 1996 that
you could potentially read erased data from the sidebands. But that was
looking at disks make in the early nineties using MFM and RLL encoding. The
encoding on todays disks is very different. The author of te original paper
thinks it is almost impossible to recover overwritten data on a current
harddisk. To quote from the epilogue from

Any modern drive will most likely be a hopeless task, what with
ultra-high densities and use of perpendicular recording...

 I guess what I'm asking is:  Do Segate and the other manufacturers care
 enough about their customer's privacy to securely wipe old drives/platters
 that come in to them for RMA?  Or do I need to worry 'bout that for my own

I would always wipe them myself. You cannot guarantee that the manufacturer
will do it. But I was under the impression that the information on a platter
can only be properly read by the same arm/head it was written with.

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Re: Bad Blocks... Should I RMA?

2009-11-16 Thread Bruce Cran
On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 19:23:58 +0100
Roland Smith wrote:

 Install the smartmontools port, and check the drive with 
 'smartctl -a /dev/ad4'. If you see a non-zero Reallocated_Sector_Ct,
 RMA it immediately, as it is about to fail. If see other errors
 reported, RMA it.
 (S)ATA disk have spare sectors available. If a sector fails, it is
 replaced by one of the spares by the firmware. If you see a non-zero
 Reallocated_Sector_Ct, it means that the drive has run out of spares.
 This is bad news.

Surely it's the other way around - if you see a value of zero in the
value column the drive has run out of spare sectors and it's time to
RMA the drive? From what I've seen the 'raw' column appears to count
the number of sectors the drive has remapped using the spares buffer.
If it gets into the hundreds it's probably time to think about RMA'ing
the drive - if you trust that the 'raw' column is reporting what you
think it is (you should really only base your decision on the value,
worst and threshold columns).

Bruce Cran
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Re: Bad Blocks... Should I RMA?

2009-11-16 Thread Roland Smith
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 09:43:31PM +, Bruce Cran wrote:
 On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 19:23:58 +0100
 Roland Smith wrote:
  Install the smartmontools port, and check the drive with 
  'smartctl -a /dev/ad4'. If you see a non-zero Reallocated_Sector_Ct,
  RMA it immediately, as it is about to fail. If see other errors
  reported, RMA it.
  (S)ATA disk have spare sectors available. If a sector fails, it is
  replaced by one of the spares by the firmware. If you see a non-zero
  Reallocated_Sector_Ct, it means that the drive has run out of spares.
  This is bad news.
 Surely it's the other way around - if you see a value of zero in the
 value column the drive has run out of spare sectors and it's time to
 RMA the drive?

I was talking about the _RAW_VALUE column. There seems to be some differences
in interpretation between vendors as to what the VALUE column means. Most of
the advice I've seen over the years says to look at the RAW_VALUE.

See as well.

 From what I've seen the 'raw' column appears to count
 the number of sectors the drive has remapped using the spares buffer.
 If it gets into the hundreds it's probably time to think about RMA'ing
 the drive

Yes, the raw value is the number of sectors allocated from the spares. I
originally thought it was the number of reallocations _beyond_ the
spares. That's a misunderstanding on my part.

Nevertheless this attribute (along with several) is marked on the Wikipedia
page for smart as a Potential indicator of imminent electromechanical
failure. You can find the same attributes marked as critical when perusing
mailing list archives.

For me, my data is worth much more than the harddisk it is on. Some of it is
literally irreplacable. So my policy is to go look for a replacement harddisk
as soon as the RAW_VALUEs of any of these critical indicators start going up
from zero. And store any data at least on two harddisks, whether in a mirror
or in a cron+rsync setup.

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Re: Bad Blocks... Should I RMA?

2009-11-15 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 15 Nov 2009 16:06:55 -0800, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
 So, the question is, should I:
   1)  RMA the drive back to Seagate?


   2)  Somehow try to lock-out the bad sector(s)? (If so, how?)
 If it was failing all over the place (and on multiple blocks), then yea,
 sure, I'd RMA it back to Seagate in a heartbeat.  But heck!  It's only one
 sector.  And what's one sector between friends?

If there's already error messaging to the OS, then the drive's
firmware has noticed that it can't compensate errors anymore.
This means: Probably there isn't only one bad sector - there
are lots of them. (The drive uses spare sectors to move data
to them when a sector in use gets bad.)

Backup all your important data and get rid of this drive, this
will save you possibly upcoming trouble.

 Before posting this, I googled around a bit for the crrent Accepted Wisdom
 regarding such sitiations.  Most seems to say that bad blocks (even one?)
 are an early warning of impending doom (for the drive), and suggest trashing
 or RMA'ing the drive.  I just sorta wanted to know if folks here would agree
 or disagree with that.

From my knowledge and experience, this is correct.

 One thing concerns me about the thought of RMA'ing the drive back... The
 last time I RMA'd a drive (years ago  a different brand) I got back as a
 replacement a ``refurb'' drive.  Hummm.  If I RMA this drive, it is possible
 that Seagate would replace it with a refurb whose remaining life may perhaps
 prove to be even less than the drive I am RMA'ing?  Do Seagate RMA drive
 replacements come with fresh platters?

There's always smartctl (from port smartmontools) to do some checking
on the drive you get back.

 P.S.  If I _do_ end up RMA'ing the thing back, do I need to worry about
 scrubing the drive squeaky clean first... you know... using one of these
 multiple write-over progs (like `wipe') if I am paranoid... as I am...
 about the possibility of old credit card numbers lying around in unallocated
 sectors on the drive?  (The drive is empty _now_, but earlier it was in
 serious/heavy use.)

You could first mount all the partitions (from a live CD or DVD)
of the disk and then to the magical remark read-file command
(rm -rf /), and afterwards running dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad0
bs=1m for a while. Check that ad0 really is the drive you want
to clean, or else. :-)

 I guess what I'm asking is:  Do Segate and the other manufacturers care
 enough about their customer's privacy to securely wipe old drives/platters
 that come in to them for RMA?  Or do I need to worry 'bout that for my own

I've got no experience with how Seagate treats his customers.
To be sure, at least clean your disk a bit as mentioned above,
because that's for YOUR security. If Seagate is intelligent
enough to send you a new drive back with a FAT or NTFS file
system on it... you'll delete it anyway.

Help the manufacturer - help you. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: Bad Blocks... Should I RMA?

2009-11-15 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Ronald F. Guilmette writes:

 Nov 15 15:24:17 coredump kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA 
 status=51READY,DSC,ERROR error=40UNCORRECTABLE LBA=256230591

This is *not* necessarily a big deal, despite what your other response
told you.  Errors on reads do not mean that your drive's bad-sector
table is full; only errors on write indicate that.  If you can try
manufacturer's drive diagnostics, do that.  If you can't, then it's
harder to fix things up, but not impossible; write back if you
really can't use a low-level diag.

Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
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Re: Bad Blocks... Should I RMA?

2009-11-15 Thread Matthew Seaman

Lowell Gilbert wrote:

Ronald F. Guilmette writes:

Nov 15 15:24:17 coredump kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51READY,DSC,ERROR 
error=40UNCORRECTABLE LBA=256230591

This is *not* necessarily a big deal, despite what your other response
told you.  Errors on reads do not mean that your drive's bad-sector
table is full; only errors on write indicate that.  If you can try
manufacturer's drive diagnostics, do that.  If you can't, then it's
harder to fix things up, but not impossible; write back if you
really can't use a low-level diag.

Yes -- this is correct.  It's possible for a disk to be unable to read a sector,
but rewriting the sector would either succeed and leave the sector fully working
again, or cause it to be remapped in which case the disk will subsequently perform 
perfectly well[*].

Beyond running the manufacturers diagnostics,  as the OP has said he has 
nothing particularly valuable on the drive, it might be worth running a few 
passes of dban
or similar on the disk --- this will overwrite every part of the platter and
should make it abundantly clear if there is a real and persistent problem.  If
you can't afford to scrub the disk, then just keep it under observation: if the
problems recur within a few weeks then yes, definitely RMA that drive.



[*] If the error messages have disappeared since, then this has probably
already happened.

Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
 Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
 Kent, CT11 9PW

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Bad Blocks... Should I RMA?

2009-11-15 Thread Matthew Seaman

Lowell Gilbert wrote:

Ronald F. Guilmette writes:

Nov 15 15:24:17 coredump kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51READY,DSC,ERROR 
error=40UNCORRECTABLE LBA=256230591

This is *not* necessarily a big deal, despite what your other response
told you.  Errors on reads do not mean that your drive's bad-sector
table is full; only errors on write indicate that.  If you can try
manufacturer's drive diagnostics, do that.  If you can't, then it's
harder to fix things up, but not impossible; write back if you
really can't use a low-level diag.

Yes -- this is correct.  It's possible for a disk to be unable to read a sector,
but rewriting the sector would either succeed and leave the sector fully working
again, or cause it to be remapped in which case the disk will subsequently perform 
perfectly well[*].

Beyond running the manufacturers diagnostics,  as the OP has said he has 
nothing particularly valuable on the drive, it might be worth running a few 
passes of dban
or similar on the disk --- this will overwrite every part of the platter and
should make it abundantly clear if there is a real and persistent problem.  If
you can't afford to scrub the disk, then just keep it under observation: if the
problems recur within a few weeks then yes, definitely RMA that drive.



[*] If the error messages have disappeared since, then this has probably
already happened.

Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
 Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
 Kent, CT11 9PW

Description: OpenPGP digital signature