Re: Putting a command/script as a user's shell

2006-09-12 Thread Karol Kwiatkowski
On 11/09/2006 16:39, backyard wrote:
 --- Karol Kwiatkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Good day everyone,

 I'm trying to make it possible to restart (as in
 'shutdown -r now') a
 FreeBSD based router from LAN network as easy as
 possible so it can be
 used by non-technical people.

 I'm sure some will ask why would I need that - it's
 an USB modem
 connecting to ADSL line that locks up sometimes and
 all my attempts to
 make it restart itself have failed.

 I came up with this idea:

 - add another user to the system, let it be
 - add 'restart' to group operator
 - let 'restart' to login through SSH from LAN with a
 key (passwords
 - put a restart command as it's shell (so it
 automagically restarts
 the router)

 Does that sound reasonably? Security is not an
 issue, it's secure
 enough for me.

 OK, now for technical question. I realise I cannot
 put arguments to
 the command in the shell area in passwd file, so I
 wrote a short script:

 $ cat /home/restart/
 /sbin/shutdown -r now
 $ ls -l /home/restart/
 -rwx--  1 restart  restart  33 Sep 11 15:24

 put that as restart's user shell:

 # grep restart /etc/master.passwd


 and tried locally but it's not working:

 # su - restart
 su: /home/restart/ Permission denied

 I'm not sure where 'Permission denied' come from.
 Setup looks to be
 OK, here's what I get with /usr/bin/id as a shell:

 # su - restart
 uid=1017(restart) gid=1017(restart)
 groups=1017(restart), 5(operator)

 I'm sure I'm missing something here. Anyone have
 some pointers?

 make the shell script group executable and make it
 group operator maybe try making it owned by root. I
 think what is happening is it is running under the
 priveledges of restart not operator because operators
 groups cannot execute the command only the restart
 user can due to the priveledges. And when the passes its group priveledges to the sript
 callout to shutdown it fails because shutdown can only
 run as operator. That would be my guess

Hi brian,

I tried to test it further together with Alex's suggestion to use -x
in the script first line, only to discover I don't know why it won't
work :) If anyone has some (possible) explanations I'll be glad to
hear them.

Meanwhile I moved to much cleaner and elegant solution based on what
Kirk Strauser proposed in other email.

For the record here's what I additionally tested:

# chmod 4550 /home/restart/
# chown root:operator /home/restart/
# ls -l /home/restart/
-r-sr-x---  1 root  operator  36 Sep 11 16:46 /home/restart/

result from the same machine:
# su - restart
su: /home/restart/ Permission denied

and from other:
# ssh -l restart -i restart_rsa router
Last login: Tue Sep 12 12:47:02 2006 from blablabla
/home/restart/ Permission denied
Connection to orchid closed.

Interestingly (or not ;) execution of the script (with default
permissions) works if I log in as a user 'restart' (after giving him
/bin/sh as shell).

A suid binary seems to work:

# cp -p /usr/bin/id /sbin/
# chown root:operator /sbin/id
# chmod 4550 /sbin/id
# vipw
[ restart:*:1017:1017::0:0:restart:/home/restart:/sbin/id ]

# su - restart
uid=1017(restart) euid=0(root) gid=1017(restart) groups=1017(restart),

# ssh -l restart -i restart_rsa router
Last login: Tue Sep 12 13:11:10 2006 from blablabla
uid=1017(restart) euid=0(root) gid=1017(restart) groups=1017(restart),
Connection to orchid closed.

Looks like some suid issue which I don't really understand.

Thanks for suggestions though!


Karol Kwiatkowski  freebsd at orchid dot homeunix dot org

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Putting a command/script as a user's shell

2006-09-12 Thread Karol Kwiatkowski
On 11/09/2006 16:56, Kirk Strauser wrote:
 On Monday 11 September 2006 09:20, Karol Kwiatkowski wrote:
 Good day everyone,

 I'm trying to make it possible to restart (as in 'shutdown -r now') a
 FreeBSD based router from LAN network as easy as possible so it can be
 used by non-technical people.
 First of all, it's easy enough to do this securely that you might as well do 
 it.  Install sudo, and use visudo to create a sudoers file with entries 
User_AliasREBOOTERS = username1,username2,username3
REBOOTERS ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/reboot
 Next, create a reboot script for them:
# cat /usr/local/sbin/
sudo /sbin/reboot
 Finally, use OpenSSH's built-in options to run the script at login.  From 
  Specifies that the command is executed whenever this key is used
  for authentication.
 So, make each user's authorized_keys file look something like:
 ssh-rsa [long base64 string] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Alternatively, do all the above for one single account: your restart user.  
 Use authorized_keys to limit which of your real users has access to reboot 
 the machine, and use ssh -l restart to trigger it.  
 You could even go so far as to add a clause to /etc/ssh/ssh_config (or 
 ~/.ssh/config for each individual user) like:
 Host rebootrouter
 User restart
 so that your users just run ssh rebootrouter.
 So, to recap, when a user logs in, the script will be executed.  It 
 will use sudo to run the reboot command as root, without prompting the user 
 to enter any password.  It's easy, it works, and it doesn't require any 
 setuid trickery or special accounts or anything else.

Hi Kirk,

I wasn't aware of 'command' option in authorized_keys file and that's
exactly what I need :)

The rest is more or less what I was thinking of with the exception I
tried to avoid installing sudo just to do this.

So here's what I ended up with:

- user 'restart' in group 'operator' (I need another user because
there are no 'normal' users on the router except me)
- public/private key par for authorization
- command=/sbin/shutdown -r now in /home/restart/.ssh/authorized_keys

Works as expected even with windows/putty clients :)

Thanks for your reply.


Karol Kwiatkowski  freebsd at orchid dot homeunix dot org

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Putting a command/script as a user's shell

2006-09-11 Thread backyard

--- Karol Kwiatkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Good day everyone,
 I'm trying to make it possible to restart (as in
 'shutdown -r now') a
 FreeBSD based router from LAN network as easy as
 possible so it can be
 used by non-technical people.
 I'm sure some will ask why would I need that - it's
 an USB modem
 connecting to ADSL line that locks up sometimes and
 all my attempts to
 make it restart itself have failed.
 I came up with this idea:
 - add another user to the system, let it be
 - add 'restart' to group operator
 - let 'restart' to login through SSH from LAN with a
 key (passwords
 - put a restart command as it's shell (so it
 automagically restarts
 the router)
 Does that sound reasonably? Security is not an
 issue, it's secure
 enough for me.
 OK, now for technical question. I realise I cannot
 put arguments to
 the command in the shell area in passwd file, so I
 wrote a short script:
 $ cat /home/restart/
 /sbin/shutdown -r now
 $ ls -l /home/restart/
 -rwx--  1 restart  restart  33 Sep 11 15:24
 put that as restart's user shell:
 # grep restart /etc/master.passwd

 and tried locally but it's not working:
 # su - restart
 su: /home/restart/ Permission denied
 I'm not sure where 'Permission denied' come from.
 Setup looks to be
 OK, here's what I get with /usr/bin/id as a shell:
 # su - restart
 uid=1017(restart) gid=1017(restart)
 groups=1017(restart), 5(operator)
 I'm sure I'm missing something here. Anyone have
 some pointers?
 Karol Kwiatkowski  freebsd at orchid dot homeunix
 dot org

make the shell script group executable and make it
group operator maybe try making it owned by root. I
think what is happening is it is running under the
priveledges of restart not operator because operators
groups cannot execute the command only the restart
user can due to the priveledges. And when the passes its group priveledges to the sript
callout to shutdown it fails because shutdown can only
run as operator. That would be my guess

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Re: Putting a command/script as a user's shell

2006-09-11 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Monday 11 September 2006 09:20, Karol Kwiatkowski wrote:
 Good day everyone,

 I'm trying to make it possible to restart (as in 'shutdown -r now') a
 FreeBSD based router from LAN network as easy as possible so it can be
 used by non-technical people.

First of all, it's easy enough to do this securely that you might as well do 
it.  Install sudo, and use visudo to create a sudoers file with entries 

   User_AliasREBOOTERS = username1,username2,username3
   REBOOTERS ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/reboot

Next, create a reboot script for them:

   # cat /usr/local/sbin/
   sudo /sbin/reboot

Finally, use OpenSSH's built-in options to run the script at login.  From 



 Specifies that the command is executed whenever this key is used
 for authentication.

So, make each user's authorized_keys file look something like:

ssh-rsa [long base64 string] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Alternatively, do all the above for one single account: your restart user.  
Use authorized_keys to limit which of your real users has access to reboot 
the machine, and use ssh -l restart to trigger it.  
You could even go so far as to add a clause to /etc/ssh/ssh_config (or 
~/.ssh/config for each individual user) like:

Host rebootrouter
User restart

so that your users just run ssh rebootrouter.

So, to recap, when a user logs in, the script will be executed.  It 
will use sudo to run the reboot command as root, without prompting the user 
to enter any password.  It's easy, it works, and it doesn't require any 
setuid trickery or special accounts or anything else.
Kirk Strauser

Description: PGP signature