IMT> On Mon, 15 Dec 2003 21:34:55 -0500
IMT> Garance A Drosihn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> At 11:41 PM +0200 12/15/03, Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> >
>> >I have 2 identical (copy/paste) ports-supfiles on two machines:
>> >
>> >it# grep -v '#' /etc/ports-supfile
>> >*default
>> >*default base=/usr
>> >*default prefix=/usr
>> >*default release=cvs tag=.
>> >*default delete use-rel-suffix
>> >*default compress
>> >ports-all

try this:
cat /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile | egrep -v "^#" | sed 
s/CHANGE_THIS/ > /home/ports-supfile
then run cvsup: cvsup -g -L 2 /home/ports-supfile

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