Re[2]: Then i boot FreeBSD 4.7, not work values in/etc/sysctl.conf see file - sysctl.jpg. How solve this problem? ##help me ;/

2003-03-27 Thread kinder2000
Hi, Martin!

28  2003 ., 3:53:06:

MK * kinder2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-03-26 23.10 +1000]:
 Hi, !

MK Hi,

 Then i boot FreeBSD 4.7, not work  values in  /etc/sysctl.conf
 at console i se this messages:
 Warring: net.ipv4.icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses=1 does not exist
 Warring: net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians=1 does not exist
 Warring: net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route=0 does not exist
 Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1 does not exist
 Warring: net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects=0 does not exist
 Warring: net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects=0 does not exist
 Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=30 does not exist
 Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=1800 does not exist
 Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling=0 does not exist
 Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_sack=0 does not exist
 Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0 does not exist
 Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=2048 does not exist
 Warring: net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=0 does not exist
 Warring: net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts=1 does not exist
 How solve this problem?
 I found articles about anti DoS/Flood atacks.
 But it not work ;/

MK Do the values to sysctl you list below exist? Have you checked?

MK The command sysctl -a lists all currently (non-opaque) values. Pipe it
MK through a pager such as less(1).

MK Read the sysctl(8) man-page for more info.




I read in inet unofficial FreeBSD faq. I think author mistakes in it.

But i have questions about how to make kernel with my values? Not in

I compile kernel with:
values in sysctl is:
net.inet.ip.fw.verbose: 1

But how i can enable in kernel this value?
net.inet.tcp.syncookies: 1

sysctl -a

kern.ostype: FreeBSD
kern.osrelease: 4.7-RELEASE
kern.osrevision: 199506
kern.version: FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE #0: Mon Mar 24 06:38:54 GMT 2003
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/FOX2

kern.maxvnodes: 6663
kern.maxproc: 756
kern.maxfiles: 1512
kern.argmax: 65536
kern.securelevel: -1
kern.hostname: bsd.localdomain
kern.hostid: 0
kern.clockrate: { hz = 100, tick = 1, tickadj = 5, profhz = 1024, stathz = 128 }
kern.posix1version: 199309
kern.ngroups: 16
kern.job_control: 1
kern.saved_ids: 0
kern.boottime: { sec = 1048784896, usec = 314708 } Thu Mar 27 17:08:16 2003
kern.osreldate: 47
kern.bootfile: /kernel
kern.maxfilesperproc: 1360
kern.maxprocperuid: 680
kern.ipc.maxsockbuf: 262144
kern.ipc.sockbuf_waste_factor: 8
kern.ipc.somaxconn: 128
kern.ipc.max_linkhdr: 16
kern.ipc.max_protohdr: 40
kern.ipc.max_hdr: 56
kern.ipc.max_datalen: 156
kern.ipc.nmbclusters: 1248
kern.ipc.semmap: 30
kern.ipc.semmni: 10
kern.ipc.semmns: 60
kern.ipc.semmnu: 30
kern.ipc.semmsl: 60
kern.ipc.semopm: 100
kern.ipc.semume: 10
kern.ipc.semusz: 92
kern.ipc.semvmx: 32767
kern.ipc.semaem: 16384
kern.ipc.shmmax: 33554432
kern.ipc.shmmin: 1
kern.ipc.shmmni: 192
kern.ipc.shmseg: 128
kern.ipc.shmall: 8192
kern.ipc.shm_use_phys: 0
kern.ipc.mbuf_wait: 32
kern.ipc.mbtypes: 15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kern.ipc.nmbufs: 4992
kern.ipc.mcl_pool_max: 0
kern.ipc.mcl_pool_now: 0
kern.ipc.maxsockets: 1512
kern.dummy: 0
kern.ps_strings: 3217031152
kern.usrstack: 3217031168
kern.logsigexit: 1
kern.fallback_elf_brand: -1
kern.init_path: /sbin/init:/sbin/oinit:/sbin/init.bak:/stand/sysinstall
kern.module_path: /;/boot/;/modules/
kern.acct_suspend: 2
kern.acct_resume: 4
kern.acct_chkfreq: 15
kern.cp_time: 35 0 484 12 3230
kern.timecounter.method: 0
kern.timecounter.hardware: TSC
kern.openfiles: 37
kern.kq_calloutmax: 4096
kern.ps_arg_cache_limit: 256
kern.ps_argsopen: 1
kern.randompid: 0
kern.maxusers: 46
kern.ps_showallprocs: 1
kern.shutdown.poweroff_delay: 5000
kern.shutdown.kproc_shutdown_wait: 60
kern.sugid_coredump: 0
kern.coredump: 1
kern.corefile: %N.core
kern.quantum: 10
kern.ccpu: 1948
kern.fscale: 2048
kern.devstat.numdevs: 1
kern.devstat.generation: 1
kern.devstat.version: 4
kern.disks: ad0
kern.log_wakeups_per_second: 5
kern.log_console_output: 1
kern.msgbuf_clear: 0
kern.nselcoll: 0
kern.consmute: 0
kern.filedelay: 30
kern.dirdelay: 29
kern.metadelay: 28
kern.minvnodes: 1665
kern.chroot_allow_open_directories: 1
vm.loadavg: { 0.14 0.04 0.01 }
vm.v_free_min: 229
vm.v_free_target: 1028
vm.v_free_reserved: 112
vm.v_inactive_target: 1542
vm.v_cache_min: 1028
vm.v_cache_max: 2056
vm.v_pageout_free_min: 34
vm.pageout_algorithm: 0
vm.swap_enabled: 1
vm.swap_async_max: 4
vm.swap_idle_threshold1: 2
vm.swap_idle_threshold2: 10

Re: Re[2]: Then i boot FreeBSD 4.7, not work values in/etc/sysctl.conf see file - sysctl.jpg. How solve this problem? ##help me ;/

2003-03-27 Thread Martin Karlsson
* kinder2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-03-28 11.24 +1000]:

 But i have questions about how to make kernel with my values? Not in
 I compile kernel with:
 values in sysctl is:
 net.inet.ip.fw.verbose: 1
 But how i can enable in kernel this value?
 net.inet.tcp.syncookies: 1

I don't think you can, as I believe there is no such value. I'm afraid I
can't be of much help with this, but perhaps there are other options that
suit your needs? Check the file LINT which I believe you should have in
/usr/src/sys/i386/conf/ If not, you'll find it in the CVS repository,
which is browseable:


Martin Karlsson
The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under;
international law: [. . .] Planning, preparation, initiation or waging
of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties,
agreements or assurances; -Principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal,1950
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