Re: Syslog Server - splitting log info from client machines

2004-10-21 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On 2004-10-21 18:29, Odhiambo Washington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A quick question:
> On the client machine, I have:
> *.*   @loghost
> Then on loghost, I want to split logs coming from the client machine
> into different files. I want separate log file for imapd, pop3d, etc.
> How do I do this with stock syslogd?

Look at the `+hostname' specification in syslog.conf(5).  You can use
something like this:

*.* /var/log/remote/host1/messages

*.* /var/log/remote/host2/messages

in your `syslog.conf' file.

Please note that adding this to the end of the syslog.conf file will
not inhibit logging of the same messages to /var/log/messages or any
other matches found earlier.  Thus, this syslog.conf file:

*.* /var/log/messages

*.* /var/log/remote/foo/messages

Will log the messages from host `foo' both in /var/log/messages *AND*

To make syslogd log the messages from host `foo' only in
/var/log/remote/foo/messages you'd have to use something like this:

*.* /var/log/messages

*.* /var/log/remote/foo/messages

Multiple hosts can be specified like this:

*.* /var/log/messages

*.* /var/log/remote/foo/messages

*.* /var/log/remote/bar/messages


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Syslog Server - splitting log info from client machines

2004-10-21 Thread Odhiambo Washington

A quick question:

On the client machine, I have:

*.* @loghost

Then on loghost, I want to split logs coming from the client machine
into different files. I want separate log file for imapd, pop3d, etc.

How do I do this with stock syslogd?

Please don't suggest syslog-NG ;) Leave it out for now.


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