Hi, !

Then i boot FreeBSD 4.7, not work  values in  /etc/sysctl.conf
at console i se this messages:

Warring: net.ipv4.icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses=1 does not exist
Warring: net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians=1 does not exist
Warring: net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route=0 does not exist
Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1 does not exist
Warring: net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects=0 does not exist
Warring: net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects=0 does not exist
Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=30 does not exist
Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=1800 does not exist
Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling=0 does not exist
Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_sack=0 does not exist
Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0 does not exist
Warring: net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=2048 does not exist
Warring: net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=0 does not exist
Warring: net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts=1 does not exist

How solve this problem?
I found articles about anti DoS/Flood atacks.
But it not work ;/


ifconfig -a
       inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
       ether 00:50:56:fa:59:0f
 lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384
       inet netmask 0xff000000
Copyright (c) 1992-2002 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
        The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE #0: Mon Mar 24 06:38:54 GMT 2003
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/FOX2
Timecounter "i8254"  frequency 1193182 Hz
Timecounter "TSC"  frequency 899951716 Hz
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) Processor (899.95-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "AuthenticAMD"  Id = 0x642  Stepping = 2
  AMD Features=0xc0440000<<b18>,AMIE,DSP,3DNow!>
real memory  = 100663296 (98304K bytes)
avail memory = 95420416 (93184K bytes)
Preloaded elf kernel "kernel" at 0xc027a000.
Preloaded userconfig_script "/boot/kernel.conf" at 0xc027a09c.
Using $PIR table, 9 entries at 0xc00fdf30
npx0: <math processor> on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
pcib0: <Intel 82443BX host to PCI bridge (AGP disabled)> on motherboard
pci0: <PCI bus> on pcib0
isab0: <Intel 82371AB PCI to ISA bridge> at device 7.0 on pci0
isa0: <ISA bus> on isab0
atapci0: <Intel PIIX4 ATA33 controller> port 0x1050-0x105f at device 7.1 on pci0
ata0: at 0x1f0 irq 14 on atapci0
ata1: at 0x170 irq 15 on atapci0
pci0: <Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4) USB controller> at 7.2 irq 9
chip1: <Intel 82371AB Power management controller> at device 7.3 on pci0
pci0: <unknown card> (vendor=0x0000, dev=0x0000) at 7.4
pci0: <unknown card> (vendor=0x0000, dev=0x0000) at 7.5
pci0: <unknown card> (vendor=0x0000, dev=0x0000) at 7.6
pci0: <unknown card> (vendor=0x0000, dev=0x0000) at 7.7
pci0: <VGA-compatible display device> at 15.0
lnc0: <PCNet/PCI Ethernet adapter> port 0x1080-0x109f irq 9 at device 16.0 on pci0
lnc0: PCnet-PCI II address 00:50:56:fa:59:0f
lnc0: driver is using old-style compatibility shims
orm0: <Option ROMs> at iomem 0xc0000-0xc5fff,0xdc000-0xdffff on isa0
atkbdc0: <Keyboard controller (i8042)> at port 0x60,0x64 on isa0
atkbd0: <AT Keyboard> flags 0x1 irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
psm0: failed to get data.
psm0: <PS/2 Mouse> irq 12 on atkbdc0
psm0: model IntelliMouse, device ID 3
vga0: <Generic ISA VGA> at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa0000-0xbffff on isa0
sc0: <System console> at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x300>
IP packet filtering initialized, divert disabled, rule-based forwarding enabled, 
default to deny, logging limited to 50000 packets/entry by default
ad0: 4095MB <VMware Virtual IDE Hard Drive> [8322/16/63] at ata0-master UDMA33
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/ad0s1a

my kernel config (1 463 754 kernel, 79RAM free after boot OS)

machine         i386
cpu             I686_CPU
ident           SELIND
maxusers        0

options         INET                    #InterNETworking
options         FFS                     #Berkeley Fast Filesystem
options         FFS_ROOT                #FFS usable as root device [keep this!]
options         SOFTUPDATES             #Enable FFS soft updates support
options         UFS_DIRHASH             #Improve performance on big directories
options         COMPAT_43               #Compatible with BSD 4.3 [KEEP THIS!]
options         SYSVSHM                 #SYSV-style shared memory
options         SYSVMSG                 #SYSV-style message queues
options         SYSVSEM                 #SYSV-style semaphores
options         P1003_1B                #Posix P1003_1B real-time extensions
options         ICMP_BANDLIM            #Rate limit bad replies
options         KBD_INSTALL_CDEV        # install a CDEV entry in /dev

device          isa
device          pci

device          ata
device          atadisk                 # ATA disk drives

device          atkbdc0 at isa? port IO_KBD
device          atkbd0  at atkbdc? irq 1 flags 0x1
device          psm0    at atkbdc? irq 12

device          vga0    at isa?

pseudo-device   splash

device          sc0     at isa? flags 0x100

device          npx0    at nexus? port IO_NPX irq 13

device          miibus          # MII bus support
device          lnc0    at isa? port 0x280 irq 10 drq 0

pseudo-device   loop            # Network loopback
pseudo-device   ether           # Ethernet support


last pid:   133;  load averages:  0.09,  0.03,  0.01  up 0+00:01:11    04:10:55
15 processes:  1 running, 14 sleeping

Mem: 3712K Active, 4892K Inact, 5396K Wired, 12K Cache, 3744K Buf, 79M Free
Swap: 200M Total, 200M Free

  131 root      18   0  1332K   924K pause    0:00  0.81%  0.29% csh
  133 root      30   0  1892K  1060K RUN      0:00  1.00%  0.05% top
   80 root       2   0   944K   656K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% syslogd
  123 root      10   0  1264K   952K wait     0:00  0.00%  0.00% login
   92 root       2   0  1792K  1512K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% sendmail
  124 root       3   0   948K   652K ttyin    0:00  0.00%  0.00% getty
  130 root       3   0   948K   652K ttyin    0:00  0.00%  0.00% getty
  125 root       3   0   948K   652K ttyin    0:00  0.00%  0.00% getty
  128 root       3   0   948K   652K ttyin    0:00  0.00%  0.00% getty
  129 root       3   0   948K   652K ttyin    0:00  0.00%  0.00% getty
  126 root       3   0   948K   652K ttyin    0:00  0.00%  0.00% getty
   95 smmsp     18   0  1696K  1444K pause    0:00  0.00%  0.00% sendmail
  127 root       3   0   948K   652K ttyin    0:00  0.00%  0.00% getty
   87 root       2   0  1076K   772K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% inetd
   89 root      10   0   996K   716K nanslp   0:00  0.00%  0.00% cron

Filesystem  1K-blocks    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a    201518   39126  146272    21%    /
/dev/ad0s1e    201518    8874  176524     5%    /tmp
/dev/ad0s1g   3322446 1215090 1841562    40%    /usr
/dev/ad0s1f    201518    1154  184244     1%    /var
procfs              4       4       0   100%    /proc

kinder2000                 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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