Re: Wireless Keyboard/Mouse: how to configure?

2006-02-26 Thread Rob
Rob wrote:
>I have a wireless combo of keyboard and mouse.
>The basic functionality is OK. However, some
>of the extra features do not work yet:
>1) The middle mouse button is also a scroll
>wheel. I can't get the scroll wheel working.
>I have added the option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
>to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but that does not help.
>What else should I try?

I'll answer my own email on this point, as
I got it actually working.
With 'xev' I figured out that it is mouse button
8 and 9 that reflect the mouse wheel events.

In /etc/X11/xorg.conf, I added in the mouse section:
   Option "Buttons" "5"
   Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

In /etc/rc.conf, I added:
   moused_flags="-z 4"

I restarted the moused daemon and X11.
Then with the 'xmodmap -pp' I figured out
that my mouse is listed with 11 buttons.

To make the wheel work, I had to swap "4 5" with
"8 9" as follows:

 xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 8 9 6 7 4 5 10 11"

and to make this effective every time I login,
I added this line in $HOME/.xsession

That's all for the mouse wheel to get working,
at least for me.

I hope it may help others.

Don't know yet how to get the special keys on my
wireless keyboard working.


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Wireless Keyboard/Mouse: how to configure?

2006-02-26 Thread Rob


I have a wireless combo of keyboard and mouse.
The basic functionality is OK. However, some
of the extra features do not work yet:

1) The middle mouse button is also a scroll
wheel. I can't get the scroll wheel working.
I have added the option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but that does not help.
What else should I try?

2) The keyboard has a row of special keys, which
should do things like: Back, Forward (in browser),
Volume up/down/mute (sound), play/stop/next/previous
(in media player). With xev I see the key sequence
of these keys (e.g. keycode 176 and 174 for volume
up/down). Is this Windows only stuff, or could
this be made to work under Xorg/FreeBSD?


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