I recently cvsup'ed my 4.11 machine to the latest XFree86 source - and ran into 
a snag.

I don't typically sit at console, so I didn't have a full X install (I do now - 
as part of debugging this problem...) Instead, I use Xwin32/Putty's automatic 
ssh tunnelling feature, and launch apps from my Windows desktop with icons 
(really slick).

After the upgrade, though; apps take over 30 seconds to launch. This doesn't 
happen locally - I tested this by completing the X installation, and launching 
xterms from the console, and I didn't see any delay.

So, I ran xterm under truss from a SSH session, and discovered that it was 
timing out on a connect with an IPv6 address. It later tried to connect using 
an IPv4 address, and everything went fine. This makes sense - I don't have IPv6 
configured on this system (though it is in the kernel).

Truss output:

<output snipped>
socket(0x1c,0x1,0x0)                             = 3 (0x3)
setsockopt(0x3,0x6,0x1,0xbfbff67c,0x4)           = 0 (0x0)
open("/etc/host.conf",0x0,0666)                  = 4 (0x4)
fstat(4,0xbfbfef50)                              = 0 (0x0)
break(0x8097000)                                 = 0 (0x0)
read(0x4,0x8093000,0x4000)                       = 205 (0xcd)
read(0x4,0x8093000,0x4000)                       = 0 (0x0)
close(4)                                         = 0 (0x0)
open("/etc/hosts",0x0,0666)                      = 4 (0x4)
fstat(4,0xbfbfd2d0)                              = 0 (0x0)
read(0x4,0x8093000,0x4000)                       = 1085 (0x43d)
read(0x4,0x8093000,0x4000)                       = 0 (0x0)
close(4)                                         = 0 (0x0)
setsockopt(0x3,0xffff,0x8,0xbfbff5ac,0x4)        = 0 (0x0)

connect(0x3,{ AF_INET6 [::1]:6010 },28)          ERR#60 'Operation timed out'

close(3)                                         = 0 (0x0)
nanosleep(0xbfbff768,0xbfbff760)                 = 0 (0x0)
socket(0x1c,0x1,0x0)                             = 3 (0x3)
setsockopt(0x3,0x6,0x1,0xbfbff67c,0x4)           = 0 (0x0)
close(3)                                         = 0 (0x0)
socket(0x2,0x1,0x0)                              = 3 (0x3)
setsockopt(0x3,0x6,0x1,0xbfbff4fc,0x4)           = 0 (0x0)
setsockopt(0x3,0xffff,0x8,0xbfbff5ac,0x4)        = 0 (0x0)
connect(0x3,{ AF_INET },16)       = 0 (0x0)
getsockname(0x3,{ AF_INET },0xbfbff4bc) = 0 (0x0)
getpeername(0x3,{ AF_INET },0xbfbff4bc) = 0 (0x0)
__sysctl(0xbfbff5c8,0x2,0xbfbff634,0xbfbff5c4,0x0,0x0) = 0 (0x0)

What is odd is that this DIDN'T happen before the update. I am going to try 
disabling ipv6 support in the kernel, with the hopes that this will fix the 

Has anyone else seen this?

Seth Henry
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