
I have set up some FreeBSD 5 Workstations and configured nss to get the 
accounts from ldap. Pam is also set up to work with ldap. Everything so 
far is runningnperfectly smooth. The problem is the workstations don`t have
a shared filesystem. Each user should have an seperate homedir on every 

I tried to use pam_exec to create the homedir on the first login. But it
seams there is now way of knowing who is logging. I've even tried 
to use pw usershow -a to get all users and create all homedirs but 
pw usershow -a don't report any users when started from a shellscript 
called by the pam_exec module. 

Anyone successfully implemented a system to create homedirs on the fly. 


Gerhard Schmidt    | Nick : estartu      IRC : Estartu  |
Fischbachweg 3     |                                    |  PGP Public Key
86856 Hiltenfingen | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |   auf Anfrage/
Germany            |                                    |    on request

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